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Create a tri-fold brochure for a doctor’s office waiting room. The brochure should provide
patients with information about your assigned genetic disorder. Assume that most of the
patients of your audience are adults with a typical high school science background (aka: if you
don't know what the scientific word means, don't use it!). The brochure should be creative as
well as informative. You want people to pick it up and read through it. Be sure to include
accurate, up-to-date information and graphics that illustrate important ideas.

FIRST: Choose from the list of genetic disease below that you want to research:

Adrenoleukodystrophy Jacobson Syndrome

Albinism oculocutaneous Marfan Syndrome
Alzheimer Disease, familial, type 5 Monsomy 9p or Alfi’s Syndrome
Angleman Syndrome Mytonic Dystrophy (Steinert
Burkitt’s Lymphoma
Cat Eye Syndrome Cri-du-chat (Cat’s
Cry Syndrome) Patau Syndrome or Trisomy 13
Cystic Fibrosis PKU
DiGeorge Syndrome Prader-Willi Syndrome
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) Rentinitis pigementosa
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Rett Syndrome
Edwards Syndrome Sickle Cell Anemia
Fabry Disease Smith-Magenis Syndrome
Hemophilia A Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
Hemophilia B Wolrf Hirschhorn Syndrome
Huntington’s Disease

On the brochure you will answer each of the following questions:

1. What other names are there for this disorder? (Any common names?)
2. What causes the disorder? (mutation, nondisjunction)
3. What gene or chromosome is affected by this disorder? (X, Y, #21)
4. Are there prenatal tests for this disorder?
5. What are the symptoms?
6. What population is affected? Can anyone be a candidate for the disorder?
7. How is it inherited? (Is it sex-linked, recessive, and/or dominant?)
8. What kind of medical assistance will the affected child need? Will further assistance be needed,
as the child grows older?
9. What is the long-term outlook for the child?
10. Are there any treatments or cures?
11. Could this disorder have been prevented?
12. Can this individual have children in the future?
13. Will those children be affected?
14. What is the current status of research on this disorder?
15. Is there a cure coming soon?

There is a template provided for you on a google doc. You will have your title page with your name and
the genetic disease that you chose. On the next 5 panels you will answer all 15 questions. (I would
divide it up and answer 3 questions per panel.) Once this is completed you will submit it on the lms page
under the activities tab. This is equivalent to a test grade (45 points)

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