Esports and Streaming in The UK in 2017 White Paper: DR Anita Greenhill & Rob Houghton

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esports and Streaming in the UK in 2017

White Paper

Dr Anita Greenhill & Rob Houghton

This project was funded by the
University of Manchester and Alliance
Manchester Business School’s
Research Support Fund (RSF) and will
be release at the Current State of
esports in the UK workshop. The
workshop was organized by the
author’s at Urban Coterie, 17th Floor,
151-157 City Road, London- EC1V1JH
on the 8th June 2017. We would like to
thank Dominic Sacco from the British
esports Association, Jedrzej Czarnota
from Trilateral Research, Vin Sumner
from Clicks and Links and Kieran
Holmes-Darby from excelesports and
all the UoM staff for their support
throughout the project, and also for
their support and contribution during
our full day workshop.
About the Authors: £750 000, 3 year EPSRC funded project
‘Wonders of the Zooniverse examining
Anita Greenhill is an academic, digital volunteer motivations in
technology enthusiast and community crowdsourcing. Dr Greenhill has
worker. Dr Greenhill’s research interests established expertise in the areas of
are in the areas of Digital Work and new technology and digital culture,
Labour and Networked Usage of business modelling and value chains.
Technology within Community, She has a long established research
Organisational and Business settings. Dr foundation in carrying out qualitative
Greenhill’s research has contributed and immersive research
towards a better understanding of methodological studies. This expertise
crowd sourcing and Internet coupled with the Science Fiction
Participation; Community Prototyping (SFP) methodology gives a
usage/resilience and its use of social unique insight in to future imaginings
media including twitter; and technology.
technologically enable work; spatiality;
and Internet/ World Wide Web Usage
Rob Houghton is a researcher and
in Organisations. She has co-authored/
eSports enthusiast. Rob’s research
edited 2 books and published over 90
interests are in the application of
academic related publications. Dr
psychology to the eSports industry,
Greenhill recently carried out a
more specifically, how organisational
research project for the National
psychology can impact leadership
Coordinating Centre of Public
and teamwork as well as how factors
Engagement (NCCPE) examining the
such as personality and organisational
engagement practices between
infrastructure and climate may affect
Universities and Local Communities.
player performance and well-being.
She has also recently completed a

Table of Contents:

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2- Project Details

Section 3- Key Results

Section 4- Research Policy and Implications

Section 5- Future Directions

Section 6- Conclusions
Executive Summary policy makers as well as researchers to
begin working together to grow the
The project carries out a preliminary future challenges of the creative
scoping analysis and produces a industries, computing, skills
strategic review, landscape and development and education in the
market analysis report on the current digital economy.
esports and streaming industry in the
In order to begin we have organised
UK; a series of workshops have been
an dedicate workshop to bring
organised; and finally a follow on of
together esports players and sports
network development with the aim of
people, Industry representatives,
addressing key findings revealed in the
academic colleagues and
study is anticipate to emerge.
Government representatives.

This project through collaboration with

This research This project was funded University, Private and Public sector
by the University of Manchester and organisations explores esports and it’s
Alliance Manchester Business School’s growth and development in the
Creative Economy in the UK in 2017.
Research Support Fund (RSF While
other countries have thriving esports
and streaming communities that
produce substantial and growing
economic and social benefits, the UK
lags behind and has only begun
recently to build significant capability
in the past few years. The growth is
partly a result of the construction of
the UK’s first dedicated esports
broadcasting studio Gifinity, and the
world’s leading streaming company
opening an office in London, Twitch.
At this exciting moment there is the
potential to launch fruitful and long-
term collaborative targets and
research to understand the potential
of this burgeoning industry, and to
produce scholarly and policy outputs
exploring this emerging field and the
benefits it can bring to the UK.

The research aims to table this interim

white paper and continue expanding
on the themes, topics and research
projects initiated at the workshop. The
workshop will bring together gamers,
esports players, industry members and
Section 1- Introduction Esports has evolved from these
beginnings in arcade gaming
In this white paper we explore esports culture to the huge contemporary
in terms of its: events of today spanning several
• origins, days or weeks, and being watched
• relationship to traditional sport, both in physical settings as well as
• potential business opportunities online. Esports in its current
• education and skills building competitive form is a spectacular
• potential contribution to the UK event in which consumers, brands,
economy. leagues and publishers all

According to Burnham (2001), the Defining esports

origins of esports can be traced
Newzoo, specialists in esports
back to the 1980s where arcade
market research, released their
games like Pacman and Asteroids
annual report on the 14th of
were played by a substantial
February 2017. They state that in
number of people in local arcades.
2017 the esports industry will bring in
Players would compete against
total revenue of 696 million US
each other trying to set the highest
dollars, with a 41% year on year
score. This change in competitive
increase, and the figure exceeding
computer game playing led to the
one billion dollars by 2020. In
formation of renowned
addition the total global audience
communities who revered those
for esports will reach 385 million
who scored highest. Kent (2001)
individuals in 2017. Furthermore
concludes that with the expansion
individuals who actually play
of the arcade industry in 1981-1982
esports games have increased
estimated increased revenue of 5
hugely over the past few years.
billion dollars was made in the US.
Hollist (2015) states that 27 million
These figures were double that of
people play league of legends
all the Nevada casinos combined,
every day. In addition steam
and triple that of the professional
charts, which gathers data through
basketball, football and baseball
steam on who is playing which
leagues in America. While T.L Taylor
games, show that in August 2012,
(2012) reminds us of the turbulent
the average number of players
time that the esports industry went
playing Counter Strike: Global
through in 2009-10. At this time the
Offensive each month was 15,000
growing global industry managed
while in January 2017, it had
to survive the global financial crisis
increased to 393,000, an increase
and a huge surge in growth with a
of some 50,000 players. Esports is a
flurry of fans and players joining in.
rapidly developing industry, with
not only large profits, but also a the literature review will discuss the
large player and spectator base. validity of esports as a sport.
Thus there is much scope for Whilst a little out dated, the most
academics to research, esports comprehensive academic
and its explosion in the past few literature regarding esports as a
decades. The current white paper sport comes from Jonasson and
will review the research conducted Thiborg (2010). They apply Allen
into esports and explore the Guttman’s model (1978) on
conceptualising modern sport
breadth of research that has been
(figure 1) to discuss the validity of
carried out across multiple esports as a sport. The model was
disciplines on this topic. selected because it is not only an
excellent theoretical framework,
esport as a Sport: but it has also had a large impact
on how sport is conceptualised in
Whilst esports research is still in its academia.
infancy, a major theme is the
debate and assessment of esports
as an actual sport. This section of

Figure 1. Guttman’s model for conceptualising modern sport.

Jonasson and Thiborg (2010) argue under spontaneous play.

by definition, esports are According to Jonasson and Thiborg
competitive computer games, this (2010) sports in academia has
means they are at least contests in been conceptualised as “physical,
regards to Guttman’s (1978) model. competitive and organized play in
They further support this argument contrast to spontaneous play, non-
by noting that it is difficult to competitive games and intellectual
participate in esports without contests” (p.289). Whilst they do a
organisation, as since 2000 there good job at demonstrating esports
are many bodies and organisations are both organised and
dedicated to ensuring esports are competitive, they acknowledge
organised, so they would not fall there could be scepticism over the

legitimacy of physicality in esports. and the Ibo tribe of West Africa
Jonasson and Thiborg (2010) state could not undertake wrestling
whilst esports are less physically contests until the oracles gave
demanding than sports like tennis, consent (Obare, 2000). However in
football and basketball, they are of the modern era sports are separate
equal physical exertion to sports from religion, no one is required to
such as bowling, shooting and give blessings or make sacrifices,
snooker/pool. They further note similarly like modern sports, esports
that whilst having intellectual are fully secular with no ties to
demand, esports involve high religion (Jonasson and Thiborg,
intensity and refined motor skills as 2010). The second of Guttmann’s
well as rapid and accurate hand characteristic is equality. Jonasson
eye co-ordination. In a preliminary and Thiborg (2010) state all players
conclusion Jonasson and Thiborg compete in the same conditions
(2010) conclude that esports would regardless of gender, form or
by definition be a sport based on functionality. In addition all
Guttman’s (1978) model, but this competitors know the rules and
definition maybe too narrow to fully regulations beforehand, all
capture all of what makes esport a equipment is checked to ensure no
sport. Furthermore Jonasson and one is attempting to cheat, and all
Thiborg (2010) go on to use the computers are provided by
Guttman’s (1978) seven tournament organisers to ensure no
characteristics of sportification to machine is superior to the other. To
demonstrate that esports has the be considered a sport according to
qualities of traditional sports. Guttman, all sports need
Guttman’s (1978) first characteristic bureaucracy. Whilst there are
is that modern sport is secular and many organising bodies governing
whilst throughout history sports and esports, Jonasson and Thiborg
sport events have been seen as (2010) point out these are far from
sacred or tied to religion modern united. For example two bodies
sport is separate from religion. For exist in Sweden, Goodgame and
example in primitive tribes, the the Swedish E-sport Association
rainmaking priests would who have tried to unite all Swedish
participate in tribal games, which esports players but have had
were thought to increase the limited success. Furthermore, at
chance of rainfall. (Brasch, 1972). international level there is no one
The Olympic Games were originally organisation governing all
centred around mount Olympus, international esports competitions
the home of Zeus, with athletes but rather a multitude of several
swearing oaths and making organisations that are fractured
sacrifices to honour Zeus in the and unorganised in achieving a
games (Brasch, 1972). Finally sports common goal. The one exception
and religion was highly intertwined is that of Korea, who have a strong
in the African continent. The organised e-sport industry through
Pharaohs whilst being revered as the Korean esports association or
gods would often partake in KESPA. Jonasson and Thiborg (2010)
sporting events with other nobles also note that through

technological advancements, Globally some countries such as
more refined training methods and China, Korea, Denmark and Russia
preparation, esports are becoming consider esports as a true sport,
more and more rationalised, in line however large international
with Guttman’s (1978) fourth sporting bodies such as the
characteristic of modern sport, international Olympic committee
rationalisation. Quantification is do not recognise that esports are
Guttman’s (1978) fifth true sports. Furthermore there is no
characteristic, which enables the united global esports organisation
process of rationalisation to occur. to promote the legitimacy of
Quantification in esports occurs not esports as a modern sport. They
through traditional mediums such further argue that if esports can
as daily newspaper reports but gain a higher status similar to
rather through websites and online conventional sports and attract
communities who report scores, as similar levels of funding and
well as standings and player ranks. sponsors, without actually being
Finally specialisation, which refers to recognised as a sport, then its
players excelling at one role, or one highly likely esports will evolve into
sport, is Guttman’s (1978) final a counterculture and an
characteristic. In regards to esports alternative to modern sports.
specialisation refers to players Esports would also have two
excelling at one game, such as advantages over conventional
Counterstrike or League of sports in both for players and
Legends, but then also excelling at spectators. With the development
a specific role. For example in of high speed internet, people can
Counterstrike a player may excel at play esports day and night with
being an in-game leader or an other players from around the
AWPer, whereas in League of world, also all major esports
Legends one player may excel at tournaments at the time this paper
the support role, whereas another was written as well as currently in
play may excel as the attack 2017 are free to spectate as long
damage carry. Guttman’s (1978) as one has access to the internet,
final characteristic, and the one, in addition spectators can also
which separates modern sports attend LAN events and watch their
from pre-modern sports, is the favourite teams and players in
pursuit of records. This refers to the huge stadiums, partake in fan
documentation of all records, meets, try out equipment and new
player statistics, rankings, and games from sponsors and
records of most attended experience esports culture at these
tournaments and most view events and tournaments. Therefore
games. Jonasson and Thiborg’s it’s possible whilst esports may
(2010) final contribution is to discuss never be recognised as a
three scenarios regarding esports conventional sport such football,
impact on future sport. The first tennis and basketball, it may
scenario proposes that esports will develop into an alternative due to
develop into a counterculture or ease of access for both player and
alternative to contemporary sports. spectator. The second scenario put

forward by Jonasson and Thiborg demands of modern sport and
(2010) is that esports will be carry on developing as well
accepted into the current highlight the benefits of playing
hegemony of modern sports. video games competitively, then
However this will only occur when it’s possible esports will be
two large barriers have been absorbed into the hegemony of
bypassed. The first regards what the modern sports. The final scenario
Olympic international committee discussed is that esports are the
considers a sport. To be considered future of modern sports. The author
a sport esports much have an would like to point out that
independent and autonomous Jonasson and Thiborg (2010) stress
organisation and this organisation the final scenario is far more
must adhere to the Olympic tentative and speculative than the
international committee rules and prior two. They posit that in the
charter, as of currently right now, future, with the increasing evolution
this does not exist for esports of technology and the changing
however there is a good possibility societal values in which we will
an organisation which meets the strive to reduce our impact on the
Olympic international committee planet, and one way to do that is
will develop through Guttman’s through esports over traditional
(1978) process of sportification as sports. The example they give is of
discussed earlier. The second and formula one, in which rather than
more problematic barrier is to drive a car at high speed, which is
reduce the negative stigma inherently dangerous as well as
around games. The mainstream polluting the planet. They argue
media portrays video games as competing virtually is superior for
precursors to violence and a both player health and also the
source of addiction. Much research planet, as well as spectators can
on video game violence is follow the competition easier and
contradictory, with studies showing also compete if they so wished.
both short term spikes in aggression Thus with technological simulation,
and violence, with others showing it’s possible the drivers are tested to
no effect of video games on near the exact same limits as they
violence at all. Whilst video game would on the physical plane, and
addiction does exist, it’s a very thus esports evolves into a more
small minority. Research has found refined civilised sport evolving to be
that gamers are just as physically fit superior to modern sports in player
as non-gamers, and video games and planet health, as well as
can provide a wealth of spectator immersion.
developmental, educational and
skill benefits such as increased To summarise, Jonasson and
educational performance, spatial Thiborg (2010) do an excellent job
awareness, problem solving, in discussing whether esports is an
reaction times and developing actual sport. They demonstrate
social networks and social skills through Guttman’s (1978) model of
(Jonasson and Thiborg 2010). Thus if
modern sport and through his
esports can keep up with the

characteristics of sportification, that not mean they are not taxing.
esports could be considered a There are multiple sources of injuries
sport like any other modern sport. to esports player’s backs and wrists
due to excess strain. Moreover like
However the lack of a united,
other professional sportsman who
autonomous and independent can complete feats normal
committee as well as lack of athletes can only dream of, such as
recognition and negativities Olympic sprinters running 100m in
surrounding video games in under 10 seconds, or tennis players
general, there is also the argument such as Andy Roddick and Milos
that esports are not yet true sports. Raonic who can hit serves over 150
mph. The same can be said about
They conclude with giving three
esports players. Weber et al (2012)
different scenarios on how esports found Starcraft 2 professional will
will impact modern sport in the have approximately 300 actions
future, either developing into a rival per minute, whereas average
culture, being integrated into sports players do approximately 50
or evolving into what modern sports actions per minute (Blizzard patch
will become. 1.4.3 for Starcraft 2). Therefore whilst
the physicality’s are much
More recent research into esports restrained compared to traditional
has also taken a similar approach sports, esports still involves
to Jonasson and Thiborg (2010) in physicality, but rather than
demonstrating esports should be explosive speed, it’s characterised
considered a sport through by highly dexterous, intense and
definitions and comparisons to precise finger, wrist and arm
contemporary sports. Hamari and movements partnered with high
Sjoblom (2017) investigated what levels of hand eye co-ordination.
esports is and assessed esports Hamari and Sjoblom (2017) also
consumer motives through emphasise that the definitions and
motivation scale for sports conceptualisations of esport as a
consumption. Hamari and Sjoblom sport should concern themselves
(2017) argue that when one is with what the e stands for. They
assessing whether esports are define esports as “a form of sports
indeed a sport, leads to problems where the primary aspects of the
in defining esports but also our sport are facilitated by electronic
understanding of sports in general. systems; the input of players and
They posit that many individuals, teams as well as the output of the
especially those involved in sports esports system are mediated by
do not believe esports to be a sport human-computer interfaces” (p.1).
due to the lack of apparent They also highlight two stark
physical prowess. However differences between sports and
Witkowski (2012) notes that physical esports. Whilst both take place in
activities are a key part of esports, the physical plane, the input
and whilst these movements are modalities are different. Esports
constrained to the computer- require a human computer
mediated environment this does interface of a mouse, keyboard,

microphone as well as computer compared esports to the
output such as display devices like sociological and philosophical
monitors and audio and haptic definitions of sport, and explore the
feedback. Sports on the other role of, physicality, skill, organisation
hand involve no computers but and institutionalization compared
human and object interaction, or in both esports and sports. Jenny et
just purely human interaction. The al. highlights that in many esports
second difference is in esports the several skills are needed to be
outcomes occur in virtual space, success, for example in Starcraft 2,
whereas the outcomes of sports a popular real time strategy game,
occur in the physical plane. effective resource management is
needed to overwhelm ones
In addition Hamari and Sjoblom opponent. Similarly become a
(2017) also demonstrate that professional counterstrike player
spectating esports is similar to one must demonstrate, fast
sports, whilst not identical, as reflexes, excellent dexterity and
spectating esports will always motor control as well as good levels
involve a computer-mediated of hand eye co-ordination. In
environment. The author would like addition players must have
to extend Hamari and Sjoblom’s excellent game knowledge and
argument to also spectating in the tactical and strategic intellect to
real world as opposed to through solve the problems, which arise in
the computer. Even though there is game, in order to, outplay their
now ample opportunity to attend a opponents (Hemphill, 2005). Further
plethora of regular esports events studies have recommended that
to watch teams and players video games are an excellent
compete in the real world and source of cognitive skills training in
watch live in a stadium just as one understanding tactics, enhancing
would a football or tennis match, teamwork and communication
the spectators still view through a (Hayes & Silberman, 2007; Jenny &
huge monitor or a projection onto Schary, 2014). Jenny et al. (2017)
a wall or floor. Whilst this will always concludes however whilst esports
be the case, if virtual reality and no doubt has skill involved,
avatar generation keep evolving, common definitions of sport state
then it’s possible totally immersive that skill involved in sport must be
modalities will be able to deliver physical. Modern definitions of
say watching League of Legends sport such as conceptualised by
like watching a football match, Hemphill (2005) and Ousterhoudlt
albeit being computer generated. (1977) state that the skill involved
Thus Hamari and Sjoblom (2017) must demonstrate physical prowess
demonstrate that esports should be as opposed to just involving
defined as sports, which occur physicality, thus esports would not
through a computer, mediated be considered a sport by the
environment, rather than definition of physicality. Jenny et al.
demonstrate esports are sports further discusses this argument by
through their likeness to traditional exploring gross vs fine motor skills.
sports. Finally Jenny et al (2017) Gross motor skills involve large

muscle groups which involve movements by the user. A meta-
movement, such as moving from analysis of 27 motion-based video
point A to point B or kicking a games found they burn calories,
football, fine motor skills are increase heart rate and induce
movements using small groups of sweating way beyond resting levels
muscles to make precise (Sween et al 2014). Jenny
movements with increased concludes whilst current definitions
accuracy and control, such as of sport exist, unless esports
using the wrist to roll a layup in incorporate motion based video
basketball or aiming a tennis racket games into their array, esports will
(Haibach et al, 2011). Jenny et al. never be considered a true sport
(2017) argues that out of all due to a lack of physicality. Jenny
Olympic sports, only shooting and et al. (2017) further argues there
archery do not involve large gross needs to be institutionalisation of
movements. Furthermore esports esports before it will be recognised
lacks the strength speed and a sport. For example in the United
aggression found in modern sports States, the United States Olympic
like basketball, football and rugby. committee, National Collegiate
Jenny gives the example of a Athletic association and the
gymnast who displays full body National Association for
gross motor control to perform a Intercollegiate Athletics all work in
complex array of movements to tandem to ensure rule
win competitions, through practice enforcement and standardisation
she becomes more refined and in sport, however due to the
precise, learning more complex explosive growth of esports, there
movements, with each new are many organisations fighting to
movement the level of danger be the “top” esports institution, thus
increases, with one wrong slip and without co-operation,
she could seriously injure herself. institutionalisation will never occur.
Compared to an esports
professional who uses fine motor To conclude by traditional
skills to control an avatar in virtual definitions such as those proposed
space, often in scenarios utilising by Guttman (1978), esports would
violence, the player has no fear of be classified as a sport, however
injury through physical means, due to modern sports need for
once the avatar is injured or dies, physicality as well as
the player just starts again. Jenny et institutionalisation such as the world
al. (2017) demonstrates that and national Olympic committees
without a level of visceral working in tandem, due to esports
physicality, esports will never reach lacking these key criteria as argued
the same level as traditional sports by modern theorists, it is likely they
such as football or tennis. Jenny et are more a pseudo-sport, however
al. suggests the way esports can esports are still a growing
achieve this is through motion- phenomenon and they still easily
based video games. These involve have the potential to be formally
using a multitude of input recognised as a sport, either
modalities to simulate physical through changes in definitions of a

sport or through gaining physicality company’s value proposition, key
and institutionalisation. resources which are the necessary
resources to create value for
customers and partner network,
Economics/Business which concerns buyer-supplier
relations. Offering consists of a
It is clear that esports is a big company’s value proposition,
business, with profits and which is formed via all the products
spectatorship expected to increase and services a company can offer
year on year, thus one important to their customers, and which it
area for esports academics to distinguishes itself from competitors.
explore is the business and Finally finance consists of cost
economical processes driving structure, whether a company is
esports. As of 2017 there are very cost driven e.g. keeping costs low
few papers, which have or value driven, e.g. creating high
investigated the economic, and value products, and revenue
business underpinnings of esports. streams, whether the revenue is
Carvalho (2015) and Laakkonen generated.
(2014) both explored business Through the application of the
models in esports. Laakkonen model Laakonen (2014) notes the
applied the business model canvas customers segment involved
by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2002) spectators of the tournament, two
to the Assembly Winter 2014 sponsors one being Steelseries
Steelseries Dota 2 Invitational advertisement rights and Jimm’s,
tournament broadcasting Dota 2, a who provided the computers which
popular free to play MOBA the games were played. In regards
(multiplayer online battle arena). to value proposition, Laakonen
The business model canvas identified two main values,
examines the rationale behind spectators who are there to be
growth by examining the four entertained, and the sponsors who
cornerstones of business, are present to promote their brand
infrastructure, offering, customers, for growth and profit. The channels
and finances. The cornerstones are used were either attending the LAN
then split further into the canvas. event physically, or watching the
Customers involves customer tournament through Dota 2 Tv. The
segments, which identifies which finance structure was cost driven
customers to serve e.g. mass or and revenue generation came
niche market, channels which from the main sponsor Steelseries,
concerns how companies can an entry fee from the participating
deliver value through different teams and ticket sales. Laakonen
channels, and finally customer also suggests several improvements
relations which concerns what type in areas of the business model such
of relationship the organisation as using a mode widely known
wishes to have with its client. streaming channel or using
Infrastructure involves key activities, streaming in different languages
which are the most important could help solidify channels
activities in achieving the

promote viewership and increase gaming house, player salaries and
revenue generation. Similarly travel and lodging. Grow up
Carvalho (2015) also applied the Gaming and Electronik Generation
business model canvas, however both had to fund travel and
rather than explore how esports lodging, event planning,
played out at a tournament, tournament entry fees as well as
Carvalho interviewed three key paying for servers to ensure the
stakeholders in three different teams could practice. Carvalho
esports organisations to get an in (2015) concludes that the two
depth understanding of how the smaller Portuguese team’s models
financial aspects of the business demonstrated that these teams
canvas model is applied to each were concerned with growing and
organisation. The organisations promoting their brand and
consisted of the Yoe Flash Wolves achieving financial stability,
one of the top Taiwanese league whereas the Yoe flash wolves who
of legends teams in the world, were already financially secure
Grow up Gaming, one of the oldest were focused on player
and widely known teams in development and performance, as
Portugal with a history of opposed to revenue generation.
developing some of the best Whilst some papers have
national esports players, and considered the overall business
Electronik Generations, a up and models utilised in esports, others
coming esports team from Portugal have focused on specific parts of
who participate in several games. the industry, such as creating value
Carvalho (2015) found that through or innovation. Zarrabi and Jerkrot
qualitative interviews that out of all (2016) interviewed multiple actors
three teams, the Yoe Flash Wolves in esports organisations and the
were most financially stable, with all esports industry and found that
revenue purely coming sponsors; creating value, such as innovating,
this was also similar for Electronik producing and delivering to the
Generation who also relied on market was of more importance to
sponsors but also ticket sales. The the actors they interviewed
most complex revenue stream compared to value appropriation,
came from Grow up Gaming who the process of capitalisation and
got revenue from sponsors, ticket production of profit. Furthermore
sales, club membership fees, unlike prior literature which suggest
merchandise and state public value creation is a sequential
support. The reason Grow up process in which the firm
Gaming has so many revenue overshoots its competitors and
streams being it is a volunteer creates larger profit margins (Lepak
organisation, as well as its et al 2007; Sirmon et al (2007), value
academy were it trains players and creation is an iterative, trial and
their outreach programs they get error process, for example several
some funding from the education trials of innovation in a product or
council in Portugal. Yoe Flash service (Zarrabi and Jerkot, 2016).
Wolves also had the least numerous Not all actors favoured a trial and
of expenses, focusing on funding a error process however, distribution

platforms who have already found had to experiment with several
their niche in broadcasting esports methods in order to discover the
through streaming platforms and optimal solution to extract profit
generating revenue through from the market. Actors saw
sponsorships and advertising. Since branding and diversification as
distribution platforms have already tools to protect and enhance
gained stability, a trial and error existing appropriation streams
process is less valuable to them. (Zarrabi and Jerkot, 2016).
Zarrabi and Jerkot (2016) further
noted several factors in regards to
creating value in an organisations
and the industry. Actors noted that
competence within organisations
and having good tacit knowledge
of mistakes is utilised in the creation
of values in organisations. Finally
actors expressed that co-operation
was important in creating value
due to co-operation being positive
and benefitting all parties. Many
actors perceived value
appropriation as the best solution
to extract profit from the esports
market. Zarrabi and Jerkot (2016)
note many actors believed to
achieve value appropriation, they

A map of esports teams locations UK (2017

In contrast Nesta reported in 2014 that the Video Games development

Industry is much more dispersed across the UK (Nesta 2014, pp 24)
Liljeqvist, Kallin and Cambrand developments will have more
(2014) found several important impact in esports than other more
factors in developing innovation in traditional sectors. This is because
esports. Open innovation seems to the esports industry has many tech
be one of the most important savvy, creative individuals leading
factors in developing innovation in developments on new hard and
the esports industry, with the esports software to further increase the
industry naturally possessing open performance and innovation in
ended feedback as well as high esports. Since technical
community interaction amongst development is so core to the
esports actors and game publishers esports industry, it’s only natural
which serves as an important that innovation will occur. Liljeqvist,
breeding ground for idea Kallin and Cambrand (2014) also
development and innovation. note that due to the production
Technical development has always and running costs of tournaments
been important for innovation; it is on shoestring budgets, this will
however likely those technical promote innovation as companies

have to be creative in using their million users registered in Europe
funds, finding ways to increase alone. Additional there are
revenues, reducing cost and numerous professional bodies, such
promoting efficiency. as the Korean esports association,
the British esports association and
Marketing the international esports
association as well as huge end of
Whilst there has been very little
year tournaments like Dota 2’s
marketing research conducted in
invitational, and the world cyber
academia investigating marketing
games, the esports Olympic
in esports, there are many non-
equivalent. Seo (2013) notes that
academic articles and companies
due to very little physical content
dedicated to the field of esports
involved with esports, marketing
marketing. On the esports
should focus on the immersion and
marketing blog (http://esports-
experience consumers get from there were
esports, and develops a model of
40 plus articles regarding esports
esports marketing combining by
marketing in January and February
Pines and Gilmore’s (1998)
of 2017 alone. In addition there are
experience economy model with
numerous esports marketing
research by Lusch et al., (2010) and
companies such as Flood
Vargo & Lusch, (2004, 2008) into
Interactive, STARK esports and VFD
value networks and co-creation.
esports are to name but a few.
Pines and Gilmores experience
Finally according to a report by
economy model states that there
SuperData, a company specialising
are four realms of consumer
in games and esports market
experience: educational,
intelligence, the esports industry
entertainment, aesthetic and
generated 747 million dollars in
escapist. These realms can be
2015, with 578 million dollars
conceptualised as four quadrants
generated from marketing and
of a square, with a vertical axis
sponsorships, clearly indicating
ranging from absorption to
marketing is a huge part of esports
immersion, and a horizontal axis
revenue generation, approximately
ranging from passive to active
accounting for 77% of all revenue
participation. However, Pines and
generated in 2015. Since there
Gilmore (1998) experience
appears to be such a impact of
economy model has been
marketing in esports, it is curious
criticised that consumers play the
that only 3 papers including the first
role of guests in that they have no
ever academic research in 2013
contribution towards the
have been published as of early
experience. However Lusch et al.,
(2010) and Vargo & Lusch, (2004,
According to Seo (2013) esports 2008) note that rather than guests,
has “unprecedented marketing consumers have an active part in
potential” (p .1542) due to the creating marketing value, and can
large player base, such as in 2012, be seen as co-creators in the
the electronic sports league experience. Furthermore Lusch et al
reported they had just over half 3.5 (2010) report that marketing value

is not created by a dyadic firm- specific forms of the online and
consumer relationship, but by a offline performances” (p. 1555).
group of several marketing actors There is a clear rift between
who form a value network, ”a marketing academic literature and
spontaneously sensing and marketing reports on the
responding spatial and temporal profitability of esports, more
structure of largely loosely coupled academic literature should
value proposing social and investigate the models and
economic actors interacting processes through which marketing
through institutions and can be applied to esports, to
technology” (Lusch et al., 2010, p. ensure profitability keeps growing.
20). Seo (2013) creates a fully
holistic model of esports marketing, Law
where each part of the experience
economy model is demonstrated in Possibly one of the largest bodies of
esports, for example in regards to academic literature published on
escapism, PC bangs in Korea, and esports is that concerning its legal
the use of Blizzards allow precedence in regards to player
users to create tournaments and and management rights and
social spaces dedicated to esports gambling. Holden, Rodenberg and
and fully immerse and escape as Kaburakis (2017) published an
well as demonstrating that multiple article covering the current state of
actors such as broadcasters, esports gambling, eliciting to two
players, fans, developers and problems in the esports industry,
governing bodies all have a part to skin gambling and match fixing.
play in the development and Skins are in-game cosmetic items
marketing in esports. For instance, which can be sold, traded and
whilst developers make the gambled (Yu, 2016). Whilst skin
platforms for esports to occur, it is gambling exists in several games
the players and consumers, who such as team fortress 2 and Data 2,
enrich the experience for others to it largely occurs in counter strike
allow for escapism, were as the global offense (CSGO) (Bright,
governing bodies and 2016). CSGO lounge was seen as
organisations develop regulations the site which allowed users to bet
and rules to promote education in skins on professional games, this led
esports. Seo (2013) concludes that to a plethora of sites to grow, such
“Within the marketing domain, as OPSkins which allowed for
esports can therefore be casino style gambling such as
conceptualised as a distinct roulette and poker facilitated by
segment of computer-game CSGO skins bought for real money
consumption, identified by the (Holden, Rodenberg and
particular experiences of Kaburakis, 2017). Whilst gambling
competitive game play that increased both exposure,
immerse, educate, entertain, and popularity and economic growth
engage consumers in play, co- of CSGO, it also led to allegations
created within the value network of of unregulated gambling, with
marketing actors by a means of the several popular YouTube channels

owning skin gambling sites, then the globe, or lack transparency,
fixing videos of them winning with one partner organisation,
hundreds of dollars, promoting the Faze, leaving the worlds esports
use of these sites to a largely association. (Holden, Rodenberg
underage demographic (Holden, and Kaburakis, 2017). What may be
Rodenberg and Kaburakis, 2017). In the best solution is to get the
the summer of 2016 two minors, countries gambling councils to
Michael McLeod and Jayme Reed regulate the gambling. In March
citing that Valve, who produced 2017, the UK gambling commission
CSGO and the weapon skins, knew released an article which applied
and support illicit gambling in the existing regulatory framework
minors, filed three major lawsuits. of gambling and integrity to esports
Mcleod and Reed also stated that in accordance to consumer rights
valve’s arbitration practices are and existing litigation, whilst not all
void due themselves being minors the suggestions are 100% ideal,
thus they do not have the capacity such as the use of age checks,
to enter gambling contracts, as however these are easy to bypass
well as allegations of racketeering online, the UK gambling
and deceptive trade practices. In commission does do a good job to
the wake of these lawsuits, Valve showing were esports gambling fits
sent 23 skin gambling sites cease into the current UK litigation, which
and desist letters. Whilst those is legal, what is illegal and their
contacted shut down, many suggestions to move forwards. In
smaller skin gambling sites carried addition to esports gambling,
on practices are normal (Green several papers have investigated
2016) Furthermore esports has also litigation in regards to player’s rights
had integrity scandals in regards to and contracts.
match fixing, whilst the amount of
currency has been as small as $332 Bayliss (2016) conducted an
or as large as $37,000, several cases analysis of both the league of
in Dota 2, CSGO and Starcraft 2 legends teams and players in the
have emerged, with twelve LCS, which is riots sanctioned
individuals arrested for match fixing league for competitive league of
in five Starcraft 2 matches in legends, to see if teams or players
October 2015 (Holden, Rodenberg are employees of the LCS and thus
and Kaburakis, 2017). Holden, should have employee rights,
Rodenberg and Kaburakis suggest which would benefit players but
that there is a need for proper also promote and legitimise esports
regulation on esports gambling and as a sport similar to that of football
match fixing for esports to be the or basketball. First of all Bayliss
next step alongside traditional analysed whether the teams in the
sports. Whilst there are numerous LCS were employees, due to the
bodies such as the not for profit LCS lack of control on teams, and
esports integrity Coalition, or the teams profits were not dependent
World esports association, they on the LCS, under law it is unlikely
either lack the necessary resources teams were classified as
to cover all esports leagues across employees. However when Bayliss

(2016) analysed players in the LCS, accordance with the Fair Labor
there was good legal ground for Standards Act, in which players in
them to be considered employees. the LCS would be considered
First of all one is recognised as an employees. Bayliss (2016)
employee if the organisation is concludes that whilst financially
responsible for the employees players are paid well above the
income. Annually, players are paid national average, they lack rights in
$25,000 from the LCS as a minimum two areas, player mobility and
player salary. Furthermore this administrative actions.
salary is dependent on staying in Administrative actions can be
the LCS, with the two bottom teams highly damaging as the LCS
in the LCS being relegated, thus condones all rulings and
many man hours of intense administrative decisions and the
practice is the only way to reliable LCS is explicit in that any of their
ensure a salary and employment in rulings are non-negotiable and
the LCS. Bayliss (2016) notes this final. Teams and players may
investment is not from someone appeal, but again, no third party
who is in business for themselves, an has any input and the outcome of
independent contractor, but rather the appeal rests on the LCS
an employee grinding out to discretion, thus meaning appeals
ensure financial and job security in can be rejected even when proper
a competitive environment. cause to overturn the appeal has
Furthermore the LCS has been established. In regards to
considerable control over players, player mobility, any breach of the
with the ability to fine, suspend or player mobility rules will result in
permanently ban players from ever sanctions; whilst teams and players
participating competitively. In are subject to any new rules
addition to play League of regarding player mobility the LCS
Legends, players must use the decide to impose. This is further
League of Legends client to play impacted by the LCS rules are free
the game. Whilst this may seem from any player scrutiny, thus
trivial, Bayliss (2016) notes that to be without players being able to
legally considered an employee, effectively interact with the LCS
control by the employer must be and have meaningful impact on
demonstrated, by forcing all work rule creation, the LCS can
to be bound to the game client, eviscerate any sort of player
this is an even higher level of influence (Bayliss, 2016). Bayliss
control seen in traditional industries. (2016) concludes that legally
The relationship between players players could be recognised an
and the LCS also has legal employees, therefore giving them
precedent, the relationship is fairly the right to collective bargaining,
stable and permanent, players do meaning “League of Legends
not employ people to play for players can fight for fair provisions
them, players are seen as a key under LCS agreements, and ensure
part in facilitating the creation of a that future professional esports
broader League of Legends players can enjoy just and healthy
community, all these fall in employment in the field. (p.408)

Hollist (2015) reviewed the esports example by only issuing athletic
industry in the United States and visas for competitive play with an
gave some suggestions on how to active players association would
improve player-working conditions. incentive esports leagues to allow
Hollist highlights a lack of player’s for the creation of unions, as if this
rights in general in esports, was not the case, highly talented
suggesting like Bayliss (2016) if the and high profile international
players were able to bring to the players would not be allowed to
courts attention they are play in the United States, thus
employees either through reducing viewership and the
legislation or through esports industry growth. In a similar manner
organisations breaking labour laws, Taylor (2012) reminds us “the
they would legally have to be conditions under which Korea’s
given bargaining power. Hollist incredibly robust scene emerged
notes the best solution would be to are tied to fundamental policy,
unionise due to this would stop economic and infrastructural
imposing government regulations supports. It is uncertain if Europe
on a still evolving industry. Also and the North America will develop
once esports players are seen as similar mechanisms to build their
employees, by then pursuing scenes.” (pp 247).
unionisation, they gain the
protection provided by the Education
National Labour Relations Act.
One important area of esports
Hollist (2015) further notes that literature is the educational value
unlike other nations the United of playing these games for long
States needs to form an hours. Several studies have
independent esports organisation highlighted the educational
outside of the players, teams and benefits of esports, which echo
leagues. Hollist (2015) stresses that what has already been found in
any organisation developed would regards to online videogame play
need to be supported by the US and their educational benefit. Early
federal government as this would research by Forough and Freeman
ensure uniformity across nations as (2016) suggest professional esports
well as solve glaring problems in the players perform exceeding well on
industry, such as lack of legitimacy attention tasks compared to casual
and problems concerning integrity video games players. Professional
and gambling. Thus by creating a esports players have very high
government supported attentional abilities timed with very
organisation, esports can be legally low reaction times. Furthermore
and properly regulated in the research by Kozachuk and
United States. Finally Hollist (2015) Freeman (2016) looked at how
suggests that through regulating structured esports play can
visas the government can increase increase educational
player well-being in competitive achievement. Five hundred
play whilst not compromising students participated in a varsity
casual and amateur play. For video game league, being

surveyed on their team with others, in the context of
experiences to understand what specific life situations, in order to
factors influenced academic enable constructive social action;
performance and team cohesion and to reflect upon this process”
in high school esports players who (p.22). Similarly research utilising
play esports competitively on the MMORPG as a medium for
varsity circuit. Through structural education has also echoed similar
equation modelling, Kozachuk and benefits. Childress and Braswell
Freeman (2016) found that (2006) found that MMORPG could
participating in an esports team be a useful tool in the classroom,
increased team cohesion and with the MMORPG blending real life
academic performance, as face to face learning and
opposed to purely playing video interacting with an online virtual
games. In addition Kozachuck and learning environment. This allows for
Freeman (2016) also found that increased interactivity and
teams who were more cohesive innovation in creating new
had members with high intrinsic teaching models. Furthermore
motivation, which in turn lead to these models will be more effective
increased academic achievement. methods of teaching problem
Thus by providing a suitable outlet solving and critical thinking due to
for students to socialise with similar the hyper-realised, social learning
peers allows for social and experiences these methods can
academic benefits. portray. Furthermore advances in
artificial intelligence will allow for
Esports research has also shown it the creation of powerful
to be useful in the learning of motor pedagogical agents who can
skills. Hilvoorde and Pot (2016) interact in the online environment
argue that esports require to help customize materials based
individuals to learn and perform on the learners own needs. Whilst
motor skills. They further argue no esports literature has
motor skills are a key component of investigated leadership training
esports, and “The body movements and education, some studies using
in these cases are not task- MMORPG have looked at
facilitating, but are defining and leadership training and education.
necessary to control the task” Lisk, Kaplancali and Riggio (2012)
(p.19). In addition they note esports conducted studies to explore
can be a powerful tool in learning leadership development and
and gaining mastery over digital training in online games in
literacy which is “awareness, distributed teams. The first consisted
attitude and ability of individuals to of groups of four of five students
appropriately use digital tools and participating in two INFINITEAMS
facilities to identify, access, sessions, a game developed to
manage, integrate, evaluate, increase team learning and
analyse and synthesize digital leadership through problem solving
resources, construct new scenarios. Participants motivation
knowledge, create media to lead and leadership self-efficacy
expressions, and communicate was measured prior to the study to

ensure these did not contribute to MMORPG was predictive of offline
the final scores of leadership. leadership ability. They developed
Transactional and transformational a game leadership scale based on
leadership scores were recorded the multifactor leadership scale
by self and peer reports after the (Avolio and Bass 2004), which
two sessions. Lisk, Kaplancali and assesses transformational
Riggio (2012) found a significant leadership and compared this with
relationship between reported a measure of offline leadership.
transactional and transformational They found that in-game
leadership by self and peers and leadership, when leading a team,
increased team performance. The significantly predicted offline
second study involved assessing leadership. Its possible Jang and
transformational leadership, Ryu (2011) discovered that online
leadership roles in guilds and guild leadership did predict offline
structure in MMORPG games such leadership. However in their study
as World of Warcraft and Guildwars they did not use traditional
to assess transformational measures of leadership and
leadership in games and at work. applied these to an online setting,
Lisk, Kaplancali and Riggio (2012) rather they developed a measure
found that participants leading which accurately captured online
guilds in games reported higher leadership, and then cross
leadership skills than those not in validated this measure with one of
guilds. They found that those in offline leadership.
higher positions of authority in
guilds indicated higher leadership Human factors/Ergonomics.
ability, but no difference was found
amongst leadership ability in The final section covers the role of
regards to whether the guild had ergonomics and engineering in the
one, several or no leaders. They role of esports. Esports is a growing
found no clear relationship industry, with many young
between offline and online professionals spending hours upon
transformational leadership. They hours of training. Some esports
conclude with that more research players play at a minimum 50 hours
is needed to assess leadership in a week, with others spending up to
distributed teams, as it would 14 hours six or seven days a week
appear just applying traditional playing esports (Procci, 2017)
models of leadership is not enough, Furthermore, these hours are taking
as there it would appear there are its toll, with esports players being
other moderators and mediators the most prominent clients for
which affect leadership ability surgeons who specialise in hand
online. They do note however and upper extremity injuries, with
MMORPG are powerful tools in one player having to retire at 22
regards to leadership training as due to gaming induced wrist
they allow for social interaction injuries (Procci, 2017). Therefore it is
and scenarios to test leadership. important to think about how
Conversely a similar study by Jang designing game based education
and Ryu (2011) did find that playing programs and learning

environments to reduce the risk of more fun, engaging and
injury. Procci (2017) gives many expressive, and was more practical
recommendations to reduce the when it came to the selection of
risk of injury based off prior large groups and sub groups of
ergonomics research, such as the units. The participants also
inclusion of many breaks to allow commented they modality allowed
for rest, and hand and wrist the game to be more engaging
stretches and massages. Another and realistic, with one participant
possibility is the assessment for quoting ““more engaging on a
appropriate gaming mice or visceral level” (p.08). They
controllers to ensure they are conclude their input modality
ergonomically sound and no allows for quick an precise
excess pressure is being places on movements in regards to selection
the hands or wrist. Procci (2017) with are more engaging and
even goes into finer detail such as expressive over the mouse and
keeping the centre of the visual keyboard, they propose more
display twenty five degrees below research should be conducted into
eye level, with the top of the visual the application of input modalities
display being below five degrees of in esports to increase engagement
eye level and also ensuring the and functionality.
pressure needed to press on the
keyboard is between 0.5-.06 N and Whilst currently there is very limited
has a slope between zero to fifteen academic literature in the area of
degrees as this reduces strain. marketing, ergonomics, human
Procci (2017) concludes that the factors and engineering clearly
recommendations should reduce have a role in player health and
strain and reduce injury in developing esports to a higher
prolonged computer and gaming level, whether that be more
use, but other areas need research, engagement for the players or to
such as the use of mobile devices, increase functionality to allow new
head-mounted displays and games to be developed and new
simulator sickness. Hamilton, Kearne ways for games to be played
and Robbins (2012) compared the which are both practical and
use of a touch pad and pen exciting.
compared to a mouse and
keyboard as an input modality for
playing a popular esport, Starcraft Section 2
2, being a real time strategy game
which revolves around the
collection of resources, production
Project details.
of units and large scale Reflecting on the themes and detail
management to defeat the
from the project:
opponent. Hamilton Kearne and
Robbins (2012) used 10 high-level • The study reveals esports
star craft players to test the continues to be a rapidly
modality. They reported that the
developing industry, with not
pen and touch pad modality was

only large profits, but also an esports community working
extremely large player and together sharing orientation and
spectator base. future growth of the Industry.
In 2017 the esports industry • It is important to encouraging a
cross section of stakeholders to
will earn (in total revenue)
engage together so as to
$696 million US, and is
identify potential solutions to
predicted by 2019 to reach problems faced by the UK
$1 billion. Newzoo Annual esports industry (and not to just
report 2017 confirm existing problems as
other reports have done so far).
There are clear indications that:
Reflection on the esports Industry
• Esports could be considered
a sport like any other modern
sport. However the lack of a • While there is indications that
united, autonomous and the esports industry is growing
independent committee, as and building its organisational
well as a lack of positive base (e.g. the British esports
Association, GFinity, Twitch,
media presence and
etc.) It is clear that more needs
recognition, means that
to be done in order to foster
esports is not yet true sports.
and grow the Industry as a
Note: currently there is still a whole and to minimize
deep and ensuing organisations fighting to be at
deliberation around the the top. The most positive step is
physicality of sports and through co-operation and co-
esports. ordination.
• There are three different
scenarios about how esports • Existing research has identified
two main economic values for
could impact sport in the
esport businesses: spectators
future, (who are there to be
o it will develop into a entertained), and sponsors
rival culture; (who promote their own brand).
o It will be integrated
• Esport business’s financial
into a sport; structure is cost driven.
o or it will evolve into
what modern sports will • Revenue generation comes
from the main sponsors,
ultimately become. charging an entry fee from the
• Posittive motivations about participating teams, ticket sales,
epsports development and club membership fees,
growth include skills merchandise, state/ public
development, fostering support.
economic growth and the

• Improvements in business Economy in the UK, there are
models can be made through clear indications that there is a
better use of the widely known strong and growing Creative
streaming channels; and/ or Industry and Economy in 2017.
streaming in different In a report that outlines The
languages. These changes Creative Industries Economic
could help solidify channels, Estimates- January 2016
promote viewership and (
increase revenue generation. nt/publications/creative-
• Creating value including january-2016/creative-
innovating, producing and industries-economic-estimates-
delivering to the market are the january-2016-key-findings)
most importance for esports
organisations. States,

• The Creative Economy

Results from a esport team was worth £133.3bn in
perspective: 2014, accounting for 8.2
per cent of the UK
• While there currently exists both economy.
very successful examples of • The Creative Economy
esports teams and streaming has grown by a quarter
since 2011, at a rate
communities in the UK, the co-
faster than the whole of
ordination and co-operation of
the UK economy, which
these teams as a fully-fledged grew 12.1 per cent. The
‘Creative Industry’ does not yet rise has primarily been
exist. led by the growth of the
• There is still limited demarcation Creative Industries.
in legal and workplace
Also a recently commissioned
obligations of esport team
Report by NESTA titled “A Map
sports organisation. In particular of the UK Games Industry”
much work is needed to (2014)
improve the demarcation
between ‘professionalization’ ations/map-uk-games-
and ‘leisure’ of game play. industry?gclid=CJWv_5fhg9QCF
Much policy, employment law YqRGwodfhUM-Q makes a
number of suggestions that
and regulations development is
quickly crossover to the esports
needed to foster a strong esport and streaming Industry status.
industry profile in the UK. For example the report outlines:

Results from a Governmental funding • The video games industry is

Perspective: recognised as a highly
innovative part of the UK’s
Although currently there is no creative economy, but hard
dedicated UK Governmental data about its economic
policy focus that specifically performance and
addresses esports and geography are difficult to
streaming within the Creative

come by. In this respect, the • Around one–half of UK video
sector is partly a victim of its games companies are
relative youth and based in London and the
dynamism: it didn’t get South of England (though the
dedicated Standard sector is better represented
Industrial Classification (SIC) in the North of England than
codes until 2007, and many the rest of the creative
of its companies are hard to industries).
classify using standard
codes. • The UK’s games sector is
more geographically
• This exercise results in a list concentrated than other
of 1,902 video games creative industries, but the
companies. iOS (including situation is changing over
iPhone and iPad) turns out to time as games companies
be the most popular begin to pop up more
platform. frequently across the UK.

• Only around one–third of the • We have identified 18 areas

companies we identify are with a critical mass of
captured by official games games activity in terms of
SIC codes. SIC codes are company numbers, and 12
particularly bad at capturing games hubs that have high
companies in newer levels of games
platforms like iOS. concentration. These hubs
are Brighton, Cambridge,
• The video games sector has Cardiff, Dundee, Edinburgh,
experienced an Guildford and Aldershot,
entrepreneurial boom in Liverpool, London,
recent years: almost nine in Manchester, Oxford,
ten of companies began Sheffield and Rotherham
operations in the 2000s or and Warwick and Stratford–
the 2010s. Between 2011 and upon–Avon.
2013, the number of games
companies grew at an • The video games sector in
annual rate of 22 per cent. the UK could have a Gross
This growth was driven by Value Added of as high as
iOS companies: they £1.72 billion.
comprise three–quarters of
the companies formed in the
2010s. The implications in contrasting these
figures suggest that the Creative
• Despite the growth of Industries is set to continue expanding
multiplatform companies, and strengthening its economic
the sector as a whole is
contribution in the UK. However, with
increasingly divided into
those that focus on mobile, little consideration to the finer detail of
and those specialising in where and what specific creative
traditional gaming platforms. industries are contributing to the
economic growth there is little
opportunity to capitalise on areas of

specialism such as esports, streaming precursor for violence and a
and other digital creative products source of addiction.
and developments that are flourishing
in the UK. • While esports is still a growing
phenomenon, it can be
We therefore make the following described as a pseudo-sport.
recommendations for consideration by It therefore has the potential
the UK Government and those working
to be formally recognised as
in the Creative Industries economy:
a sport, either through
• Public and state funding should changes in definitions to
be provided to enhance skills sport or through improving it
development. demonstrable physicality
• That public and state funding and institutionalisation
could be built to help foster infrastructure.
team player’s expenses,
funding gaming houses, • Esports can provide a wealth
topping up salaries and travel of developmental,
and lodgings. educational and skills benefit
• Public and state funding could for the UK. Including
aid in building the social value
increased educational
of esport.
performance spatial
• Public and state funding could
foster creative value building
awareness, problem solving,
and innovation in the UK improved reaction times,
economy. Funding would and developing social
enable need to include a networks and social skills.
strong policy and financial
support basis in order to service
• Skills of particular promise
value creation that is often include dexterity, intense and
developed on a iterative, trial precise finger, wrist and arm
and error basis in the creative movements as well as high
industries. levels of hand-eye co-
Section 3- Key Results:
In order foster the esports industry and
to enhance a overall positive growth
in the UK economy:

• A positive media campaign to

reduce the negative media
portrayal of video games is
needed. In particular there is a
need to challenge the simplistic
image that gaming is a

Section 4- Research and the business and economics of
esports, there is still scope for much
Policy Implications more, for example more
quantitative research are needed
Esports covers a wide variety of as all the studies so far are
topics in the academic literature, qualitative in nature. The author
ranging from its validity as a sport, does appreciate however it may
to ergonomics and education. This be difficult to understand the
list is surely to grow as esports business and economics of such a
becomes more developed and nascent industry without a large
more researchers and organisations amount of qualitative research.
understand the value of knowing What is clear however is the esports
the underpinnings of esports industry has huge potential for
marketing. Clearly some areas are innovation and value creation, and
covered more than others; such as to understand the industry as a
business and the validity of esports whole, more models rather than just
and academic literature regarding the business canvas model should
esports law and litigation are the be developed and applied.
most prominent. Overall this
literature gives other researchers a Further, there is no doubt
flavour of what has already been academic literature in regards to
researched and advises law and litigation to help benefit
researchers not just to build on the esports industry, whether it is in
these topics but expand the areas regards to helping the regulation of
of academic literature has been gambling and match fixing, or
covered. For example many increasing player welfare. What this
esports teams are now employing also does is promote legitimacy
performance and sport amongst the esports industry
psychologists, however no compared to its tradition
academic research has counterparts and help protect and
investigated the application of promote career paths in an
psychology to esports, as previously evolving and nascent industry.
mentioned it may not be so simple
as applying pre-existing models, so As stated above, like most other
therefore psychological literature research in esports, literature
should at the start focus on regarding education is in its
whether the application of pre- infancy, however there is evidence
existing psychological models are that suggests esports are excellent
appropriate for such a nascent tools for developing social skills
industry, and would it be more which can lead to increased
optimal both from and a research academic performance, as well as
and practical perspective to act as a medium to understand
develop specified psychological motor skills and master digital
models and theories in regards to literacy. Furthermore online
esports. education literature such as
research by Jang and Ryu (2011)
Whilst there has been some start to can help guide esports into
academic literature in regards to developing its potential for training

and learning. For example creating
specific measures to assess
leadership skills learned through
playing esports such as counter
strike. It is likely other skills are worth
investigating such as analytical
ability, spatial reasoning,
teamwork, and problem solving,
which are all common in esports
(Jenny et al 2017).

Section 5- Future
Our future plans are: (incorporate in a
summary section see below)

• To continue to present the

findings of the studies and
collaboration we will be
pursuing and we also aim to
host a series of workshops and
continue building network
partners across the UK and the
• To continue to enhance the
research agenda exploring
esports, streaming and the
Creative Industries.
• To seek funding and
collaborative partners to
develop detailed case profiles
of best practice community
and esports engagement at a
national/ International level.
• To use our research to lobby
and promote esports, digital
skills building and education
and the positive enhancement
of the creative economy and its
policy at a UK and European
policy level.

Section 6- Dissemination the development of a research
ecology network dedicated to
and outputs developing potential applications of
esports in the UK.
This report will be made available
publicly as well as online as an open
publication. The workshop will result in

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