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Madeline Emerson

Mrs. Cramer

Comp 5A

4 March 2021

The Perks of Puppies

“Pet owners are more likely to be married, have a child, bag themselves a [college]

degree and have found their perfect job” (Elsworthy). All these options sound like the dream life,

and the chances of success with this lifestyle could increase with the help of a furry friend. From

the oxytocin-producing cuddles to the long walks under the sun, dogs are the perfect companions

for people of all ages, but especially children. Dogs should be included in a child’s life because

dogs give companionship to their owners and dogs require a considerable amount of attention,

which can be used to teach responsibility.

To begin, dogs are capable of making children happier and giving companionship to

anybody who is feeling lonely. For instance, dogs can sense when someone is feeling down or

they are feeling uncertain about a specific situation. They will always be by your side if they

sense you are feeling upset or stressed. Dogs will never fail to love a good head scratch, too, and

the motion of petting a dog can be used to calm a person down. Furthermore, dogs can go

through various trainings to eventually become a licensed therapy dog. "Animal-assisted therapy

can significantly reduce pain, anxiety, depression and fatigue in people with a range of health

problems" (Therapy Dogs Bring Joy and Healing). By training dogs to become a therapy animal,

they will learn how to comfort people and bring happiness to anybody who may be in some

desperate need of some joy. In some cases, dogs are even trained to become service pets for

people who experience epilepsy, have trouble seeing, or have a severe medical condition. In
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conclusion, dogs are beneficial to children because they are an outlet for children when they are

feeling lonely, and dogs are able to teach children valuable life lessons, such as how to support

people who are experiencing low moments in life.

In addition, dogs require an ample amount of attention which teaches children

responsibility and will help them develop a strong work ethic. For children, responsibility should

be taught at a young age for a routine to be developed, and dogs are perfect for teaching healthy,

responsible habits. Children start learning at a young age, and most children always want to help

in some way. By having a dog, children can start out by helping with a dog. Eventually, as the

child grows older, they are able to take over more responsibilities with the dog. Also, dogs need

exercise at least once a day, and exercise releases endorphins which make people happier (Case).

By taking a dog for a walk, or/on a run, or even outside for some playtime, children will learn a

routine that can be beneficial to their learning. They will feel happier and better about themselves

if they are able to get outside and absorb some vitamin D, and it is more fun to be outside with a

furry friend. In all, dogs are great learning experiences for children because they help children

learn about taking care of others and dogs help teach responsibility and healthy routines.

On the other hand, some people contend that dogs need to have an eye always kept on

them because they are prone to mischief. While this may be the case in some situations, there are

plenty or training options or alternative methods to dealing with possible misbehavior caused by

a dog when they are left alone for a period of time. Millions of people own dogs, so there must

be at least one successful solution to avoiding bad behavior from a dog. "Better management

means they can be easily controlled and become a part of the family and events more, instead of

being uncontrollable, misbehaving and having to be left at home or shut away from the party by

themselves" (Benefits of Taking Your Dog to Obedience Training).

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. Thus, dogs will not need to be watched at all times because they will develop obedience with

the proper training and care from the owner(s).

Though it is argued that it is best to not own a dog because it is hard to say goodbye when

the dog passes away, it is also hard to say goodbye to anyone or anything when they pass away.

If we are constantly living in a state of fear over death, then life will be monotonous, and it will

be hard to find joy in the little things. When the dog eventually passes away, it will most

definitely be sad, but there will be so many great memories made that would not have been

possible without the dog, and those memories will last a lifetime. In addition, there are numerous

ways to remember your furry companion, such as jewelry or photographs (Reisen). To

summarize, death should not be a factor that plays into the decision of whether you get a dog

because death is inevitable, and constantly worrying about it will not make life enjoyable, but a

dog would.

In conclusion, dogs should be a part of a child’s life because dogs give companionship to

their owners and dogs require a considerable amount of attention, which can be used to teach

responsibility. Dogs, with the proper training, are loving, comforting pets that can be used to

reduce stress, bring happiness into people’s lives, and teach children about responsibility. Life if

full of events that are unpredictable, and that is the exciting part. Knowing all of life’s greatest

moments could be shared with a furry friend is even more exciting. Even the saddest times are

better with a dog because they are able to condole you with their compassion. Children who

grow up with a dog have a companion for life, and that is something everyone could use.
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Works Cited

says:, Sandy Case, et al. Why Do Dogs Make Us Happy? 11 Sept. 2017,

“Therapy Dogs Bring Joy and Healing.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education
and Research, 15 Sept. 2020,

“Benefits of Taking Your Dog to Obedience Training.” Vetwest Animal Hospitals, 31 Aug. 2020,

Reisen, Jan. “10 Out-Of-The-Box Ideas for Memorializing Your Dog.” American Kennel Club,
American Kennel Club, 17 July 2020,
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