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Materials and Design 31 (2010) 1360–1364

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Determination of critical strain for initiation of dynamic recrystallization

Soheil Solhjoo
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Using the work hardening rate–strain curves, an effective mathematical model has been developed to
Received 25 April 2009 predict the stress–strain curves of alloy steel during hot deformation up to the peak stress regardless
Accepted 2 September 2009 of the level of the strain, weather smaller or larger than the critical strain. This model is expressed in
Available online 6 September 2009
terms of peak stress, peak strain and one temperature-sensitive parameter, S. In addition, one new model,
which is a function of peak strain, was proposed to predict the critical strain for the initiation of dynamic
Keywords: recrystallization using the second derivative of work hardening rate with respect to stress. Besides the
A. Ferrous metals and alloys
theoretical study, the analysis is used to determine the stress–strain curves and critical strain of 304
C. Forming
F. Plastic behavior
austenitic stainless steel. The predicted results were found to be in accord with the experimental data.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In this investigation, the stress–strain curve up to the peak

stress is formulated in terms of peak stress (rP ) and peak strain
The understanding of metals and alloys behavior at hot defor- (eP ) and one temperature-sensitive parameter, S, which was deter-
mation condition has a great importance for designers of metal mined by linear estimation of work hardening rate–strain curve.
forming processes because of its effective role on metal flow pat- Utilizing the second derivative of work hardening rate with respect
tern as well as the kinetics of metallurgical transformation [1,2]. to stress, a model is presented to determine the critical strain (eC )
It is also essential for quantitatively analyzing deformation pro- for the onset of DRX. This analysis is used to determine the stress–
cesses [3]. Meanwhile, the fast development of computing tech- strain curves and critical strain of 304 austenitic stainless steel. Re-
niques led to a wide application of FEM simulation to study sults show a good agreement between the predicted and the exper-
forming processes and numerical simulations can be truly reliable imental results with a high level of accuracy.
only when a proper material flow stress relationship is built [4].
Experimental tests to find the flow stress of alloys at different load- 2. Initiation of DRX
ing conditions, i.e. various strain rates and temperatures, are nec-
essary but very expensive and time consuming. Therefore, the Flow stress is a function of dislocation density [13]. The dynamic
development of mathematical models to predict the stress–strain recrystallization occurs during deformation and when the strain ex-
curves under different forming conditions is of great importance ceeds critical strain. The driving force is the removal of dislocations.
and also necessary to improve the practices of industrial forming Before the stress reach the peak stress, the work hardening and dis-
processes at high temperatures [5]. Many researchers tried to mod- location density increase, which will lead to a critical microstruc-
el the stress–strain curves for different alloys. The main difference tural condition, i.e. new grains nucleate and new high-angle
of these models is the degree to which they are derived from the boundaries grow. Gradually, the dislocation density increases in
physical theories. In general, for a given material, flow stress is a other areas as well. Therefore, the flow stress increases up to a max-
function of strain, strain rate and temperature. imum value but the increasing rate continuously decreases and the
Work hardening and dynamic recovery control the flow stress rate of softening mechanism prevails over the work hardening
up to the maximum stress. Dynamic recrystallization (DRX) occurs afterwards. This phenomenon usually occurs for metals with low
before the maximum stress and many researchers have worked at to medium stacking fault energy (SFE) [14]. The higher the temper-
determining the exact point of the onset of DRX on the stress– ature and the lower the strain rate, the more obvious the influence
strain curve, i.e. the critical strain [6–12]. They suggested different of DRX on the flow behavior [9] and thus the plasticity rises [15,16].
methods in order to evaluate the value of critical strain but only
Ebrahimi and Solhjoo [6] derived a mathematical equation to
determine directly this value. 3. Modeling of flow stress curve up to the peak

The slope of stress–strain curve determined at constant strain

E-mail address: rate and temperature corresponds to the work hardening rate, i.e.

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Solhjoo / Materials and Design 31 (2010) 1360–1364 1361

h ¼ @@re T;e_ . In this investigation the slope of the work hardening rate Therefore, in order to solve Eq. (4) the first step is to find the
is taken into account in order to have a useful relationship between derivation of Eq. (2):
stress and strain up to the peak. A linear estimation of h—e curve up  
to the peak strain can be expressed by the following equation:
@r 1 1
¼ Sr þ ð5Þ
@e e e  2eP
¼ Ae þ C ð1Þ By solving Eq. (4) the critical strain can be found as a function of
the peak strain. The solution can be expressed as:
where A is the slope of the line and C is a constant. Using the root of
the h—e curve (e ¼ eP ; h ¼ 0), value of constant C is obtained to be
AeP . Solution of the differential Eq. (1) with respect to e, using
eC 1 6ðS  1Þ þ 2 S2  6S þ 5
RC ¼ ¼ 1  42 ð6Þ
boundary condition r ¼ rP at e ¼ eP is: eP 2 2S  1
  S where eC is the critical strain for initiation of DRX and RC is named
r e e
¼ 2 ð2Þ critical ratio. Using numerical methods or L’Hospital’s rule, it is
rP eP eP
found that when S = 0.5 the value of RC equals 0.423.
where rP is the peak stress, eP is the peak strain and S is an addi- As a result, if the flow stress equation for different alloys is
tional parameter in order to make the results of the model accept- available in the form of Eq. (2), the exact amount of the critical
able and must be determined for each metal. Determination of S can strain could be calculated directly from Eq. (6).
  h  i
be simply done by fitting a line plot of ln rrP vs. ln eeP 2  eeP ; S
would be the slope of the line. These plots shows that S is a function 5. Mathematical analysis of flow stress curves
  h  i
of temperature, so it is better to plot ln rrP vs. ln eeP 2  eeP for
According to the experimental results of 304 austenitic stainless
each sets of temperatures and then using following relationship S steel in the literature [19], all flow curves display a rapid initial in-
can be found at any temperature: crease to a maximum stress, characterized by a peak strain and a
S ¼ a þ bT ð3Þ peak stress, followed by a gradual fall to a steady state stress. To
be able to estimate the flow curves, the stress must be determined
  h  i
where T is the absolute temperature and a and b are constants.
from Eq. (2). A linear plot of ln rrP vs. ln eeP 2  eeP , as depicted
Using a plot of S vs. T, constants a and b can be determined. It is also
possible to assume S as a constant, but it shows a slight deviation in Fig. 1a, shows that the value of S varies with temperature. Fig. 1b
from the experiments and is suitable when there is not enough data shows the relationship between S and T and from this, Eq. (3)
  h  i changes into:
points in order to make plots of ln rrP vs. ln eeP 2  eeP for each
sets of temperature. S ¼ 1:234  0:0007T ð7Þ
The experimental test results used in this work [19] are in a
range of temperature between 900 °C and 1200 °C. From Eq. (7)
4. Critical strain for the onset of DRX it is found that the value of parameter S changes between 0.41
and 0.2 and Eq. (6) shows a range for RC between 0.44 and 0.48.
The critical strain for the onset of DRX can be determined The Arrhenius equation is widely used to describe the relation-
metallographically from the observation of microstructure of ship between the strain rate, flow stress and temperature, espe-
quenched specimens. This technique is requires a large number cially at high temperatures. Also, the effects of the temperatures
of specimens with different deformation degree. However, the crit- and strain rate on the deformation behaviors can be represented
ical strain thus obtained is not precise because it is based solely on by Zener–Hollomon parameter in an exponent-type equation. At
energetic considerations of stored energy (dislocation density) high temperatures that flow stress has a low value, the power
within the body reaching a critical value [10]. Perdrix and his col- law in Arrhenius type equation gives good approximations be-
leagues found that the h—r curve may be divided into successive tween Zener–Hollomon parameter and flow stress [20].
linear portions with a negative slope up to the maximum point  
of the h—r curve (r ¼ rP ; h ¼ 0) [17]. Ryan and McQueen observed Q def
e_ ¼ BrnP exp  ð8Þ
an inflection in the h—r curve where DRX is initiated [18]. Poliak RT
and Jonas suggested that the energetic consideration is not suffi-
where e_ is strain rate, B and n are constants, Q def is the hot deforma-
cient [10]. Based on the principles of irreversible thermodynamics,
tion activation energy, R is the universal gas constant. Fig. 2a and b
it was suggested that besides the consideration of stored energy, it
show diagrams used to find the value of constant n and Q def at the
is necessary to consider the kinetics of the process. The former
peak, respectively, utilizing the method expressed elsewhere
necessitates the stored energy to attain a maximum value and
[21,22]. By using a linear plot of ln ðe_ Þ vs. ln ðrÞ, the value of constant
the latter requires the dissipation rate to reach a minimum. This
n can be obtained, which is 7.214 at the peak. By plotting ln ðrÞ vs.
can be quantified in terms of the minimum of the absolute value 1000
, the hot deformation activation energy for the peak evaluates to
of the rate of hardening rate, ddhr. This can be calculated from h—r nRT
be 372.7 kJ. mol–1. To determine the constant B, y-intercept of the
data and plotted as a function of stress. The minimum point of h  i
 r curve is where DRX is initiated. The stress to initiation can plot ln ðrÞ vs. ln e_ exp RTdef is evaluated as 1. Therefore, for the
be identified and hence the corresponding strain to initiation can peak stress Eq. (8) becomes:
be obtained from the corresponding stress–strain curve.
Mathematically, the minimum point of a ddhr  r curve can be 372700
calculated from the first derivative of ddhr with respect to r, which
e_ ¼ r7:214
P exp  ð9Þ
8:314 T
is the same as the inflection in a h—r curve that is equivalent to
a null value of the second derivative of h with respect to r [7]. For verification of stress and strain up to the peak, the value of
peak strain is also needed. It is possible to formulate this value as a

d @@re function of modified Zenner–Hollomon parameter in this form

¼0 ð4Þ
dr2 [21]:
1362 S. Solhjoo / Materials and Design 31 (2010) 1360–1364

Fig. 2. Dependence of (a) peak stress on strain rate at different temperatures and
Fig. 1. (a) Determination of constant S in Eq. (2) (dotted lines are best fit lines). (b) (b) peak stress on 1000
at different strain rates.
Relationship between temperature and S.

6. Discussion
eP ¼ aZ bm ð10Þ
In this investigation the value of Qdef at the peak stress is evalu-
where a and b are constants equal to 0.06 and 0.07 for the material ated to be 372.7 kJ. mol–1 which is close to 380 kJ. mol–1 reported
used in this work and Zm is the modified Zenner–Hollomon by Cho et al., for 304 austenitic stainless steel [23]. The method they
parameter. used is different. They determined the activation energy with the
It has been shown that modified Zener–Hollomon parameter aid hot-working relationship proposed by Sellars and Tegart [24]:
can be expressed as [21]:  
  Q def
Q def Z ¼ e_ exp ¼ A½sinh ðarP Þ ð13Þ
Z m ¼ e_ m Z ¼ e_ 1þm exp ð11Þ RT
where Z is Zenner–Hollomon parameter and m is a constant which where A, a and n are constants. The activation energy could be
in found to be 0.32 for 304 austenitic stainless steel. Therefore, the determined with the following relationship which is fully described
value of peak strain can be found from the following equation: by Medina and Hernandez [25–28].
273700 @ ln sinh ðarP Þ
eP ¼ 0:06 e_ 1:32 exp ð12Þ Q def ¼ Rn ð14Þ
8:314 T @ lnð1=TÞ
S. Solhjoo / Materials and Design 31 (2010) 1360–1364 1363

But in this investigation another method [21,22] is employed

which is easier to use. The variations in activation energy of aus-
tenite are due to the atomic fraction of each solute, its relative vol-
ume to iron and its heat of sublimation [25].
The stress–strain curves obtained from the presented model
and the other investigator’s experimental results [19] are shown
in Fig. 3a and b. Using the experimental values of peak stress and
peak strain, Eq. (2) is plotted for different strain rates at 900 °C
(Fig. 3a) while Fig. 3b illustrates the predicted results at different
temperatures and a strain rate of 10 s1, in which the values of
peak stress and peak strain were calculated respectively from
Eqs. (9) and (12). Obviously, the experimental flow curves show
a good correlation with those predicted by presented model.
Fig. 4 shows a plot of h—r for different strain rates at 900 °C. In
this figure, Eq. (5) is plotted for a comparison with experimental
data. The results show that the model is in accord with the exper-

Fig. 4. Comparison between experimental (points) and predicted (hashed lines)

work hardening plots at 900 °C with different strain rates.

iments. Using Eq. (6) the value of RC is determined in a range of

0.44–0.48. Stewart et al. used the similar method to find the critical
ratio [29]. They found the critical stress by investigating the mini-
mum in plots of ddhr vs. r. Once the stress at the critical point has
been identified in these plots, it can be used to determine the crit-
ical strain. They reported values between 0.47 and 0.55 for RC [29].
These values are in a good agreement with the values calculated
from Eq. (6).

7. Conclusion

1. The stress–strain curves up to peak stress at high temperature

is modeled on the basis of the linear estimation of h—e curve,
with a modification by introducing an additional temperature-
sensitive parameter, S. This mathematical model is simple and
easy to use. Furthermore, the predicted stresses are regardless
of the level of the strain, whether smaller or larger than the crit-
ical strain. The model has been examined for 304 austenitic
stainless steel and the results show a good agreement between
measured and predicted flow curves.
2. A mathematical equation is presented to directly determine the
critical strain for the onset of DRX as a function of peak strain.
This equation is derived from the second derivative of h with
respect to r. Using this formula, the critical ratio of 304 austen-
itic stainless steel is evaluated to be 0.44–0.48, which is in
accord with 0.47–0.55 reported by other researchers [29].


Author is grateful to Professor Y.C. Lin at School of Mechanical

and Electrical Engineering, Central South University, China for con-
structive comments.


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