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Race and Representation

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Bell hooks interrogates old narratives about black sexuality, the commodification of

black history and culture. Bell hooks discusses about white supremacy, internalized racism, and

consumption of white liberal tolerance. Discussion about the relationship between sexes and the

dangers of racial discrimination and profiling of black women. Bell hooks digs deeper in

discussing the political and personal representation of the white supremacy culture. Racism and

ethnicity arise from the model of black people and culture in a white supremacy capitalist.

Loving blackness as political resistance is an argument brought up in the book. The

history of the black movement revolution is characterized as a struggle over images. It looks at

ways in which blackness is represented negatively. Black progressiveness suffered significant

dissolution, which affected black people in contrast to whiteness. The advertising industry,

fashion magazines, and newspapers use blackness to promote their artwork to make sales

showing how blackness has been commodified. Hooks gives an example of a movie titled ‘Heart

condition’ whose plot shows how a black man and a white man fall in love with the same

woman. A black man can provide sexual pleasure and satisfaction, which whiteness cannot.

After the black man dies, the white man wins the love of the white woman. This transfer shows

how blackness is not credited.

Representation of black female sexuality in the culture market is significant. For a long

time, white culture has seen black female sexuality as a strange mix of condemnation and

fascination. Although black women's sexuality and bodies have been subject to public discourse,

black women's voices have been marginalized and not given a platform to discuss. Hooks talks

about eating the other and selling Hot pussy relating to how women view themselves and how

men in their own culture treat them. People have internalized racism and racist ideas and views

about themselves. Hooks cites Madonna saying that black men are the sexiest people she's ever


Hook illustrates to her students of diverse cultures by giving Clare, a black woman, who

married a wealthy white man. In the novel, he is the only one that showed a desire for blackness.

Such desire caused her death. Authorities did not respond to her murder was not responded to,

and she wished that she lived as a poor black woman in Harlem rather than a white woman living


The feministic challenge discussed by Hooks proposes a new definition of feminism that

does not simply fight for equality of women and men rather fights to end racism, sexism, and

exploitation. Bell hooks questions and asks, 'Must we call every women sister?' She adds that

feminism lacks a proper definition because of the predominance of privileged feminists in the

movement—evaluation of culture, which begins with black working experience and invites

everyone to examine common representation and images. Feminism addresses intersectional

oppression, but the voice of black women is not heard. More than ending sexism revolutionary

movement seek to end racism and sexual oppression of black women. Putting black feminism

theory outlines some of the crucial arguments that are going on in the Black feminist activity.

Reconstructing black masculinity by creating life-sustaining visions of liberation. Black

men should acknowledge the existence and confront sexism in the black liberation movement.

Black masculinity is influenced by a long history of oppression, racism, and slavery. The

intersection of both blackness and manhood must be revisited to combat hyper-masculine

stereotypes. History commodification of Black man bodies has allowed black masculinity to be

rampant. Society fetishizes specific performance of black masculinity.


Psychological terror and trauma the black people faced during the historical oppression

and genocide. Especially periods of oppression and with racism that went on. People of color

feel that acts taken to destroy a community or part of it by racial profiling, ethical or national, are

against humanity. Revolutionary renegades demonstrate active attempts to suppress part of

history in which women participate precisely in historical solidarity and kingship between Native

Americans and African Americans.

Focus on literature, music, and television are avenues used by white supremacy. Several

magazines and newspapers use black models to show blackness can be commodified.Some gains

attributed to race-conscious in employment and education policies. Culture taboos around

sexuality; for example, black people are subjected to heavy tasks, are transgressed via the

media.In the United states,a huge protest was rocked by a huge protest of Black Lives matter and

this was a form of Black people liberation. This was after a cop killed unarmed black man. Hook

in the book describes such happening as a revolution.

In conclusion, white supremacy, racism and accommodation of white liberal tolerance is

a big issue in the recent days. Bell hooks discusses political representation as well as personal

representation of the black and white. Reconstructing black masculinity is necessary in order to

accommodate all walk of lives without racism and discrimination.


Taylor, K. Y. (2016). From# BlackLivesMatter to black liberation. Haymarket Books.

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