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Breathing Tips for Perfect Shooting

by Konstantin Komarov
There is a key factor in Systema shooting, which has to do with breathing. Shooting in real situations
and therefore in Systema training is done mostly on the move. Thus you cannot apply breath holds as
recommended by many other schools of shooting. When actively moving about, the body’s oxygen
demand is high and breath holding would lead to excessive excitation of one’s psyche and muscle
tone. Therefore, breathing on the move should circulate freely and continuously.
Hence the need for the correct type of breathing, which does not affect the shoulder level even at a
very high work load. This means that inhalation and exhalation should be done mostly with the
diaphragm and abdomen, rather than chest and shoulders. Let’s use a simple drill to check if your
breathing is a good fit for shooting on the move.
Take 10 pebbles and throw them into a tree trunk from a distance of about 15 ft (4-5 m). Do not spend
more than 15 seconds for the 10 throws. Complete 3 series of 10 throws each and calculate your
average success rate (total number of hits divided by the number of series). Then complete 25 squats
while holding your breath, then as you start recovery, immediately do 10 throws in less than 15
seconds. Remember your result.
Then do the same after 25 pushups while holding your breath, then after 25 leg raises, also with
breath holding. Calculate your new average success rate and compare it with the previous result
achieved with normal breathing. Note: the number of Systema core exercises (squats, pushups and
leg raises) can be less or more depending on your physical abilities.
If the new result is lower by 30% (i.e. by 3 hits per series) or more, then you most likely have adopted
a counterproductive type of breathing not suitable for shooting on the move. This means that during
intensive breathing you engage your shoulders, neck and many other muscles that are not needed for
the task. This in turn brings excessive tension to the body and psyche.
So, how does one develop correct breathing? It’s very simple! Practice Systema breathing exercises
gradually and regularly. Once in a while ask someone experienced to observe your breathing and
provide feedback.
If you are a confident shooter and have access to a range, try doing this exercise with a pistol. You
will need an upper-body target at a distance of about 25 ft. (8 m) and 5 bullets per series. Facing the
target, shoot from the chest level while holding the pistol in one hand. While shooting, keep walking
on the spot. The sequence and result calculation is the same as with the pebble drill described above,
but a 20% reduction in hit rate is now considered significant.
Give it a try. Monitor and correct yourself. Let us know how it worked for you. Best of luck!

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