Grammar Revision 4-6

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(Units 4-6)

Complete or rewrite the sentences with the information in brackets:

1. No one is using that computer at the moment. ( passive )
2. My favourite writer wrote that book. ( passive )
3. She hasn´t given the news to Pam. ( passive. 2 ways )
4. They think the test is very easy.( passive. 2 ways )
5. The dog must be walked after dinner. ( active )
6. My brother hasn´t been examined by the doctor yet. ( active )
7. You need to fix your motorbike. ( causative )
You should…..
8. She asked me to clean her room. ( causative )
She …..
9. Aware ______ ( for / of / with ). ( Adjective + preposition )
10. Concerned _______ ( for / of / about ). ( Adjective + preposition )
11. He would have helped you if you _________ ( ask ) him. ( Conditionals )
12. The dog will bark all night unless my dad ___________ ( bring ) it into the house. ( Conditionals )
13. _____________________ ( you / go ) to Paris if your parents paid for your trip ? ( conditionals )
14. My advice to you is to call Henry. ( rewrite – conditionals )
If I were you,….
15. You can go on holiday to Paris if you pass all your exams. ( rewrite )
Providing that ….
16. I hate my hair this short! ( wish clause )
17. All my friends will go on holiday this summer. ( wish clause )
18. We shouldn´t have gone to that Chinese restaurant. It was terrible! ( wish clause )
19. Dan just came back from Hawaii. There are great beaches there. ( relative )
20. Janet is a student. Her travel diary won a prize. ( relative )
21. Do you remember the evening? Janet played the guitar for us then. ( relative )
22. He is the man. He sold us the package holiday. ( relative )
23. This is the jeep. It will take us to the hotel. ( relative )
24. The baby slept _______________ ( quiet ). ( adjective or adverb )
25. Donna looks ________________ ( beautiful ). ( adjective or adverb )
26. It´s _______________ ( healthy ) to eat so many sweets. ( prefix )
27. I _________ ( agree ) with you. I prefer the other one. ( prefix )
28. I couldn´t pick _________ John from the airport yesterday. (out / for / up) (prepositions )
29. There are two new students in my class.
30. He criticized my writing.
31. I have always enjoyed Christmas.

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