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´Motivation is the key to hopeµ


Showered their blessing on me

And believed in me.

Father whose immense support, trust and


Opened the path of my life.

Mother whose warmth realized me of her expectation




Who cares for me, encouraged me, and inspired me.

And always reflected a sign of motivation

And appraisal for my work.

To my lovely friends who always there

With me in my struggle.


Who taught me guided me,


´God is one but has innumerable formsµ

Words in my lexicon, fail to elucidate my profound sense of

veneration and indebtedness to my mentor and honorific

supervisor Dr. Himadri Ghosh who accepted me as his Ph.D.

student. I would like to give my sincere appreciation and gratitude

to my Himadri sir who made the biggest difference in my life his

dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired

me. It was a great privilege and honors to work and study under

his guidance. He always offered me his advice, supervising me

patiently and always guiding me in the right direction. His

constant support helped me overcome every hurdle I faced in the

FRXUVHRIWKLVZRUN,·YHOHDUQWDlot from him and without his help

and hard work I could not have finished my thesis successfully. As

I am living very far from my parents but with him I never

realized that I am not with my family. I would also like to thank

him for his empathy and great sHQVH RI KXPRU , GRQ·W QRW NQRZ


personally you are ´perfection personifiedµ

Thank you sir for Everything



step by step accompanied with hardship, frustration, encouragement and trust with so
of completion of thesis, I realized that it was in fact teamwork that got me there. Though
it will not be enough to express my gratitude in words to all those people who helped me,
I would still like to give my many, many thanks to all these people.
From the depth of my heart I express my deep sincere gratitude to the Almight for the
blessing ³He´ had bestowed upon me to do this work.

I am immensely pleased to place on record my profound gratitude and heartfelt thanks to

my supervisor, Dr. Himadri Ghosh, Director, Banasthali Institute of Design, Banasthali
University for his supervision during my research work. He suggested problem, provided
inspiring guidance and constructive suggestions for the successful completion of my
research work. I deem it as my privilege to work under his guidance. I shall ever remark
grateful to him.

My sincere regards are due to Prof.Aditiya Shastri,Vice Chancellar Banasthali

University for providing me the opportunity and availing, facilities in the department.

I give my gratitude to Prof.Indu Bansal, Dean Department of Home Science for her
kindness, inspiration, encouragement, immense and immeasurable support which she has
bestowed upon me .I am proudlygrateful to Prof. Suman Pant for her encouragement,
kind help and cooperation throughout the course of my study.

I am also great full to Prof. K.D Joshi HOD, Department of Design for his silent but
constant moral support during my research work. I owe my gratitude to Prof. Vinay
Sharma, Dean Department of Biotechnology and Bioscience. I am very thankful to him
for providing resources and facilities to accomplish my research work.

I express my heart-felt gratitude to Dr. Kakoli Dutt for her constant motivation and
support during the course of my thesis. It gives me great pleasure in acknowledging her

support and help .I would like to thank her to bring me different opportunities to cultivate
my career and to boost my confidence. The work done with her has taught me how a
person can succeed in achieving what seems impossible to begin wLWK««««´Thank
you Mam, for everything´

I do thank all teaching and non-teaching staff, Department of Design, Home Science,
Physics, Bioscience and Biotechnology.

Finally, I extend my respect to my parents, my grandparents and all the elders in the
family. I am forever grateful to you all for showing faith in me and giving me liberty to
choose what I desired. I cannot imagine a life without their love and blessings. I consider
myself the luckiest in the world to have such a supportive family, standing behind me
with their love and support I would like to acknowledge my sweet sister Varnika and my
loving friend Abhilashwho always a great support in all my struggles, frustrations and
studies. A journey is easier when we travel together.

Finally, I thanks all those who helped me directly or indirectly in the successful
completion of my thesis. I find words are inadequate to express my feelings of joy,
affection and the encouragement to all of you.

Banasthali Vidyapith Shweta Sharma



Today the customers are increasingly aware of the health and hygienic lifestyle. Both bad
and good microorganisms are present in the environment, including our skin flora. In the
present study entitle ³Use of Neem, Aloe Vera and Papaya for the treatment of back
acne in females through medical textile´ in this the researcher observed that
Propionibacterium acnes is the bacteria which are responsible for back acne.
Propionibacterium acnes are bacteria which is present in human skin which give rise to
various skin orders.
Textiles being more vulnerable to microbial attack would causes cross infection, transfer
of disease, allergic reaction and odor, upon human being due to infestation by microbes.
Worldwide water pollution and waste water problem is generated by production of textile
goods, many harmful chemicals are used to finish and dye the fabric. To overcome this
problem natural remedies are used. The harmful chemical make back acne condition
worse, therefore herbal antibacterial finished has been applied on the fabric with the help
of padding mangle. After application antibacterial test was conducted. The application of
three herbs i.e. Neem, Papaya, Aloe Vera were tried in various proportions12%, 25%,
The result shows that Neem leaves extract has been more effective antibacterial finish
against Propionibacterium acnes as compared to Aloe Vera and Papaya. After the
laboratory results were confirmed, field trials were taken place on subjects who have
been suffering from back acne. Knitted fabric was preferred as it will be close fitting. The
fabric was coated by Neem extract at the ratio of 50:50 after drying the fabric, was
stitched for field trials. Camisoles were prepared for the subjects those who are suffering
from back acne, with the clinical trail it is found that Neem medicated camisoles are very
much beneficial for the treatment. The main drawback of the study is the coating is not


1. Medical textiles..........................................................................................«-3
2. Ayurvedic treatment of acne......................................................................«-5
3.2. Sign and Symptoms...........................................................................«...8
3.3.Physiological and environmental factors that influence EDFNDFQH«8-9
4. with the help of medicinal plants (Carica papaya, Aloe barbadensi miller,
Azadirachata indica Back acne can be cure......................................................10-16

5. Scope and statement of thesis problem«-17



1. +HUEDOWUHDWPHQWRIDFQH««««««««««««««««««««««
2. +HUEDODSSOLFDWLRQLQWH[WLOHV««««««««««««««««««20-28
3. +HUEDOHIIHFWRQPLFUREHV««««««««««««««««««««28-31

Bibliography «««««««««««««««««««««««-36








1. Analysis of extraction process of three herbs Neem, Aloe Vera, Papaya


2. Analysis of the medicated fabric at 12%, 25%, 50%....................................55-58

3. Analysis of medicated fabric under Scanning Electron Microscopy««-60

4. Analysis of the wash fastness of Neem medicated fabric««««««««

5. Analysis of perspiration of medicated fabric«««««««««««««

6. Analysis of the clinical trial of medicated fabric««««««««««-66

5. Summary and Conclusion«««««««««««««««..67-69




List of Figure
Figure no.1.&ODVVLILFDWLRQRIPHGLFDOWH[WLOHV«««««««««««««««««

Figure no.2.3URSLRQLEDFWHULXPDFQHV««««««««««««««««««««

Figure no.3.'HYHORSPHQWRIDFQHRQVNLQ«««««««««««««

Figure no.4%DFNDFQH«««««««««««««««««««««««««

Figure no.6.&DXVHRIEDFNDFQH«««««««««««««««««««««

Figure no.7, 8.$ORH9HUDZLWKIORZHUDQGJHO««««««««««««««««

Figure no.9.+HDOWKEHQHILWVRI$ORH9HUD««««««««««««««««««

Figure no.10.1HHPOHDYHVDQGIORZHUV«««««««««««««««««««

Figure no.11.Skin beneILWVRISDSD\DOHDYHVDQGIUXLW«««««««««««««


Figure no.13.0DFHUDWLRQSURFHVV«««««««««««««««««««««


Figure no.16, 17.Vials containing P.acnes, conical flask containing media Agar Agar
Figure no.18. 3HUVSLUDWLRQ0HWHU«««««««««««««««««««««


Figure no.20.Attack of fungus on (i) Neem (ii) Aloe Vera (iii) Papaya«««««««

Figure no.21. Zone of inhibition (i) Neem (ii) Aloe Vera (iii) Papaya (12%)««««

Figure no.22. Zone of inhibition (i) Neem (ii) Aloe Vera (iii) Papaya (25%)««««...56

Figure no.23. Zone of inhibition (i) Neem (ii) Aloe Vera (iii) Papaya (50%)««««

Figure no.24, 25, 26, and 27. SEM of treated fabric««««««««««««««

Figure no.28, 29. SEM of treated fabric (coating of Neem)««««««««««

Figure no.30, 31. SEM of Untreated fabric«««««««««««««««««

Figure no.32. After wash Neem medicated fabric«««««««««««««««

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List of Tables

Table no.2.Medicinal use of Neem in Ayurveda««««««««««««««

Table no.3.6FRXULQJSURFHVVSKDVH««««««««««««««««««


Table no.5.3HUVSLUDWLRQVROXWLRQ«««««««««««««««««««««




Table no.9.50%Herbal coated fDEULFV]RQHRILQKLELWLRQ««««««««««««

11 | P a g e

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