Listening and Speaking: Unit 11: Advertising

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Listening and Speaking UNIT 11: ADVERTISING


Pre-class tasks........................................................................................................2

Task 1 :...............................................................................................................2

Task 2 :...............................................................................................................3

Task 3 :...............................................................................................................3

In class tasks..........................................................................................................5

Task 1 :...............................................................................................................5

Task 2 :...............................................................................................................5

 SPEAKING 10: “BASIC DESCRIPTION” QUESTIONS...................................6

Pre-class tasks........................................................................................................6

Task 1.................................................................................................................8

Task 2.................................................................................................................9

a. Sample answer..........................................................................................9

Useful vocabulary..........................................................................................10

40 Nguyen Thiep Street TP Hub – More than a 1

UNIT 11: ADVERTISING Listening and Speaking

Pre-class tasks
Task 1 : check up the dictionary for the following words

Word Word Pronounciation Meaning

Utilize (v)

Showcase (v)

Create brand (v)

Prospects (n)

Enable sb to do sth (v)

Customer service (n)

Brand (n)
Exposure (n)

Presence (n)

Access (v)

Boost (v)

Search engine (n)

Reflect (v)

Expand (v)

Reach (n)

Customer base (n)

Affordable (adj)

2 TP Hub – More than a language 40 Nguyen Thiep Street

Listening and Speaking UNIT 11: ADVERTISING

Task 2 : pratice reading out loud the vocabulary in exercise 1

Task 3 : click the link below and listen to as much as possible until you finish
filling all the blanks in the following transcript

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media

There's absolutely no way you haven't heard of it yet. Over the last few years social
media has completely changed the Internet. Actually, it has changed the whole
world and also the world of marketing.

So what are the reasons for your business to start ………….. these new ……….. of
communication as soon as possible. These are the seven most important ones

1. Number one: ……………. your brand

Social media offers another marketing channel for creating ……………….

relationship building or driving new sales so why not use it especially when it's
free, right?

2. Number two: develop a …………………

People enjoy being part of a business that is proactively building a lively

community. Such an online community can help you …………… an emotional
connection between your company and your ……………. which is …………… for
your long-term success

3. Number three: improve ………………….

Social media is a great feedback source. …………….. your prospects to

communicate with your company and each other can really improve your customer
service and increase brand ………………..

4. Number four: increase digital …………

40 Nguyen Thiep Street TP Hub – More than a 3
UNIT 11: ADVERTISING Listening and Speaking

Interacting in social networks can significantly increase your online …………….

Social media leads to massive exposure due to its worldwide …………….. sharing
capabilities and huge amount of daily users

5. Number five: boost traffic in …………….. rating

Social media is a major lead generator that it constantly brings high volume traffic
to your website. They can also help with SEO since search engines significantly
………………. your social media content

6. Number six: expand sales in ………….. a new audience

Listening to your prospects on social networks can help you respond to their
specific needs. This will most likely cause an increase in sales but also ………..

7. Number seven: …… marketing costs

Compared to traditional channels like printer advertising, social media marketing

is …………………. for any business. Remember that the channel itself is free.
Managing social media, taking care of all the content tweets or feedback can get
pretty consuming and you need to focus primarily on your business

So how about leaving the social stuff to us, no worries we have plenty of experience
to take complete responsibility of your social ……….

So ……………… with us we're ready to start today

4 TP Hub – More than a language 40 Nguyen Thiep Street

Listening and Speaking UNIT 11: ADVERTISING

In class tasks
Task 1 : work in pairs

Practice reading out loud the transcript

Task 2 : check your understanding

Listen again and summarize seven reasons why business should use social media as
a means of marketing in your own words

 Number one
 Number two

 Number three

 Number four

 Number five

 Number six

 Number seven

40 Nguyen Thiep Street TP Hub – More than a 5

UNIT 11: ADVERTISING Listening and Speaking


 Able to talk about “advertising”
 Vocab

Pre-class tasks
Background information

Ví dụ:

Tell me about your hometown.

“I come from Beijing. I am native of this city. Beijing is the capital of China. In
Beijing there are many historical buildings. Beijing Duck is very famous – I always
eat it with my friends”

Vấn đề đối với câu trả lời trên là nó không thể hiện được bất kì một khả năng nào về
việc mô tả khả năng bạn có thể mô tả thứ gì đó. Một sự mô tả phải cung cấp những
thông tin chính xác và chi tiết cũng như phát triể các ý tưởng trong câu trả lời theo
những cách khác nhau

Những lỗi mắc phải của câu nếu như đánh giá trên các tiêu chí của “native-speaker
style spoken English”

 Câu trả lời ngắn

 Không bao gồm bất kì “linking words” nào
 Không bao gồm “redundant language”
 Không có “idiomatic language”
 Ngữ pháp chính xác nhưng rất cơ bản

6 TP Hub – More than a language 40 Nguyen Thiep Street

Listening and Speaking UNIT 11: ADVERTISING

 Không có cấu trúc câu phức


“Well as you can probably guess I come from Beijing and I have lived here all my
life, although at the moment I'm studying in another city – Tianjin. I suppose if I
had to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it's absolutely enormous,
maybe even one of the biggest city in Asia I guess. It's so big in fact that even the
locals have problems finding their way around. Another significant characteristic is
that it offers examples of both classical and contemporary architecture. Actually
some of the China's most renowned landmarks are ―slap-bang‖ in the middle of

40 Nguyen Thiep Street TP Hub – More than a 7

UNIT 11: ADVERTISING Listening and Speaking


Task 1: answer the following questions

 Tell me about the house/ flat you live in.

 Describe your hometown.
 Tell me about your job.
 Tell me about your family.
 Tell me about your city.
 What makes you happy?

8 TP Hub – More than a language 40 Nguyen Thiep Street

Listening and Speaking UNIT 11: ADVERTISING


Task 2: answer the following questions

1. Review

Tell me about your family.

Tell me about your city.

What makes you happy?

2. Câu hỏi chủ đề “advertising”

Do you often see advertisements? (intentionally and unintentionally)

How do you feel about advertisements?

Have you ever bought something just because of advertisements?

In your opinion, what is the most popular way of advertising?

How can consumers protect themselves from advertising?

Do young and old people have the same attitudes towards advertisements?

What are different methods of advertising?

a. Sample answer
 What are different methods of advertising?

Well, as far as I know, there are various means of advertising. You can easily see
advertisements on TV, the internet or they are also displayed in some newspapers.
What else, cold-calling is also a common method of advertising in my country.

40 Nguyen Thiep Street TP Hub – More than a 9

UNIT 11: ADVERTISING Listening and Speaking

Useful vocabulary
Place an advert (v) Đăng quảng cáo

Brand awareness (n) Sự ý thức thương hiệu

Here, there and Khắp nơi

Target audience (n) Khách hàng mục tiêu

A waste of time and (n) Một sự lãng phí thời gian và tiền bạc
Make a deceptive claim (v) Đưa ra một sự tuyên bố láo toét (dối trá)

Advertisement agency (n) Công ty quảng cáo

Carry an endorsement (v) Có sự chứng thực từ người nổi tiếng (ý nói

from a celebrity có celeb tham gia vào quảng cáo)
Go viral (v) Lan truyền nhanh trên các phương tiện
truyền thông
False and misleading (n) Những quảng cáo sai sự thật và gây hiêu
advertisements lầm
Purchase undesirable (v) Mua những sản phẩm không mong muốn
Consumer protection (n) Những luật lệ và quy định bảo vệ người
laws and regulations tiêu dùng
Develop a complete (v) Phát triển một sự hiểu biết đầy đủ về cái gì
understanding of sth đó
Make sb eager to do sth (v) Làm ai đó khao khát làm cái gì đó


What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media

10 TP Hub – More than a language 40 Nguyen Thiep Street

Listening and Speaking UNIT 11: ADVERTISING

There's absolutely no way you haven't heard of it yet. Over the last few years social
media has completely changed the Internet. Actually, it has changed the whole
world and also the world of marketing.

So what are the reasons for your business to start utilizing these new forms of
communication as soon as possible. These are the seven most important ones

1. Number one: showcase your brand

Social media offers another marketing channel for creating brand awareness
relationship building or driving new sales so why not use it especially when it's
free, right?

2. Number two: develop a loyal community

People enjoy being part of a business that is proactively building a lively

community. Such an online community can help you establish an emotional
connection between your company and your prospects which is essential for your
long-term success

3. Number three: improve customer service

Social media is a great feedback source. Enabling your prospects to communicate

with your company and each other can really improve your customer service and
increase brand trustworthiness

4. Number four: increase digital exposure

40 Nguyen Thiep Street TP Hub – More than a 11

UNIT 11: ADVERTISING Listening and Speaking

Interacting in social networks can significantly increase your online presence.

Social media leads to massive exposure due to its worldwide access sharing
capabilities and huge amount of daily users

5. Number five: boost traffic in search engine rating

Social media is a major lead generator that it constantly brings high volume traffic
to your website. They can also help with SEO since search engines significantly
reflect your social media content

6. Number six: expand sales in reach a new audience

Listening to your prospects on social networks can help you respond to their
specific needs. This will most likely cause an increase in sales but also expand your
customer base

7. Number seven: cut marketing costs

Compared to traditional channels like printer advertising, social media marketing

is affordable for any business. Remember that the channel itself is free. Managing
social media, taking care of all the content tweets or feedback can get pretty time-
consuming and you need to focus primarily on your business

So how about leaving the social stuff to us, no worries we have plenty of
experience to take complete responsibility of your social presence

So get in touch with us we're ready to start today

12 TP Hub – More than a language 40 Nguyen Thiep Street

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