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6 Producer Behavior

G. / The Basics
Of Production
B Production : The Process by which Someone creates a good 1service others are willing to Pay for
A- final good : A good That is bought by the Consumer
* Intermediate good : A good That is Used to Produce Other goods .

Bi Production font : Mathematical Relationship that describes how much out Put That can be made from
different Combinations of Inputs

key Assumptions

① The firm Produces a Single good Capital : a
② The firm has already chosen What Product to Produce
③ The firms goal is to minimize Cost of Production

④ The firm Uses two in pots : capital and labor

⑤ In the short run : a firm can choose to employ as much l little labor as it wants

but , it cannot do that for its Capital .

In the long run : A firm can choose both .

Fixed Inputs : Inputs that cannot be changed in The short Run .

Variable Inputs Inputs : that can be changed in The Short Run .

⑥ More Input = More Output

⑦ A firm's Production exhibits diminishing marginal returns to labor & Capital
If Capital is constant each Additional worker
eventually generate less

Output than before

Vice -


A mix of labor & capital is more Productive than one alone .

⑨ The firm can buy as many Capital or labor inputs as it wants at fixed Price

⑨ If there is a well functioning capital Market


leg Banks &

. investors ) , The firm doesn't have a
budget constraint

As long as the firm is Prov i table

Production function
$7 Mathematical Relationship of Input -10 Output
↳ l labor & capital
"t lui


Cobb Douglas function

f.2 II
! iori:
a=fu E- fix capital

B Pah amin

. . . .
} Marginal Product of labor

Marginal Product
* The additional output that a firm Can Produce by Using an additional Unit Of an Input

mn=o It .

# I = -


Diminishing Marginal Product : AS a firm hires additional Units of inputs the marginal Product
, of
that input falls

Average Product : The Quantity of output
Produced Per Unit of input

APL Average
ex : Iroduct of labor
Max Output





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Beginning •

T echnical

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Production in The
long Run
Remember That firms in The long run Can change Both Their labor inputs & capital
This gives them Two important Benefits

① In The long run firms are able to lessen the Sting of diminishing Marginal Products
, .

② Producers are able to Substitute labor for capital & Vice Versa -

• The Long Run Production function


now , k is no longer fixed .

f.4 The firm 's

Cost minimization Problem

Cost Minimization : A firm 's goal of Producing A specific Quantity of output at Minimum Cost

firms Uses two concepts to a chive Cost Minimization

① 150 Quarts
② 150 cost lines

150 Quarts ( alot like Indi ference Curve)
Bor A- Curve Representing all the combinations of Inputs that allow afirm to make a Particular Quantity
Of Output
Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution ( MRTS ) ( a lot like MRS ) xx

⑧ The rate at which the firm Can Trade in Pot X for Y .

↳ Substituteability
How curved an 15090ant Shows how easily firms can Subtitute one input for another
in Production Mrts doesn't change much while Moving along the curve


When a Curve is Straight = A firm can Substitute k & L without changing its output level

Regardless of wheat her it is already Using alot 1 little capital

When a Curve is Curved = Two inputs are Poor Subsidies .

The relative Usefulness of substituting depends on how much K & L

The firm is already Using
Perfect Substitutes and Perfect Complements in Production

⑧ A Curve That Shows all of the Input Combinations that Yields the Same Cost .

R= Rental rate per unit of capital ( Purchase t lost Afterwards)
W : Wage Per Unit of labour

①② higher total from Origin

150 Lot lines for expenditure are further away the
150 cot lines are Parallel


Identifying Minimum Cost : Combining Iso Quant s & 150 COST lines

Slope of ISO Quant
↳ the negative of MRTS he
so at Point B :

MwPI=M£ - Minimum cost

Thefirms Benefit Ratio for Capital for Labor

If ,
Meth Mwd to cost is higher than


firm can Replace Some of its labor While keeping its output of Quantity
the same
• or , it could Substitute Capital for labor in a way That kept its

total cost but Raise it out Put

• Input Price Changes

Returns To
* A Change in The amount of Output Resulting from A Proportional increase in all the Inputs

Constant Returns to scale : a Production function for which A change in all inputs by the Same
Proportion Changes The Quantity of output by the Same Proportion .

Increasing Returns to Scale : changing all inputs by Some Multiple Changes output more Than

Decreasing Returns to scale : - " -
less Than Proportionately

Look at Q funut

If I

coef = I

Q : ko
Lao Const .

O -
Gto g. , .

If I coef 7 '

f C Def

IF L l

0.3 O .
Q = k L

O 3t

factors Affecting Returns To Scale
① fixed lost : An Input cost that doesn't Vary with The amount of Output
② Learning bydoing : The Process by which a firm becomes More efficient at Production as it Produces
More Output

6 G Change
Technologie , a

• Total factor Productivity Growth Technological Change

* An Improvement in Technology that Changes the firms Production function Such That
More output is obtained from The Same Input

Q=A A Technological change Constant

6 Producer Behavior
The firms Expansion Path
And Total Cost Curves

Expansion Path : A curve That illustrates how The Optima, mix of inputs Varies with total out Put

Total Cost Curve : A Curve That Shows a firm's cost of Producing Particular Quantities

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