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Supply Chain Management

Saad Bin Hassan

Section K


Assignment UPS

Competitive strategy

The competitive strategy of UPS is to deliver the packages of the customers on time and this

makes the business highly competitive as a little delay in operations would cause possibility of

customers to take their business elsewhere.

Supply chain capabilities

The production network of UPS is both proficient and responsive as they are adaptable and must

be exceptionally cautious about the time.

Time of difficulty

From the documentary its clear how UPS competitive strategy is sending deliveries on time.

There was a situation in the documentary where the plane was loaded with deliveries and it had

to depart in 30 minutes but when the supervisor was notified that the craft was damaged and like

this the plan couldn’t fly or else would end up into a disaster. The supervisor had 30 minutes to

sort out the issue and deliver those packages as any delay would cause delay in 7500 deliveries.

Scott supervisor sent a team of mechanics to inspect the damage. They thought of sealing the
door which would also take time, GOC was consulted and soon it was decided that within 15- 20

mins the deliveries had to be shifted to the other craft and within this time the craft should

depart. The other plan was found by another team which is supervised by kevin, who by the help

of 10 strategically positioned cameras keeps a tab on every plane. Later, the package handlers

moved those 7500 packages into the other craft.

Six drivers of supply chain


Its largest facility is located in Kentucky which is also known as the world port, it is all computer

controlled and is fully automated. Almost more than half of the air deliveries are sent from here.

This can also be called an aircraft facility.Another facility for the pilots is brown hotel.


The inventory of UPS are all those deliveries that are sent by people and that are to deliver to

other customer.


UPS has various transportation facilities. Its best known for its brown trucks, vans and scooters

and it has aircraft facilities. Deliveries that are supposed to be delivered to different countries and

territories around the globe.


The data that is typically sent to one another is generally about the data about the flights,

conveyances/bundles, data about stacking bearings and so forth As referenced in the narrative
that the stacking headings were taken by another part and that data was communicated

electronically. There's a savvy mark that is considered truly essential to world ports robotized

arranging framework, each names records a following number, the objective location,

administration need and a steering code. The data is likewise inserted in a 2d standardized

identification which is utilized by the scanners to control the bundle through the framework.

Another gadget that is utilized for conveyance data is additionally utilized.


Global operation center that is just adjacent to the world port is a center that’s the planning and

monitoring center for UPS. Super visor Scott is an air safety supervisor, he along with his team is

responsible to tackle any issue that comes up. Then there’s a team of mechanics that are used to

inspect the aircrafts. Seal depressors are used to seal the doors when needed. Supervisor Kevin

and his team of 30 Ramp controllers, manages the movement of the aircrafts to and from 70

gates. This can be said as they control the inbound and outbound of aircrafts. With the help of 10

surveillance cameras that are strategically positioned Kevin keep tap on the aircrafts. Package

handlers are responsible for moving the packages and for loading the packages on the airplane

and their supervisor is jared Johnson. Darren and his team is responsible for sending off 99 skin

substitutes containing living cells for producers at the hospital across the united states. His work

is very time sensitive and a lot of focus is required. Carolos binya is a technician who confirms

the issues and has to fix is fast.

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