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Bill of Rights Day Scenarios

U.S. History Cambridge-Mrs. Angelo

Learning Goal: Students will understand the Bill of Rights.

Essential Question: How do the Bill of Rights protect Americans?
Standard: SS.8.C.1.5 Apply the rights and principles contained in the Constitution and Bill of Rights to the lives of citizens today.

Directions: Read the scenario’s below and write the amendment number that prohibits the action
or matches the Amendment.

Amendment Scenario’s
5 1. Luke was found innocent of armed robbery, but the state decided to bring him to trial again.
8 2. After being found guilty of driving while intoxicated, the court ordered that Carol spend the
next 30 years in solitary confinement
1 3. The citizens of Creek County voted to double the taxes of all Catholics.
7 4. In a civil trial where the dispute was more than $20, both sides were denied a jury trial.
4 5. For no apparent reason, the police stopped Erica while she was driving and began to
search through her car trunk and personal luggage.
2 6.The United States attorney general ordered all American citizens to turn in their rifles and
pistols by noon on Saturday.
8 7. Judge Diaz ordered a doctor to cut off the right hand of Jordon, a convicted pickpocket.
10 8. The federal government decided that state governments were no longer necessary.
9 9. The Supreme Court ruled that Americans only have rights listed in the first eight
1 10. A U.S. Representative prohibited a newspaper from printing an editorial critical of her
3 11. During peacetime the army ordered the residents of Seaside to house its soldiers.
1 12. A group of labor leaders was told that they could not conduct a peaceful rally in the town.
6 13. Harry was arrested for shoplifting but was not brought to trial for five years.
5 14. The judge insisted the defendant take the stand and explain his actions during the crime.
4 15. The police decided to place a “bug” in Kevin’s home telephone in the hope that they would
uncover some kind of crime.
1 16. Congress passed a law banning the practice of Buddhism in the United States.
10 17. Congress told the state of Iowa that it would no longer be able to issue marriage licenses.
6 18. Melissa was arrested and placed in jail without being informed of the nature of the
6 19. After being charged with arson, Nathaniel was denied the right of counsel for his defense.
8 20. Judge Stone placed Kyle’s bail for cheating on a high school exam at $500,000.

Write the Amendment that matches the statement.

1 21. Freedom of religion
3 22. No quartering of soldiers in private homes.
5 23. No double jeopardy.
5 24. The state cannot deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process.
8 25. No cruel and unusual punishment.
2 26. The right to bear arms
8 27. No excessive bail or fines
5 28. This amendment deals with all the due process rights in criminal cases (trials).
9 29. The rights listed in the Constitution are not the only rights retained by the people.
10 30. The powers not delegated to the federal government are retained by the states.

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