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Due Date: April 12 Turned Name: Period:

in: Score:

Chapters 29 & 30 REPs

Relate: Relate the term to something we/you have learned
Example: Write a detailed example
Picture: Copy/Paste a picture of the term in action, a visual cue, or a visual representation of the term

Definition: The period after the Civil War where the north was working to reunite the nation.

R: The Marshall Plan – meant to E: Military Reconstruction – the P:


rebuild Europe after WW11 south is divided into military


Definition: culture defined by the consumption of consumer goods

R: Transcendentalism – give up E: Tv and Radio P:

material concerns for spiritual


Definition: The treaty that ended WW1

Treaty of Versailles

R: Treaty of Paris – ended WW11 E: League of Nations – P:

international peacekeeping body
established by the treaty
Definition: Civil rights activist that wanted racial segregation instead of integration
Marcus Garvey

R: Malcom X E: Black Nationalism P:

Definition: Resource used to power new technology

R: Coal – another resource used to E: OPEC P:

power new technologies

Definition: The movements of African Americans out of the South and into the North in the early 20th
Great Migration

R: Westward Migration/Manifest E: Harlem Renaissance was made P:

Destiny possible by the influx of African
Americans in New York

Definition: Migrant workers in the US

Mexican Americans

R: Chinese Americans – low paid, E: Cesar Chavez – activist for P:

sometimes migrant workers who migrant farm workers
face discrimination

Definition: economic system where everything is owned collectively and is a classless society

R: capitalism – economic system E: USSR P:

where there is private ownership of
everything and prices are
determined by supply and demand
Definition: prevention of the spread of communism

R: Native Americans are restricted E: Vietnam War – we attempt to P:

to reservations (Oklahoma) stop the expansion of communism

Definition: A war in which tensions between China and the US rose and defense spending increased
Korean War

R: World War II – led to the E: African American Rights – the P:

Korean War military was desegregated.

Definition: The opposite of living in the city. These where neighborhoods were families would live and
became commuters.

R: Death by Interstate – this is a E: Nuclear Family P:

process where suburbanization
causes small towns to lose
interest and cease to exist.

Definition: The state of being poor, below Middle and High class, most likely homeless

R: Hooverville’s – with no help E: Jacob Riis – “How The Other P:

form the at the time president Half Lives” this was a photography

Hoover people were forced to series meant to bring light to how

create home from cardboard. poorly people lived to the middle
Brown v. Board

Definition: Declared the previous “separate but equal” legalized segregation unconstitutional in schools.

R: Fourteenth Amendment – the E: NAACP – the lawyers that P:

“separate but equal” facilities were worked on this case for African
deemed unequal and a violation of American rights.
this amendment.


Definition: A legal way to separate white and black people’s rights and usage of public commodities.

R: Plessy vs. Ferguson – “separate E: Literacy tests, Grandfather P:

but equal”, this was the beginning clauses, poll taxes.
of legal segregation.
Definition: 34th president of the United States, president during the Cold War.
Dwight Eisenhower

R: President Harry Truman – both E: Korean War – took the US on P:

of these presidents enunciated Southern Vietnams side fighting
doctrines about foreign policy. against Communism.

Definition: A movement aimed at equal rights and protections for African American people, ran throughout
the 19th century and really grew in the 60’s.
Civil Rights Movement

R: Abolitionist Movement – aimed E: Jim Crow Laws – laws that P:

at African American rights. enforced segregation

Definition: An activist for African American rights, worked for many civil rights organizations such as the
Ella Baker

R: Susan B Anthony – both E: SNCC P:

women founded organizations that
were aimed at gaining equal rights

Definition: The 35th president of the United States, during the Civil War.

R: Eisenhower – president during E: Bay of Pigs – a mission that’s P:

John F. Kennedy

the Cold War as well. main purpose was to create an

uprising in Cuba against Castro,
the new communist Cuban leader,
this failed.
Definition: An African American Baptist minister, he was the leader of many non-violent civil rights
Martin Luther King, Jr. movements.

R: W.E.B. Du Bois – like MLK Jr. E: SCLC – he founded this P:

a peaceful civil rights leader. organization and they were able to
coordinate civil and peaceful
Definition: an organization of armed black military people who were attempting to protect black rights.

R: Shay’s Rebellion – this was a E: Mulford Act – The black P:

Black Panthers

rebellion much like the ones Panthers brought guns and

spearheaded by the Black Panthers. munition into the state of
California to protect this act.

Definition: An African American minister who was a big figure for the Civil Rights movement.

R.: Earl Stallings E: OAAU – the organization of P:

Malcolm X

Afro-American Unity, a pan

Africanist organization that
Malcom X founded (1964)

Definition: 20-year war between North and South Vietnam over Communism and land. America sided with
South Vietnam and supported them financially.

R: Korean War – Domino theory E: U-2 incident – more tension P:

was a big factor of both wars. created due to communism and
Vietnam War

fear or spies

Definition: A movement that protests the use of indigenous people as mascots and team names like many in
American Indian Movement

the NFL and other sports do.

R: International Indian Treaty E: Chiefs Football Team – using P:

Council (IITC) was founded to an “Indian chiefs” face is exactly
bring together many indigenous what AIM stands against with their
nations from all around the world. slogan “Indians are people not
Definition: This act outlawed discrimination in all aspects of life, voters’ registration, schools, water
Civil Rights Act of 1964 fountains, buses, restaurants, and workplaces.

R: In 1833 a Civil Right case E: The Voting Rights Act of 1965 P:

passed through the Supreme Court – this was an effect of the Civil
that outlawed congress from Rights Act of 1964 and outlawed
having a say in discrimination in literacy tests at polls, which were
the US. The Civil Rights Act of targeted at people of color to
1964 refuted this. prevent them form voting.

Definition: A marine biologist and author.

Rachel Carson

R: US Environmental Protection E: Silent Spring – a book about P:

Agency (EPA) – a ban on environmental effects of using
pesticides, this is an agency that pesticides.
works towards safer farming

Definition: Pollution has been on a steady incline ever since the industrial revolution which introduced
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere for the first time.

R: Great Pacific Garbage Patch – E: Slums – pollution and over all P:


when pollution gets into the ocean air quality in poorer parts of a
it gets pushed and pulled by crowded city was usually worse.
currents all over the ocean. These
forms big collections of pollution
in the ocean.

Definition: The Southern part of the US.

Sun Belt

R: Rust Belt E: Florida – is one of the states in P:

the Southern part of the United

Definition: A group of people who believe in communism. They are against the United States.
R: Nazi’s – another group that the E: First and Second Red Scares – P:
US was fighting against. the elated fear of communism

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