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The Henley College 62441

Jemima Lewis – 979980


Project Proposal


Throughout my course I have been able to learn and gain knowledge about myself, which
has put me in good stead of what I want to achieve in the future. With each unit, I faced
challenges which left me demotivated and annoyed but due to these unexpected changes I
have gained experience and skills. These experiences have allowed me to progress and
improve my work which has made me find my love for media, but has also enabled me to
learn about me as a person and what skill set’s I have to offer.

To think at the start of the course my biggest issue was wondering how to turn on a camera,
I believe I have come a long way. I am now able to film, edit and create a documentary,
radio broadcast, podcast e.c.t without even needing to second guess the skills which I learnt
the first few weeks. I am happy to say that I can now walk away from this course confidently
saying that I know how to set up a interview, use a microphone, edit on premier pro and the
list continues.

By creating a factual programme, I am able to showcase these skills and develop them
further. I am able to demonstrate my camera skills through a selection of interviews and B-
roll which wouldn’t be possible through a podcast or radio broadcast, and is the reason I am
so fond of the factual programme idea. By creating this programme I also have the
advantage of editing, which allows me to include music, colour, fonts and found footage. All
of this adds to excitement and interest which overall will help with my overall grade.

A skill which I believe is necessary when completing any form of production, is planning.
Planning is crucial, especially when it comes to a factual programme. Planning is what gets
your production moving swiftly and allows each section to be handed in on time. But as well
as this, planning ensures that you are prepared for problems you may face and have
interviews set up and organised before hand. By producing a factual programme I will be
able to show this skill off in more than one way, which is another reason is why I want to
produce this type of production.

It is worth explaining in the evaluation section that you can use the weekly blogs to
improve your ideas as the project develops. Will you look for feedback from your
target audience? Your client?

Project Concept
The Henley College 62441

In order for anything produced to turn out successful, it’s essential that I set out clear aims
for the target audience I’m approaching. To ensure this is done efficiently I need complete
thorough research in order to understand my audience. From previous units I have
completed, I have preferred targeting my own age group as I was approaching subjects that
also interested myself. Therefore, it’s crucial that my production is engaging, interesting and
full of action.

As I want to push myself and show off the skill set’s I have learnt throughout the past units, I
would like to produce a documentary as this collaborates audio with image. Two ideas
which I have enjoyed exploring into is ‘Learning about foster children’ and ‘The start of ITV’.
Both of these ideas are extremally interesting, not mentioning the fact I could arrange an
interview with an expert of both subjects. Therefore, these ideas are sensible and have good

When producing any production I have come to realise that you can’t just base it on any
topic which you find interesting, instead it has to be accessible. This is because you have to
be able to find an expert to interview and subjects to film. But with both topics I have
connections to and therefore will be able to find an expert which will mean the process will
be easier.

To engage my audience I will incorporate as many related interviews as possible, I believe

that this brings the topic to life and allows there to be emotion involved. Although, to
ensure the interviews fit with my audience I will ensure they are short and sweet. When it
comes to the length of the programme, I am unsure of the time limit. This is due to not
knowing to much about the subject and my target audience just yet, but predict it will be no
longer than 20 minutes.

Due to Covid19 I am a little worried of how the production may turn out due to the lack of
freedom. Therefore, planning is more crucial than ever due to the large amount of
compromising which will be involved. Will I need to order my own microphone this time
round? What would be good B-roll in my garden?


In order to produce the best production possible, I need to ensure I take on advice and
comments from my teachers and peers. This will allow me to get an outsider’s point of view
which creates a broader range of ideas, not mentioning wider range of opinions. Although
as the work is my own, my own opinion does heavily influence the piece therefore I will be
completing a weekly blog. This blog will encourage me to go over the events of the week,
negative and positive.

The blog will allow me to voice my opinions and evaluate the work at hand. By doing this
weekly I will have a fresh mind therefore able to document each and every essential
movement made. This will help in the future when completing other pieces of work as I can
recall and learn from my mistakes, not mentioning the present benefits.
The Henley College 62441

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