Chirichillo Michael - Final Portfolio-3

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Personal Portfolio

Michael Chirichillo - (

An accumulation of work completed in Public Relations Writing class at the

Walter Cronkite School of Mass Communications and Journalism at Arizona
State University. In this portfolio you will find examples of press releases,
speaking engagements, social media planning and several other documents
relating to the public relations field. The first document begins on page two.
Pitch and Media List

Subject Line: Crucial information about Winged Hope Family Foundation Expansion

Greetings Miguel,

I am reaching out to you today with urgent information about an event that is going to
change the national nonprofit landscape. The Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation is
planning a massive expansion from Phoenix, to New York City and San Francisco by the end of
Winged Hope has already helped 50,000 people in the Phoenix area and plans on
bringing family advocacy centers, as well as providing training to civilians in these new cities to
help prevent future events of family violence.
I believe this is vital information to you because of your previous work covering subjects
regarding these topics. Winged Hope will also be fairly prevalent in your communities very soon
and we believe it is important for the people to be aware!
If you are interested in speaking with an executive from Winged Hope, or would like any
more information regarding the company or the expansion, I would be happy to make that
connection for you.

Thank you,

Michael Chirichillo

Rationale: As a way to accomplish the KPI of, increase event and virtual event registration by
20% by January 1, 2022, I sought after ABC 7 New York because of their previous coverage
regarding the type of work my client provides as well as their heavy prominence in the new
community the company is expanding to. I have reached out to community journalist Miguel
Amaya due to his coverage on social topics and community events such as this article regarding
the benefit of children in the New York area. This story, and many others on the ABC 7 New
York platform have gained recognition and have even crossed over onto ABC’s national
platforms. The other journalists targeted are all prominent community reporters that are active
in the areas the clients will be performing their work, which will lead to more awareness and a
successful achievement of the KPI.
Media List:

Name Email Title Publication Link

Miguel Amaya miguel.a.amay Community ABC 7 New York Journalist m/localish/first-

Eileen Grench egrench@thecity Juvenile Justice THE CITY, New https://www.theci

.nyc Reporter York

Taylor Bisacky TBisacky@kron Multimedia KRON4, San https://www.kron Reporter Francisco

Laura Wenus Reporter San Francisco https://www.sfpu

Public Press

Chloe chloeleejones0 Digital Reporter https://www.azce



Massive Multi-City Expansion Planned for Winged Hope Family Foundation

The Winged Hope Family Foundation plans to expand their charitable organization from
Phoenix to San Francisco and New York City. The organization is planning the massive
expansion in these cities in efforts to assist many families and children that have had difficulties
during the times of COVID-19.
Winged Hope has been an important organization in the Phoenix area primarily by
establishing family advocacy centers throughout the city and social programs that focus on
preventing future child abuse and domestic violence. Having already helped 52,000 in eight
years of existence, the amount of people who will need assistance from Winged Hope will only
increase in both New York City and San Francisco. Just in 2013, New York City police
responded to over 284,000 domestic violence calls (NCADV 2015).
Not only are these cities highly populated and have a high rate of domestic violence,
there has been an increase of issues since the breakout of COVID-19. While official statistics
are yet to be developed, it is believed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration that COVID-19 and the following restrictions has lead to a major increase of
stressed parents, which is a major predictor of child abuse.
Jessica Nicely, the founder and CEO of Winged Hope, believes that now is the time that
her organization needs to take initiative and expand while so many others are shrinking. “We
are growing to new cities because the people we help need our help, and we are capable of
giving them this help they need,” said Nicely.
This growth for the company also comes along with the media modernization of Winged
Hope and new initiatives that will be promoted. The upcoming renovation plan includes an
upgraded website that would allow for a more friendly mobile-user interface. Also included in
the revamp would become a more modern desktop website as well as increased usage on
social media platforms. This move to a more digital landscape would allow for Winged Hope to
tap into a younger demographic that may have not already been exposed to the organization or
their work.
The slogan, “Spreading our Wings of Hope to New Areas,” will be used heavily to
promote the expansion of the company and will be used across all media platforms. The
slogan, along with the increased social media presence will be the first step into the expansion.
This will soon be followed by the website modernization and creation of content highlighting the
company's work. The final step will include the physical expansion of Winged Hope advocacy
centers and headquarters in New York City and San Francisco by the third quarter of 2021.
With this expansive growth, Winged Hope Family Foundation believes that the
organization is in position to both prosper as a company while also being able to help more
victims of domestic violence in more areas.
Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation is a non-profit charity organization that was founded
in 2013 with an initiative to prevent and heal family violence in Phoenix, Arizona. By creating
and renovating family advocacy centers, providing direct victim assistance, and providing
training to others Winged Hope has reached over 50,000 people since its inception. Winged
Hope has achieved this community benefit without any paid staff and continues to collaborate
with other nonprofits and government agencies to provide assistance to domestic violence
victims in Arizona.
Op-Ed: Blinding Fast NASCAR Race Cars Provide the for the Safest Sport in the United
Contributed Article:The 3 Aspects That Make 210 MPH NASCAR Race Cars Safer
than your Road Vehicle

When NASCAR comes to mind, many individuals have a first impression that the
sport is fast and utterly dangerous. These individuals would be correct in terms of the
speed, NASCAR stock cars can reach speeds of up to 200 mph going down a near 1-
mile long straightaway. Going into a turn, these vehicles cause their drivers to feel the
same gravitational pull as an astronaut launching into space.
When things do not go according to plan in a NASCAR race car, they crash at
extremely incredible speeds and with incredible force. Many of these wrecks have fans
and other drivers wincing at the violence of the collisions and fearing for the safety of
the driver. However, one thing always is consistent with these powerful wrecks, the
driver always walks out and races the very next week.
An everyday driver in a consumer streetcar can sustain serious injuries during a
15 mph fender bender. So, how is it possible for NASCAR drivers to race the next week
after an incredible wreck, but a minor incident can cause a regular person some
debilitating injuries? Many factors come into play, but ultimately it is because a
NASCAR race car is the safest race car on the planet, and much safer than your
everyday road car.
NASCAR has not had an on-track fatality since the loss of Dale Earnhardt in the
2001 Daytona 500 (NBC Sports, 2021). After this event, NASCAR looked at all
dimensions of racing to make their sport safer than any other motorsports series in the
world. What ended up happening was the creation of one of the safest vehicles ever
manufactured. Now with the safest seat and belt system and secure car and
revolutionary track system, a NASCAR driver will always be safer than the average
The first step was taken when the sport began mandating the use of the HANS
device during the 2001 NASCAR season (NBC Sports, 2021). HANS is an acronym for
Head and Neck Support, and is an additional seat-belt like system that wraps around
the driver's shoulders and prevents their head from shifting violently forward during a
wreck. Not only has this device saved countless lives sinces its mandated use in 2001,
it has also prevented minor injuries that could dampen a driver's career.
The HANS device allows for drivers to walk away from a serious head-on
collision without any type of neck or head injury. Compare this to every day road
incidents, which cause about 3 million cases of whiplash per year according to the
Spine Institute of San Diego (Sobo & Sobo, 2020). Also according to the Spine Institute
of San Diego, most of these wrecks that cause whiplash occur while driving under 12
mph (Sobo & Sobo, 2020).
There are many other safety aspects to a NASCAR race car that a regular
consumer car does not possess. Every racecar is required to race with foam blocks in
each door, in order to provide for more impact space on a sideways collision.
Additionally, every NASCAR seat is required to be made of carbon fiber that provides
for studier protection and more locations to equip harnesses (FoxSports, 2020). A
NASCAR seat allows for the belts to be bolted to five separate areas, compared to a
consumer car’s over-the-shoulder belt system.
Safety does not stop inside the race car. The next aspect that makes these
vehicles so safe are the features on the body of a NASCAR race car. These subtle, but
important features that normal vehicles do not have can save a driver from serious
injury during a wreck.
Every NASCAR race car is mandated to race with two perpendicular roof flaps
that deploy when the car gets spun around at high speeds (CNN, 2020). These flaps
prevent air from quickly rushing around the opposite angles of the car and preventing it
from going airborne. In racing or on the road, an airborne accident is one of the most
dangerous types of wrecks.
According to the NHTSA, about 35% of fatalities in road accidents come from
rollover accidents (Safecar, 2020). Meanwhile in NASCAR, only one driver has
sustained injuries from an airborne crash in the past 20 years (CNN, 2020)
NASCAR also utilizes a window-net on the race cars rather than using a glass-
window or door system. This closed cockpit provides for the safest enclosed area for
the race car driver while the window-net allows for safety crews to quickly access the
driver and remove them from the racecar. Typically one of the most difficult aspects of a
road accident is extricating the passengers involved.
The third and final aspect to why NASCAR race cars and drivers are safer than
street vehicles and daily drivers is because of the development of impact barriers. Also
known as SAFER barriers, these walls are made of steel with compressing foam that
dissipates the racecar's energy on impact. SAFER is an acronym for Steel and Foam
Energy Reduction and has been the only impact barrier NASCAR has used since 2015.
When a normal vehicle loses control and is on pace for impact, the barrier could
be concrete, steel, mortar, or any other type of material that will hold the entire energy
of the collision. A NASCAR driver is guaranteed to make an impact with an energy-
dissipating wall that will guarantee their safety even at 200 mph.
When analyzing the different safety aspects that a NASCAR racecar possesses,
it is almost shocking to realize how miniscule the safety features are in road vehicles. It
is easy to make a claim that every day driving is more dangerous because of the sheer
volume of drivers and vehicles on the road. However, highway drivers typically are not
driving at blinding speeds of 200 mph, with only inches of space to drive and for 500
miles at a time.
It may be time for car manufacturers to look at the safety innovations NASCAR
has implemented over the past 20 years. This may end up making our everyday
vehicles safer for generations to come as there are ways in which a NASCAR racecar is
much safer than the conventional consumer vehicle.

Phoenix, AZ - 480-273-7480 -
Applying for: Media Relations Strategist

A public relations swiss army knife with a passion for social media content creation and
building media relationships. Eager to use vibrant creativity to build brands beyond a
client’s own expectations.

AZBigMedia/Downtown Devil

Freelance Reporter – August 2019 - present

§ Reported upon many topics and write a variety of stories for both publications.
Story topics ranged from COVID-19, local business, diversity, and more.
Always Unleashed Pet Resort
Social Media Coordinator – May 2020 – present
§ Managed all posts and social media activity for the company. This includes
managing posts and content on Instagram, Facebook, and the company website.
Paradise Valley Community College Puma Press
Athletics Editor – January 2019 – May 2019
§ Monitored and supervised all story subjects and content included in the sports
section for the Puma Press school newspaper. Also covered several topics and
provided stories.

§ Proficient knowledge and mastery of AP Style techniques.
§ Creative writing abilities that pertain to press releases, client statements and
§ Ability to create visual graphics, video pieces and audio cuts from the Adobe
Software Suite.
§ Social media content management such as posts, captions and responding to
the audience.
§ News writing and reporting

Arizona State University – Walter Cronkite School of Mass Communication and
Public Relations (BA) – August 2019 – present
§ Currently achieving my bachelor’s degree with an emphasis in public relations.
Also studied broadcasting, communications and print reporting
Paradise Valley Community College
Associates in Arts (with distinction) August 2016 – May 2019
§ Studied a multitude of subjects including engineering, business, and


§ Frequent volunteer for Feed My Starving Children and the Arizona Animal
Welfare League


Phoenix, AZ – (480)273-7480 –

Dear Mike Phillips,

As a vibrant former resident of Scottsdale, I was enthralled to see your opening for the
Media Relations Strategist position for the city.

For the past two years, I have been deeply involved in my studies and extracurricular
activities at the Walter Cronkite School of Mass Communication and Journalism with a
goal to achieve my bachelor’s degree. Now that I am on pace to achieve and exceed
this goal, I believe that the skills I have learned will lead me to success in this position.
These mastered skills include media writing, pitch writing, building media relationships,
and original content creation.

Currently, I am the social media manager for a local pet resort called Always
Unleashed. For the past six months I have managed and created content on all social
media platforms, strategized posts, and overhauled the aesthetics of the social media
channels. While also completing this job, I have also managed to succeed at freelance
reporting for several outlets including AZBigMedia and the Downtown Devil.

I am a fiercely hardworking person and extremely creative with my approach to work. I

am up to date with all current trends and events happening within the city of Scottsdale
and plan on being a visual member in the community. Working in a compelling and
eccentric city will match perfectly with my creative outlook to this job.

I am looking forward to speaking with you and discussing my other qualifications for the
Media Relations Strategist position. I am available to converse at your soonest
convenience and will follow up in a few days to make sure my resume made it to you.

Thank you,

Michael Chirichillo

Speaking abstract

Winged Hope is Spreading its Wings and Flying Beyond other Nonprofits
Conference on Crimes Against Women
Over the past several decades, many great strides have been made toward
advocating for the victims of child abuse and domestic violence. Many great
organizations have stepped-in to help and changed the lives of the women and children
that have been mistreated by others. However, very few organizations are doing more
for these victims than the Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation.

Despite the struggles that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented to nonprofits,
Winged Hope has decided to reach an even greater amount of victims by expanding
into the San Francisco and New York City areas. These cities are in large need of
victim relief after spikes in domestic violence and child abuse during the pandemic.
Winged Hope is committed to bringing its advocacy efforts, training, and direct relief
efforts to these new areas without hindering their output in Phoenix.

It is important for donors, potential volunteers, and victims to be aware of Winged

Hope’s expansion into these new cities. CEO and Founder of Winged Hope Jessica
Nicely will touch on the importance of the expansion for the company and why it is
crucial for the public to be aware.

Specifically, Jessica will primarily speak to your audience about:

1. Why now is the best time for Winged Hope to expand outside of the
Phoenix area.
2. What type of programs and relief efforts the organization will be bringing to
the new cities.
3. How volunteers and donors have and will continue to play a crucial role in
the expansion of the company.
4. The three biggest challenges that the organization will be faced with
during the expansion.

Justification Summary

It is absolutely essential for any expanding businesses success to make the

public aware of their future presence in their area. However, Winged Hope only judges
our success by the amount of victims we can help. We want the public to be aware of
our organization not for our benefit, but for theirs. Our goal is to help as many victims as
possible, but we can only do this if the victims are aware that we can help them. The
volunteers to help these victims can only volunteer for us if they have heard of Winged
Hope. The donors can only donate their resources if they know of our resource to
donate to. Putting Winged Hope in the public eye will help bring the donors, victims, and
volunteers to do extremely special work that no other group can do.
Content Marketing Topic Creation

Industry: Professional motorsports, with a focus on sports entertainment.

Company: NASCAR, National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing
Executive: Jill Gregory, VP and Chief Marketing Officer of NASCAR
Publication to pitch: Motortrend
Suggested Content Topics:
● The Three Reasons 200 MPH NASCAR Race Cars are Safer than the Car in
Your Garage
● Find Out Why NASCAR is the Dominant Pro League for Diversity and Inclusion
in Sports
● Which 3 Diverse A-List Celebrities are Investing Big in NASCAR.
Social Media Planner: Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation
Content Repurposing

Tweet 1: Caption: “Daring leaders are those who consciously choose to see and
discuss openly the undercurrent of power in their organization.” See what it takes to
become a powerful leader
Tweet 2: Caption: Sharing equals strength. Discover how sharing your power in the
workplace will ultimately lead to more effective leadership. Link:
Tweet 3: Caption w/image: What are the three things that make a powerful leader in
the modern workplace? Find out here:

Potential Speaking Abstract

Title: Can Giving Up Your Power in the Workplace Make You a More Powerful Leader?

Description: With millennials beginning to acquire more distinguished jobs, there no

longer is a tolerance for an overbearing boss or all powerful leader in the workplace. A
new style of leadership of sharing power actually provides more efficient results and
earns executives more respect from their employees. This abstract would touch upon
the ways in which sharing power actually makes an individual a more effective leader.

Presentation Slides:
Group Work

This section of work examples were completed by my colleague Halle Dato

and myself. Present here are examples of media kits, content examples, in-
depth client analysis and client management.
Individual Bios

Michael’s version of Halle: Halle Dato is a premier student at the Walter Cronkite School of
Journalism and Mass Communication, where she is studying Public Relations as a major, and
Sociology as a minor. Prior to attending Arizona State, she graduated from Capistrano Valley
High School and was involved in several different activities such as the National Charity League
and participated in extracurriculars such as dance and being on the yearbook staff. Now at
ASU, she is involved in a national service sorority, Omega Phi Alpha, on top of her extraneous
Upon graduating, her talents in PR would suit best for the music, entertainment or
fashion industry as she is dedicated to building strong relationships with her colleagues and the
clients she works with. Dato’s passion and talent for writing and relationship building has put
her on a path for genuine career success in the PR industry and beyond.

Halle’s edits on herself:

Halle Dato is a premier student at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass
Communication at Arizona State University, where she is studying journalism and mass
communications as a major with a focus in public relations, and is pursuing a minor in sociology.
Prior to attending Arizona State, she graduated from Capistrano Valley High School in southern
California and was involved in several different activities such as the National Charity League
and participated in extracurriculars such as dance and being on the yearbook staff. At Arizona
State, she is involved in a national service sorority, Omega Phi Alpha, in addition to her studies.
Once she graduates, her talents in public relations would suit best for the music, entertainment
or fashion industry as she is dedicated to building strong relationships with her colleagues and
the clients she works with. Dato’s passion and talent for writing and relationship building has put
her on a path for genuine career success in the PR industry and beyond.

Halle’s version of Michael:

Michael Chirichillo is currently studying journalism and mass communications at The Walter
Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University, where he transferred via Paradise
Valley Community College. At Cronkite, he has learned and perfected his knowledge on the
basics of journalism techniques. He has also been able to further hone his craft by focusing
specifically on public relations. Once Chirichillo graduates this December, he hopes to become
a PR representative or agent for a professional sports organization, but is also interested in PR
opportunities present in the entertainment and fashion industries. Chirichillo is a talented writer
with a variety of interests and is sure to succeed in his professional endeavors.

Michael’s Edit:
Michael Chirichillo is currently studying Journalism and Mass Communications at the Walter
Cronkite School of Arizona State University, where he transferred via Paradise Valley
Community College. At Cronkite, he has learned to and continues to perfect his knowledge on
the basics of journalism techniques. He has also been able to further hone his craft by focusing
specifically on public relations and marketing. Once Chirichillo graduates this December, he
hopes to become a PR representative or agent for a professional sports organization, but is also
interested in PR opportunities present in the entertainment and fashion industries. Chirichillo is
a talented writer with a variety of interests and is sure to succeed in his professional endeavors.

Client Brief

● Mission Statement: Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation says that they serve the
public in three ways: “with direct victims services, by renovating and starting new Family
Advocacy Centers, and by providing training around the state.” They also “believe in
collaborating with other non profit organizations, government agencies, and the
community at large” to spread their message of hope and provide necessary services to
those who need them.

● Real-life internal and external policies

o Management
o Domestic violence victims

● Although COVID-19 has been a major issue for family abuse victims with people having
to stay home, Winged Hope Foundation has still been able to provide aid to hundreds in

SWOT Analysis

● Strengths: Warm and welcoming online presence. Reliable and Trusted amongst their
current community. Track record of helping 50,000 victims in Arizona.
● Weaknesses: Making their website more professional overall. Very small internal staff.
Social media reach is small.
● Opportunities: Growing their online presence. Modernizing social media and online
● Threats: Lack of donations. Lack of potential volunteers. Not enough awareness or reach
in new areas.

Audience (Public): Facts about who you want to reach.

● Past victims of family violence, generous and sensitive people. Ages 55 and above,
prominent neighborhoods in and around the areas of Phoenix, San Francisco, and New
● Donors and volunteers in the new areas that may want to get involved.

Brand Pillar:
o The brand pillar will be based upon family and come from the services that
Winged Hope provides. These services include assisting victims of domestic
violence and child abuse. The motto, “Spreading our Wings to more families,”
will be the focus for the brand pillar and will highlight the organization's efforts to
repair broken families along with expansion to new areas.


Media Events:

● Live Press Release: A media event that would allow journalists and interested parties to
attend and gain more information about Winged Hope’s expansion into the San Francisco
and New York markets. The main speaker from Winged Hope should be the CEO and
Founder Jessica Nicely, as this is the largest expansion in the organization’s history. She
will touch upon why the expansion is occurring, who they will aim to help, and why these
areas were selected. The press invited would be the local media outlets from Phoenix,
San Francisco, and New York.

Social Media:

● Facebook: This platform is already being used by the organization to highlight their
successes and raise awareness for upcoming events. Facebook also provides an easier
opportunity for direct donations from followers and holds a higher population of the
target donator audience.
● Instagram: Also is being used by Winged Hope currently but with a small following.
Increased efforts on this platform could lead to more donations from a younger audience.

● Paid advertising is not recommended for this organization. This is because Winged
Hope is a non-profit charity who’s resources are limited and go most toward their

● Several pieces of content marketing should be created for Winged Hope. These include
o Interviews and case studies with Winged Hope employees and beneficiaries.
o Overall video overview of the organization's goals, mission, and future ambitions
o Infographics and interactive visuals that highlight Winged Hopes wide
community impact


Priority List
Objective 1: Increase main website traffic by 10% by July 2, 2021. This can be achieved
by conducting a modernization to the website as well as a more friendly mobile site.
Also, making social media followers more aware of the site would lead to more traffic.

Objective 2: Increase donations by 5% overall by July 2, 2021. This would come in

cohesion with the website renovation as it would lead to easier methods of donating on
mobile phones or through other digital methods on the main website. Also, increasing
the amount of creative content pieces posted on social media would lead to more sharing,
awareness, and donations.

Objective 3: Increase event and virtual event registration by 20% by January 1, 2022.
Event registration is the highest level of donor engagement, and typically leads to
increased donations. Creating more awareness on social media, as well as making more
events attendable online, would branch into a younger audience of donors that may not
have been reached already.

Multimedia Infographic: Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation

Infographic Title: Spreading Our Wings To New Areas

Overall Key Findings - This report elevates the following findings
across all three forms of family violence. Key findings for each form
of abuse is summarized in pages that follow:
1. There are clear racial disparities across all three forms of family
violence; reported family violence disproportionately impacts
Black/African American and Latinx populations.
2. Family violence disproportionately affects women and children.
3. The use of weapons, especially firearms, in domestic violence
incidents is on the rise; there has been an increase in 911 calls
concerning weapons and multiple homicides related to firearms.
Between 2018 and 2019, there was a 44% increase in armed assailants
with guns.
4. There remains a significant need for shelter for survivors of family
violence in San Francisco: four out of five clients are turned away
from emergency shelter.
5. A decrease in domestic violence arrests is in direct correlation with
coronavirus lockdowns as victims are often quarantined with their
abusers; in New York City, the NYPD reported 3,822 domestic
violence arrests the month before quarantine began. Between March
and April, there were only 2,157 arrests.
Talking Points & Interview Brief

Topic of Interview:
○ The main topic of this interview is about Winged Hope wanting to expand their
philanthropy. They plan on having new locations in New York City and San
Francisco to help at-risk communities who have been affected by family violence
partially due to stay-at-home orders. Winged Hope will also be discussing how
they plan on doing that in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

● Name of the publication or media outlet

○ Alliance Magazine
● Name of the media contact doing the interview
○ Andrew Milner (
● Date, time (including time zone) and location
○ This interview will be on February 5, 2021 via Zoom at noon MST, which will be
7 p.m. in London where Andrew is located. The dial-in number is
● Brief bio of the media contact:
○ Andrew Milner is an associate editor at Alliance Magazine, a quarterly print
magazine that has in-depth feature stories dedicated to key aspects of global
● Links to previous interviews

Strategy of Interview:
○ Since Alliance Magazine is focused on sharing different news stories from around
the world, this is great for Winged Hope in terms of gaining more recognition for
their outreach as well as informing people across the world about the importance
of family crisis centers.
○ We chose our spokesperson to be Jessica Nicely, the CEO of Winged Hope,
because of the drastic size of the expansion for the company. This is the largest
expansion for the organization since it was created and the first time they will be
completing their nonprofit missions outside of Phoenix.

● Sample Questions:
1. Why specifically have you chosen to expand to New York City and San
2. How has Winged Hope stayed successful during a time when so many nonprofits
have been struggling?
3. What are going to be some difficulties with such a large expansion during
4. What exactly are you going to offer the communities you are growing into that
they don't already have?
5. How is Winged Hope going to perform this expansion without many permanent,
paid employees?
● Name of the spokesperson you’ve chosen from your client’s brand
○ We have chosen company Founder and CEO Jessica Nicely to be the
spokesperson for the clients brand. This is because she is the figurehead of the
company, has previously been the spokesperson for the foundation, and will have
the most information about the upcoming expansion.

● Talking Points:
1. Moving to areas with more people available to help, and more donors willing
to donate
San Francisco and New York City not only have some of the highest rates
of child abuse and domestic violence in the United States, but there is also
a high population of prominent charitable donors in each area. This will
provide Winged Hope with many more opportunities to perform the work
they are passionate about doing.
2. The ability to expand a nonprofit business during COVID-19, as so many
others are downsizing or shutting down
While many nonprofit businesses have struggled during the pandemic,
Winged Hope is in a position to expand and help more victims of child
abuse and domestic violence.
COVID-19 has increased the need for domestic violence and child abuse
victim relief, so now is the time that nonprofits relating to these topics
need to take action. Such as Winged Hope is doing with a massive
expansion to major cities affected by family violence due to COVID-19
stay-at-home orders.
3. The new media modernization of Winged Hope will bring more awareness to
the company and lead to more donations.
Website and social media overhaul will allow for people to donate quicker
and easier. This will be crucial to gain the financial support necessary to
complete the expansion and begin missions in the new cities, as well as be
more aesthetically pleasing.
New content and active social media will bring awareness to people in the
new cities Winged Hope is expanding into. This will also assist in
attracting younger donors to the company.
4. Notes about Collaboration
Halle began by identifying a good media contact that would portray our client and
our story in a positive light. After finding a journalist that had previously written articles
with topics similar, she decided on a good fictional time to have an interview with the
journalist and our client. Together we identified the main point of our interview, which
was to gain awareness for our clients upcoming massive expansion and media overhaul.
We also decided together that the best person to speak for our client would be the CEO.
From there, we talked over what our best main topic points would be to successfully get
our point across in the story. After determining the talking points, Michael analyzed what
questions the journalist might bring to our client so our client can be prepared. We then
came together to look over the entire brief, and were pleased with the results.

Media Kit:
“Spreading our Wings to New Places”


Est. 2013
About Us

Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation is a nonprofit organization in Phoenix, Arizona. For
the past eight years, this philanthropy has provided programs that focus on the prevention and
healing of family violence and related issues. Founded in 2013 by Jessica Nicely, an advocate for
child abuse prevention, Winged Hope has been able to serve and train over 50,000 people in
Arizona. The organization has also been able to renovate family advocacy centers to provide
victims and survivors a safe area with necessary resources for help. Winged Hope believes in
collaborating with other nonprofit organizations, government agencies and the local community
to help spread their message of hope, as well as continuing to provide services to those who need
them most.
With no paid staff, Winged Hope is able to accomplish all of their philanthropy through the help
of volunteers. In 2018, Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation was the recipient of the
Attorney General’s Arizona Crime Victims Rights Week Award for Service Coordination
because of how much they were able to accomplish through their philanthropy. In 2020, despite
the coronavirus pandemic, Winged Hope was able to serve close to the same amount of people
they did the previous year.

Executive Overview

Jessica Nicely, Founder/CEO
Linked In:

Jessica founded Winged Hope Family Advocacy

Foundation in 2013 in an effort to help survivors of child
abuse and domestic violence. Prior to starting Winged
Hope, Jessica is a graduate of Arizona State University.
Jessica has served as the spokesperson for several family
advocacy foundations over the last 24 years. For eight
years, Jessica volunteered on an Arizona Foster Care
Review Board and is a graduate of the FBI Citizens
Academy. Jessica regularly serves as an expert on child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence
and suicide at panel discussions and trainings throughout the state of Arizona. Jessica has also
been a spokesperson for Prevent Child Abuse America’s Arizona Chapter and is currently a
speaker for the Arizona Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Consortium. In 2019, she was
rewarded with the esteemed Beth McDonald Woman Of the Year Award, and in 2020 she was
awarded the Positive Paths Woman of the Year Award for her prolific charity work.
Fact Sheet
● Founded in 2013
● Board of Directors:
○ Jessica Nicely - CEO, Founder, Board Member
○ Joyce McLaren - Board President
○ Retired Commander David LeVoy - Board Vice President
○ Rebecca Hasulak - Board Secretary
○ Mike Garmone - Board Treasurer
○ Jaimelynn Kapileo - Board Member
○ Elan Morris - Board Member
○ Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Lee Pooley - Board Member
○ Steve Laureanti - Legal Advisor
● Youth Advisory Board:
○ Kylie Yanes
○ Sofie Nicely
○ Cameron Janda
○ Jessie Laureanti
○ Scarlett Camp

929 N Val Vista Dr, Gilbert, AZ 85234

Relevant Facts
● Winged Hope plans on expanding their philanthropy to San Francisco, California, and
New York City to help at-risk communities who have suffered from family violence
related to coronavirus stay-at-home lockdowns.
● Winged Hope has been able to serve and train over 50,000 people around the state of
● In 2018, Winged Hope was the recipient of the Arizona Attorney General's 2018 Arizona
Crime Victims' Rights Week Award for Service Coordination.

Contact Information
● Website:
● Email address:
● Social media handles/URLs
○ Facebook: Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation
○ Instagram: @wingedhope
○ Twitter: @WingedHope1
○ LinkedIn: Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation
○ YouTube: Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation

Case Study: Video + Written Portion


● Problem: A victim of domestic abuse (Allison) decided to seek help to escape her abuser
and better her life for her family and herself. After hearing about the Winged Hope
Family Advocacy Foundation through a close-watching family member, she decided to
reach out anonymously to Winged Hope.
● Solution: Allison goes to Winged Hope and receives necessary resources to get them out
of their abusive environment and ultimately change their life for the better.
● Results: Allison’s life is changed! She was able to become an independently successful
person free from domestic abuse.

Written Snapshot
● Problem/Challenge: Allison was a victim of domestic violence for two years now.
She was struggling in her personal and professional life and felt as though she had
nowhere else to go.
● Solution: When Allison came to Winged Hope, they welcomed her with open arms.
They were able to give me a safety plan for leaving my abusive relationship and once
I was able to do that, they still called to check in and make sure I was doing okay.
● Results: She doesn’t know where she’d be without Winged Hope. She is doing so
much better since coming to Winged Hope in her personal and professional life. Her
quality of life has improved significantly with the help of Winged Hope.

Collaboration Notes
For this assignment, Michael was in charge of editing the video portion together. He was able to
edit the video footage captured by Halle’s sister and made it look professional and presentable.
Halle was in charge of the written portion of this assignment and being responsible for answering
the questions in the video.
Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation Awards Proposal:
Award Organization Deadline Category Cost Notes

Support Stevie April 14, Support $ 500 Enter this

Awards Awards 2021 Team Of category if
The Year you wish to
some subset
of your entire
such as a
security, or
team, for
example. ...
and may be a
team or a
team that
only for a
specific task

Community Greater January 20, Small $0 This award

Impact Phoenix 2021 Business is a yearly
Award Chamber IMPACT award that
Awards showcases
that exceed
in the
sector of
highlights an
in which
work has
had an
large impact
on the
There is a
award for
which fits
Corporate St. Louis Feb 12, 2021 Innovation N/A “highlight
Philanthropy Business in companies
Awards Journal Philanthrop and
y organization
s who are
Award going above
and beyond
the standard
and are
evolve the
programs in
we live in”

Nonprofit of AZFoothills March 1, N/A $0 AZFoothills

the Year Magazine 2021 is a producer
Award of one of the
magazines in
Having an
the readers
of this
vote for what
they believe
to be the
non profit
in Arizona
for that year.
are featured.

Client Speaking Submission: Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation

Conference Parent Dates Location Cost Suggested Track Suggested
Name + Org. Speaker

Virtual End April Web $645 “Our annual conferences Jessica

Conference Violence 6-8 focus on sexual assault, Nicely,
on Sexual Against 2021 intimate partner violence, Retired
Women stalking, human Commande
Internation trafficking and elder r David
Domestic al abuse. We consistently LeVoy
Violence, bring together law
and enforcement personnel,
Trauma prosecutors, victim
and advocates, judges, parole
Resilience and probation officers,
rape crisis workers, health
care professionals, faith
community members,
educators, researchers and
others to effectively
respond to these crimes in
all of our communities.
THE National April Web $170 “The National Jessica
NATIONA Health 27-30 Conference on Health and Nicely
L 2021
CONFERE Resource Domestic Violence
NCE ON Center on (NCHDV), focuses on the
HEALTH Domestic intersections of health and
AND Violence domestic, sexual, and
DOMESTI intimate violence. This
C event highlights the latest
E research and promising
community, clinical,
https://ww advocacy and public
w.futureswi health practices to
thoutviolen advance the health care system’s response to
h/national- domestic and sexual
conference- violence, bringing
on-health- together the field’s
and- leading medical, public
domestic- health, and domestic
violence/ violence experts from
across the United States
and the world.”

Ignite Darkness to April Web $135 “The future of child Jessica

2021: End Light 27- sexual abuse prevention is Nicely
Child 29 collaborative – by
Sexual 2021 working together, we will
Abuse make a bigger impact. In
https://ww that spirit, Darkness to Light and the Moore
ational- Center for the Prevention
prevention- of Child Sexual Abuse
conference/ are teaming up to offer
their annual prevention
events, IGNITE 2021,
presented by MBF, and
Child Sexual Abuse: A
Public Health Perspective
together in a single event.
The collaboration will
expand the event to three
days bringing you even
more expertise, content,
and training.:

16th Conference May Web Free Jessica

Annual of Crimes 17-19 “CCAW is an annual Nicely
Conference Against conference that convenes
of Crimes Women the leading experts from
Against across the country to
Women educate and train first
responders and
community stakeholders
on best practices
regarding the
investigation, and
prosecution of crimes
against women. Offering
over 140 workshops, case
studies, and hands-on
computer labs, CCAW
creates an interactive
learning experience for
professionals to help them
best serve women in need
of their support.”

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