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You breathe heavily. In and out, in and out. “1, 2, 3.” You hear her cry out. The air seems to
turn cold, the wind is bitter, and the warmth of your heart begins to freeze. “4, 5, 6.” She
shouts excitedly. It was cold, dark and wet outside, with only the dim light of the streetlamp
lighting the path. You frantically search for a place to hide. Then you suddenly stop. A
thought pops into your mind. She could be lounging on the sofa at home, eating an
enormous bag of Pringles. You laugh at that thought. But that laugh turns sad as the reality
of the silence sinks in. This could all be a trick...You wonder. It could just be a harmless, little
Suddenly you hear the sharp snap of a twig on the ground, the leaves crunch with the
weighted footsteps of her. Realisation hits you. Your sister. Out in the dark. All alone. Just
like you. She will be searching, for you. Looking, for you. Worried that you might never come
back. And your parents. What must they think of you now, out at night, bizarrely playing
with your little sister? Horror strikes you. Fear overcomes happiness. Sadness overwhelms
your whole body, flickering like a flame, weak, but powerful. Not powerful enough to be
undefeated, but just enough power to live and last a long time, destroying everything in its
path. “7, 8, 9.” You hear her, her voice shaking with curiosity, curiosity about where you
would hide. Would she find you? You aren’t sure. “Ten!” You hear her clamber down the
rocky hills and watch her search behind every tree. She has no idea where you are.
You stay still for what feels like 10 hours, even though you know it isn’t. She still hasn’t
found you. Every time she turns in the direction of your hiding place, you hold your breath.
Even though you don’t need to. Even though you know that she’s a kid, and that she doesn’t
ever listen for any sound of movement, not even a stifled laugh. Her searching is getting
more intense, her face changing from excited to a face filled with worry. You wonder if you
should come out now, announce to her where you have been hiding all this time. But you
shake the thought away. No. If you do this, then she will torture you about this moment
forever. Saying that you were a wuss that night, a scaredy cat.
You crouch on the ground, the leaves rustling and the wind whistling by your ears. The air
rushes past her, making her hair fly about. You think that she would be worried by now, but
no. You know her the best. Even if she looked worried, you know that it would only be a
mask. Because behind that cunning mask, a cruel pinched face, your sister, and her true
colours. The girl who poked and prodded you for hours on end, torturing you, leaving you
with red scars of pain. But your parents didn’t even think that their goody two-shoes
daughter would do such a thing. So, whenever you tried to explain, they would send you up
to your room, not caring if you stomped around, sulking in a corner. No they didn’t even
love you before tonight. They only care about their beautiful, miracle daughter, who “looks
like a ray of sunshine.” As they always say, just one compliment out of millions.
She is still searching now, but still you want to wait. You want to see how she reacts when
she realises you have actually gone. Will her face contort with fear, making her run home to
your parents? Or will she curl her mouth into a snarl and laugh with joy, as she realises that
at last you have disappeared? Has she been waiting for this moment or dreading it?
Its dawn now, you can tell by the rosy light tinting the air with happiness of a new day. But
for you it wasn’t happy at all. No. You had stayed up all night waiting for her to find you. You
didn’t even know if she was outside anymore. No, you still had to carry on with the game.
Even though your stomach is growling with hunger, and your eyes are covered with dust,
and bites from the insects out there. You breath heavily, in and out as you lie there, silently
waiting for her to find you.

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