American Rosae Crucis

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fie eer gst ue pal ‘Th iss tnd te ed ‘crac ago et baring Sing ope Copyright, emg, Calta Publ, Ce 40 Filth Ave, RLY. ‘te alee Bublning Co S40 Ph doe, New Yok AL communsacions shou te abd tothe sor pew Renmin male en Maney Ons [Tan Sascrpon fro pr | eee esses Introduction Rosse Crucis” upon the sea of philo- sophicsl Ierature, 0 apologies “ps magaine was, bors because of the demand of dhe American —a demand. for weal eraths con- cerning the Deigy, Nature and Man A de- mand fele and acknowledged in the world of spirit by the Resageruclan” Mastets, and hence, i life is an response to the etheric wibrations "Flag Las.” While “The American Rose Crucis” will be an exponent of che Ressecrucian philosophy, its columns wall be open for the discussion of questions om eliglon, mysticism, —occuleism, asrology and ontology, giving its readers che the brightest intellees SP age of hn i “The beoad range of copies which i wal couch upon will be of wal inetest 20 the academicsl, professional, commercial, scientific in Face, those in all walls of life, and it is expected hat che magizine will -merie_and receive the cardial gree public ineerested I will be published monthly, and each issue will coneain data from the best lieracure of ancient Rosaccruclan lore by authoritative wuitees, New discoveries and phenamena of a Publie foe cream of nthe various ines of d ce oe (Bical walt Tame "BY Sar ee eo ee diversified scientific nature will “be discussed ecitorally and presented co our readers inv an informseive, interesting manner “The American Rose Crucis” lives and wall grow with che command: “Lee ehere be light,” snd st will endeavor to break aveay the clouds fof ignorance which have long obscured the light of the snner heavens. Science and philos- ophy are reaching out into unknown fields for the solution of occult questions, and every- where we find a wide and varied literature being published co mest che demand of the ia vestigator, Schools, sects, societies and fh termites with pieuda-Rossecrusian names have sprung up on every hand, wallowing in the guagmice of speculative and distorted faiths, sasleading the earnest seeker for truth, To find someching sound, reliable, erustworthy, of scientific, im this morass of perverted imagina- ion is almost impasible, and the studeat cums away in disgust Our object will be to lead our readers into the path of season, scienoe and truth. What- ever is worthy of anvestigition and application will find room in our columas, and our per sistent endeavor vill be uw present co our readers an up-to-date, progressive, sciensifte nul relable magazine “The American Rosae Cructs” is pulsed with the sanction of che Publication Commit toe of che Supreme Council of the Ancient snd Mystical Onler of Rosse Crucis in Ameriea, and under the special pateonage of the Grand Master General ‘THE PUBLISHERS. THE AMERICAN ROSAE CRUCIS The Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis LTHOUGH Rossesucianisn ante dates the bieth of Christ, and is the oldest philosophy, it” s only comparatively resent that it has begun two reeeive the prestige and recognition in this country that it has enjoyed in Europe and other concinents where its members number over sfx milkion, The Rosaecrucian philosophy is teaching they adhe ot SE ttaing ‘what life is, what man is, and his relation to che Cosmas, as understood and aught by the cent Egyptians Ik embraces the culture of the whole mas, both physical and spiritual. ‘The laws of nature, and therefore also the Laws and component parts of man are studied. All known and the socalled pseudo selences are investigated and explained, and many sceret laws of nature noc generally known ate taught, These studies ave divided into degrees, lasting fiom three w five years ef earnest “application, Rosacerucanisin teaches the world’s most profound secret, It explains Me and its phenomens; te makes plain brology and on- tology: i€ reveals We and death in a different light fram that generally undetstood, “The Rose Cructs Order has no steeds of dogmas to which che neophyte must presctibe, but i requests each candidate to recognize the existence of 4 Supreme Powet—the principle Gf the unity of Spirit in all manifestations of Life, and the universal brotherhood of man, ‘The members are gathered fiom all nations and creeds, wherever chete are independent thinkers whe daze to inquire—sympathetic and aspiring natures, It brings gether physt- cians, Selentsts, artists, artisans, mechanics, lawyers and Layimen in ene uit,” working for ene end—the bewerment of mankind and the plifiing and unfoldment of the individual's chscacter, personality and abilities for aiaterial and moral. achievement, “The Order is seer, and che Law of silence 4s particularly demanded, because at silence ts the urue source of power. Unpretending good work sm social or individual uplie is carted Page Fie von Dy its members undee diferent oiganication mes, seldom, if ever, revealing the source of power Love is eccopnized as the only an doce of evil. The peaceful, gentle, forgivis power of love & used in an individual and cal lecaive way to purify the minds and hearts of the ignorant, Practical help is brought home wo the deserving wichoue cosequestioning or sion. Force and legal revtainis can probably suppress, but never prevent evi The preenden of criminal tendencies, inthe rembeyo sate i pare of che wotk which i ssutsied on tn the Order. The recognition of universal broherhood and equal rights and privileges 4 one of che Srvc laws chat are caught, “Therefore, women ve always been members an an equal foot fing with men—eligble to is councils and high- cet offices, che Order recognizing in woman the matheshood and regenerator of che ace. Being the most spicicual she i the vibratory enter of Cosmos. Through her elevation thought, will, and love of man—hes che sale don of the ‘raceman—the coming generation. “Through her education disease, crime and use can be prevented, and love. purity, hen seay and unueltishness be pu in place "The equality of the sees is thoroughly ex plained. The separation of the masculine and Femisice principles in thought, emotion, oc tn physical life is dewsuctive, not constructive and ia cheir perfoce blending és equilkbeiue and selE-poxc attained. — Therefore, all Rosae- fcuicians are_menogamists Through che regencrstion of the incividusl, the social revolution i sought. ‘Through he uuplifing of souls, the human happiness is ob- vane, Uf you are stwereseed in the principles as adh vanced ahove, and feel the call af the spirit, you may communicate with che Secretary Geer raking. complete informacion with. cegard wo yourself, and he will advise you what co do to organize a Lodge in your ‘ity, wo form a ik Ih the eighty" chan ecling “the. plbe. THOR KIMALEHTO, Sccretary-Genera. do Fifth Ave, NY. HE AMERICAN ROSAE CRUCIS The Authentic and Complete History of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis Compiled by H. SPENCER LEWIS, ERC, Grad Maxer of the "Order T is no violation of secrecy wo give the outer, objective detail of the history of vay eer Mys- tical Order of Rosse Crucis, bac the genuine conservatism of the Fascera Councils until naw has awed as a bartier against such publicity as we in America believe necessary for the growth of public or semipublic institution. ‘After twelve years” study: of the doctrines rnciples of Rosse Crucis and a very examination of all matters pertathing to the history of the Order, one does aot find 4 single prohibition against che genetal publica- Hon of the Order's history except in such minor details as are closely associated with the working of manifestation of some of che R. C. doctrines, While these exceptions are eof vase importance 6 th they have undoubeedly caus cmdents, subconscious attimde on the part of all RC. Brothers and Sisters chat ie i safer, tn che face of thete sndividual sacted oaths, eo refrain from all mention of either the andquity or progression of the Order There is sho the clement of mysticism which explains che attiude of even the most advanced Brothers and Sisters. Realising as most of them do thac ehe teal history of the Order has never been given w- the public and has for cencuries defied the exhaustive and indefatiga- ble researches of historians and atchivisey alike, they feel_a certain pride in. hhaving been able to mystify the profoundly ia- quisitive minds. Even the grosly ervoneous and occasional biased raonne of the his tory of the Order given in. various eneyclopac- dias, reference books, and histories only adds to this feeling of peide and victory. But such sectecy is not only uncalled for, but is positively detitmental to the Order in Americ, We are a people of frankness Genel and, inpertor he Unked "Sate Americans are lovers of the truch and have pathy toward that which may be characterized as “mystically mythical.” — and such is che general impresiion of che origin and existence of the RC. Order én the minds of many thousands day. Not is it necessary to eashroud the history of the Order in the cloak of blackese mystery to make the Order itself appeal co the think. ing mind. One will find that the true history of the Order arouses, even commands, su deep tespect for ses noble bitth, grand growth and wonderful increase of power, that this alone is 4 geeater attiaction to the thinking ‘American thse dhe clement of mystery Tnexactiess and indefiniteness are the prin- pal faults to be fownd with all the published accounts of che ofigin and present status of the Order. The few instances of willfal and consistent deception shown by some writers on the subject may be ignored in any consid Sains hie lo oe oun ok explain hese things not accoune for them aside fom the writers own personal bias which we are always led to believe has had mo influence upon the honesty of the work Sul, chete are many very definice and exace facts easily within the reach of an analytical mind bene upon historical research, even wh such mind is uninieiated into dhe secrecs of the Order. The claim has always been made that the AM. QR. Cis the oldest fiaternal or secret onder known to man. This claim makes the Order antedate Freemasonry and the latter hhas always claimed great antiquiey. Here again the casual, aye, che deep investigator is confronted with 2 mass of details purporting to be the history of Fremasoney, but grad wally easing themselves into ewo groups which one may libel “inesact” and) “ine definite.” Page Thee THE AMERICAN ROSAE CRUC! Right here is where some of the mystery be comes clarified, Rosaecrucians claim, and can prove, that the Order of Free and Accepeed Masons 4s an olfipring of che AM. O. B.C, and for this reason its origin is so veiled and indefinite except co those who have passed rough the Scorish Rites Because of its frankness, publicity and public propaganda, Freemasonry has grown inte 1 powetful or ganization, overshadowing in che public's mind, sll other secret oF fraternal orders Gn the point of its connection wich the AM. OL RC, Freemasonry is very silent Te traces its antiquity 1 "Solomon's “Temple” and refers to chatacters whose history, if not aetual existence, are cloaked with doubt Ies published history is very esoteric and mystical alchough ies actual history, as known co all advanced Rosaccrucians, is 4 ling testimonial to the eruth of the noble principles of Brocher hood which underlie Freemasonry So dlowly are the two Orders allicd chat many of dhe great exponents of the one are active workers in the other. Freemasonry has acknowledged ies debt 10 the A.M. OL RC. by alding’ 4 Rosacruan, Dect to the A stent and ‘Accepted Scouish “Rive, making it the 18 Tt has also established “Societies Rosicruciana” in England and various pares of the United Sates to which none but an advanced Mason may apply for admission Tn these Rosseeructan Societos, as inthe Ac and ALS. Rois’, certain elements of the Rossecrucian initiations and doctrines are used (ia the crude form reauleing from tad tion by word of mouth, since none but the legitimate Lodges of che ALM. OL RC. have the correct work) and the tendency on the pare of chese Brother Masons in such degrees and eames fem et Marupes le Panay gnd roa i ae an ald Toil eo ‘etal ee eg ri ARS i a Eg een (le el Pt, Fi By Kou Mae seate ae iy Petar RE 8, at Page Fer Societies 1s to practice and emulate the noble rules and doctsines of the A, MLO. RC. Naturally all genuine Rosaceruclan Lodges practise many of the clements of the W ORK of Freemasonry, since the Lauer adapeed ic. WORK from that of the A. ML QR. C. The first dagise in all Rossccrustan Lodges i veey similar indeed eo the third {or M aster Mason's) dlegece of Frecmasony, Many of the lattes symbols and terms are akon from Rosascrw anssen (as explained chowhere) and in gon ral the two Orders are aiming co accomplish same great and moble purpose, excepe that the KC. work is OPERATIVE while Free masonry is SPECULATIVE. Notwithstanding dheit knowledge of many of the Masonic secrets, all seal Resascrustans respect the Masons’ oaths of secrecy as rel oun as they do their own. “ * “Therefore let no word chat has been writen of will be written i this conncetion convey the ides that Rosasctucianisn bas any feeling other than Kindness and real R. C. love toward fis capricious and arbierary oifipeing, and has demonstrated is any ways ts debe of graticude and Glial love toward the Rosaecru an Onder. Certain cetisisms and comments seem inevitable, however, sn onder eo juseify fully our claims of greater antiquity and st the hope of the writer that these will have no greater reaction among Masons than to urge 2 few of thee unofficial and overncalous weleers to limit chet journeys theo Masonic eetroxpece tion co the known paths af historical accuracy. ‘Aside from che Masonic Rosagerucian Sace- tics in America there are 2 number of other bodies which glry ia the reflected lighe of Rosecucianim. These neo-Rasecrucan societies, under the names of Temples, Centers ps of the acy mbo_ lure Sotto) dian irae ee Hema fe rae fine ts spe ty at ltt Bla GA BP tht e. Se i feta Bate ‘ik ane Fact "awl ae "gee inte ti tone tard iP Sealine era iat irra Geeta “paced Gelade Sepa Trad all A ise THE AMERICAN ROSAE CRUCIS and Brothethoods, we naught ta da wich the genuine doctrines, principles, philosophies or WORK of the A.M. O. RC. and chetr mem- bers or seudents as well as cheir Masters, Dic ators of Teachers are uninidated into the Truths of real Rosaccrucianiam. As a guide to the SEEKER OF LIGHT these vatious bodies will be dealt with at leagth ia another pact of this work, ‘The teal name of the genuine body is The Ancient and Mystical Otder of Rose Crucis (oe Rose Cross, Rosy Croix), None but a genuine, legitimate Lodge of the Order can tse the cerms Rossecrucian Onder, Rossecrt cian Lodge or the complete name as gwen above; and it is only fair co state that none of the unauthorized bodies eeferted to above have ever publicly used these restricced terms or the genuine syenbols. THE ORIGIN OF THE ORDER. The Order had its conception and birch in Fgype In giving the face of the origin che writer realizes that wan esoeptional degree will czaceness and. authoritiveness be de- mmanded by the reader and in consequence pardon must be granted for reiteration. Time and space will not be used in deseeb- ing condicions in as they existed at che ube el he concep ofa! wondttl ah at ganization as this. The stader is requested 10 ead cither a belef o extended history of Egypt, which will prove highly illuminating ‘oh, this subject ne will Bad however that the Egyptians had reached a high state of civilization and advanced learning at the beginning of the 18th dynasty comparable only with the Renaissance of France. Many were che means adopted to preserve the knowledge attained that it might be coreetly given to future geneeations. ‘The hieroglyphic markings onthe pyrannids,* oblisks and temple walls give us evidence of the first desires to make petmanent the knowl edge and leaming of che Egyptians But the mor profound secrets of natuse, science and art were not to be enmusted eo the = yr ras, Algal de Sige, Foe tne Rest a uae a athe aia Para iaes fe oh masses mor were they susceptible to preserva den through Witting upon papyri, For this reason classes were farmed by the most learned, attended hy che select minds, at which the doctrines and principles of science were caught “These classes or SCHOOLS, as history te- fers to them, were held in the most isolated groteos at times, and again in the puter of some Of the Temples erected to che many Egypeian gods. In some cases classes of a very” select ature were held in the private chambers of the reigning Pharaols, The members of such asemblies became id more select, the teachings more pro- found and the discussions so dialectic that hore arose 2 most autocratic and secret sociery of the truly great minds of the day, Thus the fitst Pharaoh who conducted the class in his. private chambers was Abmose 1. who reigned fiom iyo BC. wo uy BC Because he was capable of conducting the great school 2s well as ruling the pegple upon 3 more advanced principle (due to the school no doube), he & sefe lelverer of Egype" by some He wat succeeded a Pharaoh by Amen- hop 1, who reigned ten years and became 2 teacher ‘in the secret school for three years On Janusty 1th (approximately) i538 B.C. Thuemose Twas crowned succeeding Amen howp 1. He owed his position to his wife, ‘Abwtose, whe ‘was the fist woman to iecome a member of the class on equal teetms with the men. The discussion tegarding her adeuietance (till preserved in the Rosieerucian Archives) forms an interesting document and reveals the origin of some of the docerines of the equality of the sexes “Thutmase Twas succeded his daughter, who ruled as pendondy and as co-rogent brother ‘Thuemose Ill, a son by his marriage to Isis Ik was ‘Thutmose [II who organized the present physical form of che Rosaccructan rder and outlined many of its eules and 15g ulations, He became ruler upon dhe deposition of his father, Thutmose 1, in yoo B,C He euled ‘by Hatshepsut, “king” inde with her hall of Thuemose 1 Page Fie 7 HE AMERICAN ROSAE CRUCIS unl 1447 B.C. and his reign 4s unimporta to us excepe for his establishment of che Order. He appears to have been quite ocjginal his application of the doctrines of Rosaecrur cianism, but held co the exscing external form of religion, possibly because of political cone dicons, Egype was not, fee Frnt the danger of the “grasping hand” of adjoining nations and the life ‘of this ruler was constantly cor- tented by outbecaks of war; and the

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