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Mike Burgener's Generic Beginner Program is the starting point for most of Mike's programming for
his own lifters. He change exercises on a daily basis to t what the lifter most needs to work on. You
too should take individual variation into account and change excercises.
The program is split out over four days, with Day 1 largely devoted to the Snatch and derivative
exercises, Day 2 to the Clean & Jerk, Day 3 to Power Snatch and assistance exercises and the nal day
as a max out for the competition lifts. One cycle is one week which you repeat. Sets and reps
generally involve ve sets of triples for the main lifts and power variants and ve sets of ve for most
of the strength lifts. Weights used are left to the lifter/coach. Mike Burgener often increases the load
one week and drops it back a bit the following week before increasing again. Max Back Squats may
also be performed on Day 4.
One Week

Day 1

Lift Sets Reps

3 Position Snatch  5 3

Snatch Push Press 5 3

Snatch Pull 3 3

Front Squat 5 3

Reverse Back Extensions 3 10

Day 2

Lift Sets Reps

3 Position Clean  5 3

Rack Jerks 5 2

Clean Pull 3 3

Back Squat 5 5

Hanging Leg Raises 3 10

Day 3

Lift Sets Reps

Power Snatch 5 3

Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat  5 1+3

Snatch Shrugs  3 5

Sti Legged Deadlift 3 5

Day 4


Snatch 

Clean & Jerk 

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