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e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)



Ida Ayu Made Istri Utami, Prof. Dr. Putu Kerti Nitiasih,
MA, Dra. Luh Putu Artini, MA., Ph.D.

English Education, Postgraduate Program, Ganesha University of Education.




This Research and Development aimed at identifying the potentials and problems in
reading in EFL classes, describing the outlook of a well developed culture-based
supplementary reading material, and analyzing the quality of the newly developed
culture-based supplementary reading material for the eighth grade students of Junior
High School. Following the seven steps suggested in Sugiyono model, This study was
based on the result of the preliminary observation which showed that there was a
need to develop reading material which contains some cultural aspects in it. This
research employed Research and Development model adapted from Sugiyono (2011).
The first finding identified topic selection, pictures or illustration and kind of reading
activities as the problems in reading and they were used as the consideration in
identifying the potentials in developing reading material. A well developed culture-
based supplementary reading material can be described from five aspects:
construction, content, language use, physical appearance, and reading activities.
Finally, the validity was measured from the score given by all experts. The prototype
can be categorized as having Excellent quality as indicated by the mean score of 4.58
in which the Sr < 4.485. In addition, the result of observation showed that the students
were doing excellent during the implementation of culture-based supplementary
reading material.

Keywords: reading material, culture, Research and Development

INTRODUCTION the application of SBC is based on

Teaching and learning process in Permendiknas No. 24 (2006) about
Indonesia is conducted based on School- standard of content and competency
based Curriculum (SBC). SBC is standard.
developed based on educational unit, In English subject matter, the
school potential, school characteristics, competencies involved in mastering the
VRFLDO FXOWXUH DQG VWXGHQWV¶ FKDUDFWHULVWLFV four language skills which are listening,
(Mulyasa, 2006). In short, it is designed speaking, reading and writing. It is
and implemented by each educational unit expected that the students in secondary
(Standar Nasional Pendidikan, ayat 1, school, especially junior High School
pasal 15). The development of SBC is in students, are able to communicate by
the area of the school based on the school usingEnglish.
needs. It consists of the educational
purpose, curriculum structure and content,
educational calendar, and syllabus. While
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

In the communication, they are The first one was BSE book from the
expected to be able to express government which contains some culture
information, thoughts, feelings, and also value of Indonesia and the second one
to appreciate cultures and develop was the workbook which contains some
science and technology (BSNP, 2006). reading materials. From the two book
The appreciation of culture is already sources, teachers admitted that they need
being part of the expectation along with more reading materials. Therefore, they
other competencies. The considerations have tried to find other source of reading
of involving culture in the educational materials from the internet, but the
process are because it contains moral reading materials that they found in the
society. Based on Etymology Dictionary VWXGHQWV¶ QHHG DQG LW ZDV QRW GHVLJQHG
(Douglas Harper, 2010), culture is defined based on the syllabus. In addition, the
as the integrated pattern of human teachers said that they expected more
behavior that includes thought, speech, reading material which contains some
action, and artifacts and depends upon cultural aspect on it. They admitted that
the human capacity for learning and by inserting culture, especially Balinese
transmitting knowledge to succeeding culture, within the reading materials, will
generation. Moreover, Slavin (2009) help students to gain more understanding
states that by the time children enter toward the content since it close to their
school, they have absorbed many aspects daily life.
of the culture in which they were raised, Based on the facts found through
such as language, beliefs, attitudes, ways those interviews and observation, it was
of behaving, and food preferences. From obvious that developing supplementary
that consideration, Slavin also states that reading material based on Balinese
XQGHUVWDQGLQJ VWXGHQWV¶ EDFNJURXQG LV culture was an urgent issue. Through this
critical for effectively teaching both research and development, the
academic material and the behaviors and researcher tried to design a prototype of
expectations of the school. In this culture-based supplementary reading
research, the researcher uses that material, which in the future can be used
consideration to develop academic as the example on how a culture based
material especially reading material. reading material book being developed
Therefore, the researcher interested and look like. By developing a
to develop better materials, especially for supplementary reading, teacher would get
culture-based supplementary reading more reading material sources to be used
materials, for eighth grade of Junior High in the classroom.
School by conducting Research and Meanwhile, the purpose of this study
Development. The research was done at was to identify the potentials and
SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja problems in reading faced by the eighth
because the school is the laboratorium grade students of Junior High School,
school of Undiksha. The aim of having the describe the outlook of a well developed
school as part of the University was to culture-based supplementary reading
provide a place to do research or study material for the eighth grade students of
for the sake of educational development. Junior High School, and analyze the
A preliminary observation was done to quality of the newly developed culture-
NQRZ WHDFKHU¶V DQG VWXGHQWV¶ DWWLWXGH based supplementary reading material for
toward the existing reading materials and eighth grade students of Junior High
also the culture introduced in the existing School.
reading materials. The observation was The culture based reading material
done through interview toward two was developed as supplementary reading
English teachers in SMP Laboratorium material in the form of booklet since it was
Undiksha Singaraja. From the interview, it only a prototype. Therefore, the
was found that there are two sources of development model used in this research
reading materials used in the classroom. was Research and Development model
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

adapted from Sugiyono model (2011) and development of the material was taken
was based on the criteria of a good the appropriateness towards SBC and
material proposed by Tomlinson (1998). criteria of good reading materials as
The developed material consisted of four considerations. This research used
topics in Balinese culture, which was Sugiyono (2011) R&D model. The model
Balinese traditional clothes, Balinese food generally consists of 9 steps, but
and drink, places of interest of Bali, and because the product of the study will only
Balinese traditional dances. Those topics in the form of culture-based
were chosen because they are close to supplementary reading materials
VWXGHQWV¶ OLIH DV %DOLQHVH FKLOG prototype, the procedure was ended at
the revision of the product after
Research Methods conducting field test. The 7 steps were:
The study was conducted at SMP Step 1: Identifying the potential and
Laboratorium Undiksha Undiksha problems in reading
Singaraja. The reason on choosing that The identification of potential problems
school was because the school is the in reading was done through
laboratorium school of Undiksha. It means conducting preliminary observations.
that the University provides the school as The preliminary observation was
place to do research or study for the sake conducted through classroom
of educational development. The subjects observation, document study, interview
of this study were eighth grade students ZLWK WKH (QJOLVK WHDFKHU DQG VWXGHQWV¶
of SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja checklist.
and the English teacher who teach eighth Step 2: Collecting Data
grade students of SMP Laboratorium After identifying the potential and
Undiksha Singaraja. Eighth grade problems in reading as the first step,
students were chosen because the the next step was collecting data for
students in that level had been taught the syllabus analysis and library research.
kinds of text, known enough vocabularies Syllabus analysis was conducted in
and already had enough prior knowledge order to identify genre of the reading
about Balinese culture. material for the first semester of eighth
The object of this research was grade of Junior High School which
culture-based supplementary reading then would be developed into culture-
material for eighth grade students of SMP based supplementary reading material.
Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja. The After analyzing the syllabus, a library
culture-based supplementary reading research was conducted to find out the
material was only developed for the first literature reviews needed to develop
semester since the product of this study the prototype of culture-based
was only the prototype. The content of the supplementary reading material.
material was about local culture (Balinese Step 3: Designing Product
culture) which was close with VWXGHQWV¶ The third step conducted after gaining
lives. There were four themes developed data through preliminary observation,
into culture-based supplementary reading syllabus analysis, and library research
material, they were Balinese traditional was designing product prototype.
clothing, Balinese food and drink, Places Step 4: Validating Design
of interest in Bali, and Balinese traditional The next step conducted was
dance. The material construction had validating design through Expert
followed the criteria of good material by Judgment. English teacher and
Tomlinson (1998). The study was material-related experts were asked to
categorized as Research and evaluate the reliability and validity of
Development. The aim of the research the culture-based supplementary
was to design cultural-based reading material before conducting
supplementary reading materials for the field test of try out of the prototype.
eighth grade students of SMP The experts evaluated the validity of
Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja. The the materials based on their expertise.
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

Step 5: Revising the Design Generally, there were 4 methods of

After being validated by expert data collection used in this study such as
judgment, the next step implemented observation, administering checklist,
was revising prototype. conducting tests, and document study
Step 6: Conducting Field test while the instruments used were
In conducting field test, the prototype observation sheet, interview guide,
of culture-based supplementary checklist, scoring rubric, and tests.
reading material was tried out. Related to the first research problem,
Therefore, action-based research was ³What are the potentials and problems in
utilized. In this study, the researcher reading faced by the eighth grade
only conducted one cycle of action students of Junior High School?´, need
based research. The cycle consisted of analysis was done in the first step of R&D
six sessions. The first session was model adapted from Sugiyono model
done by administering Pre-test. After (2011). The first step was identifying the
the pre-test, four sessions was done to potential and problems in reading. The
implement the culture-based students and teacher were given checklist
supplementary reading material in the tR NQRZ VWXGHQWV¶ SUREOHP LQ XVLQJ WKH
class room. The last sessions was existing reading material. The result of
used to conduct Post-test in order to VWXGHQWV¶ DQG WHDFKHU¶V FKHFNOLVWV ZHUH
know the improvement made by the analyzed descriptively to identify the
students after the implementation of problems and potencies in reading faced
culture-based supplementary reading by the eighth grade students of Junior
material. Both scores from pre-test and High School.
post-test were analyzed qualitatively The second questions which was
and quantitatively to determine the ³What does a well developed culture-
percentage of students who pass the based supplementary reading material for
passing grade for English subject. the eighth grade students of Junior High
Some instruments in the form of School look like?´, a Research and
checklist for evaluating the quality of Development model was conducted to
the prototype had also been conducted finally resulted in a well developed
during this process. The result of the culture-based supplementary reading
ILHOG WHVW ZDV LQ WKH IRUP VWXGHQW¶V material for the eighth grade students of
scores and data from checklist given to junior High school. Before deciding the
VWXGHQWV¶ DQG (QJOLVK WHDFKHU LQ RUGHU R&D model, a library research was
to make the last revision of the conducted to find out the literature
materials. reviews and gathered relevant resources
Step 7: Revising Product about the design of reading materials
The revision was done based on the development. The researcher adapted
observation result during the R&D model by Sugiyono (2011). The
implementation of the culture-based model adaptation consisted of 7 steps
supplementary reading material, the which were: (1) identifying the potential
result of Pre-test and Post-test data and problems in reading, (2) collecting
analysis, and the result of reflection data, (3) designing product, (4) validating
done by the researcher toward the design, (5) revising the design, (6)
implementation of culture-based conducting field test, and (7) revising
supplementary reading material. The product. The final result of those steps
prototype would be revised if there was was prototype of culture-based
a component or part that should be supplementary reading material.
revised. This final step resulted on a 7R DQVZHU WKH WKLUG TXHVWLRQ ³How is
product of culture-based the quality of the newly developed culture-
supplementary reading material for based supplementary reading material for
eighth grade students of Junior High eighth grade students of Junior High
School. 6FKRRO"´, the researcher used the result
of expert judgment and field test. From
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

the expert judgment, the researcher reading, and the data from the teacher
identified the validity of the product and students had been gathered by giving
prototype. The result of pre-test and post- checklists to fill. From those methods of
test score from field test was used to data collection, the researcher found
determine the effectiveness of the some problems in reading faced by the
implementation of product prototype. Both eighth grade students of Junior High
scores from Pre-test and Post-test were School. The problems dealt with:
analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to x Topic selection: the students were
determine the percentage of students who not interested on the topics presented
pass the passing grade for English in the existing reading material. Even
subject. The practicality of the product though the topics in the existing
prototype was identified through the reading material related to their daily
observation done during the life, but the students admitted that
implementation of the product. Rubric, some of the topics were about
observation sheet, and test were used as western culture and the students did
the instruments to answer the second not have prior knowledge about it.
research problem. It was also x Pictures and illustration: based on the
descriptively analyzed through the document study, the researcher
observation of the product implementation found out that the existing reading
in the classroom. material already contained a lot of
pictures and illustrations. But
FINDING AND DISCUSSION unfortunately, the pictures and
In developing the product proytotype, illustration were not colorful and the
there were seven steps in developing the pictures failed in gaining students
products and those were elaborated from attention and interest.
Sugiyono model (2011). The data found in x Activities in reading: in term of
the steps was used to answer three reading activities in the existing
statements of problem of this research, reading material, the researcher
they were: (1) the potentials and problems found that the students were not
in reading faced by the eighth grade motivated to express their opinion.
students of Junior High School, (2) the Moreover, the students hesitated to
description of a well developed culture- answer and ask questions to their
based supplementary reading material for teacher.
the eighth grade students of Junior High In addition, the result of the checklist
School, and (3) the quality of the newly and observation did not show significant
developed culture-based supplementary problem on the language used in the
reading material for eighth grade students existing reading material. The language
of Junior High School. used in the existing material was easy to
understand by the students and the
Identifying the Potentials and instruction of the activities was clear
Problems in Reading Faced by the enough.
Eighth Grade Students of Junior High From those problems faced by the
School students, the researcher identified
In Identifying the potential and potencies to develop new reading
problems in reading faced by the eighth material by using the problems as
grade students of Junior High School, the consideration. The new reading material
researcher conducted the need analysis was based on culture because from the
as the first step of R&D model used in this result of checklist, the students and
research. Classroom observation was teacher of eighth grade of Junior High
done to obtain data on how existing School agreed that the new developed
reading material was used in teaching reading material should relate their culture
reading in the classroom, document study so they could understand the topics and
was aimed to evaluate existing reading help them to improve their English.
material and syllabus used for teaching Moreover, by considering the problems in
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

reading faced by the eighth grade students had been gathered by giving
students of Junior High School, some checklists to fill.
potencies in developing reading material The result of problem identification
were: showed that the existing material was not
contain interesting topics and participate in the class discussion
FORVHO\ UHODWHG WR VWXGHQWV¶ FXOWXUH Moreover; the existing material did not
which is Balinese culture. By using provide colorful pictures and illustration.
Balinese culture in the topic Those problems revealed the potential of
selection, the students could be designing new reading material based on
expected to have prior knowledge the culture.
on the topics given and they can After identifying the potential and
relate the topics into their daily life. problems in reading as the first step, the
x The reading material should next step was collecting data for syllabus
supported by colorful pictures and analysis and library research. Based on
illustration to gain VWXGHQWV¶ the analysis of the existing syllabus used
interest. by the English teacher for eighth grade
x The activities in the reading students of SMP Laboratorium Undiksha
material should encourage the Singaraja, there were two genre or text
students to express their opinion types to be taught in the first semester of
and actively use English to eighth grader of Junior High School.
communicate with teacher or other Those genres were descriptive and
students. recount text. Moreover, media of
Furthermore, the researcher found the communication which should be
researcher found out that the use of introduced to the students was email. At
language in the reading material should the end of the analysis, the researcher
PHHW WKH VWXGHQWV¶ OHYHO RI (QJOLVK VR WKH\ designed a new syllabus as guidance to
would not have difficulties to understand develope culture-based supplementary
the language in the text and instruction. reading material for the eighth grader
students of SMP Laboratorium Undiksha
The Description of a Well Developed Singaraja. After analyzing the syllabus, a
Culture-Based Supplementary Reading library research was conducted to find out
Material for the Eighth Grade Students the literature reviews needed to develop
of Junior High School the prototype of culture-based
A well developed culture-based supplementary reading material. in this
supplementary reading material for the research, the design of reading materials
eighth grade students of junior high development used as consideration was
school was the result of Research and the R&D model by Sugiyono (2011) and
Development done by the researcher. the criteria of good reading material were
The model was consists of 7 steps. adapted from Thomlinson (1998).
Identifying the potential and problems The third step conducted after
in reading gaining data through preliminary
The preliminary observation was observation, syllabus analysis, and library
done in order to identify the potential and research was designing product
problems toward reading lesson. The first prototype. The step of designing the
step of potency and problems product was started by designing the draft
identification was classroom observation of the prototype. The draft was designed
to obtain data on how existing reading to give clear plan of reading material and
material was used in teaching reading on reading activities being developed. The
the classroom. There was also document result of this step was new culture-based
study to evaluate existing reading material supplementary reading materials. But this
and syllabus used for teaching reading. design was still in hypothetic form
Then, the data from the teacher and because its validity, practicality, and
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

effectiveness was not yet being tested Some instruments in the form of
and proved. checklist for evaluating the quality of the
The next step conducted was prototype had also been conducted during
validating design through Expert this process. The result of the field test
Judgment. English teacher and material- was in WKH IRUP VWXGHQW¶V VFRUHV DQG GDWD
related experts were asked to evaluate IURP FKHFNOLVW JLYHQ WR VWXGHQWV¶ DQG
the validity of the culture-based English teacher in order to make the last
supplementary reading material before revision of the materials.
conducting field test of try out of the The revision was done based on the
prototype. Based on the evaluation, the observation result during the
experts mostly agreed that the prototype implementation of the culture-based
which contained some texts about supplementary reading material, the result
Balinese culture, interesting pictures, Pre-test and Post-test data analysis, and
interesting activities and assessment had the result of reflection done by the
excellent criteria as reading material. researcher toward the implementation of
After conducting expert judgment, culture-based supplementary reading
Revision toward the prototype was material. The prototype would be revised
conducted. The revisions were based on if there was a component or part that
WKH H[SHUWV¶ RSLQLRQV DERXW WKH should be revised. This final step resulted
weaknesses, and advices toward the a product of culture-based supplementary
prototype. reading material for eighth grade students
Therefore, based on these of Junior High School.
weaknesses and advices the developer
conducted some revisions to the The description of well developed
prototype being developed. Revisions culture-based supplementary reading
should be done in order the revised- material for eighth grade students of
prototype could be implemented in Junior High School was viewed from its
prototype try-out. construction, content, language used,
In conducting field test, the prototype physical appearance, and activities. The
of culture-based supplementary reading construction was done through steps of
material was tried out. Therefore, action- Research and Development model
based research was utilized. adapted from Sugiyono (2011) and
In this study, the researcher only developed reading material based on the
conducted one cycle of action based standard competence and basic
research. The cycle consisted of six competence. In term of the content, the
sessions. The first session was done by topics presented in the culture-based
administering Pre-test. After the Pre-test, supplementary reading material for eighth
four sessions was done to implement the grade students of Junior High School
culture-based supplementary reading ZHUH FORVHO\ UHODWHG WR WKH VWXGHQWV¶
material in the class room. The last culture and daily life. The language used
sessions was used to conduct Post-test in in the developed product was easy to
order to know the improvement made by XQGHUVWDQG DQG DSSURSULDWH ZLWK VWXGHQWV¶
the students after the implementation of level of English. Moreover, the physical
culture-based supplementary reading appearance of the developed material
material. Both scores from Pre-test and ZDV GHVLJQHG WR JDLQ VWXGHQWV¶ LQWHUHVW
Post-test were analyzed qualitatively and and support the texts and reading
quantitatively to determine the percentage activities. In addition, the activities in the
of students who pass the passing grade developed reading material were easy to
for English subject. From the result of understand and involved familiar topics
Pre-test and Post-test, it was obvious that for the students. It gave the students
there was improvement of the students opportunity to discuss the activities with
who passed the passing grade in the their friends by using English and
Post-test compared to the result of Pre- encourage them to give opinion.
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

culture-based supplementary reading

material was based on the syllabus and
The Quality of the Newly Developed VXLWDEOH ZLWK VWXGHQWV¶ OHYHO RI (QJOLVK VR
Culture-Based Supplementary Reading the students could easily understand the
Material for Eighth Grade Students of language and comprehend the text.
The culture-based reading material gained through the colorful pictures and
developed in this research was in the illustration used in the material. Moreover,
form of supplementary reading. There the culture-based supplementary reading
were four themes in the material; they material motivated students to give
were Balinese traditional clothing, opinion and use English in the discussion.
Balinese food and drink, Places of interest it was a significant improvement of
in Bali, and Balinese traditional dance. VWXGHQWV¶ DWWLWXGH VLQFH WKH VWXGHQWV ZHUH
The material was evaluated by the not active when the implementation of
experts for its validity. existing reading material.
Nieven (2007), stated that validity of Moreover, based on the result of
the product can be seen from its content VWXGHQWV¶ FKHFNOLVW WRZDUG WKH ERRN LW FDQ
and construct validity. In this study, the be clearly seen that the students gave
product can be said had fulfilled the positive response toward the material.
content and construct validity. The Most of them stated that they like the
development of the product had been topics because the topics stimulated them
based on the potency and problems of the to use English in giving opinion,
students in reading lesson. Some discussion, and doing the exercises.
literature reviews had been used as the Moreover, the students were obviously
considerations and sources in developing like the pictures and topics presented in
the prototype. Beside that, the material of the material.
the product had been based on the In relation to know the effectiveness of the
criteria of good EFL/ESL material material, Pre-test and Post-test had been
proposed by Tomlinson (1998). administered. From the result of the Pre-
Based on the results of expert test, the researcher found that there were
judgment toward the prototype, the score 18 students achieved less than 75. It
given from all experts showed that the means than 64.28% of the students did
prototype had Excellent quality where the not pass the passing grade and 35.71%
mean score of the experts was 4.58 and of the students passed the passing grade.
the criteria of Excellent category was Sr On the other hand, the result of the post-
< 4.485. test showed that there were only 3
The second quality of the product students achieved less than 75. It means
was practicality. The practicality of the that only 10.71% of the students did not
prototype was measured from the ability pass the passing grade and 89.28% of
of the teacher in implementing the product the students had passed the passing
in teaching and learning process, grade.
VWXGHQWV¶ DFWLYHQHVV GXULQJ WKH From that data, it was obvious that
implementation, and from the responds of the culture-based supplementary reading
the teachers and the students toward the PDWHULDO KDG LPSURYHG VWXGHQWV¶ UHDGLQJ
product. achievement.
activeness during the implementation, the
measurement of Sr was categorized as
that the students were doing Excellent The study was categorized as
during the implementation of culture- Research and Development which
based supplementary reading material. focused on designing Culture-Based
Based on the data from the checklist supplementary Reading Material for the
to the English teacher, he stated that the
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

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