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N01346254 Inderjit Singh

Assignment HBase
1. Uploading Hbasedata1.txt in tmp folder in Ambari

2. Login to HBase shell

Copy file to local

3. Create a Hbase table called "reviews" with three column families

4. disable the "reviews" table

(Firstly checking if table is enabled)
Now, disabling the table reviews

5. change the versions of the column family summary to 3 and the

reviewer and details to 2
6. enable "reviews"
7. add a row to the table set the rowkey = 101 and the column family
"summary" and column "product" equal to value "hat"

8. scan table to see results

9. add the following to the other column families using the same
ROWKEY column family "summary" and column "rating" equal to
value 5
column family "reviewer" and column "name" equal to value "Chris"
, column family "details" and column "comment" equal to "Greate
10.Load hbasedata1.txt then scan the review table
11.filter the review table by reviewer:name and rowkey between 201 and

12.Update Tinas review (row key 112) to change the rating to '4':
13. GET the original rating value from row 112 by explicitly specifying the
timestamp value.


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