Activity For Disorders of The Pleura

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Name: Kathleen Erica M. Dela Cruz Yr./Section: BSN 3B Date: October 2, 2020

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Answer the following:

1. List the 3 types of pneumothorax

a. Nontraumatic Pneumothorax
a. Tension Pneumothorax
b. Traumatic Pneumothorax

2. Major manifestation of pleuritis: Chest pain that worsen when you breathe, cough o sneeze
3. Drug of Choice for an inflamed pleura that rub together: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
4. A condition that refers to the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity: Pleural effusion
5. A condition that refers to presence of air in the lungs: Pneumothorax
6. Refers to the presence of blood in the thoracic cavity approximately 900ml: Hemothorax
7. A treatment of choice for presence of fluid in the pleural cavity: Thoracentesis
8. Normal pleural fluid: 5-15 ml
9. A chronic inflammatory condition in the respiratory tract that results to hyperresponsive airways.
10. Refers to increase eosinophils in the blood: Eosinophilia
11. Give at least one drug of choice given to patients with asthma: Ventolin
12. Atelectasis, which refers to closure or collapse of alveoli, may be acute or chronic in nature. What are
possible causes of atelectasis in a postoperative patient? Pre-existing lung or neuromuscular disease,
Use of general anesthesia, Duration of surgery, poor post- operative pain control, Prolonged bed rest.
13. Identify at least 5 nursing measures that can be used to prevent atelectasis.
1. ➢ Change patient position frequently to promote ventilation ➢ Perform postural and
Institute suctioning
2. ➢ Encourage deep breathing and coughing

3. ➢ Encourage early mobilization and ambulation

4. ➢ Prevent secretion from accumulating

14. Matching Type
Column A Column B

F Albuterol a. Mast cell stabilizers

C Ipratropium Bromide b. Leukotrine modifier

C Combivent c. Anticholinergic agents

D Theophylline d. Methylxanthine

E Montelukast e. Combination of beta adrenergic agonist agent

A Cromolyn Sodium f. Beta2-adrenergic agonist agent

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• Save as PDF then submit to my email .ph until tomorrow (Sept 29) 11:30am.

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