GRADE 11 Learning Module 2 Semester Prelims: General Mathematics

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GRADE 11Learning Module

2ND Semester Prelims

“Mathematics Skills forLife”

Student’s Full Name: ________________________________________________________

Grade: ____________________________ Strand: _________________________________
Contact Number: ___________________________________________________________

Good day Grade 11 students.
I am MR. Neil Trezley S. Balajadia
I am your Math teacher.

If you have some questions and inquiries, you can contact me in Cellphone
number. (09098302571) or you can send me a message in my messenger account.
(Neil Trezley Sunico).

This module has the particular parts as prompted by the following icon.
What this module is about – This icon will tell you the overview of the
unit topic

How I will learn from this module – This icon will guide you how to use
this module

What I am expected to learn – This icon will basically tell you the
objectives of the lesson.

Let us learn together- This icon will equip you through the discussion of
various topics

What I will do - This icon you will have activities that will help you
discover the lesson or improve knowledge about the unit topic

How far I have gone – This icon will assess you on the lesson presented

Let us wind up – This icon will measure how much did learn from the

Summative Test – This icon will tell measure you how much did you learn
in the topic

Let’s apply it to life – This gives the applications of the learning concepts
in real-life situation as students of Matutum View Academy

General Mathematics

Proverbs 16:33 ESV

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every
decision is from the Lord.

What this module is about

Some people find time to relax by going for a long drive outside the city. Families and groups of
friends go to vacations during holidays or long breaks from school or work.
When you go on a trip, do you notice how much time it takes to arrive at your destination?
Observe that a relationship exists between time and distance. The farther the distance you need to
cross, the longer the time you travel.
Relationships between two variables such as time and distance may be modeled using
mathematical concepts called functions, which you will learn about throughout this chapter.

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of functions, rational
functions, inverse functions, exponential functions and logarithmic functions.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to solve real – life problems involving rational
functions apply the concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions
to formulate and solve real – life problems with precision and accuracy.

How to learn
from this module

Here’s a simple guide for you in going about the module:

1. Read and follow instruction very carefully.
2. Read the different lessons included in this module.
3. Perform all the activities, as these will help you have a better understanding of the topic
4. Finally, take the summative test at the end of the module.

God bless and have fun!

1 Function

“All functions are relations but not all relations are functions.”

What I am
expected to learn

In this lesson, you will be able to:

1. represents real – life situations using functions, including piece – wise functions
2. evaluates a function
3. perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and composition of functions
4. solves problems involving functions

Let us learn

Lesson 1.1 Models of Function

A function is defined as follows:
Given sets bi X and Y, a function is a rule that assigns each element x to X to only one element y in Y.

In symbols, a function can be written as y=f ( x ), where x represents the independent variable
and y represents the dependent variable. The independent variable (x) is a variable that is always
assumed to determine the value of the dependent variable (y). On the other hand, the dependent
variable is a variable that changes depending on the value of the independent variable.

Suppose a circular vacant lot in the backyard will be planned with flowers. How much area will
be planted with flowers if its radius is given?
Let r = radius (independent variable)
A = circular area (dependent variable)
A=π r 2

Jerika intends to buy a tablet which costs Php 16,000.00. She starts saving Php 600 from her
weekly allowance for x weeks. How much more she has to save in order to buy the tablet after x
weeks. Express the amount that she will have to save, denoted by A, as a function of the number of
weeks, x.
Let x = number of weeks (dependent variable)
A = amount she will have to save (independent variable)
A=16000−600 x

What I
will do

Do what is asked.
1. A courier agency charges its clients based on the weight of the package, denoted by x. Define a
function that will compute the total amount charged, denoted by A, if the courier agency charges
Php 11.50 per kilogram of the package. (5 points)

2. Fifteen friends rented a van for an outing to a resort. If the total rent is x pesos, how much
should be the contribution of each friend be? Express the contribution, denoted by C, as a function
of the rental fee x? (5 points)

Let us learn

Lesson 1.2 Sets and Types of Functions

A set is a collection of objects or numbers and is usually denoted by braces { }. Sets can be denoted by capital
letters or many other symbols.

A={ x , y , z } – a set containing three elements: x, y, and z. (Roster Method)
B= { x∨x >2 } – a set of all values of x that are greater than 2. (Set Notation)
C=[ 4 ,+ ∞ ] - a set of all values from 4 going to positive infinity. (Interval Notation)
Most of the functions you will encounter from this lesson onward will involve set of real
numbers. The set of real numbers contains all values from negative infinity ( +∞ ) to positive infinity
(−∞ ) . It is represented by R.
The set of positive real numbers is denoted by R+¿ ¿ and the set of negative numbers is denoted
by R−¿ ¿. To represent that an element is part of a set, use the symbol ∈. ∪ is used to express union
of two or more sets.
x ∈ R+¿¿ - is an element of positive real numbers
R+¿∪ {0} ¿ – the union of the set of positive real numbers and the set containing only 0.

Types of Functions (Polynomial Functions)

Polynomial function – a function in one variable. It is the sum of polynomial expressions. It can be
written in the form
f ( x )=an x n +a n−1 x n−1+ …+a 1 x+ a0
where a 0 , a1 , a2 , … , an are real numbers and n is either positive or 0.
P ( x ) =4 x 3−3 x 2 +7 x−5
Linear function – a polynomial function of degree one. It can be written in the form
f ( x )=ax+ b , where a∧b , ∈ R∧a ≠ 0
Quadratic function – a polynomial function of degree 2. It can be written in the form
f ( x )=a x 2 +bx +c with a ,b∧c ∈ R∧a ≠ 0
Cubic function – a polynomial function of degree 3. It can be written in the form
f ( x )=a x 3 +b x 2 +cx +d with a ,b ,c ∧d ∈ R∧a≠ 0

Types of Functions (Non - Polynomial Functions)

Radical function – it is in the form f ( x )= √n g ( x ), where g ( x ) is an algebraic expression called the
radicand and n is called the index. The index is always greater than 2.
f ( x )= √ 7 x 2−2 x+ 8
Piece – wise function – functions in which the rule for obtaining the value of the function is
different for specific values of the independent variable.
f ( x )= x−5 , ifx ≤ 0
{ 2
2 x −3 ,if x ≥ 0

Absolute Value function – functions in the form f ( x )=¿ g ( x )∨¿, where g ( x ) is any algebraic
expression, denoted by ¿ g ( x ) ∨¿, is defined as
f ( x )=f ( x )= g ( x ) ,∧x ≥ 0
{−g ( x ) ,∧x ≤0
Example. f ( x )=¿ x −3 x +2∨¿
Rational function – functions of the form such that p ( x ) ∧q ( x ) are polynomial functions.

Domain and Range

Domain – the set of all possible values of x.
Range – the set of all possible values of y.
Linear function *Tip: The domain and range of linear functions are elements of real numbers.
f ( x )=x +2: Df ={ x∨x ∈ R }
Rf={ y ∨ y ∈ R }
Quadratic function *Tip: The domain of quadratic functions are elements of real numbers. To
determine the range of a quadratic function, compute the maximum/minimum value.
4 ac−b 2
( y=
4a )
f ( x )=x 2−5 x +6: Df ={ x∨x ∈ R }
To determine the range, compute the minimum value: a=1, b=-5, c=6
4 ac−b 2 4 ( 1 )( 6 )−(−5 ) −1
y= = = ∨−0.25. Since a> 0, the graph opens upward. Therefore,
4a 4 (1) 4
R f = y∨ y ≥−} 4
Piece – Wise function
x +1

f ( x )=
,∧x< 0

x −x +1 ,∧x ≥ 0
Find the Domain and Range of f ( x ).
x +1
To find the domain of f ( x ), first assign values for y. Since the values set for f ( x )= should be
less than zero, we can have values -1 going to negative infinity, (−∞ , −1 ] . For the sub – function
4 ac−b 2
f ( x )=x 2−x +1, find the minimum value. y=
(−1 ) +1 (−5 ) +1
f (−1 ) = =0 , f (−5 )= =−2 Df ={ x∨x ∈ R }
2 2
4 ac−b 2 4 ( 1 )( 1 )−(−1 ) 3 3
f ( x )=x 2−x +1 , a=1 , b=−1 , c=1⟶ y=
4 (1 )
4 {
R f = y∨ y ≥ } 4
Absolute Value function
Find the domain and range of the absolute value function f ( x )=¿ x−10∨¿.
Since, the function inside the absolute value is a linear function, Df ={ x∨x ∈ R }
*Tip: The range of absolute value function are numbers greater than or equal to zero.
Rf = { y ∨ y ≥ 0}
Radical function
Find the domain of the function y= √ x−9.
*Tip: The function inside the radical sign should be greater than or equal to zero.
x−9 ≥ 0 ⟶ x ≥ 9. D f ={ x∨x ≥9 }
*Tip: The range of radical functions are numbers greater than or equal to zero.

Rf = { y ∨ y ≥ 0}
What I
will do

Find the domain and range of each function.

1. y=3 x +4 3. y= √ 8−x 5. h ( x )=5 x 2−4 x +1
Df =¿ Df =¿ Df =¿
R f =¿ R f =¿ R f =¿

1 ,∧x
Let us
<3 learn
2. f ( x )={0 ,∧x ≥3
4. g ( x )=¿ 4−7 x∨¿
Df =¿ Df =¿
R f =¿ R f =¿
Lesson 1.3 Evaluation of Functions

Evaluation of Functions
You can evaluate a function by assigning real numbers to replace the independent variable in
the function. Doing this using different values for the independent variable gives you different
values for the dependent variable.

f ( x )=4 x−7. Find f ( 3 ).
f ( 3 )=4 ( 3 )−7=5.
Thus, if x = 3, y=f ( 3 )=5

x +1
Evaluate the function f ( x )=

,∧x< 0

x −x +1 ,∧x ≥ 0
, if x=−7∧x=0.

x+1 −7+1
For x = -7, use the sub – function . f (−7 )= =−3
2 2
For x = 0, use the sub – function x 2−x +1. f ( 0 )=( 0 )2 −( 0 ) +1=1
Thus, the value of the function is -3 when x = -7 and 1 when x = 0.

Temperatures measured in degrees Fahrenheit ( F o ) can be converted to degrees Celsius ( C o ) using
the formula C= ( F−32 ), where C is the temperature in degrees Celsius and F is degrees
Fahrenheit. Find the equivalent temperature of 80 oF in degrees Celsius.
5 5
Let F = 80. Then C= ( F−32 )= ( 80−32 ) =26.7.
9 9
o o
Thus, 80 F is equivalent to 26.7 C

Evaluate each given function at the indicated value of the variable.
1. f ( m )=2m−7 ; m=10 3. f ( a )=3 a−√ a ; a=16

2. a=2 b2 +5 b−4 ; b=−3

Form a function for each situation. Then evaluate it the given value.
1. Studies show that a person burns approximately 0.45kg of calories for each hour of exercise.
Calculate theLet
us learnof calories burned C if a person exercises 4 hours in one day. Let x be the
number of hours of exercise.
C(x)= Calories burned =

2. Sally received her half – month salary

Lesson 1.4today. She sends
Operations 30% of her salary to her parents in the
on Functions
province. How much will be left from her salary if she received Php 7,500.00?
F(s) = Savings =

Let f ( x ) and g ( x ) by any two functions defined in their respective domains. The following are
functions constructed by combining f ( x ) and g ( x ).
( f + g )( x )=f ( x )+ g ( x ) sum
( f −g ) ( x )=f ( x )−g ( x ) difference
( fg ) ( x )=f ( x ) g ( x ) product
f f (x )
() g
( x )=
f ( x )=x 2−3 x +2, g ( x )=
x −1
Find: ( f + g )( x ), ( f −g ) ( x ), () ( fg ) ( x ),
x+ 1
( f + g )( x )=x 2−3 x +2+ Sum
( x2 −3 x +2 ) ( x−1 ) x +1 ( x 2−3 x+ 2 ) ( x−1 )+ ( x +1 )
¿ + =
x−1 x−1 x−1
3 2 2
( x −3 x +2 x−x + 3 x−2 )+ ( x+1 )
x −4 x 2+6 x−1 (
( f + g )( x )= answer )
Type equation here .
( f −g ) ( x )=x 2−3 x+2− Difference
x −1
What I ( x2 −3 x +2 ) ( x−1 ) x+ 1 ( x 2−3 x +2 ) ( x−1 )−( x +1 )
will do ¿ − =
x−1 x−1 x−1
( x3 −3 x2 +2 x−x 2+ 3 x−2 )−( x +1 )
3 2
( f −g ) ( x )= x −4 x +4 x−3 ( answer )

x+ 1
( x−1
( fg ) ( x )=( x 2−3 x +2 ) ) Product
x+ 1 x +1
¿ ( x −3 x+ 2 ) ( )=( x−2 )( x−1 ) (
x−1 )
( fg ) ( x )=( x−2 ) ( x+1 ) ( answer )
f ( ) x 2−3 x +2
() g
x+ 1 Quotient
( )x−1
x2 −3 x +2 ( x −3 x+ 2 ) ( x−1 ) x 3−3 x 2+2 x−x 2+ 3 x −2
= =
x +1 x +1 x+ 1
( ) x−1
f ( ) x 3−4 x 2+ 5 x −2 (
() g
answer )
A function can also be used to evaluate another function. The result is a called a composition of
functions. Given f and g are functions, composition of functions f and g denoted by f ∘ g, is defined
( f ∘ g )( x )=f ( g ( x ) )
for any real number x in its domain.
Let f ( x )= √ xWhat+2, and I g ( x )=x −2. Determine ( f ∘ g )( x ) and ( g ∘ x ) ( x ) .
Solution. will do
( f ∘ g )( x )=f ( g ( x ) ) =√ ( x 2−2 ) +2= √ x 2=x ( answer )
( g ∘ x ) ( x )=g ( f ( x )) =( √ x+ 2 ) −2=x +2−2=x ( answer )
*Tip: If ( f ∘ g )( x )= ( g ∘ x ) ( x ), then f and g are inverse of each other. This will be further discussed on
the next lessons

Let f ( x )=5 x +1 and g ( x )=x 3. Evaluate ( f ∘ g )(−2 ).
First, evaluate ( f ∘ g )( x ) and evaluate the result at x = -2.
( f ∘ g )( x )=5 ( x 3 ) +1
( f ∘ g )(−2 )=5 (−23 ) +1=−39 ( answer )

A. For each pair of functions, formulate the a.) sum, b.) difference, c.) product and d.) quotient
functions. For the difference function, ( first function−second function ) and for the quotient function,
first function
(second function )
1. h ( x )=3 x−7 , g ( x ) =8−3 x
a.) c.)

b.) d.)

2. y= , z=x 2−4
a.) c.)

b.) d.)

B. Determine the domain for each resulting function in Part A.

1. Df =¿ 2. Df =¿

C. Given f ( x )=x 3 and g ( x )= . Find ( f ∘ g )( 3 ) and ( g ∘ f )(−1 ).
1. ( f ∘ g )( 3 ) = 2. ( g ∘ f )(−1 ) =

1.1 Models of Function

A. Formulate the function in each problem. Then solve each problem. Round off your answer to
the nearest hundredths if needed. (5 points each)
1. A beauty salon sells medium – sized jars of hair conditioner to their clients at Php 350.00 per
jar. How much will the salon’s total sales be if it sells 100 jars?

2. A rectangular room is 5m long and 5m wide. How many square meters of carpet is needed to
cover the entire floor?

B. Do what is asked. (5 points)

A Rubik’s Cube has one side measuring x inches. Formulate a function f ( x ) that will calculate its
total surface area. (Hint: Total Surface Area (Cube) = sum of all areas of its faces).

1.2 Sets and the Types of Functions

Complete the table below by identifying the specific type of function, its domain, and range. Write
the domain and range in set notation.
Function Type (2 points Domain (3 points Range (3 points each)
each) each)
1. f ( x )= √3 x radical
2. y=12 x +7 Df ={ x∨x ∈ R }
3. g ( x )=2 x −3 x +1 1
R f = y∨ y ≥−
8 }
4. z=¿ x −2 x∨¿ D f ={ x∨x ∈ R }
x ,∧x <3 Piece - wise

5. f ( x )= x−3 ,∧x=3
√ x−1 ,∧x ≥ 0

1.3 Evaluation of Functions

Evaluate each function given the value of the independent variable. (3 points each)
1. y=5 x +9 , x=−1 4. y= √ 4 x+ 5 , x=5
y= How far I
2. y=x −2havex +3 ,gone
x =0 5. y= √ 8 x +1 , x=10
7 x−5
3. y= , x=1

1.4 Operations on Functions

For each pair of functions, perform the indicated operation.
1. f ( x )=4 x 2−3 x+ 1, h ( x )=7 x 2+ 5 x−2
( f + g )( x )=¿

10 | P a g e
Let us
2. f ( x )=2 x 3+ 6 x2 −9 x−8 , h ( x ) =10 x 2 + 4 x−2
wind up
( f −g ) ( x )=¿

)=5 x 2 +isx−4
3. zA( xfunction , w (as
defined x )follows:
= 2
Given sets X and Y, a function x −1
is a rule that assigns each element x to X to only one element y in Y.
( zw )( x )=¿
A set is a collection of objects or numbers and is usually denoted by braces { }. Sets can be denoted by
capital letters or many other symbols.
4. y=t
Types−16 , x=t +4(Polynomial Functions)
of Functions
( ) ( t ) =¿
Polynomial function – a function in one variable. It is the sum of polynomial expressions. It can be written
in the form
f ( x )=an x n +a n−1 x n−1+ …+a 1 x+ a0
where a 0 , a1 , a2 , … , an are real numbers and n is either positive or 0.
5. f Linear
( x )=xfunction
+6 , g ( x–)=7 x−4
a polynomial function of degree one. It can be written in the form
f x
( f ∘ g )( x )=¿
( ) =ax+ b , where a∧b , ∈ R∧a ≠0
Quadratic function – a polynomial function of degree 2. It can be written in the form
f ( x )=a x 2 +bx +c with a ,b∧c ∈ R∧a ≠ 0
Cubic function – a polynomial function of degree 3. It can be written in the form
f ( x )=a x 3 +b x 2 +cx +d with a ,b ,c ∧d ∈ R∧a≠ 0
Types of Functions (Non - Polynomial Functions)
Radical function – it is in the form f ( x )= g ( x ), where g ( x ) is an algebraic expression called the radicand

and n is called the index. The index is always greater than 2.
Piece – wise function – functions in which the rule for obtaining the value of the function is different for
specific values of the independent variable.
Absolute Value function – functions in the form f ( x )=¿ g ( x )∨¿ , where g ( x ) is any algebraic expression,
denoted by ¿ g ( x ) ∨¿, is defined as

f ( x )=f ( x )= g ( x ) ,∧x ≥ 0
−g ( x ) ,∧x ≤0
Rational function – functions of the form such that p ( x ) ∧q ( x ) are polynomial functions.
Domain and Range
Domain – the set of all possible values of x.
Range – the set of all possible values of y.

Evaluation of Functions
You can evaluate a function by assigning real numbers to replace the independent variable in the
function. Doing this using different values for the independent variable gives you different values for the
dependent variable.

Let f ( x ) and g ( x ) by any two functions defined in their respective domains. The following are functions
constructed by combining f ( x ) and g ( x ).
( f + g )( x )=f ( x )+ g ( x ) sum
( f −g ) ( x )=f ( x )−g ( x ) difference
( fg ) ( x )=f ( x ) g ( x ) product

( fg ) ( x )= gf (( xx)) quotient

11 | P a g e
True or False. Write the word True if the statement is correct. Write the word False if the
statement is incorrect. (1 point each)
1. The domain of the function f ( x )=( 2 x−5 )2 is the set of all real numbers __________
2. The process of substituting numbers for the independent variable x is called evaluating the
function. __________
3. The range of absolute value function is the set of all real numbers. __________
4. Given 45 °F, its equivalent temperature in Celsius is 31 ° __________
5. If ( f ∘ g )( x )= ( g ∘ x ) ( x ), then f and g are inverse of each other. __________

Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before the number.
(1 point each)
_____1. It is a rule that assigns each element x to X to only one element y in Y.
a. function c. dependent variable
b. relation d Independent variable
_____2. It is a variable whose values changes depending on the value of the independent
a. function c. dependent variable
b. relation d Independent variable
_____3. It is a variable that is always assumed or given and is used to determine the value of
the dependent variable.
a. function c. dependent variable
b. relation d Independent variable
_____4. It is the set of all possible values of x. It is also called the abscissa.
a. function c. range
b. domain d degree
_____5. It is the set of all possible values of y. It is also called the ordinate.
a. function c. range
b. domain d degree
_____6. y=2 x +3 is an example of what type of function?
a. rational c. radical
b. polynomial d linear
_____7. 1
Given f ( x )= , what is the domain of the function?
a. Df ={ x∨x ∈ R } c. Df ={ x∨x ≠2 }
b. D f ={ x∨x=2 } d D f ={ x∨x ≤2 }
_____8. Given f ( x )=x +4 x+ 4, what is the range of the function?
a. R f = { y ∨ y ∈ R } c. R f = { y ∨ y< 0 }
b. R f = { y ∨ y=0 } d Rf = { y ∨ y ≥ 0}
_____9. It is a function that is evaluated by another function.
a. radical c. composite
b. rational d absolute value
_____10. The domain of the function f ( x )=¿ x −1∨¿ is Df ={ x∨x ∈ R }.

a. always true c. sometimes true

b. Always false d cannot be determined

12 | P a g e

13 | P a g e
Let’s apply
it to life

1st John 4:7 – 8 says

7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God,
and knoweth God. 8 He that loveth not knoweth God; for

14 | P a g e

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