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Line-mixing effect on NH3 line intensities

Article in Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer · November 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2013.04.021


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3 authors:

Hassen Aroui Kawther Ben Mabrouk

Université de Tunis Photovoltaic Laboratory, Research and Tech…


Rahma boussessi Boussessi

Spanish National Research Council


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Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283

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Line-mixing effect on NH3 line intensities

H. Aroui n, K. Ben Mabrouk, R. Boussassi
Laboratoire de Dynamique Moléculaire et Matériaux Photoniques, UR11ES03, Université de Tunis,
Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis, 5 Av Taha Hussein, 1008 Tunis, Tunisia

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: Line intensities belonging to nine branches of the ν2, 2ν2 and ν4 vibrational bands of
Received 5 December 2012 ammonia have been measured between 1000 and 2000 cm−1. The laboratory spectra at
Received in revised form room temperature (T ¼ 295 K) were recorded using a high-resolution Fourier transform
16 April 2013
spectrometer Bruker IFS 120 HR.
Accepted 18 April 2013
More than 460 lines with J≤12 were analyzed using a non-linear least-squares multi-
Available online 24 April 2013
pressure fitting procedure. The fits were performed with and without including the line
Keywords: mixing effects using 11 experimental spectra recorded at different pressures of pure NH3.
Line intensity On average the line intensities uncertainty is estimated to be 2%. The dependence of the
line intensities on the J and K quantum numbers is discussed. The effect of line mixing on
Line mixing
the line intensities is analyzed as a function of the rotational quantum numbers, of the
Transition moment
Coriolis interactions branches, and of the bands.
On average the values of line intensities obtained in the ν4 band when taking into
account line mixing have been found to be 6% smaller than those obtained using the Voigt
The transition dipole moments squared, determined for each line from the measured
intensities, exhibit significant rotational dependencies which are mainly caused by
vibration–rotation interactions. These moments are discussed as a function of vibrational
and rotational states. Finally the measurements are compared with previous measure-
ments and with values from spectroscopic databases.
The whole set of line intensities and transition dipole moments are given as supplementary
data for use in spectroscopic databases.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction atmospheric concentrations, high resolution molecular spec-

troscopy studies in laboratories are necessary for the improve-
Infrared spectra of ammonia have been extensively ment of atmospheric databases [8–10].
studied in the past in order to measure line positions, An important number of studies at high resolution have
line intensities, and pressure broadening coefficients [1–4]. been published concerning the line intensities in several
Precise knowledge of these parameters is useful for the bands of NH3. Markov et al. [11] have measured line
interpretation of high resolution infrared spectra of terrestrial, intensities in the ν1 and the ν3 bands using a difference
planetary, and stellar atmospheres. Ammonia has been frequency laser. In Ref. [12] Pine and Dang-Nhu analyzed
detected in the atmospheres of Jupiter [5] and Saturn [6], the line intensities obtained in the Ref. [11] to derive band
and in the Earth's atmosphere [7]. In order to retrieve accurate strengths, transition moments and Herman–Wallis correc-
tion factors responsible of Coriolis interactions between
the ν1 and ν3 bands.
Nakanaga et al. [13] have obtained line strengths in the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +216 71496066; fax: +216 71391166. P and R branches of the ν2 band using a Fourier Transform
E-mail address: (H. Aroui). (FT) spectrometer. The same experimental method has

0022-4073/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
274 H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283

been used by Fabian and Yamada [14] which have mea- the v4 ¼1s state (symmetric level) through Coriolis interac-
sured line intensities for a great number of transitions in tions between the v4 ¼1a state and close-lying v2 ¼2s state.
the ν2 band. They have deduced the transition dipole Theses interactions cause drastic changes in line intensities
moments and the Herman–Wallis parameters responsible due to the presence of cross-terms in the transition dipole
on the vibration–rotation interactions in this band. A moment operator [19].
microwave sideband CO2 laser spectrometer was used by The experimental and fitting procedures are described
Chu et al. [15] to measure the strengths of a series of lines in Sections 2 and 3, respectively. The line intensities and
in the ν2 band. Hadded et al. [16] have measured line the transition dipole moments squared are determined
intensities for some inversion doublets in the PP branch of as a function of J and K quantum numbers in Section 4.
the ν4 band: in their work, the need to take into account Section 5 is devoted to the discussion and analysis of
the line mixing effects in the determination of the line the data.
parameters has been clearly demonstrated. Using a Voigt
profile and simple theoretical formulas derived by the
contact transformation method applied to the dipole 2. Experimental details
moment operator, Aroui et al. have measured line inten-
sities in the ν2 [17] and ν4 [18] bands of NH3 using an FT The high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer Bru-
spectrometer. From their intensity measurements, they ker IFS 120 HR was used to record self-perturbed spectra of
were able to determine transition dipole moments, band NH3 at room temperature (T¼29571 K) in the ν2, 2ν2 and ν4
strengths, and Herman–Wallis parameters for the ν2 and bands covering the spectral range 1000–2000 cm−1. This
ν4 bands. interferometer has a maximum optical path difference
Line intensities and self-broadening coefficients have (MOPD) of up to 473.68 cm (maximum resolution¼
been determined for 20 transitions in the 2ν2 and ν4 bands 0.0019 cm−1). This instrument has all the equipments
of NH3 using a diode laser spectrometer [19]. The forbid- required to operate from the far infrared to the ultraviolet.
den Δk¼ 72 transition intensities in the v4 vibrational Here, it was equipped with a globar source, an MCT photo-
state of NH3 have been measured from the FT spectra using voltaic detector cooled with liquid nitrogen down to 77 K, a
a multipass White-type cell [20]. These intensity data have KBr beamsplitter and an optical filter limiting the light to the
been analyzed using the contact transformation method. spectral region of 1000–2250 cm−1. The spectra were
Line intensities of 33 transitions in the ν4 band of 15NH3 recorded with an entrance aperture diameter of 1.15 mm, a
have been measured using a diode laser spectrometer [21]. 40 kHz scanner frequency, and an MOPD of 225 cm. Accord-
The interpretation, based on the third-order theory of line ing to the Bruker definition of spectral resolution, this MOPD
strengths [22], yields transition moments and the band corresponds to a resolution of 0.004 cm−1 with a Gaussian
intensity of the ν4 band. About 1000 line intensities of the shape for the apparatus function.
ν1, ν3, and 2ν4 bands of NH3 were measured and modeled The gas was contained in a stainless steel gas cell
to 11 terms of the transition dipole moment expansion by equipped with CaF2 windows with a path-length of
Kleiner et al. [23]. Their model allowed them to predict ℓ ¼ 25 7 0:1 mm. Samples of ammonia in natural abun-
about 2700 line intensities in these bands. dances were provided by “Air Liquide France” with stated
CO2 laser-microwave double resonance spectroscopy purities of 98.5% and without further purification. Spectra
was applied to determine the precise dipole moment in were recorded at a series of 11 pressures ranging from 6 to
the ground state of NH3 [24]. Line intensity calculations 142 mbar (6.0, 10.0, 15.0, 18.6, 31.0, 43.0, 61.0, 81.0, 98.0,
were performed by Yurchenko et al. [25] for ammonia 120.0, 142.0 mbar). The pressures of the gas were measured
spectra covering a large infrared region. Recently line accurately by employing three capacitance MKS Baratron
intensities of 22 ammonia transitions belonging to the ν2 manometers. The accuracy of these calibrated manometers,
fundamental band have been undertaken at different as stated by the manufacturer, is 0.5% of the readout.
temperatures using FT spectra [26]. From this non- With respect to the adsorption on the cell walls,
exhaustive list of previous studies, some of them will be ammonia sample pressures were allowed to thermalize
used in the present work to be compared with our new and stabilize for sufficient time (while monitoring the
measurements. pressure in the cell) before the spectrum of the sample
The goal of the present paper is to provide line was recorded, typically between a few minutes for high
intensities for the ν2, 2ν2 and ν4 bands of 14NH3 at room pressures, and up to about several hours for low pressures.
temperature, with particular focus on the effect of line All spectra were obtained by averaging 100 interferometer
mixing on line intensities. More than 460 line intensities scans with a signal-to-noise ratio of about 200. Every
have been measured in these bands using a high resolu- interferogram was transformed into a spectrum using the
tion FT spectrometer of the “Laboratoire de Photophysique procedure included in the Bruker software OPUS package
Moléculaire (LPPM)” in Orsay, France. A multi-pressure [27] with the Mertz phase error correction method [28].
fitting procedure [16] has been used to adjust a set of The number of spectra was chosen in order to have a
spectroscopic line parameters until reproducing experi- sufficient information on all line parameters when analyz-
mental spectra. The transition dipole moments squared ing a transition using the multi-pressure fitting procedure.
were determined from the measured line intensities. An overview of the detailed experimental conditions is
The absorption of ammonia in the studied spectral region given in Table 1. Note that almost the spectra have
is mainly due to the ν2, ν4 and 2ν2 bands. Energy levels of the previously been used in Refs. [17,18,29] but without
v4 ¼ 1a state (antisymmetric levels) are pushed away from including line mixing effect.
H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283 275

Table 1
Listing of experimental conditions used in recording spectra of NH3 at a
temperature at T ¼ 295 K.
Experimental parameters Value

Resolution (cm−1) 0.004
Maximum optical path difference (cm) 225 0.6
Collimator focal length (mm) 418
Scanner frequency 40 kHz 0.4
Scan number 100
Aperture diameter (mm) 1.15 0.2
Useful spectra domain (cm−1) 1000–2000
NH3 pressure From 6 to 142 mbar
1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660
Wavenumber (cm-1)
For all recorded spectra the entire optical path of the Fig. 1. Transmittance spectrum of NH3 in the region between 1593 and
spectrometer was continuously evacuated with a cryogenic 1665 cm−1 of the 2ν2 and ν4 bands at the pressure of 18.6 mbar.
pump to remove residual CO2 and H2O in the interferometer.
The transmittance at wavenumber s was calculated from the
measured intensities by the usual ratio of recordings with
and without the gas sample.
The observed data contain transitions of the ν2 parallel
and ν4 perpendicular fundamental bands centered at 950
and 1626 cm−1 respectively, and transitions of the 2ν2
parallel overtone near 1597.470 and 1882.179 cm−1 (for s
and a inversion states, respectively).
An entire transmittance spectrum of NH3 in the region
between 1000 and 2000 cm−1 is shown in Fig. 1 which
shows the ν2, 2ν2 and ν4 bands at the pressure of 18.6 mbar.
Fig. 2 represents a zoom of Fig. 1. It shows an overview of
transmittance spectrum in the ν4 band in the region between
1593 and 1665 cm−1.

Fig. 2. Whole transmittance spectrum of NH3 in the region between

1000 and 2200 cm−1 illustrating the three bands ν2, 2ν2 and ν4 bands
3. Fitting procedure under pressure of 15 mbar. Wavenumbers around 1050 cm−1, 1550 cm−1
and 1750 cm−1 are assigned to the ν2, ν4 and 2ν2 bands.
A multi-pressure fitting procedure has been used to
retrieve line strengths by fitting 11 spectra recorded at
different pressures. This procedure consists of a nonlinear the collisional absorption coefficient α(s) given by Eq. (1)
least-squares method in which line parameters (position, with the FT spectrometer apparatus function FApp and the
intensity, broadening, line mixing parameter and baseline) Doppler profile αDop.
were determined by fitting small interval frequency with Z þ∞
widths depending upon the complexity of the considered
τC ðsÞ ¼ F App ðs−s′Þ
region. A single run of a FORTRAN code is enough to fit −∞
successively all sample pressures and to obtain these  Z þ∞ 
parameters for each of the 11 spectra. exp −ℓ αDop ðs′−s″Þαðs″Þds″ ds′ ð2Þ
These spectra recorded at moderately low pressures
were analyzed by taking into account line mixing effects. The parameter deduced from the fits for a line k are γ k ,
Within the impact theory of the spectral shape, the sk , Sk , and Y k . These parameters have been iteratively
collisional absorption coefficient α(s) is assumed to be adjusted by the multi-pressure fitting procedure to obtain
described by a Rosenkranz profile [30–34]: the best agreement between the experimental and calcu-
P PY k ðs−sk Þ þ Pγ k lated absorption profile. This procedure can fit several
αðsÞ ¼ ∑ S ; ð1Þ lines simultaneously. This was the case of several sets of
π lines k k ðs−sk Þ2 þ ðPγ k Þ2
overlapped lines of the studied bands. Results concerning
where k represents the line viJiKi- vfJfKf, Sk its intensity in self-broadening, line shifts and line mixing parameters
cm−2 atm−1, sk its wavenumber in cm−1 including the have been published in previous publications [29] for
collisional shift, γk its broadening coefficient in cm−1 atm−1, about 330 lines of the ν2, 2ν2 and ν4 bands.
and Yk, in atm−1 is its line-mixing parameter. The fits of the An example of multi-pressure fitting procedure with
recorded spectra have been performed with (Yk≠0) and and without including line mixing for four pressures in
without (Yk ¼0) taking into account line mixing effects. the case of the aR(3,3) line of the 2ν2 band, and the two
Experimental transmittance spectra were analyzed components of the asR(4,4) inversion doublet of the
using the following expression which is a convolution of ν4 band at various pressures is shown in Fig. 3a and b.
276 H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283

Fig. 3. (a) Multis-pressure fits of pure NH3 spectra for the aR(3,3) line of the 2ν2 band, and the components of the asR(4,4) inversion doublet of the ν4 band
at various pressures. (—) and () are the measured and calculated spectra with the inclusion of line mixing effect. Residual (measured minus calculated)
spectra are shown in the lower part of graphs. The line center of the aR(3,3) line shifts toward higher frequencies, whereas the components of the asR(4,4)
are shifting toward each other. (b) The same as (a) but without the inclusion of line mixing effect showing large discrepancies between measured and
calculated spectra.

Measured minus calculated deviations are given in the two inversion components of the asR(4,4) are shifting
lower part of the plots. On the other hand these figures toward each other; they have opposite sign of shift. As
illustrate the strong shifting of the line centers: the aR(3,3) explained in Ref. [29], this mutual interaction is a char-
line center shifts toward higher frequencies, whereas the acteristic of line-mixing.
H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283 277

In Fig. 3a, one can observe that at P¼ 10 mbar, for parentheses. The assignments of the lines considered in
example, taking into account line-mixing effects do not Table 2 and supplementary data are taken from Ref. [3] for
improve significantly the fitted spectra since the pressure the 2ν2 and ν4 bands and from Ref. [36] for the ν2 band.
is not high enough to allow the overlap of lines. However, The main sources of uncertainties in the determination of
at higher pressures P ¼61, 98 and 142 mbar, we can see line intensity parameters arise from the perturbation due to
obviously at Fig. 3b that fitting spectra without line-mixing the baseline location, the line shape model used, the gas
leads to an important residuals which are reduced sig- purity, and the approximations done by accounting for
nificantly when line-mixing effects are taken into account. instrumental distortions. The results for some transitions
From these figures the need to take into account the line are not given since their profiles are significantly overlapped
mixing effects is clearly highlighted. by neighboring lines (NH3 or residual H2O lines). The mean
One can attempt to improve the precision of the dataset values of the accuracies are estimated to be about 2%, 4% and
and to reduce the fit residuals by taking Dicke narrowing 3% for the ν2, 2ν2 and ν4 bands respectively evaluated as one
and speed-dependent broadening into account. These two time standard deviation for all measured transitions in this
effects are neglected in this work because; as mentioned work. These experimental uncertainties vary widely depend-
by Pine and Markov [35], they are greatly masked by the ing on the quality of spectral lines, and less blended lines are
large self-broadenings of NH3 with a large dipole moment. better fitted. It should be noted that for very few lines, the
accuracies can attain more than 5%.
When considering all error sources, one can evaluate
4. Line intensities and transition dipole moments the estimated uncertainties as follows. The sample pres-
sure was measured with an accuracy of 0.5%. Taking into
4.1. Line intensities account the adsorption and desorption of NH3, the corre-
sponding contribution to the total uncertainty is estimated
Plots of integrated intensities Sk (cm−2), derived from to 0.8%. The temperature variation during the spectrum
the fit using the Rosenkranz profile given by Eq. (1) by recording contributes to an intensity error of about 0.2%.
taking into account line mixing effects (Yk≠0), as a function The contribution from the cell length (ℓ ¼ 25 7 0:1 mm)
of the NH3 pressure P are shown in Fig. 4 for the PsP(2,1), uncertainty can be estimated to 0.4%. The zero-level
s P(3,1), s P(4,1), s P(6,1) and s P(7,1) lines in the ν4 band. One (determined at high pressure using few saturated lines in
can observe that the straight lines, obtained from linear the ν2 band), contributes to an error of about 0.5%. The
least-squares procedures, go well through the measured total estimated uncertainties are calculated as the square
points. The line intensities S0 (cm−2 atm−1) are derived root of the quadratic sum of the different errors.
from the slopes of these lines. In this graph for PsP(J,1) lines, An overview of Table 2 and supplementary data show
the maximum intensity is obtained for PsP(4,1) line with that, as expected, the 2ν2 line intensities are significantly
J ¼4. smaller than those of the ν2 and ν4. Those of the ν2 band are
The measured line intensities in cm−2 atm−1 for 462 lines much greater than those of the ν4 band. As may be seen in
in the PP, PQ, PR, RP, RQ and RR branches of the ν4 band, in the Table 2 and supplementary data the intensities of transitions
R and Q branches of 2ν2 band as well as in the R branch of with a nuclear spin statistical weight of the lower level gi ¼ 2
the ν2 band are listed in Table 2 and in supplementary data. (K¼3n, n¼1, 2…) are larger than those with gi ¼1 with K≠3n.
Samples of these data concerning the PP branch of the
ν4 band are presented in Table 2.
In this Table we have listed for each line the rotational 4.2. Transition dipole moments
assignment, the position frequency, and the measured line
intensity along with the estimated errors given in The measured line intensities have been used to derive
the transition dipole moments squared of the line under
study using the following expression [22]:
T Z S0 ðJ; KÞ
R2 ¼ ;
3054:8ð1 þ δK;0 Þgi sif exp½−EðJ; KÞ=kT½1−expðhcsif =kTÞHJK

where Z is the total partition function, sif is the wavenumber

of the line under study, Kroneckers symbol δK,0 is used to
take into account the degeneracy of ΔK¼ 71 transitions
from rotational levels with K¼0, h is Planck's constant equal
to 6.6260755  10−27 erg s (1 erg¼10−7 J), c is the speed of
light in vacuum equal to 2.99792458  1010 cm s−1, k is the
Boltzmann constant equal to 1.380658  10−16 erg K−1, and
T¼295 K. HJK is the Höln–London factor whose expressions
depend on the branch under study. These expressions are
Fig. 4. Pressure dependence of the intensity parameter S for the PsP(2,1), given in Ref. [22]. E(J,K) (in cm−1) is the lower rotational
s P(3,1), s P(4,1), s P(6,1) and s P(7,1) lines in the ν4 band of NH3. The slopes
of fit line represent the line intensity. The maximum intensity is obtained
energy of transition. Distinct E(J,K) values, computed using
for PsP(4,1) with J¼ 4. In these graphs the line mixing effect is taken into the rotational constants of Refs. [3,36], have been used for
account. symmetric and asymmetric states.
278 H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283

Table 2
Line intensities (in cm−2 atm−1) and transition dipole moments squared R2 (in Debye2) of NH3 at T ¼ 295 K in the PP branch of
the ν4 band as a function of J and K quantum numbers. The values given in parentheses correspond to the estimated
uncertainties expressed as one time standard deviation.

Transition r0 (cm−1) S0 (cm−2 atm−1) R2 (Debye2)

v4 band—PP(J, K) branch

s P(1,1) 1610.1016 0.1792 (0.0018) 0.001664
a P(1,1) 1610.4090 0.1763 (0.0033) 0.001637
s P(2,1) 1590.6916 0.2651 (0.0022) 0.002016
a P(2,1) 1591.1050 0.2510 (0.0028) 0.001908
s P(2,2) 1594.7907 0.4846 (0.0051) 0.001741
a P(2,2) 1595.0801 0.4611 (0.0036) 0.001656
s P(3,1) 1571.8315 0.3007 (0.0023) 0.002320
a P(3,1) 1572.4882 0.3440 (0.0041) 0.002653
s P(3,2) 1575.8518 0.4563 (0.0046) 0.001996
s P(3,3) 1579.3615 1.3502 (0.0181) 0.001795
a P(3,3) 1579.6363 1.3322 (0.0156) 0.001771
s P(4,1) 1553.6294 0.3290 (0.0037) 0.003024
a P(4,1) 1554.7340 0.3683 (0.0034) 0.003383
a P(4,2) 1558.2494 0.4827 (0.0019) 0.002794
s P(4,3) 1560.8895 1.0930 (0.0120) 0.002062
a P(4,3) 1561.3835 1.0869 (0.0135) 0.002050
s P(4,4) 1563.8239 0.7524 (0.0083) 0.001874
a P(4,4) 1564.0824 0.7285 (0.0098) 0.001814
s P(5,1) 1536.2088 0.3012 (0.0023) 0.003780
a P(5,1) 1538.0102 0.3547 (0.0047) 0.004446
s P(5,2) 1539.7596 0.3660 (0.0042) 0.003102
a P(5,2) 1541.0041 0.3654 (0.0043) 0.003095
s P(5,3) 1542.9798 0.8191 (0.0064) 0.002376
a P(5,3) 1543.8550 0.8629 (0.0064) 0.002501
s P(5,4) 1545.8043 0.5262 (0.0063) 0.002090
a P(5,4) 1546.3315 0.5159 (0.0059) 0.002049
s P(5,5) 1548.1839 0.6731 (0.0079) 0.001816
a P(5,5) 1548.4290 0.6697 (0.0091) 0.001807
s P(6,1) 1519.6627 0.1855 (0.0020) 0.003269
a P(6,1) 1522.3847 0.1866 (0.0020) 0.003490
s P(6,2) 1522.7763 0.2468 (0.0034) 0.003394
a P(6,2) 1524.7088 0.2571 (0.0024) 0.003531
s P(6,3) 1525.7625 0.5695 (0.0092) 0.002781
a P(6,3) 1527.0615 0.6026 (0.0085) 0.002940
s P(6,4) 1528.3774 0.3435 (0.0040) 0.002364
a P(6,4) 1529.2897 0.3545 (0.0032) 0.002439
s P(6,5) 1530.6141 0.4446 (0.0047) 0.002128
a P(6,5) 1531.1591 0.4484 (0.0049) 0.002145
s P(6,6) 1532.4503 1.1720 (0.0154) 0.001915
a P(6,6) 1532.6830 1.1845 (0.0135) 0.001936
s P(7,1) 1504.0218 0.1656 (0.0026) 0.005560
a P(7,2) 1509.4479 0.1716 (0.0018) 0.004235
s P(7,3) 1509.1379 0.3476 (0.0032) 0.003141
a P(7,3) 1511.3131 0.3757 (0.0033) 0.003390
s P(7,4) 1511.5985 0.1828 (0.0029) 0.002383
a P(7,4) 1513.0439 0.2619 (0.0018) 0.003412
s P(7,5) 1513.6480 0.2387 (0.0026) 0.002206
a P(7,5) 1514.6055 0.2384 (0.0038) 0.002202
s P(7,6) 1515.3243 0.6602 (0.0039) 0.002080
a P(7,6) 1515.8819 0.6535 (0.0115) 0.002100
s P(7,7) 1516.6309 0.4763 (0.0051) 0.002073
a P(7,7) 1516.8521 0.4203 (0.0045) 0.001829
a P(8,1) 1494.2421 0.0978 (0.0008) 0.006327
s P(8,3) 1493.5269 0.2073 (0.0011) 0.003815
a P(8,3) 1496.1740 0.2361 (0.0026) 0.004337
s P(8,4) 1495.5200 0.1087 (0.0034) 0.002943
a P(8,4) 1497.6750 0.1285 (0.0015) 0.003474
s P(8,5) 1497.3332 0.1475 (0.0009) 0.002878
a P(8,6) 1499.8082 0.3447 (0.0027) 0.002367
s P(8,7) 1499.9436 0.2202 (0.0017) 0.002078
a P(8,7) 1500.5103 0.2347 (0.0021) 0.002214
s P(8,8) 1500.7334 0.2879 (0.0026) 0.001815
a P(8,8) 1500.9439 0.2851 (0.0030) 0.001797
s P(9,1) 1475.3354 0.0495 (0.0005) 0.006900
a P(9,1) 1481.5769 0.0527 (0.0009) 0.007316
s P(9,2) 1476.8723 0.0506 (0.0004) 0.005472
H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283 279

Table 2 (continued )

Transition r0 (cm−1) S0 (cm−2 atm−1) R2 (Debye2)

v4 band—PP(J, K) branch

a P(9,2) 1482.0589 0.0516 (0.0004) 0.005560
s P(9,3) 1478.1271 0.1020 (0.0015) 0.004208
a P(9,3) 1482.6879 0.1155 (0.0012) 0.004750
s P(9,4) 1480.1830 0.0524 (0.0016) 0.003232
a P(9,4) 1483.2433 0.0644 (0.0001) 0.003964
s P(9,5) 1481.7127 0.0749 (0.0008) 0.003377
a P(9,5) 1483.9454 0.0638 (0.0022) 0.002729
s P(9,6) 1482.9502 0.1697 (0.0014) 0.002729
a P(9,6) 1484.5122 0.2012 (0.0019) 0.003232
s P(9,7) 1483.8750 0.1157 (0.0024) 0.002464
a P(9,7) 1484.8947 0.1029 (0.0027) 0.002371
s P(9,8) 1484.4804 0.1529 (0.0085) 0.002306
a P(9,8) 1485.0539 0.1484 (0.0022) 0.002374
s P(9,9) 1484.7660 0.3733 (0.0090) 0.001833
a P(9,9) 1484.9662 0.3775 (0.0071) 0.001813
s P(10,1) 1462.1902 0.0222 (0.0004) 0.007362
s P(10,2) 1463.2914 0.0248 (0.0004) 0.006502
a P(10,3) 1471.6211 0.0394 (0.0003) 0.003985
s P(10,4) 1465.6044 0.0273 (0.0006) 0.004210
s P(10,5) 1466.8205 0.0404 (0.0016) 0.004612
s P(10,6) 1467.7783 0.0735 (0.0011) 0.003026
s P(10,7) 1468.4593 0.0458 (0.0007) 0.002647
a P(10,9) 1469.5219 0.1575 (0.0026) 0.002050
s P(11,2) 1450.5127 0.0098 (O.0002 0.006860
a P(11,3) 1458.1027 0.0209 (0.0006) 0.005725
a P(11,4) 1457.1906 0.0109 (0.0004) 0.004591
s P(11,6) 1453.3192 0.0356 (0.0030) 0.004107
s P(11,7) 1456.0695 0.0201 (0.0008) 0.003281
s P(11,10) 1453.3409 0.0425 (0.0013) 0.002058
s P(11,11) 1452.6522 0.0776 (0.0018) 0.002347
a P(11,11) 1452.8327 0.0757 (0.0010) 0.002289

Using this equation and the measured values of line 0.22

intensities in Table 2 and in supplementary data, we have 0.20
determined the transition dipole moments squared as a 0.18
function of rotational quantum numbers for the ν2, 2ν2 and 0.16
ν4 bands. The results are presented in Table 2 and supple-
mentary data for all branches considered in this work.
S0(cm-2 atm-1)


0.10 R(4,K)
5. Analysis and results 0.08

0.06 R(5,K)

5.1. Rotational dependencies of the line intensities 0.04 R(6,K)

We discuss in the following the J and K rotational quantum R(7,K)
0.00 R(8,K) R(9,K)
numbers dependencies of line intensities S0 and transition
dipole moments squared R2. As seen by Table 2 and supple- 0 2 4 6 8 10

mentary data the S0 of the PP, PQ and RR branches of the ν4 K

band, as well as those of Q and R branches of ν2 and 2ν2 bands Fig. 5. Intensities (in cm−2 atm−1) of R(4,K), R(5,K), R(6,K), R(7,K), R(8,K)
seem to increase with K for a given J when dividing by 2 the and R(9,K) manifolds of the 2ν2 band as a function of K quantum number.
line intensities for K¼3n. For example, in the ν4 band, the Intensities of the lines with K¼ 3n, having a nuclear statistical weigh
gi ¼2, are divided by 2.
S0 ¼1.172070.0154 cm−2 atm−1 of the PsP(6,6) transition is
greater than the value S0 ¼0.444670.0047 cm−2 atm−1
obtained for the PsP(6,5) line. This behavior can be seen clearly maximum around J¼4 for Ko4. Fig. 6 shows this trend for
in Fig. 5 where intensities of some manifolds of the R branch the R branch of the ν2 band. This may be understood, since
in the 2ν2 band are displayed versus K at given J. However line intensity is proportional to the factor HJK exp½−EðJ; KÞ=kT
when K is close or equal to J, line intensities of some manifolds which could present a maximum with J position depending
exhibit a slight decrease. For the other branches (PR, RP and RQ on K. For K≥4, the S0 values decrease monotonically with
of the ν4 band) S0 values appear to decrease with K. increasing J. There are some exceptions for this behavior, the
Table 2 and supplementary data illustrate also that for all S0 values appear to decrease monotonically with J for the RR
branches of the three bands, the line intensities present a and Q branches of the ν4 and 2ν2 bands respectively.
280 H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283

S0(cm-2 atm-1)

2 R(J,3) R(J,4)

1 R(J,6) R(J,9)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Fig. 8. Transition dipole moments squared R2(Debye2) for aR(J,K) mani-

J folds of the 2ν2 band as a function of K quantum number for J¼ 4-9.

Fig. 6. Intensities (cm−2 atm−1) of the R(J,K) manifolds of the ν2 band as a

function of J quantum number for K¼ 1-9.

Fig. 9. Line mixing effect on pressure dependence of the intensity

Fig. 7. Transition dipole moments squared R2(Debye2) for the RsR(J,K) P
parameter S for the two components of the asP(3,3) doublet in the ν4
manifolds of the ν4 band as a function of J quantum number for K¼ 1, 2, 3, band. The line intensities of the doublet components obtained with
5, 6 and 9. including line mixing effect is smaller than those achieved without
including this effect.
Furthermore Table 2 and supplementary data show
that the line intensities of the symmetric lines are slightly branches of the ν4 and 2ν2 bands respectively. For these
larger than those of the antisymmetric ones. The differ- branches R2 values decrease versus K.
ence between these intensities increases with the splitting
between the doublets components. This is the case for 5.2. Line-mixing effects on line intensities
almost all lines of the ν4 band. Note that for the ν2 and 2ν2
bands only the antisymmetric transitions have been For transitions with small rotational energy separation,
measured. or when the gas pressure increases, the lines overlap, and
In the ν4 band, the smallest transition dipole moments rotational energy exchanges can mix these lines, transfer-
squared are obtained for the PQ branch. The largest ones ring populations between close spectral components and
are found for the RP lines with K¼0. altering their shapes. In such conditions, because of this
As expected these moments are larger for the ν2 band line mixing effect [31,37], the usual Lorentz line profile can
compared to the ν4 and 2ν2 bands. Obviously the 2ν2 no longer correctly reproduce the experimental spectra.
overtone has the smallest line intensities and transition Then, their rigorous treatment requires accounting for the
moments. line mixing process to obtain accurate spectral line para-
On the other hand, Table 2 and supplementary data meters. This process is illustrated in Fig. 3a where the
seem to decrease with J for all the branches except for PP, residuals of the spectra are reduced significantly when the
P and RQ branches of the ν4 band. For these branches R2 line mixing is taken into account.
values increase with J for a given K. This trend can be seen The comparison of the measured values of line inten-
in Fig. 7 where the R2 values of some manifolds of the RR sities for the three studied bands exhibits some systematic
branch of the ν4 band are plotted versus J at given K. behaviors. Within the experimental errors, most of line
As may be seen in Table 2, supplementary data and intensities in the ν4 band, derived when the line mixing
Fig. 8, the transition dipole moments squared R2 increases effect is taken into account, are smaller than those for
with K for all branches with exception for PP, PR and Q which this effect is neglected.
H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283 281

This process is clearly observed in Fig. 9 which illus- compared with those of Refs. [1,2,10,13,14,17,18,26,38]
trates the line mixing effect on the pressure dependence of concerning line intensities and transition dipole moments
the integrated intensities of the two components of the asP squared. All these works were performed in the ν2, 2ν2 and
(3,3) doublet in the ν4 band. From this figure the intensities ν4 without considering line mixing effect.
of the symmetric (s) component are S0 ¼ 1.35020 70.0181 To better analyze these comparisons we define the
cm−2 atm−1 and S0 ¼1.85317 0.0326 cm−2 atm−1 respec- relative difference between the data S0PW and S0Oth
tively obtained with and without including line mixing obtained in the present work and by the precedent
effect. For the antisymmetric (a) component the intensities authors respectively:
are S0 ¼1.3322 70.0156 cm−2 atm−1 and S0 ¼1.7641 7
D′ ¼ 〈ðS0Oth −S0 PW Þ=S0Oth 〉:
0.0257 cm−2 atm−1 respectively obtained with and with-
out including line mixing effect. This graph also shows that The S0PW values in the ν4 band are compared with the
the intensity of the s P(3,3) symmetric line is slightly Cottaz et al. [1] data which are included in the HITRAN
greater than that of the a P(3,3) antisymmetric one. database [8]. For more than 300 transitions with the same
The difference between the results obtained with and J and K quantum numbers studied in common, the line
without including line mixing (noted by D ¼ ðSWithout −SWith Þ= intensities predicted by these authors are systematically
SWithout ) is much larger in the ν4 band than in the ν2 and 2ν2 greater than ours with a D′ value of about 6% larger than
bands. It can be explained partially by the smaller splitting Δs the measured errors (3%). Note that the Cottaz et al. [1]
of the inversion doublets in the ν4 band than in the ν2 and 2ν2 predictions are performed using a large set of experimen-
ones. These splitting are 285, 36 and 1 cm−1 for 2ν2, ν2 and ν4 tal line intensities based on Voigt profile.
bands respectively. For the 2ν2 band, the D′ value is also around 6% when
The D values appear to increase with the decreasing of comparison is occurred with Ref. [1]. This relatively large
Δs. For the PP, PQ and PR branches of the ν4 band these value is not expected since this band has a large splitting
splitting increase with K quantum number for a given ∼235 cm−1; then the line mixing effect, which occurs
value of J. While for the RP, RQ and RR branches Δs essentially between the symmetric and asymmetric part-
decreases with K. ners of the doublets, should be negligible. This is probably
However, the splitting Δs could be large enough to contain due to the strong Coriolis coupling interactions of this
lines other than those pertaining to the doublet of interest. band with the ν4a partial band.
Therefore the frequency separation between these lines On the other hand, within the experimental error, our
becomes smaller than the doublet splitting. Then, the line transition dipole moments squared in the ν2 band are, for
mixing processes can occur, not only within each doublet, but the 37 transitions studied in common in the R branch,
also between the components of neighboring doublets pro- slightly smaller than those obtained by Fabian and Yamada
vided that the selection rules are valid. In this case the D [14]. On average the difference between the two results is
values do not illustrate any clear trends with Δs. about 3%.
Note also that repeatedly the D values can reach large When comparing our ν2 line intensities with those
values, about 30%, for the components of the doublet with reported in the HITRAN data base [8], a mean difference
very small splitting. This is often the case for some J¼K lines of about +13% is found. Note that these HITRAN line
of some branches of the ν4 band. The stronger line mixing intensities result from calculations performed by Kleiner
effect occurred in the PP and PQ branches with the smallest et al. [38]. This large discrepancy had been underlined by
splitting. For these branches the average D values is about 7%. Guinet et al. [26]. Because the line intensity parameters are
For the PR, RP, RQ and RR branches the average D values are 4, crucial for atmospheric concentration measurements, we
3, 5 and 3% respectively. The smallest average D value is less join these authors to recommend an improvement of the
than 1% obtained for R branch of the ν2 band with a large ν2 line intensities in the HITRAN database.
inversion gap. This value is smaller than the estimated error The comparison between the ν2 band results and the
(2%) showing the absence of line mixing in this band. This experimental values reported in the same band by
comment will be more clarified in the next paragraph. Nemtchinov et al. [2], using a Fourier transform spectra,
Due to the spin statistics, the K¼0 lines in Table 2 and does not show any clear trends. Among 36 transitions
supplementary data do not have symmetric or antisymmetric studied in common in the R branch, half of them have
partners. These lines have no nearby lines to which they can intensities 5% smaller than those of these authors. The rest
couple. This explains the very small differences (≤1%) between of them have intensity values 7% greater. Note that the
line intensities obtained with and without including line scatter of these measurements is much greater than the
mixing. present experimental error (2%).
The 2ν2 lines which exhibit significant D values, respec- We also compared our line intensities with the results
tively 13 and 6% for the Q and R branches are strongly of Ref. [13] in the ν2 band limited to low J values. Among
influenced by the Coriolis coupling between ν4a and 2ν2s the 12 lines studied in common, 8 of them have intensities
partial bands centered at 1627.373 and 1597.469 cm−1 about 10% greater than ours. For these 12 lines, the values
respectively. of Ref. [13] are about 12% systematically greater than those
of Ref. [2]. It should be noted that the Ref. [13] data,
5.3. Comparison with previous studies were determined from spectra with a medium resolution
(0.06 cm−1).
The goal of this paragraph is to identify which bands Within the estimated errors, the comparison with the
are affected by line mixing effect. The present data can be recent measurements of Guinet et al. [26] in the ν2 band,
282 H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283

illustrates a good agreement with the present data for the work. For the other works the slopes are 0.998 70.042,
21 lines studied in common in the R branch. The D′ value, 0.81070.015 and 0.855 70.017 for the data of Refs.
about 2%, is in the same order of magnitude as the [2,17,18] respectively.
estimated errors in Ref. [26] (1.7%) and in the present
work (2%). This is the more favorable comparison when
5.4. Rotation–vibration interaction
the other experimental results are considered.
Comparison with the JPL database [10] has been done
As mentioned above the largest differences between the
at T ¼295 K after conversion of line intensities in the ν2
two sets of line intensities and transition dipole moments
band from JPL unit to the cm−2 atm−1 unit. The average
squared obtained with and without including line mixing
difference is about 3% for 54 among 73 lines studied in
effect are for the 2ν2 overtone.
common. A discrepancy of more than 10% is observed for
In addition these moments show significant rotational
the other lines.
dependencies. Generally they are mainly caused by the
Also, the present line intensities in the ν2 and ν4 bands
vibration–rotation interactions. Then the transition dipole
can be compared with those obtained in our previous
moments squared R2 can be expressed as a product of
papers [17,18] which omitted line mixing. For the ν2 band
rotational and vibrational parts [22]:
[17], 57 line intensities stated with an experimental error
of about 3%, are compared to the present intensities for R2 ¼ jRv0 j2 f ΔJ;ΔK ðJ; KÞ; ð4Þ
transitions with the same quantum numbers. The D′ value
where Rv0 is the vibrational transition moment and
is about 3% in the same order of magnitude as the two
f ΔJ;ΔK ðJ; KÞ is a correction function analogous to the Her-
estimated errors.
man–Wallis factor describing the rotational dependencies
Since all these previous work [1,2,10,13,14,17,18,26,38]
of R2. For the symmetric top molecules, this function is
have been performed without taking into account line
often represented by a J and K polynomial equation.
mixing, and considering the various experimental errors
Otherwise, in our previous study [18], using Eq. (3), we
and the precedent analysis, one can emphasize that the
have shown that the intensity correction parameters of ν4a
line mixing effect on line intensities data is negligible in
vibrational levels are significantly larger than those for the
the ν2 band. This is expected because in this band the
ν4s levels. This difference is obviously a consequence of the
splitting can attain 36 cm−1. Thus the inversion contribu-
resonance Coriolis coupling interactions between ν4a and
tion to the line mixing should be smaller compared to that
2ν2s vibrational states that is missing in the case of the
of the ν3 and ν4 bands with very small inversion splitting.
opposite parities.
For the ν4 band, line intensities of 58 lines pertaining to
Here the evaluation of these parameters is rather
the PP branch are compared with those of Ref. [18]
complicated since the Aliev work [22], used in Ref. [18],
measured using the method of absorbance at the line
gives a polynomial equation for each branch of a consid-
center with an estimated error of about 5%. The D′ value is
ered band. Thus for each band, one can get as many
about 10% illustrating a significant line mixing effect
intensity parameters as branches. This is not realistic;
within the inversion doublets of this band.
therefore the use of a more sophisticated theoretical
Finally to more quantify the above analysis, we have
model is needed to derive the intensity parameters (Rv0 ,
plotted the present line intensities as a function of the
band strengths, Coriolis and l-type constants, Herman–
results of Refs. [1,2,17,18]. Fig. 10 illustrates a sample plot
Wallis correction parameters). The present line intensities
for the PP branch of the ν4 band as a function of those in
obtained with taking into account line mixing, are thus of
Ref. [1]. The slope of fit line, equal to 0.946 70.004, shows
great interest to determine with good accuracy these
clearly the line mixing effect taken into account in this

1.4 6. Conclusion

PW line intensity (cm-2 atm-1)

In the present study we have obtained absolute line

1.0 intensities for nine branches in the ν4, 2ν2 and ν2 bands of
NH3 for about 462 lines with J≤12. The accuracies of the
0.8 measurements are estimated to be 2%, 4% and 3% for the
ν2, 2ν2 and ν4 bands respectively
The analyses of recorded spectra were made with and
0.4 without taking into account line mixing effects. The
differences between the two results can attain 7% depend-
ing on the rotational quantum numbers, the branch, and
0.0 the band. The larger differences are obtained in the PP and
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Q branches of the ν4 band with small inversion splitting.
Cottaz et al. line intensity (cm-2 atm-1) Measured intensities in the ν2 band agree well with
recent experimental data in Refs. [10,14,17,26,38] obtained
Fig. 10. Present work (PW) line intensities of the PP branch of the ν4 band
as a function of the Cottaz ones [1]. The slope of fit line, equal to
without considering line mixing effect. Then we can
0.946 7 0.004, shows clearly the line mixing effect taken into account in conclude that line mixing effect on line intensities data is
this work. negligible in this band.
H. Aroui et al. / Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 130 (2013) 273–283 283

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