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U.S. History Cambridge – Mrs. Angelo

Goal: Students will understand the foreign affairs of the young nation.
Essential Question: To what extent should the U.S. have become involved in world affairs in the
early 1800’s?
Standards: SS.8.A.3.12, SS.8.A.3.13, SS.8.A.3.14, SS.8.A.4.12, SS.8.A.1.7

DEFINE Vocabulary:
neutrality - a policy of not choosing sides in a dispute or war between other countries
embargo - a government order that forbids trade with another country
Monroe Doctrine - President James Monroe’s declaration in 1823 that the Western Hemisphere was
no longer open to European colonization
isolationism - a policy of avoiding political or military agreements with other countries
blockade - a closing off of an area to keep people or supplies from going in or out

Section 1 p. 226
1. What were some foreign threats to the United States in 1789? In 1789 the country had a weak
military and the continental army Washington had led in the American
Revolution had disbanded. There were many threats, mainly because the new country was
surrounded by unfriendly powers. Events in Europe such as the French revolution also brewed and
threatened the security of the nation.
2. What foreign policy did George Washington think the United States should pursue? George
Washington thought that the United States should peruse Isolationism around foreign
Section 2 p.228
1. What did the Jay Treaty resolve? How did the French respond to the treaty? The Jay treaty was a
resolution made by Supreme Court Justice John Jay which ended with Great
Britain pulling their troops out of the Ohio River valley and halting their attacks on U.S. shipping.
France did not take kindly to this and viewed it as a betrayal and violation of their own treaty with the
United States. France also saw this as the United States forming an alliance with Great Britain.

2. What was the XYZ Affair? How did Congress react to it?
The XYZ Affair was where three American representatives were sent to France to negotiate peace
but were instead met by three secret agents identified as X Y and Z. These agents demanded a large
sum of money to be paid or else no peace talks would be held. This outraged the American by the
time the story reached the homeland and at President Adams’s request Congress voted to recruit an
army and build more ships for the United States navy.
Section 3 p.229
1. Describe what President Adams did to protect U.S. ships in the Atlantic. Then explain whether you
think he pursued the best foreign policy option. President Adams perused peace with the French and
signed a treaty with Napoleon Bonaparte where they would destroy the original treaty and in turn
France would not be forced to pay for the ships they seized and France would also return American
prisoners. I think at the time he perused the best possible option for the country maintaining peace
and preventing the country from being destroyed by

2. Would President Adam’s response to attacks on U.S. ships be isolationism, total involvement, or
somewhere in-between? Explain you reasoning. I believe it is somewhere in between because
although he dissolved a treaty, he didn’t full separate himself from the business of the French, but he
also wasn’t totally involved.
Section 4 p.230
1. Why did Great Britain impress U.S. sailors in the early 1800s? Great Britain would impress soldiers
in the early 1800’s to have them join the British navy. The British claimed that the men they seized
were British deserters.
2. What was the problem of piracy by the Barbary States of North Africa? Explain President
Jefferson’s dilemma. Piracy in the Barbary State of North Africa was a big problem because the
United States had been paying the states tribute for safe passage of ships, but the ruler of Tripoli
demanded more money and to show he was serious declared war. And this caused a dilemma
because Jefferson hated war, but he also hated paying tribute, so the question was which was worse.
Section 5 p.231
1. Describe how Jefferson responded to piracy in the Mediterranean and to the continued seizures of
ships by the British and French. Then explain whether you think he pursued the best foreign policy
options. Jefferson went to war with Tripoli in 1801 that dragged on to 1804 where US ships began
bombarding Tripoli with their cannons. After a year of U.S. attacks and a blockade, Tripoli signed a
peace treaty with the United States in 1805. Tripoli agreed to stop demanding tribute payments, and
in return, the United States paid a $60,000 ransom for the crew of the Philadelphia. This was a
bargain compared to the $3 million first demanded. I do believe this was the best option because
tensions were high, and this seemed the only reasonable way to solve the conflict.
2. Would Jefferson’s response to piracy in the Mediterranean be isolationism, total involvement, or
somewhere in-between? Explain your reasoning. I believe this would be defined as total involvement
because Jefferson fully went to war with Tripoli that dragged on for four years
Section 6 p.232
1. What were some reasons many Americans wanted to go to war with Great Britain in early 1812?
American resented Great Britain’s policy of impressing U.S. sailors, and they also accused the British
of stirring up trouble among American Indians in the states and territories to the northwest. Losses at
sea, national pride, and a desire to make the frontier safe for settlement all contributed to the
enthusiasm for war
Section 7 p.233
1. Create a brief timeline from the war of 1812. Describe what happened in the months of July,
September, August, December, and January.

2. Would President Madison’s decision to declare war on Great Britain be isolationism, total
involvement, or somewhere in-between? Explain your reasoning. Total involvement because he is
going headfirst into all-out war with a country and being involved with other countries
Section 8 p.235
1. Why might the United States have been interested in supporting the new Latin American nations in
the early 1800s? The United States was interested in supporting Latin American nations in the 1800’s
to keep out European influence and conflict from the continent of America. They wanted to support
independence movements and were even excited by them.

Section 9 p.236
1. In your own words, explain what the Monroe Doctrine said. Then, explain whether you think
President Monroe pursued the best foreign policy option. The Monroe Doctrine said that the US
would remain uninvolved in European affairs, but if Europe tried to colonize in North or South America
it would spark conflict with the United States. I think this was the best option not directly being
involved in conflict or starting it but simultaneously protecting American beliefs.
2. Would the Monroe Doctrine be isolationism, total involvement, or somewhere in-between? Explain
your reasoning. The Monroe Doctrine would be isolationism saying that the US would not be involved
in foreign affairs or wars at all.

Answer the Essential Question:

To what extent should the U.S. have become involved in world affairs in the early 1800’s? The
united states should have only become involved in foreign affairs to protect themselves and if it
would be the more prosperous option or to protect their beliefs. The United States should not have
started any foreign wars or been involved in the ones that didn’t affect them directly

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