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BW School of Education Lesson/Learning Plan Template (Fall 2019)

I.  Subject: [English Language Arts] Topic: [Comparing a Historical Document and an Article] Grade
Level: [8] Date: [11/8/2019] Your Name: [Devyn Smith] (Note: * = Learning Segment)

II. Alignment to Standards:

A. *OLS/S: [RI.8.9: Reading Informational Text: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Analyze a case
in which two or more texts provide conflicting information on the same topic and identify where
the texts disagree on matters of fact or interpretation.]

B. *CCRS or Future Application(s): [Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics
in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.]

C. *2017 Ohio Learning Standards for Technology/ISTE Student Standards: [Develop criteria for
selecting digital learning tools and resources to accomplish a defined task.]

III. *Central Focus of the Learning Segment:

[Students will be comparing two texts and identifying the treatment being used by each text.
Dissecting both a historical document and an article understanding the main idea and authors purpose.]

 IV. *Learning Objective(s)/Target(s):

ABCD Format: [Students will read both texts with materials provided and be able to answer a
series of ten questions with 80% accuracy.]

V. Assessment/s (Note: Both the learning objective and summative assessment must be clearly aligned to
each other. All formative assessments must be aligned to the summative assessment.)
  A. Formative Assessments: (Note all forms of Checking for Understanding)
[For class discussion questions, students can volunteer and then I will ask class “thumbs up,
thumbs down with that one”. When going over the comprehension questions I will ask for student
volunteers to share their answer and ask the same “thumbs up thumbs down” to check for
[Before starting new activity, check to make sure all students are on the same track, “does
everyone feel okay about that? Thumbs up, down or in the middle.]
B. *Summative Assessment Description: (Include Scoring Criteria)
[Not applicable for this lesson]

 VI. Academic Language
A. *Language Function: [Apply, use and transfer previous knowledge and use new found knowledge
from pre reading to apply to discussion and comprehension questions.]
B. *Content vocabulary (vocabulary specific to this subject/discipline and the learning target):
Key Vocabulary: [Objective; balanced treatment presents all sides of a subject allowing readers to
draw own conclusion. Biased; one sided treatment. Broad Scope; treatment covers many topics. Limited
Scope; does not cover many topics, only select few. Loaded Words; words that evoke strong emotional

VII. Materials/Candidate Resources

Teacher: [pre read worksheets, copies of article and documents, comprehension worksheets and
end discussion guide sheet.]

Student: [scrap paper for answers, pencil/pen]

IX. PROCEDURES (Be explicit. List anticipated time for each step in the lesson from motivation/hook
through closure.)

A.     Motivation/Hook: [Greet class, introduce to them and read “Home on the Range” chorus to
transition into differentiating biased, unbiased and objective treatment.]

B.     Instructional Strategies: (For each instructional strategy/step, briefly describe what you, the
teacher, will do/say; what the student/s will be doing; learning theory connections; differentiation
strategies; and anticipated time.)

Teacher Student Theorist/ Differentiation Anticipated

Best Practice Strategies Time
[Home on the Range [Be attentive, ask [Auditory (VARK) [n/a] [5 minutes]
reading and questions if needed or Scaffolding (CT)]
discussion. The author volunteer to answer any
made the prairie seem questions that may be
like a paradise, he asked.]
gave us a biased
treatment or
[Read aloud both flyer [Follow along with [Make Connections [n/a] [10-12 min]
and Home, Sweet reading, volunteer to (CT)
Soddie.] read.] Auditory (VARK)
Bloom 2]
[Discussion questions, [Answer asked [Collaboration [Students will be [5-8 min]
number 1,2,3,4 and 6 questions, discus (Kohn) able to “think,
from Constructed different ideas with Make Connections pair, share to
Response worksheet.] myself and class. Work (CT) clear up any
with table mate to Bloom 3] confusion and ask
discuss some classmates for
questions/ideas.] verification.]
[Give instructions on [Independently answer [Bloom 3 &4 [Students are [8-10 min]
comprehension each question on Independent able to reference
worksheet. Be worksheet.] (Vygotsky)] back to readings
available for student and ask for help
questions.] from the teacher.]
[Go over each answer] [Share the answers they [BPK (CT) [n/a] [5 min ]
chose and give feedback Scaffolding (CT)]
to CFU.]
[Recap the main idea [Students can ask any [Bloom 3 [n/a] Closure:
of the lesson, questions at this point Formative [5 min]
comparing two then on a half slip of assessment]
documents for main paper, tell me what
ideas and to see objective, biased and
treatment used.] unbiased treatment is.]
Allow Mrs. Dancy to Remaining
step in, for weekly class time.
spelling words, etc.

C. Review/Closure of this Lesson:

[Recap of the purpose of today’s readings, finding main ideas and identifying biases and
comprehension of texts.]

X. REFLECTION (For 300- and 400- level courses only)

1. Were today’s learning objectives/targets met for individuals, small groups, and the whole class? How do
you know? Yes, the majority of the students answered the comprehension questions with 80%
accuracy, assessed by CFU. Most, if not all students answered the exit slip with no difficulty.

2. What would you do differently if you could teach the class again to the same students?
(This could include changes in the organization of the lesson plan; strategies used; use of
technology; use of differentiation; formative assessment/s; and closure). I would have altered
activities to be more interactive. Had students do some of the reading on their own or in small groups.

3. Based on your questions, checks for understanding, and assessment data/analysis, what will happen next
for the entire class and for specific groups/individuals in this class? Being that this is a mini lesson, the
next steps would be to move onto the next chapter or possibly include questions on the quizzes
based around biased, objective, etc.


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