NMR - General Idea of NMR Technology

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Innovative technology of remote sounding of the Earth

General Idea

A large number of different signals is obtained in the process of shooting. Signals

that are of interest to us representing the molecular structure of minerals are in the
infrared (IR) range. Their level is very low and can be captured only by analogue
In line with this, our task is to filter useful infrared range signals with the help of
resonance and, further, to subsequently visualize them (transfer of IR range signals into
the visible frequency range). The general diagram of this approach is shown in fig. 1
and fig. 2.

satellite photo

Radiation of
the sough-for

Fig. 1

Radio Infrared Optical Ultraviolet

waves rangeFig. 2 Range radiation

30 kHz 200 THz 400 THz 800 THz

The required Analogue infrared

frequency range satellite images

2. Resonance processing
1-2 of image

The required
Оptical Filters
Photographic film 3. Image visualization

1. Satellite
Optical filtration 4. Transfer of data onto a map

Fig. 2
Sequence of Works on Remote
Survey of Areas

1. Preparatory works

1.1. Ordering and receiving 1 2 N

analog infrared satellite . . 1
imagery survey territory

Fig. 3

1.2. Laboratory manufacture sputtering of gels Base № 1
of test gel wafers and reference

Fig. 4

Test wafer

Test wafer
Fig. 5

Further the test wafers are used as a resonator during radiation-chemical processing of analogue
satellite images of the territory obtained in the infrared range.

2. Identification of the Sought-for Objects
2.1. Radiation-chemical processing of satellite images in the presence of test gel wafers
in accordance with the patented technology

Satellite image Test wafer X-ray film Location map

Isotrope α + γ

Resonancе Result

Combined in a “sandwich” and placed in the IR-100 reactor zone

Visualization and
transfer of contours
Radiation and chemical processing of analogue of deposits onto a
satellite images map

Fig. 6

2.2. Chemical processing of exposed X-ray film

2.3. Visualization of the detected objects in high-tension impulse field

Visualization and Radiation and chemical

High-tension impulse voltage transfer of contours processing of analogue
of deposits onto satellite images
a map


Fig. 7

2.4. Detected object snap (fixation)

Transfer contours on the map

Contouring Depth calculation

Deposit of oil

Outcome – direction visualization of ground contours of deposits and calculation of

occurrence depths of their horizons.

3. Analytic data processing

Obtainment of deposit parameters:
- coordinates of ground contours of the detected deposits,
- number of horizons,
- occurrence depths of horizons and their thickness,
- reservoir rocks,
- inundation of horizons
- presence of gas caps and pressure in them.

4. Preparation and submission of report to the Customer

Location map making, contouring of deposits, calculation of expected reserves of
hydrocarbons, preparation of explanatory part of the report.
Technical implementation

Used physical effects

- Nuclear magnetic and paramagnetic resonance,
- Transfer of own spectral characteristics of samples of minerals onto test wafers,
- Electromagnetic object visualization.
Equipment and materials
- Special chemical laboratory,
- Isotrope source of α and γ radiation,
- Analogue satellite images of a survey territory
in infrared range,
- High-purity chemical reagents,
- High-sensitivity X-ray film.

Duration of the survey
(depending on the size)
From 1 to 3 months

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