Dragonlock Cura Profile Instr v3

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Fat Dragon Games Custom Cura Profiles

Welcome to the DRAGONLOCK: Ultimate™ terrain system! One of the bonuses we offer to our custom-
ers is custom Cura slicing profiles for Creality printers, and this document will outline how to load these
profiles and what adjustments you need to make to get the best quality from them.

For complete videos describing how these profiles were created, tips on printing and much more, please
visit our Youtube channel:

Changing Ender 3/5 Motion Settings

You will need to increase the Extruder motor velocity limit for our Cura 4.5 and higher profiles. This is
easy and will only take a minute to do:

1: In your Ender 3/5 LCD menu, select CONTROL.

2: Then select MOTION.

3: Select VELOCITY.

4: Scroll down to ‘VMax E’ and change the value to


5: Back in the CONTROL menu, select STORE SET-

TINGS to retain the new value (if you do not do
this, the next time you power your machine off and
back on the changed setting will be lost.)
Loading a custom Cura profile
Please note, the settings for temperature and flow are a starting point only. Temperatures will vary depending
on the brand/type of filament used, and the exact model being printed. As a general guide, miniatures tend
to come out best between 190˚ and 205˚, and terrain 205˚ to 210˚. If you want to experiment with tempera-
tures, make adjustments in 3-5˚ increments as it is easy to overshoot your sweet spot if you make too drastic
of a change (like 10˚ increments.) The flow % is calibrated for the Creality stock setting of 93.00 for the Ex-
truder EStep value. If you have custom calibrated your extruder, we recommend a flow % of at least 5% low-
er than your calibration % when printing miniatures. For terrain your calibrated flow % should work fine.

1: At the top right side of the

Cura interface is the ‘Profile’
pull down menu.

2: Pull down the ‘Profile’

menu and select MANAGE
3: A pop-up window will
appear. Select IMPORT and
then loacate and select the
downloaded FDG Cura pro-
files wherever you download-
ed them to your computer.

4: Now the imported profiles

will appear in the ‘Profile’
pull down menu on the main
Cura interface.

5: In the top middle of the

Cura interface is the nozzle
and material selection menu.
Be sure you have the correct
nozzle size selected for the
appropriate profiles (.4 noz-
zle for the .4 profile, .3 noz-
zle for the .3 profile, etc.
General Notes
Starting with Cura 4.6 we now have two separate terrain profiles, one is designed for rougher/less detailed
terrain like dungeons and caverns (the ‘A’ profile), and the other is for more detailed structures like village
walls and sci-fi terrain (the ‘B’ profile.)

Cura now has an experimental feature called Use Adaptive Layers. We have created special settings for this
that are already in our profiles, but to use the feature you must turn it on first. AL gives a huge increase in
print quality, but it will also add time to each print. To activate Adaptive Layers you must turn it on under
the Experimental settings:

DRAGONLOCK™, DRAGONLOCK: Ultimate™, and Dragonbite™ are trademarks of Fat Dragon Games. @2020 Fat Dragon Games. All rights reserved.
For more information please visit: www.fatdragongames.com

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