Android Project Report 1

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Android Project

Project title: Medcare app

Team names:
Tejal Gajjar
Inderjit Singh
Gurvir kaur
Manpreet kaur
3. Your project's software development achievement level so far (in
40% (design phase is almost done)
4. Your project reporting progress (percentage)
Our team has worked on design phase of the project. We have
implemented login pages, registration pages, recycler views for lists and
other related user interactive frames.
5. Whether all the team members are contributing and working as
Yes, all are giving equal efforts.
6. Your next steps.
Combining the designs of whole project (due date : 15 Nov)
Registration and login authentications using real data. (due date : 22
Users Profile management (due date : 26 Nov)
Recycler view logic for list of patients/doctors/hospitals. (due date : 6
Dec )
Recycler view logic for list of news /prescriptions /appointments/
Frequently Asked Questions. (due date : 13 Dec)
Deploying of project (due date : 16 Dec)
6. Use of technology
We will use shared preferences as a local memory storage for data.
Email will be used as a notification feature for doctors and patients.

Brief project description:

Our project “MedCare” is oriented towards health system which aids
doctors and patients to interact with each other . A doctor can use this
app to interact remotly with patients, which is very crucial in this era of
pandemic. Patients can get information about doctor’s availability and
this fix appointments and can ask for prescriptions. This app consists
location facility which helps patient to find doctor nearby. A FAQ portal
is beneficial to help user to get assisted by knowing answers of mostly
aked questions. Here , in this app , an admin will allow doctor to signup
once the doctor submits his/her details. Once the admin verifies his
license number, he can add that doctor to the system. So this app restrict
the entries of doctor as long as the credentials supplied by doctor are not
verified by admin.
Features description :
Home page
- The home page is the most important page of an application.
- This page navigates different types of user to their respective
login and registration page.
- When user clicks on any user type, system will save user type in
session and redirects user to login page of selected user type.
Login Page
- This page allows user to logs into the system.
- Sign up button redirects user to appropriate user type
registration page based upon the data stored in session while
user selected user type on homepage.
Admin Portal
1) Menu sidebar for Admin
- After Logging in to admin Account, admin would be able to do
following functionalities.
1) Manage profile
Admin can manage his/her profile.
2) View Doctors
Admin can view and manage Doctors profile by updating
details and deleting
3) Pending Requests- When Doctor requests to register their
profile with system, request will reach to admin. Admin will
verify doctors detail by contacting manually
4) View Patients – Admin can view and manage profile of
Patients registered also
2) Admin Profile page
- Admin can mange his own profile with this interface
3) View Doctors
Admin can view List of approved doctors registered currently with
system and admin can manage their profile
4) Manage Doctor Profile
- This page allows Admin to view and manage doctor details.
Admin can update doctor details and can delete doctor’s profile
as well.
5) Pending Requests
- This page lists requests which system has received for doctor
- Admin can make view profile using this page.
6) Request Approval
- This page allows admin to approve/Reject requests which
system has received for doctor registration.
- Admin can make decision after viewing and verifying doctor
7) Send Credentials
- After Approving doctor’s request system redirects user to this
- Using this page admin can send login credentials to doctor
via email address doctor has provided.
8) View Patients
Admin can view List of patients registered currently with system
and admin can manage their profile
9) Manage Patient Profile
- This page allows Admin to view and manage Patient details.
Admin can update patient detail and can delete patients’s profile
as well.
News Feed
- This page will provide all users latest news information
regarding world wide health updates

Patient Portal
- This page is the main page of the patient user.
- After login, user will be redirected to this page and he/she
will see a menu list.
- From the available options, user can select the option, he/she
wants to proceed with.
1) The home page for pateint , where the pateint can see a multiple
menu options
2) The patient can find doctor from the list and then can view his/her
3) User can ask doctor about the prescription of his/her problem. User
has to fill out the details mentioned in the form. These details will
get posted to the Doctor’s Portal , depending on the selected
4) Patient can view his/her profile and can edit the details also.
5) The patient can give feedback to particular selected doctor.
6) Frequently asked questions /problems (along with
suggestions/remedies given).
7) Search hospitals
Patients will be able to search hospitals according to their names or
locations in the search bar. Hospitals’ rating will also be shown to
the patients.
8) Book Appointment
Patient will be able to book appointment according to them.
Patient’s first name, last name, gender, dob will be accessed from
patient’s registration page and then he will select doctor from the
drop-down menu. Similarly, date and time of appointment can be
9) View History
Patient will be able to view 2 types of histories:- appointment and
prescription history 
10) View Appointment history
Appointments made by patients in previous months can be viewed
11) View Prescription History
Patient can view prescriptions given by various doctors in this page

Doctor’s Module
This module is highly helpful to doctor and patients to interact
with each other. Doctor can view appointments, view FAQ’s. his profile
can be viewed by patient as well. Patient can view the profile to check
the specialization to ensure that they approach right doctor. Doctor can
also give prescription to the patient and patient can view that.
1) Login page lets the doctor logs in the application
2) Doctor will see the number of menu options on the home page.
3) Doctor can view the feedback given by the patients.
4) Doctor can view the FAQs.
5) Prescription window will assist doctor to give prescription to the
patient who approaches him/her.
6) The appointments tab will let doctor to view his appointment
schedule which is submitted by patient.
Doctor can see the latest / upcoming / history of appointments

Designed frames till date

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