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Name : Ayesha Zafar

Class : software engineering

Registration : FA20-BSE-104

Section : C-1

Date of submission : 22-12-2020

Submitted to sir Asmat Awan

Assignment no 3

Case study :
Mr. Imran is director of sales network of M/S Land mark distributors which deals in the sale of utility
items. He has team of three sales managers for three different areas in the region. All the three sales
managers further have five salesmen each to execute the business. Mr. Imran very rarely calls upon
the sales staff meeting to develop the sales strategy; instead he is in habit of giving orders of
increased sales targets every month and demands for results. The three managers work in their own
direction and try to get the required results. The sales team starts working but they are never clear in
what time they have to complete their sales assignments. Most often the sales managers face
problems from their salesmen who are always complaining of heavy targets. As a result targets are
rarely met. Mr. Imran always become annoyed and uses poor language for the underperformance of
his managers. The sales managers’ sensing that staff is becoming overworked as everyone is taking
on increased responsibilities due to staff turnover. They realize that the arrogance of Mr. Imran is
further leaving all staff members with dejected feelings. All sales staff is distressed, the managers are
becoming frustrated and they feel like they are unable to advocate for their staff or solve problems as
nobody is there to listen them.
Q 1:
Analyze the company’s work environment in light of five functions of management and link the
functions with the situation with brief comments?
Mr. Imran is regulator of arrangements association of M/S Land mark shippers which deals in
proposal of utility objects. The components of the organization (Mr. Imran) perform following five

1. He does now don't name off social occasions habitually which accomplish nonattendance of
capacity with the guide of pay gathering and bosses.

2. The 3 bosses under Mr. Imran work in their own exceptional guidelines before long.

3. Mr. Imran is in penchant for giving requests in tendency to social occasions for co-meeting with
bargains gathering besides, chiefs.

4. Mr. Imran reliably demands for better results without having any social affairs just by means of
giving orders.

5.Mr.… Imran create to be disturbed and used defenseless language for underperformance of his
workers. On account of no social events, there's no co-arrangement among agents and chairmen as
they canvases to the extent concerns me which achieves negative by and large execution. The
inclination for giving requests and use of terrible language of Mr. Imran due to low all things
considered execution throws a bossy standpoint and critical effect on people and his grandiosity
leaves assortment of workers people with debilitated emotions. Similarly the bosses need to face fuss
by means of agent because of strong destinations. All work power individuals are disturbed and
bosses similarly are irritated. Nearly, it is possible that workforce allies may leave the association in
the event that they improve opportunity and consequently, the association may tumble down.

Q 2:
What problems do you feel are there while setting the goals for sales team by Mr. Imran. Explain

Ans :

Mr. Imran is head of pay association of M/S land mark merchants which offers in the proposal of
application objects. Mr. Imran reliably wind up being troubled and uses ghastly language for
underperformance of his managers as they have been not ready to achieve his dreams. The burdens
I sense there are at the same time as setting up longings by techniques for Mr. Imran are that they
not often gather salesman meeting so there may be no co-arrangement or comprehension made in
the salesperson and bosses and the yield given through them isn't fine notwithstanding the way
that they've work hard. In like manner Mr. Imran is in an obsession of giving solicitations of
expanded arrangements center around consistently and demands for brings about thusly, bosses
even have a load of more commitments and moreover agent are protesting generally robust
targets. As an eventual outcome, all gathering of workers benefactors have dejected feelings and
the objectives of Mr. Imran are not often

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