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Policy & practice

Artificial intelligence in health care: accountability and safety

Ibrahim Habli,a Tom Lawtonb & Zoe Porterc

Abstract The prospect of patient harm caused by the decisions made by an artificial intelligence-based clinical tool is something to which
current practices of accountability and safety worldwide have not yet adjusted. We focus on two aspects of clinical artificial intelligence
used for decision-making: moral accountability for harm to patients; and safety assurance to protect patients against such harm. Artificial
intelligence-based tools are challenging the standard clinical practices of assigning blame and assuring safety. Human clinicians and safety
engineers have weaker control over the decisions reached by artificial intelligence systems and less knowledge and understanding of
precisely how the artificial intelligence systems reach their decisions. We illustrate this analysis by applying it to an example of an artificial
intelligence-based system developed for use in the treatment of sepsis. The paper ends with practical suggestions for ways forward to
mitigate these concerns. We argue for a need to include artificial intelligence developers and systems safety engineers in our assessments
of moral accountability for patient harm. Meanwhile, none of the actors in the model robustly fulfil the traditional conditions of moral
accountability for the decisions of an artificial intelligence system. We should therefore update our conceptions of moral accountability
in this context. We also need to move from a static to a dynamic model of assurance, accepting that considerations of safety are not fully
resolvable during the design of the artificial intelligence system before the system has been deployed.

in the absence of the latter, and vice versa. We do not consider

Introduction questions of law in this paper.
Recent research has demonstrated the potential to create In the past 50 years there has been a strong trend in phi-
artificial intelligence-based health-care applications that can losophy to think that making moral responsibility judgements,
reach or exceed the performance of clinicians for specific such as blaming and praising, is an inherently social practice.4
tasks.1 These applications could help to address major global These judgements express reactions such as resentment or
challenges, including shortages of clinicians to meet the de- gratitude for how we have been treated by others and whether
mands of ageing populations and the inequalities in access to this treatment corresponds to our interpersonal expectations
health care in low-resource countries. Health care, however, and demands.4 Many philosophers define two conditions for
is a complex, safety-critical domain in which technological a person to be morally responsible for an action: the control
failures can lead directly to patient harm.2 condition (control over the decision or action, where loss of
The prospect of patient harm caused by the decisions control is not due to recklessness) and the epistemic condi-
made by an artificial intelligence-based clinical tool is some- tion (sufficient understanding of the decision or action and
thing to which current practices of moral accountability and its likely consequences, where ignorance is not due to negli-
safety assurance worldwide have not yet adjusted. In this paper gence).5,6 These conditions can be traced back to the writings
we focus on two implications of clinical decision-making that of the Greek philosopher Aristotle in the 4th century BCE.7
involves artificial intelligence: moral accountability for harm to Failure to meet these conditions would excuse a person from
patients; and safety assurance to protect patients against such moral responsibility.
harm. Our central thesis is that digital tools are challenging the Numerous academic philosophers have written about
standard clinical practices of assigning blame, as well of assur- what constitutes relevant control or sufficient understanding
ing safety. We use an example from an artificial intelligence- in the context of moral responsibility.8 Nonetheless, when
based clinical system developed for use in the treatment of artificial intelligence systems are involved in the decision-
sepsis. We discuss this system’s perceived and actual benefits making process, it is uncertain how far it would be reasonable
and harms, and consider the moral accountability and safety to hold human clinicians accountable for patient harm. First,
assurance issues that arise from the perspective of both clini- clinicians do not exercise direct control over what decisions
cians and patients. We conclude with practical suggestions for or recommendations a system reaches. Second, many artificial
dealing with moral accountability and safety assurance in the intelligence systems are inherently opaque,9 so a clinician’s un-
use of artificial intelligence in health care. derstanding of precisely how the system translates input data
into output decisions is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.
Moral accountability
Many artificial intelligence systems in health care, includ-
Moral responsibility concerns, among other things, account- ing the system that we describe in this paper, are assistive
ability for one’s decisions and actions.3 We will use the terms systems. In such cases, human clinicians make the final deci-
moral responsibility and moral accountability interchangeably. sion about whether to act on the system’s recommendations.
It is important, however, to distinguish moral accountability In respect of this final decision or choice, human clinicians
from legal liability. Though closely related, the former can exist therefore meet the control and epistemic conditions men-

Department of Computer Science, University of York, Deramore Lane, Heslington, York YO10 5GH, England.
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford, England.
Department of Philosophy, University of York, York, England.
Correspondence to Ibrahim Habli (email:
(Submitted: 15 May 2019 – Revised version received: 7 January 2020 – Accepted: 9 January 2020 – Published online: 25 February 2020 )

Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:251–256 | doi: 251

Policy & practice
Artificial intelligence in health care: safety and accountability Ibrahim Habli et al.

tioned earlier. However, this final been only limited transfer of clinical de- blood pressure in sepsis is not appro-
choice is only half of the picture: the cision-making from clinicians to digital priate, and the balance of fluids versus
clinician cannot directly change the systems. Critical software functions have vasopressors to achieve it is still subject
system’s internal decision-making been tightly defined so that the software to debate.19
process once it is underway, and can- exhibits predictable behaviour, for ex- To help address the challenge of
not be sure that the software is reach- ample in controlling infusion pumps or optimizing treatment, researchers at
ing conclusions that reflect his or her pacemakers or in robot-assisted surgery Imperial College London have devel-
clinical intentions. The clinician also where the tools are under the direct oped the Artificial Intelligence (AI)
has epistemic uncertainty about how control of clinical professionals. These Clinician,20 a proof-of-concept system
the recommendation was reached. limitations have been necessary to en- that uses reinforcement learning to rec-
Furthermore, the choice to implement sure that qualified clinicians are able to ommend actions for the care of patients
the recommendations will be affected interpret dynamically complex variables fulfilling the third international con-
by wider structural and organizational related to patients and the clinical and sensus definitions for sepsis and septic
factors, such as the clinician’s workload social context. Artificial intelligence shock.16 As these patients have a 90-day
and the development of reliance on au- systems have shown the potential to im- mortality in the region of 20%, the
tomation.10 Assigning the final decision prove clinicians’ interpretation and the system’s software is trained on avoiding
to a clinician creates moral and safety subsequent decision-making process.13 deaths. The system analyses 48 features
dilemmas for them, as we discuss later The potential benefits of this capability, from an electronic patient record and
in the article. Delegating a part of the however, are offset by the widening of uses a Markov decision process to
decision-making process to artificial responsibility gaps and the additional simulate clinical decision-making, rec-
intelligence systems raises important risk of negative side-effects that are ommending doses of fluids and vaso-
questions about how far a clinician is inherent in health-care interventions.14 pressors in broad bands for each 4-hour
accountable for patient harm. In essence, the increasing of the scope window. Thus far, the system has been
and authority of digital health systems developed using retrospective data
Safety assurance is challenging existing safety assurance and is still being evaluated off-policy
practices and clinical accountability (without following its advice), but the
Safety assurance is concerned with
models.15 These safety assurance and developers envisage prospective trials
demonstrating confidence in a system’s
moral accountability challenges explain in the future. In the next two sections,
safety. Assurance of safety is commonly
some of the reluctance of safety-critical we illustrate key moral accountability
communicated through a safety case – a
industries, such as aviation and nuclear and safety assurance gaps introduced by
document written by the developers of
power to consider applications of arti- this type of artificial intelligence-based
the technology or service – which pro-
ficial intelligence. capability.
vides a reasoned argument supported
by a body of evidence. The safety case
explains why a system is acceptably safe
Example system Potential benefits and
to operate as intended in a defined envi- The example artificial intelligence harms
ronment. As emphasized by the Health system we consider here concerns the
Foundation,11 treatment of sepsis. Sepsis is “a life- AI Clinician offers recommendations
threatening organ dysfunction caused for personalized treatment based em-
by a dysregulated host response to pirically on the outcomes of thousands
“the act of establishing and docu-
infection”16 and has become a global of patients, without simply choosing an
menting a safety case helps expose
health challenge, overtaking myocar- arbitrary target blood pressure, in fact,
existing implicit assumptions and
dial infarction and stroke as a cause operating without any specific target
risk acceptance judgements. Having
of hospital admission, even in wealthy at all. It has been shown that human
documented a case, it becomes easier
countries.17 Sepsis may progress to septic clinicians can be distracted by compet-
to review the arguments, question the
shock, where intravenous fluids alone ing pressures at work and are subject
evidence and challenge the adequacy
are insufficient to maintain blood pres- to clinical inertia (keeping a treatment
of the approach presented. This
sure and vasopressor medications are unchanged despite changes in the pa-
creates greater transparency in the
required. Patients with septic shock have tient’s clinical picture).21 By contrast, the
overall process.”
a hospital mortality of over 40%, and are digital system is ever-vigilant, providing
usually looked after in a critical care or individualized recommendations every
As such, the safety case helps by making intensive care unit.16 Historically, the 4 hours. It is important to note, however,
an explicit statement of implicit under- standard treatment in critical care has that it is not clear that a physician’s in-
standing. Transparency in the design been to establish a target mean arterial ertia is always harmful in health care.
of artificial intelligence technologies, blood pressure (traditionally greater The Markov decision process is a math-
especially when the functionality is than 65 mmHg), administer fluids ematical model of outcomes which are
safety-critical, makes a safety case es- intravenously until no further improve- partly random and partly determined
sential for health-care applications.12 ment is seen (but usually a minimum by decisions made by the system along
To date, the combination of high of 30 mL/kg), and to start vasopressor the way. AI Clinician therefore ignores
risk of harm and strict regulation has medications if shock has not resolved previous states of the system when mak-
limited the scope and authority of digital thereafter. 18 However, it is gradually ing a decision and could potentially go
health interventions. There has therefore becoming clear that a single target for against usual clinical practice by recom-

252 Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:251–256| doi:

Policy & practice
Ibrahim Habli et al. Artificial intelligence in health care: safety and accountability

mending sudden changes in the doses of move away from giving fluids towards ably possible. However, the static nature
vasopressor drugs. use of vasopressor drugs) and in terms of most current safety cases does not
AI Clinician is an assistive tech- of new diseases and treatments that cope with the dynamic characteristics
nology and so the whole clinical task prompt questions about the meaning of of either clinical settings or machine
is not delegated to the system. The optimal care. The epistemic condition is learning. The adaptive behaviour of
final decision is made by the human further compromised by two features of artificial intelligence systems typically
clinician in charge of the patient’s care. the machine itself: its own partial inter- alters the clinical environment, thereby
Yet an important, cognitive part of pretation of the operating environment; invalidating the assumptions made
the decision-making task is delegated: and the opacity of many of its decisions in the safety case. 15 In addition, the
the interpretation of data. In transfer- even to the designers and users. intended function of an artificial intel-
ring even part of the decision-making ligence system is extremely diverse, and
process to a machine, the control and Clinician and patient only partially understood by everyone
epistemic conditions of responsibility perspectives involved, particularly the developers and
are weakened. the clinicians. The intended function
The control condition is further An integral part of any complex health- cannot therefore be fully represented
compromised as follows. The complexity care system is the implicit promise that in the concrete specification that is
of the clinical setting is determined by clinicians and health-care organizations used to build the system and which the
the sepsis itself, the presence of factors make to patients: to exercise good judge- system implements. The specification
such as new treatments, new diagno- ment, act with competence and provide (in our example, sepsis treatment in
ses, new bacteria and viruses, as well healing.22 Moral accountability helps to intensive care) is based on a limited set
as differences in patient care at earlier avoid professional complacency and of data points (vital signs and laboratory
time points. It is difficult, however, to it underpins the patient’s trust in the results). It is therefore much harder to
represent the clinical setting in the clinician providing care. Patients tend assure, through a static safety case, that
computational model during the design to believe that the clinician is acting the system’s specified function preserves
phase of the technology. Thus, the soft- towards them with goodwill. However, safety in all clinical scenarios in which
ware’s behaviour may not fully reflect goodwill is irrelevant, to the decisions it will operate. It becomes increasingly
the clinical intentions on the system, reached by a software program. If hard to assess the actual risk of harm
since it was not feasible to specify them human clinicians do not have robust to patients and this difficulty presents
completely. This issue is currently dealt control and knowledge of an artificial an epistemic challenge to the safety
with by ignoring aspects of the process intelligence system’s recommendations, engineer. The difficulty of mitigating the
(for example, by limiting the number of then it would be reasonable for a patient actual risk of harm to patients presents a
inputs of information compared with to want to know why those recommen- control challenge to the safety engineer.
those received by human clinicians). But dations were followed. From a technical engineering per-
there may be unintended consequences. We can describe the artificial intel- spective, consideration of the safety of
For example, insensible losses of fluid ligence system as only advisory and artificial intelligence is often limited to
cannot be electronically recorded, which expect that accountability is thereby robustness: the properties of the system
could lead to the machine suggesting secure, because human clinicians still that might reduce its performance and
more fluids are needed when a clini- make the final decision. However, this availability, but not necessarily lead to
cian can see that the patient is already action potentially results in a dilemma patient harm.23 An example is model
waterlogged. Furthermore, the machine with two equally undesirable choices. overfitting, where the predictive model
may interpret the data in a way that does Either clinicians must spend the time fails to generalize beyond the set of data
not reflect the human clinician’s reason- to develop their own opinions as to the from which the model was derived.
ing as to what is most important in the best course of action, meaning that the Technologists often fail to trace the
context. For example, a clinician might artificial intelligence system adds little impact of these technical properties on
choose to ignore a highly anomalous value; or clinicians must accept the patient harm; for example, how biases
blood test result that could have been advice blindly, further weakening both in the artificial intelligence training data
due to an error in blood sampling, test the control and epistemic conditions of could compromise the safety of diagno-
processing or result transcription. moral accountability. The same dilemma sis in certain minority communities.
With respect to the epistemic affects safety assurance, as it becomes
condition, it is difficult to understand impossible to assure the system in isola-
what constitutes best practice in the tion, because the system being assured
The way forward
treatment of sepsis in hospitals, for now includes the clinician. Determining where moral account-
several reasons. First, there are a variety In the absence of a clinician’s direct, ability lies in complex socio-technical
of approaches used by clinicians to treat deliberate control over the recommen- systems is a difficult and imprecise task.
sepsis. Second, there can be differences dations reached by an artificial intel- One of the important current debates in
in practice between clinicians (who set ligence system, and given the opacity of patient safety is how to balance account-
a general overview of the care plan) and many of these systems, safety assurance ability across individual clinicians and
nurses (who are responsible for minute- becomes increasingly important to both the organizations in which they work.24,25
by-minute changes in care). Third, is clinicians and patients. Safety assurance We argue for a need to include artificial
the fact that best practice changes, both provides grounds for confidence that intelligence developers and systems
in terms of an evolving understanding the patient safety risk associated with safety engineers in our assessments of
of optimal treatment (for example, the the system remains as low as reason- moral accountability for patient harm.

Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:251–256| doi: 253

Policy & practice
Artificial intelligence in health care: safety and accountability Ibrahim Habli et al.

Meanwhile, none of the actors in the and morally justifiable before a digital do this we need an understanding of
model robustly fulfil the traditional system has been deployed, and in what how clinicians, patients and the artificial
conditions of moral accountability for context. intelligence systems themselves adapt
the decisions of an artificial intelligence Moral accountability and safety their behaviour throughout the course
system. We should therefore update assurance are continuing issues for of their interactions. ■
our conception of moral responsibility complex artificial intelligence systems
in this context. We also believe in the in critical health-care contexts. As such, Acknowledgements
need to move from a static to a dynamic it will be important to proactively col- This work is supported by the Assuring
model of assurance, accepting that con- lect data from, and experiences of, the Autonomy International Programme,
siderations of safety are not fully resolv- use of such systems. We need to update a partnership between Lloyd’s Register
able during the design of the artificial safety risks based on actual clinical Foundation and the University of York,
intelligence system before the system practice, by quantifying the morally England.
has been deployed.26 This shift should relevant effects of reliance on artificial
include some consensus as to how much intelligence systems and determining Competing interests: None declared.
weakening of control, and what level of how clinical practice has been influ-
epistemic uncertainty is acceptably safe enced by the machine system itself. To

‫ املساءلة والسالمة‬:‫الذكاء االصطناعي يف الرعاية الصحية‬
‫ يوجد بخامتة‬.‫ تم تطويره لالستخدام يف عالج اإلنتان‬،‫االصطناعي‬ ‫إن احتامل حدوث رضر للمريض نتيجة للقرارات التي يتم‬
.‫الورقة اقرتاحات عملية لطرق امليض قدما لتخفيف هذه املخاوف‬ ،‫اختاذها بواسطة أداة رسيرية تعتمد عىل الذكاء االصطناعي‬
،‫نحن ندافع عن احلاجة لتضمني مطوري الذكاء االصطناعي‬ ‫هو أمر مل يتم بعد ضبط ممارسات املساءلة والسالمة بالنسبة له‬
‫ يف تقييامتنا للمساءلة األخالقية جتاه األذى‬،‫ومهنديس سالمة النظم‬ ‫ نحن نقوم بالرتكيز عىل جانبني من الذكاء‬.‫يف مجيع أنحاء العامل‬
‫ ال تفي أي من اجلهات‬،‫ ويف نفس الوقت‬.‫الذي يلحق باملريض‬ ‫ املساءلة‬:‫االصطناعي الرسيري يتم استخدامهام لصنع القرار‬
‫ بشكل فعال بالرشوط التقليدية للمساءلة‬،‫الفاعلة يف هذا النموذج‬ ‫األخالقية عن الرضر الذي يلحق باملرىض؛ وضامن السالمة حلامية‬
.‫األخالقية عن القرارات التي يتخذها نظام الذكاء االصطناعي‬ ‫ تتحدى األدوات التي تعتمد عىل الذكاء‬.‫املرىض من هذا الرضر‬
‫ جيب علينا حتديث ما لدينا من مفاهيم بشأن املساءلة‬،‫وبالتايل‬ ‫االصطناعي املامرسات الرسيرية القياسية اخلاصة بتوجيه اللوم‬
‫ كام نحتاج كذلك إىل االنتقال من نموذج‬.‫األخالقية يف هذا السياق‬ ‫ األطباء البرشيون ومهندسو السالمة لدهيم‬.‫وضامن السالمة‬
‫ وقبول أن هذه االعتبارات‬،‫استاتيكي إىل نموذج ديناميكي للتأكيد‬ ‫سيطرة أضعف عىل القرارات التي توصلت إليها أنظمة الذكاء‬
‫اخلاصة بالسالمة ليست قابلة للحل بشكل كامل أثناء تصميم نظام‬ ‫ كام أن لدهيم معرفة وفهم أقل لكيفية وصول أنظمة‬،‫االصطناعي‬
.‫ قبل نرش هذا النظام‬،‫الذكاء االصطناعي‬ ‫ نقوم بتوضيح‬.‫الذكاء االصطناعي بشكل حمدد إىل هذه القرارات‬
‫هذا التحليل من خالل تطبيقه عىل مثال لنظام يعتمد عىل الذكاء‬

医疗保健中的人工智能 :问责制和安全性
基于人工智能的临床工具所做的决定可能会对患者造 最后对如何缓解这些担忧提出了切实可行的建议。我
成伤害,而目前世界范围内的问责和安全实践尚未对 们认为十分有必要让人工智能开发人员和系统安全工
此作出调整。我们重点关注人工智能制定临床决策的 程师参与我们对患者伤害的道德问责评估中。同时,
两个方面问题 :对患者造成伤害的道德问责 ;以及安 模型中没有任何参与者可以很好地满足人工智能系统
全确保保护患者免受此类伤害。基于人工智能的工具 决策中道德问责的传统条件。因此,我们应该在这方
正在挑战追究责任和确保安全的标准临床实践。临床 面更新我们的道德问责观念。我们还需要从静态的保
医生和安全工程师对人工智能系统做出的决策的控制 障模式转变为动态的保障模式,尽管部署人工智能系
力较弱,在人工智能系统如何准确地做出决策方面的 统之前,人工智能系统设计过程中安全方面的顾虑尚
知识和理解水平也较低。我们通过一个用于治疗败血 未完全解决。

L'intelligence artificielle en soins de santé : responsabilité et sécurité
La perspective que les décisions prises par un outil clinique basé sur l'intelligence artificielle à usage clinique : la responsabilité morale des
l'intelligence artificielle puissent porter préjudice aux patients est un préjudices aux patients, et la garantie de sécurité pour protéger les
concept dont les bonnes pratiques de responsabilité et de sécurité patients contre de tels préjudices. Les outils fondés sur l'intelligence
actuelles ne tiennent pas encore compte à travers le monde. Nous artificielle remettent en cause les pratiques cliniques conventionnelles
nous concentrons sur deux aspects qui caractérisent les décisions de d'attribution des responsabilités et de garantie de la sécurité. Les

254 Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:251–256| doi:

Policy & practice
Ibrahim Habli et al. Artificial intelligence in health care: safety and accountability

décisions formulées par les systèmes d'intelligence artificielle sont de des systèmes dans notre évaluation de la responsabilité morale des
moins en moins soumises au contrôle des médecins et spécialistes préjudices causés aux patients. Car pour l'instant, aucun des acteurs
de la sécurité, qui ne comprennent et ne maîtrisent pas toujours les impliqués dans le modèle ne remplit pleinement les conditions
subtilités régissant cette prise de décision. Nous illustrons notre analyse traditionnelles de responsabilité morale pour les décisions prises par
en l'appliquant à un exemple de système d'intelligence artificielle un dispositif d'intelligence artificielle. Dans ce contexte, il est donc
développé dans le cadre du traitement des infections. Le présent essentiel revoir notre conception de la responsabilité morale. Nous
document se termine par une série de suggestions concrètes servant devons également passer d'un modèle de garantie statique à un modèle
à identifier de nouveaux moyens de tempérer ces inquiétudes. Nous de garantie dynamique, et accepter que certains impératifs de sécurité
estimons qu'il est nécessaire d'inclure les développeurs à l'origine ne puissent être entièrement résolus durant l'élaboration du système
de l'intelligence artificielle ainsi que les spécialistes de la sécurité d'intelligence artificielle, avant sa mise en œuvre.

Искусственный интеллект в сфере здравоохранения: прозрачность и безопасность
Вероятность причинения вреда пациентам в результате демонстрации такого анализа авторы приводят пример
принятия решений с помощью клинических инструментов, системы на основе искусственного интеллекта, разработанной
основанных на использовании искусственного интеллекта, для использования при лечении сепсиса. В конце документа
пока что не учитывается в нынешних мировых практиках приводятся практические предложения по решению этих
обеспечения прозрачности и безопасности. Авторы уделяют проблем. Авторы настаивают на необходимости включения
особое внимание двум аспектам применения искусственного разработчиков искусственного интеллекта и инженеров систем
интеллекта в клинической практике для принятия решений: безопасности в процесс оценки моральной ответственности за
моральной ответственности за вред, причиненный пациентам, и вред, причиненный пациенту. Между тем ни один из участников
обеспечению безопасности для защиты пациентов от такого вреда. модели полностью не удовлетворяет традиционным условиям,
Инструменты, основанные на использовании искусственного предъявляемым к моральной ответственности за решения,
интеллекта, бросают вызов стандартной клинической практике принимаемые системой искусственного интеллекта. В связи с этим
распределения ответственности и обеспечения безопасности. необходимо пересмотреть понятие моральной ответственности
Лечащие врачи и инженеры по технике безопасности имеют в данном контексте. Требуется также перейти от статической
небольшое влияние на решения, принимаемые с использованием к динамической модели обеспечения гарантий, признав, что
систем искусственного интеллекта, и не обладают полными невозможно полностью учесть соображения безопасности
знаниями и пониманием тонкостей процесса принятия решений при разработке системы искусственного интеллекта до ее
системами искусственного интеллекта. С целью наглядной развертывания.

La inteligencia artificial en la atención sanitaria: responsabilidad y seguridad
La perspectiva de que los pacientes sufran daños a causa de por las ejemplo de un sistema de inteligencia artificial desarrollado para su uso
decisiones tomadas por un instrumento clínico de inteligencia artificial en el tratamiento de la sepsis. El documento termina con sugerencias
es un aspecto al que todavía no se han ajustado las prácticas actuales de prácticas sobre las vías de acción para mitigar estas preocupaciones.
responsabilidad y seguridad en todo el mundo. El presente documento Se sostiene la necesidad de incluir a los desarrolladores de inteligencia
se centra en dos aspectos de la inteligencia artificial clínica utilizada para artificial y a los ingenieros de seguridad de sistemas en las evaluaciones
la toma de decisiones: la responsabilidad moral por el daño causado a los de la responsabilidad moral por los daños causados a los pacientes.
pacientes y la garantía de seguridad para proteger a los pacientes contra Entretanto, ninguno de los actores del modelo cumple sólidamente las
dicho daño. Las herramientas de inteligencia artificial están desafiando condiciones tradicionales de responsabilidad moral por las decisiones
las prácticas clínicas estándar de asignación de responsabilidades y de de un sistema de inteligencia artificial. En consecuencia, se debería
garantía de seguridad. Los médicos clínicos y los ingenieros de seguridad actualizar nuestra concepción de la responsabilidad moral en este
de las personas tienen menos control sobre las decisiones que adoptan contexto. También es preciso pasar de un modelo de garantía estático
por los sistemas de inteligencia artificial y menos conocimiento y a uno dinámico, aceptando que las consideraciones de seguridad
comprensión de la forma precisa en que los sistemas de inteligencia no se pueden resolver plenamente durante el diseño del sistema de
artificial adoptan sus decisiones. Este análisis se ilustra aplicándolo a un inteligencia artificial antes de que el sistema sea implementado.

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