EN Politeness in Efl Classroom Interactions

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e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)



I Putu Yoga Purandina1, I Ketut Seken2, I Gede Budasi3

Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Program Pascasarjana

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Denpasar, Indonesia

e-mail: yoga.purandina@pasca.undiksha.ac.id, ketut.seken@pasca.undiksha.ac.id,


This study aimed at (1) analyzing the kinds of politeness strategies which were used in the
classroom interaction by the grade-eight EFL teacher and students of SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan; (2)
analyzing the kinds of instructional function implied in the politeness strategies used by the grade-
eight EFL teacher and students of SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan in EFL classroom interaction; (3)
investigating implication of the politeness strategies towards English teaching-learning process in
SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan. The research was designed as a qualitative study. The data were taken from
observed interactions in the teaching and learning process in the classroom and interview. The
obtained data were in the form of utterances produced in classroom interactions. The utterances were
identified and analyzed descriptively by using face saving theory in order to know the politeness
strategy used by teacher and students. The analysis was continued by identifying and analyzing the
functions which were included in the politeness strategies used by them by using speech act theory,
and the last, it was continued by analyzing and discussing the implication of the politeness are
occurred at the EFL classroom interaction. The result of the study show (1) politeness was conveyed
through five strategies, namely; bald-on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, off record,
and saying nothing; (2) the functions of the politeness can be divided into three, namely, expressive,
directive, and representative function; (3) the implication of the politeness used at the EFL classroom
interaction performs in five aspects where those aspects are very influenced in the process of
teaching and learning. The five aspects are efficient teaching and learning, respect communication
between teacher and students, togetherness between teacher and students, cooperating interaction
between teacher and students, and the use of less imposition and indirectness expression. Those
aspects can motivate students and also developing a meaningful teaching and learning process.

Keywords : politeness, politeness strategies, speech acts, and EFL classroom interaction.


Language is a key point in human people know what other people say or
daily communication. It is formed by express (Meyer, 2009).
collection of sounds that can form a Meaning should be thought by the
system and is used by people to interact in people who are as receivers or
their societies known as system of sound. interlocutors. The speakers will send their
It conveys meaning and makes other ideas to the hearers or interlocutors, and
then the ideas will be thought by the

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

hearer as a meaning where both of the that when talking about politeness in the
two people stay in a same condition and communication, language will be as a
finally agreed in one field of meaning in a behavior of the human in the social
society (Morris, 2007). interaction. This should be related to the
Language and society are fact that the speech participants hold on
bounding each-other. Language used by politeness principle by showing good
people in certain places is concerned with attitude towards speech partner (Seken,
social and cultural phenomena (Trudgill, 2004).
1983). By regarding the explanation, there
Moreover, Schiffrin (1994) believes are some different opinions or beliefs
that language is a system whose rules and stated by the linguist who is concerned
norms cannot be separated from culture with politeness. Because of that, Fraser
and the major source of culture is JURXSV WKH OLQJXLVWV¶ WKHRULHV WKDW
knowledge. It means that the language have been introduced in the world. There
used in the society deals with the social are four categories of politeness theory.
values or social norms which are The first is politeness theory that believes
developed there. Language stays and with the social norms. This theory
walks together with culture that influences concerns with habitual of the people as
the language. norms or convention in one place. The
Moreover, Hymes (1994) states second one is politeness theory that
that language should be related with the believes relationship or togetherness as a
place where and when that language is principle in a communication. In this
used. Therefore, people use the language theory, speakers try to decrease the
based on social behavior agreed and offended conflict with the hearer. The third
accepted as their togetherness. In some type is politeness theory that believes
situation, speakers are often difficult in about saving face. This theory
transferring their ideas by good words HPSKDVL]HV RQ VDYLQJ WKH VSHDNHU¶V IDFH
which are easy to be understood by the is very important. Then the last is
hearer and have a good impact to the politeness strategy that believes with
hearer (Svarova, 2008). Additionally, the conversational contract. This theory
speaker and hearer usually have different believes that all of participants have
competencies in communication (Morris, prepared the contract which is obtained
2007). In addition, Seken (2007) also the obligations.
believes that speaker usually found According to Lakoff (1973),
problem on how to cover or how to utter politeness is a strategy used by the
the ideas to the hearer in a good way and speaker to avoid conflict with the hearer. It
also it can be reserved.Thus, learners means that problem can be found in a
need knowledge of forms, meanings, and communication process because of
functions. However, they must also use different assumptions, conventions or
this knowledge by taking into others. As stated by Grice (1975), human
consideration the social situation in order communication should be explained as a
to convey their intended meaning form of social interaction whose success
appropriately (Freeman, 2003). depends RQ WKH LQWHUDFWDQWV¶ SUHVXPSWLRQ
The people live together in a that communicative behavior is driven by
society and do available conventions or certain norms and rules. Moreover, Leech
norms in the social society where the (1983) believes that communication
politeness as a strategy to avoid conflict should take care with the togetherness or
that might be happened and also in order good relationship. The three experts
to develop good relationship or believe that politeness is a relationship
togetherness in social interaction (Watts, principle or a principal of keeping
2003; Rash, 2004). It is very important if togetherness in a communication in order
speaker uses politeness as strategy in to avoid offended conflict that might be
order to communicate with other members happened.
of social community. Seken (2007) adds

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

On the contrary, Brown & Levinson treated as member of the same group,
(1987) have different assumption from and to know that his or her willing is
those three experts. The assumption is shared by others. In simple terms,
concerned with face saving politeness negative face is the need to be
which comprison a strategy to save the independent or freedom from the
KHDUHU¶V IDFH E\ WKH VSHDNHU 7KH VSHDNHU imposition while the positive face is the
does not want to threat the hearer face. need to be connected to other people as
This theory believes in some case there well as possible.
DUH XWWHUDQFHV WKDW WKUHDW WKH KHDUHU¶V IDFH The face saving politeness theory
In accordance to FTA, Yule (1996) from threat that include in the utterances.
gives the definition of face. According to Brown & Levinson declare five strategies
Yule, face is the public self-image of a chosen by the speaker to save the
person. It refers to the emotional and KHDUHU¶V IDFH )LUVW RQH LV ³EDOG-RQ UHFRUG´
social sense of self that everyone has and VHFRQG RQH LV ³SRVLWLYH SROLWHQHVV´ WKLUG
expects everyone else to recognize. one is ³QHJDWLYH SROLWHQHVV´ IRXUWK RQH LV
Politeness in interaction can be defined as ³RII UHFRUG´ DQG WKH ODVW LV ³VD\LQJ
a means employed to show awareness of QRWKLQJ´ 7KHVH VWUDWHJLHV DUH KLHUDUFKLFDO
DQRWKHU SHUVRQ¶V IDFH ,Q WKLV VHQVH forms where the first strategy until the last
politeness can be accomplished in VWUDWHJ\ WKH )7$¶V ZLOO EH GHFUHDVHG
situations of social distance or closeness. Every utterance certainly has
6KRZLQJ DZDUHQHVV IRU DQRWKHU SHUVRQ¶V function to do something. Austin (1975)
face when that other seems socially believes that when speaker utter
distance is often described in term of utterances to hearer, perhaps the
respect and deference. The term of utterances are intended to perform
respect and different here means speaker something (actions). This theory is called
want to keep good relationship with Speech Acts Theory where is grouped in
hearer. Showing the equivalent awareness some type namely; Representative,
when the other socially close is often Directive, Commisive, Expressive and
described in terms of friendliness or Declarative. Furthermore, Clark (2004)
solidarity (Levinson, 1983). enlarges those five categories into 13
Yule (1996) further states that categories of illocutionary; Representative,
within social interaction, people generally Directive, Need statement, Imperative,
behave as if their expectations concerning Embedded imperatives, Permission
their public self-image or their face want to directives, Question directives, Hint,
EH UHVSHFWHG 2QH¶V IDFH FDQ EH Commisive, Expressive, Effective, and
categorized into two categorizations: Verdictive.
positive face and negative face. Negative In a definite community like in
face is the basic claim to territories, classroom, politeness is needed to be
personal preserves, right to non- implemented since rudeness creates
distraction, i.e. freedom of action and conflict between teacher and students, for
freedom from imposition, while positive example, a phenomenon described in
face is the positive consistent self-image Spencer-Oatey (2008). There was a
or personally (crucially including the desire Chinese teacher whose student threated
that this self-image be appreciated and her face because of complaining her
approved of) claimed by interactants teaching strategy. The students were not
(Brown and Levinson, 1987). Yule (1996) VDWLVILHG ZLWK WKH WHDFKHU¶V WHDFKLQJ
VWDWHV D SHUVRQ¶V QHJDWLYH IDFH LV WKH strategy where almost all of the students
need to be independent, to have freedom felt uncomfortable at that time. Similarly to
of action, and not to be imposed on by the other speech communities, a process
RWKHUV 7KH ZRUG ³QHJDWLYH´ GRHV QRW of interaction also happens by
PHDQ ³EDG´ MXVW WKH RSSRVLWH RI ³SRVLWLYH´ communicating with each other in the
$ SHUVRQ¶V SRVLWLYH IDFH LV WKH QHHG WR EH classroom. Murray (2001) states that the
accepted, even liked by others, to be room here is the room that is available in

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

school or college where group of students in the classroom. Carniasih (2011) states
are taught. Classroom is found in which are using appropriate politeness
educational institution of all kinds, strategy will motivate the students. In
including public and private school, Other word, students have good spirit
corporations, and religious and when they learn English in classroom.
humanitarian organizations. However, Carniasih (2011) also
states that communication in the
According to Gove (1961), classroom interaction is influenced by the
interaction is an action that occurs as two social distance, where the teacher has
or more objects that have an effect upon more power than students. This
one another. There is a mutual or explanation will be influenced to the
influence action inside of them. Moreover, chosen of politeness strategy. In
Dagarin (2004) states that interaction is an accordance to that situation, Seken (2007)
action which is followed by reaction, states there are three parameters which
especially, between teacher and learners, are influenced to the chosen of politeness
teacher and group of learners, learner and strategy, namely: social distance, power,
learner, as well as learners and learners. and imposition. Simultaneously, those
In addition, Rivers (1987) states parameters will influence to the chosen of
that an interaction is the collaborative the politeness strategy, especially, in the
exchange of thoughts, feelings or ideas classroom interaction.
between two or more people, resulting in a By doing pre-observation in the
reciprocal effect on each other. Theories eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan in
of communicative competence emphasize academic year 2013/2014, it was found
the importance of interaction as human that in some condition there is negative
beings using language in various contexts face performed by students and teacher in
to "negotiate" meaning or simply stated, to the classroom. The conflict between
get an idea out of one person's head and teacher and students sometimes
intro the head of another person and vice happened. Teacher sometime
versa. From very beginning of language GLVDSSRLQWHG ZLWK VWXGHQWV¶ EHKDYLRU LQ WKH
study, classrooms should be interactive classroom and teacher difficult to control
Allwright and Bailley (1991). that condition. When the teacher feels
Besides those influences above, angry to students, the students will feel
English classroom interaction is also scary and the process of teaching and
LQIOXHQFHG E\ WKH VWXGHQWV¶ FKDUDFWHULVWLFV learning will not successful. The
The students observed in the English interaction between teacher and students
classroom are children. The students who in classroom should be kept in a good
are categorized as young learners are relationship.
difficult to be managed. The students also Because of that, the researcher
are difficult in focusing the lesson because wants to observe and analyze the use of
in the age 13-14, they will feel bored politeness strategy, their function and the
quickly (Harmer, 1983). implication to the teaching and learning
By considering the politeness process in grade-eight of SMP Negeri 2
strategy and the classroom interaction Tabanan in academic year 2013/2014.
explained, it is obvious that discussing of Here, %URZQ /HYLQVRQ¶V SROLWHQHVV
politeness as strategy used by the theory (1987) and speech acts theory by
speaker is also important in the classroom Clarck (2004) were used in order to get
interaction. The politeness strategy can be further explanation or information about it.
chosen as politeness behavior to the Generally, the objective of this
students by teacher or by the students to study is to find out politeness strategies
their teacher as the function of the used on grade-eighth EFL classroom
politeness strategy is to make a good interaction in SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan and
relationship and also to save hearer face. the implication toward English teaching-
Commonly, teacher wants to save the learning. Moreover, the specific
VWXGHQWV¶ IDFH LQ RUGHU WR PDNH D objectives of this study are presented as
meaningful teaching and learning process

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

follows; (1) to find out and classify students. Those instruments above were
politeness strategies used in the appropriated instruments in order to
classroom interaction by the eighth grade conduct descriptive study in qualitative
EFL teacher and students of SMP Negeri method, where it must be helped by an
2 Tabanan. (2) to find out and analyze instrument in observing and getting the
instructional function which are implied in data (Heigham & Croker, 2009).
the politeness strategies used by the According to Moleong (2013) to get an
eighth grade EFL teacher and students of appropriate data, being the result of this
SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan in EFL classroom study are reliable and valid, we need do
interaction. (3) to find out and analyze the cross-check data namely data
implication of the use of politeness triangulation. Added by Campbell & Fiske
strategies on English teaching-learning (2012) triangulation is an approach to
process in SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan. research that uses a combination of more
than one research strategy in single
investigation. Furthermore, the writer
RESEARCH METHODS conducted the trustworthiness of this study
by concerning in four aspects; Data, Data
The design of this research was Transcription, Technique of Data
qualitative research. Qualitative research collection, Findings.
is a research which investigates the There were two main methods done in
quality of relationships, activities, collecting the data namely observation
situations, or materials (Fraenkel and and interview. Observation was conducted
Wallen, 1993). This study was a to find out the real or factual situation of
descriptive qualitative research with a teaching process. The observation was
natural setting as the direct source of data done with the help of video-records when
with the researcher taking a role of being recorded the teaching and learning
the key instrument (Gerring, 2007). The process then after that note taking used to
descriptive study can investigate the add some information for supporting the
description of person, an event, a group, audio visual technique. The second
or an institution (Nunan, (1992). method was interview. Interview is a way
In this study, the writer analyzed the of collecting data by delivering some
politeness in English teaching and questions to the informants directly. The
learning interaction in the classroom and purpose of this interview was for matching
also the implications of politeness toward the result of the observation with the
teaching and learning in SMP Negeri 2 opinion of informants.
Tabanan, especially, in eighth grade in the The data analysis here was based on
academic year 2013/2014. The data Miles-Huberman, consisting of three
consisted of the utterances produced by concept; data reduction (was done in
teacher and students in teaching and collecting data), data display, and
learning process in the classroom and conclusion drawing verifications (Miles
DOVR WHDFKHU DQG VWXGHQWV¶ SHUFHSWLRQ RI and Huberman, 1984, in Sugiyono (2013).
the use of politeness, and then it was Miles-Huberman method is ongoing
taken until the researcher found saturated activity through the investigation process
data. rather than process. Therefore, the
The researcher was the key analysis was conducted interactively and
instrument in this research. The continuously until the research problems
researcher observed utterances produced were answered. Data Reduction; made
by teacher and students in the classroom script of recorded data and written data,
by recording the teaching and learning chose data which was needed to answer
process as a video file, which was the research problem and throw out data
recorded by camera Nikon digital camera which was needed, identified kinds of
D3100. Besides that, the researcher was politeness strategies, strategies of
helped by using observation sheet, list and politeness, and functions of politeness.
interview guide in order to get further data Data Display; made relation of politeness
about the interaction between teacher and

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

used and English teaching-learning, because speaker put high attention to H.

displayed data in written text. The last is Teacher also use identity maker by using
conclusion Drawing/Verification WHHQDJHU ODQJXDJH OLNH ³JDKRRO´ ³)0´ HWF
The data of the present research was The use of identity maker will make
presented step by step. It meant that the students more attractive in the teaching
data was explained in form of words and and learning process. Teacher also use
sentences either in deductive or inductive seek agreement, avoid disagreement,
ways. The data analysis was presented presuppose, joke, promise, optimistic, and
step by step based on the research include the students in one activity
question staging in order to get a good together. Seek agreement, avoid
and clear narration of the explanation of disagreement, presuppose, promise,
the politeness problem in this research. optimistic make the students motivation is
straight forward, joke make students more
interest, and by including students in one
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS activity make students have the spirit of
togetherness in learning English at that
The first finding is there were some time. All of those sub-strategies save the
politeness strategies found to be applied VWXGHQWV¶ SRVLWLYH IDFH 7KH WHDFKHUV
at English classroom interaction in SMP choose positive politeness when they want
Negeri 2 Tabanan. The data collection to make a good relationship between
was conducted by observing nine classes teacher and students in the classroom
randomly in grade-eight students which which is teacher just want to claim the
were handled by three teachers. After the common ground of the students and also
data was collected, the writer classified teacher show that they cooperate with
the data based on the Brown /HYLQVRQ¶V students.
politeness strategy theory (1987) in Similar with the teacher, students
chapter two of this study. The data also dominantly use positive politeness.
showed that 371 (32.49%) expressions The students use positive politeness
were classified as Bald-on Record, 453 because they also want to save the
(39.68%) were classified as Positive WHDFKHU¶ SRVLWLYH IDFH 6tudents just do the
Politeness, 281 (24.61%) were classified )7$ RQ UHFRUG SOXV UHGUHVV WR WHDFKHUV¶
as Negative Politeness, 37 (3.24%) were wants in the process of teaching and
classified as Off Record and there were learning. Students show their interest or
some utterances in the conversation was sympathy to their friend when their friend
not classified as all of them above, it could and their teacher in one situation. In here
be called as Saying Nothing. also happened the process of claiming
Data show that positive politeness same knowledge or point of view by
dominates the use of politeness strategy students from their friends and teachers.
in classroom interaction of eight grade From the data gotten on findings
students and teacher of SMP Negeri 2 which is the second rank of the dominantly
Tabanan. Positive politeness becomes the politeness strategy use is bald on record.
dominant choice by the teacher and the Bald on record dominantly use by the
students there because of the reason. The teacher in teaching and learning process.
teachers choose positive politeness Bald on record happened because the
because they want to save the positive spontaneous condition in teaching and
face of the students by exaggerate learning process. Bald on record are
interest, or approve the students answer chosen when the speaker wants to do
or idea. The common expression used to FTA with maximum efficiency more than
exaggerate interest, approval, and KH ZDQWV WR VDWLVI\ +¶V IDFH ,Q WKLV IDFW
sympathy was good and very good. teacher in the classroom become the
Despite of that, teacher also leader of teaching and learning process. In
interest to the students answer or idea. classroom teacher commonly ask question
The teacher intensified interest by giving to the students, give instruction, and clarify
an explanation about it. In other words, by WKH VWXGHQWV¶ LGHD %HFDXVH RI WKDW
giving an explanation, it became polite,

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

teacher often use direct imperative when Off record is done when teachers
they give instruction to the students. want to minimize the FTA. In this situation,
Teachers as the leader in the classroom, teacher also dominantly use off record. Off
they lead by giving the instruction to the
record have purpose for decrease the
students. Although the teacher as leader
so they use direct imperative, but the intention so the student do not feel
students are not satisfy with that, they do imposed by the teachers. A FTA is
not want their teacher give direct redressed by the use of hints that consist
imperative to them. Despite of that, bald of some desired action of S. The use of off
on record also use for welcoming and record by teachers is effective but teacher
farewells. should be able to use appropriate
Students also use bald one record, but the
expression when they utter the utterance
students use bald on record when they
talk with their friends. They commonly use to the students. Off record sometime is not
direct imperative to their friend because appropriate, sometime students is very
they feel they stay in same level with their difficult in receiving it. Sometimes, the
friend. This condition is different between students feel bad when teacher use off
student and the teachers where students record in teaching and learning process
believe teacher have highest level in because the students do not like the
teaching and learning process. This
indirectness in teaching and learning
situation also influence by the age of the
teachers and students. process.
Negative politeness use when the Saying nothing used by teachers
speaker wants to redress action and students because of one reason.
DGGUHVVHG WR WKH DGGUHVVHH¶V QHJDWLYH They choose it in order to make the time is
face. The teachers dominantly use efficient. They also do not do the FTA to
negative politeness. Teachers just want to hearer. In special case, one prefers to say
do FTA with the minimum efficiency. The QRWKLQJ WR VDYH RQHV¶ IDFH 7KH ³VD\
teachers believe by using negative QRWKLQJ VWUDWHJ\´ DW WKH FODVVURRP
SROLWHQHVV FDQ EH PRWLYDWH WKH VWXGHQWV¶ interaction was found to respond the
negative face in teaching and learning WHDFKHU¶V RUGHU
process. In this situation, negative face The second finding is the functions
commonly happened when students feel of politeness at English classroom
bored in the classroom. Negative face can interaction by the grade-eight students of
be showed because of the teacher unable SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan can be divided
teach the students in attractive and good into three namely Expressive, Directive,
delivered. When the negative face is Representative. The data showed that 253
formed, teacher should be able to (22.15%) expressions were classified as
minimize the FTA to students. In this study Expressive, 467 (40.89%) were classified
teacher already use negative politeness as Directive, 422 (36.95%) were classified
as a strategy to redress negative face of as Representative
the students. Expressive in this research is
In this study also found the use of defined as the function of politeness used
negative politeness by students. Students to speaker expresses a psychological
use negative politeness address to the state. The expressive functions include
WHDFKHUV¶ QHJDWLYH IDFH ,Q VRPH FRQGLWLRQ greeting, appraising and apologizing,
happened negative face by the teachers. expressing disappointed about something,
Sometimes teachers feel angry or as well as thanking and taking leave.
something bad condition happened It was a habit that before starting a
between teachers and students in the lesson, teacher greeted the students. The
classroom. Students will use negative greeting was done by the use of bald-on
politeness as a strategy to minimize the record. The expressions used for greeting
FTA to teacher. were formal greeting expressions because
of in formal situation for example: Good

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

afternoon, Good morning, and Om Representative concerns on the

Swastyastu Om. illocutionary acts that derived from the
Appraising which was intended to essential condition of an act (the condition
teacher than students. It was occurred representative function of the politeness in
when the students had achievement the interaction is categorizing into two
whether having a good score or giving categorizations namely explaining
right answer. Related to the politeness, material, giving information or answering
appraising conveyed the positive question and taking order.
politeness. The politeness strategy used Almost of all explanations were
was exaggerating interest, approval, explained by the teacher at the English
sympathy with hearer. classroom interaction. Speaker gives
Expressing disappointed about information to H or responds question by
something is done by the use of bald-on the use of bald on record. The motivation
record and off record. The use of bald on of the use of bald-on record is giving
record is less polite than off record. obvious and complete information or
Thanking and taking leave is done by the answer to H.
use of bald-on record because they are It was found that taking order was
polite in term of culture. Thanking is conducted into two ways, namely verbal
occurred when there is a willingness of H and nonverbal. The verbal commonly
to do an A for S. involved with speaking and reading, while
Directive in this research means non-verbal needed action as a response
the function of politeness to get H to do A. of the order. The non-verbal frequently
The directive functions can be divided into involved with writing and listening.
two namely giving instruction/commanding Politeness strategy used by grade
ordering and asking eight teacher and students in the EFL
information/questioning. classroom interaction in SMP Negeri 2
Commanding is essential in Tabanan was very influence to teaching
English classroom interaction. The and learning process. The politeness
command used is mostly implied by strategies chosen by teacher and students
teacher (who had superior power) and create the efficient interaction in the
intended to lead the students (who have process of teaching and learning, respect
inferior power) to improve their communication, togetherness between
competence and performance in English. teacher and students, cooperate
In other words, the commanding interaction between teacher and students,
expression used is depended on the and also create good condition by
power. Speaker who has superior power implementing less imposition and
more baldly in giving instruction, at indirectness.
reverse, speaker who has inferior power The third finding is the implication of
more redress in giving instruction. the use of politeness by teacher and
Therefore, politeness strategy use is students to the EFL teaching and learning
various in either bald on record or process. In the process of teaching and
redressing. The details are presented as learning in grade eight EFL classroom
follows: The use of bald-on record, The interaction of SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan
use of hedges, for example please, oke, show that teacher and students fulfill the
QDK ZHOO 7KH XVH RI ZRUG ³WU\´ ³FRED´ efficient teaching and learning in the term
7KH XVH RI ³/HW¶V´ ³D\R´ 7KH XVH RI of interaction in communication by using
³&DQ´ ³ELVD´ 7KH EDOG RQ UHFRUG ZDV RQO\ bald on record and also in some condition
used by the superior power in the class. they used saying nothing as the strategy
The instruction was in strong instruction. for creating the efficient communication in
Asking information/ questioning in the the classroom interaction.
classroom interaction were mostly in bald- Bald on record is effective to create
on record. efficient communication between teacher
and students. The efficient communication

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

KHUH EHORQJV WR WKH *ULFH¶V PD[LP interaction with students. Then the
Speak only the truth, teacher and students students use bald on record, positive
talk only the factual or the truthness of the politeness, and saying nothing to respond
since in this case EFL classroom it. Cooperate can be developed based on
LQWHUDFWLRQ 'RQ¶W VD\ OHVV WKDQ UHTXLUHG the teacher as a leader in the classroom.
GRQ¶W VD\ PRUH WKDQ LV UHTXLUHG KHUH Teacher can design their instruction by
teacher and students do not say more choosing politeness strategies at that time.
than the topic discussed at that time and 6WXGHQWV DOVR FDQ UHVSRQG WKH WHDFKHU¶V
also do not say less than the topic instruction by choosing politeness
discuss. The communication relevant to strategy.
the topic or lesson plan and also teacher In the classroom sometime there is
and students try to avoid the ambiguity or negative face are formed. Negative face
clearness in the process of teaching and can be form by teacher or students.
learning. Sometimes teacher feel disappointed
Respect behavior is very important when cooperate interaction is avoided by
in the process of teaching in learning. students. Teacher should able to
Teacher should be respected to the decrease imposition to students and also
students and also the students respect to students should decrease imposition to
the teacher. In classroom interaction the teacher. Indirect expression also is
teacher and students fulfill the respect very important to minimize the FTA. Less
behavior by using bald on record. In imposition and indirectness perform by
interaction, teacher use greeting, thanking, using negative politeness and off record.
and also taking leave expression. They All of the implication previously is
express respect behavior in order to much needed in the teaching and learning
create good relationship between teacher process of EFL classroom interaction in
and students in the classroom. Good SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan. By implementing
relationship will create good teaching and them the teaching and learning become
learning atmosphere and good knowledge meaningful and create a good atmosphere
transfer from the teacher to the students. in it. The goal of teaching and learning is
Besides respect as a behavior that the process of transferring knowledge and
should be fulfilled in the process of FKDQJH WKH VWXGHQWV¶ EHKDYLRU DRU DWWLWXGH
teaching and learning, togetherness also will be successful.
is very important. Togetherness can Although almost the teacher and
PRWLYDWH WKH VWXGHQWV¶ OHDUQLQJ SURFHVV students can use politeness strategy in the
Togetherness was fulfilled by using interaction in the classroom, there are
positive politeness. Similar with respect, some situations and conditions of the
togetherness is one aspect in order to interaction cannot be controlled by
create good relationship between teacher teacher. There are some weaknesses of
and students. Togetherness perform when WKH WHDFKHU 7KH WHDFKHUV¶ SROLWHQHVV
WHDFKHU DSSUDLVLQJ WKH VWXGHQWV¶ LGHDV RU strategy is uncontrolled, teacher unable to
responses. Teacher tries to create manage their utterances belong to
togetherness in order to motivate the politeness strategy. Similary with teacher,
students for example by using joke, students also difficult in choosing
exagrate, use identity makers and politeness strategy then implemented in
intensify interest to students, etc. the interaction in classroom.
Cooperate interaction is very
important between teacher and students in
the classroom interaction. Teacher gave CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
an instruction to the students then
There was some politeness
students should be cooperated responding
strategies found to be applied at English
classroom interaction in SMP Negeri 2
teacher use bald on record, positive
Tabanan. The data showed that 371
politeness, negative politeness, and off
(32.49%) expressions were classified as
record in order to make cooperation
Bald-on Record, 453 (39.68%) were

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

classified as Positive Politeness, 281 interaction. Teacher should able design

(24.61%) were classified as Negative syllabus or lesson plan that can imply the
Politeness, 37 (3.24%) were classified as politenss strategy in interacting in some
Off Record and there some utterances in kind activities in EFL classsrom. By design
the conversation were not classified as all it, teacher can controlled their utterance
of them above, it could be called as belong to politeness strategies.
Saying Nothing.
The functions of the politeness
used at the interaction can be divided into THANKS TO:
three namely: expressive, directive, and
First of all, the writer would like to
representative functions. The expressive
express his gratitude to the Almighty God,
functions include greeting, appraising, and
Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa for blessing
apologizing, expressing disappointed
about something, as well as thanking and
Classroom Interactions and Its
taking leave. The directive functions
Implications towards EFL Teaching-
meanwhile can be divided into two namely
learning in SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan in
giving instruction/ commanding/ordering
Academic Year 2013/2014´ could be
and asking information/questioning. The
finished on time.
representative function of the politeness,
However, the writer would like to
on the other hands, is categorized into
thank some people who have given some
explaining material, giving information and
contributions, endorsements, inputs,
taking order.
recommendations, comments, advices,
The implication of the politeness
suggestions, and also corrections. They
used at the EFL classroom interaction
are: Prof. Dr. I Ketut Seken, M.A. as the
performs in five aspects where those
first supervisor who patiently guided the
aspects are very influenced in the process
writer from the beginning to the end of the
of teaching and learning. The five aspects
thesis accomplishment, Dr. I Gede
are efficient teaching and learning, respect
Budasi,M.Ed,Dip,App.Lin as the second
communication between teacher and
supervisor who gave guidance,
students, togetherness between teacher
endorsements, inputs, recommendations,
and students, cooperating interaction
inputs, comments and suggestions for this
between teacher and students, and the
thesis and as the head of English
use of less imposition and indirectness
Education Study Program who gave
expression. Those aspects can motivate
guidance during the program, Dra. Ni
students and also developing a
LuhPutuArtini,MA., Ph.D. as the secretary
meaningful teaching and learning process.
of English Education Study Program who
In learning process, there are
patiently gave guidance, information and
significant influences of the politeness
support, Mr. Suartika as the principal of
used at the EFL classroom interaction. In
SMP Negeri 2 Tabanan who gave
some condition, implying politeness by
permission to the writer to do the research
students and teacher only will make longer
in this school, Mr. Mega, Ms. Putri and Ms.
distance between teacher and students. It
Suci as the subjects of this study who
will make the students become not
confident and not motivated in learning.
classmates, who always support the
Factually, mostly, students were found to
writer, shared information, and helped
be rude in speaking English because of
insufficient English competence and lack
gave the writer this great chance to
understanding of politeness. Therefore, it
continue his education, her parents for the
is expected that there will be conditioning
endless love, care and support.
of English politeness used by the students
Finally, I realize that this research is
to improve their English performance.
still far from perfectt. Therefore, any
The teacher also should able to
constructive suggestions and criticism are
control the used of politeness strategies in
highly appreciated.
some kind condition in the EFL classroom

e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

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