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Design and Development of an Artificial

Neural Network for Estimation of

Formation Permeability
Shahab Mohaghegh, SPE, Reza Arefi,lIkin Bilgesu, SPE, Samuel Ameri, SPE, and Deanna Rose, West Virginia U.

Summary velopers. Because of its high cost (the cost of performing the test in
Permeability is one of the most important characteristics of hydro- addition to loss of production during the test), only a limited number
carbon-bearing formations and one of the most important pieces of of well tests is advisable in any field.
information in the design and management of enhanced recovery Geophysical logging is performed in almost all wells, either dur-
operations. With accurate knowledge of permeability, petroleum ing or immediately after the drilling process. There is a plethora of
engineers can manage the production process of a field efficiently. information available to engineers and log analysts from different
Although formation permeability is often measured in the laborato- well logs. Our goal is to extract formation permeability values from
ry from cores or evaluated from well-test data, core analysis and information provided by well logs. As we show in this paper, our
well-test data are only available from a few wells in a field, while preliminary studies and currently continued studies establishes that
the majority of wells are logged. such an effort is indeed a fruitful one. We show that the sixth genera-
In this study, we have designed an artificial neural network that tion computing methodology (artificial neural networks) facilitates
can accurately predict the permeability of the formations by use of this task.
the data provided by geophysical well logs. Artificial neural net-
work, a biologically inspired computing method which has an abil- Background
ity to learn, self-adjust, and be trained, provides a powerful tool in It has been a fairly common practice to plot permeability vs. poros-
solving pattern recognition problems. ity for se~ral wells and generate a correlation between these vari-
In the past, others have attempted to use well logs to predict ables for estimating formation permeability in other wells from
permeability. 1 The problems with previous approaches, however, which cores are not available. For fairly homogeneous reservoirs,
were two-fold: the limited number of variables (only one variable- this effort mayor may not prove to be adequate. As the degree of
porosity) and the use of regression analysis as the main tool for cor- heterogeneity of a reservoir increases, such correlations lose credi-
relations. The approach introduced in this paper attempts to over- bility. Fig. 1 is a plot of porosity vs. permeability of several samples
come these shortcomings. We do this by first, using many variables from the five wells that we studied. The scatter of this plot shows the
from well logs that may provide information about the permeability, inadequacy of this type of approach to heterogeneous reservoirs.
and second, recognizing the existence of possible patterns between Some engineers will not accept results of such correlations, even for
these variables and formation permeability by use of artificial neural fairly homogeneous reservoirs. The major shortcoming with this
networks. Neural nets are analog, inherently parallel, distributive methodology is that permeability, although dependent on porosity,
systems. These characteristics enable artificial neural networks to has a highly complex and nonlinear relationship with it. Because
be successful in predicting the formation permeability in rocks from there are other factors that contribute to permeability besides poros-
well-log data. ity, plotting porosity vs. permeability and drawing a straight line
over the data (no matter how scattered it might look) is a gross
Introduction approximation. We believe that petroleum engineers can do much
better than this by use of advanced information technology.
Acquiring formation permeability knowledge is still one of the fun-
damental challenges to petroleum engineers. This important in-
Network Design and Development
formation about porous rock gives engineers the ability to design
and manage efficient processes in the development of oil and gas Artificial neural networks resurfaced in the mid 1980's after neuro-
fields. Using coring tools, bringing samples of the pay zone to the science had made some major advances. Known as the sixth genera-
surface, and measuring their permeability under simulated down- tion computing, neural networks are widely used in many disci-
hole conditions are some of the oldest practices for estimating plines, from Wall Street to airport security devices. Neural networks
formation permeability. Coring every well in a large field, however, are nonalgorithmic, analog, distributive, and parallel information
can be very expensive. Although it is necessary and inevitable to processing methods that have proven to be powerful pattern-recog-
core some wells no matter how small or large a field, trying to get nition tools. Because they process data and learn in a parallel and
a representative sample from every single well, especially in fields distributed fashion, they are able to discover highly complex rela-
with hundreds of wells, requires a large amount of capital. In a heter- tionships between several variables that are presented to the net-
ogeneous field where permeability values tend to change rapidly work. As a model-free function estimator, neural networks can map
with spacial coordinates, such practices (coring every well), al- input to output no matter how complex the relationship. There are
though expensive, would provide valuable information. Having a several paradigms that can be used to generate neural networks. To
representative value for permeability in different locations, espe- achieve the goal of this study, a feed- forward, back propagation neu-
cially where wells (injection or production) are drilled, could be ral network (which adopts a supervised training scheme) has been
used effectively in reservoir simulation studies. used. We provide a description of this process in the Appendix.
Another popular way of obtaining reservoir permeability is During the design and development of the neural network for this
through well testing. The data that become available after a carefully study, we determined that a three-layer network with 15 neurons in
designed well test help petroleum engineers calculate a volumetric the hidden layer would be most appropriate. The learning rate ofthe
average of the formation permeability, among other parameters, network was adjusted so that training was optimized. During the
such as skin and well bore storage. Although a valuable and neces- training, several parameters had to be closely watched. It was im-
sary procedure, well testing is not a viable procedure for small de- portant to train the network long enough so it would learn all the ex-
ampes that were provided. It was also equally important to avoid

Copyright 1995 Society of Petroleum Engineers

overtraining, which would cause memorization of the input data by
the network. A network that has memorized all its training data will
Original SPE manuscript received for review July 27, 1994. Revised manuscript received
June 15. 1995. Paper peer approved Sept. 11. 1995. Paper (SPE 28237) first presented at
perform poorly when exposed to a new set of data for testing. Anoth-
the 1994 SPE Petroleum Computer Conference held in Dallas. July 31-Aug. 3. er important factor is local minima. During the course of training,

SPE Computer Applications, December 1995 151

...••..-. .. .. ..",

•• • ,~ • • 1..

.••-.- •• .-.•.......•. .....

1# • • ·: . . . . ..:.--~.


CII 0.1

• -C-. : • •
...... -. -.., ..-
_ _-. --.,....--.
:". •
• "'\ Local Minima

Global Minimum -----1~

cf Fig. 2-Local and global minima in a 20 error surface.


• •
5 10 15 20 25 "-
Porosity(%) .... ,
Fig. 1-Relationship between porosity and permeability for Granny Creek ,
wells used in this study. , I

. .- "'"
the network is continuously trying to correct itself and achieve the w.,,"m,! • w." ..t_ #'
lowest possible error (global minimum) for examples to which it is ;
exposed. Most of the time, there are locations on the error surface I."~m.
that will cause temporary convergence, even before sufficient learn- I
ing has taken place by the network. It is important to design the net-
work in a way that it can escape out of local minima and reach the
global minimum. Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of local and global •,
minima during training. Note that this 2D drawing is very simplistic
and is presented for demonstration purposes. The actual error sur- Fig. 3-Granny Creek field in West Virginia.
face for this problem has 90 dimensions (same as the number of syn-
aptic connections). Visualization of such a surface is impossible. ma ray. bulk density, deep induction log responses, zonal subdivi-
We chose core and log data from five different wells, 1107. 1108, sion specification, and permeability measurements from cores for
1109, III 0, and 1126, in Granny Creek field in Clay and Roan Coun- each example, were used to train the network.
ties, Wv. Fig. 3 shows the location of Granny Creek field. Granny During the supervised training, it was necessary to provide the
Creek is a well-documented, highly heterogeneous reservoir2-5 that network with the correct permeability value for each example. The
has been producing from Big Injun sandstone for the past 70 years. network will converge to the correct permeability value by back
In this part of the study. as a preliminary trail, only the most produc- propagating the error between its prediction and the actual perme-
tive zone of the Big Injun sand, known as Section C, was used. Sec-
ability value. The principal for this back propagation of error is
tion C of the Big Injun sand has an approximate thickness of 30 to 40
known as modified delta rule. Once a network has reached a stable
ft (the bottom 75% of the total sand thickness), and is further divided
state (converged) and has learned all the examples that were pro-
into three subsections, Cj, C2, and C3. It should be noted that the divi-
vided. it is time to test the network. As previously stated. fine-tuning
sion of the Big Injun sand into these sections and subsections has been
made by geologists before this study by use of well logs, and no core the network to avoid memorization as well as stop in local minima
observations were made for their classification. is required for a well-trained neural network. There are other tech-
For supervised training of the three-layer, feed-forward, back niques that should be used to achieve acceptable results from a neu-
propagation network, we used log and core data. In this case, lSI ral network. This expertise will only be achieved through continu-
pieces of core data were available. A random number generator ous education on the fundamentals of neurocomputing. It has been
chose 23 examples (log and core data combined), which were put said that after a certain amount of experience with neural networks,
aside to be used for testing the network's integrity and robustness successful use and implementation of neurocomputing is more an
after training. The remaining examples, which included depth, gam- art than it is a science.

2.75 225
2.7 200 • Deep 'ttduction
2.65 0
<:: -... t.... , .•. "•...,
2.6 •... \J

• .
'iii 2.55 ....•
.s 150





.. ", .... ........

..... .......: • •, ... • .. ·.·i·..


,i , '".. .-. ....



.... ~•• ... "1'.'"
.... "1'.-.

-T ~ ...... '~-.. L-·-

- 'J:
• "I'

• .....
....; : .......~.- ..... iii


····iii··· .. ········· .. ········ .. .

• ~
':;;::,. .~..... .."'M!lI';"
.. . . .::.'" .
!Xl .-~ ..... ; ...........~.... ....................•......... ~
2.4 75
.. ... . . . . .·..!'......
... ~i-o_.

. ... • e .. i .
I =•• ~~--=~~: ~~~~
2.35 50

, .. ,··:T~i~~~~:.~~i:~<~·
2.3 ...... ; .. (!)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Permeability (md) Permeability
Fig. 4-Permeability vs. bulk density log responses for wells Fig. 5-Permeability vs. gamma ray and deep induction log re-
used in this study. sponses for wells used in this study.

152 SPE Computer Applications, December 1995

50 50

'6'- ICOiielation Coems'r:'t:,dfi~6ID

0 "
40 . . ..
'6'- 30
e 30
.§. ~0
::: ..


~ 'l!:0

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Samples Lab Measurement of Cores(md)
Fig. 6-Permeability values measured in the laboratory compare Fig. 7-Scatter plot of measured permeability values vs. pre-
.to those predicted using neural networks developed for this study. dicted values.

Results and Discussions ic or form ation-specific results. The universality of these methodol-
Figs. 4 and 5 show the relationship between formation permeability ogies and approaches are also under investigation.
with bulk density, gamma ray, and induction log responses. respec-
tively. The scatter of these plots suggest no apparent relationship be-
tween these parameters and formation permeability. This study shows that neum-estimation of formation permeability by
We tested the trained network to see if it was able to estimate/pre- use of well-log data is a feasible methodology. We present an artificial
dict permeability values from the five wells in Big Injun Sand, The neural network that is capable of predicting/estimating formation
23 examples that were separated at the beginning of this study for permeability by use of geophysical well-log data. We show that the
this purpose included a wide range of permeability from 0,05 to 47,3 trained network was able to predict/estimate permeability compara-
ble to that of actual core measurements. We show that availability of
md, This further indicates the high degree of heterogeneity of this
reliable core data for training process is essential. At this point. this
form ation. Fig. 6 shows the actual permeability values th at were
type of study is capable of producing field specific results.
measured in the laboratory (and were never seen by the network dur-
Adequate knowledge on fundamental theories and practices of ar-
ing training) in comparison with the network's estimation/predic-
tificial neural networks are required to achieve acceptable and re-
tion for each sample. Although permeability values cover a wide
peatable results . Treating neural nets as black boxes may prove to
range, the network is able to follow the trend very closely. After be disappointing.
plotting core measurements vs. network predictions, one can see the
divergence ofthe predictions from a perfect match, which is the unit References
slope line. Permeability estimations/predi ctions presented in this
I. Balan. B.• Mohaghegh, S., and Ameri. S.: "State-Of-The-Art in Perme-
paper have a correlation coefficient of 0.963, where 1.0 is a perfect ability Determination From Well Log Data; Pan 1- A Comparative Study.
match (Fig. 7). Comparing the results presented in Figs. 6 and 7 with Model Development." SPE 30978, Proc.. SPE Eastern Regional Confer-
those of Figs. I, 4, and 5 reveals the power of artificial neural net- ence and Exhibition, Morgantown (1995),
works in pattern recognition . One might comment on the input vari- 2, Donaldson, A.. et al.: The Fluvial-Deltaic Big Injun Sandstone ill West
ables that were used in thi s study in the following fashion. Depth of Virginia , final repons, DOEIBCI14657-15, Bartlesville Project Office.
the formation is an indication of reservoir pressure that might effect USDOE (1992).
permeability. Gamma ray log response is an evidence of clay pres- 3. Ameri. S. et al.: "Permeability Evaluation in Heterogeneous Formations
Using Geophysical Well Logs and Geological Interpretations," SPE
ence that has an impact on permeability, Rock density is an inverse
26060. Proc .. SPE Western Regional Meeting, Anchorage (1993).
function of porosity and deep induction log response demonstrates 4. Mohaghegh, S .• Ameri, S" and Aminian. K.: "A Simple Method for Eva-
resistivity from which fluid saturation is deduced. Fluid saturation luating Pore Surface Mineralogy," SPE 26933. Proc., SPE Eastern Re-
may be a function of fluid migration in the rock during the geologic gional Meeting, Pittsburgh (1993).
time and, therefore, the migration may have been influenced by 5. Mohaghcgh, S. et al.: "Performance Evaluation of a Waterflood Project
permeability. Using these log responses in thi s study stems from the in Southern West Virginia," SPE 26937. Proc. , SPE Eastern Regional
fact that they were available for all wells that were of interest to us. Meeting. Pittsburgh (1993).
The re sults presented here are from 23 randomly selected samples
out of a total of lSI samples taken from five wells. A few points
about these results need to be mentioned. Our experience with the
design and development of a neural network for permeability pre-
diction/estimation has shown that it is essential to have enough data
to train the network properly to see acceptable, as well as repeatable,
results . The questions of how much data are enough and whether
there exists a threshold below which neural nets will not be effective
are currently under investigation. The results are as good as the data
available. With proper data. more can be done with neural networks
than any other tool.
This study establishes that neuro-estimati on of formation perme-
ability from geophysical well-log data is feasible. Using thi s meth-
odology to actually predict/estimate the permeability for an inde-
pendent well without core measurement information (which will be
Hidden Lo yer
the more realistic approach) is currently being investigated. 6 At this
point. our study shows that these methods will produce field -specif- Fig. 8-Neural network architecture used in this study.

SPE Computer Applications. December 1995 153

6. Mohaghegh, S., Balan, 8., and Ameri, S.: "State-Of-The-Art in Perme- linear function (usually sigmoid function). The result is then multi-
ability Determination From Well Log Data; Part 2- Verifiable, Accurate plied to the synaptic connection weight between the hidden neuron
Permeability Prediction, The Touch Stone of All Models," SPE 30979, and each output neuron. The sum of the product from all the hidden
Proc., SPE Eastern Regional Conference and Exhibition, Morgantown neurons will then be used to determine the final network output.
(1995). This is called the feed-forward process.
At this point, the network output is subtracted from the actual or
Appendix desired output ofthe problem. The resulting error is then back propa-
An artificial neural network is a system of several simple processing gated through the network and synaptic connection weights are al-
units known as nodes, neurons, or processing elements. These pro- tered accordingly. This process continues until the network output
cessing elements are associated with one another through simple reaches an acceptable value. To create an artificial neural network, af-
connections known as synaptic connections. The strength of the ter deciding on the paradigm, one needs to program the proper algo-
synaptic connections changes with attaching a weight to them. Fig. rithm by use of any computer language (most of the algorithms are
8 is a schematic diagram of a typical artificial neural network. Neu- available in the literature). We developed two models for this study;
rons in a network are organized in layers. Each layer is responsible one was developed by use of VISUAL BASIC and one by use of c.
for a particular task. Typically, there are three kinds of layers in an
SI Metric Conversion Factors
artificial neural network. Input layer is responsible for presenting
the network with the neccesary information from the outside world ft x 3.048* E-OI =m
in a normalized manner. Hidden layers (there may be more than one md x 9.869233 E-04 =.um2
hidden layer in a network, a problem-dependent factor) contain hid- ·Conversion factor is exact. SPECA
den neurons that are responsible for the main part of the input to out-
put mapping. These neurons are responsible for feature extraction Shahab Mohaghegh is an assistant professor of petroleum and
from the input neurons and subsequently passing the information to natural gas engineering at West Virginia U., Morgantown. His re-
the output neurons. Output layer contains output neurons that com- search interests include reservoir characterization, application
municate the outcome of the neural networks computation with the of petroleum engineering technology to environmental pro-
user. During a supervised training procedure, for example, the back cesses, and application of machine intelligence to energy and
propagation that was used in this study, the strength (weight) of all environmental sciences. He holds BS and MS degrees in natural
synaptic connections are initialized. Information is provided to the gas engineering from Texas A&I U. and a PhD in petroleum and
natural gas engineering from Pennsylvania State U. Mohag-
network through input neurons. Input values are multiplied by syn-
hegh is a member of the SPE Formation Evaluation Editorial Re-
aptic connection weights. The sum of the product of all input neu- view Committee. Reza Arefi is a wireless communication sys-
rons and their corresponding synaptic connection weights are then tems design engineer with LCC Inc., Arlington. His research
forwarded to each hidden neuron. Each hidden neuron will perform interests are in neural network applications and antenna and
a simple computation by mapping the sum to an output using a non- propagation in personal communication systems. Arefi holds a
BS in electrical engineering from Sharif U. ofTechnology, Tehran,
Iran, and an MS degree in petroleum and natural gas engineer-
ing from West Virginia U. IIkin Bilgesu is an assistant professor of
petroleum and natural gas engineering at West Virginia U. Pre-
viously, he worked for the Turkish Petroleum Corp. and taught at
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. He holds a BS
degree from Middle EastTechnical U. in petroleum engineering,
an MS degree from the Colorado School of Mines in chemical
and petroleum refining engineering, and a PhD degree in pe-
troleum and natural gas engineering from Pennsylvania State U.
He was a member of the program committee for the 1993 and
1991 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting. Samuel Ameri is chairman
and associate professor in the Dept. of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Engineering at West Virginia U. Previously, he worked at Schlum-
berger Well Services. Ameri is West Virginia U. SPE Student Chap-
ter faculty sponsor, Northern West Virginia Section director, and
received the 1989 SPE Regional Service Award. He served on
the 1986-89 Continuing Education Committee and was chair-
man of the program committee for the 1989 Eastern Regional
Meeting. Deanna Rose is an assistant engineer with Ashland Ex-
ploration Inc. in Ashland, KY. She holds a BS degree in petroleum
and natural gas engineering from West Virginia U. A
photograph is unavailable.

Mohaghegh Arefi Bilgesll AmerI

154 SPE Computer Applications, December 1995

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