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1) OBTAIN GET to receive; to buy

2) REQUEST ASK FOR to demand

3) INEXPENSIVE CHEAP low in price; not expensive

4) CHILDREN KIDS young humans who is not yet an adult

5) FINALLY IN THE END used when talking about the last in a series of actions

6) INFORM TELL to give someone information

7) CONTACT GET IN TOUCH to communicate with somebody

8) RESIDE LIVE to have your home in a particular place

9) INCORRECT WRONG not right; mistaken

10) INITIALLY AT FIRST at the beginning

11) APPEAR SEEM to have a particular quality

12) REQUIRE NEED to feel that you want something very much

13) OPPORTUNITY CHANCE a possibility

14) DEMOSTRATE SHOW to let something be seen; to present or display sth

15) THEREFORE SO for that reason

16) COMMENCE BEGIN to start doing something

appear contact inform require

ask for demonstrate initially reside

at first finally kids seem

begin get live show

chance get in touch need so

cheap in the end obtain tell

children incorrect opportunity therefore

commence inexpensive request wrong

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