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30 © Present continuous ) Grammar Future time (present continuous, will, be going to, present simple) For the form of the present continuous, see Unit 1. Example We're driving to Berin tis weekend, * Things we want todo in the future but have not arranged ate called ‘intentions’. We do not Use the Present continuous for intentions. We use be going to instead, x i : * We do not use the present continuous for predictions. We use will or be going to instead, x 4 2 Wil + bare infinitive statement negative question Vyou/ne/she/it/werthey will ('N)_/you/ne/she/t/we/they will not Will /you/he/she/it/weAthey go .. fi setts saa a won't) go Use 7 Example Facts about te future The new airport will be the biggest in Europe. | Predictions Youll have a great time inthe Bahamas, Offers and requests We'll w Jee Ip you get ready for. your ur holiday. + With offers which ate questions, we lise Shall * We do not use will for arrangements, with and we, X Welll- visit my-grandme-this weekend: ¥ Shall | drive you to the airport? be going to + bare infitve eeaenient i negative question 1am (m) not going to travel... Am! going to travel ..? | He/she i (5) going to rave... Ho/se/tis not (isn't/'s not) \s he/she/it going to travel? i ‘going to travel... foufwe/hey are re) going to You/wethey are not (aren't/'re not) Are you/we/they going to travel? travel... i “going to travel.. a Use ___ Example Intentions : Precictions (often with e we can see) I's going to rain, so take an umbrella Facts about the future ‘The new airport is going to be the biggest in Europe. Present sinple_eeceeetecneeeene ee ceemeean ne For the form ofthe present simple, see Unit 1, Exai | Timetabies “My plane leaves at six Present continuous, wil, be going to, present simple Unit 7 Look at Shelley's diary and use the prompts to write sentences. Use the correct form of the present continuous 1 On Monday, she ../S meeting Alison at Friends Cafe 2 On Tuesday, she 8 going shopping with her mum 3. On Wednesday, she is.cate! 4. On Thursday, she !s.spending the day. with ~ Charlie in Bringhton catch-train—home— | Teo work ad's shop al ———— nnn Bu. ae 6 On Saturday, she is working in her da 5 On Friday, she ..8.catching, the train home at 10 am s shop Complete using will or shall and the verbs in the box. You may have to use some negative forms, be + come * find * have * lend live « take * visit This year, more than a million tourists .......Mll visit our local area. Im sure we ...... Wl fing, suusnume YOUr bag Soon, Where did you last see it? ce ne YOU 4 me some money until Saturday? Everything on the menu looks delicious! Erm... 1... NAVE. ......uun Chicken Kiev, please. One day, people : . ON Mars in special buildings. No, there wont be; ...any problems with delivering your new furniture next week. Shale We at six to help you get things ready for dinner? 1 2 a 4 5 |... you to the bus station, if you like. 6 7 8 {ce} ‘Complete using the correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets. You may have to use some negative forms. When | grow up, I....2@.90i9 {0 Play... (play) guitar in a rock group! Rick and Mark ....2° start... (start) going to the gym twice a week. Lauren (tell) her mum about what happened? ic aenigoing to look. (look) on the Internet for information about snowboarding. No, Nadine .../8""t going te invite... (invite) everyone from class -just her close friends. 1S som Harry 2219 f0.Pe. (be) ready on time or not? Careful You... 28 90a lbh... (break) something wth that ball Go outside! | down... lie down) for half an hour. Call me at six o'clock. oy anroene 31 [D} Complete using the correct present simple form of the verbs in the box. arrive * come leave * take ‘Tm so excited about my holiday! My plane (1) ......!€2%8S.00.cccnn the airport here at nine o'clock and we (2) aii in Paris two hours later. We then 3). san the train from the airport to the city, We'll have a great week, and then we (4) «back on the 17. | can't wait” [E} Circte the correct word or phrase. Oscar says he is doing {will do}the washing-up after dinner. tm a bit scared because gYuill see the dentist this afternoon, What @EEYOURoIE tdoy do you do this evening? Shall you tell {Will you tell fupert m sorry about yesterday? My dad will grow {is going to grows beard, but my mum doesn't like the idea. | have to revise tonight because wefare having)/ will have an exam tomorrow, lam remembering is day for the rest of my life! Do you go fre you going Jo Australia next Christmas? Im sure you are passing Awill pass Spur driving test. Don't worry. 'Fyou want me to, (WilTcomplainy am going to complain to the manager about it, [F} Choose the correct answer. Seworaousene 1 ‘Have you made plans for the summer?" OS oenemnnnne tO Spain.” AWe'll go we're going CWe go. 2 ‘We're moving house tomorrov.” ‘Really? you with the furniture. Al help B'm helping 3 ‘Do you need this paintbrush" ‘Ah, yes .. somsit to me, please?” ADoyoupass (B\Willyoupass —_C Are you passing 4 ‘What do you want to be when you grow up, Stevie?” pe a scientist. That's what | want to do, anyway.’ Albe @'m going tobe — Crmbeing 5. ‘John is a better player than Martin, isn't he? ‘Ob, yes... . the match tomorrow, | expect.’ Geet win B He wins C He's winning 6 ‘The weather has been terrible, hasn't it?” ‘Yes, | think .. again later.” its going torain B it’s raining Citrains 32

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