L3 Core Industry Glossary - INSURANCE: Number English Term Spanish Term Part of Speech Industry and Definition

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L3 Core Industry Glossary - INSURANCE

Part of
Number English Term Spanish Term Industry and Definition
Insurance: an unfortunate incident that happens
accidente, colisión,
1 Accident n. unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in
damage or injury.

2 Alley callejón, pasadizo Insurance: a narrow passageway between or behind buildings.

responsabilidad anual
annual out-of- Insurance: refers to the most money an insured individual will
máxima del paciente;
pocket have to pay during a policy period (usually a year) for health
tope anual de
maximum desmbolso care services.
3 n.

Insurance: a liquid, typically one based on ethylene glycol,

4 Antifreeze which can be added to water to lower the freezing point,
chiefly used in the radiator of a motor vehicle

Insurance: Refers to any device or method used to prevent or

Antitheft dispositivo contra
5 deter the unauthorized appropriation of items considered
device robos

explosión del Insurance: Refers to an engine that undergoes a mistimed

6 Backfire
escape explosion in the cylinder or exhaust
Insurance: It's a support for a person's back when the person
7 Backrest respaldo
n. is seated.

billing departamento de Insurance: a department that prepares or sends out bills or

department facturación invoices.

Curva sin
Blind curve Insurance: Type of bend, curve, curved segment of a road
9 n.
Insurance: refers to an area around the vehicle that cannot be
Punto ciego, zona
10 Blind spot directly observed by the driver while at the controls, under
existing circumstances.
intermitentes, Insurance: a device that blinks, especially a vehicle's turn
11 Blinkers
señaleros de luz signal
intermitentes n.
Insurance: refersst to the concentration of alcohol in one's
Blood alcohol bloodstream, expressed as a percentage. This percentage is
12 Alcoholemia
level used to determine whether a person is legally intoxicated,
especially for DUI law.

Broadside Insurance: refers to where the side of one vehicle is impacted

13 Choque de costado
collision by the front or rear of another vehicle, forming a "T".

Insurance: not functioning due to a mechanical failure; worn-

14 Broken down Descompuesto

Insurance: a bar across the front or back of a motor vehicle
bumper parachoques, n.
intended to lessen shock or damage from collision
15 paragolpes,
carril de cambio,
Change lane carril de cruce, Insurance: reers to an auxiliary lane designed to separate
(noun) carril para doblar, turning vehicles from through vehicles.
carril para cruzar n.

Punto de Insurance: a point (place or location) at which a check is

17 Check-point
inspección performed

Insurance: a method of treating people who are sick or in pain

18 chiropractor quiropráctico n.
by pushing and moving bones in the spine and joints

19 Claims n. Insurance: a demand for something due or believed to be due

Insurance: refers to a mechanism for connecting and

20 Clutch embrague disconnecting an engine and the transmission system in a

Come to rest
(a car after an Pararse, detenerse Insurance: refers to the state of being motionless or settled
21 v.

Insurance: A co-pay is a common feature of many health

porción de pago, insurance plans, where the insured pays a set out-of-pocket
co-pay, co-
22 responsabilidad del amount for health care services. Insurance providers often
paciente charge co-pays for services such as doctor visits or
prescriptions drugs.

23 corner Esquina n. Insurance: the place where two streets or roads meet

cruce peatonal, Insurance: a marked part of a road where pedestrians have

24 Crosswalk
cruce de peatones right of way to cross.

Insurance: an electronic device in a motor vehicle that can be

25 Cruise control piloto automático switched on to maintain a selected constant speed without
the use of the accelerator.

Insurance: physical harm that is done to something or to

26 damage daños, pérdidas n.
someone's body

Insurance: A defogger or defroster is a system to clear

27 Defroster desempañador condensation and thaw frost from the windshield, backglass,
and/or side windows of a motor vehicle.

Abolladura, Insurance: a slight hollow in a hard, even surface made by a

28 Dent
hendidura blow or by the exertion of pressure.

dents, bumps,
29 abolladuras, golpes n. Insurance: having the central part lower than the margin

Insurance: a long or roundabout route taken to avoid

30 Detour desvío, desviación
something along the way.

Insurance: the course or path on which something is moving

31 Direction dirección, rumbo n.
or pointing

Insurance: a narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used

32 Ditch Zanja
for drainage alongside a road or the edge of a field.

estacionarse Insurance: park (a vehicle) alongside one that is already

Double park
33 paralelamente parked at the side of the road.

Driver's licencia de Insurance: an official document or card which shows that you
34 n.
License conducir/manejar have the legal right to drive a vehicle

35 drizzling Lloviznando Adv. Insurance: rain that falls lightly in very small drops

en dirección este,
36 eastbound n. Insurance: going toward the east
rumbo al este
Insurance: A highway ramp as in exit ramp / off-ramp which
37 Exit (ramp) (rampa de) salida allows vehicles to exit a controlled-access highway, freeway
n. or motorway.

Insurance: A comprehensive listing of fee maximums used to
38 fee schedule reimburse a physician and/or other providers on a fee-for-
de precios
service basis.
preindicados n.
Insurance: A guard over each wheel of a motor vehicle, for
39 Fender guardalodos,
example, that is shaped and positioned so as to block the
splashing of water or mud.

40 Choque leve Insurance: a minor collision between motor vehicles.

41 Fishtail Colearse Insurance: referst to a vehicle making a fishtail movement.


42 Flip over Volcarse Insurance: turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse


Insurance: vapor condensed to fine particles of water
43 fog neblina n. suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud
only in being near the ground

4x4, doble
Four wheel Insurance: a transmission system that provides power directly
44 tracción, tracción
drive to all four wheels of a vehicle.
en las 4 llantas, n.

45 Insurance: an express highway, especially one with controlled

Freeway autopista

palanca de cambio Insurance: a device used to engage or disengage gears in a

46 Gear shift
de velocidades transmission or similar mechanism.
Insurance: a light on the front of a vehicle (such as a car or
47 headlights faros n.
patrulla de
highway Insurance:is either a police unit that oversees and enforces
48 caminos, policía n.
patrol traffic safety compliance on roads and highways,

Hinged side puerta lateral Insurance: A movable door typically consisting of a panel that
door (in a van) pivotante swings on hinges or that slides or rotates
bocina, pito, Insurance: a device on an automobile for making a warning
50 Horn
claxon, corneta n. noise
tapa de la llanta,
51 Insurance: a metal or plastic cover for the hub of a motor
Hubcap tapa de la rueda
vehicle's wheel.
del carro n.
52 ice hielo n. Insurance: frozen water
Insurance: seize and take legal custody of a vehicle (or
Confiscado, something, especially goods, or documents) because of an
53 Impounded Adj.
incautado infringement of a law or regulation.

54 Injured lesionado, herido Adj. InInsurance:to cause physicalharmto someoneorananimal.

Insurance: harm or damage : an act or event that causes
55 injuries lesiones, heridas n. someone or something to no longer be fully healthy or in good
Insurance: an agreement in which a person makes regular
payments to a company and the company promises to pay
56 insurance Seguro money if the person is injured or dies, or to pay money equal
to the value of something (such as a house or car) if it is
n. damaged, lost, or stolen.
The insurance company providing coverage is known as THE

57 Insured asegurado n. Insurance: a person whose life or property is insured

Insurance: a meeting at which information is obtained from a

58 Interview entrevista n.

Insurance: a division of a road marked off with painted lines

59 Lane carril and intended to separate single lines of traffic according to
n. speed or direction.

Insurance: a metal plate on a vehicle that shows a series of
60 license plate placa n.
numbers and letters that are used to identify the vehicle

61 make marca n. Insurance:The make of a car is its manufacturer

Insurance: a person's state of being single, married,

62 Marital Status estado civil n.
separated, divorced, or widowed.
Insurance: the strip of land between the lanes of opposing
63 Median (strip) franja central
traffic on a divided highway.
Insurance: Number of the chronological written account of a
Número de patient's medical examination and treatment history,
64 Record n.
Expediente Médico physician's physical findings, medications and therapeutic
procedures etc.

Insurance: an individual, thing, or organization belonging to a

65 Member miembro n.
group like belonging to an insurance group for example.

Insurance: refers to a particular brand of vehicle sold by a

66 model modelo n. manufacturer, usually within a range of models, usually of
different sizes or capabilities.

Citación de transito
Moving Insurance: A moving violation is a breach of state traffic laws,
67 de vehículo en
violation rules, or statutes that occur while a vehicle's in motion.
marcha n.

Insurance: a flap that hangs behind the wheel of a vehicle and

is designed to prevent water, mud, and stones thrown up
68 Mud flap lodera, polveadora
from the road from hitting the bodywork of the vehicle or any
following vehicles.
Insurance: a curved strip or cover over a wheel of a vehicle,
especially a bicycle or motorcycle, designed to the protect the
69 Mudguard guardafangos,
vehicle and rider from water and dirt thrown up from the
n. road.
Insurance: multi-car collision, multi-vehicle collision, pile-up,
colisión múltiple,
70 Multi-car n. or chain-reaction crash) is a road traffic accident involving
choque múltiple
many vehicles.
Señal de “no
No (left/right) cruzar/no Insurance: This traffic sign indicates that righ or left turns are
turn sign virar”/aviso no se prohibited.
permite cruzar n.

Insurance: The no-outlet or dead end sign may be used at the

rótulo/aviso de
72 No Outlet sign entrance of a single road or street that terminates in a dead
calle sin salida
end or cul-de-sac, to indicate there is no other exit.

indicador de Insurance: an instrument for measuring the distance traveled

73 Odometer
millaje, odómetro n. by a vehicle.
Rampa de
Insurance: A highway ramp as in exit ramp / off-ramp which
salida/carril de
74 Off ramp allows vehicles to exit a controlled-access highway, freeway
salida en
or motorway.
pendiente n.

Rampa de
Insurance: A highway ramp as in entry ramp / on-ramp which
entrada/carril de
75 On ramp allows vehicles to enter a controlled-access highway, freeway
entrada en
or motorway.
pendiente n.

One way calle de una sola Insurance: a street or road that only allows traffic movement
street vía in one direction only; a one-way traffic only.

puente elevado, Insurance: a traffic pass over or a bridge by which a road or

77 Overpass
paso elevado railroad passes over another.
Insurance: tip (something) over so that it is on its side or
78 overturned Se volcó (volcarse) v.
upside down. [Flipped over]

Insurance: a person who is traveling from one place to

79 Passengers pasajeros n. another in a car, bus, train, ship, airplane, etc., and who is not
driving or working on it.

Pedestrian cruce peatonal/de Insurance: a marked part of a road where pedestrians have
crossing peatones right of way to cross. Synonym of crosswalk.

81 pickup truck Camioneta n. Insurance: a small truck with an enclosed cab and open back.

Insurance: refers to are a system of hydraulics used to slow

82 Power brakes frenos de potencia
down or stop most motor vehicles.
Insurance: a.k.a. Power door locks/electric door locks/central
locking allow the driver or front passenger to simultaneously
83 Power locks automático/cerrojo
lock or unlock all the doors of an automobile or truck, by
pressing a button or flipping a switch
automáticas n.

84 Power trunk Insurance: refers to a vehicle's power operated trunk
panel frontal o
trasero, e izquierdo
o derecho; panel
posterior o
Quarter panel
delantero, e Insurance: A quarter panel refers to any body panel (exterior
85 (rear/front/or
izquierdo o surface) of an automobile.
derecho; cuarta
sección trasera o
frontal e izquierda
o derecha. n.
Insurance: a small angled mirror fixed inside the windshield of
Rear view
86 espejo retrovisor a motor vehicle, enabling the driver to see the vehicle or road
n. behind.
Insurance: the sum of past achievements or actions of a
87 Record registro n. person or organization; a person or sum of previous conduct
or performance.

Insurance: A recorded statement is usually taken within hours
or days after the loss, typically by an adjuster. The questions
Recorded declaración
88 n. asked are usually standard in nature, and the whole process
Statement grabada
customarily takes only twenty minutes or so. The statements
are audio recorded by the adjuster.

Insurance: an account given of a particular matter, especially

in the form of an official document, after thorough
89 report reporte, informe n.
investigation or consideration by an appointed person or

Derecho de Insurance: the legal right, established by usage or grant, to

90 Right of way vía/derecho al pass along a specific route through grounds or property
paso belonging to another.

Insurance: an open way, usually surfaced that provids passage

Road condiciones de from one place to another, easily passable or driveable or a
91 n.
Conditions carretera slippery road surface non-drivable with puddles of water,
mud or ice in each lane

estribos y
Insurance: a footboard extending along the side of a vehicle,
Running escalones (para
92 typically found on trucks, SUVs, and some early models of
boards subirse a vehículos
altos) n.

93 Scratch Raspón – raya, Insurance: score or mark the surface of (something) with a
raspadura sharp or pointed object.
cinturón de Insurance: a belt or strap securing a person to prevent injury,
94 Seatbelt
seguridad especially in a vehicle or aircraft.

Insurance: A shoulder on a road is used as an emergency

Shoulder borde del camino,
95 stopping lane, it is kind of a reserved lane by the verge of a
(road) orilla, franja lateral
n. road or motorway

Insurance: a.k.a. side view mirrors, refer to a mirror found on

espejos laterales the exterior of motor vehicles for the purposes of helping the
96 Side mirrors
retrovisores driver see areas behind and to the sides of the vehicle,
outside of the driver's peripheral vision (in the 'blind spot').
acera, banqueta
Insurance: a walkway or a paved path for pedestrians at the
97 Sidewalk (Mex., may also
side of a road.
signify the curb) n.

Insurance: a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey

98 signal Señal n.
information or instructions.

Insurance: (of a vehicle) slide, typically sideways or obliquely,

99 Skid , to Patinar on slippery ground or as a result of stopping or turning too
v. quickly.
Huellas de frenazo,
Insurance: a long black mark left on a road surface by the tires
100 Skid marks marcas de llanta
of a skidding vehicle.
(en la carretera) n.

Insurance: refers to a a vehicle that slides typically sideways
101 skidded patinó v. or obliquely, on slippery ground, usually as a result of
stopping or turning too quickly.

Insurance: a heavy blow or impact; a noisy violent closing; a

102 Slam (to) Embestir
v. banging noise

Insurance: referst to a surface or object that is difficult to hold

103 slippery Resbalosa Adj.
firmly or stand on because it is smooth, wet, or slimy.

Steering Insurance: a wheel that a driver rotates in order to steer a

104 timón, volante
wheel n. vehicle.
señal de Insurance: refers to a traffic sign to notify drivers that they
Stop sign
105 alto/parar/pare n. must stop before proceeding.

Insurance: temporarily prevent from continuing or

106 suspended Suspendida Adj.
temporarily prevent from being in force or effect.

bruscamente , Insurance: to zig zag or veer or change or cause to change
107 Swerve (to)
virarse para evitar direction abruptly.
el golpe v.

Pegarse o seguir de
108 Tailgate (to) cerca a otro Insurance: drive too closely behind another vehicle.

Insurance: A tail light or a tail lamp is the part of the lighting

luz trasera,
system of a vehicle which is attached in front and at the rear
109 Taillight part of the vehicle. They usually come in pairs (left and right).
regionalismo only
It has different types for different functions. The signal lights,
in Mex)
or turn lights, are parts of the tail lamp assembly.

Insurance: a halt or stop, refers to an interruption to continue

110 to brake frenar v.
driving a vehicle.

Insurance: refers to a motor vehicle or boat pulling another

111 towed remolcado Adj.
vehicle or boat by means of chains, tow bars, or tow platform.

Estacionamiento Insurance: A tail light or a tail lamp is the part of the lighting
de vehículos system of a vehicle which is attached in front and at the rear
112 Tow-yard remolcados, part of the vehicle. They usually come in pairs (left and right).
(corralón slang It has different types for different functions. The signal lights,
MEX) or turn lights, are parts of the tail lamp assembly.
Insurance: A road signal for directing vehicular traffic by
Traffic (stop)
113 semáforo (parada) means of colored lights, typically red is for stop or not to

Insurance: traffic control involves directing vehicular and

control del pedestrian traffic around a construction zone, accident or
114 Traffic Control n.
tráfico/transito other road disruption, thus ensuring the safety of emergency
response teams, construction workers and the general public.

Insurance: a set of automatically operated colored lights,
115 Traffic light Semáforo n. typically red, amber, and green, for controlling traffic at road
junctions and crosswalks.

Insurance: a sign conveying information, an instruction, or a

116 Traffic sign señal de tránsito
n. warning to drivers.

Insurance: an unpowered vehicle towed by another, in

117 Trailer el remolque

enganche de Insurance: A tow hitch (or trailer hitch) is a device attached to

118 Trailer hitch
remolque, the chassis of a vehicle for towing.

baúl, maletero,
119 Trunk Insurance: refers to a vehicle's main storage compartment
cajuela, maleta

Insurance: turn arrow means that drivers must come to a stop

flecha de cruce, at the marked stop line before moving into the crosswalk or
120 Turn arrow
flecha para voltear intersection, and shall turn to the indicated direction when
there is indication to proceed.
señalero, luces
para doblar, luz de Insurance: a flashing light on a vehicle to show that it is about
121 Turn signal
cruce, luz to change lanes or turn.
direccional n.

Insurance: a mechanical machine used for transporting people

122 vehicle Vehículo n.
or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, etc.

Insurance: the distance one can see as determined by light

visibility visibilidad n.
123 and weather conditions.

estado del tiempo,

weather Insurance: The conditions of the atmosphere in terms of
124 condiciones n.
conditions temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, and moisture.

Insurance: a neck injury caused by a sudden jerking backward,

125 whiplash latigazo n.
forward, or both, of the head.

Insurance: a window at the front of the passenger

126 Windshield parabrisas
compartment of a motor vehicle.

Insurance: a motor-driven device for keeping a windshield

127 Wipers clear of rain, typically one with a rubber blade on an arm that
moves in an arc.

Insurance: A yield sign calls on the driver to do the following:

señal de “ceder el Slow down, defer to oncoming or intersecting traffic, stop
128 Yield sign paso”, señal de when necessary, proceed when safe, and remain aware of
ceder la vía oncoming vehicles. A flashing yellow light has the same
meaning as a yield sign.

Glossary – MEDICAL

Part of
Number English Term Spanish Term Industry and Definition

aches and malestares, Medical: minor pains and discomforts, typically in the
pains achaques muscles
Medical: a condition in which acidic gastric fluid is
2 acid reflux Reflujo acídico
n. regurgitated into the esophagus, causing heartburn.

3 airway vía respiratoria Medical: the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs.

Medical: a medicine (such as penicillin or its derivatives) that

4 Antibiotics antibióticos n.
inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms.

Medical: an arrangement to meet someone at a particular

5 appointment cita n.
time and place.
Medical: any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of
the circulation system by which blood (mainly that which has
6 Artery Arteria n.
been oxygenated) is conveyed from the heart to all parts of
the body.
n. mordedura (de
animal, de serpien-
Medical: refers to a person or an animal use of the teeth to
7 bite te o de un perro),
cut into something in order to eat it.
picadura de
insecto n.

Medical: a membranous sac in humans and other animals, in

8 Bladder vejiga n.
which urine is collected for excretion

Sangrando, Medical: escape of blood from an injured vessel; see also

9 Bleeding n.
hemorrágia hemorrhage

Medical: the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and

10 blood Sangre n. veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying
oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.

Medical: the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system;

11 Blood Pressure presión arterial n. closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the
diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls.

abrazadera Medical: An instrument for measuring blood pressure in the

blood pressure hinchable, arteries, especially one consisting of a pressure gauge and a
cuff esfigmomanómetro nylon or rubber cuff that wraps around the upper arm and
o tensiómetro inflates to constrict the arteries.

defecación Medical: refers to is a sign that there is bleeding somewhere

13 bloody stool
sanguinolenta along the digestive tract.

vacuna de refuerzo, Medical: a booster dose is an extra administration of a
siguiente dosis, vaccine after an earlier (prime) dose. After initial
14 booster shot
inyección immunization, a booster injection/dose/shot refers to a re-
secundaria n. exposure to the immunizing antigen.
15 evacuación, Medical: an act of defecation.
deposición n.
breast self- autoexamen de los Medical: is a screening method used in an attempt to detect
examination senos v. early breast cancer.
clínica de lactancia
materna; Medical: Medical facilities committed to the protection,
17 de amamantamien- promotion and support of breast feeding. Breastfeeding is
to. the optimal way to feed neonates and infants.

Medical: a tube inserted (as through the nose or mouth) into

18 breathing tube tubo respiratorio the trachea to maintain an unobstructed passageway
especially to deliver oxygen or anesthesia to the lungs.

Medical: plural form of bronchus. Any of the major air

19 bronchi bronquios
passages of the lungs that diverge from the windpipe.

Medical: blazing, red-hot, smoldering, sensation. Extremely

20 burning Ardor adj.
hot, red-hot, fiery, blistering, scorching sensation

Medical: refers to any sensations anywhere that elicit a

21 Ardor, escozor feeling of warmth or intense heat that may or may not be
Adj. accompanied by pain
Medical: either of the two round fleshy parts that form the
22 buttock Nalga, glúteo
n. lower rear area of a human trunk.
Medical: a sudden, sometimes temporary, cessation of
23 cardiac arrest paro cardíaco
n. function of the heart.

24 Cavity Caries n. Medical: tooth decay

Medical: a sheet of information in the form of a table, graph,

25 Chart expediente n.
or diagram.

Medical: A sensation of coldness, often accompanied by

26 chills escalofríos
shivering and pallor of the skin

Medical: Chlamydia is a bacterial infection caused by caused

27 chlamydia clamidia by Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection can spread through
the genital tract from various types of sexual contact.
Medical: refers to a person or animal with severe difficulty in
28 choke, to breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a
v. lack of air.

Medical: The term chronic is often applied when the course

29 Chronic Crónico/a n.
of the disease lasts for more than three months.

Medical: an infectious disease transmissible from person to
communicable contagiable,
30 person by direct contact with an affected individual or the
disease enfermedad
individual's discharges or by indirect means.
transferible n.

Medical: a circumstance that complicates something; a

31 Complications Complicaciones n. difficulty. In Healthcare it refers to a secondary disease or
condition aggravating an already existing one.

Medical: An abnormal or excessive accumulation of a body

fluid. The term is used broadly in medicine, for example
32 congested constipado
"nasal congestion' referring to excess mucus and secretions
adj. in the air passages of the nose.
estar estreñido,
33 constipated Medical: refers to a person affected with constipation.
ser estítico v.

Medical: Constipation refers to the infrequent bowel

34 constipation estreñimiento movements and or frequently incomplete bowel
movements. Constipation is the opposite of diarrhea.

Medical: (of a disease) spread from one person or organism

35 contagious Contagiosa adj.
to another by direct or indirect contact.

36 cough up expectorar, toser Medical: An illness marked by frequent coughing

cólicos (menstrual),

calambres (muscular), Medical: a painful, involuntary contraction of a muscle or

37 cramps
muscles, typically caused by fatigue or strain.
(abdominal) n.

38 Diabetic Diabético, a n. Medical: a person suffering from diabetes.

tetanus- vacuna contra la
difteria, el tétanos Medical: A vaccine used for active immunization against
39 pertussis
y la tos ferina; la diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough.
vaccine (DTP,
DT, DtaP, n.

Molestias, Medical: make someone feel uneasy, anxious, or

40 discomfort Adj,
malestar embarrassed.

Dizzy, light Medical: make someone feel unsteady, confused, or

41 Mareada adj.
headed unsteady

durable Medical: Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any

equipo médico
42 medical equipment that provides therapeutic benefits to a patient in
equipment need because of certain medical conditions and/or illnesses.
Emergency Sala de Medical: the department of a hospital that provides
43 n.
Room Emergencia immediate treatment for acute illnesses and trauma
Heces, heces
Medical: bodily waste discharged through the anus;
44 feces fecales, excretas
(PR) n.

Medical: an abnormally high body temperature, usually
fiebre, tener
45 Fever n. accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe
instances, delirium.
Medical: a docor's visits to check on the progress a patient
46 Follow-up n. is making following a procedure or treatment for a
intoxicación con
alimentos, Medical: illness caused by bacteria or other toxins in food,
47 food poisoning
envenenamiento typically with vomiting and diarrhea.
por comestibles n.

Medical: a roughness of the skin produced by erection of its

48 goosebumps piel de gallina papillae especially from cold, fear, or a sudden feeling of
excitement—called also goose pimples.
Medical: the area between the abdomen and the thigh on
49 groin Ingle
n. either side of the body.
tos seca y
50 hacking cough Medical: a short, dry, frequent cough.
frecuente n.
Medical: A health maintenance organization (HMO) is an
organización para organization that provides health coverage with providers
51 el mantenimiento under contract. A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
de la salud, differs from traditional health insurance by the contracts it
n. has with its providers.
Medical: Heart murmur is a sound during the heartbeat cycle
52 heart murmur soplo cardíaco — such as whooshing or swishing — made by turbulent
n. blood in or near the heart.

Medical: refers to an allergic skin reaction causing localized

53 hives ronchas, urticaria
redness, swelling, and itching.
Medical: Hoarseness refers to a difficulty making sounds
when trying to speak. Vocal sounds may be weak, breathy,
54 hoarseness carraspera, voz
scratchy, or husky, and the pitch or quality of the voice may
n. change.
Medical: care that focuses on the palliation of a chronically
55 hospice care ill, terminally ill or seriously ill patient's pain and symptoms,
cuidado de
and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs.
cuidados paliativos n.
Medical: illness is a period of sickness affecting a human or
56 Illness Enfermedad n. a health condition or disease that is affecting the body or

Medical: the process of infecting or the state of being

57 Infection Infección n.

Medical: refers to providers or health care facilities that are

dentro de la red de
58 in-network part of a health plan's network of providers with which it has
n. negotiated a discount.
adj. hospitalizado,
n. paciente Medical: a patient who stays in a hospital while under
59 inpatient
hospitalizado, treatment.
paciente internado adj./n.

Medical: a room or building with special equipment for
60 laboratory Laboratorio n.
doing scientific experiments and tests.

Medical: a drug or medicine tending to stimulate or facilitate

61 laxative laxante
n. evacuation of the bowels.
Medical: an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or
62 limb extremidad
n. a bird's wing.

Medical: refers to an individual characterized by lack of

63 listlessness falta de energía
interest, energy, or spirit
pérdida del
loss of
64 apetito, falta de Medical: a reduced or lack of desire to eat.
apetito n.
trocisco, pastilla
lozenge, cough para la tos, Medical: a medicated lozenge sucked to relieve a cough or
drop caramelo para la sore throat.
tos n.
Medicina, Medical: a substance used for medical treatment, especially
66 Medication n.
medicamento a medicine or drug.

paperas, Medical: An infectious disease characterized by swelling of

67 mumps parótidas, the salivary glands, especially the parotid glands, and
parotiditis sometimes of the pancreas, testes, or ovaries.
Nauseabundo, con
68 Nauseated adj. Medical: make (someone) feel sick; affect with nausea.
hemorragia nasal,
sangrado de la Medical: is the common occurrence of bleeding from the
69 nosebleed nariz, sangrado nose. It is usually noticed when the blood drains out through
nasal, nariz the nostrils
sangante n.
70 numbness Medical: the state of being numb.
entumecimiento Adj.

nurse enfermera Medical: a nurse who is qualified to treat certain medical

71 facultativa,
practitioner conditions without the direct supervision of a doctor.
Insurance: usually refers to physicians, hospitals or other
fuera de la red de
72 out of network health care providers who are considered nonparticipants in
n. an insurance plan (usually an HMO or PPO).

Medical: physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or

73 pain Dolor n.

74 Pale Pálida Adj. Medical: light in color or having little color.

Medical: The Papanicolaou test a.k.a A Pap smear/a Pap

75 Pap smear Papanicolaou
test, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women.

76 pass out desmayarse Medical: become unconscious.


Medical: a medical practitioner specializing in children and

77 Pediatrician Pediatra n.
their diseases

Medical: a.k.a.whooping cough is a contagious bacterial
78 pertussis tos ferina disease chiefly affecting children, characterized by
convulsive coughs followed by a whoop.

Medical: the thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous

membranes of the respiratory passages, especially when
79 phlegm Flema
produced in excessive or abnormal quantities, e.g., when
someone is suffering from a cold
Medical: 'Pins and needles' is a sensation of uncomfortable
pins and hormigueo, tingling or prickling, usually felt in the hands or feet. A
needles punzadas common cause is leaning awkwardly on a limb, which
n. presses against the nerves.
titular de la
póliza Medical: a person or group in whose name an insurance
81 policyholder
pólizahabiente policy is held.
Medical: A preferred provider organization (PPO) is a
Organización de managed care organization of health providers who contract
82 Proveedores with an insurer or third-party administrator (TPA) to provide
Preferenciales health insurance coverage to policy holders represented by
n. the insurer or TPA.
Medical: when a medical practitioner advises and authorizes
83 Prescribed recetado adj. the use of a medicine or treatment for someone, especially
in writing.
Medical: A primary care physician is a physician who
médico de provides both the first contact for a person with an
Primary Care
84 cabecera, médico undiagnosed health concern as well as continuing care of
Physician (PCP)
principal varied medical conditions, not limited by cause, organ
n. system, or diagnosis.

Medical: refers to breaking out (eruption) of the skin. A rash

erupción, urticaria,
85 rash can be caused by an underlying medical condition, hormonal
cycles, allergies, or contact with irritating substances.
Medical: refers to the process of directing or redirecting a
86 Refer (to) remitir, referir patient to an appropriate specialist or agency for definitive
v. treatment.
una remisión, o Medical: instructions a patient receives directing his/her
87 referral una autorización medical case to an appropriate specialist or agency for
definitive treatment.
88 resurtir un medica- Medical: The act of filling in -again a container with
refill v.
mento medication.
Prueba de detección Medical: A test designed to identify and eliminate those who
89 Screening
examen de detección n. are not affected by a disease.

Medical: a sudden attack with physical manifestations (as

convulsions, sensory disturbances, or loss of consciousness)
90 seizure ataque convulsivo
resulting from abnormal electrical discharges in the brain (as
in epilepsy)
Medical: to shake involuntarily with quick, short
91 Temblando Adj. movements, as from fear, excitement, weakness, or cold;
quake; quiver.

falta de aliento, o de Medical: refers to is a feeling of difficult or labored breathing
shortness of
92 aire, falta de that is out of proportion to the patient's level of physical
respiración n. activity.
secundarios/colate- Medical: a secondary, typically undesirable effect of a drug
93 side effects n.
rales, reacción or medical treatment.
Medical: A supporting bandage or suspensory device;
94 sling cabestrillo especially a loop suspended from the neck and supporting
n. the flexed forearm.
Sole (of the
95 Planta (del pie) n. Medical: The sole is the bottom of the foot.

96 spell episodio Medical: a period of bodily or mental distress or disorder


Medical: The series of articulated vertebrae, separated by

intervertebral disks and held together by muscles and
97 spinal column columna vertebral tendons, that extends from the cranium to the coccyx or the
end of the tail, encasing the spinal cord and forming the
central support of the body
Medical: a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to
the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and
98 spine espina dorsal
providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the
n. backbone.
Medical: The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the
body. The spleen also filters blood, serves as a major
99 spleen Bazo
reservoir for blood, and destroys blood cells that are aged or
n. abnormal
n. torcedura,
100 sprain esguince, v. Medical: is a stretching or tearing of ligaments
torcerse n./v.
ETS, enfermedades
101 STD sexualmente, n. Medical: diseases sgenerally transmitted by sexual contact.
n. distensión
muscular, cepa
Medical: strain is a stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon.
(viral, bacteriana.
102 strain A tendon is a fibrous cord of tissue that connects muscles to
v. sufrir una
muscular, pujar n./v.

infección de Medical: Strep throat: Strep throat is an infection caused by

103 strep throat estreptococo B en a type of bacteria called streptococcus, which can lead to
la garganta serious complications if not adequately treated.
Camilla, parihuela, Medical: is an apparatus used for moving patients who
104 stretcher camilla portátil require medical care. A basic type of cot that must be carried
para ambulancia n. by two or more people.

Medical: The presence of increased secretions and mucus in

the nasal passages, most commonly arising as a result of a
105 stuffed up congestionado,
Adj. common cold, allergic reaction, or inflammation or infection
of the paranasal sinuses (sinus infection).

Medical: Refers to the buildup of fluid in the soft tissue
106 Swollen Hinchado Adj.
surrounding a body part like a joint for example.

Medical: an abnormally high body temperature, usually

107 Temperature n. accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe
instances, delirium

Análisis, prueba, Medical: a procedure intended to establish the quality,

108 test n.
examen performance, or reliability of an individual's health.

Medical: a bacterial disease marked by rigidity and spasms

109 Tetanus Tétano n.
of the voluntary muscles.
Medical: an instrument for measuring and indicating
110 Thermometer Termómetro n.

throbbing dolor pulsante,

111 Medical: refers to a feel subjected to a pulsating pain
(pain) dolor palpitante

Medical: sensation of being tapped or poked lightly with

112 tingling hormigueo
many needles in a certain area of the body
Medical: (of a person or treatment) cause (a wound, injury,
113 To Heal sanar, cicatrizar v.
or person) to become sound or healthy again.
amigdalitis, ( MX
114 tonsillitis Medical: inflammation of the tonsils.
anginas not
standard) n.

Medical: either of two small masses of lymphoid tissue in

115 tonsils amígdalas
the throat, one on each side of the root of the tongue.
Medical: medical care given to a patient for an illness or
116 treatment tratamiento n.

Medical: Urinalysis is a test that evaluates a sample of urine

117 Urinalysis análisis de orina n. to detect and assess a wide range of disorders, such as
urinary tract infection, kidney disease and diabetes.

Medical: refers to the involuntary leakage of urine; in simple

urinary incontinencia terms. It is the inability to hold urine in the bladder because
incontinence urinaria voluntary control over the urinary sphincter is either lost or
n. weakened.
Medical: Immunization is the process whereby a person is
119 Vacunas n. made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically
by the administration of a vaccine.
Medical: refers to secretions from the vagina; the discharge
vaginal flujo vaginal,
120 may be: Thick, pasty, or thin. Clear, cloudy, odorless or have
discharge secreción vaginal
n. a bad odor.

Medical: Refers to an infection of the vagina caused by a

micosis vaginal, fungus known as Candida. A vaginal yeast infection is
vaginal yeast
121 infección vaginal characterized by itching, burning, soreness, pain during
de hongos intercourse and/or urination, and vaginal discharge that is
typically cheesy white in color.

Medical: clinical measurements, specifically pulse rate,

122 Vital Signs signos vitales n.
temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure.

123 Void vaciar la vejiga Medical: to discharge or emit -void urine.
Vomitando, con Medical: an act or instance of disgorging the contents of the
124 Vomiting v.
vómitos stomach through the mouth.

Medical: a frame that is designed to support someone such

125 walker andadera, andador as a baby or an injured or elderly person who needs help
Medical: Refers to a very broad category of medical facilities
clínica donde se
126 walk-in clinic only loosely defined as those that accept patients on a walk-
atiende sin cita y
in basis and with no appointment required.
por orden de
llegada n.

Medical: Diarrhea is multiple bouts of very loose, watery

127 watery stool defecación aguada
stools with little to no form.

129 weakness debilidad Medical: the state or condition of lacking strength.

Medical: refers to a person that breathes with a whistling or
129 wheezing resuello, silbido rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the
n. air passages.

Medical: The trachea, colloquially called the windpipe, is a

windpipe, cartilaginous tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to
130 tráquea
trachea the lungs, allowing the passage of air, and so is present in
almost all air-breathing animals with lungs.
vientre, el útero, la
131 womb Medical: the uterus.
matríz n.

Medical: an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or

132 wound Herida
other impact, typically one in which the skin is cut or broken.


Part of
Number English Term Spanish Term Industry and Definition
Finance: a formal business arrangement providing for
1 Account cuenta Noun (f) regular dealings or services (as in banking, advertising, email
or store credit).

Finance: a form to be filled out by an applicant, as for a loan,

2 Application solicitud Noun (f)
credit card, job, driver's license, etc.

3 Approve aprobar Verb Finance: to officially accept

Finance: a formal agreement that allows someone who is

4 Arrangements arreglos, Noun (m) having difficulty paying a debt to pay it back over a longer
acuerdos period of time or to pay back only a part of the total amount

Finance: process that pays bills directly from a bank account

Automatic pago through an electronic payment system; an individual will
5 Noun (m)
Payment automático authorize payments to vendors on a regular basis. Vendors
will submit requests for payment directly to the bank.

Finance: the amount of money you have in a bank account

6 Balance saldo Noun (m)
or an amount of money owed:

7 Charge cobro Finance: to impose or ask as a price or fee

cobranzas o Noun
8 Collections Finance: a business/department that collects money owed
cobros (f/m)

Finance: to act or be in accordance with wishes, requests,

9 Comply (to) cumplir Verb
demands, requirements, conditions, etc.

Finance: the financial protection that is provided by an

10 Coverage cobertura Noun
insurance policy

verificación de
Finance: an examination of someone's credit history ( record
11 Credit Check Noun of paying debt) by a financial organization that is considering
lending them money

Checking cuenta corriente Finance: a bank account from which you can take money by
12 Noun (f)
account /de cheques writing checks

13 Dealer concesionario Noun (m) Finance: to sell or distribute something as a business

14 deposit Depositar Verb Finance: to put (money) in a bank account

dígitos, Finance: any of the numerals from 0 to 9, especially when

15 Digits Noun (m)
números forming part of a number

fecha de Finance: the day by which something must be done, paid,

16 Due Date Noun (f)
vencimiento etc.

Finance: an activity or service performed for another
17 Employment empleo Noun (m)
especially for compensation or as an occupation

18 Fee cargo Noun Finance: an amount of money that must be paid

19 fines, penalties Multas Noun Finance: a sum of money imposed as a penalty

Finance: a person who signs an official document (such as a

20 Co-signer aval, fiador Noun (m)
loan) with another person

Finance: the amount of monetary or other returns, either

21 Income ingresos Noun (m)
earned or unearned, accruing over a given period of time

22 Installments pagos Noun Finance: Payments, as in a series of payments

Finance: Insufficient funds occur when someone tries to

purchase an item using a check or debit card without having
Insufficient fondos
23 Noun enough money in his or her bank account.
Funds insuficientes

Finance: something lent or furnished on condition of being

24 Loan préstamo Noun
returned, especially a sum of money lent at interest

Finance: the price at which a product or service is selling in

Market Price, el precio de
25 Noun the open market/the value of a business, property, etc., in
market value mercado
terms of what it can be sold for on the open market

26 monthly mensualmente Adverb Finance: once a month

Monthly Finance: a payment that has to made every month by a

27 mensualidades Noun (f)
payments specified date

Finance: a deficit in a bank account balance caused by

28 Overdraft sobregiro Noun
drawing more money than the account holds.

29 Payoff liquidación Noun Finance: the act of paying a debt or creditor in full

talones de Finance: a piece of paper that is given to an employee with

cheque, each paycheck and that shows the amount of money that
30 Paystubs Noun (m)
comprobantes the employee earned and the amount that was removed for
de pago taxes, insurance costs, etc.

número de
Finance: is a numeric password used to authenticate a user
31 PIN identificación Noun (m)
to a system
proceso, Finance: a series of actions that produce something or that
32 Process Noun
tramite lead to a particular result

33 purchase Compra Noun Finance: to get (something) by paying money for it

Finance: to pay money in return for being able to use
34 Rent (to) Alquilar Verb
(something that belongs to someone else)

35 Request solicitar Verb Finance: to make a request to or of

36 requirements Requisitos Noun Finance: something that is needed or that must be done

Finance: an amount of money that is used for a special

37 resources Recursos Noun
Finance: a state in which there is not enough of something
38 Shortage escasez Noun
that is needed

Finance: a document which shows amounts of money that

estado de
39 Statement Noun you have received, spent, etc. : a brief record of a financial

Reduce (to), to Finance: to make (something) smaller in size, amount,

40 Reducir Verb
bring down number, etc.

41 Transaction transacción Noun Finance: an exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds

42 Verify verificar Verb Finance: to check or test the accuracy of

43 Waive exonerar Verb Finance: to refrain from enforcing (fee) or applying

44 withdrawal Retiro Noun Finance: removal from a place of deposit or investment

Finance: a formal business arrangement providing for

45 Account cuenta Noun (f) regular dealings or services (as in banking, advertising, email
or store credit).
Finance: To return, turn in, give up, or give back an asset:
46 Surrender ceder, entregar Verb
cesion de bienes


Part of
Number English Term Spanish Term Industry and Definition
Inmate talk: a room or building set aside for the
enfermeria (Inmate
1 sick bay treatment or accommodation of the sick, especially
n. within a jail, military base or on board a ship.
Inmate talk: something that confines a person
grilletes (Inmate preventing free action as if by fetters —usually used in
2 shackles
talk) plural. Usually U-shaped fastening device secured by a
n. bolt or pin through holes in the end of the two arms.
marcas o manchas Inmate talk: an unusual and typically permanent
3 birthmarks
de nacimiento n. brown or red mark on someone's body from birth.
comedor (de Inmate talk: a room or building where groups of
4 mess hall
reclusos) n. people, especially inmates or soldiers, eat together.
Doing the Dutch/ (Recluso que
5 Inmate talk: To commit suicide
the “Dutch Act” planea) suicidarse Adj.
"The Monster/
6 (Recluso) con SIDA Inmate talk: Refers to having HIV
The Ninja" Adj.
Aislado, en
7 Disciplinary Inmate talk: In Isolation, segregated form others
Segregation n.
I.K. : Inmate Cocina para Inmate talk: Kitchen facility area in which some
Kitchen reclusos/presos n. inmates can work.


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