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6, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 9200211

Entanglement Sustainability in Quantum Radar

Ahmad Salmanogli , Dincer Gokcen , and H. Selcuk Gecim

Abstract—In this study, some important parts of a quantum Generally, a quantum radar is recognized as a standoff sensor
radar are designed using the quantum electrodynamics theory by which the entangled microwave photons are employed, to
and significantly focused on entanglement conservation. Quantum enhance the detection, identification, and resolution [1], [4], [9],
radar is generally defined as a detection sensor that utilizes the
microwave photons like a classical radar and simultaneously em- [10]. Entanglement is established when two quantum particles,
ploys quantum phenomena to improve detection, identification, i.e. photons, are interacted, resulting in interrelated properties
and resolution capabilities. However, the entanglement is so fragile, with no dependency on the distance between them [5], [18].
unstable, and difficult to preserve for a long time. Also, more Quantum radars have an efficient penetration in clouds and
importantly, the entangled states have a tendency to leak away fogs due to microwave photons which is the basic advantage
due to the noise. The points mentioned enforces that the entangled
states should be carefully studied at each step of the quantum of the classical radars. It has been reported that quantum radars
radar detection processes such as the creation of the entangled using entangled photons dramatically enhance the signal to noise
photons in the tripartite system, the amplification of the photons, ratio, resolution, and probability of detection as compared with
the propagation into the atmosphere, and the reflection from the the non-entangled photons [1], [2], [9], [10]. Furthermore, the
target. At each step, the parameters related to the real mediums “effective visibility” of certain targets can be enhanced by using
and target material can affect the entangled states to leak away
easily. The results of simulations indicate that the features of the the quantum radar [1]. Also, countermeasures such as jamming
tripartite system and amplifier are so important to lead the detected can be more efficiently eliminated in case of the quantum radar
photons to remain entangled with the optical modes. Nonetheless, it that employs the entanglement [1], [2]. It has been found that all
is found that a lot of entangled photons lose the related non-classical of the advantages of the quantum radar is specifically devoted
to the entanglement. Nonetheless, it should be noted that the
Index Terms—Quantum radar, entanglement, tripartite system, entanglement is so fragile and unstable, and also it is generally
Quantum theory. difficult to create and preserve. Additionally, entangled states
have a tendency to leak away as a result of the noise [12],
[17]. Naturally, the entanglement is strongly distorted due to
I. INTRODUCTION propagation in the atmosphere, and reflection from unknown
N RECENT years, the idea of using quantum phenomena in targets, while it is employed by the quantum radar systems.
I classical sensors has been utilized to develop the character-
istics of the classical detection systems [1], [2]. It is considered
Then, the fragility of entangled states utilized by a quantum radar
is dramatically increased. This point has been investigated in
to be a breakthrough utilizing quantum phenomena to improve more details in some published works [9], [10]. In these studies,
the performance of the classical sensors such as radars [1]–[4], microwave quantum illumination system had been designed and
enhancing the image resolution [5]–[7], designing quantum investigated some critical quantities such as teleportation fidelity
illumination system [8]–[12], quantum communication network [10] and signal to noise ratio and error probability [9]. Especially,
[13], [14], improving the plasmonic photodetector responsivity [9] one of interesting work in this field which has focused on
[15], enhancing the plasmonic system decay rate [16], and microwave-optical entanglement, studied the influence of the
improving Raman signals [17]. quantum noise and quantum Brownian noise. It has been shown
that the quantum illumination system has an error probability
that is orders of magnitude lower than that of the coherent-state
Manuscript received January 9, 2020; revised April 17, 2020 and July 21,
2020; accepted August 27, 2020. Date of publication September 3, 2020; date system.
of current version September 15, 2020. (Corresponding author: Dincer Gokcen.) However, in this study, by considering the above cited works,
Ahmad Salmanogli is with the Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Elec- we want to model a quantum radar utilizing full quantum theory
tronics Engineering Department, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey,
and also with the Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics En- to cover more details about how one can manipulate the coupling
gineering Department, Çankaya University, Ankara 35350, Turkey (e-mail: between subsystems in tripartite system [21]–[26], how the ac- tive and passive mediums can affect the non-classical correlation
Dincer Gokcen is with the Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics
Engineering Department, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey (e-mail: between states when the signal propagates into mediums [27], and how an incident mode can contribute to the scattering pa-
H. Selcuk Gecim is with the Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics rameters from the target. As an important task, the preservation
Engineering Department, Çankaya University, Ankara 35350, Turkey (e-mail: of the entanglement properties at all steps of quantum radar
This article has supplementary downloadable material available at https:// processing is highly emphasized. It is noteworthy to indicate that, provided by the authors. this work is a theoretical simulation of a quantum illumination
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
at system in which some parts are considered as an ideal subsystem.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2020.3020620 For example, it is supposed that we can intensify the entangled
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See for more information.

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Fig. 1. The schematic of the quantum radar; solid red arrow indicates the transmitted photons, and the dashed red arrows stand for the back-coming the photons.

photons in a same way of the classical approach to generate more In the tripartite system, it is found that OC, MC, and MR
non-classical photons. modes couple to each other which means that the contributed
The major steps of this study are as follows: I. Creation of modes are affected. It has been shown that, by engineering the
the entangled states by a tripartite system, II. Amplification of tripartite system, the non-classical correlation can be established
the entangled microwave photons, III. Propagation of the signal between the modes [21]–[26]. That means that the OC and MC
into atmosphere, IV. Reflection from the target. The entangled modes can be entangled. It is the key point that we need to utilize
states can be affected by the parameters, mentioned above, that in the quantum radar system. So, the MC output mode Cω ,
results in leakages. Thus, in this study, the quantum radar system entangled with the optical cavity mode as , is firstly amplified
is designed, to minimize the leaking away of the entangled through the active medium (with the assumption of ideal active
modes with the knowledge that the entangled states are so medium) and then propagated into the atmosphere to detect the
fragile. To analyze the quantum radar consisting of a tripartite target. The active medium schematic is illustrated in Fig. 1.
system, amplifier, propagation channel, and reflection medium, It contains N number of beam-splitters (BS) considered as an
the quantum electrodynamics theory is considered [28], [29], amplification component in the active medium. According to the
and the dynamics of quantum radar system are theoretically quantum electrodynamics theory, the inverted thermally excited
derived with Heisenberg-Langevin equations [30], [31]. Also, photons intensify the incoming photons at each BS [27]. So, Caω
the Peres-Horodecki separability criterion is used for continuous is the active medium output mode, and its entanglement should
variable system [32]–[34] to calculate the separability between be studied with the OC modes. The design mainly concerns
modes. about preserving the entanglement at each step of the quantum
radar system by engineering the parameters. The results show
that the active medium properties including gain κa , wave vector
II. BACKGROUNDS AND THEORY OF THE DESIGN SYSTEM Ka , and the medium length strongly affect the entanglement
The schematic of the quantum radar system with some details behavior. Second, the output modes of the active medium Caω
is illustrated in Fig. 1. The process begins with the interaction of is transmitted into the atmosphere (attenuation medium) to
high-intensity laser with a nonlinear material to create entangled propagate. The attenuation medium is modeled in the same way
optical photon (signal and idler) [5], [18]. The idler is maintained with N discrete scattering components by which the propagated
to establish the entanglement process with the backscattered photons will be manipulated in the phase and amplitude. It is
microwave photons. On the other hand, the signal excites the shown that the output modes of the attenuation medium Ca is
OC to couple the MR through the optical pressure applied to the mainly affected by the channel length R and imaginary part of
oscillator [22], [10]. Oscillation of the MR resonator changes the the wave vector κatm derived by the thermally excited photons.
MC capacitance by which the resonant frequency of the cavity Other critical parameters in the attenuation channel are related
is manipulated. to the varying atmospheric conditions such as temperature and
For the next step, one can define the conjugate variable of pressure [1], [27]. Consequently, the attenuation medium is one
fields A, X, and Φ based on the classical definition of the of the most important factors that can strongly manipulate the
conjugate variables [25], then the contributed Hamiltonian in entanglement behavior in the quantum system. Third, this study
terms of the creation and annihilation operators is expressed by: also covers the reflection from the target. Similarly, quantum

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α c 2 ωm  ∧  ∧
electrodynamics theory is employed to investigate the reflection

which refers to the total amount of scattering from the target. HOC−M R =  a c + + a Px
2ε0 ωc m c
In fact, reflection is basically defined as the interaction of the
electromagnetic field with the atom’s quantum field. The target   
ωω  ∧ ∧ ∧+
material is the key factor that influences the incoming photons HM C−M R = Cp Ct qx c s − c 2
2 ωm m s
and can strongly affect the entanglement between Ct and OC ∧ 

modes, where Ct is the reflection mode operator. After this Hoc−drive = iEc ac +e(−jωL t) − ae(jωL t) (2)
step, the reflection photons backscatter into the atmosphere and
then before the detection, they should be intensified once again. where (ac + , ac ), and (cω + , cω ) are the creation and annihilation
Herein, it is necessary to study the effect of the different mediums operators for optical and microwave cavities, respectively. Also,
on the entanglement between the OC modes and the contributed ω L , Px , qx , Ec , and h are the input laser angular frequency,
modes. The clear relationship between the mediums and the the momentum and position normalized quadrature operator,
output modes is completely illustrated in Fig. 1. OC cavity input driving rate, Plank’s constants, respectively.
Moreover, Cp and Ct are derived by Cp = C’ (x)/[C(x) + Cd ]2
A. The Analysis of the Tripartite System With Canonical and Ct = Cd +C(x0 ), where x0 indicates the equilibrium position
Quantization (Or Microscopic) Methods of MR resonator. In Eq. 2, the second term in HMC stands for the
cavity driving by the external source. The dynamics equations
After a short discussion about the general operation of the of motion of the system are derived using Heisenberg-Langevin
system illustrated in Fig. 1, the quantum radar system is the- equations. Moreover, it is necessary to consider the effect of the
oretically analyzed. Quantum electrodynamics theory is used damping rate and noise which is due to the interaction of the
to analyze the system [28], [29], [40]. The theory starts with tripartite system with the medium. Finally, the system dynamics
analyzing the dynamics equations of motion of the tripartite equation of motions is given by:
system, as a subsystem in quantum radar. Following the standard
approach in quantum electrodynamics, the contribution of the • ∧ ∧ √ ∧
as = − (iΔc + κc ) ac −iG1 Px +Ec + 2κs ain
total Lagrangian for the tripartite system is given as:
• ∧ ∧ ∧ √ ∧
  cω = − (iΔω + κω ) cω +iΔoω1 G2 q cω +Eω + 2κcs cin
ε0 •2 x
LOC = A −ωc 2 A2  
2 • ∧ ∧

• qx = ωm Px +G1 ac + + ac
1 1
LM R = m X 2 − mωm 2 X 2
2 2 • ∧ ∧ ∧
∧ ∧
1 •
1 1 • Px = − γm Px −ωm q + Δω G2 cω + cω + bin (3)
LM C = C(x) φ2 − φ2 + Cd (vd − φ)2 x
2 2L 2 where κc , γ m , and κω are the optical cavity, microres-

LOC−M R = − αc A X (1) onator, and microwave cavity damping rate, respectively. Also,
Δc , and Δω are the related detuning frequencies, and G1
The total Lagrangian is Ltot = LOC + LMR + LMC + = (αc 2 ω m /2ε0 mω c ), G2 = Cp Ct (ћ/mω ms ), and Eω =
LOC-MR where LOC, LMR , LMC , and LOC-MR are the optical Vd Cd (ω ω /2ћCt ). Moreover, the driving field of the optical
cavity, microresonator, microwave cavity, and optical cavity cavity is given as Ec = (2Pc κc /ћω L ) where Pc is the excitation
and microresonator interaction Lagrangian, respectively. Also, power [21]–[23].
ε0 , A, X, and ω m , are the free space dielectric constant, vec- A simple way to achieve a stationary and robust entanglement
tor potential (incident field amplitude), MR resonator position in continuous modes is to select a constant point that the OC,
(microscopically defines as the matter oscillator field [40]), MC, and MR are driven and worked with. Under the condition
and microresonator oscillation angular frequency, respectively. that the interaction field is so strong, it is appropriate to focus on
Additionally, αc is the interaction coefficient between OC and the linearization and calculate the quantum fluctuation around
MR; ω c , L, Φ, Vd , C(x), Cd and m are optical cavity angu- the semi-classical constant point [21], [26]. Therefore, the cav-
lar frequency, inductance, magnetic flux, input driving field, ity modes are expressed as the composition of the stable and
variable capacitor, fix capacitor between Vd and LC circuit, fluctuating parts as: ac = As + δac , cω = Cs + δcω , qx = Xs +
and MR resonator mass, respectively. It is worthy to note that, δqx , and Px = Ps + δpx , where the capital letter with subscript
the interaction Lagrangian between MC and MR is implicitly “s” denotes the stationary point, and δ indicates the fluctuation
defined by the C(x) in LMC . around the constant point. In the steady-state condition, Eq. 3
∧ ∧
HOC = ωc ac + ac
  − (iΔc + κc )As − iG1 Ps + Ec = 0
ωm ∧ ∧
HM R = Px 2 + qx 2 − (iΔω + κω )Cs + iΔoω1 G2 Xs Cs + Eω = 0
 ωm Ps + 2G1 Re{As } = 0
∧ ∧ ωω  ∧ ∧

HM C = ωω cω + cω −jVd Cd c − cω + − γm Ps − ωm Xs + Δω G2 |Cs |2 = 0 (4)
2Ct ω

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To solve Eq. 4, it is assumed Re{As }>>1 and also |Cs |>>1. < cin ∗ (s) cin (s ) >= [N (ωω )]δ(s − s )
It should be noted that the fluctuation in modes is not affected
by the selection of the constant points. Finally, the dynamics < bin (s)bin ∗ (s ) >= [N (ωm ) + 1]δ(s − s ) ;
equations of the mode fluctuations around the steady-state points < bin ∗ (s) bin (s ) >= [N (ωm )]δ(s − s ) (7)
(As , Ps , Xs , and Cs ) are given by:
where N(ω) = [exp(ћω/kB T)-1]−1 , kB and T are the Boltzmann’s
• ∧ √ ∧ ∧
δas = − (iΔc + κc ) δac −iG1 δpx + 2κs δain constant and operational temperature, respectively. Also, N(ω) is
the equilibrium mean of the thermal photon numbers of different
• ∧ ∧
δcω = iΔoω1 G2 {δq Cs + Xs δcω } modes. Solving Eq. 6 gives the cavity modes fluctuation, then
x one can calculate the entanglement between the modes. In a
√ ∧ ∧ tripartite system, which is an essential part of quantum radar,
+ 2κcs δcin −(iΔω + κω ) δcω the entanglement between OC and MC modes are so important.
• ∧ ∧ ∧ Then, in the following, we just focus on the entanglement
δqx = ωm δpx +G1 (δac + + δac ) between MC and OC modes. Also, the parameters that can
• ∧ ∧ ∧
destroy the non-classical correlation between the modes, are
δpx = − γm δpx +Δω G2 {δ cω + Cs + Cs ∗ δcω } considered. To study the entanglement between two modes, one
∧ ∧
can use Simon-Peres-Horodecki criterion for continuous state
− ωm δq + δbin (5) separability as [28]–[31]:

The interaction among cavities can generate CV entangle- λSP H = det(A). det(B) + (0.25 − | det(C)|)2
ment, i.e. the quantum correlation between quadrature operator − tr(AJCJBJC T J) − 0.25 × (det(A) + det(B)) ≥ 0
of the two intra-cavity fields and the microresonator position (8)
and momentum [16]–[18]. Eventually, the matrix form of the
quantum electrodynamic equations of the system is introduced where J = [0, 1; −1, 0] and notation “tr” indicates the trace of
as: the matrix. This criterion is a necessary and sufficient condition
⎡ • ⎤ for the separability of all bipartite Gaussian states system. So,
⎢ x ⎥ ⎡ √ ⎤ if it is assumed that the contributed states in the present system
⎢ • ⎥ 0 ωm G1 2 0 0 0 are Gaussian, the entanglement of the modes can normally be
⎢ δpx ⎥ ⎢ −ω
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ m −γm 0 Gm 0 0 ⎥⎥ studied using Eq. 8. Moreover, A, B, and C in Eq. 8 are 2 × 2
⎢ • ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ δX ⎥ ⎢ −κ ⎥ correlation matrix elements [A, C; CT , B] which can be presented
⎢ c ⎥ 0 0 Δ 0 0
⎢ • ⎥= ⎢ ⎥
c c
⎢ √

⎢ δYc ⎥
⎥ ⎢ 0 −G1 2 −Δc −κc 0 0 ⎥⎥
for the case of OC-MC modes (9) shown at the bottom of the
⎢ • ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ next page.
⎢ ⎥ ⎣ G11 0 0 0 −κω1 Δω1 ⎦
⎢ δXω ⎥ Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the expectation value
⎣ ⎦ G22 0 0 0 −Δω1 −κω1 of the quadrature modes operators (e.g. <δXc >, <δXω >,

δYω <δXc 2 >, <δXω 2 >, etc) to study the entanglement between
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ modes. So far, the tripartite system dynamics equations of mo-
δqx 0 tions are analytically derived using the canonical quantization
⎢ δp ⎥ ⎢ δbin ⎥ Method and Heisenberg-Langevin equations. Moreover, Simon-
⎢ x ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢√ in ⎥ Peres-Horodecki criterion is used to analyze the entanglement
⎢ δXc ⎥ ⎢ 2κc δXc ⎥
×⎢ ⎥ ⎢
⎢ δY ⎥ + ⎢ √2κ δY in ⎥
⎥ (6) between two modes in the system. As a significant goal of this
⎢ c ⎥ ⎢ c c ⎥ study, the tripartite system should be designed in such a way
⎢ ⎥ ⎢√ ⎥
⎣ δXω ⎦ ⎣ 2κω δXω ⎦ in
that the sustainability of the entanglement between OC-MC
√ modes is ensured. Then, in the next step, the microwave cavity
δYω 2κω δYω in
photons should be transferred into the active medium, at which
where Gm = 2 ∗ G2 Δω Cs , G11 = −2∗G2ΔωIm{Cs }, G22 the intensity of the photons is amplified to become ready to
= 2 ∗ G2ΔωRe{Cs }, κω1 = κω + G2 Δω Im{qs }, and Δω1 = propagate into the atmosphere.
Δω -G2 Δω Re{qs }. Also, in Eq. 6, δXc in , δYc in , δXω in , and δYω in
are the quadrature operator of the related noises. The solution B. The Amplification of the Entangled Microwave Photons
of Eq. 6 yields to a general form as u(t) = exp(Ai,j t)u(0) +
(exp(Ai,j s).n(t-s))ds, where n(s) is the noise column matrix. In this section, the details of the active medium using quantum
The input noises in the system obey the following correlation electrodynamic theory to intensify the microwave photons are
function [18]–[22]. explained. The main idea is to emphasis the intensifying the
incoming microwave photons by preserving the nonclassical
< ain (s) ain ∗ (s ) >= [N (ωc ) + 1]δ(s − s ); correlation behavior of the entangled photon’s. It should be
noted that in a real active medium, due to the fragility of the
< ain ∗ (s) ain (s ) >= [N (ωc )]δ(s − s )
entanglement, all of the non-classical correlation between states
< cin (s) cin ∗ (s ) >= [N (ωω ) + 1]δ(s − s ) ; can be destroyed. Nevertheless, herein, we just assume that the

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active medium is a medium with a restricted thermally excited which the entangled photons can be amplified. Thus, our initial
photons and can amplify the entangled photons. assumption to amplify the entangled photons to generate more
The schematic of the active medium is shown in Fig. 1. The entangled photons can be logic.
input of the active medium is microwave mode operator, cω , and The examination of the entanglement between two modes
the output of the medium is caω . The purpose of the study is to is then followed using Eq. 8. The simulation results show
investigate the effect of the active medium on the entanglement that the active medium intensifies the either entanglement or
between cω and cω . The active medium can be macroscopically separability. In other words, when the entangled microwave
modeled by a series of beam splitters (BS) connected to each photons interact with the atom’s quantum field, the entanglement
other. Each BS can be operated as an amplifier by inverting is strongly enhanced. Naturally, entanglement properties are
the harmonic oscillator. That is associated with the thermally distorted at the most detuning frequencies.
excited photons ba → ba + where ba is the thermally excited
photon operator [27]. Then, the microwave signal can be inten-
sified as it propagates along the active medium by interacting C. Propagation of the Intensified Photons in Lossy Medium
with an inverted atomic population. This interaction is realized
between the interaction of the electromagnetic quantum and In the previous stages, firstly, design of the quantum system
the atomic quantum fields. The coupling between the atom was theoretically analyzed by which the optical and microwave
quantum field and the electromagnetic quantum field is ex- cavity modes are non-classically correlated with each other;
pressed by the electric and magnetic dipole coupling. Using the Secondly, in order to intensify the microwave cavity signal, the
active medium’s complex coupling coefficient satisfying |t(ω)|2 - amplifier was designed utilizing the quantum electrodynamics
|r(ω)|2 = 1, the output modes in the continuous form can be theory. Thus, the relationship was theoretically derived between
expressed as: the microwave cavity mode operator and the amplifier output
mode. The active medium intensifies the microwave cavity mode
∧ ∧ operator by a factor being dependent on the active medium
caω (ω) = e[iKa +κa (ω)]za cω (ω)
properties (Ka , κa ). Then, the intensified signal is propagated
  za ∧ in attenuation medium, atmosphere, to detect the target. In the
+ i 2κa (ω) dze[iKa +κa (ω)](za −z) ba + (ω, z) classical picture, there are some statistical models to simulate the
(10) atmosphere properties and study the effect of the atmosphere on
the propagating signal [1]. The most critical feature of the atmo-
where cω (ω), Ka and κa (ω) are the active medium output mode sphere is its randomly changing properties. However, quantum
operator, the real part of the wave vector, and the imaginary part radar has the major advantage of employing microwave photons
of the wave vector, respectively. It is clearly seen from Eq. 10, propagating in the atmosphere as compared with laser radar
that the active medium intensifies the microwave cavity output [1], [20], [36]. Whereas in the quantum picture, the atmosphere
mode operator (the first term), and also introduces the effect from is considered to be a package involving the scattering centers.
the noise operators (the second term). The continuous form of These centers are basically known to behave as a function of
the active medium output operators is derived in terms of input the atmospheric parameters such as temperature, pressure, and
operators of MC mode. Therefore, one can study the effect of altitude.
the active medium parameters on the entanglement between caω The scattering centers using quantum electrodynamic can
and as . Here in this work, we try to preserve the first term of Eq. be modeled with BS shown in Fig. 1. In contrast to the ac-
8 and annihilate the second term. Nevertheless, in a real medium tive medium modeling, the attenuation modeling focuses on
the effect of the second term is significant and cause to destroys the thermally excited photons that play an important role. It
the non-classical correlation between states. This means that in will also be shown that the latter mentioned factor drastically
reality the amplification of entangled photons to generate more affects the entanglement behavior. The modeling starts with
entangled photons are so crucial [37]. the attenuation medium scattering agent’s in which for jth BS,
Nonetheless, it has been recently shown that it is possible the input is (caω j , bj ) and output is (caω(j + 1) , asj ). Conse-
to amplify the entangled photons using Josephson parametric quently, the continuous form using the attenuation medium’s
amplifier (JPC) [38]. It is due to the nonlinearity of JPC by complex coupling coefficient satisfying |t(ω)|2 + |r(ω)|2 = 1,

< δXc 2 > − < δXc >2 0.5× < δXc δYc + δYc δXc > − < δXc >< δYc >
0.5× < δXc δYc + δYc δXc > − < δXc >< δYc > < δYc 2 > − < δYc >2
< δXω 2 > − < δXω >2 0.5× < δXω δYω + δYω δXω > − < δXω >< δYω >
0.5× < δYω δXω + δXω δYω > − < δYω >< δXω > < δYω 2 > − < δYω >2
0.5× < δXc δXω + δXω δXc > − < δXc >< δXω > 0.5× < δXc δYω + δYω δXc > − < δXc >< δYω >
C= (9)
0.5× < δYc δXω + δXω δYc > − < δYc >< δXω > 0.5× < δYc δYω + δYω δYc > − < δYc >< δYω >

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given as: TABLE I

∧ ∧
ca (ω) = e[iKatm−κatm (ω)]R caω (ω)

+ i 2κatm (ω) dze[iKatm+κatm (ω)](R−z) b(ω, z)
where ca (ω), Katm and κatm (ω) are the attenuation medium
output mode operator, the real part of the wave vector, and the
imaginary part of the wave vector, respectively. The effect of
the attenuation channel is expressed in Eq. 11. It is readily seen
that the scattering agents exponentially attenuate the input mode
operator and also introduce the effect of the noise operator.
The input operator in Eq. 11 is active medium output which
was intensified with regard to Eq. 10. In the same way, it will
be possible to examine the entanglement between two modes
using Eq. 8. The simulation results show that by changing the should be considered once again as illustrated in Fig. 1. In this
properties of the attenuation medium, the entanglement behavior study, we ignore to study the entangled state after detection,
will strongly be influenced. however one can see [9], [10] to fully understand about the
detection effect and the related quantities such as signal to noise
ratio and error probability and so forth.
D. Reflection of the Microwave Photons From the Target
In this section, the effect of the reflection from the target is
investigated on the microwave photons. In the same way with
the previous sections, the quantum electrodynamics is utilized In this section, all simulation results are explained in detail.
to model the effect. The model to analyze the reflection effect is The main purpose of this study is to investigate the entanglement
depicted in Fig. 1. The reflection from the target, in the quantum between modes at each step of the quantum radar and show
picture, can be defined as the scattering from the target atoms. the effect of the related parameters addressed in Fig. 1. Some
This process describes the interaction between the electromag- constant data used to simulate the process involved in quantum
netic quantum field with the atoms quantum field. During the radar is tabulated in Table I. It is worthy to note that Cs and
scattering from the target, the thermally excited photons play qs in Eq. 4 can be assumed to be a real number for the sake of
an important role through which the entanglement behavior is simplicity to clearly explore the results. For simplicity, we start
strongly affected. To describe the process, jth BS is considered with this assumption, then use the complex number to increase
as a reflection agent on the target, and the related expression the results accuracy.
between the input and output operators is given in the continuous First of all, the tripartite cavity modes are considered and
form as: (12) shown at the bottom of this page, where ct (ω), Kt the simulation results are illustrated in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2, the
and κt (ω) are the target’s scattering output mode operator, the entanglement between OC-MC (as & cω ), OC-MR (as & am ),
real part of the wave vector, and the imaginary part of the wave and MR-MC (am & cω ) are studied. This figure demonstrates
vector, respectively. The effect of the reflection from the target a comparison among the cavity modes and it is shown that for
is expressed in Eq. 12 in which the first term handles the direct such a design of the tripartite system, all modes become en-
effect of the target’s imaginary part of the dielectric constant, tangled around Δω/ω ∼ 0. Thus, the microwave cavity photons
while in the second term, the effect of the thermally excited entangled with the optical cavity photons can be transmitted into
photons is added. In other words, this equation expresses that the atmosphere to detect the target.
the amplitude of the incident wave (here in this step, it is the The effect of tripartite system related parameters such as MR
output of the attenuation channel) is dramatically decreased. damping rate, incident wavelength, and temperature are investi-
More importantly, the phase raised due to the thermally excited gated on the cavity modes entanglement, and that is addressed
photons in the second term of Eq. 12 strongly distorts the in Appendix A.
entanglement. After the calculation of the reflection from the Following the study of the tripartite system modes entan-
target, the reflected photons are scattered into the atmosphere glement, and by considering the optimized conditions that the
medium. So, it is necessary to apply the atmosphere effect once system should work with, herein, the external medium effects are
again to complete the processes in quantum radar. Before the introduced. The initial design is considered for T = 200 mK, R =
detection of the backscattered propagated photons, they should 100 Km, λc = 808 nm, m = 18 ng, γ m = 120 1/s, κa = 8.7 1/m,
be intensified. Then, it means that an amplifier medium effect κatm = 5.2 ∗ 10−7 1/m, κt = 18.2 1/m, depicted in Fig. 3. For

    (zt −z) 
∧ [iKtΔzt ]
[iKt−κt (ω)] ∧  ∧
ct (ω) = t(ω)e + 2κt (ω) Δzt dz t(ω)e ca (ω) + i κt (ω)Δzt e[iKt−κt (ω)]zt bt (ω) (12)

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In the above simulation results, it was supposed that Cs and

qs in Eq. 4 are real. However, it seems to be a logical assumption
with regards to choose of the phase references [22]. Nonetheless,
we consider the effect of the constant’s imaginary part which is
important in the real system. In the following, Cs and qs are
considered to be complex. Fig. 4a shows OC and MC cavi-
ties modes entanglement behavior which is especially occurred
around Δω/ω ∼ 0 and also reveals some small oscillation at other
detuning frequencies. The result demonstrates a slight differ-
ence compared with Fig. 3(a). In the following, the microwave
photons which are entangled with the optical cavity modes at
a narrow detuning frequency should be intensified, propagated
into attenuation medium, reflected from the target, backscattered
into the attenuation medium, and finally intensified to be de-
tected (Fig. 4b). From Fig. 4b, the microcavity entangled signal
is initially intensified (solid black-line), indicating that either
separable or entangled parts are intensified. Also, the small oscil-
lation of microwave photons at off-detuning frequencies (Δω/ω
 0) are strongly resonated. However, by the propagation of the
output photons into the attenuation medium (dashed black line),
Fig. 2. Entanglement between cavities modes; T = 200 mK, λc = 808 nm,
m = 18 ng, γ m = 120 1/s. the entangled behavior is dramatically distorted. That means that
a lot of photons lose the related non-classical correlations. Then
the propagated photons interact with the target and this causes
a better comparison, the cavity modes entanglement between to lose a lot of non-classicality correlation between photons due
OC and MC is illustrated in Fig. 3(a). Then the microwave to the absorption and scattering (dotted black line). For better
cavity output modes are intensified by the active medium, and illustration, an important section of the figure Δω/ω = 0 is
the entanglement behavior of modes is studied with OC modes, exaggerated and illustrated as an inset figure indicating with the
as illustrated with the solid line in Fig. 3(b). Interestingly, it is red-dashed arrow. From the exaggerated figure, the oscillation of
shown that the entanglement is slightly distorted by the active the reflected signal with a minute amplitude and the backscat-
medium. It is because of the engineering of Eq. 10 in which tered propagated photons into the atmosphere are shown. At
the first term which is the responsible for amplification of the last, the intensified photons before the detection is depicted
signal is strongly enhanced while the second term is attenuated. with blue-color in the figure. It shows that the blue color signal
Sequentially, the attenuation medium effect is applied, and the (before detection) is not the same with the transmitted signal
result is shown with the dashed line in Fig. 3(b). By making (solid black-line). It is because of the effect of the reflection
a comparison between solid and dashed line, it is clearly seen from the target and the attenuation medium effect on the signal.
that the separability of the modes is increased after the atten- The result (blue color one) reveals that there is a negligible trace
uation medium (blue dashed-circle), while the entanglement is of entanglement which means that all of the photons lost the
decreased (red dashed-circle). So, it means that the attenuation related non-classicality. Thus, even if the presumption of the
medium with different conditions [33] (temperature, pressure, amplifier be true for entangled photons, at a distance such as
and so on) can strongly distort the quantum property that is R = 100 Km, due to the fragility of the entanglement, the photons
critical for the sustainable entangled operation of the quantum non-classicality will be wiped out.
radar. In the following, the effect of the attenuation medium on the
In the next step, the effect of the reflection from the target entanglement is studied and the results are illustrated in Ap-
is considered. In this study, a flat target made of Aluminum is pendix A. Form the illustrated results, it can be pointed out that
supposed. The simulation result is illustrated in Fig. 3(c). In the operational temperature of the active medium is so critical. In
comparison with the attenuation medium output, the amplitude this work, it is supposed that the active medium is operated with
of the signal is dramatically decreased due to the attenuation the same temperature of tripartite system. In order to study of the
factor that the target material has. However, around Δω/ω ∼ 0 active medium operational temperature effect and also attenua-
the resulting modes remain entangled. Of course, a target with tion distance some simulations are carried out with operational
a different shape and material can affect and distort the entan- temperature at 1500 mK and R = 10 Km (Fig. 5). In Fig. 5,
glement between modes. Following, the reflected mode from the behavior of the entanglement is dramatically changed as
the target endures the attenuation medium effect once again, compared to Fig. 4. This figure shows a complete separable states
then it is intensified by the active medium with κa = 0.87 1/m at off-detuning frequencies. Nonetheless, we just emphasize on
before the detection. The results of the latter mentioned effects the on-detuning frequencies Δω/ω ∼ 0. It is also shown that by
are demonstrated in Fig. 3(d). It is clearly observable that the increasing temperature up to 1500 mK, the detected signal (solid
output modes before the detection have shown some entangled blue line) is deformed due to the medium effects, and also the
behavior. That is an interesting finding that we expected. entanglement behavior is changed. A lot of the incident photons

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Fig. 3. Entanglement between modes at different levels of quantum radar, Cs and qs are real; T = 200 mK, R = 100 Km, λc = 808 nm, m = 18 ng, γ m =
120 1/s, κa = 8.7 1/m, κatm = 5.2 ∗ 10−7 1/m, κt = 18.2 1/m.

Fig. 4. Entanglement between modes at different level of quantum radar, Cs and qs are complex; T = 200 mK, R = 100 Km, λc = 808 nm, m = 18 ng, γ m =
120 1/s, κa = 10.7 1/m, κatm = 20 ∗ 10−7 1/m, κt = 18.2 1/m.

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Fig. 5. Entanglement between modes at different levels of quantum radar, Cs and qs are complex; T = 1500 mK, R = 10 Km, λc = 808 nm, m = 18 ng, γ m =
120 1/s, κa = 10.7 1/m, κatm = 100∗10−7 1/m, κt = 18.2 1/m.

Fig. 6. Active medium effect on entanglement between modes at different levels of quantum radar, Cs and qs are complex; T = 1500 mK, R = 10 Km, λc =
808 nm, m = 18 ng, γ m = 120 1/s, κa = 0.0 1/m, κatm = 100 ∗ 10−7 1/m, κt = 18.2 1/m.

missed the non-classical correlation which means that one has Finally, the effect of the active medium on the entanglement
to just consider the classical correlation between photons after between modes at different level of the quantum radar is studied.
missing the entanglement. This point indicates that, in reality, the Before that it is worthy to mention that a real medium can
large percent of the entangled incident photons will be distorted, strongly affect the phase responsivity and phase estimation
which can be due to the atmospheric bad conditions, receiver errors [1], [4]. Specially in the case of the active medium, it can
and transmitter noise effect, loss of the idler photons and so be shown that if the active medium gain approaches to zero, the
on. In the following illustrations, this point will be discussed in Heisenberg limit for phase estimation errors is strictly attainable.
detail. Thus, one can show that how the entanglement behavior can

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be affected by nullifying the active medium gain to attain the REFERENCES

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Ahmad Salmanogli received the B.S. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engi-
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as a Research Assistant since 2018. Also, he is a Ph.D. Candidate in electrical
engineering in Hacettepe University. His major research interests include quan-
tum electronics, quantum plasmonic, plasmonic-photonic engineering, quantum
optics, and plasmonic based nanosensor.

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