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is a nonprofit organization
whose mission is to inform and
educate while providing a global
forum for emergency response
Annual Membership is Affordable! professionals from all sectors of
the transportation industry
including airlines and airports,
“I joined AERO because there $60/Individual cruise and rail lines, insurers,
simply isn’t any other group that $150/Corporate (up to three people) brokers, third-party suppliers and
has the wide-range of aviation government agencies.
crisis experts in the world. No
matter what crisis I am planning
For more information please AERO also provides materials
contact Mark Chaney: that lend guidance to members
for – or dealing with – I know on enhancing their organization's
that one of my fellow AERO emergency planning and
members has been there and response capabilities.
done that!”

AERO Membership Benefits
You get a wide range of resources from your
$60 Annual AERO membership, including:
•  Access to experts in aviation disaster
recovery – from regulators to fellow
airline managers, first responders to
insurance representatives
•  Unparalleled expertise – AERO
members have been on the front lines
of thousands of disasters from plane
crashes to mass shootings
“AERO members AERO Services
provide the You will be able to utilize the hundreds of
years of experiences shared by your fellow
Focus Areas knowledge, experience AERO members
•  Emergency Response Planning and
•  Resiliency, Response and and seasoned Training
Drafting principles and guidelines for leadership you need •  Web-based educational information
effective incident response plans •  Contacts across the wide panorama of
when a crisis strikes. industry crisis managers and responders
•  Communications and Social
Media Developing a media relations You are not alone.” AERO Members and
and communications strategy in Participants
today’s 24/7 media environment
You will be among industry leaders at
•  Humanitarian Assistance AERO
Providing critical support and •  International, national, regional, charter
assistance plans for victims and their and cargo air carriers
•  Former Federal Regulators from the
•  Education and Training FAA and NTSB
Training personnel to react quickly •  Insurance Brokers and Aviation Lawyers
and effectively in any crisis
•  Airport Fire and Medical First
•  Exercises Responders
From tabletops to full on role- •  Airport leaders, planners and crisis
playing, the key to effective managers
preparedness is practice, practice
and practice some more

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