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Barrier Control


Barrier Control Campaign

What is a Safety Barrier?

A safety barrier is a type of device that is

specifically meant for the protection of people by
virtue of serving as a sort of fence between
individuals and potentially dangerous situations.

Barrier Control Campaign

Examples of Safety Barriers

Why a Barrier Control campaign?

In short, we want you to go home safely to

your families.

!!! Don’t be one of the many

headlines !!!
Drilling rig worker was fatally crushed
Drilling Rig Worker Killed Rig Worker Killed
Worker fatally crushed on oil rig
Barrier Control Campaign
 To emphasize the importance of effective barrier control

 To ensure that all personnel respect the barriers placed to

ensure the safety and well being of all personnel.

 To raise awareness of potentially hazardous operations and

reason for barrier placement.

To endeavor to eliminate barrier breaches all together.
Barrier Control Campaign

Why do people Breach a Safety Barrier?

•It is instinctive in most cases.

•Everyone has broken a barrier of some sort.
•Laziness, your normal route is now blocked.
•No one is around and they cant see any work
being performed.
•They believe the work is completed but the barrier
has not been removed.
•Lack of understanding of the risk.
Barrier Control Campaign

Are you aware of the dangers that really


In the majority of cases, it is the unseen

danger that has fatal consequences.
A barrier is there for your protection. If the
Barrier is not your and you haven’t placed
it there you may not be totally aware of all
of the dangers and hazards that exist.

Barrier Control Campaign

What dangers do Safety Barriers protect

us from?

•Stored Energy / Pressure vessels

•Cables & Wirelines under tension
•Loading operations / Suspended Loads
•Equipment failures
•Unseen dangers

Barrier Control Campaign

Consequences from breaching Safety


•Crush injuries
Barrier Breach

Every incident
means that some
barriers have
What substandard Acts & Conditions cause Barrier
Breach injuries


 Complacency  No barriers placed
Poor communication (e.g. Signs)  Poor visibility
 Incorrect removal of barriers  Ineffective placement
Pressure / Time constraints  Incorrect placement
Laziness  Multiple access points
Attitudes Inadequate barrier
Lack of attention Inadequate signage / information
Poor work ethic Non-removal of barrier after work
Lack of consideration completion
Barrier Control Campaign
Would you Breach these Barriers?
Barrier Control Campaign
Would you Breach these Barriers?
Barrier Control Campaign
Would you Breach these Barriers?
Barrier Control Campaign
Would you Breach these Barriers?
Barrier Control Campaign
Would you Breach these Barriers?
How to prevent Barrier Breach related injuries?

Ensure that all barriers are placed correctly and effectively

with adequate information advising all rig personnel of the
potential hazards along with the following:

1 – Barrier control requirements reinforced during toolbox talks

2 – Identification of any personnel breaching barriers

3 – Work crews to remove barriers when not required

4 – All personnel empowered to enforce barrier control procedures

Be Proactive to prevent Injury!

The following slide is of a graphic nature.

* We believe it is better you be exposed to a

picture, than to witness it first hand or
Don’t let this happen to you!
Barrier Control Campaign


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