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Personal Traits and Teacher Effectiveness

1. Personal traits. Make a list of personal traits you possess that will assist you in teaching
at your planned grade level/current teaching area. Would there be differences between an
elementary teacher and a secondary teacher? If so, in what areas?
I myself think I am passionate about education. Successful teachers must be passionate about
education. I am passionate about learning and involving students in learning - and what's more,
as a teacher, I am passionate about a subject; and I like to share my areas of expertise with my
students. To me, training the mind without training the heart is not education.
I can say that teaching is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Although not easy to me,
teaching is also one of the most rewarding professions and those in which the successful are most
dedicated to their careers. Teachers who are diligent and take the extra time to develop excellent
lesson plans or provide additional support to students who need help are those who are more
likely to shine, succeed, and most importantly, enjoy their careers.
I think a teacher needs to be disciplined in order to be successful. How many of us remember the
teacher who could never control the classroom at school? The common denominator here is that
the teacher has no discipline fueled by disrespect. In my opinion, the ability to control a
classroom with excellent management skills and good discipline should be a key feature of any
successful teacher.
In my years of increasing teaching experience, I realized that being an interesting personality
helped me a lot. Having an engaging personality is the key to a successful teacher. In addition to
measuring students' interest, it allows teachers to connect with their students and think of
innovative ways to explain different subject matters and they really understand what is being
taught. As a result, having a bright personality brings enthusiasm and creativity, which are the
keys to attracting students' attention and respect.
Finally, I think I am a good listener. Have you ever heard the Turkish proverb? If talking is
silver, listening is golden. A great teacher not only excels at speaking and presenting but also
excels at listening - representing an approachable and empathetic figure that students can speak
to or raise any concerns they may have.
2. Teacher effectiveness. What do you think is the ultimate measure of a teacher’s
effectiveness? Explain your response.
I have taught in two different countries and I am still doing it. How do I manage the dual
challenge of keeping students focused and maintaining order in the classroom, especially in the
United States? It took me a while to find an answer.
First, I started the school year by establishing a good relationship. The best teachers know their
students as individuals. Not only can this help educators tailor lessons to the learning levels and
styles of their students, it can also build important mentoring-type relationships.
Second, I think patience and kindness should never be compromised. Hand in hand with
developing relationships, showing a patient and kind attitude towards the student, a teacher gains
trust and respect, which are important components of the student's willingness to work hard and
the ability to learn new materials. Combining hardness and kindness is a particularly valuable
commodity, especially when it comes to restraining misbehavior.
Thirdly, I think each student's learning process is different. In an article I wrote ten years ago, I
explained the thesis "There is mathematics that everyone can learn. Having a good understanding
of how students learn, educators can apply this understanding to tailor their assistance to each
student. Knowledge of the learning process at different ages and stages of students' intellectual
development is particularly important. Knowing the learning process goes hand in hand with
familiarity with the training rubric used in a particular institution.
Fourth, I think that the commitment feeling should be in every teacher. Maybe it goes without
saying, but a teacher with a firm commitment to the educational task will provide inspiration,
encouragement, and focus that more world-weary educators may find difficult to produce.
Stories are an army of teachers who go "above and beyond" to ensure that their students have the
tools and resources needed to achieve this throughout the school year.
Finally, I want you to tell me how important love and passion are in this profession. The passion
for the subject and self-teaching as well as the love of students, whether children or young adults,
creates a contagious spirit in the classroom. The emotional quality a teacher brings to the
classroom is conveyed throughout the learning experience.


Pugh, A. (2018). Top personality traits for Teachers. Retrieved from: https://www.e-
Saorakin, D. (2020). Description of an Effective Teacher in the Classroom. Retrieved from:

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