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Big Science versus

Small Science
A scan of the table of contents page of any typical journal
will reveal that there is a continuing upswing of collabo-
rative research. The numbers of authors, institutions, and fund-
Big science is culture-specific among various fields. The search
for elementary particles has always been a major focus of experi-
mental physics. It is noteworthy that over the years, most physi-
ing agencies acknowledged per article are clear evidence of the cists agree as to what particle should be pursued next and what
trend. Gone are the days of the lonely, “mad” scientist work- new accelerator should be built. The astronomers go as far as list-
ing out of the garage. Science has gotten to be so intricate that ing their top 10 important research topics, with the implication
single-author inventions are now met with skepticism. being that all other investigations are simply not as worthwhile.
There is some truth in the assumption that all that can be Yet, theoretical concepts have invariably come from single investi-
discovered easily has been discovered. On the other hand, col- gators. The relativistic framework of Albert Einstein or Andrew
laborative research, especially along interdisciplinary lines, is rel- Wiles’ proof of Fermat’s last theorem required a single, focused
atively unexplored. If something has been discovered previous- train of thought that would have been interrupted by collabo-
ly, one might still be able to apply that to a different scientific ration. Chemistry is typically a small-science endeavor. This in-
discipline with a new twist. This is not unlike the proliferation cludes large teams working on the total synthesis of a natural
of hyphenated analytical techniques. But while publications and product, in which the many steps are merely divided up among
instrument sales can be generated multiplicatively in this man- small groups of similarly trained co-workers.
ner, advances are generally very much evolutionary rather than In these days when research spending has to be accountable
revolutionary. to the general public, is there room for small science? Sure! Even
Genuine collaborative research requires true partnership within the huge umbrella of the Human Genome Project, it is
among the participants. It is insufficient to just add as coauthors clear that small laboratories invented linear polymer solutions
the names of colleagues who have been involved in some level and fancy optics that enabled high-throughput DNA sequenc-
of discussion on the project. It is also a stretch to refer to results ing. Then, there are the MS concepts that were cited for the
from separated laboratories that are subsequently combined. latest Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Those early workers obvious-
The key element is the added value—the whole is more than ly did not have proteomics in mind. However, their contribu-
the sum of its parts. There has to be a push–pull effort on both tions were instantly elevated in visibility by the emergence of
sides. It is not surprising that shared graduate and postdoctoral the big-science theme of proteomics. Analytical chemistry is
students are the cornerstones of successful collaborations. traditionally a small science but inherently a diverse discipline.
Collaborative research has been driven by big-science themes, It is likely to be adaptable to any big-science theme that may
such as the Manhattan Project, Sputnik, the Human Genome come along. It is therefore a natural interface between big sci-
Project, and nanoscience and technology. Funding agencies ence and small science.
have encouraged group proposals with programs such as sci-
ence and technology centers, glue grants, and core facilities.
Although some may be suspicious of “selling out” scientific
minds to “trendy” themes, others have thrived with these spe-
cial opportunities to interact with colleagues who were once
scientific strangers. The Human Genome Project, for one, has Edward Yeung
pulled together the diverse communities of chemistry, biology, Iowa State University/Ames Laboratory
and computational science.

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