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Progress test 1

U N IT S 1-5

Exercise 1 The present tense of to be Exercise 3 Questions

Complete the table with the present tense of to be. Match a line in A with a line in B to make a question.
Then find an answer in C.
Positive Negative
1 1 am ’m not

2 You W hat v is your daughter? I’m fine, thanks.

3 He/She/It Where \ is a sandwich? Lyons, in France.

4 We How \ is Sally? M r Brown.

5 They How much \ are you from? / She’s my daughter.

How old is his name? ^ £1.75.

oo W ho are you? She’s 18.

Exercise 2 to b e - positive, negative, and questions

Exercise 4 Word order
Complete the sentences with the correct form o f to be.
Write the words in the correct order.
1 1 from M anchester in England.
1 English / is / W hat / this / in / ?
2 you a student?
What is this in English?
3 My b ro th e r___________a doctor.
4 My p aren ts___________from London. They’re from 2 wife I is I This / Peter’s

5 Are you married? No, I ___________ . 3 phone / is / W hat / their / num ber / ?
6 My sister and I ___________from Japan.
7 your parents from the United States? 4 the / house / have / We / a / in / country
8 Jane___________ a doctor. She’s a teacher.
9 Is he a taxi driver? Yes, h e ___________ . 5 your / you / do / How / spell / surnam e / ?
10 The w ine___________ from Spain. It’s from Portugal.
11 your teacher from England?
6 you I Do I Spanish / like / wine / ?

7 well / 1 / speak / French / don’t / very

8 car / don’t / a / We / have / German

9 Chinese / they / Do / eat / food / ?

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Units 1-5 • Progress test 1 121

Exercise 5 a o r a n l 7 How many languages_______ y o u ________

Complete the sentences with a or an. (speak)?

8 your and your fam ily________ (speak)
1 It’s an American city.
2 He’s actor.
9 Helen and Dave________________ (not work) in
3 Are you teacher?
4 I have Italian car.
10 W here_______ y o u ________ (live)?
5 We don’t have big house.
11 y o u ________ (eat) Chinese or Italian food?
6 I have English friend.
7 She’s student.
8 Thev don’t have computer. Exercise 8 Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives
9 She’s Australian doctor. Choose the correct word.
10 Is he businessman?
1 M y /(7)’m from Italy.
|9 2 Is this you / your dictionary?
3 My brother is a doctor. His I He's 27.
Exercise 6 has/have
4 This is my mother. He / S h e’s a teacher.
Complete the sentences with the correct form o f have.
5 Do you like we / our house?
1 I have a brother and a sister.
6 I’m Anna and this is m y / /husband.
2 H e ___________ a small farm in Wales.
7 Is this your daughter? W hat’s her I his name?
3 I like Chinese food but w e ___________ a Chinese
8 My father is from Poland. His / Her nam e’s Arek.
restaurant in town.
9 W hat are they / their names?
4 T h ey ___________a flat in London.

5 I’m not m arried but I ___________ a lot o f friends. | 8

6 Jo h n ___________ a new computer.

Exercise 9 Possessive’s
7 th e y ___________ a big family? Tick ( / ) the correct sentence.
8 My sister___________ a dog and a cat. 1 a □ This is Davids car.
9 y o u ___________ a dictionary? b 0 This is David’s car.

~j~8~ 2 a □ Peter’s wife is American.

b □ Peter is wife is American.
Exercise 7 Present Simple
3 a □ W hat’s your teacher name?
Complete the sentences w ith the correct form of the verb
b □ W hat’s your teacher’s name?
in brackets.
4 a □ The children’s names are Emma and Simon.
1 My husband and I (live) in the country.
b □ The childrens names are Emma and Simon.
2 I ________________ (not like) swimming.
5 a □ M r Browns car is American.
3 T h ey ________________ (drink) French wine.
b □ M r Brown’s car is American.
4 W hat sp o rts_______ the children________ (like)?
5 W e________________ (work) in a hospital. 6 a □ Her husband nam e is Paolo.
b □ Her husband’s nam e is Paolo.
6 You________________ (not like) hamburgers.

122 Units 1-5 • Progress test 1 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Exercise 10 Numbers
Write the num bers in words.
1 17 seventeen_____
2 29 ______________
3 37 ______________
4 43 ______________
5 59 ______________
6 62 ______________
7 74 ______________
8 88 ______________
9 91 ______________
10 1 0 0 ______________

Exercise 11 Word groups

1 Put the words in the correct column.

teacher parent sandwich actor beer sister

hamburger bank manager daughter wine son

chocolate shop assistant ice-cream police officer

coffee orange tea Coca-Cola husband waiter

jobs Family Food Drinks


~ |2 0 l


© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Units 1-5 • Progress test 1

Progress test 2
U N IT S 6 -1 0

Exercise 1 Present Simple and frequency adverbs Exercise 3 there is/are and prepositions of place
Write complete sentences with the words in brackets.

1 I / go to bed late (usually)

I usually go to bed late.

2 He / work late (never)

3 I / go to work by car (sometimes)

4 My son / have lunch at school (always)

5 She / see her friends after school (usually)

6 I / buy a newspaper (never)

7 Helen / go w indsurfing (sometimes) Write sentences about the picture.

1 a TV / the room
There's a TV in the room.

Exercise 2 Object pronouns 2 two books / the table

Choose the correct word.

1 My daughter visited (m e) / m y last m onth. 3 a lamp / the sofa

2 My son lives near you. Do you know he I him?

3 We bought a video but we didn’t watch it I them. 4 three pictures / the walls

4 My daughter is a doctor. This is a photo of him / her.

5 O ur hom ework is very difficult. Can you help we I us ? 5 a cat / the table

6 We phoned Mum and Dad last week but we didn’t see

them / they. 6 a magazine / the bag
7 You are very nice. I like you / your.


124 Units 6-10 • Progress test 2 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Exercise 4 The past tense of to be 7 You________________ (not take) the painting to an

Complete the table with the past tense of to be. expert.

_______ y o u ________ (eat) in the hotel?
Positive Negative
The children________________ (do) their homework
1 1 was wasn’t
on their computer.
2 You
3 He/She/It

4 We Exercise 7 Negatives

5 They Write the sentences in the negative.

1 I work in an office.
8 I don’t work in aw office.___________________________

Exercise 5 do, was, and did 2 The film is very good.

Com plete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

3 There’s a CD player in the car.
do / does was / were did

4 She goes to work by car.

1 W h e re does he w o rk ?

2 you like French food? 5 We go shopping in town.

3 W h ere_______ you last night?
4 W h a t_______ you do last weekend? 6 There are a lot o f hotels in this area.
5 she live in New York now?
6 you go skiing last year? 7 The weather was very hot.

7 W h en _______ he born?
8 My children were born in the US.
8 W e_______ at hom e yesterday.
9 How many ch ildren _______ they have now?
9 I was born in 1989.
10 David played baseball at school.
Exercise 6 Past Simple
Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs
in brackets. There are regular and irregular verbs. 11 I had a big lunch.

1 She played (play) tennis yesterday.

2 I ________________ (not work) at my com puter

yesterday. Exercise 8 Days of the week

3 W e________________ (buy) a new video recorder last Complete the days in order.

m onth. Days: Monday , __________ , __________ ,

4 W here_______ y o u ________ (go) on holiday last

5 T h ey ________________ (stay) at hom e last weekend. 6
6 H e ________________ (see) his friends last night.

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Units 6-10 • Progress test 2 125

Exercise 9 Dates Exercise 12 Which one is different?
Write the dates in words. (Circle) the different word.

1 5 /5 the fifth of May 1 newsagent superm arket (jjark) chemist

2 1/ 2 ____________ 2 France German Italy Portugal
3 1 9 /6 _____________ 3 shower CD player TV video recorder

4 3 /8 _____________ 4 ice hockey swimming sailing skiing

5 3 1 /1 2 _____________ 5 twenty-second twenty-nine thirteenth ninth
6 12/10 _____________ 6 writer painter footballer singer
7 1 7 /4 _____________ 7 watched ate got took
8 5/1 _____________ 8 swimming windsurfing sailing walking

9 7 /7 _____________ 9 floor kitchen wall window

Exercise 10 Prepositions of time Exercise 13 Adjectives

Write the correct preposition, in, on, or at. Match the opposites.

1 !»____ the evening A B

2 M onday new — big

3 seven o’clock early ^ - o ld

4 Sunday m orning small horrible

expensive slow
5 the afternoon
fast hot
6 five thirty
cold late
7 the weekend lovely cheap

Exercise 11 Words that go together

Match a verb in A with a line in B. TOTAL


get up v in a chalet

go \ cards

watch \ beer

listen to \ a good time

play \ a CD

stay \ in a hospital

work \ sailing

cook \ a meal

eat in restaurants

have ' early

drink a video

126 Units 6-10 • Progress test 2 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

Progress test 3
U N IT S 11-14

Exercise 1 Word order 1 Helen caw ride a horse but James and Sue can’t.

Put the words in the correct order. 2 James and H elen______________________________

but Sue can.
1 fast / you / Can / swim / ?
Can you swim fast? 3 James can use a computer, but h e _______________
2 She / long / hair / fair / has ________ and h e ___________________ .
4 Everybody__________________________ .
3 tour / the / long / How / does / bus / last / ? 5 Helen and S ue___________________ ? No,
they can’t.
4 radio / listen / to / like / you / Would / to / the / ? 6 W h o __________________________ ? Only Helen
5 Can / tell / please / you / me / the / time / ?

6 car / want / They / to / a / buy / new Exercise 3 wanf, like, and would like
Tick ( / ) the correct sentence.
7 like / would / to / W hat / you / drink / ?
1 A 0 What would you like for dessert?
□ What do you like for dessert?
8 and / a / is / He / wearing / jeans / T-shirt
B Ice-cream, please.

9 weekend / going / are / Where / you / next? 2 A □ Would you like a glass o f wine?
□ Do you like wine?
10 bed / you / Why / don’t / go / early / to / ? B Yes, I love it.

3 A □ I want to send an email, please.

11 agent / collected / We / our / the / tickets / travel /
□ I’d want to send an email, please.
B T hat’s fine. Try com puter num ber 3.

10 4 A D Would you like to listen to some music?

□ Do you like listening to music?
Exercise 2 can and can’t B T hat’s a nice idea.
Look at the inform ation in the table and complete the
5 A □ I like to buy these postcards, please.
sentences with can or ca«’f and a verb.
□ I’d like to buy these postcards, please.
use a ride a play the
B Two pounds fifty, please.
computer horse guitar cook

6 A □ W hat sports do you like doing?
James / /
□ W hat sports would you like doing?
Helen / / X X B I love football and squash.

Sue / X / X nr

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Units 11-14 • Progress test 3 127

Exercise 4 Present Continuous Exercise 6 Past Simple and Present Continuous
for future
Complete the sentences with the Present C ontinuous
form o f the verbs in the box. Write positive and negative sentences, using the verbs.

feed write wear rain have work enjoy leave drive

1 I / get up early
I got up early___________________________ yesterday.
1 W hat are you reading ? it’s a love story. I’m not getting up early___________________tomorrow.
2 He can’t go to the cinema because he 2 s h e / cook dinner
late. ______________________________________yesterday.
3 I _________________ work early because I don’t ______________________________________tomorrow.
feel well. 3 we / work late
4 In this photo sh e _________________ shorts and a ______________________________________yesterday.
5 I can’t talk to you now. I _________________ the car.
4 they / leave hom e early
6 i t __________ ? No, the weather is lovely
7 W here’s Liz? S h e_________________ a shower.
5 I / go to bed late
8 y o u __________ your holiday? Yes,
everything is great.
9 The children_________________ a letter to their
grandparents. 6 you / stay at hom e
______________________________________ yesterday.
______________________________________ tomorrow.
Exercise 5 Present Simple and Continuous 7 Richard / see his doctor
Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the ______________________________________yesterday.
Present C ontinuous form o f the verbs in brackets.
1 I usually walk (walk) to work but this m orning
112 I
I ’m driving (drive) to my office.

2 I ______________ (not see) my parents very often but Exercise 7 Negatives

th e y ______________ (stay) with me at the m om ent. 1 I can draw well.
3 We usually______________ (have) lunch at hom e but I can't draw well._________________________________
today w e______________ (eat) in a nice restaurant. 2 She wants to sell her house.
4 W h y_______ y o u ________ (wear) jeans for work
today? You usually______________ (wear) m ore 3 They like sightseeing.
formal clothes.
5 My friends and I ______________ (learn) French at 4 He can swim.
the m om ent. W e______________ (like) it very much.
6 My sister______________ (live) in a flat in London 5 He works in a bank.

but s h e ______________ (travel) in Europe at the

m om ent. 6 We walk to work every day.

128 Units 11-14 • Progress test 3 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable

7 I’m watching this film. Exercise 9 Which one is different?
(trircje)the different word.
8 The children are doing their homework.
1 (bank) chemist newsagent supermarket
2 wine coffee mineral water cake
9 You are playing very well.
3 cheese ham meal vegetables
4 soup chocolate cake ice-cream apple pie
10 We’re staying in the hotel for a week.
5 plane airport ferry train
6 farm er grandm other interpreter architect
11 We had a nice meal at the restaurant.
7 passport ticket travel agent stamp
8 shoes shorts jeans trousers
12 You collected the tickets yesterday.
9 T-shirt dress jacket coat
10 black red grey long
13 Angela saw her family last week.
11 dessert waiter m ain course side order
12 film photo interview camera
13 post office stam p letter email
Exercise8 am /is/are, do/does/did
Complete the sentences with a verb from the box.
Exercise 10 Words that go together
a m / 'm n o t is/isn’t are/aren't does/doesn't
Match a verb in A with a line in B.
do/don't did/didn't

1 I am watching TV.
2 My h u sb an d _______ going skiing next m onth. listen to i a friend

watch \ a plane
3 W h ere_______ the bus tour leave from?
read I chess
4 How often . you travel by plane?
chat to I in Paris
5 They usually go to Italy on holiday but th e y .
going there this year. wear I sightseeing

play \ shorts
6 We had lunch in a restaurant but w e______ . enjoy it.
book I a good time
7 Why don’t we go out? I t _______ raining now.
catch \ a cake
8 Are you using your computer? No, I _______ .
change \ your bags
9 They live in Spain but th e y _______ speak Spanish
go ' a video
verv well.
have \ a CD
10 I . catching the plane at seven thirty.
pack a magazine
11 Does Paula like skiing? No, sh e ____
arrive money
12 you have a good weekend?
make a holiday
13 you enjoying the party?


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