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[Bahirdar Prison Information Management System]
[Information System]
 Henok Wondousen Eng/R/424/02
 Kedir Kibret Eng/R/456/02
 Mohammed Nurhusin Eng/R/571/02
January 2013
[Bahirdar Prison Information Management System]
 Henok Wondousen Eng/R/424/02
 Kedir Kibret Eng/R/456/02
 Mohammed Nurhusin Eng/R/571/02

A project submitted to School of Computing and Electrical

Engineering of Bahirdar University in partial
Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in
[Information System]
Advisor: Ato seleshi
January 2013

The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university and
all the sources of material used for the project/thesis have been duly acknowledged. (Name
and Signature up to the number of the project group members)

------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Name Signature

---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

Name Signature

---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

Name Signature

School: School of Computing and Electrical Engineering

Program: Information system

Project subject: Bahirdar Prison Information Management System

I certify that this project satisfies all the requirements as a project for the degree of Bachelor
of Science.

------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Name of program coordinator Signature

This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in
scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Bachelor of Science.

------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Name of Advisor Signature

Examining committee members signature Date

1. Chairman ____________ ____________ ___________

2. Examiner 1 ____________ ____________ ___________

3. Examiner 2 ____________ ____________ ___________

It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid
down by the school of the university.

First, we would like to thank our best advisor, Ato Seleshi for his suggestion,
comments, and advice about the project.

We also thanks to the efforts of the many people whose names may not
appear on the cover, but whose hard work, cooperation, friendship, and
understanding were crucial to the development of the project.

Several people devoted long hours to this project. We would like to

acknowledge the efforts of:

 Ato Abreham
 Ato Mohammed
 Computer Science Department Staffs

We also extend our thanks to Bahirdar Prison Staffs for their considerable
cooperation providing with the necessary information for the project.

January 2013

Contents Page
Table of content………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..II
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...V
List of Tables……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………VII
List of Symbols ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….VIII
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………IX
Chapter one..........................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the organization..................................................................................................1
1.2. Mission of the Organization........................................................................................................2
1.3. Visions of the Organization.........................................................................................................2
1.4.1. Background of Project.................................................................................................................2
1.4.2. Project overview......................................................................................................................2
1.4.3. Existing system........................................................................................................................3
1.4.4. Problem of the statement:......................................................................................................3
1.5. Significance of the project:.........................................................................................................4
1.5.1. Objective of the Project.......................................................................................................4
1.5.2. Scope...................................................................................................................................5
1.5.3. Proposed system..................................................................................................................5 Advantage of Proposed System............................................................................................5
1.6. Feasibility Study..........................................................................................................................6
1.6.1. Techenical Feasibility...........................................................................................................6
1.6.2. Economical Feasibility..........................................................................................................6
1.6.3.Operational Feasibility..........................................................................................................6
1.7. Metodology and Technology to used................................................................................................6
1.7.2.Technology (Software and Hardware).....................................................................................7
1.7.3 .Hardware to be used..............................................................................................................7
1.7.4.Data collection......................................................................................................................7
1.8. Organization of the project.........................................................................................................7
Chapter two..........................................................................................................................................8
2.0. Existing system...........................................................................................................................8
2.1. Proposed system........................................................................................................................8
2.2. Functionality Requirement.........................................................................................................9

II | P a g e
2.1. Non-functional requirements...................................................................................................11
2.1.2. Recoverability....................................................................................................................12
2.1.3. Data Backup/Restore.........................................................................................................12
2.1.4. Availability.........................................................................................................................12
2.1.5. System Maintenance.........................................................................................................12
2.1.6. Performance......................................................................................................................13
2.1.7. Usability.............................................................................................................................13
2.1.8. Visibility.............................................................................................................................13
3.0. Analysis Model..........................................................................................................................14
3.1. Use case Diagram..................................................................................................................14
3.2. Activity diagrams..................................................................................................................36
3.3. Sequence Diagram................................................................................................................57
Chapter 3.............................................................................................................................................76
3.0. Design Phase.............................................................................................................................76
3.2. ER-diagram...........................................................................................................................78
3.1.1Mapping...............................................................................................................................79 UNNORMALIZED FORM..................................................................................................81 FIRST NORMAL FORM.....................................................................................................84 SECOUND NORMAL FORM..............................................................................................88
3.2. User Interface...........................................................................................................................93
3.2.1. Login page..........................................................................................................................93
3.2.2. Home Page.........................................................................................................................94
3.2.3. View personal information page........................................................................................95
3.2.3. Registration form...............................................................................................................96
3.2.4. Request Form.....................................................................................................................97
3.2.5.Job assign............................................................................................................................98
3.3. Algorism design........................................................................................................................99
3.3.1. PSEUDO CODE FOR LOGIN.................................................................................................99
3.3.2. PSEUDO CODE FOR LOGOUT............................................................................................100
3.3.3. PSEUDO CODE FOR VIEW Prisoner Information...............................................................100
3.3.4. PSEUDO CODE FOR REQUEST TO TRANSFER....................................................................100
3.3.4. PSEUDO CODE FOR REQUEST TO NOTRANS....................................................................101
3.3.5. PSEUDO CODE FOR ATTENDANCE....................................................................................101

III | P a g e
3.3.6. PSEUDO CODE FOR JOB ASSIGN.......................................................................................102
3.3.7. PSEUDO CODE REGISTER PRISONER................................................................................102
3.3.8. PSEUDO CODE APPROVE NOTRANS.................................................................................103
3.3.9. PSEUDO CODE FOR VIEW JOB..........................................................................................103
3.3.10. PSEUDO CODE FOR RESERVE VISTING TIME..................................................................104
4.0. Bibilograpghy..........................................................................................................................105

IV | P a g e
List of Figure
Figure Page
YFigure 1; Use Case Diagram........................................................................................................................15
Figure 2: View personal information..............................................................................................................37
Figure 3: Send request to transfer.................................................................................................................38
Figure 4:search prisnor Information..............................................................................................................39
Figure 5:Request notrans..............................................................................................................................40
Figure 6:Register prisoner information...........................................................................................................41
Figure 7: Update prisoner Information...........................................................................................................42
Figure 8: Delete prisoner information............................................................................................................43
Figure 9: Create backup and recovery............................................................................................................44
Figure 10: Login..........................................................................................................................................45
Figure 11: Change account...........................................................................................................................46
Figure 12: Approve request..........................................................................................................................47
Figure 13: Punch in.....................................................................................................................................48
Figure 14: View job......................................................................................................................................49
Figure 15: Assign job...................................................................................................................................50
Figure 16: Evaluate notrans..........................................................................................................................51
Figure 17: . Receive transfer request..............................................................................................................52
Figure 18: Logout........................................................................................................................................53
Figure 19: Receive visiting date and time........................................................................................................54
Figure 20: View visiting time and date...........................................................................................................55
Figure 21: Create user..................................................................................................................................56
Figure 22: Generate report...........................................................................................................................57
Figure 23: Delete prisoner information..........................................................................................................58
Figure 24: View personal information............................................................................................................59
Figure 25: View Job......................................................................................................................................60
Figure 26: Request to transfer.......................................................................................................................61
Figure 27: Request fir notrans.......................................................................................................................62
Figure 28: Register prisoner information........................................................................................................63
Figure 29: Update prisoner information.........................................................................................................64
Figure 30: Search prisoner information..........................................................................................................65
Figure 31: Create user..................................................................................................................................66
Figure 32: Approve request..........................................................................................................................67
Figure 33: Evaluate notrans..........................................................................................................................68
Figure 34: Assign job...................................................................................................................................69
Figure 35: Recive request............................................................................................................................70
Figure 36: View visiting time........................................................................................................................71
Figure 37: Request to transfer.......................................................................................................................72
Figure 38: Generate report...........................................................................................................................73
Figure 39: Change account...........................................................................................................................74
Figure 40: Create backup and recovery..........................................................................................................75
Figure 41: Class Diagram.............................................................................................................................77
Figure 42: Deployment diagram....................................................................................................................78

Figure 43: Architecture Design..................................................................................................................79
Figure 37: Request to transfer.......................................................................................................................73
Figure 38: Generate report...........................................................................................................................74
Figure 39: Change account...........................................................................................................................75
Figure 40: Create backup and recovery..........................................................................................................76
Figure 41: Class Diagram.............................................................................................................................77
Figure 42: Deployment diagram....................................................................................................................78

VI | P a g e
List of Tables

Tables Page
Table 1: Describe View Personal Information..................................................................................................16
Table 2: Description of Transfer....................................................................................................................17
Table 3: Description of request for notrans....................................................................................................18
Table 4: Describing register prisoner information...........................................................................................19
Table 5: Description of update prisoner information.......................................................................................20
Table 6: Description of Search prisoner information........................................................................................21
Table 7: Description for Receive request........................................................................................................22
Table 8: Description for delete prisoner information.......................................................................................23
Table 9: Description of reserve visiting date and time online............................................................................24
Table 10: Description of view visiting time and date........................................................................................25
Table 11: Description of Create user.............................................................................................................26
Table 12: Description of create backup and recovery.......................................................................................27
Table 13: Description for Login.....................................................................................................................28
Table 14: Description for logout...................................................................................................................29
Table 15: Description for logout...................................................................................................................30
Table 16: Description for change account......................................................................................................31
Table 17: Description of Punch In.................................................................................................................32
Table 18: Description for Approve request.....................................................................................................33
Table 19: Description for View Job................................................................................................................34
Table 20: Description of Assign Job...............................................................................................................35
Table 21: Description of Evaluate notrans......................................................................................................36

VII | P a g e
List of Symbols (Acronyms)

 DBA –Data base administrator

 BPIMS-Bahirdar prison information management system
 PRMS-Prison Management system
 SA-System Administrator
 BPR-Business process reengineering
 FDRE-Federal democratic Republic of Ethiopia

VIII | P a g e
Thise project is to develop prison information mamangement system,mean while
bahirdar prison is been using manuale way of manipulating works fortunately our group
observe that and dig throuhg it and develop thise prison information management
system. This project is mainly infancies on the prisoner which is already judged by the
court, so BPRIMS is concerns after having judged prisoner with its back ground detailed.

IX | P a g e
Chapter one
1. Introduction

Bahirdar prison is one of the most popular prisons around Amhar region. It serves
both military and civil prisoners’. In fact this big governmental organization uses
traditional way of file managing system which is very tedious and time wasting
activity having this in mind our team choose this system to be automate .Bahirdar
prison management system is the title which we work on it .It is the system which
will reduce manual work and time wasting activity than before, these system will be
so user friendly and can serve 2 sub system of the prison authority which are Police
commission and Bahirdar prison. Generally BPRMS (Bahirdar prison management
system) will be more preferable software application and hop fully our users will
easily adapt to the system.

1.1. Background of the organization

Bhirdar prison was established in 1968 E.C with the objective of preventing
crime and providing other security issue for the people, after the
establishment of this institution they are able to prevent most of the crime
with the help of people, scope of the project requirement specification use
case description and diagram, sequence diagram, ER diagram, class diagram
and finally implementing the desired system.

1.2. Mission of the Organization

Bhirdar Prison by participating people and developing highly secured information

system center in order to prevent crime.

1.3. Visions of the Organization

The Amhara national regional state police commission needs to have the power of
law and the nation live and work with in peaceful and secure environment.

1.4.1. Background of Project

The project that will be used in Bahirdar Prison information Management System
(BPRMS) for the use of Prisons in Bahirdar, it is under the Ministry of Federal
prisoners’ agency in effectively managing the prison data and also more to the
database management. The users for this system are Bahirdar Police commission,
Bahirdar prison Authority. System administrator can do all the activities like data
backup and recovery, creating users, grants or revoke a privilege, and generate
report by using system interface. This system is also to make sure that system
administrator can do all the transaction by using this user-friendly interface not only
by doing all that in the database.

1.4.2. Project overview

This project can be used to identify a prisoners’ in the prison. The project maintains
the details of the entire prisoners’. Each prisoner’s is given with different prisoner Id
(finger print).
In this project we will use the ASP language. Back end is SQL Server database.
Duration of this project is around 7 months .we were discussed the total modules of
PRMS department. Limits are there. In this project we were taken only Bahirdar
prison authority, police commission.
This paper contains project background, problem statement, objective, scope,
project significance, expected output of the system and the conclusion. Project
background describes briefly about the project that will be developed. The problem

statements will state the problems that encountered in the existing system or
current system. For the objective, it is about the aim for the development of the to-
be system in order to solve of the problem in the existing system while scope covers
the target users, function and the technology of the to-be system. Project
significance will describe the benefit and the important of the to-be system for the
user. Meanwhile, expected output will describe the final output of the to-be system.

1.4.3. Existing system

The existing system is still using manual file system such as interview requests by the
relatives of the prisoner, registering the prisoner, written clearance, estimation for
statistical report. To solve this problem, this project will automate business process
and plus, other modules will be added to the system like adding the specific interface
that required all the information about prisoner and their relatives.

The existing system of Bhirdar prison is that used a manual recording system (i.e. the
main tools of recording a prison information are pen, pencil, paper, shelf and others)
by using such manual recording for the existing system it has the following problem,
these problem are discovered through interviewing and questioners.

1.4.4. Problem of the statement:

 Need of extra manual effort.
 It used to take much time to find any prisoner details
 Not very much accurate.
 No data insurance
 File system is not secured
 Hard to generate report
 Difficult to manage the overall system
 Difficult to have statistical report
 Inaccurate Evidences

1.5. Significance of the project:
Prison Management System (PRMS) is aimed at developing a prison management
system that is a -collection of registers and reports for the effective management of
prisons. This system is useful for user to manage and store the data of the prisoners.
With the implementation of this project, the Prisons Department in Bahirdar, can
change the existing system to this system so that the DBA can do works more easy to
ensure the data are completely secured and have a backup if something bad happen
to the system and database.

In addition, the PRMS also creates a safe way in the matter of managing the
prisoner's information. This is due to the need of username and password in order to
use the system. So, the PRMS can be accessed only by authorized users which are the
SA. Here, the system is protected from intrusion of unauthorized users. The Prison
management system is a powerful application designed to allow Bahirdar prisoners’
authority to streamline their human resource tasks and manager their prisoners
more efficiently.

1.5.1. Objective of the Project

The aims of the PRMS development are:
 To apply and widely use the database management system
 To apply stored procedure or function in the system by using the interface.
 To allow user to use dynamic table structure for generating report
 To apply multi language system(both Amharic and English)
 To display wanted prisoner name to come and see their visitors
 To catch safest backup and recovery
 To assign Job for prisoners
 To take attendance
 To report missing prisoners details
 To generate statistical reports

1.5.2. Scope

The scope will explain the boundaries of this project which is in Bahirdar prison
authority and in order to develop a system for users in Prisons Department in
Bahirdar that enable them to manage the prisoner registration and reports.
Deliverables of the project will be a complete system for users that will meet the
objectives. Target users are Police commission and Bahirdar Prison Authority so the
system will have interface for those sub system, the application will be plate form
independent which mean we can use in any operating system like Unix, Windows
and others, In fact we will use finger print recognizer machine if our school support
as unless it will be optional.

1.5.3. Proposed system

The proposed system of PRMS is the right software to be incorporated into the
Automation of PRMS Software for helping the organization needs with respect to
skilful man power. The proposed system will be more user-friendly and easy to adapt
it regarding these it will support BPR policy of FDRE ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM

 Very fast and accurate.
 No need of extra manual effort.
 No fever of data loss.
 Just need a little knowledge to operate the system.
 At least very easy to find the prisoners’ details.
 Easy to generate reports
 Better management and decision making
 Easy to upgrade prisoners status
 Easy to identify wanted prisoners

Our system is technically feasible; we use ASP language with the back End SQL
Server database, Microsoft word for writing document hopefully we will develop
successfully by using our academic knowledge in this case these project is feasible
according to the above reasons


As part of this, the costs and benefits associated with the proposed system
compared and the project is economically feasible only if tangible or intangible
benefits outweigh costs.

 Transportation cost-> 100 ETB

 Total Printing and photocopy cost->450 ETB
 Material (papers, pens)cost->150ETB
 Finger printing machine cost->650 ETB(optional)


It is a standard that ensures interoperability without stifling competition and
innovation among users, to the benefit of the public both in terms of cost and service
quality. The proposed system is acceptable to users. So the proposed system is
operationally feasible but we are kindly requesting our school to buy for as a finger
printing machine to collaborate our project.

1.7. Metodology and Technology to used

1.7.1 . Methodology (Structured or Object-oriented)

The methodology that we are going to follow all over the project is the
Object-orainted one.

1.7.2.Technology (Software and Hardware)

1.7.2.Software to be used
Our BPIMS system will be implemented with the following software
technologies: ASP back end SQL server, all of which work together to
help us develop a BPIMS system and we use software tools such as:-

 Visio 2007
 Microsoft Word 2007
 Dreamweaver 8.0
 Notepad++
1.7.3 .Hardware to be used
 A PC with a Pentium III or higher.
 At most 1.2 GB of memory.
 Normal screen resolution (1680X240)
1.7.4.Data collection
We use the following methods for data collection;-

 Interview
 Observation
 Documents
1.8. Organization of the project
In these documents we are discussing system details through each chapter, in
chapter 1 include introduction, background, objective of the project, scope,
and also include specific of the project .chapter2 deal about system features it
includes existing system, proposed system, functional requirement, non-
functional requirement, analysis model .chapter 3 contains system design it
includes Architecture of the system, deployment diagram ER-diagram of the

Chapter two
2.0. Existing system
Existing system is been use manual way of performing any activities , many
processes such as filing system, Job assigning ,search for prisoner information,
transfer to another prison, time schedule for services ,registration for prisoners,
report generation , visitors request and many other activates is been done manually.
Let as describe each steps, on filing system they uses a store to handle any prisoners
file which is unsecured and difficult to manipulate they put documents in shelf’s with
specific shelf number and let say that store keeper put the file away from its number
so in ordered to find the file we have to search throughout the shelf which is very
tedious task when we look for transferring the prisoner to other prison the prisoner
should apply request to the police officer then the police officer will analyze and
report it to the commander to confirm the request if the request is accepted then
the prison will contact to friend prison that they need to transfer a prisoner due to
some specific case then after all these process the prisoner will be transferred which
is very time wasting process ,in Bahirdar prison there is some services which are
done by the prisoners so the police officer is responsible to schedule for service for
all prisoners so police officer should trace out for all service to each prisoners in
every week, registration for prisoners these task is done by police officer on paper if
the police officer needs to correct any field which is field wrongly he/she have to
change new paper , sometimes some peoples handwriting may be unreadable so
some data will be lost through these process ,In generating report police office
should have to estimate some values which are approximate to the result these task
is been done in every month they couldn’t have exact format of report ,visitors in
prison serve turn by turn which is time wasting for visitors for waiting turn many
visitors come to visit early on the morning to take their turn front (to serve first).

2.1. Proposed system

Our group proposed the new system with more reliable way than the existing
system. The proposed system solves all problems that are maintained previously let
start with filing system our new system will store files in more secured and reliable
way, we use SQL database for storing our files , and new system allocate room
automatically but the user must restrict some rules, the new system allows users to
search any prisoner information easily by using prisoner id and also the new system
will reduce transfer process time from one prison to another by minimizing some
manual activities, the new system will generate annual, monthly and yearly reports
in any needed format and the new system will allow visitors to reserve visiting date
and time to visit prisoner so we can reduce wasting time by waiting for turns and the
system will allow police officer to schedule time for specific services so the system
will help the police to manage service time for each prisoners, and the proposed
system will allows polices to register prisoners with all necessary data’s easily and in
readable format.

2.2. Functionality Requirement

Functional requirement describe the way in which the system provides its
service in general. This part of the document defines the function of the
proposed system and the identified component. Therefore the functional
requirement includes


o RQ1, The system allows prisoners to view their Job.

o RQ2, The system allows prisoners to view personal information.
o RQ3, The system allows prisoners to send transfer request to police
o RQ4, The system allows prisoners to send notrans request to police
o RQ5, The system allows prisoners to take attendance using there finger
o RQ6, The system allows prisoner to change account
Police officer

o RQ1, The system allows police officer to view prisoner Job.

o RQ2, The system allows police officer to view prisoner’s personal
o RQ3, The system allows police officer to receive transfer request from
o RQ4, The system allows police officers to assign job
o RQ5, The system allows police officers to register prisoner
o RQ6, The system allows police officers to evaluate prisoner for notrans
o RQ7, The system allows police officers to view visiting date and time
o RQ8, The system allows police officers to change account
o RQ9, The system allows police officers to generate report
o RQ10, The system allows police officers to update prisoner information

Inspector (commander)
o RQ1, The system allows Inspector (commander) to view prisoner Job.
o RQ2, The system allows Inspector (commander) to view prisoner’s
personal information.
o RQ3, The system allows Inspector(commander)to receive transfer
request from prisoner
o RQ4, The system allows Inspector(commander) to assign job
o RQ5, The system allows Inspector(commander) to register prisoner
o RQ6, The system allows Inspector(commander) to evaluate prisoner
for notrans
o RQ7, The system allows Inspector(commander)to change account
o RQ8, The system allows Inspector(commander)to generate report
o RQ9, The system allows Inspector(commander)to delete prisoner

Police commissioner
o RQ1, The system allows Police commissioner to view prisoner Job.
o RQ2, The system allows Police commissioner to view prisoner’s
personal information.
o RQ3, The system allows Police commissioner to receive transfer
request from prisoner
o RQ4, The system allows Police commissioner to assign job
o RQ5, The system allows Police commissioner to register prisoner
o RQ6, The system allows Police commissioner to evaluate prisoner for
o RQ7, The system allows Police commissioner to view visiting date and
o RQ8, The system allows Police commissioner to change account
o RQ9, The system allows Police commissioner to generate report
o RQ10, The system allows Police commissioner to delete prisoner
o RQ11, The system allows Police commissioner to approve notrans
System Administrator
o RQ1, The system allows System Administrator view prisoner Job.

10 | P a g e
o RQ2, The system allows System Administrator to view prisoner’s
personal information.
o RQ3, The system allows System Administrator to receive transfer
request from prisoner
o RQ4, The system allows System Administrator to assign job
o RQ5, The system allows System Administrator to register prisoner
o RQ6, The system allows System Administrator to evaluate prisoner for
o RQ7, The system allows System Administrator to view visiting date and
o RQ8, The system allows System Administrator to change account
o RQ9, The system allows System Administrator to generate report
o RQ10, The system allows System Administrator to delete prisoner
o RQ11, The system allows System Administrator to approve notrans
o RQ12, The system allows System Administrator to create users
o RQ13, The system allows System Administrator to assign role
o RQ14, The system allows System Administrator to create backup and

o RQ1, The system allows Visitor to view visiting date.
o RQ2, The system allows Visitor to view visiting time.
o RQ3, The system allows Visitor to reserve visiting
o RQ4, The system allows Visitor to notify that how many visitors were
reserve for particular prisoner
2.1. Non-functional requirements

Non-functional requirements are that detail the constraints and quality

standards that the system we are building should adhere to. We are finding
out what these non-functional requirements should be by our experience,
interviews, and industry standards. Also, we can use try and discover what
non-functional requirements should be. Here are some areas that we should
have in our non-functional requirements document:

11 | P a g e

Reliability is the chance that the system processes work correctly without
being aborted. Some of the potential resulting losses that you should
consider are:

o Complete or partial loss of the ability to perform a mission-critical

o Loss or corruption of data Loss of user productivity
o Time between failures

2.1.2. Recoverability

Recoverability is the ability to restore function and data in the event of a

disaster, either natural or man-made. Recoverability ensures that if any kind of
system failure occurs, regardless of the reason, the system will operate with
minimal interruption. We think about:

o Where backup copies of the system and data held within it will be

2.1.3. Data Backup/Restore

Data Backup/Restore is a measure of how frequently data is backed up and

the speed of data restore from backup. We think about:

o If the hardware, data, and onsite backup are destroyed, how soon
must the application be restored
o How many backups do you have?
o If one server goes down, how many backup servers do we have

2.1.4. Availability

System availability is the time when the application must be available for use.
Required system availability is used in determining when maintenance may be
performed. Definitely we think about time zones, schedules, and user location.

2.1.5. System Maintenance

There should always be regular system maintenance.  we think about how

much time we need to do maintenance, and how and when we will notify

12 | P a g e
2.1.6. Performance

Performance details the way the system will perform for users. we Think

o What is the response time for reports, queries, and updates?

o What is the total number of user sessions open for the entire
o What is the total number of concurrent sessions that can be
opened by a single user?
o What is the total amount of idle time before the user session is
forced to terminate?

2.1.7. Usability

Usability is the system support of the execution of user tasks (i.e.,

presentation of information and management of user interaction). Think

o How easy it is for user to learn the system

o How easy it is for user to memorize steps
o How efficient is the system

2.1.8. Visibility

Visibility discusses how the system looks to user.  Is it easy for them to see
the font, screens, reports, etc …

13 | P a g e
3.0. Analysis Model
3.1. Use case Diagram
Usecase diagram
view personal
Change account

request to transfer
regester prisoner
request for notrans
Update prisoner

Take Attendance «uses»

Search prisoner
Inspector «uses»

Delete priosoner

View Job

Evaluate notrans

Assign Job

Recive request

Genrate report Police commision

Approve Request

Create backup and View visiting date

System admin recovery and time

Reserve visting
Create user time online

Figure 1; Use Case Diagram

14 | P a g e
Use case number USC1
Use case name View personal information

Actor Prisoner
Description: View personal information details

Precondition Prisoner should have LAN connection, and

Prisoner should login to the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens
2. The prisoner click on the prisoner’s home
View menu. page.

3 .The prisoner click on

personal information 4. The system will
menu item display personal
information of the
5.End use case prisoner

Use case number USC2

Use case name Request to transfer

Actor Prisoner
Description: Send Transfer request for police officer

Precondition Prisoner should have LAN connection, and Prisoner should login to
the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the
prisoner’s home page.
2. The prisoner click on Request
4. The system will display
3.The prisoner clicks on transfer transfer form that contain the
menu items following :-
o Prisoner Id
5.The prisoner will fill the form o Transfer case selection

15 | P a g e
Table 1: Describe View Personal Information
o Parent
o Advance education
6.The prisoner click on send o Court case
button o Health problem
o Year of Punishment
11.End use case
7.The system will check the filled

8. The system will send the

9.The system will display
successful message
Alternative course of 10. If the form is not filled with correct data’s the system will
action loopback to step 5 and messaged the prisoner what type of error
has been occurred.

Use case number USC3

Use case name Request for notrans
Actor Prisoner
Description: Send notrans request for police commission

Precondition Prisoner should have LAN connection, and Prisoner should login to
the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the
prisoner’s home page.
2. The prisoner click on Request
4. The system will display notrans
3.The prisoner clicks on notrans form that contain the following :-
menu items o Prisoner Id
5.The prisoner will fill the form o Application for notrans
o Year of Punishment
6.The prisoner click on send
button 7.The system will check the filled

16 | P a g e
11.End use case
8. The system will send the

9.The system will display

successful message
Alternative course of 10. If the form is not filled with correct data’s the system will
action loopback to step 5 and messaged the prisoner what type of error has
been occurred.

Use case number USC4

Use case name Register prisoner information

Actor Inspector(commander) ,system admin and police officer

Description: Register prisoner information details

Precondition Police officer, system admin and inspector should have LAN connection,
and they should login to the system.

Basic course of
action User action System response
1. The system opens the user’s home

2. The user click on Insert 4. The system will display registration

menu. form that contain the following :-
o Full name
3.The user clicks on Register o Weight
prisoner menu item o Hair Color
o Unique Identity
5. The User fills registration o House no.
form o Grad Parent
o Case
6.The user clicks on Register

a g e of request for notrans

17 |3:PDescription
button o Jugged Court
o Investigator Police region
11.End use case o Year of Punishment
7.The system will check the filled form
8. The system will save the form on
9.The system will display successful
register message
Alternative course 10. If the form is not filled correctly go back to step 5 of basic course of
of action action and message the user that he/she made an error.

Use case number USC5

Use case name Update prisoner information

Actor Inspector(commander) ,system admin and police officer

Description: Updating prisoner detail information

Precondition Police officer, system admin and inspector should have LAN connection,
and they should login to the system.

Basic course of
action User action System response
1. The system opens the user’s home
2. The User click on Edit menu. page.

3. The user clicks on Update

menu item. 5.The system will display search box

4.The user clicks on prisoner 8. The system will display searched

information sub item from result
update menu item
11.The system will check filled result
6. The User enter the prisoner id
12.Tthe system will update the
7. The user clicks on Search prisoner information

18 | P a g e

Table 4: Describing register prisoner information

9. The User edits the form. 13. The system will display
successful message of updating.
10. The user clicks on Update
15.End use case
Alternative course 14. If the form is not filled correctly go back to step 9 of basic course of
of action action and pop out warning messaged.
8.1 If the search is not match the system will loopback to step 6 and
messaged the user that search is not found.

Use case number USC6

Use case name Search prisoner information

Actor Inspector(commander) ,system admin and police officer

Description: Search prisoner’s information details

Precondition Inspector (commander), system admin and police officer should

have LAN connection, and Inspector (commander) and police
officer should login to the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the user’s
home page.
2. The User clicks on Edit
menu. 4. The system will display
Search category that contain
3. The user clicks on Search the following :-
prisoner menu item. o Type
o Year
5. The User will select from
the category. 8. The system will search for
entered prisoner id.
6.The user will enter/select

19 | P a g e

Table 5: Description of update prisoner information

Prisoner’s Id 9.The system display required
prisoner information
7. The user clicks on search
button. 10.The system will display
successful message
12.End use case

Alternative course of 11. If the searched result is not matched the system will loop
action back the user to step 6 and messaged that it couldn’t found
searched result.

Use case number USC7

Use case name Receive request

Actor Inspector(commander),system admin ,police commission

and police officer
Description: Receiving transfer request which come from the
Precondition Inspector (commander), system admin and police officer
should have LAN connection, and Inspector (commander)
and police officer should login to the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the
user’s home page.
2. The user clicks on Request
4.The system will display
3. The user clicks on Transfer all requests by prisoners
request menu items
7. The system will
5. The user check the check automatically send
box either allow the request response.
or denied the request

6. The user click send button.

8. End use case

20 | P a g e

Table 6: Description of Search prisoner information

Use case number USC8
Use case name Delete Prisoner information

Actor Inspector(commander) and system admin

Description: Deleting Prisoner information details

Precondition Inspector (commander) and system admin should have LAN

connection, and Inspector (commander) and police officer
should login to the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the user’s
2. The User clicks on Edit home page.
5.The system will display
3. The user clicks on delete Prisoners Id in combo box
menu item
8.The system will search the
4.The user clicks on Prisoner prisoner id
detail from sub menu items of
delete menu item 10. The system will delete
selected prisoner.
6. The User will select/enter
pensioners Id in combo box 11. The system will display
successful message
7. The user will click on search

9.The user will click on delete

13.End use case

21 | P a g e
Alternative course of 12.if the system doesn’t delete selected result the system will
action pop out message that the prisoner have pre request it to delete
and loopback to step 6

Use case number USC9

Use case name Reserve visiting date and time online

Actor Visitor
Description: Reserve visiting date and time online when the visitors will be need.
Precondition Visitors should have internet connection.
Basic course of action
User action System response
1. The user opens the visitor’s
home page. 3. The system will display an
available date and time form which
2. The visitor clicks on Reserve contain the following :-
online menu o Prisoner name
o Prisoner Id
4. The visitor fills the form o Date of Visiting
o Time of Visiting
5.The visitor clicks on reserve 6.The system will check the filled
button form
8.End use case
7. The system will check that the
prisoner Id is reserved by 10 visitors
or not.
8. The system will Check maximum
number of visitors per a day is full
or not
9.The system will displays successful
reservation message
Alternative course of 6.1. If the form is not filled correctly go back to step 4 of basic course
action of action.
7.1. If the prisoner has more than 10 visitors the system will display
the message that the prisoner already has maximum number of
Table 8: Description for delete prisoner information
8.1. If the maximum number of visitors allowed per a day is full the
system will display the message that no reservation because the
22 | P a g e
system reached maximum number of visitors .

Use case number USC10

Use case name View visiting time and date

Actor Visitor ,Inspector, Police officer, Police commission

and system admin
Description: Visitor ,Inspector, Police officer, Police commission
and system admin can view available visiting time
and date
Precondition Visitor ,Inspector, Police officer, Police commission
should have internet connection

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The user opens the
home page. 4. The system will display
` available visiting date
2. The visitor click on and time information
view menu.
3. The visitor clicks on
date and time menu

5.end use case

Table 9: Description of reserve visiting date and time online

23 | P a g e
Use case number USC11
Use case name Create user

Actor System administrator

Description: Creating user for the system

Precondition System administrator should have LAN connection, and they

should login to the system
Basic course of action
User action System response
1. The system opens the system
administrator’s home page.
2. The system admin clicks
the create menu. 4. The system will display user
registration form that contain the
3. The system admin clicks on following:-
user menu item o Role Assignment
o Full name
5. The system admin fills the o Address
7.The system will check the filled
6.The system admin clicks on form
create button
8. The system will create the user
11.End use case
9. The system will display
successful message.
Alternative course of 10. If the form is not filled correctly go back to step 5 of basic
action course of action and message the admin that he/she made an
error .

24 | P a g e
Use case number USC12
Use case name create backup and recovery

Actor System administrator

Description: create backup and recovery for the system

Precondition System administrator should have LAN connection, and they

should login to the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the
2. The system admin clicks on system administrator’s
create menu. home page.

3. The system admin clicks on 4. The system will display

Back and recovery menu item. create backup selection.

5. The system admin will

select from the selection box 7. The system creates back
and recovery.
6.The system admin clicks on
create button 8.The system displays
successful message
10.End use case

Table 12: Description of create backup and recovery

25 | P a g e
Use case number USC13
Use case name Login

Actor System administrator, police commission, police, prisoners

and system admin.
Description: Login to the system

Precondition System administrator, police commission, police, prisoner

and system admin should have LAN/Internet connection.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The User opens the 2. The system will display login
page. form that contain the
following :-
3. The User fills the login o User name
form. o Password

4. The user clicks on Login 5.The system will check the

button. username and password is
9.end use case
6. The system logs the users.

7.The system displays welcome

Alternative course of action 8. If the form is not filled correctly the system display error
message and go back to step 3 and warn the user.

26 | P a g e
Use case number USC14
Use case name Logout

Actor System administrator, police commission, police,

prisoners and system admin.
Description: Logout and back to the login page.

Precondition System administrator, police commission, police,

Inspector, prisoners should have LAN/Internet

Basic course of action. User action System response

1. The user click logout 2. The system will

button. return to the login
3.end use case page.

Table 14: Description for logout

Use case number USC15

27 | P a g e
Use case name Generate report

Actor Inspector(commander),police system admin and police

Description: Generate report to the necessary activities

Precondition Inspector (commander), police, system admin and police

commission should have LAN connection, and they should login
to the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response

1. The system opens the user’s

home page.
2. User clicks the generate
report menu. 4. The system display report
form that contain the
3.The user clicks on report following :-
type menu item o Date of report
o Type of report
5. The user fill the form o For whom the report is
6.The user click on generate
report button 7.The system will check the
filled form
11.End use case
8. The system generated the
report to the selected user.

9.The system displays

successful message
Alternative course of action 10. If the filled data’s are incorrect the system displays error
message and point were the error is occurred.

Use case number USC16

Use case name Change Account

28 | P a g e
Actor Prisoner, Police officer, Police commission ,System admin,
Description: Changing account when ever user wants to change due to many
Precondition Prisoner, Police officer, Police commission, System admin, Inspector
(commander) should have LAN connection, and users should login to the

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the
user’s home page.
2. The prisoner click on Edit menu. 4. The system will display change
account form that contain the
3.The prisoner clicks on change following :-
account menu items o Previous user name
5.The prisoner will fill the form o Previous Pass word
o New user name
6.The prisoner click on Change o New password
account button o Confirm password
o Hint
11.End use case
7.The system will check the filled

8. The system will the user

change account

9.The system will display

successful message
Alternative course of 10. If the form is not filled with correct data’s the system will loopback
action to step 5 and messaged the user what type of error has been occurred.

Use case number USC17

Use case name Punch In

Actor Prisoner

29 | P a g e
Description: Taking attendance of prisoners using their finger print

Precondition Prisoner should have proper finger tip structure and he/she must
not be Handicapped

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The prisoner should walk to
finger tip machine.
3.The system will check the
finger code from the data base
2. The prisoner should put and take attendance on the
his/her finger tip on the attendance sheet

5.End use case

Alternative course of 4. If the prisoner finger tip is not match with that of tip on database
action the system will message out that he/she is not a prisoner.
4.1. If the prisoner is not take attendance within the given time
interval the system will recognize that the prisoner is missed so the
system will pop out warning message.

Use case number USC18

Use case name Approve request

Actor Police commission

Description: Approving the request that comes from Prisoners and Inspector

30 | P a g e
Precondition Police commission should have LAN connection, and Police
commission should login to the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the Police
commission‘s home page.
2. The Police commission clicks on
Request menu.
4. The system will display all
3.The prisoner clicks on inbox Inbox requests that contain the
menu items following parameters:-
o Sent date
6.The Police commission will o Case Type
select from selection o Sender Information
box o Request Type

5.The system will display

7.The prisoner click on OK button selection box that contain
o Approve Request
10.End use case o Neglect Request

8. The system will send the


9.The system will display

successful message

Use case number USC19

Use case name View Job

Actor Prisoner ,police officer, police commission ,

inspector(commander) and system admin
Description: View Jobs for prisoners
31 | P a g e
Precondition Prisoner, police officer, police commission, inspector
(commander) and system admin should have LAN
connection, and should login to the system.

Basic course of action

User action System response
1. The system opens the
2. The user click View prisoner’s home page.
4. The system will display
3.The prisoner click on job of the prisoner
Job menu item

5.End use case

Use case number USC20

Use case name Assign Job

Actor Inspector(commander) ,system admin and police officer

Description: Assign job for prisoner
Table 19: Description for View Job
Precondition Police officer, system admin and inspector should have LAN connection,

32 | P a g e
and they should login to the system.

Basic course of
action User action System response
1. The system opens the user’s home

2. The user click on Insert 4. The system will display job assignment
menu. form that contain the following :-
o Full name
3.The user clicks on Assign job o Prisoner ID
menu item o Room information
o Job title
5. The User fills job assignment o Year of Punishment
form o Personal Skill
o Personality
6.The user clicks on Assign
o Handicapped
o Normal
7.The system will check the filled form
11.End use case
8. The system will save the form on

9.The system will display successful

Alternative course 10. If the form is not filled correctly go back to step 5 of basic course of
of action action and message the user that he/she made an error.

Use case number USC21

Use case name Evaluate notrans

Actor Inspector(commander) ,system admin and police officer

Description: Evaluate prisoner for notans per week

Precondition Police officer, system admin and inspector should have LAN connection,
and they should login to the system.

33 | P a g e
Basic course of
action User action System response
1. The system opens the user’s home

2. The user click on Insert 4. The system will display Evaluate

menu. check list that contain the following :-
o Social interaction
3.The user clicks on Evaluate o Academic status
menu item o Activates
7.The system will check the check items
5. The User check Evaluation on
check list 8. The system will save the checked list

6.The user clicks on save button 9.The system will display successful
10.End use case

3.2. Activity diagrams

34 | P a g e
UC1-View personal information


Click on view menu

Click on personal information menu item

Figure 2: View personal information

35 | P a g e
UC2- Send request to transfer


Click on request menu

Click on transfer request menu item

Fill the form

Click on send button

Error message


Successfully sent

Figure 3: Send request to transfer

36 | P a g e
UC3 -Search prisnor information


Click on edit menu

Click on search prisnor menu item

Select from the catagory

Enter or select prisnor id

Click on search button

error message


Seccessfuly searched

Figure 4:search prisnor Information

37 | P a g e
UC4-Request notran


Click on request menu

Click on notran menu item

Fill the form

Click on send button

error message


Seccessfully sent

Figure 5: Request notrans

38 | P a g e
UC5-Registor prisnor information


Click on insert menu

Click on registor prisnor menu item

Fill the registration form

Click on registor button

error message


Successfully registor message

Figure 6: Register prisoner information

39 | P a g e
UC6-Update prisnor information


Click on edit menu Click on update menu item

Enter the prisnor id Click on prisnor information sub menu item

Click on search button

Edit the form

Click on update button

error message


Successfully update message

Figure 7: Update prisoner Information

40 | P a g e
UC7 -Delete prisnor information


Click on edit menu Click on delete menu item

Select or enter prisnor id Click on detaile prisnor information sub menu item

Click on search button

Click on delete button

Error message


Successfuly deleted

Figure 8: Delete prisoner information

41 | P a g e
UC8 -Create backup and recovery


Click on create menu

Click on backup and recovery menu item

System admin will select from the selection form

Click on create button

Figure 9: Create backup and recovery

42 | P a g e

Open the page

Fill the login form

Click on login button

Error message


Successfuly loged

Figure 10: Login

43 | P a g e
UC10 -Chenge account


Click on edit menu

Click on chenge account menu item

Fill the form

Click on chenge account button

[INCORRECT] Error message


Successfuly chenged

Figure 11: Change account

44 | P a g e
UC11-Approve request


Click on request menu

Click on inbox menu item

Select from selection box

Click on ok button

Figure 12: Approve request

45 | P a g e
UC12 -Punch in

Walk to finger tip machine

put his/her finger tip on the machine.

Figure 13: Punch in

46 | P a g e
UC13-View job


Click on view menu

Click on Job menu item

Figure 14: View job

47 | P a g e
UC14-Assign job


Click on Insert menu

Clicks on Assign job menu item

Fills job assignment

Clicks on Assign button

Error message


Successfully asigned

Figure 15: Assign job

48 | P a g e
UC15-Evaluate notrans


Click on Insert menu

Clicks on Evaluate menu item

Check Evaluation on check list

Clicks on save button

Figure 16: Evaluate notrans

49 | P a g e
UC16.Recieve transfer request


Click on request menu

Click on transfer menu item

User check the check box

Click on view button

Figure 17: . Receive transfer request

50 | P a g e


Figure 18: Logout

51 | P a g e
UC18.Reserve visiting date and time online


Click on reserve online menu

Fill the form

Click on reserve button

error message


Successfully reserved

Figure 19: Receive visiting date and time

52 | P a g e
UC19.View visiting time and date


Click on view menu

Click on date and time menu item

Figure 20: View visiting time and date

53 | P a g e
UC20.Create user


Click on create menu

Click on user menu item

Fill the form

Click on create button

error message


Successfully created

Figure 21: Create user

54 | P a g e
UC21-Generate report


Clicks the generate report menu

Clicks on report type menu item

Fill the form

Click on generate report button

Error message


Successfully generated

Figure 22: Generate report

55 | P a g e
3.3. Sequence Diagram
USC8 Delete Prisoner

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Delete search box Prisner Table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] Retype
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill search box + Click Search Button
Fetch data
Select + click on Delete button
Remove data
Click on log out Button

Figure 23: Delete prisoner information

56 | P a g e
USC1 View Personal

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
Personal Information
Prisnor Login page Home page Prisnor Table

Enters account

[ if not correct ] [ if correct ] opens():

open ():

click ():

Fetch data

Click on log out Button

Figure 24: View personal information

57 | P a g e
UC 1 View Job

Actor UI UI controller
Login page Home page Fill form DB

Enters account

If[correct] If [not correct]

Open (); Click ();

Fetch data
Fill form and click submit button

Figure 25: View Job

58 | P a g e
Uc2: choose course

Actor UI UI Controller Entity

Instructor Log in page Home page Assign Course table

Enters account
[ If not correct]
[ If correct]
Back ();
Open ();
Assign examiners
Save data
Click on log out Button

Figure 26: Request to transfer

59 | P a g e
USC3 Request for notrans

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
Prisnor Login page Home page Request for Notrans form Request table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] open ():
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form
Save data
Click on log out Button

Figure 27: Request fir notrans

60 | P a g e
USC4 Register prisoner

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
Prisnor Login page Home page Registration form Prisnor table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] open ():
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form
Save data
Click on log out Button

Figure 28: Register prisoner information

61 | P a g e
USC5 Update prisoner

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
Prisnor Login page Home page Update form Prisnor table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] open ():
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form
Update data
Click on log out Button

Figure 29: Update prisoner information.

62 | P a g e
USC6 Search prisoner

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Search prisoner Form Prisnor table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] open ():
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form + Click Search Button
Fetch data
Click on log out Button

Figure 30: Search prisoner information

63 | P a g e
USC11 Create User

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Create user form User Table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] Retype
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form + Click Create Button
Save data
Click on log out Button

Figure 31: Create user

64 | P a g e
USC18 Approve Request

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Inbox request Request table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] Retype
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
select from selection box+ Click Ok Button
Save data
Click on log out Button

Figure 32: Approve request

65 | P a g e
USC21 Evaluate Notrance

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
Police commision Login page Home page Evaluate Form Request table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] Retype
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form + Click Accept/Reject Button
save data
Click on log out Button

Figure 33: Evaluate notrans

66 | P a g e
USC20 Assign Job

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Assign form Job table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] Retype
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form + Click Set Button
[ If correct ] save data
[If not correct] opens()

Click on log out Button

Figure 34: Assign job

67 | P a g e
USC7 Receive Request

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Request Report Request Table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] Retype
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fetch data

[ If Fetched ] Display on

Save data
Click on log out Button

Figure 35: Recive request

68 | P a g e
USC10 View Visiting Time

<< Actor >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>

Visitor Home page View Date and Time Reserve Table

Open ():

Click on ():

Fetch data
Display Time and date

Figure 36: View visiting time

69 | P a g e
Request to transfer

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
Prisnor Login page Home page Transfer request form Request table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] open ():
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form + click on send button
Save data
Click on log out Button

Figure 37: Request to transfer

70 | P a g e
USC15 Generate Report

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Report form Database

Enters account
[ if not correct ] open ():
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form + click on Generate button
Fetch data
Click on log out Button

Figure 38: Generate report

71 | P a g e
USC16 Change account

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Change account User table

Enters account
[ if not correct ] open ():
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
Fill form + click on change button
[ If correct ] save data

[ If not correct] error message

clicks on Log out button

Figure 39: Change account

72 | P a g e
USC12 Create Backup
and Recovery

<< Actor >> << UI >> << UI >> << Controller>> << Entity >>
User Login page Home page Create backup page Database

Enters account
[ if not correct ] open ():
[ if correct ] open ():

clicks on ()
click on Create button
Fetch data
Click on log out Button

Figure 40: Create backup and recovery

73 | P a g e
-Fname : string
-Lname : string
-ID : string
-Phone number : int
-Address : string

Assign job Police Register

- 1 1..* 1
+Assign role()

Police Commissioner Prisnor 1..*
-Name : string Report -Fname : string
-Address : string -Type : string -Lname : string
-Phone number : int -Time : Date -Address : string
-Approve() -Send_request()
1..* 1..*

1..* -Fname : string
-Lname : string
-Address : string Visits
-Reserve() 0..*


-Time : Date
1..* -Number : int
Class Diagram

Figure 41: Class Diagram

74 | P a g e
Chapter 3
3.0. Design Phase

User computer
Web interface layer


DataBase interface sql

Logic file

Figure 42: Deployment diagram

75 | P a g e

Browser Request Webserver Bussines rule

Web Browser Database
Sql server

System user


Figure 43: Architecture Design

76 | P a g e
Mobile Office
3.2. ER-diagram First _Name
Middle_ Name Salary
Last_ Name
Address Kebele

Reserve_ no City

d Stuff

Hair Visits
color O
Job _assign 1
Judge date
1 Police 1

Register * * *
Police _commissioner
11 * *
* Evaluate 1
Height Assign_ job

Appeal Assign case


Name of judge

Evaluate _type 1 1
Police _commissioner_id


Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Priso Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
e e a y e ne n id reques judg_co _ color ght
no t rt date

77 | P a g e


Fname Mname Lname Woreda City Kebele Phone Salary Age Police_id


Fname Mname Lname Woreda City Kebele Phone Salary Insp_id age


Fnam Mnam Lnam Wered Cit Kebel Phon Salar Ag Commisioner_i

e e e a y e e no y e d


Fname Mname Lname Wereda City Kebele Phone no Order_of_reserve

Insp_id Polic_commision_id Fname Mname Lname Woreda City kebele Phone Salary Age


Fnam Lname Mnam Insp_i Police_id Wored City Kebel Salary Ag Phon_no
e e d a e e


Fnam Lnam Mname Insp_i Police_id Wored Cit Kebele Salary Age Phon_no
e e d a y

78 | P a g e

Prisnor_id Police_id Evaluate_date Evaluate_type


Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Priso Police - Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
e e a y e ne n id Id reques judg_co _ color ght
no t rt date

Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Priso Police - Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
e e a y e ne n id Id reques judg_co _ color ght
no t rt date

Prisnor_request to_commissioner


Prisnor_id Fname Mname Lname Phone_No

Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Priso Polic- Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
e e a y e ne n id Comm reques judg_co _ color ght
no _Id t rt date UNNORMALIZED FORM

Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored City Kebel Pho Priso Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
e e a e ne n id reques judg_co _ color ght
no t rt date

79 | P a g e
Sol Abel Abeb 32 Libo Adis 03 091 4255 Yes Amhara 1/5/02 Black Red 65
e kemke zem 8…. judg
m en 058 cort

Alex John Dad 28 Shuma bda 11 058 555 No Amhara 5/3/01 Red Red 45
mbo r 11… judg
091 cort


Fname Mname Lname Woreda City Kebele Phone no Salary Age Police_id

Yared Behailu Worku Mango Bdar 08 0911454326 4500 34 412

Yishak Belay Getachew Kuriftu Gonda 12 0581112233 5100 43 313
r 0913127763

Fname Mname Lname Woreda City Kebele Phone no Salary Insp_id age

Sisay Belete Alemu Mango Bdar 12 091870325 7500 715 54


Fname Mname Lnam Wereda City Kebel Phone no Salar Ag Commisioner_

e e y e
Henok wodwoese Maru Bole Addi 25 0581214438 7500 34 421
n s 0918734652
Helaw Behailu Kibret Jijiga Jijiga 11 0915749458 9900 28 415
e 0123265411


Fname Mnam Lname Wered City Kebel Phone no Order_of_reserv

e a e e

80 | P a g e
Maru Molla Amborkak Dtabor Dtabor 21 091832476 32
i 1
Melkam Abebe Yimer Dbirha Dbirha 07 053227354 11
u n n 6
Insp_id Polic_commision_id Fname Mname Lname Woreda City kebele Phone Salary Age
12489 4598pp Moges hagoes molla shumabo bahirdar 15 091245 3000 35


Fnam Lnam Mname Insp_i Police_i Wored City Kebel Salar Ag Phon_n
e e d d a e y e o
henok kedir mohamme 78978 45987 hopital BD 10 2500 35 091233.
d R .


Fnam Lnam Mname Insp_i Police_id Wored City Kebele Salary Age Phon_no
e e d a
Mikiel tegaw behilu 59877 98756 gebeya BD 08 5000 30 091256..
R 091359..

Fnam Lnam Mname Insp_i Police_i Wored City Kebel Salar Ag Phon_n
e e d d a e y e o

Ayel Molla mengest 59897 121245 metem metem 16 5200 36 091836.

u a a .

81 | P a g e

Prisnor_id Police_id Evaluate_date Evaluate_type

124987 48733 15/02/05 Notrans
19/03/05 Notrans

Fname Mnam Lname Ag Wore City Kebel Pho Priso Police - Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
e e da e ne n id Id reques judg_co _ color ght
no t t date
Miki Tesga Kebret 36 shum BDR 05 091 5689 8987 yes Bahirda 12/06/ Black Black 60K
w b 256. 7 r semi 02
. cort


Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Priso Police - Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
e e a y e ne n id Id reques judg_co _ color ght
no t rt date
Sol Kiya Alem 32 Mango
091 BD 21 2222 1111 Yes www 12/11/ black red 65
u 1… R 05
Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho PrisoPolic- Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
Prisnor_ide Fname
e a y
Mname e ne
Lname n id Comm
Phone_No reques judg_co _ color ght
no _Id t rt date
Alemu Kebe
pedda bdr 11
223 2211 yes aaa 11/2/0 Black Black 45
de 8.. 0958.. 5

Prisnor_request to_commissioner


Prisoner Fnam Mna Lna Ag Wore City Kebel Phon Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
id e me me e da e e no reques judg_co _ color ght
t rt date

4255 Sol Abel Abe 32 Libo Addis 03 0918 Yes Amhara 1/5/02 Black Red 65
be kemk zeme …. judg
em n … cort
4255 Sol Abel Abe Libo Adis 03 0584 Yes Kuara 2/2/03 Black Black 75
be kemk zeme 44….
em n
555 Alex Joh Dad 28 Shum bdar 11 0581 No Amhara 5/3/01 Red Red 45
n ambo 1… judg
555 Alex Joh Dad 28 Shum bdar 11 0912 No Amhara 5/3/01 Red Red 45
n ambo 1… judg
Police_ Fnam Mnam Lname Wored City Kebele Phone no Salary Age
id e e a
412 Yared Behail Worku Mango Bdar 08 0911454326 4500 34
412 Yared Behail Worku Mango Bdar 08 0582123873 34
313 Yishak Belay Getachew Kuriftu Gonda 12 0581112233 5100 43
313 Yishak Belay Getachew Kuriftu Gonda 12 0913127763 5100 43


Insp_i Fnam Mnam Lnam Woreda City Kebel Phone no Salary age

83 | P a g e
d e e e e
715 Sisay Belete Alemu Mango Bdar 12 091870325 7500 54

715 Sisay Belete Alemu Mango Bdar 12 058334321 7500 54



Commisio Fname Mname Lname Wereda City Kebele Phone no Salary Age
421 Henok wodwoesen Maru Bole Addis 25 0581214438 7500 34

421 Henok wodwoesen Maru Bole Addis 25 0918734652 7500 34

415 Helaw Behailu Kibret Jijiga Jijiga 11 0915749458 9900 28
415 Helaw Behailu Kibret Jijiga Jijiga 0123265411 9900 28

Order_of_re Fname Mname Lname Wereda City Kebele Phone no

32 Maru Molla Amborkaki Dtabor Dtabor 21 0918324761

32 Maru Molla Amborkaki Dtabor Dtabor 21 0543288713

11 Melkamu Abebe Yimer Dbirhan Dbirhan 07 0532273546

11 Melkamu Abebe Yimer Dbirhan Dbirhan 07 0917665342



84 | P a g e
Insp_id Polic_commision_id Fname Mname Lname Woreda City kebele Phone Salary Age
12489 4598pp Moges hagoes molla shumabo bahirdar 15 091245 3000 35

12489 4598pp Moges hagoes molla shumabo bahirdar 15 091533 3000 35


Insp_i Police_i Fnam Lnam Mname Wored City Kebel Salar Ag Phon_n
d d e e a e y e o
78978 45987 henok kedir mohamme hopital BD 10 2500 35 091233..
d R
78978 45987 henok kedir mohamme hopital BD 10 2500 35 091821..
d R


Insp_i Police_i Fnam Lnam Mname Woreda City Kebel Salar Ag Phon_n
d d e e e y e o

59897 121245 Ayel Molla mengest metem metem 16 5200 36 091836..

u a a

59897 121245 Ayel Molla mengest metem metem 16 5200 36 091536..

u a a


Prisnor_id Police_id Evaluate_date Evaluate_type

124987 48733 15/02/05 Notrans
85 | P a g e

124987 48733 19/03/05 Notrans


Prison Police Fname Mnam Lname Ag Wore City Kebel Pho Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
id Id e e da e ne reques judg_co _ color ght
no t t date

56897 8987 Miki Tesga Kebret 36 shum BDR 05 091 yes Bahirdar 12/06/ Black Black 60K
w b 256. semi 02
. cort
56897 8987 Miki Tesga Kebret 36 shum BDR 05 091 yes Bahirdar 12/06/ Black Black 60K
w b 515 semi 02

Prison Police - Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
id Id e e a y e ne reques judg_co _ color ght
no t rt date

2222 1111 Sol Kiya Alem 32 Mango BD 21 091 Yes www 12/11/ black red 65
u R 1… 05

2222 1111 Sol Kiya Alem 32 Mango BD 21 091 Yes www 12/11/ black red 65
u R 6…. 05


Prisnor_id Fname Mname Lname Phone_No

2344 Habtam Meky Kebede 0911..

2344 Habtam Meky Kebede 0958..

Prisoner_ Request_to_Commisinor

86 | P a g e
Prison Polic- Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
id Comm e e a y e ne reques judg_co _ color ght
_Id no t rt date

223 2211 Worku Alemu Kebe 32 pedda bdr 11 091 yes aaa 11/2/0 Black Black 45
de 8.. 5

223 2211 Worku Alemu Kebe 32 pedda bdr 091 yes aaa 11/2/0 Black Black 45

Prisoner Fnam Mna Lna Ag Wore City Kebel Phon Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
id e me me e da e e no reques judg_co _ color ght
t rt date

4255 Sol Abel Abe 32 Libo Addis 03 0918 Yes Amhara 1/5/02 Black Red 65
be kemk zeme …. judg
em n … cort
555 Alex Joh Dad 28 Shum bdar 11 0581 No Amhara 5/3/01 Red Red 45
n ambo 1… judg


Police_id Fname Mname Lname Woreda City Kebele Phone no Salary Age

412 Yared Behail Worku Mango Bdar 08 0911454326 4500 34

313 Yisha Belay Getachew Kuriftu Gonda 12 0913127763 5100 43
k r

87 | P a g e

Insp_i Fnam Mnam Lnam Woreda City Kebel Phone no Salary age
d e e e e
715 Sisay Belete Alemu Mango Bdar 12 058334321 7500 54

Commisio Fname Mname Lname Wereda City Kebele Phone no Salary Age
421 Henok wodwoesen Maru Bole Addis 25 0918734652 7500 34
415 Helaw Behailu Kibret Jijiga Jijiga 0123265411 9900 28

Order_of_re Fname Mname Lname Wereda City Kebele Phone no

32 Maru Molla Amborkaki Dtabor Dtabor 21 0543288713
11 Melkamu Abebe Yimer Dbirhan Dbirhan 07 0917665342

Polic_commision_id Fname Mname Lname Woreda City kebele Phone Salary Age
4598pp Moges hagoes molla shumabo bahirdar 15 091245 3000 35


Insp_id Polic_commisioner

88 | P a g e
12489 4598pp

Police_i Fnam Lnam Mname Wored City Kebele Salar Age Phon_no
d e e a y
45987 henok kedir mohamme hopital BD 10 2500 35 091233..
d R


Insp_id Police_id

78978 45987


Police_id Evaluate_date Evaluate_type

48733 15/02/05 Notrans


Prisnor_id Police_id
124987 48733


Prison Fname Mnam Lname Ag Wore City Kebel Pho Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
id e e da e ne request judg_cot _ color ght
no date
56897 Miki Tesgaw Kebret 36 shum BDR 05 091 yes Bahirdar 12/06/ Black Black 60K
b 256. semi 02
. cort

89 | P a g e

Prison id Police Id
2222 1111

Prison Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
id e e a y e ne request judg_cor _ color ght
no t date
2222 Sol Kiya Alem 32 Mango BD 21 091 Yes www 12/11/ black red 65
u R 6…. 05

Prison id Police Id

56897 8987


Prisnor_id Fname Mname Lname Phone_No

2344 Habtam Meky Kebede 0958..

Prisnor_request to_commissioner
Prison Fname Mname Lnam Ag Wored Cit Kebel Pho Appeal Name_ Judged Hair_ Color Wei
id e e a y e ne request judg_cor _ color ght
no t date
223 Worku Alemu Kebe 32 Pedda bdr 11 091 yes aaa 11/2/0 Black Black 45
de 8.. 5

90 | P a g e

Prison id Polic-Comm_Id

223 2211

3.2. User Interface

3.2.1. Login page

91 | P a g e
3.2.2. Home Page

92 | P a g e
3.2.3. View personal information page

93 | P a g e
94 | P a g e
3.2.3. Registration form

95 | P a g e
3.2.4. Request Form

96 | P a g e
3.2.5.Job assign

97 | P a g e
3.3. Algorism design

Method name =login


Variables: - Username, password

Read username & password, check against database

If they’re correct –create pseudo-random session ID

Store session ID on database

Return session ID in cookie

Cookie lasts 1 hour

Session ID on database lasts 1 hour (script for removal?)

End if

Else user is not logged in, gets view privilege only checking

To be done before any admin action

Read session from cookie

End if

If session exists on database, user is logged in, gets admin privilege

End if

Else user is not logged in, gets view privileges only –try to delete cookie

End if


98 | P a g e

Method name =logout


Variables: - session ID, cookie

Delete database session

Try to delete cookie


3.3.3. PSEUDO CODE FOR VIEW Prisoner Information


Method name =view Prisoner Information


Variables: - password, username, year, prisoner ID

Read password, username, year, prisoner ID, check against database

If they’re correct –login to the system

Display First name, Middle name, Last name, Height, Face Color, year of
panishment …from database

End if



Enter “incorrect input” and redirect to view Personal information

End if




Method name = Request to transfer

99 | P a g e

Variables: - Prisoner ID , Full name ,Date

If prisoner open prisoners’ home page and click on request menu item
transfer sub menu item

Display request form

Prisoner gets privilege to send requests

End if




Method name = Request to notrans


Variables: - Prisoner ID, Full name, Date

If prisoner open prisoners’ home page and click on request menu item
and notans sub menu item

Display request form

Prisoner gets privilege to send requests

End if




Method name = Attendance


Variables: - finger biometrics

100 | P a g e
If prisoner put his/her finger tip on the finger tip reader machine

Display present message will displayed

Prisoner will have attendance

Ealse he/she doesn’t take attendance

Display warning to police officers’

End if




Method name = Job assign


Variables: - prisoner Id, Full name, job title, date of assign,

User fills the variables and click on assign

Display takes success message

If user enters error data’s

Display error message and back to the form to reenter the data’s

End if




Method name = Register Prisoner


101 | P a g e
Variables: - prisoner Id, Full name, hair color, jugged court, investigator
police ,crime case, year of punishment …

User fills the variables and click on register button

Display takes success message

If user enters error data’s

Display error message and back to the form to reenter the data’s

End if




Method name = Approve notrans


Variables: - prisoner Id, Full name, notrans case, date of applicant, police offcer
name,evaluation criteria …

User fills the variables and click on approve

Display takes success message

If user enters error data’s

Display error message and back to the form to reenter the data’s

End if




Method name =view job


102 | P a g e
Variables: - password, username, year, prisoner ID

Read password, username, year, prisoner ID, check against database

If they’re correct –login to the system

Display First name, Middle name, Last name, Height, Face Color, year of
panishment …from database

End if



Enter “incorrect input” and redirect to view job

End if




Method name =Reserve visiting time


Variables: - date of visiting, time of visiting, prisoner Id, Visitor name, phone no

Read date of visiting, time of visiting, prisoner Id, Visitor name, phone no
register on database

End if



Enter “incorrect input” and redirect to view job

End if


103 | P a g e
4.0. Bibilograpghy

 Essentials of System Analysis and Design (4th Edition)

 Joseph S.Valacich, Joey F.George, and Jeffrey A.Hoffer, Essentials of Systems Analysis and
Design, Prentice Hall, 2001.
 Gerald V.Post, Database Management Systems: Designing and Building Business
Applications, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1999.
 Kenneth E.Kendall and Julie E.Kendall, SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, 4 th ed,

104 | P a g e

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