Fractional Fourier Transform: A Survey: August 2012

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Fractional Fourier Transform: a survey

Conference Paper · August 2012

DOI: 10.1145/2345396.2345519

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1 author:

Krishna Battula
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada


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Fractional Fourier Transform:A Survey

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Gitam Institute of Technology
GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, India

ABSTRACT angular Fourier transform[30]. Like Discrete Fourier

The Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT), which pro- Transform(DFT), a discrete version of Fourier Trans-
vides generalization of conventional Fourier Transform form, Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform (DFRFT)
was introduced many years ago in mathematics litera- is a discrete version of FRFT[11, 15, 17]. There is no
ture by Namias. In this paper, definition, properties of single definition for DFRFT till now. All the possible
fractional Fourier transform and its relationship with definitions of different types of DFRFT are presented
other transforms is discussed. Various definitions of and their specific applications are also discussed in this
discrete version of FRFT and their comparison is pre- paper. The FRFT has been found to have many ap-
sented. FRFT falls under the category of Linear time plications in the areas of signal processing such as fil-
frequency representations. Some of the applications tering , restoration, enhancement, correlation, convo-
of FRFT such as detection of signals in noise, image lution, multiplexing , pattern recognition, beam form-
compression, reduction of side lobe levels using con- ing, perspective projections , system synthesis, speaker
volutional windows, and time-frequency analysis are recognition, neural networks, pattern recognition, ar-
illustrated with examples. It has been observed that ray signal processing, radar, sonar, communication,
FRFT can be used in more effective manner compared information security, etc[26, 16, 7, 4, 3, 6, 8, 14, 10,
to Fourier transform with additional degrees of free- 1]. In this paper an attempt is made to illustrate the
dom. efficieny of FRFT in the area of Signal and Image Pro-
Categories and Subject Descriptors
C.3 [Special-Purpose And Application-Based Sys- The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 deals
tems]: Signal processing systems; I.5 [Pattern Recog- with the definition of Fractional Fourier transform,it’s
nition]: Signal processing Properties and relationship with other transforms. Con-
cept of Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform (DFRFT)
and its various definitions is presented in Section 3.
Keywords Application of Fractional Fourier transform for the de-
Fractional order, Signal detection, Time-Frequency rep- tection of signal in the presence of noise, Image Com-
resentation, Rotation, Image compression, Window- pression, time-frequency analysis, analysis of convolu-
function. tional windows etc. are illustrated in section 4. Fi-
nally, conclusions are drawn in Section 5.
Fourier analysis is one of the most frequently used
tools in signal processing and many other scientific 2. FRACTIONAL FOURIER TRANSFORM
fields[25]. The Fourier transform operator can be vi- The Continuous time fractional Fourier transform (CFRFT)
sualized as a change in representation of the signal cor- with an angle α of a signal f (t) is defined as[21, 30],
responding to a counter clockwise rotation of the axis
by an angle π2 [25]. The fractional Fourier transform, is Z ∞
a generalized Fourier transform, can be considered as Fα (u) = f (t)Kα (u, t) dt (1)
a rotation by an angle α in the time-frequency plane −∞

and is also called as rotational Fourier transform or

Where the transform kernel Kα (u, t) is given by[18,

j (u2 + t2 ) cotα−jutcosecα
 q
e α 6= kπ

 2

Kα (u, t) =

 ∂ (u − t) α = 2kπ
∂ (u + t) α = (2k + 1) π
where α = aπ/2 is rotation angle in the phase plane
and a is a constant ranging from 0 to 4. The Trans-
form Kernel is also defined as[21, 23, 28], 1/α, sinα = α

X 1 −j ( u−t
2α )
Kα (u, t) = e −jnα
ψn (t)ψn (u) (3) Kα (u, t) = e (6)

where ψn (t) is the nth order continuous Hermite−Gaussian

Z ∞
1 −j ( u−t 2
2α ) dt = f (t)
function. The FRFT of a given signal f (t)(From Eqn.2)can F0 (u) = f (t) e
−∞ j2πα
be computed as follows, (7)
√1 e

we have an identity that, δ(t) = lim
1. Multiplication by a chirp signal ε→0 jπε

2. A Fourier transform with its argument scaled 2. When α = 2π FRFT of the signal is same as the
by cosecα. identity operator.

3. Multiplication by another chirp signal 3. When α = π/2 FRFT gives the Fourier trans-
form of the signal. When α = π/2 ,cotα =
4. Multiplication by another constant 0, cosecα = 1 and
1 −jut
Kα (u, t) = e (8)
The inverse fractional Fourier transform is defined as[2, 2π
5, 12, 22, 23, 24, 27], r
Z ∞
Z ∞ 1 −jut
f (t) = Fα (u) K−α (u, t) du (4) F (u) =
π f (t) e dt = F (u) (9)
−∞ 2π

The relationship between fractional domain with the 4. The FRFT of order −α is the inverse of the
traditional time-frequency plane can be expressed in FRFT of order α .
matrix form as,
     5. Successive applications of FRFT are equivalent
t cosα sinα u to a single transform whose order is equal to the
= (5)
ω −sinα cosα v sum of the individual orders.
FRFT will have an advantage of providing rotation Fα Fβ = Fα+β (10)
in the time−frequency plane. FRFT of Some of the
commonly used signals is shown in Fig.1. From Fig it 6. According to Parseval’s theorem
is observed that FRFT of a Gaussian is also Gaussian. Z ∞ Z ∞
Fig.1 illustrates how the FRFT of a rectangular signal |f (t)|2 dt = |Fα (u)|2 du (11)
evolves into a sinc function as α is varied from 0 to −∞ −∞

π/2. Some of the useful properties of FRFT are listed

7. The symmetry properties of the Fourier trans-
form for even and odd real sequences do not ex-
tend to the FRFT. So, for a real signal,
Fα∗ (u) = F−α (u) (12)

FRFT of some of the commonly used signals and some

of its properties is shown in Table.1.

2.1 Relationship with other Transforms

To derive the relationship between FRFT √and Fourier
Transform, let a = cotα2
, b = secα, c = 1 − jcotα.
The FRFT can be written as,
2 c 2
e−jau Fα (u) = √ f (t)eja(t −2but)
dt (13)


Let g(t) = c f (t)e , The above expression reduces
Figure 1: FRFT of some common signals
2 1
below. e−jau Fα (u) = √ g(t)e−j2abut dt = G(2abu)

1. When the value of α = 0, the FRFT of the sig- 2
nal is the signal itself. When α = 0, cotα = Fα (u) = ejau G(2abu) (15)
where a 6= 0. The kernels of FRFT for different values
Table 1: FRFT of some common signals of α can be regarded as wavelet family.
Signal FRFT
√ ju2 tanα
1 1+jtanα e− 2 3. DISCRETE FRFT
−t2 −u2 The evaluation of continuous time fractional fourier
e 2 e 2
transform is done by it’s discrete version named Dis-
√ j(v2 +u2 )tanα crete Fractional Fourier Transform(DFRFT)[5, 24, 28,
ejvt 1+jtanα ejuvsecα− 2
9, 1]. Although, the properties of CFRFT have been
u2 +τ 2
δ (t−τ ) 1−jcotα j
e 2
cotα−juτ cosecα well studied, a universally agreed upon discrete coun-

terpart is yet to be found. The DFRFT should satisfy
f (−t) Fα (−u) the following properties
v2 cos α sin α
f (t)ejvt ejuv cos α−j 2 Fα (u − v sin α)
−juτ cos α+j τ cos2α sin α
1. Unitary property for the Transform to be re-
f (t − τ ) e Fα (u − τ cos α) versible .
tf (t) ucosαFα (u) + jsinαFα′ (u)
2. Additivity of orders needed for rotation.
cosαFα′ (u) + jusinαFα (u)
3. Generalization of discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
Rt ju2 tan α Ru jz 2 tan α
f (t′ )dt′ sec αe− 2 Fα (z)e 2 dz is needed to complete theory.
a a
ju2 4. Similarity with CFRFT is needed from the point
f (t)∗g(t) e− 2 (
cot απ
2 ) F α (u)Gα (u)
of view of Theory.

where g(t) and G(u) are Fourier Transform pair. Additionally, it is required to have a closed form and
be efficient to implement. Pei and Deng has classified
The Wigner Distribution(WD) of a signal f (t) is de- some of the possible definitions of DFRFT in 2000[17,
fined as, 20]. The straight forward way to obtain discrete ver-
Z ∞  sion is to sample the continuous time fractional fourier
τ  ∗  τ  −juτ transform (Direct form type DFRFT ) and is given by,
Wf (t, u) = f t+ f t− e dτ (16)
−∞ 2 2
The Wigner distribution depicts the distribution of Fα (m) = Kα (m, n)f (n) (20)
signals energy over the entire time-frequency plane. n=−N
For a given time domain signal f (t) the Wigner dis-
Kernel Kα (m, n) is defined as,
tribution of its Fourier Transform can be obtained
by rotating the Wigner Distribution of f (t) by π2 in jcotα
(m2 ∆u2 +n2 ∆t2 ) e −j2πmnS
Kα (m, n) = Cα e 2 2M +1 (21)
Time−Frequency plane in clockwise direction. Sim-
ilarly the Wigner distribution of αth order FRFT of where,
f (t) is obtained by rotating the Wigner distribution r
of f (t) by απ in Time−Frequency plane[3, 6, 19, 12]. | sin α| − jsgn(sin α) cos α
2 Cα = (22)
In mathematical form it is represented as, 2M + 1

WFα (t, u) = W f (t cos (φ) − u sin (φ) , t sin (φ) + u cos (φ)) f (n) denotes samples of input with n = (−N, N ),
(17) Fα (m) is the samples of output with m = (−M, M ), S
where Fα is the αth order FRFT of function f (t). is integer prime to 2M +1, and ∆u∆t = 2πS sin α
2M +1
. The
disadvantage of direct form DFRFT is that it does
The Ambiguity Function(AF) for f (t) is defined as, not obey unitary, additivity, reversibility and closed
form definitions. However an improved version of di-
Z ∞
∗ −j2πf t rect type DFRFT is possible. The second kind of
A (τ, f ) = f (t)f (t−τ ) e dt (18)
−∞ DFRFT is Linear combination type DFRFT, which
is derived by using the linear combination of DFT,
The ambiguity function and wigner distribution are linearity,inverse operation and IDFT. It is given by,
related by two-dimensional fourier transform. Wigner
distribution gives and idea about the distribution of X
the energy of a signal, whereas, the ambiguity function Fα [f (n)] = Kα (n, k)f (n) (23)
gives a correlative interpretation. So, It can be easily
said that FRFT and ambiguity function are related by where
a rotation angle[13, 29]. 1 (α)
Kα (n, k) = a0 (α)δ(n − k) + a√

e N
j2πnk (24)
3 (α)
The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) of the sig- +a2 (α)δ [(n + k)N ] + a√ N
e N
nal f (t) is defined as,
Z ∞   Eigen vector decomposition type DFRFT is obtained
1 1 u−t by by finding the eigen vectors and eigen values of
Lψ f (a, t) = √ ψ f (u)du (19)
cψ a
|a| −∞ DFT matrix and taking the fractional power. This was
invented by Pei and Deng, and the results obtained completely. Finally, FRFT of order −α is applied to
will match to FRFT. get back the signal. In order to illustrate the noise re-
X moval operation, a gaussian signal,f (t) = e−π(t−4) , is
Fα [f (n)] = uk [n] uTk [n] e−jαk (25) 2
added by the noise, n(t) = e−jπt rect( 16 t
) , and frac-
k=0 tional order α = 0.5 is chosen. The original Signal,
Where uk [n] is kth discrete Hermite-Gaussian function Noise, FRFT of Noise and Signal, Recovered signal
and k 6= N , for N odd k 6= N −1, for N even. In matrix are shown in Fig.2.
Fα [f (n)] = U EU T (26)
Where U is discrete Hermite-Gaussian matrix consists
of discrete Hermite-Gaussian functions, E is a diago-
nal matrix that consist of the eigen values e−jkα , k =
0, 1, 2, ...N of DFrFT matrix Fα as diagonal elements.
Group theory type DFRFT is obtained by multiplying
DFT with periodic chirps. This is used only when the
fractional order equals some specified angles. Compar-
ison of Linear weighted type, Sampling type and eigen
decomposition type DFRFT is presented in Table.3.
From the Table.3 it is evident that Linear weighted

Table 2: Comparison of three main types of

Property Linear Sampling Eigen decom-
Weighted type position type
√ √ Figure 2: Signal and noise components.
Unitarity X
√ √
Additivity X
√ √
Approximation X 4.2 Image Compression
Complexity O(NlogN) O(NlogN) O(N2 ) Image Compression can be divided into two categories
√ √
Close-form X as Lossless and Lossy compression.The lossy compres-
sion technique will make use of well known transform
type does not approximate to the continuous FRFT, coding in which any kind of transformation can be
and hence finds less application. Sampling type DFRFT chosen, such as Discrete Cosine, Walsh-Hadamard,
is very useful when we just want to use the discrete Fourier etc.The criterion to compare Image Compres-
transform to compute the continuous transform, and sion Algorithms is to Find RMSE(Root Mean Square
hence finds many applications in Signal processing Error) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR) which
like chirp signal detection and estimation, chirp signal are defined as,
removal, fractional filter design, pattern recognition v 
etc. Out of all the above four types of DFRFT’s the
!2 
u 1  XX
eigen decomposition type DFRFT works very similar RM SE = t I(x, y) − I 1 (x, y) 
to FRFT. The drawbacks of this type of DFRFT is MN x=1 y=1
that it is slow compared to others and finds applica- (27)
tions in adaptive filtering, MIMO Systems etc.  
P SN R = 20 log10 (28)
FRFT can be used in all applications where Fourier Where I(x, y) and I 1 (x, y) are original and compressed
Transform is presently used. Because of the additional images. The value of RMSE should be less and PSNR
degrees of freedom offered by FRFT some gains can be should be high for a good compression scheme. In
expected compared to Fourier Transform. Some of the this paper, Discrete Cosine Transfor(DCT), Discrete
applications of FRFT are illustrated with examples in Wavelet Transform(DWT), and FRFT are considered.
the following subsections. The corresponding outputs are as shown in Fig. 3.
PSNR Values for DWT, DCT and FRFT are tabu-
4.1 Detection of Signal in Noise lated in Table.3. From the table it is observed that
FRFT will be used in special cases to filter noise when the performance of DWT is good compared to DCT
the signal and noise overlap each other in frequency and FRFT. For values of α ≥ 0.975 , the performance
domain. Many of the signal detection techniques fails of FRFT is closer to DCT.
in this aspect. Under such circumstances, FRFT of
order α is used to rotate both signal and noise in Fre- 4.3 Time-Frequency Analysis
quency domains. Then a filter is designed to allow FRFT falls under the category of Linear time fre-
the passage of a signal,which ensures removal of noise quency transforms. In order to illustrate the efficacy
Figure 3: Comparison of DCT, DWT and Figure 4: Time-Frequency Representations.

the convolution of the window with itself. If w(t) is

Table 3: PSNR Values of different Transforms time domain window function, then the mth order con-
Transform RMSE PSNR, dB
volution window is given by,
DCT 10.6375 25.6520
DWT 5.2966 35.4714 wm (t) =w(t)∗w(t) ∗ ........∗w(t) (30)
FRFT, α=0 27.5512 7.5933
By applying the Fractional Fourier Transform to the
FRFT, α=0.25 27.6335 7.8735
above equation, and considering m = 2,
FRFT, α=0.75 27.4295 8.8873
FRFT, α=0.95 19.3807 19.7591 ju2 cot απ

FRFT, α=0.975 10.9577 25.1555 W2α (u) =Wα (u)2 e− 2 (31)

In this paper, Rectangular and Triangular windows is

of FRFT in combination with other TFR’s, the fol- considered. A Rectangular Window is defined as,
lowing example is considered.
 2 2
  w(t) = 1 |t| ≤ 1/2
x(t) = e(t−0.5) + e(t+0.5) ej12πt + e−j12πt (32)
=0 elsewhere
The corresponding time frequency plots are shown in Calculating FRFT for the convolutional windows and
Fig.4.It can be observed from the graph that all four simplifying,
auto-terms are located in the middle of the graph for
u2 tanα
Ambiguity function.Each of four horizontal and verti- Wα (u) = − exp − {A−B}
8 2
cal objects with respect to the origin represents two (33)
cross-terms, while the corner objects represent single Where,
cross-terms. In the case of the Wigner Distribution,
1+j √
the corner objects are auto-terms, while the central 1
A= erf i cotα −usecα (34)
object represents the four cross-terms. The remaining 2 2
objects contain two cross terms each. However, all
16 components (4 auto terms and 12 cross-terms) are 
1+j √


clearly separated as shown in Fig.4 when the FRFT B= erf i cotα − −usecα (35)
2 2
operator with α = 0.5 is used.
A Triangular Window is defined by the following ex-
4.4 FRFT of Convolutional windows pression,
A window function is a mathematical function that w(t) = 1−t (36)
exists for a chosen time interval and is of zero valued
outside the interval. In general, windows are divided its corresponding FRFT is,
into two main categories being Fixed and Variable p −ju2 tanα
windows.Fixed windows have all the parameters con- F RF T (1−t) = 1+jtanα e(1+usecα)

stant or fixed.Rectangular, Triangular, Cosine, Han- (37)

ning, Hamming, Blackman window are some commonly On applying the FRFT to the Convolutional Window,
used fixed windows.Variable windows include Kaiser- −ju2
Bessel, Dolph-Chebyshev, Poisson, Gaussian, Tseng W2α (u) = (1+jtanα) e 2 (1+usecα)2
window etc. Convolutional Windows are obtained by (38)
The outputs obtained when rectangular and triangu-
lar windows is taken into consideration are shown in

Figure 7: Triangular and Convoluted Triangu-

lar windows at α= 0.25

Figure 5: Rectangular and Convoluted Rect-

angular windows at α= 0.5

Figure 8: Triangular and Convoluted Triangu-

lar windows at α= 1.

forms with other transforms in time-frequency anal-

ysis. Next, the use of FRFT to reduce the side lobe
Figure 6: Rectangular and Convoluted Rect- levels is illustrated. It has been demonstrated that the
angular windows at α= 1 FRFT based convolutional windows reduce the side
lobe level compared to FFT based one. From Results
it is observed that the sidelobe level is reduced from
5. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 13.27 to26.53 in case of convolutional rectangular win-
This paper deals with the theory and applications of dows. Similarly there is a reduction of sidelobe level
FRFT in signal processing. Basics , properties of from 45.53 to 90.98 when Triangular window is taken
FRFT, theory of DFRFT and different methods of into consideration. It is observed that the plots at
calculation is studied. Later, applications like signal α = 1 is same as the conventional fourier Transform
detection, image compression, time-frequency analy- plots. At other values of α = 1 the main lobe width is
sis etc are explained by taking an example. In sig- increased compared to single window,but the sidelobe
nal detection, 0.5th order FRFT is considered and level is reduced drastically.
explained by taking gaussian signal into considera-
tion. The FRFT can also be used effectively in com- 6. REFERENCES
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