Innovation Project - Kertas Cadangan

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1.0 Name of Innovation

This innovation is called as aMaze-ing Quest, a digital mini dungeon exploring adventure
that takes inspiration from the Dungeons & Dragons board game to test and improve pupils’
understanding and usage of past tense in their writing and speaking.

2.0 Objectives

Time and temporality are grammar skills in English Language that are very important in
order to provide a broad base for insight on the distinction between what has been done,
what is being done, and what will be done. In relation to time, tenses are used in order to
specify when a situation is taking place and express the perception of reality[ CITATION
Tsv19 \l 1033 ].

The past is important. It is where people are all from. Past tense are used to describe most
of people’s personal experiences, as well as things that have happened to other people.
There is also an entire academic field devoted to studying the past: history, but language
about past events is not just found in history texts. Many academic texts use past tenses to
discuss things that happened before right now[ CITATION Dav18 \l 1033 ].

Therefore, in order to make sure that pupils master the usage of past tense and later the
whole of English Language itself, I have chosen to focus on making the pupils use past
tense as much as they can. Of course, I will make sure that their learning will be a
meaningful one while at the same time making it a fun learning environment so that they will
retain the knowledge learnt for much longer.

This project aims to:

2.1 To improve pupils’ understanding of past tense in their writing and speaking
2.2 To improve pupils’ usage of past tense in their writing and speaking skills.
2.3 To help teachers to assess the pupils knowledge and usage on past tense in a
creative and interactive way.
3.0 Implementation Strategy

This project can be used and implemented inside a classroom in order to test the pupils from
each year on how proficient they are on the usage of past tense, but I decided that I will do
this project during the English Club meeting, which is a weekly co-curricular activity in this
school that consists of pupils from year 4 to 6. Since I am prioritising meaningful and fun
learning, it would be best if I implement it as an out of class activity first before it is
implemented in the proper classroom.

Pupils these days hardly ever play board games anymore or anything of the like so I will first
introduce to them what is a board game, and then proceed to informing them about the
project; how to play, the rules, and a small demonstration. Then I will go through all the
question types that will be put inside the project so that pupils know exactly what to expect
and how to answer the questions. Then the pupils will be divided into groups before the
game will start.

4.0 Justification

Many children play games. Most notably, in the twenty first century, these games are digital
in appearance and played across a variety of platforms [ CITATION Ham17 \l 1033 ]. Gaming
can form an immense part of a child’s identity development as they grow through their
childhood and beyond. The digital games they play frequently offer continuous player
feedback as well as propose challenge and clear pathways for progress. Additionally, the
player learns to fail in order to progress within the game. Games capture fun, mystery,
surprise, uncertainty, exploration and abstract risk – they develop resilience, mastery and
problem solving capability in something that is voluntarily engaged with by the child
[ CITATION Fot17 \l 1033 ].

Games have a special role in any foreign language teaching programme because they
facilitate foreign language learning especially for young learners. Games have become
crucially important for English language learners and teachers not only because they
provide enjoyment and relaxation, but also as they encourage students to use their language
in a creative and communicative manner. Similarly, Sungurtekin, Sezer, Bağçeli-Kahraman
and Sadioğlu (2009: p. 756) explain that “by playing games, a child makes acquaintance
with his environment, learns life and gains new instructions.”

Games provide language teachers with many advantages when they are used in
classroom. One of these advantages is that learners are motivated to learn the language
when they are in a game. McCallum (1980, p. ix) emphasizes this point by suggesting that
“games automatically stimulate student interest, a properly introduced game can be one of
the highest motivating techniques.” Avedon (1971; Quoted in Deesri, 2002, p. 2) further
argues that “games spur motivation and students get very absorbed in the competitive
aspects of the games; moreover, they try harder at games than in other courses”. In other
words, games stimulate students’ interest in classroom activities and as a result, students
become motivated and willing to learn.

5.0 Target Group

The target group of this project is the members of the school’s English Club, which are pupils
from year 4 to 6.

6.0 Date and Duration of Implementation

This project will be implemented during the school’s co-curricular activity session in the
afternoon for the members of English Club. I will be observing the pupils throughout the
implementation of the project, and I will be using a checklist in order to find out how
successful the implementation of the project is.

Date: 12th March 2020

Place: Year 6 Classroom (the meeting place of the members of the English Club),
Sekolah Kebangsaan Tambay

Number of pupils: 15 pupils

7.0 Estimated Cost

Items Units Price Unit Total Unit
1. Laptop 1 Own Property -
2. LCD Projector 1 School Property -
3. Printed out Character 3 RM0.20 RM0.60
Tokens (A4 paper) (1 for each
4. Electricity costs (estimated by - RM20
the hour)
5. Internet costs (estimated by - RM20
the hour)
8.0 Financial Implication

This project is mostly done using the application of Microsoft Powerpoint in a laptop, which is
why the costs in making the project are leaning heavily towards the electricity costs and the
internet costs. Time has been put into making sure that I found the right pictures needed to
make the project, and time has also been put into ensuring that the game’s flow is correct
and smooth. Not including the electricity and internet costs, this project is actually very
affordable and very easy to be produced, only time and creativity becomes the main
constraint into making the project. Therefore, I believe the selling price for this product will be
around RM5 in order to compensate for the time spent, among other things.

9.0 List of Committee Members

Headmaster Bohan bin Dilah

Senior Administrative Assistant Dennis Nur Amin Abdullah
Student Affairs Senior Assistant Siti Aminah binti Abdul Rahman
Co-Curriculum Senior Assistant Mustakim bin Mohamed
Subject Teacher Diana Nur Menau binti Jantan
Mentor Teacher Diana Nur Menau binti Jantan
Supervisor Lecturer Madam Low Moi Jun
Trainee Teacher Yusnida binti Abu Bakar
Class Involved Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils in the
English Language Society
10.0 Schedule of Implementation

No. Date Activity

 Planning and making draft of the project, giving
1. 25 February 2020
it the name of “aMaze-ing Quest”
 Developing the project which includes finding
2. 26 February 2020 pictures, arranging the pictures, sequencing the
pictures, and putting up the questions
 Improvising the innovation project proposal to
3. 2 March 2020
suit the changes done towards the innovation
 Giving the proposal to the mentor teacher for
4. 5 March 2020
further action
 Implementing the innovation during the co-
curricular activities session for the members of
the English Club
5. 12 March 2019  Showing the final product to the mentor teacher
and having discussion on how the
implementation was done in order to do any
6. 27 March 2019 Submission of the innovation project report

11.0 Monitoring

I have taken notes during the internship briefing done prior to the internship period, paying
close attention to the part regarding the innovation project. These notes, combined with the
past examples of the innovation projects done by other teacher trainees are what I referred
to as my guidelines. I have also done some discussion with the mentor teacher as well as
always asking for opinions for improvements from my practicum mate. I also constantly seek
for aids from my other classmates and have done changes in order to produce a better
12.0 Contingency Plan

This project includes the use of electricity in almost all of its aspects, therefore it is prudent to
say that this project depends on electricity – without it the project cannot be done
successfully. In order to make sure that the project can be done without electricity, the
dependency on electricity can be removed at the cost of money spent on materials. Since
basically the project is based on pictures found in the internet, one can easily print them out
so that it can be a physical material instead of a digital one, but then it will not be as
engaging as digital material.

The pictures will have to printed out bigger because resizing pictures once printed will be an
issue in the long run, the map of the game will have to be printed much bigger in order to
accommodate to the bigger pictures, and the questions will have to be written down on small
cards for easier access to the pupils. In short, my contingency plan for this project is to
convert it from digital into physical, in order to remove the dependency on electricity.

13.0 Project Evaluation

This project will be evaluated by my mentor teacher, Madam Diana, and my supervising
lecturer, Madam Low Moi Jun. Their comments and feedbacks will be able to help me reflect
on what has been done on the project and improve it for further implementations in the
future. I hope that I can produce an improvement on the project after taking consideration of
the comments that I will be getting from both of them. This project will be evaluated by using
the checklist that I have included in Appendix 2.
Prepared by, Checked by,

________________ _________________
Teacher trainee, Mentor,
Institut Pendidikan Guru, English teacher,
Kampus Tun Abdul Razak. Sekolah Kebangsaan Tambay

Verified by,

Sekolah Kebangsaan Tambay.
14.0 Gantt Chart

Internship Week
Date Activity
1 2 3 4
 Planning and making draft of the card
25 February
game, giving it initial name of “What is
That Verb?”

 Developing the card game which

26 February
includes producing the cards itself,
printing and laminating

 Improvising the innovation project

proposal to suit the changes done
2 March 2020
towards the innovation

 Giving the proposal to the mentor
5 March 2020
teacher for further action
 Implementing the innovation during the
co-curricular activities session for the
members of the English Language
11 March Society
2019  Showing the final product to the
mentor teacher and having discussion
on how the implementation was done
in order to do any improvements.
27 March Submission of the innovation project
2019 report
15.0 Checklist

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