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Class IX General Page 1 of 4 Winter Break Assignment

Fatimiyah Education Network

Fatimiyah Girls’ School

General Science ______ Max. Marks:/20

Q1. Answer the following questions briefly. /12

i. Why is snow present usually on the top of mountain and absent at the bottom? /03
ii. What does communication layer of atmosphere do? /03
iii. How do temperature and humidity affect the climate of a region? /03
iv. Name the four climatic regions and explain any one of these /03

Q2. Differentiate between the following: /03

i. Climate and weather
ii. Troposphere and stratosphere
iii. Material pollution and non-material pollution

Q3. Elaborate the following terms: /02

i. Global warming
ii. Acid rain

Q4. Write a detailed account on the following aspects of Air Pollution: /03
i. Causes
ii. Harmful effects
iii. Methods to reduce air pollution

Economics _____________Max. Marks: /20

Q1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options: /03

i. Capitalism is based on __________.

■ Interest ■ private Property ■ Wealth ■ None of these

ii. The goods and services produced in a country through the factors of production in a year, is called
■ Gross National Product ■ Net National Product
■ Consumption ■ Gross Domestic Product

iii. Pakistan is basically a _________________ country.

■ Agricultural ■ Industrial ■ Economical ■ None of these

iv. The price at which demand and supply are equal is called _________________.
■ Equilibrium Price ■ Disequilibrium Price
■ External Price ■ Internal Price

v. Human wants are ______________.

■ Limited ■ Unlimited ■ Precious ■ None of these

vi. In hunting stage, man used _______________.

■ Wooden and stony tools ■ Iron tools
■ Leather tools ■ Plastic tool

Q2. Answer the following questions in short. /06

i. Define “Price determination”.
ii. State the features of “Socialism”.
iii. Write down the assumptions of the “Law of Supply”.

Q3. Answer the following questions in detail: /08

i. Describe the “Law of Demand” with the help of schedule and curve.
ii. Define “Value” and write the factors responsible to create value.

Q4. Differentiate the following terms. /03

i. Socialism and capitalism
ii. G.D.P. and G.N.P.
Class IX General Page 2 of 4 Winter Break Assignment
Computer Studies M. Marks: /20

Q1. Choose the most appropriate answer for the following. /06
i. Laptop computer is which type of computer?
(a) Analog (b) Digital (c) Mini (d) None of these
ii. The main memory of computer is also called:
(a) External storage (b) Primary storage
(c) Secondary storage (d) All of these
iii. Hard disk is a _________ device.
(a) Optical (b) Output (c) Input (d) Storage
iv. Ctrl, Shift and insert are the examples of:
(a) Alphanumeric key (b) Numeric keys
(c) Modifiers keys (d) None of these
v. It is a non-volatile memory of your computer:
(a) ROM (b) DRAM (c) RAM (d) None of these
vi. This Command makes a blank disk useable:
(a) Format (b) MKDIR (c) Delete (d) Copy

Q2. Answer the following questions in short. /06

i. What is an Operating System?
ii. Define the types of monitors.
iii. Define flowchart.
Q3. Answer the following questions in detail. /08
i. Explain the types of Operating Systems.
ii. State any four differences between DOS internal and DOS external commands.

Mathematics Max. Marks 20

Note: All questions carry equal marks:

Q1: Solve the following mcqs /2.5
i. What is the 15% of 34?
• 5.10 • 4.10 • 3.10 • 2.10

ii. Zakat is deducted at the rate of :

• 3.5% • 4.5% • 2.5% • 8.5%

iii. If the sellingprice of laptop is Rs. 1100 and 30% discount has been given. What will be the reduced
• Rs. 840 • Rs. 770 • Rs. 280 • Rs. 920

iv. The rebate allowed to a business man on an income below 1,00,000 Rs. is:
• Rs. 40,000 • Rs. 30,000 • Rs. 20,000 • None of these

v. In month of July, an estate agent gets a commission of Rs. 200 on his sale of apartment. He sells
another apartment for RS. 150 000 and gets a commission of 4.5%. The total commission an agent
gets is :
• Rs. 6950 • Rs. 7980 • Rs. 6540 • Rs. 5670

Q2: A person paid Rs.56.50 as Zakat in a year. Find his savings for the year. /2.5
Q3: Shahzad got 40 Rs. as pocket money. He spent Rs.4. What percentage of pocket money did he spend?
Q4: On a clearance sale, the price of bag was reduced from 64Rs. to 48 Rs. Find the discount%. /05
Q5: A commission agent got a house sold for Rs. 35,000 and got 2% commission from both the parties.
What did the seller get? What did the buyer pay? What did the agent get? /05
Class IX General Page 3 of 4 Winter Break Assignment
English Max. Marks:/20
Q1. Read the chapters and do the mentioned exercises in Literature copy.
➢ Unit 5.1: “Health Problems caused by Mosquitoes”
Exercise: 2,3,4,5,6 and 7.
➢ Unit 6.1: “Role of Women in Pakistan’s Creation and Development”
Exercise: 1,2,3,5 and 7.
Q2. Change the voice. /1.5
i. The teacher always answers the students’ questions.
ii. The event planner is making all the reservations.
iii. The director will give you instructions.
iv. Let your elders be respected.
v. Will you spend thirty rupees on the book?
vi. The plants were being watered by the gardener.

Q3. Choose the correct form of verb (future indefinite or future continuous) in the blanks. /2.5
i. She _______ to the park for a walk tomorrow. (go)
ii. They _________ their clothes. (wash)
iii. We _________________ our bikes soon. (ride)
iv. The baby ___________ loudly, if any time she feels hungry. (cry)
v. They ___________ an essay next week. (write)

Q4. Fill in the blanks using suitable degrees of adverbs: /02

Today I helped my mom to cook dinner. We ______ (careful) cut the vegetables and __________(slow)
placed them into a boiling pot of water. Next, mom __________ (quick)fried the chicken and
___________(patient) let it cook through. She works fast. I _______ (eager) waited for my next job, which
was to __________( gentle) sprinkle spices into the soup. But, I ___________ (accident) poured in too
much cumin. I quietly told my mom my mistake, and she sweetly told me, as a child, she has ___________
(coincident) made the same mistake. Now I realize cooking is not as hard as I thought.

Q5. Change the narrations: /03

i. His mother says “Honesty is the best policy”.
ii. John's father reminded him to take his umbrella.
iii. “You had better not leave your room unlocked”, said my friends
iv. The father warned his son that he should be beware of thieves.
v. He said to me, “I expect you to attend the function.”
vi. He said, “My father is playing cricket with me.”
Q6. Write a compare and contrast essay on any one of the following: /02
i. War and Peace
ii. Cricket and Football
iii. Physical Education and Online Education

Q7.a) Write an application to your principal requesting her to allow your class to visit the National
Museum. /02


b) Write an email to your friend requesting her to plan an outing together in the coming week.

Q8. Read the following passage and answer the given questions. /05
One day, a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They
waited anxiouslyat their desks for the test to begin. The professor handed out the question paper with the
text facing down as usual. Once he handed them all out, he asked his students to turn the page and begin.

To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions, just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor
seeing the expression on everyone’s face, told them the following, “I want you to write what you see
there.” The confused students got started on the inexplicable task. At the end of the class, the professor
took all the answer sheets and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of
them with no exceptions described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet
etc. After all had been read, the classroom was silent. The professor began to explain, “I am not going to
Class IX General Page 4 of 4 Winter Break Assignment
grade you on this. I just wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the white part of
the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot and the same happens in our lives. We have a white paper to
observe and enjoy, but we always focus on the dark spots. Our life is a gift given to us by God with love
and care. We always have reasons to celebrate, nature renewing itself every day, our friends around us, the
job that provides our livelihood, the miracles we see every day.”
“However, we insist on focusing only on the dark spots, the health issues that bother us, the lack of money,
the complicated situations, disappointment etc. The dark spots are very small compared to everything we
have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. Take your eyes away from the black spots in
your life. Enjoy each one of your blessings, each moment that life gives you. Be happy and live a life
i.Briefly explain the reason behind the task given by the professor to his students. /1
ii. Describe the phrases “dark spots” and “white paper” in your own words. /1
iii. Replace the underlined words with the synonyms that suit the best. /1
iv. Comment on “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and
outcomes”, with respect to the message conveyed through the above passage. /2

Q9. Read the poem “The Daffodils” given in the book on pg. no. 196 and do the following: /02
i. Write the summary of the poem “The Daffodils”.
ii. Paraphrase the poem, “The Daffodils” in the form of a paragraph.

/۲۰:‫لکربمن‬ _____________________ ‫االسایمت‬

/۲۰ ‫دنمرہجذلیوساالتےکیلیصفتوجاابترحتریےئجیک۔‬

/۲۰:‫لکربمن‬ ‫اردو‬

/۴ ‫ درجذلی ےلمجیکرشتحی عموحاہلرحتری ےئجیک۔‬:۱ ‫وسالربمن‬

"‫"ریمےدامغںیمھچکللخدیپاوہایگےہ۔ےھجمےھٹیبےھٹیبومہوہےناگلےہہکںیمعلضگنھجاکڈیٹپ رنشمکگلایگوہں۔‬
/۵ ‫۔ رمزااغبلؔ ےکاحالتزدنیگرپاکیریپارگافرحتریےئجیک۔‬۲‫وسالربمن‬
/۶ ‫۔ درجذلیوادحاافلظیکعمجنبےیئ۔‬۳‫وسالربمن‬
‫ مسق‬، ‫ ذجہب‬، ‫ اتشمق‬، ‫ فنص‬، ‫ ااجنم‬، ‫ اغیپم‬، ‫ازلام‬ ، ‫ اطخ‬، ‫اطع‬ ، ‫داع‬
/۵ ‫۔اپدنبیءوتقیکاتیمہرپ دو احفصترپلمتشمومضمنےئھکل۔‬۴‫وسالربمن‬

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