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Ramon Magsaysay

School Memorial Colleges Grade 7

Teacher Sarah Jean Section
Teaching May 3, 2021 Learning Mathematics
Dates Area
Time 10:00-11:00 am Quarter 1st


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of key concepts of sets

and the real number system.
The learners should be able to formulate challenging situations
B. Performance involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of
Standards strategies.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
Competencies a. Illustrate the union and intersection of sets and the
difference of two sets. (M7NS-Ia-2)
b. uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets, and set
operations. (M7NS-Ib-1)

II. TOPIC Union and Intersection of Sets


A. References

1.Teacher's Guide

2. Learner's Materials NFE Accreditation and Equivalency Learning Material. Equations

Pages (Part 1). 2002. pp. 6-10, NFE Accreditation and Equivalency
Learning Material. Sets, Sets and Sets. 2001. pp. 27-30
3. Textbook Pages Elementary Algebra I. 2002. pp. 82-84*

4. Additional Materials EASE I – Module 6: Express,

from LR Portal Translate and Evaluate, DLM 1 – Unit 3: Algebraic
B. Other Learning Visual aids, handouts

1. The teacher will ask a student to lead the prayer.
“Dear Father in heaven,
We offer to you our selves and our studies.
All we do, think and see. Please nourish our mind to help
us understand our lessons well. Bless our parents, our
teachers, our school, and our country. AMEN.”


1. The teacher will greet the students and vice-versa.

“Good morning everyone!”


1. The teacher will look on the seat plan to check who are not
“Dela cruz and Rubia are absent today, who knows the
reason why?”

Classroom Management:

1. The teacher will remind the rules to be followed during class

a. Pick up pieces of paper around your seats.
b. When answering, wait for your name to be called.
c. Participate during group work.
d. Do not talk when some is still talking. Learn to listen.

Checking of Assignments:

1. The teacher will check if the students brought the materials

needed for the experiment for this lesson.

A1. ACTIVITY Reading of Objectives:

1. The teacher will ask the class to read the following
a. Illustrate the union and intersection of sets and the
difference of two sets.

The discussion will start by introducing the terms used in the topic
through a game called 4 Pics 1 Word. The teacher will interact with
the students by engaging them with the use of technology. The
students will identify what word is being described by the pictures
presented in the game.

1. The teacher will ask the following questions with regards to
the activity:

a. Are you familiar with the words associated in the

b. In your own words, what is a set?
c. In your own words, what is union?
d. In your own words, what is intersection?

A3. ABSTRACTION Discussion:

The teacher will show the students a problem.
Ms. Polmon, a mathematics teacher wants to know who among her
students can do arithmetic and who among her students can solve
complex numbers.

Set A Set B
Students who can do Students who can solve
Arithmetic complex problems
Abigeil Rea
Erikka Frans
Rea Moises

Students who can do arithmetic or can solve complex problems are

Abigeil, Erikka, Rea, Frans, and Moises.
Students who can do arithmetic and can solve complex problems
are Rea, Frans, and Moises.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What can you observe in the table?
2. What does the statement “students who can do
arithmetic or can solve complex problems”
3. What does the statement “students who can do
arithmetic and solve complex problems” implies?
The teacher will start discussing the union and intersection of Sets
by defining each term.
Two sets can be added together. The union of A and B, denoted by
A U B, is the set of all things that are members of either A or B. For
{1,2,3} U {3,4,5} = {1,2,3,4,5}
The teacher will go back to the problem given earlier and will ask
the students the union of students who can do arithmetic and
students who can solve complex problems.
A new set can be constructed by determining which members of
two sets have “in common”. The intersection of set A and B,
denoted by A Ω B, is the set of all things that are members of both
A and B. If A Ω B = {}, then A and B are said to be disjoint. For
{1,2,3} Ω {3,4,5} = {3}
The teacher will go back to the problem given earlier and will ask
the students the intersection of students who can do arithmetic and
students who can solve complex problems.
The Teacher will present a problem and solve it interactively with
the students.
There are 500 students in a school. 200 like science subject, 180
like math and 40 like both science and math.
1. How many like science only?
2. How many like math only?
3. How many like math or science?
Let S = students who like science (200)
M = students who like math (180)
P1 = students who like math only
P2 = students who like math and science
P3 = students who like science only

P1 P2 P3

n(P1) = n(M)-P2
= 180-40
n(P1) = 140
n(P3) = n(S)-n(P2)
= 200-40
n(P3) = 160
n(M U S) = n(P1)+n(P2)+n(P3)
= 140+40+60
n(M U S) = 340

P1 P3
140 160

160 students like science only
140 students like math only
340 students like science or math


The teacher will let the students answer questions through an
interactive media. The teacher will call the students in random and
answer the questions by manipulating the laptop or simply clicking
the correct answer.
1. {1,3,5,7,9} U {1,2,3,4,5}
a. {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9}
b. {1,3,5}
c. {1,2,3,4,5,7,9}
d. {}
2. {7,11,13} U {13,17,19}
a. {13}
b. {}
c. {7,11,13,17,18}
d. {7,11,17,19}
3. {1,2,3} Ω {5,10,15}
a. {1,2,3,5,10,14}
b. {1,2,3}
c. {5,10,15}
d. {}
4. {1,2,4,5} Ω {2,4,6,8,10}
a. {1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10}
b. {1,2,3,4,5}
c. {2,3}
d. {2,4,6}
Activity (By Group)
After the interactive media presentation, the teacher will divide the
class into five groups. The teacher will provide the same problem
for the class and they will answer it by group.
In a school, there are 20 teachers who teach mathematics or
physics. Of these, 12 teach mathematics and 4 teach both physics
and mathematics. How many teach physics?

VALUING 1. The teacher will ask reflective questions.

a. Are union and intersection of sets used in our daily
b. In what situations where you use union and
intersection of sets?

ASSESSMENT The teacher will give a short quiz for the students.
Assessing learning Direction: Answer the following in a one whole sheet of paper.
A = {0,1,2,3,4}
B = {0,2,4,6,8}
C = {1,3,5,7,9}
Test 1
Direction: Given the sets above, determine the elements and
cardinality of the following.
1. A U B
2. B Ω C
3. (A Ω B) U C
Test 2
Direction: Solve the problem and show necessary solution.
Construct a Venn diagram to represent your answer.
1. A group of 25 high school students was asked whether they
use either Facebook or Twitter or both. 15 of these students
use Facebook, and 12 use Twitter.
a. How many use Facebook only?
b. How many use Twitter only?
c. How many use both social networking sites?
Test 3
Direction: Write a brief essay about the importance of union and
intersection of sets in everyday life.
Content – 2
Grammar – 2

ASSIGNMENT The teacher will instruct the students to read in advance about the
absolute value of a number on a number line.


Prepared by: Sarah Jean T. Inamarga

Checked and Evaluated By:

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