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1. An object rests on a horizontal floor. The coefficient static friction is 0.

4 and
acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2. Determine (a) The maximum force of the static
friction (b) The minimum force of F 


Known :

(m) = 1 kg

The coefficient static friction (μs) = 0.4

The acceleration of gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s 2

Weight (w) = m g = (1 kg)(10 m/s2) = 10 kg m/s2 = 10 Newton

Normal force (N) = w = 10 Newton

Wanted :

(a) The maximum force of the static friction (b) The minimum force of F

Solution :

(a) The maximum force of the static friction

fs = μs N

fs = (0.4)(9.8 N) = 3.92 Newton

(b) The minimum force of F

If the force F is exerted on the object but the object isn’t moved, so there must be
the force of static friction exerted by the floor on the object. If the object will start
to move, the force of the static friction is exceeded, there must be the force of the
kinetic friction. Object start moves if F is greater than the maximum force of the
static friction.

So the minimum force of F = maximum force of the static friction = 3.92 Newton.

2. 1 kg box is pulled along a horizontal surface by a force F, so the box is moving

at a constant velocity. If the coefficient kinetic friction is 0.1, determine the
magnitude of the force F! (g = 9.8 m/s2)

Known :

The coefficient kinetic friction (μk) = 0.1

Box’s mass (m) = 1 kg

Acceleration of gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s2

Weight (w) = m g = (1 kg)(9.8 m/s2) = 9.8 kg m/s2 = 9.8 Newton

Normal force (N) = w = 9.8 Newton

Wanted : F

Solution :

Newton’s first law states that if no net force acts on an object, every object
continues in it’s state of rest, or constant velocity in a straight line.

So if the object moves at a constant velocity, there must no net force (ΣF = 0).
Force F is exerted on the object in the right direction so that the force of the kinetic
friction is exerted on the object to the left direction.

∑F = 0

F – fk = 0

F = fk

The force of the kinetic friction :

fk = μk N = (0.1)(9.8 N) = 0.98 Newton

object moves with constant velocity, F = fk = 0.98 Newton

Read :  Resolve initial velocity into horizontal and vertical components of projectile motion

3. An object slides down an inclined plane with constant velocity. Determine

coefficient kinetic friction (μk). g = 9.8 m/s2


w = weight, wx = horizontal component of weight, points along the incline, w y =

vertical component of weight, perpendicular to the inclined plane, N = normal
force, f

k = the force of the kinetic friction.

Known :

Mass (m) = 1 kg

Acceleration of gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s2

weight (w) = m g = (1 kg)(9.8 m/s2) = 9.8 kg m/s2 = 9.8 Newton

wx = w sin 30o = (9.8 N)(0.5) = 4.9 Newton

wy = w cos 30o = (9.8 N)(0.5)√3 = 4.9√3 Newton

Normal force (N) = wy = 4.9√3 Newton

Wanted : coefficient kinetic friction (μk)

Solution :
Object slides down an inclined plane with constant velocity so that the net force =

∑F = 0

w x – fk = 0

w x = fk

wx = μ k N

5 = μk (5√3)

μk = 5 / 5√3

μk = 1 /√3

μk = 0.58

olved Examples
Q.1: A boy is playing with the football. Compute the kinetic friction here, if the friction
coefficient is 0.5 and the football is kicked with the force of 150 N?


Given here,

Coefficient of friction μk =0.5\mu_k  = 0.5μk =0.5,

Normal forceFn F_nFn = 150 N,

The Kinetic friction is computed as,

Fk=μkFnF_k = \mu_k F_n Fk=μkFn

Fk=0.5×150F_k = 0.5 \times 150Fk=0.5×150

kinetic friction = 75 N

Q.2: A car is moving at a uniform speed with the normal force of 1000 N. If the kinetic
friction applied on this car is 500 N. Then compute the coefficient of the kinetic friction
involved here?

Answer: Known:
Normal force Fn=1000NF_n = 1000 NFn=1000N,

Kinetic frictionFk=500N F_k = 500 NFk=500N,

Formula for, the coefficient of kinetic energy is:

Fk=μkFnF_k = \mu_k F_n Fk=μkFn

Rearranging it,

μk=FkFn\mu_k = \frac{F_k}{F_n} μk=FnFk

μk=5001000\mu_k = \frac{500}{1000}μk=1000500

coefficient of the kinetic friction = 0.5

Question 1: An object having a mass of 10 kg is placed on a smooth surface. Static

friction between these two surfaces is given as the 15 N. Find the coefficient of static



m = 10 kg

F = 30 N

μs = ?

We know that,

Normal force, N = mg

So, N = 10× 9.81 = 98.1 N

The formula for coefficient of static friction is,

μs = F/N

μs= 30/98.1

μs = 0.305

Question 2: The normal force and the static frictional force of an object are 50 N and 80
N respectively. Find the coefficient of static friction?


N = 50 N

F = 80 N and μs = ?

The formula for coefficient of static friction is

μs = F /N

μs = 80/50

μs = 1.6

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