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The German Catholic Settlers

of Adams County, Indiana,
Bosse, Brake, Colchin, Fullenkamp,
Gass, Gast, Gillig, Hagedorn,, Knapke,
Kurber, Mescher, Melbers, Miller,
SpOler, Starost, Tettmann, Tonneflier,
Vogelwede and Wanstrath

Angela M. Quinn and Lori A. Brubaker

Table of Contents
Abreviations and Spellings 6
Sources Examined 7
Introduction 9
Wehrle and Holthouse Wedding Picture 21
Ancestors of Frances V. Holthouse Wehrle 14
Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse 22
Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse 49
Descendants of the Mescher Sisters 66
Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families 81
Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer) 88
Descendants of Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Testing" 97
Descendants of Joseph Starost 103
Descendants of George Spuler, I 107
Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger Family 117
Biographies 124
Catherine Bosse 124
Johann Herm Bosse 124
Conrad Brake 125
Lori Anne Brubaker 125
Gerhard Nicolas Fullenkamp 126
Martin Francis Gast 127
Johan Bernd Holthaus 128
Anthony Bernard Holthouse 129
Arthur Roland Holthouse 129
Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr. 130
Frances Virginia Holthouse 131
Photo of Virginia Holthouse with Husband 131
John Henry Bernard "JB" Holthouse 132
Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Teting" 133
Angela Marie Angie" Quinn 134
Johann "John" Tonnellier 134
Johann Gerhard Heinrich Vogeiwedde 135
Family Photographs 136
ADDENDA - Wanstrath 142
Addenda and Errata 161
A 163
B 164
C 164
D 165
E 165
F 166
G 166
H 166
J 167
K 167
L 168
M 169
N 169
O 172
P 172
Q 172
R 172
S 173
T 174
V 174
W 174
Z 175
q,'-# , p, V)

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A Note From the Authors AC- "(a/a

5p- 5, At le
When writing a genealogy, one must ask the question, " Where do I
begin?" As we began compiling the history of our mothers - Rita Jane l it
Wehrle Quinn and Barbara Ann Wehrle Brubaker - we decided that the focus
for this project would be their mother: Frances Virginia Holthouse
This book includes all of the information we have found thus far on
Grandma's ancestors, descendants, and cousins. Little did we know how big
this would become. Arc
We are now asking a second question, "Where does it end?"

Lori Brubaker
Angie Quinn
July 1994

For More Information...

We are by no means claiming this as a complete and perfect work.

There are definitely holes in the tree and, more than likely, a few
errors. We have, however, done the best we could with the information we
had available to us. Now, we plan the second edition. Please, send us any
information you can to help make our next project more complete, as well
as, more accurate.
Included in this book, you will find a Genform. This is a form that
we created to help organize our information until we were ready to enter
it into the computer. Please feel free to copy Genform to send us
information or for your own personal use.
We would also like to invite you to feel free to contact us with any
questions you may have on information left out of this edition. We will
continue to collect data and if you just cannot wait for the next
edition, then go ahead and contact us personally. If we don't have the
information ourselves perhaps we can help you find it or help you to
contact someone who can find it for you.

Write to: Lori Anne Brubaker Angie Quinn

13913 Ella Blvd. #412 347 W. Suttenfield St.
Houston, TX 77014 Fort Wayne, IN 46807
Or Call: 713 - 873 - 7062 219 - 745 - 3217

Wouldn't you just love to have your own copy of this amazing book?
You can! Just send $10.00 to Angie Quinn at the address above.
Abbreviations and Spellings


b. - born
m. - married
d. - died
+ - married
sp.- spouse

pars. - parents
bap. - baptism date
gdpts. - godparents
wits. - witnesses

Co. - county
Twp. - township

gen. - genannt (German): also known as

modo - (Latin) commonly known as
nee - (French) born


BOke - Boeke
Bersenbriick - Bersenbrueck, Bersenbruck
OsnabrUck - Osnabrueck, Osnabruck
Klaphdke - Klaphoeke, Klaphake
Holthouse - also spelled \ Hollthuss, Holthaus, Holthuiz, and so on.
Mescher - also spelled Metzger, Mesker, Meske,

NOTE- Spellings for the same individual sometimes varied from

document to document. We have tried to use the most common form when
possible. Some variations are used to show ancestory, ie.; Hollthuss,
becomes Holthaus, becomes Holthouse; this is the sequence in the records
from Bersenbruck.
Sources Examined

U.S. Census - 1840-1900 Adams County, IN

- 1840-1860 Mercer County, IN
- 1850-1880 Decatur County, IN

County Records - Adams County, IN and Mercer Co., OH

-Births; marriages; deaths; estates
-Naturalization records

Church Records - Births; baptisms; marriages; deaths; burials

St. Mary of the Assumption - Decatur, IN
St. Augustine - Fort Wayne, IN, found under
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception - Fort Wayne
St. Boniface - Neuenkirchen, Niedersachsen
St. Vincentius - Bersenbruck, Niedersachsen

Cemeteries - Salem; St. Joseph; Decatur; all in Adams Co.

Family Histories-
- 1945 Family Tree, by Sr. Mary Grace Holthouse
- Knapke, by Luke Knapke
- Spuller
- Wanstrath
- Descendant outline of Anthony Holthouse, by Marilyn

US Archives - passenger lists; civil war veterans and pensions

Newspapers - Fort Wayne News Sentinel

- Decatur Daily Democrat

Local Histories-
- 1979 History of Adams County, IN
- Liwwat Boke, ed. by Luke Knapke 1987, Minster
Historical Society, Minster,OH
- Quellen zur Genealogie im Landkreis Saarlouis
and angrenzenden Gebieten, Band 2, Die Einwohner
von Felsberg vor 1850, by Walter Oehling (1992)
Saarlouis. (The Residents of Felsberg before 1850)
includes the Tonnellier, and Colchin families.
- Tonnellier Family History, Martina Barker Aldred
- Colchin Descendants, Bob Langenhorst

Photographs - Album of Frances Virginia Holthouse Wehrle

Personal Contacts:
-Margret von der Haar, Bersenbruck
-Luke Knapke, Minster, OH
-Marilyn Holthouse, Camarillo, California
-Steve Gass, Decatur
-Bob Langenhorst, Michigan
-Rosemary Rumschlag Westrick, Fort Wayne
Sources Examined (continued)

-Pat Rumschlag Holthouse, California

-Nancy Holthouse Lichtle, Decatur
-Martina Barker Aldred, Louisville, KY
-Bill Wanstrath, Enochsburg,IN
-Raymond Gase, Florida
-Margaret Colchin, Fort Wayne
-Molly Costello, Fort Wayne
-Dorothy Elizabeth Holthouse, Tallahassee, Florida
-Mary Grace Holthouse Taylor, Bishop, CA

and, last but not least, our "Dutch Uncle"

Joseph Miller, a fifth step-cousin on the Colchin side!

QUESTION: When is a Family tree more than a collected listing of

related individuals?
ANSWER: When the roots of that tree are intertwined with the
collected history of a geographic region, or community.

According to an article by Lawrence Beckmeyer (1979 History of Adams

Co., IN, pp.264-65) the first German Catholic settlers in Decatur, and
Washington Twp. included: "Henry Dierkes, Henry Minter, Joseph Smith,
Bernard Holthouse, George Fettick, John Mueller, George Spuller, Anthony
Kohne, John Closs and Henry Will." They were joined by several more
families by 1850, including Bosses, Brakes, Tonnelliers, Tettmanns,
Colchins, Meibers, and Vogelwedes.
The story of the Holthouse family is central to the story of these
early settlers. Bernard Holthouse was one of seven children who
emigrated to the United States from the village of BersenbrUck, in the
District of OsnabrUck in the modern state of Niedersachsen (Lower
Saxony), Germany. Three of his sisters and their families soon joined him
in Decatur, including Marianne Tettmann, Margaret Bosse, and Mary
Catherine Vogelwede. By 1865 these four families had produced 24
offspring, the majority remaining in the Adams County area, and raising
their famiies.
These children, and grandchildren, and descendents have been active in
the social, cultural and political life of Decatur; holding public
office, developing business, participating in fraternal and social
organizations, and even providing local entertainment (the Bosse Opera
House, etc.).
The story of the Holthouse family is also the story of Bersenbruck,
and those who emigrated from the lowlands of northwestern Germany to the
rich farmland of northeastern Indiana and northwestern Ohio. The wife of
Bernard Holthouse was Johanna Catharine Mescher, also of BersenbrUck, and
one of four sisters who settled in this area. She was joined by her twin
sister, Mary Elizabeth Fullenkamp; and their sisters Maria Catherina
Gertrude Hagedorn, and Anna Margaretha Knapke.
Others who emigrated from Bersenbruck, or its neighboring villages
and settled in the Adams County area include: Brakes, Meibers, Dierkes,
Boekes, Lienesches, Meyers, Hackmans, Klaphakes, and Kohnes.

While researching the Holthouse story, the co-authors were sometimes

perplexed by two questions: Why did people leave BersenbrUck in large
numbers between 1830 and 1860?; and Why did these emigrants settle ,ir1
Adams Co. and Mercer Co.? The answer lies in the story of Bersenbruck
itself, described briefly below.
BersenbrUck is l ocated about 15 miles north of the city of
Osnabruck. It is a lowland area, similar to the Netherlands, with
windmills, canals, and dikes designed to keep the land from being washed
away by the North Sea. It lies north of the Mittelland Canal, which
provides drainage for much of Niedersachsen State. The land saved from
the sea is rich farmland, and has been in cultivation for centuries.
Osnebrikk was at the center of the Archbishopric Principality of
OsnabrUck, an elector state of the Holy Roman Empire. It was ruled by the
Archbishop at Osnabruck, and was feudal in nature, with Churches and
Introduction (continued)

Monastic Orders controlling most of land. It became partially secularized

and placed under the control of Hannover in 1648, at the end of the
Thirty Years War.
In 1803 Hannover was taken over by Prussia, which was then defeated
i n 1806 by the French Army, under the command of Napolean. BersenbrUck
was included as part of the French Empire until 1815, when it, and all of
the former principality of OsnabrUck was returned to Hannover. A copy of
the marriage record of the grandfather of Decatur settler Gerhard Meyer
is in the possession of the co-authors (courtesy of Joseph Miller). It is
from Ankum church, three miles from BersenbrUck, and the document is
l egalized under the Code Napolean (the Law of the French Empire). Thus,
during a period of less than two hundred years, BersenbrUck was invaded,
traded and otherwise saw changes in the rulership no less than five
times. Bernard Holthouse's father, Johan Bernd Holthaus, was born in the
Archbishopric Principality of OsnabrUck. Bernard was born in the French
Empire, and his younger sisters were born in Hannover. The final irony is
that when, in 1836, Bernard emigrated from BersenbrUck, he left the
sovereignty of King George V, who also happened to be the King of Great
Northern Germany was largely Protestant, and the only sizable
Catholic population was in the OsnabrUck area. The Catholic populace lost
some stability when the Archbishopric Principality was dissolved, and
placed under rule of a Protestant king.
Life in BersenbrUck was still very feudel in nature during the early
nineteenth century. Much of the land was still held by a few people, or
the church, (including the monastary at BersenbrUck, built in the
thirteenth century) and many residents did not own the land that they
worked. Additionally, the inheritance laws did not allow family lands to
be divided, so that only one child (usually the oldest son, see note
below*) inherited the farm. Other children were left landless. The
combination of these two factors created a population of - Heuermanner",
landless men who worked the lands of others, or looked for employment far
from the village. Many of the men in BersenbrUck traveled the thirty
miles to Holland to work in the flax and linen weaving industry,and many
families soon depended on jobs in Holland as their main income.
In about 1830 the linen industry soured. Luke Knapke writes:

Starting about 1830, handwoven linen could no longer compete with

machine woven linen and cotton. At about this time, Holland no
longer required large numbers of migrant workers. The poor were
reduced to desperate conditions. As Liwwat said, We were starving."
Furthermore, under the feudal system children were locked in the
class into which they were born. All of this contributed to the
emigration of large numbers of these humble people..."
(Liwwa Bake, p.7).

Many families in the Bersenbruck area were left with few options,
and many began to look toward the United States as a place to begin
again. A large portion of these chose northeastern Indiana and northwest
Ohio, due to the factors described below.
The Treaty of Greenville (1795) opened up land in the Northwest

Introduction (continued)

Territory, southeast of a line from Fort Recovery, Ohio. The land north
of this line remained in Indian control until about 1830, when it was
opened for settlement. Land was offered by the U.S. government for $1.25
per acre.
According to Luke Knapke, Franz Joseph Stallo, a native of the Damme
in Oldenburg (about eight miles from BersenbrUck) arrived in Cincinnati
in 1831 or 1832, and collected a group of settlers to go north to this
new territory. They settled Stallostown, which soon was renamed Minster,
in Auglaize County, Ohio. Stallo wrote to many of his former family and
neighbors in the Neuenkirchen area, and encouraged them to emigrate to
this newly opened territory (p.10). It can be assumed that the
Holthouses, and other BersenbrUck area families heard of these
settlements, and available land, either while still in Germany or when
they arrived in Cincinnati.
Land in Adams County also became available as Treaty lands were
given up by the Indians. However, in Northern Indiana, Jean Baptiste de
Richardville, chief of the Fort Wayne area Miami tribe, determined that
individual families of Miami and other tribes should receive Lands
(Treaty of St. Mary's , Ohio -1818). Parts of Adams County were
purchased from the Wyandot Tribe in 1818, while a large portion of St.
Mary's Twp. was purchased from the Rivarre Family in 1833 by the Ewing
Brothers of Fort Wayne. The Ewings were able to purchase 1,285.63 acres
for $1.87 per acre. They then divided this into lots for sale. Similar
l and deals were struck throughout Northeast Indiana until the remaining
Native Americans were forced to leave the area. The Ewing Brothers of
Fort Wayne were again involved, serving as Indian Agents and amassing a
great fortune as they led the Miami and other tribes to Oklahoma. (1979
HIstory of Adams County, pp.45 54, also several books on the Ewings are

available in many libraries).

Stallo, Bernard Holthouse, and other early settlers from the
BersenbrUck area found land similar to their own native soil in Adams and
Mercer/Auglaize County.( Mercer was part of Auglaize County originally,
and was later divided.) The land was deeply forested, flat and sometimes
on the swampy-side, not very different from the lowland areas of Northern
Germany and Holland. Drainage efforts in the Wabash and Maumee Valleys
were not completely successful until the beginning of the twentieth
century. In Adams County, the Holthouse Creek drained much of Kirkland
and Washington townships, making land farmable. It was petitioned and
maintained by Peter Holthouse.
Thus, the availablity of land, settlement of other "Plattdeutsk"
from the BersenbrUck area, and similarities in the geography made Adams
and Mercer counties an attractive destination for the emigrants from
BersenbrUck. For the Catholic settlers there was also the additional
factor of a growing Diocese, based first at Bardstown, KY, then
Cincinnati, and eventually into the structure of today. A mission was
established to Decatur from St. Augustine (FW Cathedral) as early as
1 838.

*NOTE* - In the BersenbrUck area, a daughter was allowed to inherit the

family lands if there was no male heir. Also, landless men had great

Introduction (continued)

difficulty marrying because of the land-laws. If a landless man found a

potential bride who had inherited the family land, he could then marry
her. However, land and inheritance laws both ordained that the farm would
retain the original name, and all children of the marriage would take the
name attached to the land. Thus, when the landless Johannes Bernd
Sandbrink married Maria Catherine Stolle, he became known as Bernd
Sandbrink modo Stolle. His daughter Anna Maria Catharina Henrietta was
given the last name of Stolle, which she kept until marrying Johan Bernd
Hollthuss/Holthaus. Other examples include Johan Herm zu Hoene who took
the Mescher name.


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HANNOVER - Heavy black arrow points to BersenbrUck, OsnabrUck.

Lohne (121/2)

Bersenbriiek (6) Wenstrup (31/2)

Bieste (2'4) Nellinghof (2'4)

Alfhausen (4'/4) Kloster
Lage (2)

V6 .rcien (21/2)

Map shows some places in north Germany

named in this volume.
The number after a place name shows the
approximate miles from Neuenkirchen,
Liw•at's home town in Oldenburg.

Distance map to local villages from Liwwa. BOke.

Osnnbriick (16)
Ancestors of Frances V. Holthouse Wehrle

Johan Hart Bernd Holthaus/Hollthuss

Johan Bernd Holthaus 1772 - 1840
1812 - 1810 m Oct 15, 1611 in Osnabruck
99 4 m Sep 9, 1831 in Ft. Wayne, IN Anna N. Stolle
1787 - 1840
John Henry Bernard "JB Holthouse
1855 - 1915
m 1880
Johann Herman zu Hoene
Johanna Catharina Hescher 1765 - 1819
1813 - 1868 r Jan 22, 1799 in Osnabrueck
Maria Catharina Gertrud Nescner
1782 - 1841
Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr.
1884 - 1923
in May 27, 1912 in Decatur, IN
Nr. Gast
Martin Francis Gast
1826 - 1865
3 c C t Jan 7, 1850 in Louisville, KY Mrs. Gast
Mary S. Gast
1857 - 1896
Johann 'John' Tonnellier
1Catherine Tonnellier 1198 - 1876
i1825 - 1905 r Jul 1, 1820 in Alsace-Lorraine
Barbara Coichin
/ at 1191 - 1831
(Frances Virginia Holthouse
1915 - 1991
t No 21, 1940 in Ft. Wayne, IN

Joseph Starost

John Henry Starost

1865 - 1930
Sep 24, 1889 in Decatur
Martin Darius
!Wary Eva Darius
Maria Darius

Alta Nary Starost

1890 - 1965

George Spuler, II
Anthony Spoiler 1181 - 1811
1831 - 1900 r ABOUT 1820 in Switzerland
r Oct 18, 1855 in Ft.Wayne, IN Mary Anne Steigteyer
1801 - 1877
Eva Miranda Spuller
1864 - 1941
Charles Kurber
Nary Louisa Kurber 1805 - 1845
1835 - 1903 ABOUT 1832 in Kulsheim, Baden
Mary Eva Gillig
1806 - 1885
1 I Ancestors of Frances V. Hoithouse Wehrle r
U1 L

Gerd Henrich Hollthuss

r Jan 1765 in Bersenbrueck Church

Johan Herr Bernd Holthaus/Hollthuss

1772 - 1840
r Oct 15, 1811 in St. Vincentius, Bersenbruck, Osnabruck

211 Anna Maria Hussmann

Johan Bernd Hoithaus

1812 - 1870
r Sep 9, 1837 in Cathedral, Ft. Wayne, IN

Joannes Bernd Sandbrink

t Jan 24, 1714 in St. Vincentius, Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck

Anna Maria Catherine Henriette Stolle

1787 - 1840

Maria Catharine Stolle

Ancestors of Frances V. Holthouse Wehrle
j [

Bernd von Hoene


Johann Herman zu Hoene

1765 - 1819
m Jan 22, 1799 in St. Vincentius, Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck
75() Catharine Aleid

Johanna Catharina Kescher

1813 - 1868
m Sep 9, 1831 in Cathedral, Ft. Wayne, IN

Herren Mescher

r No 10, 1711 in St. Vincentius, Bersenbrueck, Osabrueck

Maria Catharine Gertrud Mescher

1182 - 1841

2 Maria Gertrud Ihye(n)

Ancestors of Frances V. Holthouse Wehrle

Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

C. Tonnellier, (Kueffer, Tonnily) 1653 - 1128
1690 - 1768
m Jun 18, 1714 in Freistroff Johanna V. (Roche, Vacher, Vauche)
Johann Adolf Tonnellier
1729 - 1806
m ABOUT 1160 in Alsace-Lorraine
Franz P. (Bautry,Contrit,Puntrich)
Anna Maria Pontry 1660 -
Elizabeth Wirbel

Peter Tonnellier
1761 - 1834
m Jan 10, 1186 in Felsberg, Gernany

J. (D ilcont,Le Compte) "der Junge"

1689 - 174 3

'Maria Capitaine
1132 - 1806

Anna Katharine Haas

1692 - 1780

Johann 'John . Tonnellier

1198 - 1816
• Jul 1, 1820 in Alsace-Lorraine

Peter Ludwig Doute

1134 - 1110
m in bedersdorf?

Katharine Dutt
1762 - 1828

Wilhelm Beck
1100 -
r in Kerlingen
Elizabeth Beck
1128 - 1181

Elizabeth Schroeder
1100 -
Ancestors of Frances V. Holthouse Wehrle

Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Teting"

1600 - 1614

Nikolaus Colchen gen. Nigono (Kolchen gen. Morr)

1640 - 1110

Maria Schneider
- 1674
Nikolaus Colchen
1611 - 1140
m Jul 6, 1100 in Teting

Christina Bred

Nikolaus Colchen
1701 - 1140

Johann Henriquelle

Anna Maria Henriduelle

1664 - 1140

Christine knor
I 1 I
1-1 I Ancestors of Frances V. Hoithouse Wehrle

George Spuler, I
- 1840

(George Spuler, II
11781 - 1871
1m ABOUT 1820 in Switzerland

Anthony Spuller
1831 - 1900
m Oct 18, 1855 in Ft.Wayne, IN

Mary Anne Steigmeyer

1801 - 1877

WEDDING: (left to right) Robert Wehrle, Mary Grace Holthouse, Frank
- • Frances Virginia Holthouse. Paul Anthony Wehrle, Lois Starost,
and Clarence Holthouse, Jr.
Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

, 44
1 Gerd Henrich Hollthuss

. +Anna Maria Hussmann m Jan 1765 in Bersenbrueck Church

.15.i 2 Johan Herm Bernd Holthaus/Hollthuss b Jul 8, 1772 in Hastrup, Parish Bersenbruck, Osnabruck d Dec 11,
1840 in Hastrup, Bersenbruck, Osnabruck

.(t7( +Anna Maria Catherina Henrietta Stolle b Feb 14, 1787 in Hastrup, Bersenbruck, Osnabruck m Oct 15, 1811
in St. Vincentius, Bersenbruck, Osnabruck d Dec 7, 1840 in Hastrup, Bersenbruck, Osnabruck

3 Johan Bernd Holthaus b Aug 5, 1812 in Hastrup, Parish Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck d Oct 26, 1870 in
Washington Twp, Adams Co., IN

. +Johanna Catharina Mescher b Feb 15, 1813 in Hertmann/Quadenort, Bersenbrueck,Osnabruck m Sep 9, 1837
in Cathedral, Ft. Wayne, IN d Feb 21, 1868 in Washington Twp., Adams Co., IN

A.2(;) . 4 Wilhemina Catherine Holthouse b Dec 25, 1838 in Washington Twp, Adams Co, IN d Sep 5, 1864 in Adams
▪ • +Conrad Brake b 1826 in Hanover, Osnabruck m Jan 29, 1859 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN d Oct 20, 1910
in Decatur, IN

6e21. . 5 Mary Catharine Brake b Sep 1, 1860 ' )I

' "1 ; 4to

# 0
▪ . 5 Christina Katherine Brake b Jan 19, 1862 J• `JAN ‘ / ?r3

. . . . +Maxmillian Gerard b in Ashendorf, Germany m May 7, 1884 in St. Mary's Decatur, IN

..... Fred Gerard

. • 6 Marie Gerard
/\ ?
. 6 Minnie Gerard

. . . . 6 Helen Gerard

. . 6 Emilie Gerard

. .MY(
. . . 6 Margaret Gerard

. . .MITA . 6 Roman Gerard

. . . 6 Carl Gerard

,r;7 1./
....... 6 Marcus Gerard

....... 6 infant Gerard

1 II
.3 Co.,IN -4. / '"
. . . 5 Elizabeth Cecilia Brake b Jun 26, 1864 in Adams Co.

Includes Holthouse, Vogelwede, Bosse, Tettmann, Wanstrath, Overmann,

and also Brake, Conter, Meyers.

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

....... +Henry Francis Costello m Jun 4, 1890 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. r?r 6 Mary Agnes Costello b Apr 1, 1891

......... +Cletus P. Meacham

/ (9 C.• Daniel Costello b Nov 1, 1896


6 Francis Raymond "Pat" Costello b Jun 14, 1901 CI /1-14-1 7


+Mary Thomas h
7 Thomas Costello

7 Joseph Costello

........... +Catharine Costello

........... 8 Molly Costello

........... 8 Patrick Costello

.A l . 4 Peter Holthouse b Oct 25, 1841 in Washington Twp, Adams Co., IN d Nov 1, 1912 in Decatur, IN

. +Mary Closs b 1838 in Adams Co., IN m Nov 5, 1874 in St. Mary's,Decatur, IN d Jul 17, 1893 in Adams
Co., IN

. . . 5 Gertrude Holthouse b 1878 in Adams Co.,IN d Aug 28, 1966 in Decatur,IN

. 14 ,3.). 5 Helena "Lena" Holthouse b Jul 7, 1879 in Adams Co., IN d Feb 8, 1974 in Decatur,IN

1 4
./). 1 . 5 Anthony Bernard Holthouse b Sep 17, 1883 in Adams Co.,IN d Jun 24, 1952

9 +Amelia Weber b Jul 18, 1886 in Adams Co.,IN m Apr 17, 1917 in St. Mary's,Decatur IN d Aug 13,

/ /?‘i 6 Virginia Gertrude Holthouse b Dec 2, 1919

6 Mary Adeline Holthouse b Sep 12, 1923

/2 4 Anthony Bernard Holthouse b 1844 in Decatur, IN d Dec 31, 1907 in Jonesboro, AR

. . +(see ANTHONY descendants)

4 4 Henry Gerhard Holthouse b Jun 10, 1848 in Washington Twp, Adams Co, IN d Sep 2, 1871 in Adams Co.,

I '
. . 4 Catharine Holthouse b 1851 in Washington Twp, Adams Co, IN ; '


Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. +Herman H. Brake b Apr 14, 1847 in Sersenbrueck, Hanover, Osnabrueck m Jun 6, 1876 in St. Mary's,
Decatur,IN d Sep 2, 1909 in Decatur, IN

. . 5 Wilhelmina Brake b in Adams Co.,IN

....... +Charles Ephraim Brown b in Chicago,IL m Aug 22, 1903 in St. Mary's, Decatur
V . ,
.0?). 5 Herman C. "Harmon - Brake II d in Cincinnati3OH t>4: 1

+Mary Brake

• . 5 Mayme Brake a

• .. 5 Louise Brake d in Cincinnati, OH

....... +Mr. Teculva

/ e''
L4/:—. 5 John Edward Brake b ABOUT 1881 d Mar 12, 1945 in Cincinnati, OH

+Mary Brake b 1878 in Cincinnati, OH d Mar 6, 1914

4 .
. 5 Bernard M. Brake b AB OUT 1890 in Adams Co, IN d May 1, 1957

....... 6 June Brake

221.) . 4 John Henry Bernard -

.113 - Holthouse b Feb 27, 1855 in Adams Co., IN d Jan 23, 1915 in Decatur, IN
.• . .
30C +Mary S. Gast b Apr 23, 1857 in Louisville, KY m 1880 d Dec 22, 1896 in Decatur, IN

▪ . 5 Louis Anthony, Holthouse, Sr. b Jul 6, 1882 in Decatur, IN d Dec 24, 1958 in Decatur, IN
▪ .. +Mary C. "May" Niblick b Mar 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN m Sep 5, 1907 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d
Apr 14, 1959 in Decatur, IN

/.1. 9 C? v . 6 William Holthouse h d

..... +Helen Weiland

. 6 Rosemary Holthouse b Sep 30, 1911 in Decatur, IN

?1: +Harold Grant

. 6 Patricia C. Holthouse b Jun 30, 1913 in Decatur, IN 4/, a, /9,V

. . +William Gass m Dec 31, 1932 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

▪ . . 7 Steve Gass

......... 7 Anne Gass

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

7 Sarah Gass

. 6 Louis Anthony "Jack" Holthouse b Jul 10, 1918 in Decatur,IN

il Y 64 . +Rosemary Fullenkamp

. 5 Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr. b Dec 12, 1884 in Adams Co., IN d Aug 14, 1923 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . .Yr, . +Alma Mary Starost b Aug 17, 1890 in Decatur, IN m May 27, 1912 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d Nov
28, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

....... 6 Evaline Mary Holthouse b Apr 26, 1913 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1, 1924 in Decatur, IN
.)'. . 6 Frances Virginia Holthouse b Aug 2, 1915 in Decatur, IN d Mar 20, 1991 in Ft. Wayne, IN

/ .*
+Paul Anthony Wehrle, Sr. b Aug 23, 1915 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Nov 21, 1940 in St. Joseph's, Ft.

. . ; .

Wayne, IN d Aug 27, 1988 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.1 /.. . 7 Rita Jane Wehrle b Feb 22, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. +Robert William "Bob" Quinn, Jr. b Nov 2, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Apr 20, 1963 in St. John the
Baptist, Ft. Wayne, IN

............. 8 Angela Marie "Angie" Quinn b Feb 25, 1964 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. +Don Nicholas "Nick" Keirn b Apr 17, 1952 in Laud, IN m May 24, 1986 in
Unitarian-Universalist Mtg. House, FW d Oct 13, 1991 in Van Wert Co., OH

............. 9 Pauline Elizabeth "Polly" Quinn b Jan 10, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

........ 9 Jacob Nicholas Aidan Keirn b Dec 23, 1991 in Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 Gregory Robert "Greg" Quinn b Apr 16, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . . . . . +Susan Bennett m May 28, 1994 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I 11 y

U 5./.
:-- .'. . 8 Jeffrey Michael "Jeff" Quinn b Jul 14, 1966 in Ft. Wayne, IN
............. +Carmen Cortes m Apr 6, 1991 in Homewood, Il
/1. tr fee%
............. 9 Ellen Ashley Quinn b Sep 27, 1992 in Park Forest, IL

............. 9 To be Announced b Jan 1995

........... 8 Daniel Charles "Danny" Quinn b Apr 9, 1968 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........... 8 Katharine Ann "Katie" Quinn b Oct 31, 1970 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. +Daniel Dee Dixon b Mar 20, 1969 in New Haven. IN m in Courthouse, Ft.Wayne, IN

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

............. 9 Danielle Nicole Dixon b Oct 22, 1989

............. 9 Jessica LeAnne Quinn b Mar 21, 1992

........... 8 Elizabeth Joanne "Betsy" Quinn b Mar 19, 1979 in Ft. Wayne, IN

......... 7 Michael Paul Wehrle b May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN d May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN

7 James Richard Wehrle b Mar 7, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Mar 8, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN
7 Barbara Ann Wehrle b Jun 1, 1946 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Sr. b Aug 21, 1941 in Hollidaysburg, PA m Feb 17, 1968 in St. John the
Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

/. . 8 Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr. b Oct 19, 1968 in Valparaiso, IN

. . . . . 1„:„, . . +Lynda Marie Sowers b Jul 6, 1970 m May 23, 1992 in Indian Oak Inn, Chesterton, IN

. . . .... 8 Lori Anne Brubaker b Sep 19, 1969 in Bremen, IN

........... 8 Michael James "Mike" Brubaker b May 1, 1971 in Valparaiso, IN

. . . . 7 Paul Anthony "Pauli" Wehrle, Jr. b Jun 14, 1948 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........... +Sally Green m Aug 1981 in at home, Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 Damien Tristan Green b Feb 4, 1973 in Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 Nathan Etienne Wehrle b Jan 21, 1984 in Fort Wayne, IN

......... 7 Kathleen Jo Kathy - Wehrle b Jan 21, 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........... +Terry John Cunningham b Jul 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne m Dec 6, 1969 in St. John the Baptist,
Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 John Edward Cunningham b Jul 8, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 Benjamin Joseph "Ben" Cunningham b Jul 27, 1972 in Agana Heights, Guam, US territory

........... 8 Matthew James "Matt" Cunningham b Sep 23, 1975 in Port Smith, VA

........... 8 Katheryn Joan "Kate" Cunningham b Jul 10, 1978 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . . . . . 7 Jon Thomas Wehrle b Dec 2, 1954 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........... +Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Wiltshire b Jan 23, 1957 m May 12, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 Samuel Jon Wehrle b Jun 17, 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN


Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

........... 8 To Be Announced b Jul 1994

....... 6 Dorothy Elizabeth "Betty" Holthouse b May 4, 1917 in Decatur, IN

4a . . . 6 Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr. b Oct 15, 1919 in Decatur, IN d Feb 7, 1972 in Palo Alto, CA

......... +mildred Rich m Apr 21, 1948 in Clark Co., WA

....... *2nd spouse of Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr.:

......... +Lillian J. Stewart b May 12, 1913) m May 7, 1971 in Reno, NV)

. /. 6 PC. 6 Mary Grace Holthouse b Jul 26, 1922 in Decatur, IN

0 T +Glenn Taylor b Aug 14, 1922 in Bishop, CA m Jun 29, 1946 d Jan B, 1986 in Bishop CA

......... 7 Steve Taylor b Sep 18, 1944

......... 7 Allen Taylor b Jan 16. 1947

7 Bruce Taylor b Sep 13, 1952

. . . . 5 Nary Catherine Holthouse ay 1, 1887 in Decatur, IN d Aug 20, 1918 in Decatur, IN

....... +Robert McMahon "47 ./it'n

. . 5 Anthony Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN

. . . . 5 unnamed child of J. and M.S. Holthouse b Dec 29, 1989 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN
. .t,t./. . 5 Frances Cecilia Holthouse b Feb 26, 1891 in Decatur, IN d Jun 17, 1908 in Decatur, IN
. 5 Felix William "Hap" Holthouse b Jul 21, 1893 in Decatur, IN d Feb 19, 1973 in Hollywood, Florida

. /W). . +Winifred Burk m Sep 8, 1916 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. 6 Catharine Burk Holthouse b May 23, 1918 d in Pennyan, NY

. 6 Martha Jane Holthouse b,Jan 17, 19201

........... +Charles Clefton Combert b in Louisville, KY

7 Craig Combert

7 Chris Combert

. . . . . . . +Nancy Kalleber
. . . . . 6 Elizabeth Anne Holthouse b Jun 23, 1922)

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

" 3 c3 +Warren Bryant m in Sarasota, Florida
r ,
............ 7 Warren Bryant, Jr.

........... +Brenda Bryant

... 7 Keith Bryant

..... +Patti Fox

v, 7 Kevin Bryant

6 -1 a
. ..4 . 5 Catherine Gertrude "Sr. Mary Grace" Holthouse b Dec 6, 1895 in Decatur, IN

. . . *2nd spouse of John Henry Bernard "J8" Holthouse:

+Mary T. Reuland b ABOUT 1868 in Sauk Co., WI m JO ,
15 1898 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d Dec 18,
1953 in Decatur, IN

.G.. 5 Jesse Barbara Holthouse b Jul 19, 1899 in Decatur, IN d Jan 12, 1991 in Decatur,IN

. . +John H. Brunton m Oct 4, 1920 in Notre Dame, IN

. 11.. 5 John Bernard Holthouse II b Jan 31, 1901 in Decatur, IN d Apr 5, 1967 in Decatur, IN

V P). . +Ida Meyer b Jan 9, 1902 m Jan 20, 1920 in St. Mary, Decatur,IN d Feb 28, 1981

. . . . . 6 Catharine Mary "Snook" Holthouse b May 18, 1920 in Decatur, IN

1 +Bernard Hain

/4 17
. . . . . 6 Barbara Jane "Jane" Holthouse b Jul 23, 1921 in Decatur, IN
+Mr. Neuman

..... *2nd spouse of Barbara Jane "Jane" Holthouse:

...... +Fred Schumm

. 6 John Bernard "Brud" Holthouse III b Jan 24, 1923 in Decatur, IN

+Patricia Rumschlag 19

. 6-().V 5 Henry Charles Holthouse b Sep 17, 1902 in Decatur, IN d Mar 16, 1903 in Decatur, IN
. . . . 5 Margaret Agnes Holthouse b Jan 26, 1904 in Decatur, IN d Sep 21, 1985 in Decatur, IN

‘S. . 5 Hugh Aloysius "Spitty" Holthouse b Apr 17, 1906 in Decatur, IN d Mar 3, 1972 in Decatur, IN
. .

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. +Jeanette Clark b Apr 18, 1905 m Jan 30, 1937 in Notre Dame, IN d Dec 14, 1981
. 11 0. 5 Helen ElizabetK)Holthouse b Feb 8, 1908 in Decatur, IN

71/ 4 +Hugh Kent

. . *2nd spouse of Helen Elizabeth Holthouse:

....... +Kenneth C. Thompson m Oct 3, 1969 in St. Gertrude, Chicago, IL

. . *3rd spouse of Helen Elizabeth Holthouse:

....... +Mr. ? m ABOUT 1980

. . 5 Maria Louisa Holthouse b Aug 25, 1910 in Decatur, IN d May 4, 1912 in Decatur, IN
. . . . 5 Robert Joseph Holthouse b Oct 1, 1913 in Decatur,IN

+Doris Kirk m Nov 26, 1936 in Milwaukee, WI d May 26, 1989

. . *2nd spouse of Robert Joseph Holthouse:

....... +Margaret Fulton

. *2nd spouse of Johan Bernd Holthaus:

. . . +Anna Rolth)Brake b Jan 27, 1824 m Oct 13, 1868 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d Aug 12, 1872 in Adams
Co., IN

3 /4 ; )
. 3 Johan Herm Theodor Holthaus b Mar 24, 1814 in Bersenbrueck d Sep 18, 1814 in Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck

31 -
1 1. 3 Catharina Grethe "Margaret Holthaus b Mar 4, 1816 in Bersenbrueck d 1902 in Decatur, IN

4 . +Johann Herm Bosse b'feb15, 1817 in Westrup, Ankum Parish, Bersenbrueck m Jul 13, 1844 in
Bersenbrueck, Hanover, Osnabrueck d 1899 in Adams Co.,IN

. . 4 Mary Bosse b ABOUT 1846 4

q e/. 4 1. +Joe Smith m Feb 4, 1897

0.1°A (:) 7 Margaret Smith

h .) . +Frank Lose

5 42 . 6 Richard Lose

. JC;
. . 6 Phyllis Ann Lose

. . . 6 Thomas Lose


Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

7777 6 Barbara Lose

n -3. 4 Catherine Bosse b 1846 d 1909 d 4

4? /. +Louis A. Conter b 1841 m Sep 25, 1863 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN d 1891

1 j
42CP. 5 Rosetta Conter b Apr 18, 1883 d ,

+Harry Fritzinger

. . . 5 Margaret Conter b Sep 29, 18837.)

-.0"' •

114' t"
. . . . 5 John Conter b Aug 22, 1879

. . . . 5 Francis Edward "Frank" Conter b Apr 2, 1872

. . 5 Mary Bertha "Mayme" Conter b Jan 10, 1877 d Jun 29, 1951

9 7 !-W +Harry Fritzinger b May 8, 1883 d Oct 29, 1955

....... 6 Catherine Fritzinger

......... +Richard Dick - Steele

17 C-)6.-) 7 5 Herman Henry Louis Conter b Aug 18, 1867 d Jan 16, 1944

. . +Dorothy "Doll" Corbin b 1867 d 1939 in Shelbyville, IN

: 0 19 q . 6 L. France Conter

................................. +Georgia Vachon

......... 7 Gloriann Conter

.C)./P. 5 Flora Maria "Florence" Conter b Oct 7, 1874 d Oct 24, 1957 (i)

/ LP. +Anthony Arnold

• 6 Helen Arnold

6 Florian Arnold

......... +Ms. Rhodes

.c) 5 Maria Antoinette "Anita", "Arnetta" Conter b Oct 7, 1869 .,/ 7 17/

. . . . 5 Alfred Conter b 1882 — 1t.

Francis Bernard Frank - Bosse b Oct 14, 1849

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. /. c1.7 +Elizabeth Schathe

.71 ) .' . 5 Herman Bosse /kr(fr-• 9
+Blanch Dutcher

- 2
j °. 4 . 5 Hilda Bosse got)

,( 4
s ! +Harry Burke d in Lima, OH

( /
2 1. 5 Edna Bosse [2] l el

( . +William Meyers [1]

............ 6 Joseph Meyers /q—Yrc)

37:c 1 . 6 Mary Meyers

....... 6 John Max Meyers 9 ,1 '71

6 Caroline Meyers d 1943

. ... . 5 Loretta M. Bosse b 1890 in Adams County

Alt? +John H. Noonan b ABOUT 1871 m Oct 12, 1911 in St. Rose, Lima OH d 1934 in Decatur, IN

4 C ,
....... 6 John Joseph Noonan ., P /

.. . 6 Rose Rita Noonan

+Robert Wolfcale

. 6 William Edward Noonan b Nov 26, 1914 in Lima, OH

+Rosalia A. Miller b Jun 8, 1922 in Adams co.,IN m Jun 29, 1959 in St.MAry, Decatur, IN

......... 7 Dennis Noonan b 1958

......... 7 James E. Noonan b 1959

......... 7 Thomas G. Noonan b 1960

............. 7 Kenneth B. Noonan b 1961

......... 7 Kevin P. Noonan b 1965

J./Eq. . 6 James Francis Noonan b ABOUT 1914 -- / VI

:71 1. 9\ . 6 Cecilia Noonan b Jun 17, 1916 “ „of

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

76 . . . 5 John Bosse

ft.? ? 1 ,

5 Lawrence Bosse

John Henry Bosse b Mar 24, 1852

Maria Anna Cecilia Bosse b Nov 18, 1855 was d

John William Bosse b Sep 6, 1858

fag/, +Rosa Durkin

. . . 5 Leona Bosse

.444. a . 47( +Ray Kohne m in Decatur, IN

[A.6 f) . 6 Robert Kohne

.7. 1PfAj 7. 6 Rose Marie Kohne

Vf.o 6 Catherine Kohne

•. . . 5 Jerome Bosse /J -C.? Y..,

C?.. 5 Edmund Bosse

t7 ;44' . +Laura Lauby

.3.1 . 6 Thomas Bosse 0 1934

. . 74)7 . ' 6 William Bosse

. Y. 7.0 Y : 6 John Julian Bosse

. . . 4 Anna Bosse b Nov 15, 1858 d Sep 17, 1881

0 L.)
. . 3 Anna Maria Gertrud Holthaus b Nov 14, 1817 in Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck d in Enochsburg, IN
. +Heinrich Wanstrath b Mar 1808 in Bersenbruck, Osnabrueck d Jul 11, 1879 in Enochsburg, Franklin Co.,

VI. 4 Elizabeth Wanstrath b Jan 13, 1841 in Enochsburg ► IN d Oct 20, 1902

. . 4 Katherine "Kate" Wanstrath b Apr 2, 1842 in Indiana d Nov 3, 1927 in Enochsburg -, IN?

. +Henry Dwenger b Feb 20, 1846 m Oct 26, 1869 in Enochsburg, IN d Aug 7, 1927 in Enochsburg, IN

. . 5 John Henry Dwenger b Sep 26, 1862

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

+Elizabeth Zerbes m in Joliet, IL

6 Leola Dwenger d Nov 1960

+Alexander Butcher b in Joliet, IL

*2nd spouse of Leola Owenger:

+Charles Lacchio b in Joliet, IL

6 Linus Dwenger d in in War

. . . . 5 Bernard Joseph Dwenger b Jan 1, 1871

. . . . 5 Theodorus Wilhelmus Dwenger b Sep 10, 1874 d Apr 15, 1944 in Amble, IN

........ +Lena Brost b Nov 4, 1884 m Feb 7, 1906 d May 28, 1956 in Ambia,IN

........ 6 Lucille Dwenger b Jan 5, 1909

1,69 1
. . . . . 6 Clarence Dwenger b Mar 20, 1910 d in Oxford, IN

+Agnes Metzinger b Aug 7, 1913 m Jun 27, 1935 in Oxford, IN

.‘g 7 John Dwenger b Jul 17, 1939

6; V 7 Dona Dwenger b Aug 4, 1941

. . 6 Urban Dwenger b Oct 28, 1911

6 Mildred Dwenger b Aug 8, 1913

v 6
....... Marcella Dwenger b Nov 22, 1918

. t)( 0 6 George Dwenger b Apr 6, 1924

......... 6 Donald Dwenger b Mar 13, 1930

. . 5 Mary Catherine Dwenger b Dec 19, 1876

. . . . 5 Bernard Gregorius Dwenger b May 25, 1879

.6 4 To/. 5 Rose Dwenger b Sep 1, 1881

. 5 Vincent DePaul Dwenger b Feb 21, 1884


. . 5 Herman George Dwenger b Apr 23, 1887

. 4 John G. Wanstrath b Jan 10, 1844 in Enochsburg, In d Apr 6, 1903 in Greensburg, IN

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. . . . +Thresia Macke b Apr 13, 1856 m in Hamburg, IN d Oct 28, 1939 in Hamburg, IN
( •
5 Mary Wanstrath b Jan 14, 1877

. . 5 Elizabeth Wanstrath b May 17, 1879

3 ry
5 Henry Wanstrath b Nov 3, 1882

. . . 5 Josephine Wanstrath b Dec 30, 1884

6 e-1(. .C-)5 Theodore Wanstrath b Feb 27, 1886 in Hamburg, IN d Dec 20, 1949 in Batesville, IN
. . .

+Johanna Bramlage b 1887 m Nov 19, 1919 in Hamburg, IN d Oct 1, 1951 in Batesville, IN

. . . 6 Louis Wanstrath b May 23, 1922 in Hamburg or Batesville, IN d Feb 1, 1981 in Batesville, IN

.......... +Lois Brift b Jan 3, 1928 m Aug 6, 1949 i n Covington, KY

.............. 7 Theodore Wanstrath b Oct 23, 1950

.......... 7 Steven Wanstrath b Mar 14, 1952

.............. 7 Daniel Wanstrath b Jun 16, 1953

.......... 7 Nancy L. Wanstrath b Jun 13, 1955

.......... 7 Cynthia A. Wanstrath b Dec 29, 1956

.......... 7 Mark L. Wanstrath b Sep 3, 1958

.......... 7 William L. Wanstrath b Nov 20, 1960

.......... 7 Rita Marie Wanstrath b May 11, 1962

.6. . 6 Norman Wanstrath b Mar 25, 1924

ifq,./1 "
. . . . 8 Dorothy Wanstrath b May 24, 1928

. . . . 5 Francis Wanstrath b 1888

. . . . 5 Carolina Wanstrath b Dec 29, 1891

. . . . 5 Florentina Wanstrath b Sep 23, 1894

. . . • 5 John B. Wanstrath b Jan 28, 1898

. . . 4 Bernard Wanstrath b Dec 10, 1848 in Enochsburg, IN d Jan 2, 1927 in Enochsburg, IN

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. . +Elizabeth Middendorf b Feb 14, 1858 in Indiana m Feb 14, 1881 in Oldenburg, IN d Aug 12, 1 932 in
Enochsburg, IN

.1. . . 5 Joseph Wanstrath b Nov 29, 1882 in Enochsburg, IN d Aug 1, 1953 in Enochsburg, IN)

.................... +Josephine Thie b Aug 25 m in Sacred Heart Cathedral, Indianapolis, IN

. . . . . 6 Arlene Wanstrath b Oct 9, 1931 in Enochsburg, IN

......................... +Harold Johnson m in St. John's Church, Enochsburg, IN

......................... 7 Wiliam Johnson

......................... 7 David Johnson

......................... 7 Susanna Johnson

.................... 6 Joseph Wanstrath, Jr. b Mar 5, 1933 in Enochsburg, IN

.t . . /
. 5 Elizabeth "Lillie" Wanstrath b Aug 29, 1885 in Enochsburg, IN d May 23, 1946 in Oldenburg, TN

.................... +George Raver b Sep 4, 1887 m Oct 20, 1909 in St. John's Church, Enochsburg, IN d Jan 5, 1854 in
Oldenburg, IN

.................... 6 Elmer Raver b Aug 16, 1910 in Oldenburg, IN d Jan 4, 1911 in Oldenburg, IN

IL(3 . 6 Eloise M. Raver b Nov 23, 1911 ilrlirldenburg, IN

......................... +Bernard Berkemeyer b Feb 26, 1906 m Jun 22, 1935 in Holy Family Church, Oldenburg, IN

7 Eileen Elizabeth Berkemeyer b Oct 14, 1936

.............................. +Charles E. Fisse b Feb 21, 1934 m Sep 3, 1955

.............................. 8 Douglas C. Fisse b Mar 11, 1956

.............................. 8 Cynthia Lee Fisse b Mar 30, 1959

.............................. 8 Pamela Ann Fisse b Jan 2, 1961

8 Lisa Ann Fisse b Jan 17, 1967 d Jan 17, 1967

d k
6 George Raver, Jr. b Jul 10, 1913 in Oldenburg, IN

......................... +Laurene 3truewing b Oct 19, 1917 m Oct 20, 1938 in Holy Family Church, Oldenburg, IN

......................... 7 Ronald George Raver b Oct 5, 1939

......................... 7 Vernon Bernard Raver b Feb 10, 1943

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

......... 7 Glen Ralph Raver b Jan 4, 1952

G A'
. . . . . 6 Norman Raver b Nov 10, 1916 in Oldenburg, IN

......... +Norma Strewing b Jun 20, 1923 m Dec 27, 1941 in Holy Family Chruch, Oldenburg, IN

......... 7 Judith Clarie Raver b Dec 14, 1942

......... 7 Lois Jean Raver b Nov 26, 1943

........... +Bruce Miller b Jan 12, 1939 m Feb 17, 1962

........... 8 Susan Loretta Miller b May 7, 1963

........... 8 Steven Arthur Miller b Apr 15, 1965

G ti..14
. . . . . . 7 Janet Karen Raver b Jan 3, 1945

+Fred Metz b Jan 12, 1939 m Jun 19, 1965

........... 8 Ann Margaret Metz b Nov 21, 1965

......... 7 Kenneth Norman Raver b Jul 22, 1947

........... 7 Donald Alvin Raver b Aug 8, 1948

......... 7 Linda Marie Raver b Dec 9, 1950

......... 7 Joan Elizabeth Raver b Dec 30, 1951

......... , 7 Keith Ronald Raver b Dec 30, 1956

5 Leona Wanstrath b Feb 9, 1889 ilzlEnochsbjr 7g,J

i d Dec 29, 1951 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ +John V. Delaney b May 30, 1886 m Jun 1, 1910 in Enochsburg, IN d Aug 27, 1956 in Ft. Wayne, IN

....... 6 Allen Delaney b Jul 22, 1911 d Nov 12, 1917

6 John J. Delaney b Jan 10, 1913 d Jan 21, 1968

......... +Coletta Arnold b Jul 30, 1917 m Sep 27, 1939 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Jul 11, 1957

......... 7 John H. Delaney b Sep 19, 1949

......... 7 William J. Delaney b Sep 21, 1950 d Sep 21, 1950

....... 6 Ann L. Delaney b Aug 29, 1915

+Russell E. Skinner b Sep 29, 1910 m Aug 23, 1938 in Ft. Wayne,IN

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

......... 7 Judith A. Skinner b Mar 20, 1940 d Jan 18, 1963

......... 7 Jerome E. Skinner b Feb 2, 1944

........... +Sherry Sue Smith m Sep 21, 1963

........... 8 Jerome Skinner b Mar 10, 1964

........... 8 Robert Skinner b Jun 25, 1965

..... 7 Janet E. Skinner b Jul 20, 1945

................................... +Robert V. McClintock m Jul 15, 1967 in Ft. Wayne, IN

......... 7 Joan C. Skinner b Feb 22, 1949 d Feb 22, 1949

......... 7 James M. Skinner b Jun 9, 1950

......... 7 Joellen Skinner b May 14, 1957

G. . 5 Josephine Wanstrath b Jun 18, 1891 in Enochsburg, IN

+Ralph Harbaugh m in Mansfield, OH

tql .
. . 6 Ralph Harbaugh, Jr.

......... +Betty Wymond

......... 7 John Harbaugh

.Li. - . 6 Betty Harbaugh

......... +John Butler

7 Pamela Butler

. . . . 5 Rose Wanstrath b May 4, 1892 in Enochsburg, IN

....... +Frank Kessing m Jun 18, 1917 in St. John's Church, Enochsburg, IN d May 25, 1960

(r.4 .'1.0. 6 Francis Kessing

......... +Helen Forsyth

. . . . . 7 Russell Kessing

................ +Jeanellan Butrick

8 Tena Kessing

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

.............. 8 Rose Messing

................ 7 Patricia Messing

.............. +Robert Ham

.............. 8 Rosie Ham

.............. 8 Robert Ham

............ 7 Paul Kessing

............ 7 Robert Kessing

............ 7 Kathy Kessing

............ 7 Virginia Kessing

............ 7 Jerome Kessing

............ 7 Frank Kessing

. , . . . 6 James Kessing

............ +Gussie Holdbrook b in Maysville, KY

............ 7 James Messing, Jr.

............ 7 Steven Kessing

............ 7 Vicki Kessing

............ 7 Mary Joe Kessing

......... 6 Robert Kessing d in WWII- Battle of the Bulge

......... 6 Donald Kessing

. . 5 Clara Wanstrath b Oct 17, 1894 in Enochsburg, IN d Jul 22, 1906 in Enochsburg, IN

. . 5 Anna Wanstrath b Aug 14, 1896 in Enochsburg, IN

. . 5 Harry Wanstrath b Jun 9, 1898 in Enochsburg, IN d May 12, 1966 in Bridgetown, OH

. . . 5 Bernard Wanstrath b Oct 8, 1887 i,Y7/-1--c-t-i


• 5 Hilda Wanstrath b Oct 15, 1900 in Enochsburg, IN

................................................ +Ross J. Gosnell b May 28, 1897 m Sep 26, 1921 in St. John's Church, Enochsburg, IN d Aug 9, 1967

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

6 Rose Marie Gosnell b Mar 26, 1923 in Escanaba, MI d Mar 26, 1923 in Escanaba, MI

;' 6 Elizabeth Alice Gosnell b Apr 24, 1924 in Escanaba, MI

+Heinz W. Ahlers b Nov 29 in Wilhelnshaven, Germany m Jul 20, 1944 in St. Mary's Ghurch,

i/ Michigan City, IN

............ 7 Heinz W. "Bill" Ahlers b Apr 17, 1945

................ +Lois Roehrig m Aug 13, 1966 in St. Jude's Church, Cincinnati, OH

............ 7 John Ross Ahlers b Dec 25, 1947

............ 7 Nancy Lee Ahlers b Jul 17, 1950

............ 7 Joanne Ahlers b Feb 13, 1954

• • • . 6 Ellen Anne Gosnell b Apr 7, 1926 in Escanaba, MI

............ +William F. "Bill" Kermin b Apr 1, 1916 m Sep 26, 1946 in St. Mary's Church, Michigan City, IN

........... 7 Kathleen Kermin b Sep 18, 1947

............ 7 Patricia Kermin b Oct 31, 1949

............ 7 Sandra M. Kermin b Oct 14, 1950

............ 7 Connie Sue Kermin b Nov 30, 1954

/LI q
. . . . . 6 Ross Anthony Gosnell b Jul 16, 1928 in Escanaba, MI

............ +Victori Blazzi b Apr 5 m Feb 4, 1950 in Holy Rosary Church, Kenosha, WI

............ 7 Linda Gosnell b Jun 2, 1953

........... 7 Judith Anne Gosnell b Aug 21, 1954

.............. 7 Karen Gosnell b May 31, 1957

............ 7 Marlene Gosnell b Oct 18

........... 7 Marcia Gosnell b Oct 18

......... 6 Gerald Joseph Gosnell b Sep 7, 1930

......... 6 Clare Gosnell b Oct 28, 1931 in Michigan City,IN d Oct 28, 1931 in Michigan City, IN

......... 6 John William Gosnell b Jun 4, 1933 in Michigan City, IN

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

.......... +Helen Edna McGinnis b May 31 m Aug 21, 1954 in St. Mary's Church, Michigan City, IN

.......... 7 Rose Marie Gosnell b May 25, 1955

.......... 7 Jaqcueline Gosnell b Jan 8, 1957

.......... 7 John William Gosnell, Jr. b Jul 19, 1958

.......... 7 Mary Gosnell b Dec 23, 1960

. . . . 6 George Thomas Gosnell b Apr 28, 1935 in Michigan City,

.......... +Margaret Rueve b Jul 6, 1939 m Sep 5, 1959 in St. Jude's Church, Cincinnati, OH

.......... 7 Elizabeth "Beth" Gosnell b May 1, 1961

.......... 7 Lori Ann Gosnell b Aug 17, 1962

.......... 7 Debra Mae Gosnell b May 22, 1966

. . . . . 6 Thomas Francis Gosnell b Oct 2, 1936 in Michigan City, IN

.......... +Joy E. Schanuel b Dec 18 m Sep 13, 1958 in St. Clair Church, O'Fallon, IL

.......... 7 Rebecca Lynn Gosnell b May 23, 1960

.......... 7 Cheri Gosnell b May 31, 1961

.......... 7 Kevin Gosnell b Nov 4, 1962

.......... 7 Julie Gosnell b Nov 15, 1963

........ 6 Lois Ann Gosnell b Jul 29, 1938

......... 6 David Henry Gosnell b Jan 21, 1940

. . . . 6 Mary Lee Gosnell b Jun 21, 1941 in Michigan City, IN

+Gerald Thomas Potts b Jul 31. 1939 m Apr 27, 1963 in St. Mary's Church, Michigan City, IN

.......... 7 Christine Marie Potts b Mar 1, 1967

.......... 7 Pamela Sue Potts b Feb 27, 1968

. ' ). . 5 Eleanor Wanstrath b Sep 26, 1903 in Enochsburg, IN d Aug 5, 1975 in Bridgetown, OH

........ +Louis Zimmermann b Aug 25, 1904 m Sep 26, 1929 in St.Peter and Paul Cathedral, Cinn, OH

6 Charmaine Zimmermann b Mar 27, 1933


Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

......... +Robert Hauck b Jun 22, 1936 m Sep 27, 1958 in St. Aloysius Church, Bridgetown, OH

......... 7 Darlene Hauck b Aug 24, 1959

......... 7 Diana Hauck b Jul 2, 1962

......... 7 Karen Hauck b Apr 11, 1964

6 LeRoy Zimmermann b Jun 7, 1936

+Margaret Laub b Mar 7, 1938 m May 10, 1958 in Cincinnati, OH

7 Maureen Kelly Zimmermann b Nov 26, 1961

7 Bradley Louis Zimmermann b Mar 31, 1964

7 Barton George Zimmermann b Jun 12, 1968

6 John Zimmermann b Jul 1, 1938

. . 5 John Shepard

. . . 4 Bernadine Wanstrath b Aug 17, 1852

I v rh a C/i./
. . . 4 Henry Wanstrath b Apr 24, 1853 d Jul 11, 1923

. 3 Gerd Anton Holthaus b Jan 9, 1820

. . 3 Johann Dirk Holthaus b Feb 27, 1822 in Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck d Sep 7, 1840 in USA

J1.03 Maria Elisabeth Holthaus b Oct 25, 1823 in Bersenbrueck, Hannover d Dec 30, 1907 in Covington, KY 2 2
. . . +Anthony Peter H. Overman d in Louisville, KY

1 1 C fr
.1 . . l4 Anthony Overman, Jr. d in Covington, KY Y. J - 6 ci

•I :V. 5 Anna Overman

+Charles Jackson
. . . . 5 Agnes Overman

. . 5 Leo Overman

. . . 5 A.L. Overman

4 5 Mae Overman
it''. °1
. . 7,
•. . +Al B. Dressman d in Covington,KY

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. . . 4 Mary Overman 1 7

. . . +Theodore Huelsman

. . . . 5 A.H. Huelsman

. . 5 Ms. Huelsman

....... +George Holtman

. 4 Theodore Overman tr'"

Yi./. 5 Rosa Overman

+C.L. Flagg d in Battlecreek, MI

....... 6 Lewis Flagg

....... 6 Thomas Flagg

....... 6 John Flagg

....... 6 Austin Flagg

. . . . 5 Gertrude Overman

....... +Mr. Periut d in Muskegon, MI

. . 4 Anna Overman /
. . . 4 Kate Overman q, /

Rose Overman a" /

. . . . +Mr. Vogelsang d in Covington, KY

. . . 4 Lizzie Overman e" / "%..

. +Harry Kulkman d in Covington, KY

. . 5 Ms. Kulkman

....... +Bernard Hewing d in Covington, KY

5/1 4 John Overman b 1846 d in Covington, KY

5 John Overman II

. . . 5 A.H. Overman 01r7

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. . *2nd spouse of John Overman:

. . 5 Lillian Overman

. . . 5 John Overman, Jr.

// C,
. . 3 Maria Catharine Holthaus b Sep 8, 1826 in Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck d Apr 25, 1897 in Decatur, IN

• /. / +Johann Gerhard Heinrich Vogelwedde b Dec 6,(1813 in Hastrup, Bersenbrueck, Osabrueck m SepS]5 1845
in Cathedral, Fort Wayne, IN d Decjew 1882 in Decatur, IN
of--4d Lf2e1--
. . 4 Bernard Vogelwede b 1845 in Adams Co., IN

iC.-/ 0
. . . 4 Joseph Henry Gerhard Vogelwede b Aug 19, 1847 in Washington TWP, Adams Co.,IN (7;.)
• 01
.. +Mary Meibers b 1853 in Adams Co., IN m Oct 22, 1872 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN
. 5 Bertha Vogelwede b Jan 26, 1882 41 // " ""

. . . . 5 Lawrence Vogelwede b Jan 26, 1882
d )13d/ /9_ry

. . . . 5 Rose Vogelwede

+John Fisher

. . . . Saharles Henry Joht- Vogelwede b Jun 16, 1S74

............v" +Anna Terveer e-Y3 - /

!!'0 v / 9c) - qif

6 Robert Vogelwede

i IP
6 Arthur Vogelwede q 7 —/9

+Bernadine Christen

....... 6 Mary Margaret Vogelwede

. e). . +Kevin Knelan b in Toledo,OH

6 qelen Vogelwede 19A

. ...) .4) i. 6 Ruth Vogelwede 9/ V•
...... 6 Fred Vogelwede / 7
........... 6 William Vogelwede 9.2/ —

-5 °° ............ 6 Thomas Vogelwede //,../q

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

:2Y . , 5 Clemens Vogelwede b 1879 /.e1 4/

......... +Whilhelmina "Minnie" Coffee

......... 6 Cedric Vogelwede

. . 5 Bernard Vogelwede d in Indianapolis, IN brK9.7

........ 6 Edward Vogelwede /4/1

......... 6 Joseph Vogelwede

................... +Helen Gay /9/:

'4 1 kl.. 7 Gloria Joe Vogelwede 4'/`

37W 6 Kathryn Vogelwede b in adopted by her aunt Bertha ..?(,*

........... +Edward L. Hammond 9 (1/,

. 7 Edward Hammond i94/6
. aq q/. . 7 James Hammond ' r

7 Mary Hammond fcl.ree

7 Tim Hammond
/ 01A
........... 7 Patty Hammond

. 6 Harriet Vogelwede / Y )/

.. ... +Mr. Shoaf 41 0

: 7)... P.--;4
Lei k,
. . 6 Patsy Vogelwede /
1 •

. 49
., . . . 6 Lillian Vogelwede

......... 6 Ruth Vogelwede

. . . . 5 Clara Vogelwede b Aug 21 / 9

.... +James Hafeling b in Fort Wayne, IN

......... 6 Helen Hafeling

......... 6 Kathleen "Sr. " Hafeling

......... 6 James Hafeling, Jr.

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

0 William Hafeling

. . °x . 65 Agnes Vogelwede

+Fred Schaub b in Cleveland, OH

.. . 5 Mary Elizabeth Vogelwede

......... +Tom Hafeling m in Indianapolis, IN

......... 6 Ruth Hafeling

......... 6 Dorothy Hafeling

......... 6 George Henry Hfeling

. 4 Mary Vogelwede b Aug 15, 1849 )


. . . . +John Henry Meyers b ABOUTC1840 m Nov 20, 1877 in St Mary,‘, Decatur, IN '')

c,.411 L 5 Lee Meyers

+Anna Miller d in Decatur, IN


.C. 5(iciWard Meyers

+Rose Egan d i n Fort Wayne

. 6 Robert Meyers

, ` 6 Maurice "Fr." Meyers e4 / 9 k0

7 749 -?:) 5 Elizabeth Meyers d in Decatur, IN

. .. +Henry Bornes d in Decatur, IN

6 William Bornes
3 -7 6 Ruth Ann Bornes

.x. 6 Virginia Bornes

47 ,
+Mark Schurger b in Decatur, d in Decatur •

. 5 William Meyers [1]
+Edna Bosse [2]

. . 4Gerhard Henry Vogelwede b 1850 d 1928 in Adams Co., IN


Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. • . 4 John Gerhard Vogelwede b Dec 28, 1851

. . 4 John Wilhelm Vogelwede KOct 21 1854

. . 4 Anthony Vogelwede b Jul 16, 1857 in Adams Co., IN :V

. . . +Anna Meyers m in Adams Co., IN

af) . 5 Raymond Glutting Vogelwede

. . . 4 Anna Vogelwede b Sep 20;1858 d Sepii, 1881

- '
. . . 5/- inna Maria Vogelwede b Jul 13, 1859
‘7(,) 4;
. . . 4 Anna Katherine Vogelwede b Feb 17, 1861

. . +Mike Touhey b in Toledo, OH tn, d .

. . . 5 John Touhey

. / 4 Elizabeth Vogelwede b May 30, 1864 d 1944
, ""/
. . . 4 Lucy Vogelwede b Jul 8, 1865
. . +John Clotting b in Attica, IN
Fri . . 5 Maria Clotting

. . . +Dan Schuppert

6 William Schuppert

6 Robert Scuppert

....... 6 Daniel Schuppert

. . 5 C.R. Clotting d in Gary, IN

....... 6 Charles Clotting

....... 6 Albert Glotting

....... 6 Ruth Glotting

....... 6 Marie Clotting

. . . 5 Anthony Clotting

. .
? . . 5 Raymond Vo9elwede Clotting

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. . . . A +Mary Meyers b in Decatur

.:). 7 e:3. 6 Mary Ann Glotting I 1„,2.:)
3 6, CA.
71,7 j 6 John Glotting
v-7 cLe.
? Joan Glotting l e (AT"
v/ 4' /
3 6 Donald Glotting
I 1-7
6 James GLotting

Lupy_Glotting b Jul 8, 1886 d Feb2871906

. . . 4 Lewis Alfred Vogelwede b Aug 25, 1868

. . +Harriet Burns b in Muskogee, OK

. . . 5 Carolyn Vogelwede

......... +Joe Lox

11 . 3 Maria Anna "Marianne" Holthaus b Apr 16, 1830 in Bersenbrueck, Hanover,Osnabrueck d May 27, 1864
Adams Co.,IN

. . . +John William Tettmann

; I.
. 4 Katherine "Kate" Tettmann

. +Lewis Crotty

. . . . / 5 Gertrude Crotty

. . I 4 Henry Tettmann d in Dayton, OH

. . 5 Walter Tettmann

. . 5 William Tettmann

. . 5 Mable Tettmann

. . . 4 John Tettmann b May 31, 1853 d Nov 22, 1864 in Adams Co. ex,...40 —,c/

. . . 4 Mary Margaret Tettmann b Oct 2, 1854

. 4 Herman Tettmann b Jun 11, 1857 d 1942 in Adams Co.,IN

. . +Katherine Hart 4 r 1865 m Jun 11, 1884 in Adams Co., IN d 1948

Descendants of Holthuss/ Holthouse

. .' 4 John William Tettmann b Apr 29, 1863 d in Dayton, OH

. . . 5 Alma Tettmann

. . 4 Mary Elizabeth Tettmann b May 21, 1864 d Jul 28, 1864 in Adams Co.,IN
Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

190 6
/9 1 Anthony Bernard Holthouse b 1844 in Washington Twp, Adams Co., IN d 31 Dec 1907 in Jonesboro, AR

//F. +Margaret Schoen b 4 Feb 1846 in Adams Co., IN m 24 Aug 1868 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d 11 Sep 1919 in
Jonesboro, AR

a . 2 Rosa Maria Magdaline Holthouse b 24 Aug 1869 in Decatur, IN d 14 Sep 1949 in Jonesboro, AR

+Fred Milton Falk m 2 Jun 1865

. 1 3 Lillian Falk b 17 Jun 1895 in Decatur, IN d 24 Apr 1981 in Jonesboro, AR

1 01.N +Arthur Philip Jones, Sr. m 7 Jun 1923 in Jonesboro, AR
ion;. 4 Lillian Louise Jones b 19 Sep 1924 in Jonesboro, AR
1 . ° . +Robert Darden Peterson, Sr. m 10 Oct 1942 in West Memphis, AR

• . . . 5 Roberta Louise "Robbie" Peterson b 15 Nov 1944 in Gulfport, MS

9' °
. 14. 71. +Roger Christian ter-Kuile m 2 Jul 1966 in Jonesboro, AR /AA /./
6 David Cuvel ter-Kuile b 25 Mar 1970

6 Robert Christian ter-Kuile b 21 Feb 1973

. 5 Patricia Jane "Patty" Peterson b 28 Dec 1946 in Jonesboro, AR

.. +Stephen Craig Campbell m 14 Mar 1970 in North Little Rock, AR

.. 6 Stephen Bryant Campbell b 7 Sep 1976

??.(( 3:\ 5 Nancy Sue Peterson b 29 Jan 1950 in Ft. Worth, TX

. . . ,,3 . +Kenneth Lloyd Cooke m 2 Nov 1968 in Houston, TX 1,

....... 6 Tina Kay Cooke Whytsell b 11 Jun 1969 44,- ,n 5 77Y

. .. . *2nd spouse of Nancy Sue Peterson:

. 11/../../A. +Roland Earl "Ric" Whytsell m 8 Jul 1974 in Abilene, TX ///)./1/41 q3 6

• . *3rd spouse of Nancy Sue Peterson:

....... +Kenneth Lewis Rains b 2 Apr 1954 m 15 Jun 1989 in Hot Springs, AR

....... 6 Kenneth Emory Rains b 27 May 1992

iA `: 5 Robert Darden Peterson, Jr. b 15 Apr 1951 in Ft. Worth, TX

rh egil
. 14 11. 3. 6 . +Patricia Hillary "Patty" Hoffman m 1 Jul 1972 in Alexandria, VA


Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

......... 6 Hilary Louise Peterson b 12 Dec 1972

............................ 6 Robert Darden Peterson, III b 9 May 1975
2 9Y15 Lillian Elizabeth "Lilly" Peterson b 28 Feb 1954 in Ft. Worth, TX
09 .
. . . . . +Benjamin Davis Downs, Sr. m 22 May 1976 in Abilene, TX / 3her,
......... 6 Benjamin Davis Downs, Jr. b 8 Apr 1983

6 Mary Carolyn Downs b 9 Mar 1989

A. . 5 Helen Jean Peterson b 20 Jan 1956 in Ft. Worth, TX

......... +James Thomas Bowerman, Jr. m 22 Mar 1975 in Abilene, TX

. *2nd spouse of Helen Jean Peterson:

......... +Michael Francis Charters m 7 Jul 1981 in Jonesboro, AR

. *3rd spouse of Helen Jean Peterson:

........... +Michael James Downey, Sr. m 1 Jun 1988 in Ft. Worth, TX

.......... 6 Michael James Downey, Jr. b 26 Jul 1988 .g+vki l m-,44-
... 5 Margaret Ann "Maggie" Peterson b 31 Jul 1957 in Ft. Worth, TX
+Michael Joseph Jannise m Apr 1974 in Abilene, TX 7/49 1 1 7 4 1

. . 6 Margaret Michelle Jannise Gignilliat b 4 Aug 1974 41 de0 4

. . . . *2nd spouse of Margaret Ann "Maggie" Peterson:

. 4. 0 4 61
. . . +Arthur Mathewson Gignilliat, III m 10 (JI 01982 in Rogers, AR CifY Vhg-i-g

444. 6 Elizabeth Kennedy Gignilliat b 30 Jan 1983 Ille , e 704A, 6,1'4

. . r 6 Arthur Mathewson Gignilliat IV
28 Feb 1985 PUP 4 e. rt. (4 14

• . .
. 6 Brooks Peterson Gignilliat b 9 Sep 1989 S Of 10 r1V
' nA 6/1
. . 4,Charlott Ann "Sr. M. Roberta" Jones b 27 May 1927 f:4"

. . 4 Arthur Philip Jones, Jr. b 30 Apr 1930 in Jonesboro, AR

I 1 7. 1 +Florence Shepherd m 25 Jun 1955 in Chicago, IL 9/ q

.2- A 5 Mary Angela Jones b 18 Apr 1956 in Jonesboro, AR

........... +Robert D. Pavatt m 30 Dec 1988 in North Little Rock, AR

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

42 .6 . 5 Charlott Ann Jones b 4 Jun 1957

. v . 5 Florence Therese Jones b 31 Jul 1958 .17 (1 )% AO

;.7 ti ll. 5 Kathleen Rose Jones b 11 Dec 1960 in Jonesboro, AR

......... +Paul Hoyt Davison m 1979

. /. . 6 Courtney Shepherd Davison b 19 Oct 1979

. . . . . 6 Benjamin Rush Davison b 13 Jan 1981

. . . . *2nd spouse of Kathleen Rose Jones:

+Mauri Cole m 28 May 1983

‘5 u9
. . . .
r 6 Florence Clarissa "Clare - Cole b 19 Oct 1984

3/01 6 Anastasia Falk "Tracy" Cole b 24 Sep 1987

;01. 1
5 Patricia Margaret Jones b 25 Jan 1963 <0 AP-‘ 4"
-- (‘

5 Philip Arthur Jones b 29 Jan 1968 wV hrf ho rid (4- Ir

5 Robert Shepherd Jones b 29 Jan 1968 in Jonesboro, AR

......... +Mary Kay Pace m 15 Jun 1991 in St. Louis, MO

. . 3 Patricia Falk b 1897 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1980 in Jonesboro, AR

. . . +Fred L. Penix


3 Dolores Gertrude Falk b 22 Nov 1898 in Decatur, IN

(1 8
. +Walter Gresham Cook m 2 Aug 1925 in Jonesboro, AR 0), aft ken le /4 p 1(c, t.1

/,:i/ 4 Dolores Jean Cook b 27 Apr 1926 in Jonesboro, AR


+James Allen Bowen, Jr. m 28 Nov 1946 in Ft. Worth, TX 6A/4//4

r• 4 h rc..)
a 1 (
. 5 Richard Edward Bowen b 1 Jun 1948 in Waynesville, MO

....... 4Alicia M. Townsend m 23 Aug 1973

......... 6 Leslie Sue Bowen

......... 6 Katherine Ann Bowen

5 James Stephen Rowan b 10 Jun 1950

( 6 4
. .4r./ . 5 Mary Charlotte Bowen b 18 Apr 1957 in Jonesboro, AR

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

......... +Richard B. Schisler m 26 Aug 1975

......... 6 Jason Bowen

........ 6 Walter Bowen

A/4 Walter Gresham Cook, Jr. b 15 Jun 1927 in Jonesboro, AR

l ( /i
'./ k . +Nancy Mutersbaugh m 25 Aug 1950 in Lake Charles, LA
A Reg 5
Sharon Cook

. 5 Carol Cook

f . 5 Walter Gresham Cook, III

. . l.ei 4 Charles Falk Cook b 21 Dec 1928 in Jonesboro, AR

/ ti( 1(+Elizabeth Swank m 24 Nov 1949 in Houston, TX

• • • • 3 5 Elizabeth Ann Cook

. . . 5 Mary Helen Cook

......... +Mr. Spencer

......... 6 William Cook Spencer

.1? 3 Anthony Fred "Tony" Falk b 9 Dec 1900 in Decatur,IN d 24 Dec 1955 in Jonesboro, AR

. . . +Billie Clark m 3 Apr 1923

:7 4 3 vHilda Mae Falk b 4 May 1906 in Jonesboro,AR d 30 Apr 1961
'111 . +Max Seymour m 3 Apr 1923

4 Harold Reynolds Seymour b 5 Aug 1923 in Reyno, AR d 19 Dec 1983 in N. Little Rock, AR

p495. v +Irma Lee Holman m 29 May 1942 in Jonesboro, AR li s3h art, :Qs '

1/ /
//. . ( -.
. 5 Reynolds Joseph Seymour [2] b 24 Apr 1943 in Jonesboro, AR

‘2 (t.
........... +Rosemary Evans [1]

f" 4 el
....... 6 Reynolds James Seymour b 21 Sep

/ 169. 6 John Evans Seymour b 17 Dec

. . . . *2nd spouse of Reynolds Joseph Seymour [2]:

. . .1 . +Pamela McIntire m 29 Dec 1975 in Little Rock,AR
Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

. . . 6 Barret Ryan Seymour b 12 Oct 1976
Lk/v 1.
. 5 Sally Susanne Seymour b 29 Jan 1946 in Jonesboro, AR

......... +John Kaye

......... 6 Hilary Jane Kaye

......... 6 Jennifer Kaye

-- )
. ":/ a.C. 5 Linda Gee Seymour b 21 Sep 1948 in Jonesboro,AR

......... +Gary Long

......... 6 Palmer Joseph Long

......... 6 Tiffany Ann Long

. . . 5 Tony Yvette Seymour b 13 Sep 1956 in Little Rock, AR

......... +Oliver Williams

......... 6 Ethan OLiver Williams b 21 Sep 1982

......... 6 Shawn Reynolds Williiams b 4 Feb 1985

. . *2nd spouse of Hilda Mae Falk:


. . +Arthur M. Emerling m 5 Oct 1927 1(97 ?ac_11/4

je?S'i., 4 Mona Ann Emerling b 3 Aug 1935 in Columbus, OH

./A (+Patrick William O'Malley m 2 Apr 1956 in Little Rock, AR

.N. . 5 Mary Malleson O'Malley b 31 Jan 1957 in Little Rock, AR

+John Rody Borg m 12 Jul 1980

4q :- 5 Kathleen Lyn O'Malley b 10 Dec 1957 in Little Rock, AR

......... +Peter J. Bunder m 25 Jun 1983 in West Lafayette, IN

......... 6 Molly Claire Bunder b ABOUT 1987

......... 6 Emily Anne Bunder b ABOUT 1989

.7‘). William Patrick O'Malley b 5 Jul 1959 in Little Rock, AR d 7 Jul 1959

. . .• .•
i '

? 4.4. 5 Patrick William O'Malley, Jr. b 4-May 1961

a ‘'5
/,'74-)/ /e zedi e IN -
Michael Bernard O'Malley b B Mar 1967 in Fort Smith, AR

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

.......... Renee Mahan m 27 Jun 1992 in Little Rock, AR

. . . 4 Dale Emerling b 15 Jan 1938 in Jonesboro, AR

. . +Joyce Dowdy m 17 Mar 1961

5 Mallison Emerling b 7 Dec 1961

46 5 Sam Emerling b Jun 1962

42 62)s 5 Mark Emerling b 6 Aug 1963

. . . . 5 Scott Emerling b 27 Feb 1973

11 C 3 Rose Wilhelmina "'footsie" Falk b 3 Jun 1903 in Jonesboro, AR d 6 Jun 1968 in Jonesboro, AR
6 0, 90 0 10 V)-t. 17 a ()-
. . +/vor Evans m 9 Aug 1925

IV(``. 4 Rosemary Evans [1]

. . +Reynolds Joseph Seymour [2] b 24 Apr 1943 in Jonesboro, AR

. . . *24G1 spouse of Rosemary Evans [1]:

. . . . +Jerome Westphal m ABOUT 1970

3 ,4ohn Richard Falk b 31 Jul 1909 in Jonesboro,AR d 13 Apr 1976 in Jonesboro,AR

. . 1 +Berlyn Dieter m 2 Jan 1940 in Jonesboro, AR O //VI/C//./ f 11:17
'.1/5 4)r25
? ///1-7C)

gV. 4 Lyn Dieter Falk b 20 Aug 1944 in Jackson, MS

. . . . +Ted Norton Drake m 28 Sep 1858 in Jonesboro, AR ) 41 iliqfja
°. 2 Roman John Louis Holthouse b 12 Oct 1871 in Adams Co., IN d 31 Jan 1906 in Decatur,IN
/ P )?1, <41
V. +Wilhelmina "Minnie" Terveer b ABOUT 1874- in Lafayette m 8 May 1894 in St. Mary's, Decatur,IN d 4 Feb
1963 in decatur, IN

• . 3 Arthur Roland Holthouse b 17 Feb 1895 in Decatur, IN d 28 Oct 1954 in Louisville, KY

Na v
Oct 1919 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN
/QA,f,/, c..1, 3
•j• • /Fay Naomi Hammell 12

. 1i. 4 Daniel Charles Holthouse b 7 Oct 1920 in Decatur, IN

. +Martha Wemhoff m 14 Oct 1950 in Fort Wayne, IN / 14d2-441 Vi


d t-/
. . .. / 5 Nancy Fay Holthouse b 4 Jun 1952 in Fort Wayne, IN

'69 +Bradley
41 / Paul Howard m 12 Aug 1978 in Louisville, KY 4//3/1 ix- 3 f
ee) c/g"

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

/6 Sarah Lindsey Howard b 20 Apr 1983 014 t b• -

6 David Bradley Howard b 14 Jan 1987 t / /-1(

0 4./
Mary Frances Holthouse b 12 Aug 1955 t< VI 1(.e Ky
2_) Sarah Marie Holthouse b 8 Nov 1956 d /
4 Arsl% A 0 (A c. v 1".<

Jeffrey Daniel Holthouse b 21 Apr 1958 in Louisville, KY

1",fr1 3 +Lisa Michele Parish m 17 Dec 1983 in Louisville, KY

0 /*/e/ eY-1-7 7 1
" /
6 Daniel Joseph Holthouse b 24 Oct Loa's/Az t:y
/V o 6 Katie Holthouse b 14 Mar 1988 ,COU 1
Stri/br' 1
1 44/1// )74.1
. . 1 . 4 James Arthur Holthouse b 30 Sep 1924 in Decatur, IN d / "
, -
9)/6 / / 9 ,,r- klei cv u/h i ,..- 0 al A,/
. . 4 ,./i +Marilyn Lucile Lipsett m 23 Aug 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

..7. . 5 Mark Arthur Holthouse b 20 Mar 1955 in Ft. Wayne, IN

..- 1( c1
/.. ref /is T)
/046 -3 C //
- i -( -.-
,.. 07A +Cynthia Jean Gillon m 6 Oct 1990 in New Haven, CT Z,
....— 61 0-44k i 4 r-t, / VCw

. .g. . 5 G regory James Hoft huse

o y , IN
b 28 Jun 1957 in Ft. Wane
51 +Carol Jean Brown m 19 May 1979 in Sheboygan, WI •'"7 1-
1 61 56544

6 Amy Elizabeth Holthouse

....... b 20 Mar 1984 7 ,..G

• • • • 6 Karen Ann Holthouse b 2 Jul 1985

. r.:. 6 Brian J. Holthouse b 13 Jul 1988

. 9̀7 . . 5 Philip Jay Holthouse b 14 Feb 1959 in Ft. Wayne, IN

/4/-, 1 4
+Kathleen Alice -
Katie - Meyer m 8 Oct 1983 in Alhambra, CA - w/ ,A7-1-9 Pa C 0 NI .t• r) a ( /
/ 0 CI /41
. ‘1.7. ' . 6 Christopher James Holthouse b 10 Sep 1992
7 i rk`'
--- Illidr'e / 0 .
4 - 177

.91 4 Ruth Alice Holthouse b 23 Feb 1929 in Decatur, IN
. 74
. 1/ .'' . +Jerome J. O'Dowd m 3 Sep 1955 in Notre Dame, IN 10/ ,-/pv;2
. : (1. r5 Thomas John O'Dowd b 4 May 1956 Fl • A bkwi , • :--.n()

. . 5 Amy Ruth O'Dowd b 7 Jun 1957 in Ft. Wayne, IN

w)01,1 1,, ia
c f .! t, /41
Lei r-17 (
+Kevin John Ryan m 11 Jun 1981 in Ft. Wayne, IN
o b ai/9 .,-L

, 6 Aidan Arthur Ryan b 28 Sep 1 987 /1I CA ed°

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

I .?i! . 6 Griffin Michael Ryan b 14 Dec 1988 L_

. . . .,4 Naomi Glare Ryan b 9 Oct 1991 ' 1

. V41
. . 5 David Arthur O'Dowd b 12 Jun 1959 in Ft. Wayne, IN
. . .9. . +Lisa Price m 14 Jun 1989 in Pineapple Bay, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

4".7. 7 . .‘). 6 Devon Jerome Price O'Dowd b 25 Sep 1989

5 Kevin Jerome O'Dowd b 28 Aug 1960 in Ft. Wayne,IN

. . . . . +Margaret Mary "Peggy" Mallaney m 10 Aug 1985 in Kankakee, IL 3/a/ 1)943
3- 6 Colin James O'Dowd b 8 Jan 1990 -
7r" of klAi

▪ . 6 Paige Eileen O'Dowd b 7 Jul 1992

vr )0"-36
▪ 5 Sally Ann O'Dowd b 31 Aug 1968 o 2Z:,/e/'

1 3 Norbert R. Holthouse b 5 Aug 1896 in Decatur, IN d 5 Nov 1945 in Decatur, IN

. . 3 Charles Edward "Jake" Holthouse b 30 Sep 1899 in Decatur, IN 7//if/i "
1 . +Rowena Shoaf m 11 Jun 1925 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN 7/, 1,8--79 Ks.

▪ / 3 Florence M.Holthouse b 19 Aug 1901 in Decatur, IN d 3 Jan 1970 in Decatur, IN

. °. 3 Irene H. Holthouse b 7 Apr 1903 in Decatur, IN d 15 Jun 1984 in Ft. Wayne,IN

▪ . 3 Naomi G. "Sr. M. Gabrielita" Holthouse b 27 Nov 1905 Pe-e'...etik.i.V —4

3 1 . 2 Mary Gertrude "Mayme" Holthouse b 15 Aug 1874 in Decatur, IN d 27 Mar 1953 in Jonesboro. AR

. .1 +Bert Gardner Lynch m 21 Jul 1896 in St. Mary,Decatur, IN /7 /A2140,

. Y
. 3 Beatrice Lynch b 6 Jun 1897 in Decatur, IN d 18 Jun 1977 in Jonesboro, AR

+Eugene "Gene" Sloan m 27 May 1919 in Jonesboro, AR 00 1 ci

7 K4 Patricia Margaret Sloan b 26 Apr 1920 in Jonesboro, AR

. 1 +John Edward Chambers, Jr. m 23 Feb 1941 in Jonesboro, AR

1 1. 1 . 5 Eugenia Carol "Gene" Chambers b 14 Feb 1942 in Little Rock, AR

n () +Jerald Wayne "Jerry" Jones m 26 Jan 1963 in Danville, AR

6 John Stephan Jones b 21 Jun 1964

6 Carlotte Leigh Jones b 26 Jul 1966

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

........ 6 Jerald Wayne Jones, Jr. b 27 Sep 1969

?9,./01. 5 John Edward Chambers, III b 29 Sep 1946 in Little Rock, AR

........ +Betty Jane Rowlands m 20 Jan 1973 in Russellville, AR Avliviiq..-0

........... 6 Kara Elizabeth Chambers b 3 Oct 1975

........ 6 Susan Lydia Chambers b 11 Dec 1977

........ 6 Laura Patricia Chambers b 4 Jun 1982

. . 5 Patricia Dian Trisha - Chambers b 4 Nov 1950 in Little Rock, AR

....... +William Russell Meeks, III b 23 Nov 1949 m 31 Jul 1971 in Danville, AR

........ 5 William Russell Meeks, IV b 23 Oct 1974

........ 6 Melissa Lynn Meeks b 3 Apr 1978

........ 6 John Russell Chambers b 24 Jan 1981

,2 4?)!1'. 5 Katherine Sloan Kathy" Chambers b 23 Apr 1958 in Danville, AR

........ +James Stephen Counce b 5 Jun 1956 m 21 Jun 1980 in Danville, AR

........ 6 Jennifer Katherine Counce b 27 Jan 1986

........ 6 Meredith Chambers Counce b 22 Jan 1988

/ n2 : 4 Clay Albert Sloan b 18 May 1921 in Jonesboro, AR d 25 Apr 1978 in Hot Springs, AR

1. 4
P. +Ana Antosicewicz m 1948
. (/./4 . 5 Anamaria Sloan b 28 Nov 1948

al N :I 5 Linda Beatrice Sloan b 9 May 1950

5 Peggy Jean Sloan b 2 Mar 1952

Gl q/F
• • •. 5 Barbara Ann Sloan b 24 Sep 1953

PA 5 Eugene Edward Sloan b 28 Sep 1955

c12 1R 6./ 5 Donna Clay Sloan b 2 May 1960

?la. ) . 5 Clay Michael Sloan b 2 Dec 1961


5 Andre Lynch Sloan b 3 Jan 1964

/Id' r 4 James Eugene Sloan b 25 Mar 1923 in Jonesboro, AR d 8 Nov 1979 in Jonesboro, AR
Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

. . . +Betty Carroll Teeter m 5 Sep 1946 in Prescott, AR 7/3a // gY3

232.75 John Teeter Sloan b 22 Jan 1948 in Nashville, TN

+Lee Ann Hummelstein m 21 Aug 1982

5 James Eugene Sloan, Jr. b 3 Nov 1949 in Jonesboro,AR

....... +Ellen Gardner m 12 May 1979

.? .1;12
. ./5 Katherine Clay "Kitty" Sloan b 10 Nov 1951 in Jonesboro, AR

+Robert Noel Bernhard m 14 Oct 1974

. 5 Cynthia Ruth Sloan b in Jonesboro, AR

........ +David Mathias Bednar m 25 Nov 1978

0)61 , -, ‘
. 5 Charles Anthony Sloan b in Jonesboro, AR

+Rebecca Huie m 23 Mar 1985

01 , 0- ?5 Mary Elizabeth Sloan b 9 Aug 1958 in Jonesboro,AR

....... +Philip Allen Jackson m 26 May 1984

/ d.i 2 Clement Leo Holthouse b 19 Jul 1876 in Decatur, IN d 28 Dec 1964 in Tulsa, OK

! +Anna Laura Ruffing m 29 Jan 1903 /.k 4// r7
. . 3 Lucille Josephine Holthouse b 10 Apr 1905 in Delphi, IN

. .
. +Cyril James Hayes in 7 May 1924 in Springfield, MO 4 a
. 4 Cyril James Hayes, Jr. b 5 Apr 1927 in Tulsa, OK

. . +Delores Dela Rue

. . . *2nd spouse of Cyril James Hayes, Jr.:

/. 1-1 40. +Mary Patricia Roggenbock

..-C.1 : (1 5 Jimmy Hayes ,2 " 7eeejn-.--ev "1 hr

3 (AI . +Michelle Walker
" X t),:k ."--`-)
V1 3. 6) . 5 Cynthia Hayes
L,Sr/ °
110 4 . 5 Linda Hayes b in Tulsa, OK

. +Johnny Esquivel

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

......... 6 Frances Esquivel b 17 Jan 1981

. . . . , 6 Johnny Esquivel, Jr. b 7 Nov 1982

IgAA. 5 David Hayes -
61105a 101'

Clement Patrick Hayes b 5 Jun 1932 in Tulsa, OK

).4.(0 . +Rosemary Agnes O'Brien 61-

i/9 1 14/
t30 5 Dennis Patrick Hayes b 11 Sep 1953 in San Diego, CA

3(19f. +Diane Smith

......... 6 Andrew Patrick Hayes b 11 Mar 1985

......... 6 Molly Kathryn Hayes b 25 Sep 1988

5 Mark Alan Hayes b 4 Feb 1956 in Tulsa, OK

V ;! 4'. 1 . +Jeanne O'Keefe

......... 6 Lauren Marie Hayes b 11 May 1987

......... 6 Emily Katherine Hayes b 20 Jun 1989

6:71 ./.4". 5 Phillip Michael Hayes b 16 Oct 1957

. .J.v. 5 Julia Anne Hayes b 2 Jun 1961 in Tulsa, OK

24 :2 . +Edward Joseph McCullough

......... 6 Adam Reed McCullough b 25 May 1988

......... 6 Matthew Calvin McCullough b 2 Feb 1990

. . *2nd spouse of Clement Patrick Hayes:

. . . . +Evelyn Kenny


q . 41
. 4 Nancy A. Hayes b 17 Aug 1936 b 0 ro (


3 Reginald John Holthouse b 15 Oct 1906

Harold Anthony Holthouse b 2 Feb 1909 in Jonesboro, AR

51 . +Rosalee Sellwood 1411q1! )

t 9- . 4 Stephan Holthouse b 8 May 1947

qq /
4 Andrew Holthouse b 7 Jun 1951

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

. 3 Victor Clement Holthouse b 3 Nov 1910 in Jonesboro, AR d 1 sop 1984 in Tulsa, OK

.$14(0. +Marguerite Louise Wissbaum m 29 Dec 1937

171... 4 Mary Louise Holthouse b 16 Feb 1939 in Tulsa, OK

2. +Eldon R. Elrod m 2 Sep 1961

J.C1..!) . / . 5 Brian Matthew Elrod b 2 Jun 1962:-ri0.-,1.1k. cogr

?.10:;. 5 Denise Louise Elrod b 17 Feb 1970 1'14 C& 4)1
3:1! ! . 5 Annette Marie Elrod b 29 Mar 1978 'II) c4 ) /1/

ivA 4 4 Madelyn Ann Holthouse b 22 Aug 1941 in Tulsa, OK

3. 6 9
. f. +Allen A. Pason m 24 Nov 1963

5 Joel Alan Pason b 2 Jul 1974 /06 ?N.,' 7") Q

. . . . 5 Geoffrey Albert Pason b 16 Nov 1978
/Yr3 Rosemary Ann Holthouse b 4 Jun 1915 in Jonesboro, AR

r. . 4. +Howard Baker )91- , a 011K1 'C

C,P.f. 4 Howard M. Baker b 23 Jul 1939 in Seminole, OK
,- (441
▪ . I. +Sharon Lee Taylor

. . . . 5 Stephanie Baker

3. 2 Eleanora Catherine "Sr. M. Dolores" Holthouse b 18 Mar 1878 in Decatur, IN d 13 Nov 1958 in Colby, KS

. 2 Bertha Anna Holthouse b 5 Feb 1880 in Decatur, IN d 1915

1 6▪(,2;
. +Franklin L. Winter m 5 Oct 1909 ei l m
. . 3 Franklin L. Winter, Jr. b in Jonesboro, AR d May 1990 in Little Rock,AR
/ +Virginia Mitchell
/)1c Crory /4.1
)9,-!7P. 4 William L. Winter b in Jonesboro, AR
+Barbara Hood

Li.: A.
w". 4 . 4 Robert Winter b in Jonesboro, AR
1 4 9 3 m 0) bdrd
.. . . . +Sue Beth Covington

5 Dona Winter a fillp /4e

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

4-.6) 3 Margaret Winter b in Jonesboro, AR

+Ewald R. Heinrich 1
W 6(0 V1 Pi4 7)1

. . . 4 Thomas Heinrich b in San Antonio, TX

/4 5 1
. . 7.1' . +Joyce Heinrich 0>

6.)(P.1./ 5 Michael Heinrich k , (it v.) rl r

n 6:-1/4

%. . . 4 Stephen Heinrich '

Sex n. n ea le\A-V)A /c.) TY

3 Robert Erwin Winter Puryear b 17 Dec 1915

p\ f .. 4 .174 L
I AL/ / 7 7 )-\ ° .5 ha

2 Wilhelmina Emma Holthouse b 3 Jun 1882 in Decatur,IN d Nov 1966

t e4
4, 0
— +Fred Puryear "I !? °

41 3 Robert Erwin Winter Puryear b 17 Dec 1915 in Jonesboro, AR d 14 Apr 1977 in Jonesboro, AR

V . +Frances Bershire m 6 Jan 1939 in Jonesboro,AR ›.'s I ./9 /7 ;1

1 , ,
) =i 44-

"). °. 4 Fred Puryear b 4 Feb 1940 in Jonesboro, AR

(. +Kay Hassell fortx rA ,.,

. . .
. 5 William Bradford Puryear b 9 Jun 1964 s-
5 Kimberly Dawn Puryear b 10 Jan 1969 in Atlanta, GA

+Barry Edleman 1 /94,..r*

il:q 5 Jessica Lyn Puryear b 1 Dec 1973 4y, 6-7/4
)4.( v
. . 5 Suzanne Berkshire Puryear b 12 Nov 1974 44-- / er•I'lx 67 / 4

() '
1 . 4 Robert Puryear b 8 Aug 1943 in Jonesboro, AR

+Colette Hazelbaker 61 1 )"+") 75e

"1. 9. 1/. . 5 Richard Christopher Puryear b 4 Jun 1967 1 ek7

4 Jeffrey Wayne Puryear b 25 Sep 1968 eC)Ille-

! ;1/.7 . 5 Patricia
1 ehe f e "19
Bryn Puryear b 15 Sep 1970

V. 5 Steven Chadwick Puryear b 1 Dec 1973 er 14N

t4 Cs ")f-.
.. 16 (I 5 Cheryl Lynn Puryear b 24 Jan 1978 -

. :1 ? 4 David Puryear b 23 Jul,1953 in Jonesboro, AR d 10 Mar 1983 in Jonesboro, AR


Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

1 4 P'.? 4 Mary Frances Puryear b 12 Feb 1955 in Jonesboro, AR

. . . . +Mark Gretel

3(0.. 2 Agnes Elizabeth "Sr. M. Antonia" Holthouse b 28 Aug 1885 in Decatur, IN d 24 Sep 1971

. 2 unnamed child of A.B. and M. Holthouse b 28 Aug 1885 d 28 Aug 1885 in ]

'1. 2 Lucile Francis Holthouse b 7 Oct 1887 in Decatur,IN d 13 Oct 1887

1 5,1(. 2 Frederick John Holthouse b 10 Feb 1889 in Decatur,IN d Dec 1944 in Fort Howard, MD

16 1 4
/. . +Jessie Burton

?1. 2 Bernard Godfrey Holthouse b 8 Mar 1891 in Decatur,IN d 28 Feb 1972 in Lawrenceburg, TN

1 9i
. +Nelle Frances Williams m 25 Oct 1911 h '47-'°. '"

.3 Margaret Martha Holthouse b 22 Feb 1913 in Jonesboro, AR

. .-'. +Lawrence Feldhaus m 30 Apr 1936 )24 cl st[40 1tWet

/3‘). ',.. 4 Lawrence Feldhaus, Jr. b 23 Jan 1937 in Lawrenceburg, TN

. +Janice Lee Cochran m 16 Mar 1963 // I? ;e

▪9.LI.I. 5 Julia Helen Feldhaus b 26 Sep 1963 Mpg kin

▪ 61
. . 5 Melinda Jill Feldhaus b 2 Apr 1965 17drv, - 67) V 4

1-4 s 4 John Anthony Feldhaus b 3 Oct 1939 in Lawrenceburg, TN d 10 Aug 1966 in MIA - Vietnam
1 L4
D 3 +Suzanne Colligan
Ol.- 6121 .. 5 Pamela Feldhaus b 31 Jul 1958 in Pensacola, FL

+Robert Smith

6 Amy Michelle Smith b 12 Jul 1982

6 Trisha Leann Smith b 8 Nov 1984

6 Amanda Nell Smith b 10 Nov 1988

5John Anthony Feldhaus, Jr. b 2 Sep 1959 ' it'it5p PL
2906 5 Jeffery D. Feldhaus b 26 Jun 1961 in CA

j ? (-I
+Sheila Jean Christmas I I f'

....... 6 Suzanne Christmas Feldhaus b 17 Aug 1988


Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

........ 6 Lisa May Feldhaus b 17 Aug 1989

; 4 5 Amanda Nester Feldhaus b 16 Jul 1962 in PA

▪ • . +Mark David Rose m 24 Jul 1983 ./ V/2// f /q 6" ..?

....... 6 Eric Lee Rose b 8 May 1989

........ 6 Kyle James Rose b 26 Aug 1991

) 1
S 4 Steven M. Feldhaus b 12 Jan 1945 in Lawrenceburg,TN

+Allis Ann Rennie m 18 Aug 1967

/ 5 Rennie Elizabeth Feldhaus b 26 Sep 1972 5e , ele (444

•) V

. . *2nd spouse of Steven M. Feldhaus:

. . . . +Marcia Hughes m 30 Dec 1980

) 6?
▪ . . 4 Frank Dunn Feldhaus b 17 Sep 1947 in Lawrenceburg, TN
k t % +Loretta Farnham m 6 Aug 1973 2)4l)Tro
. 5 Christina Marie Feldhaus b 11 Jan 1980 / 40 " "1
1- ry
3 7. 5 r - -
Robert Matthew Feldhaus b 21 Aug 19847 44ks tly, 1 )C

. . 4 4 Mary Ann Feldhaus b 1 May 1959 in Lawrenceburg, TN

L . +Christopher Aaron Sanders m 17 Dec 1988 CO/Vto

4 7
. 5 Steven Aaron Sanders b 31 Aug 1989 kb f ' (%
7- /
1 3•f. . AC ,41("1-.44 .-- (_n
4 Margaret Nell Feldhaus b 2 Jan 1941 in Lawrenceburg, TN d 4 Feb 1959 vt

Li .9 .1' 3 Virginia Heath Holthouse b 7 Jun 1915 \, ,N1- AP

' 11
Jr-4.) /46-
. 3 Maude Williams Holthouse b 28 May 1919 in Muncie, IN . ,... 4)//4117 Ai eliCI
+Robert Luther Lumpkinsk, Sr. m 8 Jul 1942 in Lawrenceburg, TN V& /14/

. . 4 Robert Luther Lumpkins, Jr. b 25 Jan 1944 in Lawrenceburg, TN
/.4 1 (.1 . +Sara Jane O'Connell m 29 Dec 1966 0//e)/

1 ,0 5 Christine Lumpkins b 17 Aug 1968

J./ I 4 Donald B. Lumpkins b 29 Jul 1946 ;-n -(`-e n C

of TA/
16 -
Jil? 4 Mary Virginia Lumpkins b 23 Sep 1947 1 V-Y tc1 e e - 11
v "r, .

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

. 4 Charles Harvey Lumpkins b 18 Jan 1952 in Lawrenceburg, TN

. . . . +June Delven m 5 May 1982

1 . 4 Ann Lumpkins b 4 Jun 1955 in Tampa, FL

. +Gary Williams m 27 Aug 1983

. 5 Samantha Williams b 5 May 1984

? 66.). 5 Tate Williams b 31 Jan 1989

/1/.. 4 Lawrence l Lumpkins b 23 Sep 1958 in Tampa, FL

. 111. +Sue Botta m 13 Apr 1985

'& 7v. 5 Allison Marie Lumpkins b 27 Jul 1987

. . . . 5 Stephen Robert Lumpkins b 16 Apr 1990

. a Robert Bernard Holthouse b 8 Dec 1922 in Muncie, IN

0 . +Myrtle Sexton m 20 Jul 1952

I -V. ' 4 Kimberly Ann "Kim" Holthouse b 14 Jun 1953

3! '74 Shawn Marie Holthouse b 4 Jun 1955 in Blytheville, AR

),./. +Gerald F. "Jerry" Chafin, Jr. 51-)e 11.1 -1-4

6 / V)ig ef*
5 Gerald F. "Jay" Chafin, III b 29 Jan 1974

5 Robert B. "Rob" Chafin b 14 Jun 1976

1/. 5 Chase A. Chafin b 9 Dec 1982

4 Robert Bernard "Ron" Holthouse, Jr. b 27 Apr 1958 in Osceola, AR

3 1 1
. +Deborah "Debbie" Hook m 10 Jul 1982 J-f/3//171?
3. 6 '
'. 7. e;. 5 Robert Bernard "Trae" Holthouse, III b 24 Sep 1985
= ' .2.2: 5 Adam Hugh Holthouse b 8 Jan A988

/. 3 .14 Edward Heath Holthouse b 24 Dec 1959 dS

C echl eell
) 4 Brian Anthony Holthouse b 15 Oct 1961 /4x).
3.,) 4 Vincent Nicholas "Vince" Holthouse b 5 Jul 1963 in Osceola, AR

. . . +Kay Jackson m 23 Nov 1985

Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse

. 3 Bernard Godfrey Hoithouse, Jr. b 8 Aug 1924 in Lawrenceburg, TN

. . +Eva Jean Holthouse

• • •2nd spouse of Bernard Godfrey Hoithouse, Jr.:

4 1
^.:• ; ' +Theresa Bacche m 2 Mar 1957 -------
.1 3. 10/4 Edward Holthouse b 13 Jul 1958 in Cleveland,OH
. ), +Beth Gallagher m 22 Aug 1986 in Cleveland, OH y//9‘0

.(-. . . 5 Ashley Holthouse b 27 May 1987 - u

(.1/ -1

1 6
// !. 3 Nelle Jean Holthouse b 13 Nov 1929 in Lawrenceburg, TN

4'51. +Lawrence John Smith, Jr. m 31 Mar 1951 in Lawrenceburg, TN 41C)/A4 h eTt

13--v 4. -
. 4 Beverly Jean Smith b 24 Nov 1953 ' C7
4 Emily Claire Smith b 1 Jul 1955 in Louisville, KY

+Frank Waverka m 27 Aug 1977 )4 0 )01{5

•. . . 5 Jennifer Lynn Waverka b 14 Jul 1981

-; (
J A , . 5 Lauren Michele Waverka b 9 May 1984

▪ . . 5 Kimberly Rene Waverka b 28 Feb 1986

1 :›n
.)4. 4 Melanie Ann Smith b 3 Jun 1956 in Louisville, KY

. 5 Ann Marie Leonard b 25 Apr 1982

/ 3)/(: 4 Gregory Mark Smith t 4 Sep 1958

4 Kimberly Jane Smith b 1 Jul 1961 in Wilmington, DE

3°. (11(. 5 Emily Nelle Smith b 7 Nov 1989

. 2 Eleanora Margaretha Holthouse b 9 Feb 1872

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

1 Bernd von Hoene

. +Catharina Aleid

f(7 7Y 4

. 2 Johann Herman zu Hoene b Apr 17, 1765 in Quadenort, Bersenbrueck d Mar 31, 1819 in Quadenort,

7, G
CAJ. +Maria Catharina Gertrud Mescher b Jun 11, 1782 in Hertmann/Ouadenort, Bersenbrueck m Jan 22, 1799 in
St. Vincentius, Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck d Mar 10, 1841 in Bersenbrueck
r7 ;,7L)
. . 3 Joan Gerhard Philip Henrich Mescher b Oct 20, 1801 in Quadenort, Bersenbrueck d Sep 19, 1825 in D
Hertmann, Bersenbrueck Parish

.. 3 Anna Maria Adeiheid Mescher b Nov 6, 1804
( I
3 Anna Margaretha Mescher b Jun 29, 1807 in Bersenbruck, Hannover, Germany d Feb 12, 1856 in Cranberry

Prairie, OH

Goa 4 +John Bernard Knapke, Sr. b Feb 26, 1800 in Neuenkirchen, Oldenburg, Germany m Aug 14, 1836 in St.
Vincent Bersenbrueck, Hannover, Ger. d Jan 1, 1872 in Cranberry Prairie, Mercer Co., OH

,.(0./.C 4 Bernard Henry Knapke b Oct 20, 1838 in Cranberry Prairie, OH d Apr 13, 1897 in St. Henry, OH
, . +Elizabeth Gast b Dec 27, 1844 m May 12, 1863 in St. John, Maria Stein, OH d Mar 4, 1885

C. .) 3 ( . 5 Mary Catherine Knapke b Jul 11, 1869

........ +William Harting) El 1862 m in Decatur, IN d 1937
©4 I 6 Leona Harting

............. Gillig ,1:1 Nov 12, 1884 m Sep 23, 1913 d Sep 2, 1984 __)

...C!) . . 7 Helen Gillig

........... +Mr. Kessen

............ 8 Carol Ann Kessen

........... 8 Kay Kessen

4 -
. .1/ itr, . . 7 Richard Gillig

+Joan Laver

......... 7 Ruth Gillig

........... +Ted Bollinger

......... 7 Robert Gillig

Includes Holthouse, Fullenkamp, Knapke, Hagedorn families.

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

............. 7 William Gillig

.......... 6 Raymond Harting

I 1)................
6 Mayme Harting

............. +Clarence Herber m in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. 7 William Herber

.......... 6 Andrew Harting

............. +Ms. Meyers b in Tulsa, OK

9.-1K 1 5 John Matthias Knapke Sep 30, 1887 d Feb 14, 194)

.......... Cang
+14..... Catherine Herman b Aug 15, 1875 m in St. Henry, OH d Aug 22, 1855

....... 6 Adrian Knapke

.......... 6 Marie Knapke

.......... 6 Rosella Knapke

.......... 8 Nur Knapke

CO. . . 5 Joseph Knapke b Feb 25, 1875 d Aug 8, 1919 in Decatur, IN

. . . Rolver 4 Feb 19, 1875 m Nov 22, 1899 in Adams Co, IN d Dec 30, 1950

.......... 6 Theodore Knapke

.......... 6 Charles Knapke

. 4 Mary Elizabeth Knapke b Sep 6, 1840 in Cranberry Prairie, Mercer Co OH d Dec 16, 1858 in St. Henry,

. . . +Rudolf Blacks m Nov 12, 1857 in St. Henry22i,)

5 Bernard Knapke Blacks b Dec 14, 1858

John Bernard Knapke, Jr. b Oct 18, 1842 in Cranberry Prairie, OH d Apr 11, 1899 in Cranberry
Prairie, OH
H-& jk*#
+Johanna VandenBosch b Sep 16, 1847 in Holland m Nov 20, 1866 in Cranberry Prairie,OH d Oct 8, 1920

. . .3 . , 5 Bernard "Ben" Knapke b Jul
3 9, 1867 d May 14, 1950

.......... +Margaret Meibers b Dec 8, 1861 in Adams Co, IN d Apr 9, 1947 in Decatur, IN

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

5 Mary Katharine Knapke b Sep 24, 1869 d Feb 23, 1911

► ) +Bernard J. Bertke b Feb 2, 1861 m May 22, 1888 d Apr 3, 1937

I 3 C-X-j-1
' ° 171
4F . i. 5 Henrica Rose Knapke b Feb 2, 1871 d Nov 30, 1940

........ +Phillip Staugler b Jan 1, 1869 d Apr 15, 1957

0 412 41 - I
1 + --g "
. 6 . ° q5 J. John Knapke b Feb 14, 1873 d Mar 22, 1957

+Anna Schwegman b Jun 14, 1881 m Aug 22, 1900 d Jun 13, 1977

• Peter Henry Knapke b Dec 20, 1874 q

▪ 1 . 5 Frances Elisabeth Knapke b Jan 19, 1877 d Apr 17, 1965

........ +Jacob Schoen b Jun 8, 1874 d Apr 24, 1965 -2
/1 eit:t.e.1-4-4--
▪ 5 Frank Knapke b Mar 12, 1879 d Oct 28, 1968

( 1 3.. +Elisabeth Schwegman b Jun 14, 1881 m Apr 30, 1902 d Dec 19, 1968
7 eLbet--)

Ot(-7'5 Henry William Knapke b Feb 20, 1881 d Nov 16, 1946

*Pose Hemmelgarn b May 18, 1883 in Jul 21, 1908 d Feb 10, 195/5 cd"ce.„...„ / 6, 7

.............................................. 6 Luke Knapke

.3.6.3 .
5 Anthony Herman Knapke b May 2, 1883 d Apr 29, 1943

+Anna E. Hemmelgarn b Sep 28, 1885 m Jul 21, 1908 d May 4, 1970

........ 6 Paul "Fr. Paul" Knapke G / 1/1

. . 5 Fred Joseph "Father Othmar" Knapke b Jan 15, 1886 d Jul 12, 1939 in Roma, Italia

4 3.^ 4 Mary Catherine Knapke b Sep 5, 1845 in Cranberry Prairie, OH d'Oct 18, 1866 in St. Henry, OH

. . +Bernard Altenhoefel m Feb 13, 1865 in Cranberry Prairie, OH

5 Henry Bernard Altenhoefel b Oct 9, 16a)

/) :)!1. 4 Mary Knapke b 1848 d Sep 22, 1904 in Cartha9ena, OH

▪ . . . +Peter Vanden8osch b 1850 m Nov 25, 1873 in Carthagena, OH d 1881

▪0. .0 . 5 Peter John VandenBoach b 1874

........ +Elisabeth Frey m 1898

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

. . . 5 Anna Mary "Sr. Anna" VandenBosch b 1875

. . 5 Regina Catharine VandenBosch b 1877

. . 5 Mary Rose VandenBosch b Apr 4, 1878 d Jul 20, 1954

........ +Louis Moeller b Feb 7, 1878 d Jun 16, 1954

. . 5 Elisabeth VandenBosch b 1879

........ +Mr. Krug

. . 5 Peter John VandenBosch b 1881

. 3 Josephus Mescher b Feb 19, 1811 in Hertmann/Quadenort, Parish Bersenbrueck d Feb 19, 1811 in (9
Hertmann/Quadenort, Parish Bersenbrueck

. 3 Johanna Catharina Mescher b Feb 15, 1813 in Hertmann/Quadenort, Bersenbrueck,Osnabruck d Feb 21, 1868 2
in Washington Twp., Adams Co., IN

: . . +Johan Bernd Holthaus b Aug 5, 1812 in Hastrup, Parish Bersenbrueck, Osnabrueck m Sep 9, 1837 in
Cathedral, Ft. Wayne, IN d Oct 26, 1870 in Washington Twp, Adams Co., IN

. 4 Wilhemina Catherine Holthouse b Dec 25, 1838 in Washington Twp, Adams Co, IN d Sep 5, 1864 in Adams
.. :tA +Conrad Brake b 1826 in Hanover, Osnabruck m Jan 29, 1859 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN d Oct 20, 1910
in Decatur, IN

▪ f5 Mary Catharine Brake b Sep 1, 1860

.4 ").1. 5 Christina Katherine Brake b Jan 19, 1862 6

O. . . +Maxmillian Gerard b in Ashendorf, Germany m May 7, 1884 in St. Mary's Decatur, IN

. 1 51f
. .4 . 6 Fred Gerard

. . -(1 1 . 6 Marie Gerard dh?

6 Minnie Gerard (,)1 ?)fro
. C . 6 Helen Gerard
( ,aft-
▪ . 6 Emilie Gerard

. . . 6 Margaret Gerard

. 1. . . . 6 Roman Gerard

6 Carl Gerard

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

7777;7:Marcus Gerard

6 infant Gerard y C-17


.3 0 5 Elizabeth Cecilia Brake b Jun 26, 1864 in Adams Co.,IN ( 7//47 -2

/ I ej 441.42)
. ..C.O .6 . +Henry Francis Costello m Jun 4, 1890 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN ' 4

e to.. /
, / r // i,-7

p. 6 Mary Agnes Costello b Apr 1, 1891

i ya +Cletus P. Meacham 1)-4 -.1 -4-4•-4.1-)
..._ 3e11/44.;- 44-`— '
. .1-: 9 C 6 Daniel Costello b Nov 1, 1896 )//YS ) iq3 4

▪ . 1-. ?.7 J0 Francis Raymond "Pat" Costello b Jun 14, 1901 3*--/S'')/97
) ?5'-clr . +Mary Thomas 1) -1 ei ,_" d;7_,_. ..,, )\ ..ct. '

. ..31 . . . 7 Thomas Costello

. . . . . . 7 Joseph Costello
• . . . .) . +Catharine Costello

............. 8 Molly Costello

............. 8 Patrick Costello

4 . /. 4 Peter Holthouse b Oct 25, 1841 in Washington Twp, Adams Co., IN d Nov 1, 1912 in Decatur, IN
• Of 7
. +Mary Close b 1838 in Adams Co., IN m Nov 5, 1874 in St. Mary's,Decatur, IN d Jul 17, 1893 in Adams
Co., IN
)/// 17/
) l7 7
Gertrude Holthouse b 1878 in Adams Co.,IN d Aug 28, 1966 in Decatur,IN
3 - , A

. . 5 Helena "Lena - Holthouse b Jul 7, 1879 in Adams Co., IN d Feb 8. 1974 in Decatur,IN

65 Anthony Bernard Holthouse b Sep 17, 1883 in Adams Co.,IN d Jun 24, 1952
+Amelia Weber b Jul 18, 1886 in Adams Co.,IN m Apr 17, 1917 in St. Mary's,Decatur IN d Aug 13;

. .
lc/ . . . 66 Virginia Gertrude Holthouse('D Dec 2, 191 11,1 /
n :
(II 6 Mary Adeline Holthouse b Sep 12, 1923

)--s tc4sr-

. 4 Anthony Bernard Holthouse b 1844 in Decatur, IN d Dec 31, 1907 in Jonesboro, AR

.. . +Margaret Schoen

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

A 4 Henry Gerhard Holthouse b Jun 10, 1848 in Washington Twp, Adams Co, IN d Sep 2, 1871 in Adams Co.,
A )0
o2VA 4 Catharine Holthouse b 1851 in Washington Twp, Adams Co, IN
t Jr L.-
;), 0 -
+Herman H, Brake b Apr 14, 1847 in Bersenbrueck, Hanover, Osnabrueck m Jun 6, 1876 in St. Mary's,
Decatur,IN d Sep 2, 1909 in Decatur, IN

. . .C 5 Wilhelmina Brake b in Adams Co.,IN i012 1 1) kr i

+Charles Ephraim Brown b in Chicago,IL m Aug 22, 1903 in St. Mary's, Decatur

. 6. . ii.--: 5 Herman C. "Harmon" Brake II d in Cincinnati 3 OH ./IV/a#4 -- ///W:i,440 0e

le1 9'.....
......... +Mary Brake........................
? 0
. 6 ..3 . (4 . 5 Mayme Brake 0 4 I If'19- /% 04A#' -.
L- ....1 / ' . 1 147/
//,1 Dee L, ,

i -3 6" ,4) Lvv ,

.v. 7. 5 Louise Brake d in Cincinnati, OH 1,

// a/ Iv ?// w///7

..... +Mr. Teculva

2 hi
erl et
. . . (v*
. 5 John Edward Brake b ABOUT 1881 d Mar 12, 1945 in Cincinnati, OH

+Mary Brake b 1878 in Cincinnati, OH d Mar 6, 1914


vyn fri krov /4diAlgd

- idi-3Z 9,6 vi
. . . . 5 Bernard M. Brake b ABOUT 1890 in Adams Co, IN d May 1, 1957

.......... 6 June Brake
r.151-kn NA 4 Sell
( 7. 4 ,)ohillHenr-i)Bernard *JB" Holthouse b Feb 27, 1855 in Adams Co., IN d Jan 23, 1915 in Decatur, IN

. +Mary S. Gast b Apr 23, 1857 in Louisville, KY m 1880 d Dec 1896 in Decatur, IN

. 11
. 5 Louis Anthony Holthouse, Sr. b Jul 6, 1882 in Decatur, IN d Dec 24, 1958 in Decatur, IN

5( C/
. K . . . +Mary C. "May" Niblick b Mar 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN m Sep 5, 1907 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d
Apr 14, 1959 in Decatur, IN
./ r 0 0. . 6 William Holthouse ko."1-0-4

.......... +Helen Weiland

---- j1-41" j

. . . . . 6 Rosemary Holthouse b Sep 30, 1911 in Decatur, IN
.yo/ /9a1 7A-1//9
▪ . r +Harold Grant

. 1.
1. .A. 6 Patricia C. Holthouse (4] b Jun 30, 1913 in Decatur, IN
. 1 .T. . +William Gass [3] m Dec 31, 1932 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN h N( 41-442--7

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

....... 7 Steve Gass b se c7.- 04.4k}.- (



7 Anne Gass

1 -
: . 7 Sarah Gass 4 /IY\

6 Louis Anthony "Jack" Holthouse [2] b Jul 10, 1918 in Decatur,/N cr/),41 1?
. . . +Rosemary Fullenkamp [1]

(A bi
. . S
5 Clarence r.
Francis Holthouse, S b Dec 12, 1884 in Adams Co., IN d Aug 14, 1923 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. 9 +Alma Mary Starost b Aug 17, 1890 in Decatur, IN m May 27, 1912 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d Nov
28, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

....... 6 Evaline Mary Holthouse b Apr 26, 1913 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1, 1924 in Decatur, IN

iC 6 Frances Virginia Holthouse b Aug 2, 1915 in Decatur, IN d Mar 20, 1991 in Ft. Wayne, IN

0 4 x.
+Paul Anthony Wehrle, Sr. b Aug 23, 1915 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Nov 21, 1940 in St. Joseph's, Ft.
Wayne, IN d Aug 27, 1988 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. .b. . ! ). . 7 Rita Jane Wehrle b Feb 22, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........... +Robert William "Bob" Quinn, Jr. b Nov 2, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Apr 20, 1963 in St. John the
v/ Baptist, Ft. Wayne, IN

0 _Ct -
........... 8 Angela Marie "Angie Quinn b Feb 25, 1964 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. +Don Nicholas "Nick" Keirn b Apr 17, 1952 in Laud, IN m May 24, 1986 in
Unitarian-Universalist Mtg. House, FW d Oct 13, 1991 in Van Wert Co., OH

............. 9 Pauline Elizabeth "Polly Quinn b Jan 10, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

............. 9 Jacob Nicholas Aidan Keirn b Dec 23, 1991 in Fort Wayne, IN
( e
. . . . . . . 8 Gregory Robert "Greg" Quinn b Apr 16, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. +Susan Bennett m May 28, 1994 in Milwaukee. Wisconsin.

i() . . . 8 Jeffrey Michael "Jeff" Quinn b Jul 14, 1966 in Ft. Wayne, IN
. . .

............. +Carmen Cortes m Apr 6, 1991 in Homewood, Il

............. 9 Ellen Ashley Quinn b Sep 27, 1992 in Park Forest, IL

............. 9 To be Announced b Jan 1995

. . 8 Daniel Charles "Danny" Quinn b Apr 9, 1968 in Ft. Wayne, IN

11 •

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

. . t . . . . 8 Katharine Ann "Katie" Quinn b Oct 31, 1970 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. +Daniel Dee Dixon b Mar 20, 1969 in New Haven, IN m in Courthouse, Ft.Wayne, IN

............. 9 Danielle Nicole Dixon b Oct 22, 1989

............. 9 Jessica LeAnne Quinn b Mar 21, 1992

............ 8 Elizabeth Joanne "Betsy" Quinn b Mar 19, 1979 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... 7 Michael Paul Wehrle b May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN d May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... 7 James Richard Wehrle b Mar 7, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Mar 8, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. hord
. . . 7 Barbara Ann Wehrle b Jun 1, 1946 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Sr. b Aug 21, 1941 in Hollidaysburg, PA m Feb 17, 1968 in 5t. John the
Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

. . . orcl
. . 8 Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr. b Oct 19, 1968 in Valparaiso, IN

............. +Lynda Marie Sowers b Jul 6, 1970 m May 23, 1992 in Indian Oak Inn, Chesterton, IN

. 8 Lori Anne Brubaker b Sep 19, 1969 in Bremen, IN

............ 8 Michael James "Mike" Brubaker b May 1, 1971 in Valparaiso, IN

1 ,,
. F. .. . 7 Paul Anthony "Pauli" Wehrle, Jr. b Jun 14, 1948 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........... +Sally Green m Aug 1981 in at home, Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 Damien Tristan Green b Feb 4, 1973 in Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 Nathan Etienne Wehrle b Jan 21, 1984 in Fort Wayne, IN

0 rii
...... n
7 Kathleen Jo "Kathy" Wehrle b Jan 21, 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........... +Terry John Cunningham b Jul 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne m Dec 6, 1969 in St. John the Baptist,
Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 John Edward Cunningham b Jul 8, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 Benjamin Joseph "Ben" Cunningham b Jul 27, 1972 in Agana Heights, Guam, US territory

........... 8 Matthew James "Matt" Cunningham b Sep 23, 1975 in Port Smith, VA

........... B Katheryn Joan "Kate" Cunningham b Jul 10, 1978 in Fort Wayne, IN

. .
lf ,

. . 7 Jon Thomas Wehrle b Dec 2, 1954 in Ft. Wayne, IN

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

........... +Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Wiltshire b Jan 23, 1957 m May 12, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 Samuel Jon Wehrle b Jun 17, 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN

........... 8 To Be Announced b Jul 1994

........ $ Dorothy Elizabeth "Betty" Holthouse b May 4, 1917 in Decatur, IN

O 4// 6 Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr. b Oct 15, 1919 in Decatur, IN d Feb 7, 1972 in Palo Alto, CA

......... +Mildred Rich m Apr 21, 1948 in Clark Co., WA

........ *2nd spouse of Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr.:

......... +Lillian J. Stewart b May 12, 1913 m May 7, 1971 in Reno, NV

°4 6 Mary Grace Holthouse b Jul 26, 1922 in Decatur, IN

/t 4 -3'
+Glenn Taylor b Aug 14, 1922 in Bishop, CA m Jun 29, 1946 d Jan 8, 1986 in Bishop CA

......... 7 Steve Taylor b Sep 18, 1944

......... 7 Allen Taylor b Jan 16, 1947

......... 7 Bruce Taylor b Sep 13, 1952

. . 5 Mary Catherine Holthouse b May 1, 1887 in Decatur, IN d Aug 20, 1918 in 'Decatur, IN

........ +Robert McMahon i 704%

. . . . 5 Anthony Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN

. . . . 5 unnamed child of J. and M.S. Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN

.6 1. 1
. 5 Frances Cecilia Holthouse b Feb 26, 1891 in Decatur, IN d Jun 17, 1908 in Decatur, IN

.6. .,I 1 5 Felix William "Hap" Holthouse b Jul 21, 1893 in Decatur, IN d Feb 19: 1973 in Hollywood, Florida

Elio 3
. . .
. +Winifred Burk m Sep 8, 1916 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

4,0 ( h
. .. . . 6 Catharine Burk Holthouse May 23, 1918 d in Pennyan, N Y d41

i6 6
. . . 6 Martha Jane Holthouse b Jan 17, 1920

......... +Charles Clefton Combert b in Louisville, KY

C." \lb4/?r

......... 7 Craig Combert

. :) . C.-2 .4 . 7 Chris Combert


Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

+Nancy Kalleber

i 6 Elizabeth Anne Holthouse b Jun 23, 1922

at,4 +Warren Bryant m in Sarasota, Florida

7 Warren Bryant, Jr.

........... +Brenda Bryant

7 Keith Bryant

+Patti Fox

7 Kevin Bryant

. G. 0*4
. . 5 Catherine Gertrude "Sr. Mary Grace" Holthouse b Dec 6, 1895 in Decatur, IN

. . . *2nd spouse of John Henry Bernard "JB" Holthouse:

• . .
. +Mary T. Reuland b ABOUT 1868 in Sauk Co., WI m Jan 15, 1898 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d Dec 18,
1953 in Decatur, IN

5 Jesse Barbara Holthouse b Jul 19, 1899 in Decatur, IN d Jan 12, 1991 in Decatur,IN
+John H. Brunton m Oct 4 19 rfn Notre Dame, IN
.1 ‘1
/GO 9—.11"/
5 John Bernard Holthouse II b Jan 31, 1901 in Decatur, IN d Apr 5, 1967 in Decatur, IN

iIda Meyer b Jan 9, 1902 m Jan ;22 1920 in St. Mary, Decatur,IN d Feb 28, 1981

.‘ 6. 6 Catharine Mary "Snook" Holthouse b May 18, 1920 in Decatur, IN

+Bernard Hain

A . . 6 Barbara Jane "Jane" Holthouse b Jul 23, 1921in Decatur, IN

+Mr. Neuman
Ai, I s "IA
rf fel 4, 4,, ,2 0-11

................. *2nd spouse of Barbara Jane Jane - Holthouse:

, +Fred Schumm

. A I. 6 John Bernard "Brud" Holthouse III b Jan 24, 1923 in Decatur, IN / 7/ / 9 7


,,.. im , -r L ,..v / r ei I /1. ril fer W

- • 1- 0,=?Ir•
/.., ,
+Patricia Rumschlag
/,/ -40 . xri 3

. . . . 5 Henry Charles Holthouse b Sep 17, 1902 in Decatur, IN d Mar 16, 1903 in Decatur, IN
, . fe l •
. . . . 5 Margaret Agnes Holthouse b Jan 26, 1904 in Decatur, IN d Sep 21, 1985 in Decatur, IN

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

. . . . 5 Hugh Aloysius "Spitty - Holthouse b Apr 17, 1906 in Decatur, IN d Mar 3, 1972 in Decatur, IN

113 +Jeanette Clark b Apr 18, 1905 m Jan 30, 1937 in Notre Dame, IN d Dec 14, 1981

. . . 5 Helen Elizabeth Holthouse b Feb 8, 1908 in Decatur, IN

i //4 +Hugh Kent

. . *2nd spouse of Helen Elizabeth Holthouse:

....... +Kenneth C. Thompson m Oct 3, 1969 in St. Gertrude, Chicago, IL

. . *3rd spouse of Helen Elizabeth Holthouse:

+Mr. ? m ABOUT 1980

Maria Louisa Holthouse b Aug 25, 1910 in Decatur, IN d May 4, 1912 in Decatur, IN

Robert Joseph Holthouse b Oct 1, 1913 in Decatur,IN

+Doris Kirk m Nov 26, 1936 in Milwaukee, WI d May 26, 1989

. . . *2nd spouse of Robert Joseph Holthouse:

....... +Margaret Fulton

0 . 3 Maria Elisabeth 6ernardina Mescher b Feb 15' 1813 in Hertmann/Quadenort,Bersenbrueck, d in Maria

. . +Gerhard Nicolas Fullenkamp b 1803 in Wehbergen,Bersenbrueck, Osnabruek m Apr 17, 1838 in St.
Vincentius, Bersenbrueck d 1853

. . 4 Catherine Fullenkamp

. . . 4 Dedrich Fullenkamp
1 1
. ;'4 Jacob Joseph Fullenkamp b Aug 24, 1848 in Ankum, parish Bersenbrueck, Hanover

. . . . +Mary Klaphoeke b 1850 )11801bi713, 1870 in St. Mary's,10Oai1r, IN d 1937 )

, ?; /*1.- 5 Mary Fullenkamp

....... +Martin Mylatt m Apr 28, 1903

....... 6 Margaret Mylatt

....... 6 Jerome Mylatt

....... 6 Gerald Mylatt

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

6 Pete Mylatt

. . .4 Loretta F. "Lettie" Fullenkamp

........ +Ed Weisling m Oct 15, 1919

........ 6 A. D. Weisling

. 5 Herb Fullenkamp
PC '
. . . . 5 Fred "Frickles -

........ +Esther Corbet m Oct 14, 1914

6 Pat Fullenkamp

6 Rosemary Fullenkamp [1]

Pp 0 y /icy&
+Louis Anthony "Jack" Holthouse [2] b Jul 10, 1918 in Decatur,IN

........ 6 Noreen Fullenkamp

. . . . 5 Rose Fullenkamp

0 2 C/
. 5 Bertha Fullenkamp

+Dallas M. Reed b in Indianapolis, IN m Oct 30, 1907

.... 6 Ruth Reed

.... 6 Paul Reed

.... 6 Mark Reed

.... 6 Robert Reed

. . 5 Joseph Fullenkamp

. . 5 Edmound Fullenkamp

. . . . 5 Bernard Fullenkamp

t."6. 47
•:: 5 &rlaAntonetift AdelheidL"Addie" Ful1enkamp b Sep 18, 1871 d 1958 2)

........ +Ezra Frank Gass b 1870 m Oct 19, 1892 d 1931 in Adams Co., IN

6 William Gass [3] b % 4,7-


. 14 C. Holthouse [4] b Jun 30, 1913 in Decatur, IN m Dec 31, 1932 in St. Mary's, Decatur,
a- •

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

r-‘q! 6 Naomi Gas

+V Borman

7 Barbara Kay Borman

6 Leon Gass
kt" rec4 er"
.............. 7 Jean Gass

........... 7 Marjorl Gass

........... 7 Richard Gass

........... 7 Katy Lou Gass

........... 7 Geraldine Gass

Co 3
. . . 6 Helen Gass
............................ +Mr. Andrews

........... 7 Carol Sue Andrews

........... 7 Georgia Helen Andrews

........... 7 James Andrews

30 6 Carl Gass

+Evelyn Thompson

........... 7 Edward Gass

7 Mary L. Gass
. . ). 0. 6 Robert Gass

........... +Ruth Hogelin )

........... 7 James Gass

......... 6 Beatrice Gass

....,(0 1C° 6 Marie Gass b Sep 6, 1893

+Dan Zeser

........... 7 Joan Zeser

Descendants of the Mescher Sisters

......... 7 Janet Zeser

7 Robert Zeser

7 Thomas Zeser

6 Raymond Gass, Sr.

+Helen Kieler 7

7 Raymond Gass, Jr.

7 Jane Gass

7 Norma Jean Gass

7 Dorothy Gass

7 Mary Helen Gass

. . . . 5 John Henry William Fullenkamp b Apr 21, 1872

. . a-. 5 Clara Helen Fullenkamp b May 21, 1875

........ +John Christ M. Meyers m Sep 22, 1897

....... 6 Robert Meyers

+M Moran

........ 6 Mary Meyers

........ 6 Cletis Meyers

........ 6 Lewis Meyers

........ 6 Paul Meyers

....... 6 Bernard Meyers

k4I I
. 3 Maria Catharina Gertrud Mescher b Mar 29, 1817 in Hertmann/Guadenort, Bersenbrueck, d in Minster,

. . . +John Henry Hagedorn b 1812 in Germany m Jul 26, 1842 in Minster, OH

. . 4 Elizabeth Hagedorn b Jul 23, 1843 in Ohio d Dec 4, 1887

. +Bernard Henry Boeke b May 21, 1840 in Mercer Co., OH m Oct 15, 1861 in ohio d Dec 23, 1913

(40. 5 Mary Elizabeth Boeke b Dec 9, 1863 in Mercer Co., OH d Feb 6, 1931

Descendants of the Meacher Sisters

....... +Clement Hausfeld b Mar 15, 1857 d Nov 20. 1929


. (i
s. 5 M. Elizabeth Boeke b Jan 4, 1866 in Mercer Co.,OH d Feb 4, 1944

....... +Bernard Brunswick b Mar 7, 1860 d Sep 11, 1919

. . . . 5 Joseph Bernard Boeke b Oct 11, 1867 in Mercer Co., IN d Sep 24, 1868 in Mercer Co., IN

. . . 4 Joseph Hagedorn b 1846

Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families

1 Mr. Gast b in France/Germany

. +Mrs. Gast

. 2 Mathias Gast b ABOUT 1822 ,4240k17 h (Fly' ?) 0 J ?

oll/e r-
. . +Cathrine Gast b ABOUT 1832

. . 3 Elizabeth Gast b Dec 27, 1844 d Mar 4, 1885

. . . +Bernard Henry Knapke b Oct 20, 1838 in Cranberry Prairie, OH m May 12, 1863 in St. John, Maria Stein,
OH d Apr 13, 1897 in St. Henry, OH
/ V
. . . 4 Mary Catherine Knapke b Jul 11, 1864

. . . . +William Harting b 1862 m in Decatur, IN d 1937

. . . 5 Leona Harting

......... +Herman Gillig b Nov 12, 1884 m Sep 23, 1913 d Sep 2, 1984

6b . . 6 Helen Gillig

........... +Mr. Kessen

........... 7 Carol Ann Kessen

........... 7 Kay Kessen

-I tit
] . 6 Richard Gillig

........... +Joan Laver

......... 6 Ruth Gillig

........... +Ted Bollinger

......... 6 Robert Gillig

......... 6 William Gillig

. . . . 5 Raymond Harting

11 6 ' . 5 Mayme Harting

. .

......... +Clarence Herber m in Ft. Wayne, IN

......... 6 William Herber

. . . 5 Andrew Harting
Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families

........ +Ms. Meyers b in Tulsa, OK

. 4 John Matthias Knapke b Sep 30, 1867 d Feb 14, 1948

. . . . +Mary Catherine Herman b Aug 15, 1875 m in St. Henry, OH d Aug 22, 1955

. . . . 5 Adrian Knapke

. . . . 5 Marie Knapke

. . . . 5 Rosella Knapke

. . . . 5 Nurse Knapke

A 3 .1 4 Joseph Knapke b Feb 25, 1875 d Aug 8, 1919 in Decatur, IN

. . . . +Wilhelmina Rolver b Feb 19, 1875 m Nov 22, 1899 in Adams Co, IN d Dec 30, 1950

. . . 5 Theodore Knapke

. . . 5 Charles Knapke

. . 3 John Gast b ABOUT 1860

. . 3 Henry Gast b ABOUT 1864

. . 3 Mathias Gast, Jr. b ABOUT 1869

. . 3 Frances Gast b ABOUT 1875

. . 3 Joseph Gast

. . +Mary Desch m Mar 10, 1864 in Mercer Co., OH

. . 3 Julia Ann Gast

. . . +A.J.South m Mar 6, 1861 in Mercer Co., OH

. 2 Martin Francis Gast b ABOUT 1826 in France d ABOUT 1865 in Civil War

. . +Catherine Tonnellier b Sep 26, 1825 in Metz. France m Jan 7. 1850 in Louisville, KY d Mar 29. 1905 in
Decatur, IN

. . 3 Regina Gast b 1851 in Louisville, KY d Feb 14, 1929 in Decatur, IN

. . 3 Louis J. Gast b Jan 15, 1855 in Decatur,IN d Apr 6, 1892 in Decatur, IN

. 3 Mary S. Gast b Apr 23, 1857 in Louisville, KY d Dec 22, 1896 in Decatur, IN

1 +John Henry Bernard "JB" Holthouse b Feb 27, 1855 in Adams Co., IN m 1880 d Jan 23, 1915 in Decatur,

Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families

. . . 4 Louis Anthony Holthouse, Sr. b Jul 6, 1882 in Decatur, IN d Dec 24, 1958 in Decatur, IN
.PA. +Mary C. May Niblick b Mar 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN m Sep 5, 1907 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d Apr
14, 1959 in Decatur, IN
. . . . 5 William Holthouse
* ./. . +Helen Weiland

/4 .4:11. 5 Rosemary Holthouse b Sep 30, 1911 in Decatur, IN

.1. 0 1! e•-). s. +Harold Grant

A ! ;?\ 5 Patricia C. Holthouse b Jun 30, 1913 in Decatur, IN

. +William Gass m Dec 31, 1932 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

3/ . 6 Steve Gass

. 6 Anne Gass
3 6y
6 Sarah Gass

/61 j
. . 5 Louis Anthony "Jack" Holthouse b Jul 10, 1918 in Decatur,IN

. . . . +Rosemary Fullenkamp
/I . -
6. . . 4 Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr. b Dec 12, 1884 in Adams Co., IN d Aug 14, 1923 in Ft. Wayne, IN
. Q.
. +Alma Mary Starost b Aug 17, 1890 in Decatur, IN m May 27, 1912 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN d Nov
28, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . . 5 Evaline Mary Holthouse b Apr 26, 1913 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1, 1924 in Decatur, IN

6 61
. . . ,,./ 5 Frances Virginia Holthouse b Aug 2, 1915 in Decatur, IN d Mar 20, 1991 in Ft. Wayne, IN
. 4,1 . +Paul Anthony Wehrle, Sr. b Aug 23, 1915 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Nov 21, 1940 in St. Joseph's, Ft.
Wayne, IN d Aug 27, 1988 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . 6 Rita Jane Wehrle b Feb 22, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... +Robert William "Bob" Quinn, Jr. b Nov 2, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Apr 20, 1963 in St. John the
Baptist, Ft. Wayne, IN

. 7 Angela Marie "Angie" Quinn b Feb 25, 1964 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........... +Don Nicholas "Nick" Keirn b Apr 17, 1952 in Laud, IN m May 24, 1986 in Unitarian-Universalist
Mtg. house, FW d Oct 13, 1991 in Van Wert Co., OH

........... 8 Pauline Elizabeth "Polly" Quinn b Jan 10, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families

............ 8 Jacob Nicholas Aidan Keirn b Dec 23, 1991 in Fort Wayne, IN

.. Z. a.3
. . r 7 Gregory Robert "Greg" Quinn b Apr 16, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Susan Bennett m May 28, 1994 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

. . .. 7 Jeffrey Michael "Jeff" Quinn b Jul 14, 1966 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Carmen Cortes m Apr 6, 1991 in Homewood, Il

............ 8 Ellen Ashley Quinn b Sep 27, 1992 in Park Forest, IL

............ 8 To be Announced b Jan 1995

)1.5 7 Daniel Charles "Danny" Quinn b Apr 9, 1968 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. .6.o. . . 7 Katharine Ann "Katie" Quinn b Oct 31, 1970 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Daniel Dee Dixon b Mar 20, 1969 in New Haven, IN m in Courthouse, Ft.Wayne, IN

............ 8 Danielle Nicole Dixon b Oct 22, 1989

............ 8 Jessica LeAnne Quinn b Mar 21, 1992

.......... 7 Elizabeth Joanne "Betsy" Quinn b Mar 19, 1979 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ 6 Michael Paul Wehrle b May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN d May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ 6 James Richard Wehrle b Mar 7, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Mar 8, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. // . 2 6 Barbara Ann Wehrle b Jun 1, 1946 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Sr. b Aug 21, 1941 in Hollidaysburg, PA m Feb 17, 1968 in St. John the
Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

. 6 (2 0. 7 Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr. b Oct 19, 1968 in Valparaiso, IN

+Lynda Marie Sowers b Jul 6, 1970 m May 23, 1992 in Indian Oak Inn, Chesterton, IN

7 Lori Anne Brubaker b Sep 19, 1969 in Bremen, IN

7 Michael James Mike" Brubaker b May 1, 1971 in Valparaiso, IN

6 Paul Anthony "Pauli" Wehrle, Jr. b Jun 14, 1948 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Sally Green m Aug 1981 in at home, Fort Wayne, IN

7 Damien Tristan Green b Feb 4, 1973 in Fort Wayne, IN

7 Nathan Etienne Wehrle b Jan 21, 1984 in Fort Wayne, IN

Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families

6 . .
9. 6 Kathleen Jo "Kathy" Wehrle b Jan 21, 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Terry John Cunningham b Jul 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne m Dec 6, 1969 in St. John the Baptist, Fort
Wayne, IN

7 John Edward Cunningham b Jul 8, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

Benjamin Joseph Ben" Cunningham b Jul 27, 1972 in Agana Heights, Guam, US territory

7 Matthew James "Matt" Cunningham b Sep 23, 1975 in Port Smith, VA

7 Katheryn Joan "Kate" Cunningham b Jul 10, 1978 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . . . . 6 Jon Thomas Wehrle b Dec 2, 1954 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... +Kathleen Marie Kathy" Wiltshire b Jan 23, 1957 m May 12, 1990 i n Fort Wayne, IN

........... 7 Samuel Jon Wehrle b Jun 17, 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN

......... 7 To Be Announced b Jul 1994

. . . . 5 Dorothy Elizabeth Betty" Holthouse b May 4, 1917 in Decatur, IN

c,1 44
. . . . 5 Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr. b Oct 15, 1919 in Decatur, IN d Feb 7, 1972 in Palo Alto, CA

........ +Mildred Rich m Apr 21, 1948 in Clark Co., WA

. . . . *2nd spouse of Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr.:

........ +Lillian J. Stewart b May 12, 1913 m May 7, 1971 in Reno, NV

. 5 Mary Grace Holthouse b Jul 26, 1922 in Decatur, IN

A l 6 v +Glenn Taylor b Aug 14, 1922 in Bishop, CA m Jun 29, 1946 d Jan 8, 1986 in Bishop CA

........ 6 Steve Taylor b Sep 18, 1944

....... 6 Allen Taylor b Jan 16, 1947

....... 6 Bruce Taylor b Sep 13, 1952

. . 4 Mary Catherine Holthouse b May 1, 1887 in Decatur, IN d Aug 20, 1918 in Decatur, IN

. . . +Robert McMahon

. . 4 Anthony Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN

. . 4 unnamed child of J. and M.S. Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN

6 . 4 Frances Cecilia Holthouse b Feb 26, 1891 in Decatur, IN d Jun 17, 1908 in Decatur, IN

Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families

4 Felix William "Hap" Holthouse b Jul 21, 1893 in Decatur, IN d Feb 19, 1973 in Hollywood, Florida

. +Winifred Burk m Sep 8, 1916 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. / 44. : 5 Catharine Burk Holthouse b May 23, 1918 d in Pennyan, NY

. 4q) 75 Martha Jane Holthouse b Jan 17, 1920

\ +Charles Clefton Combert b in Louisville, KY

......... 6 Craig Combert

V.riCe 6 Chris Combert

........... +Nancy Kalleber

. . 5 Elizabeth Anne Holthouse b Jun 23, 1922

. . . . +Warren Bryant m in Sarasota, Florida

......... 6 Warren Bryant, Jr.

+Brenda Bryant

. . . . . 6 Keith Bryant

+Patti Fox

......... 6 Kevin Bryant

. 4 Catherine Gertrude "Sr. Mary Grace" Holthouse b Dec 6, 1895 in Decatur, IN

. . 3 Frank Gast b 1860 in Louisville, KY d Feb 8, 1936 in Adams Co, IN

. . . +Elizabeth Weimer m Oct 24, 1888 in Adams Co, IN d Jan 24, 1945 in Tacoma, WA

. . . 4 Francis Martin Gast

. . 4 Forrest Gast b ABOUT 1904

. . 3 Henry Thomas b ABOUT 1877 in IN

. 2 Peter Gast b ABOUT 1827 in France/Germany d in Mercer Co., OH

. +Mary Gast b ABOUT 1828 in Olemburg (Oldenburg)

. . 3 Henry Gast b ABOUT 1844

. . +Mary Gast b ABOUT 1847 in Ohio

. . 3 Mary Gast b ABOUT 1849

Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families

. . 3 Bernard "Barney" Gast b ABOUT 1854

. . 3 August Gast b ABOUT 1856

. . 3 Cathrine "Katy" Gast b ABOUT 1857 in Ohio

. . +Clay Holtsman b ABOUT 1850 in Ohio

. . 4 Louis Holtsman b ABOUT 1877

. . 4 John Holtsman b ABOUT 1878

. . 3 Ferdinand Gast b ABOUT 1860

. . 3 Clemens Gast b ABOUT 1862

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

1 Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer) b ABOUT 1653 in St. Michel-en-Thierache,dep.Aisne, France d Sep 30, 1728 in Saar

. +Johanna Vache (Roche, Vacher, Vauche) b in St. Michel-en-Thierrache,dep.Aisne, France

. 2 Ludwig Tonnellier

. 2 Peter Tonnellier b ABOUT 1681

. 2 Maria Tonnellier b Mar 18, 1684/85

. 2 Johann Tonnellier b Oct 9, 1687

. 2 Claudius Tonnellier, (Kueffer, Tonnily) b ABT Feb 2, 1689/90 in Montroyal d Nov 12, 1768 in Felsberg

. . +Anna Maria Pontry b in Freistroff m Jun 18, 1714 in Freistroff

. . 3 Balthasar Tonnellier b Mar 11, 1714/15

. . 3 Ludwig Tonnellier b Jul 20, 1716

. . 3 Johann Claudius Tonnellier b Dec 4, 1718

. . 3 Peter Tonnellier b May 4, 1721

. . 3 Margaretha Tonnellier b Oct 10, 1723

. . 3 Anna Tonnellier b Mar 16, 1725/26

. . 3 Johann Adolf Tonnellier b May 18, 1729 in Felsberg d Jan 7, 1806 in Felsberg

. . +Maria Capitaine b Feb 24, 1731/32 in Felsberg m ABOUT 1760 in Felsberg, Alsace-Lorraine d Jan 7,
1806 in Felsberg

. . 4 Peter Tonnellier b ABOUT 1761 in Felsberg, Germany d Jun 12, 1834 in Falck, Germany

. . +Katharina Dutt b Mar 26, 1762 in Felsberg, Germany m Jan 10, 1786 in Felsberg, Germany d Dec 30,
1828 in Felsberg, Germany

. 5 Matthias Tonnellier b Nov 28, 1786

. . 5 Jakob Tonnellier b Apr 25, 1788

. 5 Jakob Tonnellier b Apr 30, 1789 in Felsberg, Germany d 1860 in Adams Co., IN

........ +Catherine Schellenbach b Sep 16, 1791 in Beaumarais, Fr m Feb 19, 1813 in Fe1sberg, Germany d
Jul 24, 1853 in Adams Co., IN

........ 6 Anne Catherine Tonnellier [2] b Jan 21, 1814 in Felsberg, Germany d Mar 12, 1889 in Adams Co.,

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

+John Tonnellier [1] b Jul 9, 1821 in Falck, Germany m Dec 28, 1847 in St. Mary, Decatur IN
Dec 25, 1878 in Decatur, IN

. 7 Marie Tonnellier.. b 1847

. 7 John Tonnellier,. III b 1851 i n Adams Co., IN d May 9, 1864 in Adams Co.. :N

. 7 Martin Tonnellier.. b 1854

...... 7 Catherine Tonnellier

.... 6 Johann Tonnellier

.... 6 Marie Anne Tonnellier

.... 6 Nikolais Tonnellier

.... 6 Susanne Tonnellier

.... 6 Margarethe Tonnellier

.... 6 Paul Tonnellier

.... 6 Peter Tonnellier

.... 6 Johann Tonnellier

.... 6 Johann Jacob Tonnellier

. . 5 Anton Tonnellier b Apr 5, 1791

. . 5 Apollonia Tonnellier b May 29, 1793

. . 5 Katharine Tonnellier b Apr 10, 1796

. . . . 5 Johann "John" Tonnellier b May 26, 1798 in Felsberg, Alsace-Lorraine d Apr 15, 1876 in Louisville,

......... +Barbara Colchin b Jan 28, 1791 in Bisten, Alsace-Lorraine m Jul 1, 1820 in 'alck, Alsace-Lorrain(
d BEFORE 1831 in Falck, Alsace-Lorraine

......... 6 John Tonnellier [1] b Jul 9, 1821 in Falck, Germany d Dec 25, 1878 in Decw..Jr, IN

........... +Anne Catherine Tonnellier [2] b Jan 21, 1814 in Felsberg, Germany m Dec 2•f, 1847 in St. Mary,
Decatur IN d Mar 12, 1889 in Adams Co., IN

......... 6 Nicholas Tonnellier b Mar 1, 1825 in Alsace-Lorraine d Jan 25, 1887 in Adams Co, IN

........... +Margaret Mullinger m 1850

........... 7 Nicholas Tonnellier, Jr.

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

.......... 7 John Tonnellier

.......... 7 Mary Susanna Tonnellier

............ +Andrew Miller

................ 8 John A. Miller

............. +Rosa B. Kurber b Oct 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN m Oct 24, 1905 in St. Mary's, Decatur,IN d Feb
18, 1959 in Decatur, IN

........ 6 Catherine Tonnellier b Sep 26, 1825 in Metz, France d Mar 29, 1905 in Decatur, IN

+Martin Francis Gast b ABOUT 1826 in France m Jan 7, 1850 in Louisville, KY d ABOUT 1865 in
Civil War

.......... 7 Regina Gast b 1851 in Louisville, KY d Feb 14, 1929 in Decatur, IN

7 Louis J. Gast b Jan 15, 1855 in Decatur,IN d Apr 6, 1892 in Decatur, IN

.......... 7 Mary B. Gast b Apr 23, 1857 in Louisville, KY d Dec 22, 1896 in Decatur, IN

+John Henry Bernard "JB" Holthouse b Feb 27, 1855 in Adams Co., IN m 1880 d Jan 23, 1915 in
Decatur, IN

8 Louis Anthony Holthouse, Sr. b Jul 6, 1882 in Decatur, IN d Dec 24, 1958 in Decatur, IN

+Mary C. "May" Niblick b Mar 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN m Sep 5, 1907 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN
d Apr 14, 1959 in Decatur, IN

/6 9 William Holthouse

. . . . . . +Helen Weiland

/60/ 9 Rosemary Holthouse b Sep 30, 1911 in Decatur, IN

00, +Harold Grant

.......... 9 Patricia C. Holthouse b Jun 30, 1913 in Decatur, IN

3 +William Gass m Dec 31, 1932 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

3( r 10 Steve Gass
3 10 Anne Gass

. . . 3. /67 . 6% . . 10 Sarah Gass

. . . . . . 9 Louis Anthony "Jack" Holthouse b Jul 10, 1918 in Decatur,IN

+Rosemary Fullenkamp

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

. . 8 Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr. b Dec 12, 1884 in Adams Co., IN d Aug 14, 1923 in Ft. Wayne

fay +Alma Mary Starost b Aug 17, 1890 in Decatur, IN m May 27, 1912 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN
d Nov 28, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.............. 9 Evaline Mary Holthouse b Apr 26, 1913 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1, 1924 in Decatur, IN

9 Frances Virginia Holthouse b Aug 2, 1915 in Decatur, IN d Mar 20, 1991 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Paul Anthony Wehrle, Sr. b Aug 23, 1915 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Nov 21, 1940 in St. Joseph's,
Ft. Wayne, IN d Aug 27, 1988 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................ 10 Rita Jane Wehrle b Feb 22, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Robert William "Bob" Quinn, Jr. b Nov 2, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Apr 20, 1963 in St.
John the Baptist, Ft. Wayne, IN

t 0 ('I
11 Angela Marie -
Angie" Quinn b Feb 25, 1964 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Don Nicholas "Nick" Keirn b Apr 17, 1952 in Laud, IN m May 24, 1986 in
Unitarian-Universalist Mtg. House, FW d Oct 13, 1991 in Van Wert Co., OH

................... 12 Pauline Elizabeth "Polly" Quinn b Jan 10, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

................... 12 Jacob Nicholas Aidan Keirn b Dec 23, 1991 in Fort Wayne, IN

........................... 11 Gregory Robert "Greg" Quinn b Apr 16, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................... +Susan Bennett m May 28, 1994 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

.............................. 11 Jeffrey Michael "Jeff" Quinn b Jul 14, 1966 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................... +Carmen Cortes m Apr 6, 1991 in Homewood, Il

................... 12 Ellen Ashley Quinn b Sep 27, 1992 in Park Forest, IL

................... 12 To be Announced b Jan 1995

................. 11 Daniel Charles "Danny" Quinn b Apr 9, 1968 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................. 11 Katharine Ann "Katie" Quinn b Oct 31, 1970 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................... +Daniel Dee Dixon b Mar 20, 1969 in New Haven, IN m in Courthouse, Ft.Wayne, IN

................... 12 Danielle Nicole Dixon b Oct 22, 1989

................... 12 Jessica LeAnne Quinn b Mar 21, 1992

................. 11 Elizabeth Joanne "Betsy" Quinn b Mar 19, 1979 in Ft. Wayne, IN

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

............... 10 Michael Paul Wehrle b May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN d May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN

10 James Richard Wehrle b Mar 7, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Mar 8, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

10 Barbara Ann Wehrle b Jun 1, 1946 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Sr. b Aug 21, 1941 in Hollidaysburg, PA m Feb 17, 1968 in St.
John the Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

11 Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr. b Oct 19, 1968 in Valparaiso, IN

+Lynda Marie Sowers b Jul 6, 1970 m May 23, 1992 in Indian Oak Inn, Chesterton, IN
....................... 11 Lori Anne Brubaker b Sep 19, 1969 in Bremen, IN

. . 11 Michael James "Mike" Brubaker b May 1, 1971 in Valparaiso, IN

1 0 Paul Anthony "Pauli" Wehrle, Jr. b Jun 14, 1948 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Sally Green m Aug 1981 in at home, Fort Wayne, IN

11 Damien Tristan Green b Feb 4, 1973 in Fort Wayne, IN

11 Nathan Etienne Wehrle b Jan 21, 1984 in Fort Wayne, IN

10 Kathleen Jo "Kathy" Wehrle b Jan 21, 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Terry John Cunningham b Jul 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne m Dec 6, 1969 in St. John the
Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

................. 11 John Edward Cunningham b Jul 8, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

................. 11 Benjamin Joseph "Ben" Cunningham b Jul 27, 1972 in Agana Heights, Guam, US territory

................. 11 Matthew James "Matt" Cunningham b Sep 23, 1975 in Port Smith, VA

................. 11 Katheryn Joan "Kate" Cunningham b Jul 10, 1978 in Fort Wayne, IN

1 0 Jon Thomas Wehrle b Dec 2, 1954 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................. +Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Wiltshire b Jan 23, 1957 m May 12, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

................. 11 Samuel Jon Wehrle b Jun 17, 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN

................. 11 To Be Announced b Jul 1994

............. 9 Dorothy Elizabeth "Betty" Holthouse b May 4, 1917 in Decatur, IN

/0/ i
. . ...... 9 Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr. b Oct 15, 1919 in Decatur, IN d Feb 7, 1972 in Palo Alto,

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

................ +Mildred Rich m Apr 21, 1948 in Clark Co., WA

.............. *2nd spouse of Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr.:

................ +Lillian J. Stewart b May 12. 1913 m May 7, 1971 in Reno, NV

. . . /:' . . . . 9 Mary Grace Holthouse b Jul 26, 1922 in Decatur, IN

....................................... +Glenn Taylor b Aug 14, 1922 in Bishop, CA m Jun 29, 1946 d Jan 8, 1986 in Bishop CA

................ 10 Steve Taylor b Sep 18, 1944

................ 10 Allen Taylor b Jan 16, 1947

............... 10 Bruce Taylor b Sep 13, 1952

8 Mary Catherine Holthouse b May 1, 1887 in Decatur, IN d Aug 20, 1918 in Decatur, IN

+Robert McMahon

8 Anthony Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN

............ 8 unnamed child of J. and M.S. Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in
Decatur, IN
. . . . . . 8 Frances Cecilia Holthouse b Feb 26, 1891 in Decatur, IN d Jun 17, 1908 in Decatur, IN

............ B Felix William "Hap" Holthouse b Jul 21, 1893 in Decatur, IN d Feb 19, 1973 in Hollywood,

+Winifred Burk m Sep 8, 1916 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. . .......... 9 Catharine Burk Holthouse b May 23, 1918 d in Pennyan, NY

.............. 9 Martha Jane Holthouse b Jan 17, 1920

/ +Charles Clefton Combert b in Louisville, KY

................ 10 Craig Combert

................ 10 Chris Combert

................. +Nancy Kalleber

.............. 9 Elizabeth Anne Holthouse b Jun 23, 1922

............... +Warren Bryant m in Sarasota, Florida

> 1
............... 10 Warren Bryant, Jr.

+Brenda Bryant

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

. . . . . . 10 Keith Bryant

................. +Patti Fox

............... 10 Kevin Bryant

. 8 Catherine Gertrude "Sr. Mary Grace" Holthouse b Dec 6, 1895 in Decatur, IN

.......... 7 Frank Gast b 1860 in Louisville, KY d Feb 8, 1936 in Adams Co, IN

............ +Elizabeth Weimer m Oct 24, 1888 in Adams Co, IN d Jan 24, 1945 in Tacoma, WA

............ 8 Francis Martin Gast

............ 8 Forrest Gast b ABOUT 1904

.......... 7 Henry Thomas b ABOUT 1877 in IN

. . *2nd spouse of Johann "John" Tonnellier:

........ +Anna Wirth b Jan 23, 1803 in Uberhernn, Alsace - Lorraine m Apr 23, 1831 in Falck, Germany d 1845
in Germany

........ 6 Peter Tonnellier b Mar 2, 1828 in Felsberg, Germany d May 26, 1832 in Felsberg, Germany

........ 6 Matthias Tonnellier b Aug 1833 in Feick, Germany

........ 6 Nicholas Tonnellier II b Aug 10, 1835 in Felsber, Germany

......... +Catherine Dobonton m Aug 15, 1859 in St. Martin, Louisville, KY

........ 6 John Tonelya b Sep 1837 in Felsberg, Germany d Jan 9, 1910 in Louisville, KY

.......... +Catherine Guldner b Mar 1844 in Bisten, Germany m Nov 15, 1863 in St. Boniface, Louisville, KY
d Aug 8, 1912 in Louisville, KY

......... 7 Mary Tonilia b 1865 in Louisville, kY d Dec 9, 1937 in Louisville, kY

........... +Gus Schaaf m Feb 3, 1887 in Jefferson Co., KY d Jun 5, 1938 in Louisville, KY

........... 8 Gus Schaaf, Jr

......... 7 Catherine Tonnellier b 1867 in Louisville, KY d May 21, 1869 in Louisville, KY

......... 7 John Tonnellier III b 1870 in Louisville, KY d 1900 in Louisville, KY

......... 7 Annie Tonnellier b 1872 in Louisville, KY d Sep 17, 1942 in Louisville, KY

........... +George Norrenbach b 1870 d May 4, 1941 in Louisville, KY

........... 8 Eleanore Norrenbrock b 1893

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

............. 8 Arthur Norrenbrock b 1896

............. 8 George Bernard Norrenbrock b 1899

............. 8 William Norrenbrock b 1909

............. 8 Joseph E. Norrenbrock b Nov 11, 1911

........... 7 Catherine Tonnelly b Jun 22, 1879 in Louisville, KY d Aug 11, 1904 in Louisville, KKY

............. +Frederick Bowles b Nov 25, 1902 in Jefferson Co., KY m Nov 25, 1902 in Louisville, KY d Dec
4, 1956 in Jefferson Co., KY

............. 8 Viola M. Bowles b Jul 2, 1903 in Jefferson Co., KY d Aug 20, 1960 in Jefferson Co., KY

+Martin E. Barker b Sep 13, 1900 in Hardin Co., KY m Jan 7, 1921 in Jefferson Co., KY d Dec
1, 1983 in Jefferson Co., KY

................ 9 Martina Barker

................ 9 Juanita F. Barker

................ 9 Donald Barker b Jan 26, 1926

................ 9 Norman J. Barker

................ 9 Shirley A. Barker

................ 9 Mary H. Barker

................ 9 Delbert Barker

.................. 9 Janice Barker

................ 9 Gerald Barker

................ 9 John Barker

................ 9 Ronald Barker

................ 9 Alan Barker

. . . . 5 Maria Anna Tonnellier b Mar 6, 1801

. . . . 5 Matthias Tonnellier b Jun 12, 1803

. . . 5 Michael Tonnellier b Jul 1, 1805

. . 4 Katharina Tonnellier b Feb 6, 1762

. . 4 Anna Tonnellier b Jan 2, 1765

Descendants of Anton Tonnellier (Kiefer)

. . . 4 Eva Tonnellier b Nov 14, 1765

. . . 4 Anna Maria Tonnellier b Mar 24, 1769

. . . 4 Maria Margaretha Tonnellier b Mar 24, 1769

. . . 4 Katharina Tonnellier b Jan 26, 1775

. 2 Nikolaus Tonnellier b May 1, 1692

. 2 Nicolaa Tonnellier b Aug 20, 1699

Descendants of Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Testing"

1 Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Teting" b ABOUT 1600 d BEFORE 1674 in Teting

. +Maria Schneider d Mar 22, 1673/74 in Teting

. 2 Nikolaus Colchen gen. Nigono (Kolchen gen. Morr) b ABOUT 1640 d BEFORE 1710 in Toting

. . +Christina Brid

. 3 Nikolaus Colchen b Dec 23, 1677 in Teting-sur-Nied d Nov 19, 1740 in Bisten

. . +Anna Maria Henriquelle b ABOUT 1664 in Bermering m Jul 6, 1700 in Teting d Mar 19, 1739/40 in Bisten

. . 4 Nikolaus Colchen b ABOUT May 3, 1701 in Bisten d BEFORE 1740

. . +Johanna Claudia Bailly b Jun 13, 1699 in Vuillafans,dep.Doubs, France

. . 5 Johann Nikolaus Colchen b ABOUT 1727 in Besancon d Feb 19, 1772 in Bisten

+Anna Katharina Freytag b ABOUT Nov 30, 1735 in Bisten m Jan 19, 1758 in bisten d Nov 14, 1758 in

........ 6 Nikolaus Colchen b ABOUT Nov 7, 1758 in Bisten,Alsace d Feb 12, 1814 in Falck, Alsace

.......... +Anna Maria Klein b ABOUT 1756 in Folkling bei Forbach m BEFORE 1787 d May 21, 1836 in Falck

.......... 7 Anna Marie Colchen b ABOUT 1787

.......... 7 Claude Colchen b 1787

.......... 7 Katherina Colchen b 1789

.......... 7 Barbara Coichin b Jan 28, 1791 in Bisten, Alsace-Lorraine d BEFORE 1831 in Falck,

............ +Johann "John" Tonnellier b May 26, 1798 in Felsberg, Alsace-Lorraine m Jul 1, 1820 in Falck,
Alsace-Lorraine d Apr 15, 1876 in Louisville, KY

........... 8 John Tonnellier b Jul 9, 1821 in Falck, Germany d Dec 25, 1878 in Decatur, IN

............. +Anne Catherine Tonnellier b Jan 21, 1814 in Felsberg, Germany m Dec 28, 1847 in St. Mary,
Decatur IN d Mar 12, 1889 in Adams Co., IN

............. 9 Marie Tonnellier b 1847

............. 9 John Tonnellier, III b 1851 in Adams Co., IN d May 9, 1864 in Adams Co., IN

............. 9 Martin Tonnellier b 1854

............. 9 Catherine Tonnellier

........... 8 Nicholas Tonnellier b Mar 1, 1825 in Alsace-Lorraine d Jan 25, 1887 in Adams Co, IN

Descendants of Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Teting"

+Margaret Mullinger m 1850

9 Nicholas Tonnellier, Jr.

9 John Tonnellier

9 Mary Susanna Tonnellier

+Andrew Miller

10 John A. Miller

.................... +Rosa B. Kurber b Oct 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN m Oct 24, 1905 in St. Mary's, Decatur,IN
d Feb 18, 1959 in Decatur, IN

............. 8 Catherine Tonnellier b Sep 26, 1825 in Metz, France d Mar 29, 1905 in Decatur, IN

................ +Martin Francis Gast b ABOUT 1826 in France m Jan 7, 1850 in Louisville, KY d ABOUT 1865 in
Civil War

................ 9 Regina Gast b 1851 in Louisville, KY d Feb 14, 1929 in Decatur, IN

.............. 9 Louis J. Gast b Jan 15, 1855 in Decatur,IN d Apr 6, 1892 in Decatur, IN

. . ......... 9 Mary S. Gast b Apr 23, 1857 in Louisville, KY d Dec 22, 1896 in Decatur, IN

. . . / . ... +John Henry Bernard "JB" Holthouse b Feb 27, 1855 in Adams Co., IN m 1880 d Jan 23, 1915
in Decatur, IN

64/: / 10 Louis Anthony Holthouse, Sr. b Jul 6, 1882 in Decatur, IN d Dec 24, 1958 in Decatur, IN

+Mary C. "May" Niblick b Mar 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN m Sep 5, 1907 in St. Mary's,
Decatur, IN d Apr 14, 1959 in Decatur, IN

11 William Holthouse

+Helen Weiland

.............. 11 Rosemary Holthouse b Sep 30, 1911 in Decatur, IN

................ +Harold Grant

003 11 Patricia C. Holthouse b Jun 30, 1913 in Decatur, IN

lO +William Gass m Dec 31, 1932 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

3I9C 12 Steve Gass

3r 1 2 Anne Gass

................ 12 Sarah Gass

Descendants of Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Teting"

................. 11 Louis Anthony "Jack" Holthouse b Jul 10, 1918 in Decatur,IN

. . . . +Rosemary Fullenkamp

.......................................... 10 Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr. b Dec 12, 1884 in Adams Co., IN d Aug 14, 1923 in Ft.
Wayne, IN

+Alma Mary Starost b Aug 17, 1890 in Decatur, IN m May 27, 1912 in St. Mary's, Decatur,
IN d Nov 28, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................. 11 Evaline Mary Holthouse b Apr 26, 1913 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1, 1924 in Decatur, IN
. . l . ...... 11 Frances Virginia Holthouse b Aug 2, 1915 in Decatur, IN d Mar 20, 1991 in Ft. Wayne,

............... +Paul Anthony Wehrle, Sr. b Aug 23, 1915 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Nov 21, 1940 in St.
Joseph's, Ft. Wayne, IN d Aug 27, 1988 in Ft. Wayne, IN

OS? 12 Rita Jane Wehrle b Feb 22, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Robert William "Bob" Quinn, Jr. b Nov 2, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Apr 20, 1963 in
St. John the Baptist, Ft. Wayne, IN

13 Angela Marie "Angie" Quinn b Feb 25, 1964 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Don Nicholas "Nick" Keirn b Apr 17, 1952 in Laud, IN m May 24, 1986 in
Unitarian-Universalist Mtg. House, FW d Oct 13, 1991 in Van Wert Co., OH

....................... 14 Pauline Elizabeth "Polly" Quinn b Jan 10, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

....................... 14 Jacob Nicholas Aidan Keirn b Dec 23, 1991 in Fort Wayne, IN

`/Cr ('
..................... 13 Gregory Robert "Greg" Quinn b Apr 16, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

....................... +Susan Bennett m May 28, 1994 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

13 Jeffrey Michael "Jeff" Quinn b Jul 14, 1966 in Ft. Wayne, IN

....................... +Carmen Cortes m Apr 6, 1991 in Homewood, Il

....................... 14 Ellen Ashley Quinn b Sep 27, 1992 in Park Forest, IL

....................... 14 To be Announced b Jan 1995

..................... 13 Daniel Charles "Danny" Quinn b Apr 9, 1968 in Ft. Wayne, IN

..................... 13 Katharine Ann "Katie" Quinn b Oct 31, 1970 in Ft. Wayne, IN

....................... +Daniel Dee Dixon b Mar 20, 1969 in New Haven, IN m in Courthouse, Ft.Wayne, IN

....................... 14 Danielle Nicole Dixon b Oct 22, 1989

Descendants of Nikolaus Kolchen - The Mor aus Teting"

........................... 14 Jessica LeAnne Quinn b Mar 21, 1992

..................... 13 Elizabeth Joanne "Betsy" Quinn b Mar 19, 1979 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................... 12 Michael Paul Wehrle b May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN d May 31. 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................... 12 James Richard Wehrle b Mar 7, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Mar 8, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................... 12 Barbara Ann Wehrle b Jun 1, 1946 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Sr. b Aug 21, 1941 in Hollidaysburg, PA m Feb 17, 1968 in
St. John the Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

..................... 13 Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr. b Oct 19, 1968 in Valparaiso, IN

....................... +Lynda Marie Sowers b Jul 6, 1970 m May 23, 1992 in Indian Oak Inn, Chesterton,

..................... 13 Lori Anne Brubaker b Sep 19, 1969 in Bremen, IN

..................... 13 Michael James "Mike" Brubaker b May 1, 1971 in Valparaiso, IN

................... 12 Paul Anthony "Pauli" Wehrle, Jr. b Jun 14, 1948 in Ft. Wayne, IN

..................... +Sally Green m Aug 1981 in at home, Fort Wayne, IN

..................... 13 Damien Tristan Green b Feb 4, 1973 in Fort Wayne, IN

..................... 13 Nathan Etienne Wehrle b Jan 21, 1984 in Fort Wayne, IN

) C:1
12 Kathleen Jo "Kathy" Wehrle b Jan 21, 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Terry John Cunningham b Jul 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne a Dec 6, 1969 in St. John the
Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

..................... 13 John Edward Cunningham b Jul 8, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

..................... 13 Benjamin Joseph "Ben" Cunningham b Jul 27, 1972 in Agana Heights, Guam, US

..................... 13 Matthew James "Matt" Cunningham b Sep 23, 1975 in Port Smith, VA

..................... 13 Katheryn Joan "Kate" Cunningham b Jul 10, 1978 in Fort Wayne, IN

12 Jon Thomas Wehrle b Dec 2, 1954 in Ft. Wayne, IN

..................... +Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Wiltshire b Jan 23, 1957 m May 12, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

..................... 13 Samuel Jon Wehrle b Jun 17, 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN

..................... 13 To Be Announced b Jul 1994

Descendants of Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Toting"

................. 11 Dorothy Elizabeth "Betty" Holthouse b May 4, 1917 in Decatur, IN

:60 4/1 11 Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr. b Oct 15, 1919 in Decatur, IN d Feb 7, 1972 in Palo
Alto, CA

+Mildred Rich m Apr 21, 1948 in Clark Co., WA

*2nd spouse of Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr.:

+Lillian J. Stewart b May 12, 1913 m May 7, 1971 in Reno, NV

................. 11 Mary Grace Holthouse b Jul 26, 1922 in Decatur, IN

0 43
................... +Glenn Taylor b Aug 14, 1922 in Bishop, CA m Jun 29, 1946 d Jan 8, 1986 in Bishop CA

................... 12 Steve Taylor b Sep 18, 1944

................... 12 Allen Taylor b Jan 16, 1947

................... 12 Bruce Taylor b Sep 13, 1952

. . . . . 7 . . . 10 Mary Catherine Holthouse b May 1, 1887 in Decatur, IN d Aug 20, 1918 in Decatur, IN

................. +Robert McMahon

............... 10 Anthony Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN

................ 10 unnamed child of J. and M.S. Holthouse b Dec 29, 1889 in Decatur, IN d Dec 29, 1889 in
Decatur, IN

f 81-j
L.f 10 Frances Cecilia Holthouse b Feb 26, 1891 in Decatur, IN d Jun 17, 1908 in Decatur, IN

. . . . . . . .. 10 Felix William "Hap" Holthouse b Jul 21, 1893 in Decatur, IN d Feb 19, 1973 in
Hollywood, Florida

p0 +Winifred Burk m Sep 8, 1916 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

11 Catharine Burk Holthouse b May 23, 1918 d in Pennyan, NY

11 Martha Jane Holthouse b Jan 17, 1920

ILL +Charles Clefton Combert b in Louisville, KY

.. 12 Craig Combert

.. 12 Chris Combert

. . . . . . . . +Nancy Kalleber

11 Elizabeth Anne Holthouse b Jun 23, 1922

Descendants of Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Toting"

+Warren Bryant m in Sarasota, Florida

12 Warren Bryant, Jr.

+Brenda Bryant

. . . . . . 12 Keith Bryant

.......... +Patti Fox

........ 12 Kevin Bryant

.... 10 Catherine Gertrude "Sr. Mary Grace" Holthouse b Dec 6, 1895 in Decatur, IN

.. 9 Frank Cast b 1860 in Louisville, KY d Feb 8, 1936 in Adams Co, IN

.... +Elizabeth Weimer m Oct 24, 1888 in Adams Co, IN d Jan 24, 1945 in Tacoma, WA

.... 10 Francis Martin Gast

.... 10 Forrest Gast b ABOUT 1904

.. 9 Henry Thomas b ABOUT 1877 in IN

7 Johann Colchen b 1793

7 Peter Coichen b 1797

7 Heinrich Colchen b 1800

7 Matthias Colchen b 1803 d 1866

+Maria Rihm b 1805 d 1856

8 Maria Colchen b 1833 d 1850

8 Nikolaus Colchen b 1835

8 Katharina Colchen b 1836

8 Matthias Colchen b 1838

8 Johann Colchen b 1840

8 Heinrich Colchen b 1841 d 1842

8 Maria Coichen b 1846

. . . *2nd spouse of Johann Nikolaus Colchen:

...... +Catharina Lewis b 1740 d 1816

Descendants of Joseph Starost

1 Joseph Starost

. +Mary Eva Darius

. 2 Emilia Brigitta Starost b Oct 13 in Decatur, IN

. 2 Catharine Kate" Starost b ABOUT 1860 in Erie Co, PA d Mar 7, 1919 in Decatur, IN

. 2 Francisca Starost b 1862 d Oct 1, 1862 in Decatur, IN

. 2 Anna Maria Starost b Aug 3, 1863 in Adams Co, IN

. 2 John Henry Starost b Mar 14, 1865 in Adams Co. IN d Apr 4, 1930 in Decatur, IN

. . +Eva Miranda Spuller b Aug 16, 1864 in Adams Co.,IN m Sep 24, 1889 in St. Mary's, Decatur d Mar 29,
1947 in Fort Wayne, IN

?1 3 Alma Mary Starost b Aug 17, 1890 in Decatur, IN d Nov 28, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr. b Dec 12, 1884 in Adams Co., IN m May 27, 1912 in St. Mary's,
Decatur, IN d Aug 14, 1923 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . 4 Evaline Mary Holthouse b Apr 26, 1913 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1, 1924 in Decatur, IN

) 40W
. 4 Frances Virginia Holthouse b Aug 2, 1915 in Decatur, IN d Mar 20, 1991 in Ft. Wayne, IN

It C."4.1.1 +Paul Anthony Wehrle, Sr. b Aug 23, 1915 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Nov 21, 1940 in St. Joseph's, Ft. Wayne,
IN d Aug 27, 1988 in Ft. Wayne, IN

46. . 1
. 5 Rita Jane Wehrle b Feb 22, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Robert William "Bob" Quinn, Jr. b Nov 2, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Apr 20, 1963 in St. John the
Baptist, Ft. Wayne, IN

. 4 t*. 6 Angela Marie "Angie" Quinn b Feb 25, 1964 in Ft. Wayne, IN

......... +Don Nicholas "Nick" Keirn b Apr 17, 1952 in Laud, IN m May 24, 1986 in Unitarian-Universalist
Mtg. House, FW d Oct 13, 1991 in Van Wert Co., OH

.......... 7 Pauline Elizabeth "Polly" Quinn b Jan 10, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

fr 7 Jacob Nicholas Aidan Keirn b Dec 23, 1991 in Fort Wayne, IN

• . .3. 6 Gregory Robert "Greg" Quinn b Apr 16, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

......... +Susan Bennett m May 28, 1994 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

. (i0
. . . 6 Jeffrey Michael "Jeff" Quinn b Jul 14, 1966 in Ft. Wayne, IN

......... +Carmen Cortes m Apr 6, 1991 in Homewood, Il

Descendants of Joseph Starost

.......... 7 Ellen Ashley Quinn b Sep 27, 1992 in Park Forest, IL

.......... 7 To be Announced b Jan 1995


. . . 6 Daniel Charles "Danny" Quinn b Apr 9, 1968 in Ft. Wayne, IN
. 6 Katharine Ann "Katie" Quinn b Oct 31, 1970 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... +Daniel Dee Dixon b Mar 20, 1969 in New Haven, IN m in Courthouse, Ft.Wayne, IN

.......... 7 Danielle Nicole Dixon b Oct 22, 1989

.......... 7 Jessica LeAnne Quinn b Mar 21, 1992

........ 6 Elizabeth Joanne "Betsy" Quinn b Mar 19, 1979 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . . 5 Michael Paul Wehrle b May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN d May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . . 5 James Richard Wehrle b Mar 7, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Mar 8, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . . 5 Barbara Ann Wehrle b Jun 1, 1946 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Sr. b Aug 21, 1941 in Hollidaysburg, PA m Feb 17, 1968 in St. John the
Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

. 6 Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr. b Oct 19, 1968 in Valparaiso, IN

+Lynda Marie Sowers b Jul 6, 1970 m May 23, 1992 in Indian Oak Inn, Chesterton, IN

. • '. 6 Lori Anne Brubaker b Sep 19, 1969 in Bremen, IN

6 Michael James "Mike" Brubaker b May 1, 1971 in Valparaiso, IN

. . . 5 Paul Anthony "Pauli Wehrle, Jr. b Jun 14, 1948 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ +Sally Green m Aug 1981 in at home, Fort Wayne, IN

........ 6 Damien Tristan Green b Feb 4, 1973 in Fort Wayne, IN

........ 5 Nathan Etienne Wehrle b Jan 21, 1984 in Fort Wayne, IN

. 5 Kathleen Jo "Kathy" Wehrle b Jan 21, 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ +Terry John Cunningham b Jul 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne m Dec 6, 1969 in St. John the Baptist, Fort
Wayne, IN

........ 6 John Edward Cunningham b Jul 8, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

........ 6 Benjamin Joseph "Ben" Cunningham b Jul 27, 1972 in Agana Heights, Guam, US territory

........ 6 Matthew James "Matt" Cunningham b Sep 23, 1975 in Port Smith, VA

Descendants of Joseph Starost

........ 6 Katheryn Joan Kate" Cunningham b Jul 10, 1978 in Fort Wayne, IN

. .
t, 0 .1•S'" 5 Jon Thomas Wehrle b Dec 2, 1954 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ +Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Wiltshire b Jan 23, 1957 m May 12, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

........ 6 Samuel Jon Wehrle b Jun 17, 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN

........ 6 To Be Announced b Jul 1994

. . . 4 Dorothy Elizabeth "Betty" Holthouse b May 4, 1917 in Decatur, IN

0 1
. 4 . 4 Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr. b Oct 15, 1919 in Decatur, IN d Feb 7, 1972 in Palo Alto, CA

• . . +Mildred Rich m Apr 21, 1948 in Clark Co., WA

. . *2nd spouse of Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr.;

. . . . +Lillian J. Stewart b May 12, 1913 m May 7, 1971 in Reno, NV

. .S4 Mary Grace Holthouse b Jul 26, 1922 in Decatur, IN

. . . +Glenn Taylor b Aug 14, 1922 in Bishop, CA m Jun 29, 1946 d Jan 8, 1986 in Bishop CA

. . 5 Steve Taylor b Sep 18, 1944

. . 5 Allen Taylor b Jan 16, 1947

. . . . 5 Bruce Taylor b Sep 13, 1952

. . 3 Mary Agnes Starost b May 12, 1892 in Adams Co., IN d 1960 in Ft. Wayne, iN

. . +Al Baade

. . 3 Florian Jacob Starost b May 4, 1894 in Adams Co., IN d Jun 28 in Lima, OH

. . . +Nina May Gordon m May 8, 1894 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. . 3 Mary Magdalena Starost b Jan 15, 1896 in Adams Co,IN

. . +John D. Flatter m Oct 14, 1920 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. . 3 Helena Amelia Starost b Jun 23, 1898 in Adams Co., IN d 1982 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . +Walter G. Roy m 1921 in Lima, OH

. . 4 Wayne Roy

. . 4 Walter Roy

. . *2nd spouse of Helena Amelia Starost:

Descendants of Joseph Starost

. +William J. Kline m Jul 15, 1950 in Ligonier, IN

. . 3 Charles Frederick Starost b Mar 6, 1900 in Adams Co., IN d Sep 18, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . +Agnes Clara Meyers m Oct 14, 1920 in St. Mary's, Decatur IN

. . 4 Richard Frederick Starost b Mar 27, 1922 in Adams Co., IN

. . +Agnes Rose Nix m Aug 21, 1946 in Roanoke, IN

. . 5 Ron Starost

. . 5 Doug Starost

. . 4 Ruth Eileen Starost b Feb 27, 1924 in Adams Co., IN

. . +Kenneth Zurbuck m Oct 10, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . 4 Elizabeth Gean Starost b Mar 23, 1926 in Adams Co., IN

. . +Herbert C. Jehl m Feb 4, 1948

. . 4 James E. Starost b Apr 17, 1928 in Adams Co., IN

. . +Patricia Parrot m Jul 4, 1949 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . 3 Raymond Joseph Gase b Mar 10, 1910 in Union TWP, Adams Co., IN'

. . . +Dorothy F. LaFontaine b Sep 26, 1915 m May 8, 1942 in Decatur, IN d Nov 9, 1969

. . . 4 Herb Gase

. . *2nd spouse of Raymond Joseph Gase:

. . . +Lucille Gase

. 2 Emma Barbara Starost b Oct 16, 1867 in Adams Co., IN d Jun 13, 1936

. . +Henry Schulte b Jan 19, 1869 m Apr 17, 1895 in Adams Co., IN d Apr 6, 1940

. . 3 Fred E. Schulte b 1906 d Mar 18, 1950

. 2 Francis Joseph Starost b Dec 27, 1869 in Adams Co, IN d Jan 30, 1881 in Decatur,IN
Descendants of George Spuler, I

1 George Spuler, I b in Switzerland d ABOUT 1840 in Union Twp, Adams Co, IN

. 2 George Spuler, II b Sep 25, 1781 in Endingen. Aargau, Switzerland d Jul 7, 1871 in Adams Co, IN

. . +Mary Keller b in Switzerland m ABOUT 1805 in Switzerland d in Switzerland

. . 3 Kate Spuller

. . 3 Julie Spuller

. . 3 Sophia Spuller b 1810

. . 3 Xavier Spuller b Feb 15, 1811 in Switzerland d Oct 15, 1888 in Adams Co, IN

. . 3 Theresia Spuller b Jan 26, 1817 in Ober Endingen, Aargau, Switzerland d Oct 26, 1894 in Decatur, IN

. . . +Francis Joseph Gillig b Dec 11, 1813 in Kulsheim, Baden m Jan 1, 1838 in Sandusky, OH d Apr 15, 1892
in Decatur, IN

. . . 4 David Gillig b May 26, 1840

. . 4 Leo Gillig b Dec 1841 d Dec 27, 1868

. . . 4 Juliana Gillig b Sep 14, 1844 in Indiana d 1917

. . . +Sylvester Spangler b 1842 in Ohio m 1865 in Decatur, IN d 1921

. . . 5 Ella Spangler b ABOUT 1867

. . 5 Della Spangler b ABOUT 1872

. . 4 Mary Gillig b 1847

. . 4 Samuel "Simon" Gillig b 1848 d May 15, 1869

. . 4 Amos Gillig b Aug 5, 1851 d Dec 29, 1917

. . +Sadie Minker in Mar 5, 1880 in Haysville,OH d Mar 25, 1933

. . 3 Mary Veronica Spuller

. . . +Phillip Joseph Schneider

. . . 4 Phillip Jacob Schneider

. . . 4 Joseph Schneider

. *2nd spouse of George Spuler, II:

. . +Mary Anne Steigmeyer b Mar 20, 1801 in Switzerland m ABOUT 1820 in Switzerland d Nov 24, 1877 in Adams
Co, IN

Descendants of George Spuler, I

. . 3 John Spuller b Oct 4, 1828 in Switzerland d Apr 1904 in Akron, OH

. . . +Elizabeth Arnold m Feb 10, 1848

. . . 4 Nathaniel Spuller b Mar 6, 1852 d Dec 31, 1876 in Williams Station, Adams Co, IN

. . . 4 Joseph Spuller d Feb 25, 1930 in Akron, OH

. . . . +Mary C. Spoiler

. . . 4 Richard Spuller

. . 4 Manuel Spuller

. . *2nd spouse of John Spuller:

. . +Martha Druzilla Luckey m Mar 18, 1875 in Adams Co, IN d Nov 19, 1928

. . 4 Phillip Spuller

. . 4 Mary Spuller

. . 4 George Spuller d Jul 18, 1916

. . 4 Willison

. . 3 Joseph Spuller b Feb 1, 1829 in Ober Endingen, Aargau, Switzerland d Feb 5, 1880 in Adams Co, IN

. . +Catherine Ann Walters b May 1, 1834 m Sep 15, 1853 in Adams Co, IN d Jun 13, 1865 in Adams Co, IN

. . . 4 William Spuller b Oct 29, 1855 in Adams Co, IN d May 14, 1927 in Adams Co, IN

. . 4 Albert Spuller b May 31, 1860 in Decatur, IN d Jan 17, 1943 in Adams Co, IN

. . +Helen Ella - Grosmann m Sep 9, 1890 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN

. . 5 James Edward Spuller b 1892 d 1963

........ +Leona M. Spuller b 1892 d 1971

........ 6 Richard J. Spuller b 1916 d 1923

. . . . 5 Lawrence Spuller b 1894

. . . . 5 Genevieve Spuller b 1896 d 1958

. . . . 5 Arthur Spuller b 1898

. . . 5 Francile Spuller b 1902

. . 5 Theodore Spuller b 1904

Descendants of George Spuler, I

. . . . 5 Edna Spuller

. . . 4 John Paul Spuller b 1854

. . *2nd spouse of Joseph Spuller:

. . +Verena "Fanny" Wetter [1] m Sep 7, 1865 in Adams Co, IN

. . . 4 Adeline Spuller d Oct 25, 1899

. . . . +John B. Weber m Sep 4, 1884 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN

. . . . 5 Amelia Weber b Jul 18, 1886 in Adams Co.,IN d Aug 13, 1973

........ +Anthony Bernard Holthouse b Sep 17, 1883 in Adams Co.,IN m Apr 17, 1917 in St. Mary's,Decatur IN
d Jun 24, 1952

........ 6 Virginia Gertrude Holthouse b Dec 2, 1919

........ 6 Mary Adeline Holthouse b Sep 12, 1923

. . *3rd spouse of Joseph Spuller:

. . . +Mary Emma Teeple m Dec 8, 1870 in Adams Co, IN

. . 3 Anthony Spuller b Mar 24, 1831 in Oberendingen, Aargau, Switzerland d Mar 27, 1900 in Decatur, IN

. . +Mary Louisa Kurber b Oct 18, 1835 in Killsheim, Baden m Oct 18, 1855 in Ft.Wayne, IN d Dec 22, 1903
in Decatur, IN

. . 4 Mary Anne Spuller b Jul 27, 1858 in Union Twp, Adams Co, IN d Sep 24, 1935 in Union Twp, Adams Co,

. . +Bernard Hackman b 1856 in Washington Twp, Adams Co, IN m Apr 20, 1880 in Decatur, IN d Feb 16,
1906 in Decatur, IN

. . 4 Isabella Spuller b Aug 22, 1858 d Feb 11, 1940 in Decatur, IN

. . +Joseph A. Meyer m Feb 26, 1908 in Decatur, IN

. . 4 Francisca Spuller b Jun 16, 1860 d Dec 19, 1947

. . +John Steigmeyer m May 10, 1892 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN

. . 4 Josephine Spuller b Apr 10, 1862 in Adams Co., IN d Jun 17, 1953

. . +Matthias Thomas m Oct 25, 1894 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. . 5 Mary Thomas

........ +Francis Raymond "Pat" Costello b Jun 14, 1901

Descendants of George Spuler, I

........ 8 Thomas Costello

........ 6 Joseph Costello

.......... +Catharine Costello

.......... 7 Molly Costello

.......... 7 Patrick Costello

. . . 4 Eva Miranda Spuller b Aug 16, 1864 in Adams Co.,IN d Mar 29, 1947 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . . . +John Henry Starost b Mar 14, 1865 in Adams Co. IN m Sep 24, 1889 in St. Mary's, Decatur d Apr 4,
1930 in Decatur, IN

/. 5 Alma Mary Starost b Aug 17, 1890 in Decatur, IN d Nov 28, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. 6. /1
. . . +Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr. b Dec 12, 1884 in Adams Co., IN m May 27, 1912 in St. Mary's,
Decatur, IN d Aug 14, 1923 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ 6 Evaline Mary Holthouse b Apr 26, 1913 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1, 1924 in Decatur, IN

1 17

. . . . 6 Frances Virginia Holthouse b Aug 2, 1915 in Decatur, IN d Mar 20, 1991 in Ft. Wayne, IN

/ a 4.2
. . . . +Paul Anthony Wehrle, Sr. b Aug 23, 1915 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Nov 21, 1940 in St. Joseph's, Ft.
Wayne, IN d Aug 27, 1988 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. 7 Rita Jane Wehrle b Feb 22, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Robert William "Bob" Quinn, Jr. b Nov 2, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Apr 20, 1963 in St. John the
Baptist, Ft. Wayne, IN

........ 8 Angela Marie "Angie - Quinn b Feb 25, 1964 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.............. +Don Nicholas "Nick" Keirn b Apr 17, 1952 in Laud, IN m May 24, 1986 in
Unitarian-Universalist Mtg. House, FW d Oct 13, 1991 in Van Wert Co., OH

.............. 9 Pauline Elizabeth "Polly" Quinn b Jan 10, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

.............. 9 Jacob Nicholas Aidan Keirn b Dec 23, 1991 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . 8 Gregory Robert "Greg" Quinn b Apr 16, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. +Susan Bennett m May 28, 1994 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

. 8 Jeffrey Michael "Jeff" Quinn b Jul 14, 1966 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............. +Carmen Cortes m Apr 6, 1991 in Homewood, /1

............. 9 Ellen Ashley Quinn b Sep 27, 1992 in Park Forest, IL

Descendants of George Spuler, I

.............. 9 To be Announced b Jan 1995

. . . . 8 Daniel Charles "Danny" Quinn b Apr 9, 1968 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . .. ' ... 8 Katharine Ann "Katie" Quinn b Oct 31, 1970 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.............. +Daniel Dee Dixon b Mar 20, 1969 in New Haven, IN m in Courthouse, Ft.Wayne, IN

.............. 9 Danielle Nicole Dixon b Oct 22, 1989

.............. 9 Jessica LeAnne Quinn b Mar 21, 1992

............ 8 Elizabeth Joanne "Betsy" Quinn b Mar 19, 1979 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... 7 Michael Paul Wehrle b May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN d May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... 7 James Richard Wehrle b Mar 7, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Mar 8, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

°(5;N 3 7 Barbara Ann Wehrle b Jun 1, 1946 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Sr. b Aug 21, 1941 in Hollidaysburg, PA m Feb 17, 1968 in St. John the
Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN
. .4as
... o .. 8 Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr. b Oct 19, 1968 in Valparaiso, IN

............. +Lynda Marie Sowers b Jul 6, 1970 m May 23, 1992 in Indian Oak Inn, Chesterton, IN

. . . . . . . 8 Lori Anne Brubaker b Sep 19, 1969 in Bremen, IN

............ 8 Michael James "Mike" Brubaker b May 1, 1971 in Valparaiso, IN

(9.C3 3 7 Paul Anthony "Pauli" Wehrle, Jr. b Jun 14, 1948 in Ft. Wayne, IN

................................ +Sally Green m Aug 1981 in at home, Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 Damien Tristan Green b Feb 4, 1973 in Fort Wayne, IN

8 Nathan Etienne Wehrle b Jan 21, 1984 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . . 7 Kathleen Jo "Kathy" Wehrle b Jan 21, 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Terry John Cunningham b Jul 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne m Dec 6, 1969 in St. John the Baptist,
Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 John Edward Cunningham b Jul 8, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 Benjamin Joseph "Ben" Cunningham b Jul 27, 1972 in Agana Heights, Guam, US territory

............ 8 Matthew James "Matt" Cunningham b Sep 23, 1975 in Port Smith, VA

........... 8 Katheryn Joan "Kate" Cunningham b Jul 10, 1978 in Fort Wayne, IN

Descendants of George Spuler, I

....... 7 Jon Thomas Wehrle b Dec 2, 1954 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Wiltshire b Jan 23, 1957 m May 12, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 Samuel Jon Wehrle b Jun 17, 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 To Be Announced b Jul 1994

........ 6 Dorothy Elizabeth "Betty" Holthouse b May 4, 1917 in Decatur, IN

........ 6 Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr. b Oct 15, 1919 in Decatur, IN d Feb 7, 1972 in Palo Alto, CA

.......... +Mildred Rich m Apr 21, 1948 in Clark Co., WA

........ •2nd spouse of Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr.:

.......... +Lillian J. Stewart b May 12, 1913 m May 7, 1971 in Reno, NV

1 6 . 49 .1/
. 6 Mary Grace Holthouse b Jul 26, 1922 in Decatur, IN

.......... +Glenn Taylor b Aug 14, 1922 in Bishop, CA m Jun 29, 1946 d Jan 8, 1986 in Bishop CA

. 7 Steve Taylor b Sep 18, 1944

. 7 Allen Taylor b Jan 16, 1947

. 7 Bruce Taylor b Sep 13, 1952

. . 5 Mary Agnes Starost b May 12, 1892 in Adams Co., IN d 1960 in Ft. Wayne, iN

.... +Al Baade

. . 5 Florian Jacob Starost b May 4, 1894 in Adams Co., IN d Jun 28 in Lima, OH

.... +Nina May Gordon m May 6, 1894 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. . 5 Mary Magdalena Starost b Jan 15, 1896 in Adams Co,IN

.... +John D. Flatter m Oct 14, 1920 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. . 5 Helena Amelia Starost b Jun 23, 1898 in Adams Co., IN d 1982 in Fort Wayne, IN

.... +Walter G. Roy m 1921 in Lima, OH

.... 6 Wayne Roy

.... 6 Walter Roy

. *2nd spouse of Helena Amelia Starost:

.... +William J. Kline m Jul 15, 1950 in Ligonier, IN

Descendants of George Spuler, I

. . 5 Charles Frederick Starost b Mar 6, 1900 in Adams Co., IN d Sep 18, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

........ +Agnes Clara Meyers m Oct 14, 1920 in St. Mary's, Decatur IN

........ 6 Richard Frederick Starost b Mar 27, 1922 in Adams Co., IN

.......... +Agnes Rose Nix m Aug 21, 1946 in Roanoke, IN

.......... 7 Ron Starost

.......... 7 Doug Starost

........ 6 Ruth Eileen Starost b Feb 27, 1924 in Adams Co., IN

.......... +Kenneth Zurbuck m Oct 10, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ 6 Elizabeth Gean Starost b Mar 23, 1926 in Adams Co., IN

.......... +Herbert C. Jehl m Feb 4, 1948

........ 6 James E. Starost b Apr 17, 1928 in Adams Co., IN

.......... +Patricia Parrot m Jul 4, 1949 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . . 5 Raymond Joseph Gass b Mar 10, 1910 in Union TWP, Adams Co., IN'

........ +Dorothy F. LaFontaine b Sep 26, 1915 m May 8, 1942 in Decatur, IN d Nov 9, 1969

........ 6 Herb Gass

. . *2nd spouse of Raymond Joseph Gase:

........ +Lucille Case

. . 4 Fannie Samantha Spuller b Aug 16, 1864 d Aug 8, 1876

. . 4 Catharine Sr. Mary Frederika" Spuller b Dec 28, 1870 d Jan 28, 1966

. . 4 Elizabeth E. Spuller b Aug 14, 1875 in Union Twp, Adams Co, IN d May 20, 1910 in Union Twp, Adams
Co, IN

. . +Philbert Eugene Gase b Sep 8, 1876 in Tiffin, OH m Oct 9, 1900 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN d Oct 31,
1948 in Decatur,IN

. . . . 5 Anthony Paul Gase b Oct 16, 1901

........ +Josephine Edna Miller m May 8, 1928

. . . . 5 John Clement Gase b Jan 24, 1963 d Jan 23, 1963

......... +Helena Rose Kindley m Jun 4, 1929

Descendants of George Spuler, I

. . . . 5 Edward Jamas Gase b Jul 9, 1905 d Dec 8, 1975

........ +Mary Theresa Loshe m Jun 4, 1936

. . 5 Iraeneus Francis Gass b Jun 28, 1907

........ +Rose M. Schurger m Jun 25, 1940

. . 5 Raymond Joseph Gase b May 10, 1910

. . 3 Mary Spuller b 1833

. . +Sam Arnold m Oct 23, 1848 in Adams Co, IN d in Sturgis, MI

. . 4 Joseph Arnold

. . 4 William Arnold

. . 4 Samuel Arnold

. . . 4 Lewis Arnold

. . 3 Catherine Spuller b Aug 23, 1835 d Jun 13, 1915

. . . +Jacob Gloss b 1827 in Germany m Oct 18, 1855 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . 4 Jacob Gloss, Jr.

. . . 4 Mary Closs

. . 3 George Spuller, III b 1837 in OH d Feb 7, 1865 in Civil War

. . +Verena "Fanny" Wetter [1]

. . 4 Amelia F. Spuller b 1861

. . +James Niblick b ABOUT 1859 d Mar 14, 1921 in Decatur, IN

. . 5 Mary C. "May" Niblick b Mar 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN d Apr 14, 1959 in Decatur, IN

........ +Louis Anthony Holthouse, Sr. b Jul 6, 1882 in Decatur, IN m Sep 5, 1907 in St. Mary's, Decatur,
IN d Dec 24, 1958 in Decatur, IN

........ 6 William Holthouse

.......... +Helen Weiland

........ 6 Rosemary Holthouse b Sep 30, 1911 in Decatur, IN

.......... +Harold Grant

Descendants of George Spuler, I

......... 6 Patricia C. Holthouse b Jun 30, 1913 in Decatur, IN

........... +William Gass m Dec 31, 1932 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

........... 7 Steve Gass

........... 7 Anne Gass

........... 7 Sarah Gass

......... 6 Louis Anthony "Jack" Holthouse b Jul 10, 1918 in Decatur,IN

........... +Rosemary Fullenkamp

. . . . 5 Verena Niblick b 1891 d 1969

. . . . 5 Freddie Niblick b Dec 12, 1887 d Oct 19, 1890

. . . 5 Charles B. Niblick b Jul 1, 1891 d Jun 21, 1977

. . 4 Anna Frances Spuller

. . +Jacob Niblick m May 8, 1882 in St. Mary's,Decatur IN

. . *2nd spouse of Anna Frances Spuller:

. . +Jacob Niblick m May 8, 1882 in St. Mary's,Decatur, IN

. . 3 Christina Spuller b Aug 28, 1839 in Adams Co, IN d Oct 18, 1858

. . 3 Elizabeth Spuller b May 1, 1842 in Adams Co, IN d Sep 15, 1851

. . 3 Jacob Spuller b ABOUT 1843 d ABOUT 1865 in Civil War

. 2 Joseph Spuler

. . +Catherine Spuller

. . 3 Mary Regina Spuler

. . . +Joseph Schumacher

. . . 4 Chrysostomes Spuler b 1842

. . *2nd spouse of Mary Regina Spuler:

+Henry Will b ABOUT 1800 m May 14, 1847 in Cathedral, Fort Wayne,IN d ABOUT 1851 in St. Joseph Gem.,
Decatur, IN

. . 4 Anthony Will b Apr 20, 1848 in Adams Co.,IN

Descendants of George Spuler, I

. . . 4 Maria Will b Jul 31, 1849 in Adams Co.,IN

*2nd spouse of George Spuler, I:

Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger Family

1 Mr. Gillig

. 2 Mary Eva Gillig b ABOUT 1805 in Kulsheim,Baden d Nov 22, 1885 in Decatur, IN

. . +Charles Kurber b ABOUT 1805 in Kulsheim, Baden m ABOUT 1832 in Kulsheim, Baden d 1845 in Kulsheim,

. . 3 Mary Louisa Kurber b Oct 18, 1835 in Killeheim, Baden d Dec 22, 1903 in Decatur, IN

. . +Anthony Spuller b Mar 24, 1831 in Oberendingen, Aargau, Switzerland m Oct 18, 1855 in Ft.Wayne, IN d
Mar 27, 1900 in Decatur, IN

. . . 4 Mary Anne Spuller b Jul 27, 1856 in Union Twp, Adams Co, IN d Sep 24, 1935 in Union Twp, Adams Co,

. . +Bernard Hackman b 1856 in Washington Twp, Adams Co, IN m Apr 20, 1880 in Decatur, IN d Feb 16,
1906 in Decatur, IN

. . . 4 Isabella Spuller b Aug 22, 1858 d Feb 11, 1940 in Decatur, IN

. . . . +Joseph A. Meyer m Feb 26, 1908 in Decatur, IN

. . . 4 Francisca Spuller b Jun 16, 1860 d Dec 19, 1947

. . . +John Steigmeyer m May 10, 1892 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN

. 4 Josephine Spuller b Apr 10, 1862 in Adams Co., IN d Jun 17, 1953

. . . +Matthias Thomas m Oct 25, 1894 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. 5 Mary Thomas

........ +Francis Raymond "Pat" Costello b Jun 14, 1901

........ 6 Thomas Costello

........ 6 Joseph Costello

.......... +Catharine Costello

......... 7 Molly Costello

......... 7 Patrick Costello

. . 4 Eva Miranda Spuller b Aug 16, 1864 in Adams Co.,IN d Mar 29, 1947 in Fort Wayne, IN

. +John Henry Starost b Mar 14, 1865 in Adams Co. IN m Sep 24, 1889 in St. Mary's, Decatur d Apr 4,
1930 in Decatur, IN

. &.(1. 5 Alma Mary Starost b Aug 17, 1890 in Decatur, IN d Nov 28, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger Family

. +Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr. b Dec 12, 1884 in Adams Co., IN m May 27, 1912 in St. Mary's,
Decatur, IN d Aug 14, 1923 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ 6 Evaline Mary Holthouse b Apr 26, 1913 in Decatur, IN d Aug 1, 1924 in Decatur, IN
I, 19 •
. ( 0
: 6 Frances Virginia Holthouse b Aug 2, 1915 in Decatur, IN d Mar 20, 1991 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . . . . +Paul Anthony Wehrle, Sr. b Aug 23, 1915 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Nov 21, 1940 in St. Joseph's, Ft.
Wayne, IN d Aug 27, 1988 in Ft. Wayne, IN

a __C/-
. .. . 7 Rita Jane Wehrle b Feb 22, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Robert William "Bob" Quinn, Jr. b Nov 2, 1942 in Ft. Wayne, IN m Apr 20, 1963 in St. John the
Baptist, Ft. Wayne, IN

...... 8 Angela Marie "Angie" Quinn b Feb 25, 1964 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.............. +Don Nicholas "Nick" Keirn b Apr 17, 1952 in Laud, IN m May 24, 1986 in
Unitarian-Universalist Mtg. House, FW d Oct 13, 1991 in Van Wert Co., OH

.............. 9 Pauline Elizabeth "Polly" Quinn b Jan 10, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

.............. 9 Jacob Nicholas Aidan Keirn b Dec 23, 1991 in Fort Wayne, IN
3 8 Gregory Robert "Greg" Quinn b Apr 16, 1965 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.............. +Susan Bennett m May 28, 1994 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

. . 8 Jeffrey Michael "Jeff" Quinn b Jul 14, 1966 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.............. +Carmen Cortes m Apr 6, 1991 in Homewood, Il

.............. 9 Ellen Ashley Quinn b Sep 27, 1992 in Park Forest, IL

.............. 9 To be Announced b Jan 1995

. . .'S . . . 8 Daniel Charles "Danny" Quinn b Apr 9, 1968 in Ft. Wayne, IN

. . G. . . . . B Katharine Ann "Katie" Quinn b Oct 31, 1970 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.............. +Daniel Dee Dixon b Mar 20, 1969 in New Haven, IN m in Courthouse, Ft.Wayne, IN

.............. 9 Danielle Nicole Dixon b Oct 22, 1989

.............. 9 Jessica LeAnne Quinn b Mar 21, 1992

............ 8 Elizabeth Joanne "Betsy" Quinn b Mar 19, 1979 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... 7 Michael Paul Wehrle b May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN d May 31, 1943 in Ft. Wayne, IN

.......... 7 James Richard Wehrle b Mar 7, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN d Mar 8, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger Family

A 1.
. 7 Barbara Ann Wehrle b Jun 1, 1946 in Ft. Wayne, IN

+Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Sr. b Aug 21, 1941 in Hollidaysburg, PA m Feb 17, 1968 in St. John the
Baptist, Fort Wayne, IN

. 8 Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr. b Oct 19, 1968 in Valparaiso, IN

+Lynda Marie Sowers b Jul 6, 1970 m May 23, 1992 in Indian Oak Inn, Chesterton, IN

T 8 Lori Anne Brubaker b Sep 19, 1969 in Bremen, IN

............ 8 Michael James -

Mike - Brubaker b May 1, 1971 in Valparaiso, IN

ZO•C3 7 Paul Anthony "Pauli" Wehrle, Jr. b Jun 14, 1948 in Ft. Wayne. IN

............ +Sally Green m Aug 1981 in at home, Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 Damien Tristan Green b Feb 4, 1973 in Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 Nathan Etienne Wehrle b Jan 21, 1984 in Fort Wayne, IN

. . . . . 7 Kathleen Jo "Kathy" Wehrle b Jan 21, 1952 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Terry John Cunningham b Jul 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne m Dec 6, 1969 in St. John the Baptist,
Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 John Edward Cunningham b Jul 8, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 Benjamin Joseph "Ben" Cunningham b Jul 27, 1972 in Agana Heights, Guam, US territory

............ 8 Matthew James "Matt" Cunningham b Sep 23, 1975 in Port Smith, VA

............ 8 Katheryn Joan "Kate" Cunningham b Jul 10, 1978 in Fort Wayne, IN

0 ‘-e
. . 7 Jon Thomas Wehrle b Dec 2, 1954 in Ft. Wayne, IN

............ +Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Wiltshire b Jan 23, 1957 m May 12, 1990 in Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 Samuel Jon Wehrle b Jun 17, 1992 in Fort Wayne, IN

............ 8 To Be Announced b Jul 1994

........ 6 Dorothy Elizabeth "Betty" Holthouse b May 4, 1917 in Decatur, IN

01-1) 6 Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr. b Oct 15, 1919 in Decatur, IN d Feb 7, 1972 in Palo Alto, CA

.......... +Mildred Rich m Apr 21, 1948 in Clark Co., WA

........ *2nd spouse of Clarence Frances Holthouse, Jr.:

.......... +Lillian J. Stewart b May 12, 1913 m May 7, 1971 in Reno, NV

Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger Family

. 6 Mary Grace Holthouse b Jul 26, 1922 in Decatur, IN

. .• +Glenn Taylor b Aug 14, 1922 in Bishop, CA m Jun 29, 1946 d Jan 8, 1986 in Bishop CA

.......... 7 Steve Taylor b Sep 18, 1944

.......... 7 Allen Taylor b Jan 16, 1947

.......... 7 Bruce Taylor b Sep 13, 1952

. . . . 5 Mary Agnes Starost b May 12, 1892 in Adams Co., IN d 1960 in Ft. Wayne, iN

........ +Al Baade

. . . . 5 Florian Jacob Starost b May 4, 1894 in Adams Co., IN d Jun 28 in Lima, OH

.......... +Nina May Gordon m May 6, 1894 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. . . . 5 Mary Magdalena Starost b Jan 15, 1896 in Adams Co,IN

........ +John D. Fletter m Oct 14, 1920 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

. . . 5 Helena Amelia Starost b Jun 23, 1898 in Adams Co., IN d 1982 in Fort Wayne, IN

........ +Walter G. Roy m 1921 in Lima, OH

........ 6 Wayne Roy

........ 6 Walter Roy

. . *2nd spouse of Helena Amelia Starost;

.......... +William J. Kline m Jul 15, 1950 in Ligonier, IN

. . 5 Charles Frederick Starost b Mar 6, 1900 in Adams Co., IN d Sep 18, 1971 in Fort Wayne, IN

........ +Agnes Clara Meyers m Oct 14, 1920 in St. Mary's, Decatur IN

........ 6 Richard Frederick Starost b Mar 27, 1922 in Adams Co., IN

.......... +Agnes Rose Nix m Aug 21, 1946 in Roanoke, IN

.......... 7 Ron Starost

.......... 7 Doug Starost

........ 6 Ruth Eileen Starost b Feb 27, 1924 in Adams Co., IN

.......... +Kenneth Zurbuck m Oct 10, 1945 in Ft. Wayne, IN

........ 6 Elizabeth Gean Starost b Mar 23, 1926 in Adams Co., IN

Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger Family

.......... +Herbert C. Jehl m Feb 4, 1948

........ 6 James E. Starost b Apr 17, 1928 in Adams Co., IN

.......... +Patricia Parrot m Jul 4, 1949 in Fort Wayne, IN

. 5 Raymond Joseph Gass b Mar 10, 1910 in Union TWP, Adams Co., IN'

........ +Dorothy F. LaFontaine b Sep 26, 1915 m May 8, 1942 in Decatur, IN d Nov 9, 1969

........ 6 Herb Gass

. . *2nd spouse of Raymond Joseph Gase:

........ +Lucille Gase

. . 4 Fannie Samantha Spuller b Aug 16, 1864 d Aug 8, 1878

. . 4 Catharine "Sr. Mary Frederika" Spuller b Dec 28, 1870 d Jan 28, 1966

. . . 4 Elizabeth E. Spuller b Aug 14, 1875 in Union Twp, Adams Co, IN d May 20, 1910 in Union Two, Adams
Co, IN

. . . . +Philbert Eugene Gase b Sep 8, 1876 in Tiffin, OH m Oct 9, 1900 in St. Mary, Decatur, IN d Oct 31,
1948 in Decatur,IN

. . . . 5 Anthony Paul Gase b Oct 16, 1901

........ +Josephine Edna Miller m May 8, 1928

. . . . 5 John Clement Gase b Jan 24, 1963 d Jan 23, 1963

........ +Helena Rose Kindley m Jun 4, 1929

. . . 5 Edward James Gase b Jul 9, 1905 d Dec 8, 1975

........ +Mary Theresa Loshe m Jun 4, 1936

. . . . 5 Iraeneus Francis Gase b Jun 28, 1907

........ +Rose M. Schurger m Jun 25, 1940

. . 5 Raymond Joseph Gase b May 10, 1910

. . 3 Charles Joseph Kurber,II b Oct 1843 in Kulsheim, Baden d Aug 1, 1913 in Union Twp., Adams Co., IN

. . +Margaret Miller b 1852 m Jul 9, 1872 in St. MAry's,Decatur,IN d 1943 in Adams Co., IN

. . 4 Francis Joseph Kurber b in Adams Co., IN

. . +Louisa Schurger m Oct 28, 1903 in St. Mary's, Decatur, IN

Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger Family

. . . 4 Rosa B. Kurber b Oct 7, 1883 in Decatur, IN d Feb 18, 1959 in Decatur, IN

. . . . +John A. Miller m Oct 24, 1905 in St. Mary's, Decatur,IN

. . 3 Agnes Kurber b 1833

. *2nd spouse of Mary Eva Gillig:

. . +Michael Wurtzberger b ABOUT 1810 in Germany m ABOUT 1845 in Germany d in Decatur, IN

. . 3 Michael J. Wertzberger, II b 1847 in Germany d 1933

. . +Sarah Barbara Wertzberger

. . 4 Alberta Wertzberger b 1865 d 1931

. . 4 Joseph Leo Wertzberger b 1870 d 1896

. . 4 Ralph Wertzberger b 1894 d 1895

. . 3 Seraphina "Sarah" Wurtzberger b 1849 d 1925

. . +Mr. Meibers

. . *2nd spouse of Seraphina "Sarah" Wurtzberger:

. . . +Sol Billman b 1844 d 1917

. . 3 Anthony Wurtzberger b 1851 d Feb 17, 1930

. . . +Elizabeth Wurtzberger b ABOUT 1851 d Jan 21, 1926

. . . 4 Gertrude Wurtzberger

. . . . +Louis Kintz m May 1, 1901

. . . 4 Louisa Wurtzberger

. . . . +Jared J. Reed m Sep 12, 1911

. . . 4 Bernard Wurtzberger d 1959

. . . . +Clara Rumslag m Oct 14, 1903

. 2 Francis Joseph Gillig b Dec 11, 1813 in Kulsheim, Baden d Apr 15, 1892 in Decatur, IN

. +Theresia Spuller b Jan 28, 1817 in Ober Endingen, Aargau, Switzerland m Jan 1, 1838 in Sandusky, OH d
Oct 26, 1894 in Decatur, IN

. . 3 David Gillig b May 26, 1840

Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger Family

. . 3 Leo Gillig b Dec 1841 d Dec 27, 1868

. . 3 Juliana Gillig b Sep 14, 1844 in Indiana d 1917

. . +Sylvester Spangler b 1842 in Ohio m 1865 in Decatur, IN d 1921

. . 4 Ella Spangler b ABOUT 1867

. . 4 Della Spangler b ABOUT 1872

. . 3 Mary Gillig b 1847

. . 3 Samuel "Simon" Gillig b 1848 d May 15, 1869

. . 3 Amos Gillig b Aug 5, 1851 d Dec 29, 1917

. . +Sadie Winker m Mar 5, 1880 in Haysville,OH d Mar 25, 1933

. 2 Laurence Gillig

. . +Marie Kohler

. . 3 Rudolf Gillig

V Catherine Bosse

Catherine married Louis Conter on 25 Sep 1863 at St. Mary's Church in
Decatur, IN with witnesses Anthony Holthouse and Anna Wemhoff. Their four
oldest children were baptized at St. Mary's2'
Their children: 3c
.1 0 01 Herman - bap 25 Aug 1867. Gdpts: Herman and Margaret,Bosse.
Y- 3 1
2.,011 Marie - bap 10 Oct 1869. Gdpts: Anthony Holthouse and Maria Bosse.
Francis - bap 7 Apr 1872. Gdpts: Frank Bosse and Maria Conter. p74/..
olo Flora - bap 11 Oct 1874. Gdpts: Peter Holthouse and Mary Closs.
'-- John

g,01A All " I ')

0 Johann Herm Bosse

Johann Herm was a son of Johann Herm Bosse and Maria Elisabeth Kleekamp.
4 He was born in Westrup, Ankum Parish near Bersenbruck. He married
3 t Catharina Grethe (Margaret) Holthaus on 13 Jul 1844 at St. Vincentius at
3 I Bersenbruck. They emigrated to USA after 1844 and lived in Cincinnati
until 1849. It is said that they fled Cincinnati to avoid a cholera
epidemic in 1849 and traveled by canalboat most of the way to Decatur.
Their children were:
qq, Mary
62 z Catherine
Frank -was a carpenter and cabinet maker
' John Henry -bap 28 Mar 1852, St. Mary's, Decatur. Gdpts: Henry
Vogelwede and Joanna Catherine Holthouse—,5,5
4;61 Maria Anna -bap 21 Nov 1855, St. Mary's, Decatur. Gdpts: John
Meibers and Maria Anna Tettmann
41John William -bap 5 Oct 1858, St. Mary's, Decatur. Gdpts: William
Tettmann and Catherine Holthouse. John owned the opera house in Decatur
until 1917. It opened on 8 Nov 1897 and later showed silent movies as
well as theatrical productions.
Anna I/
2 61 1 Conrad Brake
) 4/1
Conrad was a brother of Nicholas Brake. Nicholas's son was Herman Brake a
saloon owner and husband of Catherine Holthouse. Conrad married Wilhemina
Holthouse (Catherine's sister) on 29 Jan 1859 at St. Mary's Church.
, Wilhemina and Mary Closs were the first white children baptized in
Decatur. Conrad was the Washington Twp. trustee in 1870. His and
Wilhemina's children were baptized at St. Mary's in Decatur.
Their children:
614 Mary Catherine -bap 5 Sep 1860. Gdpts: John Meibers and Johanna C.
Holthouse. Mary died at age 2.5 months.
41' Christina Katherine -bap 22 Jan 1862. Gdpts: Bernard Holthouse and
Christina Meibers.
193t Elizabeth Cecilia -bap 3 Jul 1864. Gdpts: Anthony Holthouse and
Eljzabeth Meibers.
3.. ) ')
Herman and Conrad may have been related to Anna Rolth Brake (second wife
of Bernard Holthouse and step-mother of Wilhemina and Catherine).

, Lori Anne Brubaker

Lori Anne Brubaker, the daughter of Ba rbM We hrle and Paul Brubaker, was
born 19 Sep 1969. She was delivered by Dr. Bowen, who later became the
Governor of the state of Indiana. Her godparents are Kathleen Jo Wehrle
Cunningham and Jon Wehrle. Lori Graduated in 1992 from Indiana
University, Northwest Campus with a B.S. Ed. in Secondary Mathematics.
She teaches at MacArthur High School in Houston, Texas. Lori is the
co-author of this family history along with her first cousin, Angie
Quinn. Lori also has driven in demolition derbies, and is currently
l ooking for a sponsor.

Lori's mother Barb is a Family Nurse Practitioner for Southlake Mental

Health Hospital, in Lake County Indiana. Her father, Paul, is a
self-employed contractor, and philosopher.

Lori's brothers are:

Paul Kenneth Brubaker, Jr: Electrical Technician for Sony in Carol
Stream, IL. He married Lynda Marie Sowers, the daughter of Douglas and
Carolyn Hord Sowers. They live in Chesterton, IN. Paul and Lynda were
married 23 May 1992, and the witnesses Diana Sowers and Michael Brubaker.

Michael James Brubaker: Graduated from Chesterton High School in 1989.

He plans to continue attending Purdue University, North Central Campus
in the fall of 1994.
Eugenia Carol "Gene" Chambers

Gene lives in Texas and is married to Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas
Cowboys (a National Football League team).

Gerhard Nicolas Fullenkamp „_)
Gerhard Nicholas Fullenkamp was born in 1803, and lived at Woltrop and
Wehbergen during his life. These villages are in Ankum Parish, only a few
miles (2-3) from Bersenbruck. He was married to Maria Deter, and was
02,, widowed. He then married Maria Elisabeth Mescher, born Feb 15, 1813 at

Hertmann/Quadenort, Bersenbruck Parish. She was the twin sister of

7,5 Johanna Catharina Mescher, the wife of Johan Bernd Holthaus. 3 11-i
Elizabeth Mescher and Nicholas Fullenkamp were married April 17, 1838 at
St. Vincentius, Bersenbruck. Early histories of Adams County write that
they had three children:
Dedrick or Theodor- resided at Tutingen, Germany.
Catherine- lived in Germany

ot <' Jacob Joseph- arrived in Decatur, In in 1868.
Nicholas Fullenkamp learned the distillers's trade from his father, and
passed this knowledge on to Jacob Joseph (who later became a baker, and
store owner).
A large number of Fullenkamps lived in Mercer County, Ohio during
the 1830-1850's, often residing on farms neighboring those of the Knapkes
and Hagedorns. These may have been other children from Nicholas' first
marriage, or cousins.
Jaw, When Jacob Joseph Fullenkamp arrived in Decatur, he lived with his
/ aunt and uncle, Bernard and Catherine Holthouse, and found work at the
34,1, ge neral store owned by Magdaline Klaphake Bremerkamp. He soon fell in
love with her daughter Mary Klaphoeke, (Klaphake), and married her on 18
Oct,1870 at St. Mary's, Decatur, IN. The church record incorrectly lists
the bride as Miss Mary Bremerkamp, perhaps due to her mother's last name.
Magdaline Hartman, was born 17 Dec 1822 at Algermissen, near the
city of Hannover, Germany. She came to U.S. in 1836 and lived in New York
City until 1849. She married Gerhard Klaphoeke in NY in 1838 and was
later widowed. She married John Henry Bremerkamp 5 April 1853 in Decatur.

Her Children with Gerhard Klaphoeke:

Alpheus- N/M
Mary- married Jacob oseph Fullenkamp

With John Herman Bremerkamp:

Henry Herman-married Barbara Klueber 9 Jan 1879, St. Mary's.
Magdaline- married Ulrich Dinninger
Catherine- married E.X. Ehinger.

Martin Francis Gast

Martin Francis Gast was born approximately 1826 in France, and later
emigrated to the U.S.. He settled in Louisville Ky, and married
Catherine Tonnellier on Jan. 7, 1850. Martin served in the Union Army
during the Civil War, holding the rank of Private in Co. I, 21 Kentucky
Infantry. (source: Index to Compiled Military Service Records of
Volunteer Union Soldiers who served in Orgainzations from the State of
Kentucky, microfilm roll 10). Martin apparently died during the war,
because on Feb. 2, 1865, Catherine Tonnellier Gast filed for a Civil War
Pension as a widow (Application # 81506, Certificate # 92534). However,
Martina Barker Aldred, a Tonnellier descendant in Louisville, writes that
she found the death and burial of Martin Gast to be:

"Martin Gast 44 Years Old, died 17 Feb. 1870

Living at Clay and Shelby St. in Louisville.
Cause of death, Consumption. Buried in St. Louis Cem."
After Martin's death, Catherine Tonnelier Gast and their children
moved to Decatur, IN, where many of Catherine's Colchin and Tonnellier
relatives lived. Sometime before 1880, she took in Henry Thomas, parents
unknown, and raised him. He is listed as "adopted" in the 1880 Adams Co.
Martin and Catherine's children:

Regina Gast- born 1851, Louisville KY. Never married. Lived for many
years on the Spuller Homestead (called Niblick
Homestead by part of the family). Died Feb. 14, 1929.
Steve Gass in Decatur has a photograph of Regina, along
with her sister Mary, and mother.
Louis J. Gast- born Jan 15, 1855, bap. Feb 4, 1855, St. Mary,"
Decatur. Gdpts: Johann Tonnellier, Margarethe
Tonnellier. Served as County Clerk, Adams. County, IN
from 1883-1884. Never married. Died of Consumption
April 6, 1892, at Decatur.
A Mary S. Gast- born April 23, 1857,Louisville KY. Married John
3 () Bernard Holthouse.(see J.B.'s bio). Died of

consumption, Dec 22, 1896 at Decatur.

Frank Gast- born about 1860, Louisville, KY. Married Elizabeth
Weimer. Owned the Frank Gast Cigar Co., in Decatur,
which in 1896 advertised," Smoke the Court Royal.
All Havana. Sumatra Wrapped and Hand made. 5 cent
Cigar." Frank's foster brother, Henry "Heiny"
Thomas also made cigars, and sold them in Decatur
as late as 1937. Frank and his family moved to Tacoma
Washington sometime after 1918.
31.1 Johan Bernd Holthaus

Johan Bernd Holthaus, also known as Bernard or Barney, was born on

Aug. 5, 1812 at Hastrup, Parish Bersenbruck, Osnabruck, in what is today
the German State of Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony). This area of Northern
Germany went through numerous rulers and boundary changes,thus creating
complications for genealogy research. Bersenbruck was a part of the
Principality of Osnabruck until 1803, when the Province of Hannover took
over full control of Osnabruck. Then, in 1806, Napolean added the area of
Osnabruck, including Bersenbruck, to the French Empire.
In 1815 Hannover regained control of this area, at the same time that
Hannover itself was elevated to Kingdom status, ruled by King George the
III- also the King of England!! Thus Bernard Holthaus' father was born in
Osnabruck, Bernard was born in the French Empire, and his sisters were
born in the Kingdom of Hannover--and all of this happened in the town of
Bersenbruck. <9
Bernard's parents were Joan Herm Bernd Hollthuss, the son of Gerd
0 Henrich Hollthuss and Anna Maria Hussmann, and Maria Catherine HenrietteS 1T,
Stolle, from Hastrup, the daughter of Joannes Bernd Sandbrink modo Stollelio d

9.>0 and Maria Catherina Stolle. Her parents were married Jan. 24, 1774 at St.
Vincentius, Bersenbruck. Margret von der Haar of Bersenbruck writes that:
In the case of the Stolle-family Maria Catharina Stolle was the landowner
and Johan Bernd Sandbrink took her family-name, also the children had her
family name STOLLE."(see introduction
for more info.)
4 Bernard Holthaus arrived in New York City in May, 1836. During the
fall of 1836 he moved to Adams County, IN. He entered a tract of Govt.
timberland in Washington Twp., 2 miles west of Decatur. He built a log
house, cleared his land, and farmed there until his death in 1871.
Bernard was one of the first five Catholic settlers in Adams Co., and a
founyling member of St. Mary's parish in Decatur.
Bernard married Johanna Catherine Mescher on Sep. 9 1837, at the
Cathedral in Fort Wayne, IN (then St. Augustine parish). Catherine and
her twin sister Maria Elisabeth were born Feb. 2, 1813 at Hertmann/
Quadenort, parish Bersenbruck. Catherine emigrated to the U.S. in 1836
also, but it is not known if she traveled with her future husband. It is
known that her sister Anna Margaretha (Knapke) emigrated from Bersenbruck
on Aug. 15, 1836, and arrived in the fall of 1836 in the Minster, OH area
(20miles from Decatur, IN). The 1945 Family Tree created by Sr. MAry
Grace Holthouse suggests that Johanna lived in Minster, before marrying
Johanna Catherine Mescher Holthaus died Feb.21, 1868 in Adams Co.
-54 Bernard married Anna Rolth Brake on Oct. 13, 1868 at St. Mary's.
' Bernard died Oct. 26, 1870 and is buried in the St. Joseph Cemetery at
Decatur. Anna Rolth Brake Holthaus died Aug. 12, 1872. She and Johanna
Catherine are buried near Bernard.
It is to be assumed that Anna Rolth Brake was in some way related to
both Herman Brake and Conrad Brake, but that relationship is not certain.

Ig Anthony Bernard Holthouse
Anthony was baptized on 8 May 1844 in Decatur, IN by the priest from the
Ft. Wayne Cathedral. Decatur was a mission to the Ft. Wayne church at
that time. His godparents were Anthony Kohne and Elizabeth Meiddendorf.
) 1 He married Margaret Schoen, born 27 Jan 1844 in Bavaria, on 24 Aug 1868
at St. Mary's Church in Decatur, IN with witnesses Jacob Fullenkamp and
Catherine Holthouse. Her parents were John and Margaret Schoen and they
are buried at St. Joseph Cemetery in Decatur. Anthony was the Adams Co.
treasurer from 1881 to 1885. In 1890, Anthony owned a boot and shoe
store. He was also a Washington Twp. trustee in 1876. He was considered a
pioneer merchant and was active in business until his death. In 1896 he
moved his family to Jonesboro, AR (except his son Roman). He died 31 Dec
mo( 1907 in Jonesboro.
His children are:
91 Rosa Maria Magdaline -bap 29 Aug 1869, St. Mary's, Decatur. Gdpts:
Peter Holthouse and Catherine Omlor
J Roman John Louis -bap 15 Oct 1871, St. Mary's, Decatur. Gdpts: Louis
Conter and Mary Schuler
r-z, ' Mary Gertrude -bap 23 Aug 1874, St. Mary's, Decatur. Gdpts: John and
Gertrude Hagedorn
Clement Leo -bap 23 Jul 1876, St. Mary's, Decatur. Gdpts: William
and Christina Brake
) 3 7 Eleanore Catherine
1 5v Bertha Anna
Wilhelmina Emma
, I Agnes Elizabeth
),.?,1 Lucile Frances
IZtiFrederick John
Bernard Godfrey
1-5( Eleanora Margaretha -bap 16 Feb 1872, St. Mary's, Decatur. Gdpts:
Jok Bernard Holthouse and Mary Closs

J Arthur Roland Holthouse

Arthur graduated from St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, IN in 1912. The

following September he started work at the Decatur Daily Democrat as a
bookkeeper, reporter and general handy man. In 1914 he became a
stockholder in the company, and in 1916 he was made the secretary -
treasurer. In 1934 he was elected mayor of Decatur and served 4 years. He
then returned to his job as secretary - treasurer of the Daily Democrat.
For several years he served as the editor of the Democrat. He eventually
owned 160 shares of stock in the paper. 10 shares were sold to his
brother C.E. Holthouse. The rest of the shares were divided among his
children after his death. Arthur was also a charter member of the Decatur
Rotary Club. 4
4 Arthur's wife Faye Hammell was the daughter of Cyrus and Sarah
Hammell. Cyrus was a Civil War Vet and a sawyer. Faye became the
president of the Decatur Women's Club.

Clarence Francis Holthouse, Sr.

( 4
Clarence Francis Holthouse was born on 12 Dec 1884 to J.B. Holthouse
300 and Mary Gast. He was baptized on 17 Dec 1884 at St. Mary's Church in
Decatur. He worked at times s a chef and farmer. On 27 May 1912 at St.
Mary's Church in Decatur, Clarence married Alma Mary Starost (17 Aug 1890 P7-
- 28 Nov 1965), daughter of John and Eva Spuller Starost, with witnesses
11 , Felix Holthouse and Agnes Starost.
Clarence and Alma had 5 children. Evaline Mary (1913 - 1924 died of
spinal tuberculosis caused by a rollerskating accident), Frances Virginia1
(1915 - 1991), Dorothy Elizaieth (1917), Clarence Francis (1919- 1972), to LP
Mary Grace (1922). Around 199, Clarence moved his family to Ft. Wayne,
and in 1923, Clarence died. lis death has been one of the true mysteries
of this family history.
His daughter Frances said simply that he killed himself during the
Great Depression. Other stories include: he was drunk and shot himself,
he hung himself, he was depr'ssed and shot himself, and he was upset over
losing his chickens to chickm hawks and shot himself. Newspaper articles
did not support any of the family rumors. According to the Ft. Wayne
Journal Gazette, Clarence had been arrested for passing bad checks and
taken to the Ft. Wayne Jail. There he was stripped searched and found to
have a bottle of spirits of amonia. He was then placed in a back cell for
holding while a front cell was being cleaned for him. Moments later the
jailkeeper went to escort Clarence to the cleaned cell only to find him
half dead with an empty vial marked strychnine laying on the floor beside
him. By the time the ambulan:e reached St. Joseph's Hospital in Ft.
Wayne, Clarence was dead. He died 14 Aug 1923 and was buried in St.
Joseph's Cemetery in Decatur on 17 Aug 1923. A follow up article in the
newspaper suggested that the•e would be an investigation into the death
because the bottle was not large enough to contain sufficient strychnine
to cause death." No more articles could be found on the matter. Several
family members in Decatur believe that Clarence had in fact been
murdered. One neighbor of the family recalled her father wondering if
Alma really knew how Clarence died. The circumstances of his death remain
a mystery.

Frances Virginia Holthouse

Frances Virginia Holthouse was born 2 Aug 1915 in Decatur to

Clarence and Alma Starost Holthouse. She was baptized on 8 Aug 1915 at
e60 - k St. Mary's in Decatur with godparents Charles and Mary Starost.
ii3 O 4't, She married Paul Anthony Wehrle on 21 Nov 1940 at St. Joseph's in
Ft. Wayne with witnesses Mary Holthouse and Robert Wehrle. He was born 23
Aug 1915 in Ft. Wayne to Carl and Caroline Huhn Wehrle. Paul was baptized
on 29 Aug 1915 at St. Paul's in Ft. Wayne with godparents Eugene and Mary
Schott. For most of his life Paul worked at the Wehrle Tavern in Ft.
Wayne. He served in the U.S. Army during WWII. It was while he was away
that Frances went through one of the worst times of her life. After the
birth of their oldest daughter Rita, two infant sons died shortly after
their births within two years of each other. They went on to have four
more children. Their children are:
6 0 !:- ' Rita Jane (1942) m. Robert Quinn ch. Angela, Gregory, Jeffrey,
Daniel, Katherine, and Elizabeth.
Michael Paul (1943- died shortly after birth)
James Richard (1945- died shortly after birth)
fo ‘,Barbara Ann (1946) m. Paul Brubaker ch. Paul, Lori, and Michael

y(72; s
Paul Anthony (1948) m. Sally Green (div.) ch. Damien (son from
Sally's first marriage was legally emancipated at age 16 and chose to
liv with Paul) and Nathan.
190S4 Kathleen Jo (1952) m. Terry Cunningham (served in Navy) ch. John,
Ben9min, Matthew, and Katherine.
(ASSJon Thomas (1954) m. Kathleen Wiltshire ch. Samuel and To Be
Announced (b. jul 1994).

L-1 0 7 " ArN n1% ,/eC5GC

4 John Henry Bernard "JB" Holthouse

/ John Henry Bernard "J.B." Holthouse was born Feb.27, 1855 to

34 3-N Bernard Holthaus and Johanna Catherine Mescher Holthaus. He was baptized
at St. Mary's Church in Decatur on Mar. 25, 1853. His godparents were
Herman Bosse and Mary Ann Tettmann, his uncle and aunt.
J.B. began clerking in the drug store of Dr. Dorwin at the age of 16
yrs. He studied the drug business well and made it his profession. When
Dorwin died J.B. succeeded him in business, and ran the store for several
years with different partners. Later he owned other drug stores and at
the time of his death there was still a Holthouse Drug Company, though he
had no active connection with it. Included in his various business
interests were a cement business in Bluffington, store buildings in
Decatur, a livery barn, and several farms in both Indiana and Ohio.
The editorial from the Daily Democrat at the time of J.B.'s death
read: The death of John B. Holthouse removes from this community a man
who has been conspicuous in the banking and business life here for many
years. (He was director and vice president of the First National Bank of
Decatur.) He was industrious, careful and successful. He watched public
officials, studied the workings of the local governmental machinery and
had the courage, ability and took Op time to advise and assist when and
where he could. He accumulated muchqhis world's goods and while it may
not have been generally known was one of the most liberal and charitable
men of the city, giving to every worthy cause and always without blare of
Z) 1j trumpet, his donation being usually sent in a blank envelope.... There
• zt_ was much in his life to be admired and his death is mourned by many
besides his near relatives. It is a fitting tribute that business in
1:.Decatur cease during the last services for this good citizen."
Oc J.B. first married Mary Gast. They applied for a marriage license on
-n 2 May 1880 and were listed as married in the 1880 census taken 4 June
1880; however, the licensed was never filed with the county offices. They
had eight children, namely: Louis Anthony (1882), Clarence Francis
(1884), Mary Catherine (1887), twins -Anthony and unknown (1889- died as
infants), Frances Cecilia (1891 -mentally retarded- died at age 17),
Felix William (1893), and Catherine Gertrude (1895 - became Sister Mary
Grace). Mary the mother of this family died in 1896 when Catherine was "71 1
only 1 yr old.
J.B. needed help with his young brood and he found that help in Mary
Reuland. They married at St. Mary's in Decatur on 15 Jan 1898 with
witnesses Clement Holthouse and Julia Reuland. They, too, had eight
children. These children were Jesse Barbara (1899), John Bernard (1901),
Henry Charles (1902 - died at age 6mos), Margaret Agnes (1904 -owned a
successful car dealership in Decatur), Hugh Aloysius (1906), Helen
Elizabeth (1908), Maria Louisa (1910 -died at age 2yrs), and Robert
Joseph (1913). Then J.B. died of liver cancer in 1915, leaving Mary alone
with a large family. Fortunately, the children of the first family were
old enough to fend for themselves so Mary had only her lot to look after.
She died in 1953 at the age of 85.

Nikolaus Kolchen " The Mor aus Teting"

Nickolas Kolchen, also known as Nikolas "Der Mor aus Teting", was
born circa 1600 in Teting-sur-Nied (Teting on the river Nied) in what is
now France. Teting-sur- Nied is about half-way between Metz, France, and
Saarbrucken, Germany. It is within the department of Lorraine, called
Lothringen in German. This is the much-disputed border area between
France and Germany, along with nearbye Alsace.
We do not know the exact meaning of Nikolas' title "the Mor from
Teting". "Mor" as written is not a German word, even though the rest of
the name is German. It could be a misspelling of Mauerer--a brick or
stone mason. Or it could be a misspelling of Moor--a person of Andalusian
(Spanish or African Islamic ) descent. In French, "mor" means Moor.
His son, Nikolaus Colchen II (1640-1710) was also known as " Morr",
or" Nigono". Nigono is not a modern word in either French or German. It
may be a bad reading of "Nicolo" a pet name of Nikolaus, or of "negoce",
French for business or trade. Then again it might be a mispelling of
"Nigaud" French for Fool or Simpleton (but probably not).
Nikolaus Colchen II was employed as a weber, or weaver in Teting.
His son Nikolaus Colchen III (1677-1740) was employed as a Tobacco
merchant in Bisten, Lorraine, west of SaarLouis. Nikolaus Colchen IV
(1701-1740) also lived at Bisten, where he was a "gerber" a tanner or
leather maker. He died at age 39 in 1740, the same year that his parents,
Nikolaus III, and Anna Maria Henriquelle Colchen died as well. (cause of
death for all three unknown).
Johann Nikolaus Colchen, son of Nikolaus IV lived from 1727-1772 in
Bisten, Lorraine. He was not employed, listed as a "Rentner", a pensioner
or an individual of independent means.
His son, Nikolaus Colchen (1758-1814) was born in Bisten, and lived
in the nearby village of Falck. He was employed as a "Kufer"- a cooper,
or metalsmith. He married Anna Maria Klein sometime before 1787.
His daughter, Barbara Colchin (1791-1831) married Johan Tonnellier, who
was remarried after her death to Anna Wirth. Johan, Anna and his children
emigrated to the U.S. in 1846. Barbara's children John and Nicholas
Tonnellier settled in Decatur, while Johan, daughter Catherine
Tonnellier, and his children from his second marriage settled at
Louisville, KY. Catherine and Johan both eventually moved to Decatur as

Angela Marie Angie" Quinn

(e b&I
Angela Marie Quinn was born 25 Feb 1964 in Ft. Wayne to Rita Jane
Wehrle and Robert William Quinn, Jr. Her godparents are Barbara Wehrle
Brubaker and Paul Wehrle, Jr. In 1986 and 1987, Angie earned B.A. degrees
from Indiana University. In 1992, she received a M.A. in Anthropological
Linguistics, also from I.U. She is currently president of a neighborhood
association in Ft. Wayne which is listed on the National Register of
Historic Places, and is involved in several community groups. She is also
co-author of this wonderful project with her charming cousin Lori. On 24
May 1986 at the Unitarian- Universalist Meeting House in Ft. Wayne Angie
married Don Nicholas Keirn with witnesses Katharine Quinn and Daniel
Church. Nick was born 17 Apr 1952 in Laud, Indiana. Angie and Nick have 2
children: Polly (10 Jan 1990) and Jacob (23 Dec 1991). Polly was given
Angie's surname and Jacob was given Nick's. Nick died on 13 Oct 1991.
Angie's siblings are:
7f,3 Gregory Robert (1965) m. Susan Bennett on 28 May 1994. Greg works for GE
in the Chicagoland Area.
(fol.) Jeffrey Michael (1966) m. Carmen Cortes on 6 Apr 1991 ch. Ellen Ashley
' (1992) and To Be Announced (Jan 1995). Jeff works for MCI in Chicagoland.
Daniel Charles (1968) B.A. in Music- studies and teaches music at Indiana
7 University in Bloomington.
Katherine Ann (1970) m. Daniel Dixon (div.) on 19 Apr 1991 at the Allen
County Courthouse where due to a clerical error the license was
invalidated making the marriage unofficial- they had an unofficial
divorce and Danny has since remarried. Ch. Danielle Dee Dixon (1989) and
Jessica LeAnne Quinn (1992- after divorce).
Elizabeth Joanne (1979) attends Bishop Luers H.S. in Ft. Wayne and is
active in student government, sports, and drama.

Johann "John" Tonnellier

John was born in Felsburg, Alsace-Lorraine on 26 May 1798. On 1 Jul

1820 he married Barbara Colchin. After her death he remarried on 23 Apr
1831 to Anna Wirth. In 1846 he and his family left Felsburg for America.
By 1848 he was living in Decatur, IN where he is listed as a gdpt. He
died 15 Apr 1876 in Louisville, KY.
His parents where Peter Tonnellier and Katharina Dutt. Katharina (b.
26 Mar 1762) was a daughter of Peter Doute and Elizabeth Beck. Her
siblings were: Peter (b. 7 Feb 1759), Maria (b. 29 Sep 1760), Jakob (b.
10 Sep 1764), Johann Peter (b. 4 Jun 1766), Marianne (b. 24 Feb 1768),
and twins Ludwig and Anna (b. 25 Jul 1771).
Peter Tonnellier was a son Johann Adolf Tonnellier and Maria
Capitaine. Maria was born 24 Feb 1732 to Johann Capitaine and Anna
Katharina Haas. Because of Johann Capitaine's several offices he also is
listed with the surnames Dilcont, Le Compt (of the count), and Der Junge
(the young). However, his children all went by the name Capitaine.
Maria's siblings are: Lambert (b. 2 Dec 1717), Johann (b. 12 Apr 1720),
Anna (b. 19 Apr 1723), Katharina (b. 14 Jul 1726), Franz (b. 1 Jul 1729),
Eva (b. 22 Jul 1736), and Gregor (b. 27 Arp 1740).
Johann Gerhard Heinrich Vogeiwedde

Johann Gerhard Heinrich Vogelwedde was born Nov 19 1818 at Hastrup,

Parish Bersenbruck, Osnabruck. His parents were Johan Herm Vogeiwedde nee
Woistmann, and Maria Elisabeth Kreke. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1845,
0 and married Maria Catherina Holthaus in Fort Wayne, IN at the Cathedral
3 on 15 Sep 1845. The marriage was witnessed, according to the church
record, by " Holthaus her brother and Meiber the oldest son."
Family legend suggests that the Vogelwedes were large landowners,
and that John Bernd Holthaus (Maria Catherine's Brother) was a servant to
the "Von Vogelwedes" (1945 family tree). Well, apparently Johann Gerhard
fell in love with the maid, and throwing away his inheritance,
he left the manor, moved to Decatur, and married her. Research from
Bersenbruck has thus far failed to corroborate this story.
Mary Catherine and Johan Gerhard Heinrich had 13 children:

Bernard - born 1845, bap. Dec. 29, 1845, by Cathedral priest. Gdpts:
Bernard Holthaus, Catherine Meibers.
60 Joseph Henry Gerhard- bap. 22 Aug. 1847. Gdpts: Joseph Smith,
4 z Catherine Holthaus. Married Mary Meiber Oct. 22 1872,
0 -1 St. Mary, Decatur. Witnessed by: Frank Bosse, Margaret
Miller, Maria Vogelwede, and Heinrich Meibers.
401 Mary - born Aug. 15, 1849.
i, Gerhard Henry - born 1850.

er; John Gerhard - bron Dec 28, 1851, bap. 22 Feb 1852, St. Mary,
Decatur. Gdpts: Gerhard Hessler, Catherine Bosse.
co3John Wilhelm- Born Oct 2, 1854, bap. 8 Oct. 1854, St. Mary,
Decatur. Gdpts: Wilhelm Tettmann, Philomena (sic)
Holthaus (probably Wilhelmina).
T)'' Anthony Vogelwede- Born Jul 16, 1857, bap. 19 Jul 1857, St. Mary
Decatur. Gdpts: Anthony Kohne, Mary Angelica Hackmann.
q() Anna Vogelwede- born Sep 20, 1858.
Anna Maria- born Jul 13, 1859, bap. Jul 20, 1859, St. Mary,
Decatur. Gdpts: Henry Bremerkamp, Anna Maria Tettmann.
cp ( ' Anna Katherine - born Feb 17, 1861.
eid l Elizabeth - Born May 30, 1864, bap. Jun 5, 1864, St. Mary,
Decatur. Gdpts: Peter H. Overman, Elizabeth Overman.
elo c Lucy - born Jul 8, 1865, bap. Jul 22, 1865, St. Mary, Decatur.
Gdpts: Anthony Holthouse, Ann Brake.
go( Lewis Alfred- born Aug. 25, 1868, bap. Aug.31, 1868, St. Mary,
Decatur. Gdpts: Louis Conter, Maria Meyer.


STAROST FAMILY: (front row, 1- r) Helena Amelia Starost Kline, John Henry
Starost, Raynmond Joseph Gase, Eva Miranda Spuller Starost, Florian Jacob
Starost, (back row, 1-r) Mary Magdelena Starost Fletter, Mary Agnes
Starost Baade, Charles Frederi ck Starost, Alma Mary Starost Holthouse.

COUPLE: Glen and Mary Grace Holthouse Taylor
Colz /60.5"
4 GENERATIONS: (left to right) Eva Miranda Spuller Starost, Rita Jane
Wehrle Quinn, Frances Virginia Holthouse Wehrle, Alma Mary Starost
Holthouse. / 60 9 ‘2 c9

LITTLE GIRL: Evaline Mary Holthouse.

1ST COMMUNION: Evaline Mary Holthouse (left), Frances Virginia Holthouse

Wehrle (right). ic
France )
- \ kV\ Jje \-1 c c, r. 1-K

Altenhoefel, Bernard - m1.(13 Feb 1865) Mary Catherine Knapke

m2.(7 May 1867) Agnes Roemer

Blacke, Rudolph - m1. Mary Elizabeth Knapke

m2. Anna Maria Baumholz

Brake, Catherine - m. Maximillian Gerard

son of Frederick and Rosina Gehrard
Diener, Catherine Margaret - (27 Nov 1878 - 8 Feb 1965)
pars. George Diener and Mary Margaret Kern
m1. Nicholas Lang (21 My 1878 - 7 Feb 1908)
ch. George Henry (b. 16 Mar 1903)
m. (16 Aug 1932) Elizabeth Tusick
Virgillia Margaret (b. 28 Aug 1905)
m. (30 Apr 1919) Frank Bruening
m2. Philbert Gase (1st wife was Elizabeth E. Spuller)
ch. Anna Margaret (b. 1 Aug 1912)
m. (19 Apr 1941) Floyd Fugit
Gertrude Catherine (b. 7 Oct 1913)
m. (8 Feb 1935) Vere Walker
Agnes Frances "Sr. Catherine Maria" (b.26Apr1915)
Ambrose Leo (b. 2 Jul 1916)
m. (18 Jun 1940) Anna Belle Rupert
Eugene Joseph (b. 9 Feb 1918)
m. (1 Jul 1941) Frances Koenig
Mary Helena (b. 24 Aug 1919)
m. (26 Dec 1938) Karl Schnepp
Bernard Philbert (b. 6 Mar 1921)
m. (1 Dec 1942) Virginia Hoffman
Richard James (b. 19 Nov 1923)
m. (23 Aug 1947) Phyllis Venis

Gast, Martin - m. Catherine Tonnellier

brothers: Mathias and Peter
This connection is merely an educated guess derrived from
the locale of these families and related families. Martin
lived both in Louisville, KY and Adams Co., IN. Mathias
and Peter lived in Mercer Co., OH. Both families have
Knapkes and Gilligs and others as neighbors and as
relatives by marriage. Also their ages as taken from
census records place them in the same age bracket to
easily be brothers.

Haas, Anna Katharine - m1. Johann Capitaine

m2. (27 Sep 1757)
Quiren Steffen (11 Nov 1706 - 20 Sep 1770)
son of Johann Wilhelm Steffen
and Katharina Girlinger

Knapke, John Bernard, Sr. - f. John Henry Knapke

b. 1 Dec 1765 in Neuenkirchen
NOTES (continued)

d. 18 Dec 1825 in Neuenkirchen

m. Maria Adelaid Overmann
b. 1766
d. 4 Jun 1815 in Neuenkirchen
sp. Anna Margaretha Mescher

Kurber, Charles Joseph, II - m. Margaret Miller

daughter of Mathias Miller
and Barbara Hoen

Spuller, Mary Anne - m. Bernard Hackman

son of Gerhard Henry Hackman (b. 10 Feb 1822)
and Marie Engle (b. 31 Oct 1825)
children of Gerhard and Marie:
Bernard (1856-16 Feb 1906)
Anna (1858-1935)
Katharine (27 Sep 1851-19 May 1863)

Tonnellier, Jakob - m. Catherine Schellenbach

daughter of Nikolaus Schellenbach
and Antoinette Macagne

Tonnellier (Kiefer), Anton - m. Johanna Vache

daughter of Johann Vache (d. before 1690)
and Barbara Rondrau (d. 26 Jan 1690)
Vogelwede, Anthony - m. Anna Meyers
daughter of Berhard Meyers
and Anna Mary Klaphake
daughter of Bernard Henry Klaphake
and Mary Adelheid Nieman
ch. of Berhard and Anna: Anna, Bernard, Joseph,
John, Henry, Theresa,
Zerbes, Elizabeth - m1. John Henry Dwenger
m2. George Lemke
ADDENDA - Wanstrath

1 Wanstrath
4 2 /enry Wanstrath b 1808 d Jul 11, 1879 p4de

Ak +Mary Gertrude Holthaus b in **See Holthuss/Holthouse Family**

7J 3 Elizabeth Wanstrath b Jan 13, 1841 in Enochsburg, IN d Oct 20, 1902

enry Luettel b Feb 15, 1836 d Feb 17, 1924

ri4 Lena Luttle b Jan 11, 1861 d Jul 16, 1910

. . +Gus Meyer

. . 5 Harry Meyer

9 ,.% 4 Mary Luttle b Feb 26, 1863 d Aug 3, 1952

. +Frank Macke m 1887 in Enochsburg, IN

. . . . 5 Otto Macke b 1888 d ABOUT 1888

64.1.P. 5 Henry Macke b Mar 2, 1889 d Jul 21, 1954

. 6 Mary Macke

........... +Ed Kramer

......... 6 George Macke

1 . 6 Victor Macke

. /7 Stephen Macke )

. 6 Carl Macke

........... 7 Cynthia Macke

7 Louis Macke

\ 7 Romilda Macke

5 Anthony Macke

........... 7 Theresa Macke

........... 7 Joseph Macke

7 Steven Macke

Includes misplaced file of the Wanstrath family that is partly listed

in the Holthuss/Holthouse family.
ADDENDA - Wanstrath

7 Jean Macke

. I
. 6A
. /5 Elizabeth Macke b 1892

......... +George Gigrich

......... 6 Vera Gigrich

........... +Mr. Hornig

......... 6 Martha Gigrich

........... +Mr. Lousse

......... 6 Mildred Gigrich

+Laurence Holtkamp

7 Patricia Holtkamp

........... 7 July Holtkamp

7 Poggie Holtkamp

. le)
. . 5 Olivia Macke b 1894
......... +Mr. Renyer

......... 6 Regina Renyer

......... 6 Louise Renyer

......... 6 Carl Renyer

........... 7 Thomas Renyer

......... 6 Marilyn Renyer

......... 6 Lester Renyer

5 Leo Macke b 1897

......... +Miss Hedwig

. .. . . 6 Eugene Macke

........... +Elizabeth Roell

7 Steve Macke

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

7 Karen Macke

.......... 7 Douglass Macke

.......... 7 Marlene Macke

5 Matilda Macke b 1899

........ +Mark Wishmeyer

........ 6 Dorothy Wishmeyer

1/ /6 3 . 6 Viola Wishmeyer

......... +Mr. Flodder 1 ix.

7 Billie Flodder

......... 7 Anne Flodder

. . *2nd spouse of Matilda Macke:

........ +Mr. Gigrich

........ 6 Ralph Gigrich

. . . . 5 Regina Macke b 1901

......... +Frank Haskamp

k 4 {'. 6 Lucile Haskamp b 1929

+Robert Wenning m Aug 7, 1950

7 Diane Wenning b Jun 3, 1952

7 Mark Wenning b Jan 27, 1956

7 Steven Wenning b Mar 17, 1960

. . 6 Roselyn Haskamp b 1931

+Wilbur Senft

7 Mickel Senft b Jul 31, 1955

7 Marcia Senft b Jun 9, 1958

7 Cathy Senft b Sep 9, 1963

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

. 6. . . .6 Marjorie Haskamp b 1933

.......... +Paul Haunert

.......... 7 Paula Haunert b Jul 15, 1956

.......... 7 Jane Haunert b May 31, 1959

. . 6 Harold Haskamp b 1935

.......... 7 Ronnie Haskamp b Jul 29, 1960

.......... 7 Sharon Haskamp b Aug 31, 1963

.......... 7 Bruce Haskamp b Oct 11, 1965 d Jul 23, 1968

........ 6 Robert Haskamp b 1938 d May 17, 1965

.......... +Anna ?Haskamp

. . . 4 Henry Luttle b Mar 3, 1865 d Sep 26, 1944

. . . . +Frances Meyer

. . . . 5 Clara Luttle

........ +Perry Schwegman

........ 6 son of P. and C. Schwegman

. . . . 5 Henrietta Luttle

........ +Louis Lacy

. . . 4 John Luttle b Jul 5, 1867 d Mar 27, 1947

t & k1 .1414 Margaret Luttle b Aug 20, 1869 d Oct 19, 1902

. . . . +Henry Raver

69,6 -(3
. . . . 5 Joseph Raver b Jul 11, 1890

........ +Addie M. Schulte b Apr 10, 1896 m Oct 17, 1916 in St. John's Church, Enochsburg, IN

J:1/2 . 6 Margaret M. Raver b Mar 2, 1918

+Quirin Gauck

. 7 Gerald L. Gauck b Oct 17, 1941

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

............ +Rose Schebler

............ 8 Brian J. Gauck b May 12, 1962

............ 8 Bonita M. Gauck b Oct 3, 1964

. 147. . 7 Donald L. Gauck b Jan 2, 1944

............ +Ruth Muckerheide

............ 8 Kristine Ann Gauck b Apr 16, 1964

............ 8 Donna Kaye Gauck b Jan 5, 1966

............ 8 Jeffry Joseph Gauck b Jan 4, 1967

.......... 7 Timothy Gauck b Oct 20, 1949

.......... 7 Ernest J. Gauck b Oct 2, 1952

.......... 7 Polly Ann Gauck b Mar 26, 1956

. . 6 Louis J. Raver

.......... +Mariam Geis

.......... 7 Diane Marie Raver b Feb 24, 1953

.......... 7 Janet Marlene Raver b Nov 15, 1954

.......... 7 Sandra Rose Raver b Nov 16, 1956

.......... 7 Stephen L. Raver b Sep 3, 1958

.......... 7 Susan Elaine Raver b Oct 5, 1962

.......... 7 Bernard J. Raver b Dec 19

tpt. 5 William F. Paver b Jun 30, 1894

+Rose A. Ricke b Dec 23, 1895 m Nov 25, 1920

. GG.& 6 Esther C. Raver b Aug 15, 1921

.. +Albert A. Wallpe b Dec 23, 1915 m Jun 22, 1946

.. 7 Stephen Wallpe b Nov 27, 1952

.. 7 Rose Ann Wallpe b Feb 24, 1954

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

.......... 7 Gregory P. Wallpe b Jun 19, 1955

.......... 7 Phillip L. Wallpe b Oct 25, 1956

.......... 7 John E. Wallpe b Feb 25, 1958

.......... 7 Eugene L. Wallpe b Apr 17, 1959

.......... 7 James A. Wallpe b Jul 4, 1960

. . 6 Hubert L. Raver b Aug 26, 1923

.......... +Esther M. Volk /b May 3, 192 m Sep 27, 1952

.......... 7 Michael W. Raver b Nov 12, 1953

.......... 7 Sara J. Raver b Aug 14, 1955

........... 7 Catherine R. Raver b Sep 5, 1956

.......... 7 Monica A. Raver b Apr 8, 1959

.......... 7 Mary C. Raver b Aug 5, 1962

. . 6 Dorothy M. Raver b Apr 3, 1928

.......... +Stephen H. Sheilder b Oct 28, 1932 m Jun 25, 1955

.......... 7 Andrew Sheidler b Nov 4, 1957

.......... 7 Mary ann Sheidler b May 9, 1961 d May 9, 1961

.......... 7 Edward J. Sheidler b Aug 15, 1962

.......... 7 Anita R. Sheidler b Aug 9, 1963

. 6 Roselyn C. Raver b Aug 5, 1931

.......... +Maurice D. Hoeing b Mar 31, 1928 m Sep 14, 1957

.......... 7 Ronald J. Hoeing b Jun 19, 1958

.......... 7 Barbara Ann Hoeing b Jan 16, 1960

.......... 7 Dale R. Hoeing b Aug 9, 1962 d Aug 1 0, 1962

........... 7 Wayne T. Hoeing b Aug 6, 1964

.......... 7 Nancy M. Hoeing b Jan 6, 1966

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

_ _ 5 Mayme Raver b Jul 8, 1896 d Jan 14, 1935

........ +Julius Wolfer b Apr 8, 1894 m Jun 17, 1925

6 Louis Wolfer b Oct 1926 d Dec 1926

. .(0. .I . 6 Hubert Wolfer b Nov 12, 1927

.......... 7 Linda Wolfer b Dec 13, 1950

.......... 7 Gail Wolfer b Mar 19, 1952

. . . . 5 Veronica Raver b ABOUT 1898

i A%a 5 Loretta Raver b Aug 20, 1899

........ +william Holtkamp b Feb 5, 1899 m Oct 22, 1924 in Enochsburg, IN d Jan 21, 1934

........ 6 Walter H. Holtkamp b Aug 8, 1925 d Nov 26, 1926

.1/. 6 7 h. 6 Leonard J. Holtkamp b Feb 15, 1927

.......... +Ella Mae Cramer

.......... 7 David Holtkamp b Aug 11, 1950

.......... 7 Dennis Holtkamp b Jul 25, 1952

.......... 7 William Holtkamp b Feb 5, 1953

.......... 7 Charles Holtkamp b Aug 25, 1956

.14'.1 .1 1 . 6 Robert W. Holtkamp b 1928

.......... +Pauline McDermott

.......... 7 Barbara Holtkamp b Nov 29, 1951

.......... 7 Paul R. Holtkamp b Dec 29, 1953

.......... 7 Tricia Holtkamp b Feb 1, 1960

.......... 7 Mike Holtkamp b Aug 26, 1962

. . .
/1 6 14
. . 6 Raymond G. Holtkamp b Jul 22, 1930

.......... +Joyce L. Risinger

........ 7 Holly Lynn Holtkamp Sep 28, 1958S d

IA '7
ADDENDA - Wanstrath

6 Maurice J. Holtkamp b Dec 28, 1932 d Feb 5, 1949

.15 Clara Raver b ABOUT 1900

+John Schulte b Aug 25, 1920

........ 6 Clarence Schulte b Jun 6, 1921

. . :4 . 6 Martha Schulte b Oct 13, 1924

........................... +Alfred Blankman m Aug 20, 1946

.......... 7 Susan Blankman b Jun 8, 1947

............ +Robert Meer m Aug 26, 1967

.......... 7 Carolyn Blankman b Feb 10, 1949

.......... 7 Linda Blankman b Apr 25, 1951

/ 7 John Blankman b Oct 9, 1964

.6. ? 5 Cora Raver b May 20, 1901

........ +Harry Meyer b Dec 19, 1898 m Aug 20, 1924

. .
t 76 .
. . 6 Aelred Meyer b Feb 4, 1927

.......... +Helen Somer m Aug 20, 1954

.......... 7 Mary Helen Meyer b Jul 29, 1956

.......... 7 James Henry Meyer b Sep 1, 1957

........... 7 Robert Meyer b Sep 26, 1958

.......... 7 Ann Meyer b Jul 26, 1960

.......... 7 Susan Meyer b Aug 6, 1963

. 6 Rita Meyer b Nov 17, 1929

.......... +Anthony Etter m Jun 6, 1953

.......... 7 Edward Etter b Oct 30, 1962

.......... 7 Anita Etter b Dec 4, 1964

........ 6 Norbert Meyer b Aug 18, 1932 d Feb 21, 1935

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

)1AQ:'4 Laura Luttle b Aug 10, 1873 d Sep 14, 1964

. . . . +John Walke m Feb 12, 1896 nL, oZe SA1 44

J 0 5 El eanor Welke

. +Hilmer Dwenger m in Greensburg, IN

. 6 Eleanor Dwenger

6 Hilmer Dwenger d Mar 2, 1967

... 7 Hilmer Dwenger, Jr. b Jun 24, 1925

... 7 Virginia Lee Dwenger b Apr 20, 1927

... 7 Judy Dwenger b Nov 10

... 7 John Dwenger b Oct 23

... 7 Billy Dwenger b Apr 25

... 7 Tom Dwenger b Sep 10

... 7 Carol Dwenger b Sep 1932

. .(9. . . 6 Dorothy Dwenger b Nov 27, 1919

.......... +Mr. Jewell

.......... 7 Joyce Ann Jewell b Apr 25

.......... 7 Mike Wayne Jewell b Oct 25

........ 6 Clarence Dwenger

. . . 5 Clarence Walke

. . . 5 John Walke, Jr.l d Jan 15,1911

‘4 Bernard Luttle b Jun 7, 1878 d Apr 15, 1953

. . . . +Anna Lamping b Sep 29, 1881 m Aug 26, 1903 d Jul 18, 1961

14 16 ‘C\
.... 5 Odelia Mary Luttle b Aug 8, 1904

........ +Bernard Stockhutter m Oct 24, 1923

........ 6 Bernard Stockhutter b Sep 25, 1926 d Oct 13, 1926

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

6 Henry Stockhutter b Sep 25, 1926 d Sep 25, 1926

......... 6 John Stockhutter b Jun 23, 1928 d Jun 23, 1928

. . 5 Alphonse Berner Luttle b Aug 2, 1912

........ +Joan Laker m Aug 7, 1948

........ 6 Kenneth Luttle b Jan 10, 1949

........ 6 Rose Marie Luttle b May 29, 1950

........ 6 David Luttle b Oct 8, 1952

........ 6 Marilyn Luttle b Jul 4, 1954

........ 6 Mariam Luttle b Jul 4, 1954

........ 6 Diane Luttle b Apr 3, 1956

........ 6 Shirley Luttle b Jul 29, 1958

........ 6 Richard Luttle b Jan 22, 1961

........ 6 Kimberly Luttle b Nov 3, 1965

. . . . 5 Henry Joseph Luttle b Jan 19, 1914 d Jul 8, 1921

4t.41 . 6
4 Charles Luttle b Apr 7, 1879 d Jun 5, 1937

. . . +Mary Litzinger m Apr 10, 1918

. . . 5 Elizabeth Luttle

......... +Larry Deutcher

. . 5 Bernard Luttle

. . . 4 Joe Luttle b Oct 2, 1882 d Oct 15, 1960

4 . CP). 3 John G. Wantstrath b Jan 10, 1844 in Enochsburg, IN d Apr 6, 1903 in Hamburg, IN
. . . +Thresia Macke b Apr 13, 1856 m in Hamburg, IN d Oct 28, 1939

1 ' 4 6. 4 Mary Wanstrath b Jan 14, 1877 in Hamburg, IN d 1930

. +Bernard Wessel m in Cincinnati, OH d Jun 23, 1941

. . . . 5 Alphonse Wessel b Sep 3, 1902 d Jan 29, 1962

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

. . 5 Bernard J. Wessel b 1906

. . 5 Harris Wessel b Mar 4, 1908 d Jul 20, 1957

. . . . 5 Maurice Wessel b Dec 4, 1911

4 84
. 6: 64 Elizabeth Wanstrath b May 17, 1879 in Hamburg, IN d Aug 13. 1913

. . . . +John Wagner b Oct 2, 1872 m in Hamburg, IN d Feb 21, 1957

4 1114 5 Marcella Wagner b Mar 19, 1910

........ +David Porter b Feb 19, 1907 m in Indianapolis, IN d Feb 28, 1965

........ 6 Phillip Porter b Aug 12, 1935

.......... 7 David Porter

7 Sandi Porter./

6 Rosanne Porter b Jul 20, 1937

.......... 7 J.D. Porter ?

.......... 7 Jerry Porter ?

........ 6 David Earl Porter b Dec 1, 1940

. . . 4 Francis Wanstrath b ABOUT 1880 d Oct 13, 1890

4 414 Henry Wanstrath b Nov 3, 1882 in Hamburg, IN d 1948 in Bennington, IN

. . . . +Catherine Kult b Feb 14, 1890 d Mar 16, 1950 in Bennington, IN

t ill -, 5 Josephine Wanstrath b Jun 3, 1907

........ +Robert Nelson, Sr. m in Dennington, IN

........ 6 Robert Nelson, Jr.

P. . . 5 Gladys Wanstrath b 1916

........ +Cletus Schilling m in Bennington, IN

V. . 5 Francis Wanstrath b 1918 d Apr 19, 1978

........ +Marion Ramsey

........ 6 William Ramsey

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

. . *2nd spouse of Francis Wanstrath:

......... +Clifford Schilling b Oct 30, 1917 m in Dennington, IN d Jul 22 in Dennington, IN

......... 6 John Schilling

......... 6 Carolyn Schilling

........... +Mr. Lanie

......... 6 Marilyn Schilling

........... +Mr. Nickell

......... 6 Evelyn Schilling

........... +Mr. Burton

. . . 4 Josephine Wanstrath b Dec 30, 1884 d 1900

/ Yi
A . . 4 Theodore Wanstrath b Feb 27, 1886 in Hamburg, IN d Dec 20, 1949 in Batesville, IN

. . . . +Johanna Bramlage b 1887 m Nov 19, 1919 in Hamburg, IN d Oct 1, 1951 in Batesville, IN

/.4 .0. 5 Louis Wanstrath b May 23, 1922


+Lois J. Grift b Jan 3, 1928 m Aug 6, 1949 in Covington, KV

6 Theodore Wanstrath b Oct 23, 1950

. . . . . 6 Steven Wanstrath b Mar 14, 1952

......... 3Donna Ricks b Dec 15, 1952

7 Adam Dathan Wanstrath b Aug 26, 1978

7 Stephanie Louise Wanstrath b Aug 26, 1978

. . . . . 6 Daniel L. Wanstrath b Jun 16, 1953

........... +Janis Copple b Nov 28, 1954

........... 7 Kelly C. Wanstrath b Jul 6, 1980

........... 7 Brian D. Wanstrath b Aug 19, 1983 )

......... 6 Nancy L. Wanstrath b Jun 13, 1955

......... 6 Cynthia A. Wanstrath b Dec 29, 1956

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

........ 6 Mark L. Wanstrath b Sep 3, 1958

........ 6 Wiliam L. Wanstrath b Nov 20, 1960

........ 6 Rita Marie Wanstrath b May 11, 1962

1 5 Norman Wanstrath b Mar 25, 1924

........ +Rita Jane Gehring m 1948 in Oldenburg, IN

6 Kenneth T. Wanstrath b Nov 10, 1949

+Deborah Wernke

. 7 Nathan A. Wanstrath b Dec 11, 1976

. 7 Aaron M. Wanstrath b Oct 21, 1978

7 Kara Y. Wanstrath b May 12, 1981

........ 6 John Randall Wanstrath b May 16, 1951

........ / - +Carolyn Vinup

. 7 Jeffery R. Wanstrath b Sep 19, 1976

. . . 7 Sarah P. Wanstrath
- b Sep 25, 1979

........ 6 Lucille Ann Wanstrath b Aug 17, 1953

. 1111
.. . 6 Russell P. Wanstrath b Jun 1, 1957

.......... +Jama Moorman

.......... 7 Eric Wanstrath b Apr 1, 1984

........ 6 James L. Wanstrath b Oct 28, 1958

........ 6 Glen G. Wanstrath b Feb 20, 1961 d May 28, 1967

........ 6 Janice K. Wanstrath b Apr 6, 1962

........ 6 Julia Marie Wanstrath b Jun 9, 1964

. JO Dorothy Wanstrath b May 24, 1928

........ +Paul H. Oliger m in Batesville, IN

6 Thomas C. Oliger b Sep 27, 1958

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

. Q 6 r heodore P. Oliger b Oct 26, 1959

641 ,) 6 Teresa Mary Oliger b Oct 31, 1962

64 . 6 :74 Carolina "Carrie" Wanstrath b Dec 29, 1891 in Hamburg, IN d Jun 8, 1985

. . . . +Everett Beagle b Jun 8, 1900 m 1922 in Hamburg, IN d Mar 12, 1952 in St. Maurice, IN

&41f:. 5 . 5 Jerome H. Beagle b Jan 18, 1924 d Mar 18, 1972

+Emma Lee Black b Feb 27, 1930 m Jan 19, 1952 in Osgood, IN

. 6 Barbara Ann Beagle b Nov 16, 1952

. 6 Carolyn Jean Beagle b Jan 2, 1955

. 6 Mary Lou Beagle b Nov 13, 1958

. 6 James J. Beagle b Sep 23, 1961

kl & 5 Earl B. Beagle b Nov 27, 1925 d 1983

........ +Juanita Jones m in Bloomington, IN

........ 6 Cathy Sue Beagle b Apr 19, 1952

........ 6 Stephen Beagle b Dec 12, 1953

........ 6 Michael Beagle b Sep 25, 1955

........ 6 Gregory Beagle b Sep 2, 1957

........ 6 Judith Beagle b May 9, 1959

........ 6 Patrick Beagle b Oct 3, 1960

........ 6 Joseph Beagle b Jun 22, 1963

1 1/ 0
. . . . 5 Paul R. Beagle b Apr 10, 1929

......... +Janet Roberts m 1956 in Shelbyville, IN

........ 6 Phillip Beagle b Jun 18, 1961

........ 6 Ann Louise Beagle b Sep 30, 1962

. . 5 Everett Y. Beagle b Apr 28, 1930

........ +Patsy Ann Summy m 1955 in Plymouth, IN

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

6 Bradley J. Beagle b Oct 19,

......... 1956

........ 6 Teresa Marie Beagle b Sep 27, 1959

........ 6 Cheryl Beagle b Oct 9, 1963

.01f/ 5 Francis G. Beagle b Nov 27, 1934

........ +Laverne Thurston m 1956 in Laredo, TX

........ 6 Mark Lee Beagle b Feb 16, 1957

........ 6 Angela Beagle b Nov 1, 1959

........ 6 Lisa Beagle b Jun 4, 1960

........ 6 Christopher Beagle b May 20, 1962

........ 6 Timothy Beagle b Aug 27, 1963

........ 6 Cinthia Beagle b Apr 1, 1967

. . . 4 Florentine Wanstrath b Sep 23, 1894

4 1/
. . . 4 John B. Wanstrath b Jan 28, 1898 in Hamburg, IN d Jan 17, 1977 in Hamburg, IN

. . . . +Mary Wagner m Jun 25, 1941 in Hamburg, IN

1 1. 3 Bernard Wanstrath b Dec 10, 1848 in **See Holthuss/Holthouse Family**


. 4 3 Kate Wanstrath b Apr 2, 1851 in Enochsburg, IN d Nov 8, 1927

. . +Henry Dwenger b Feb 20, 1846 m Oct 26, 1869 in Enochsburg, IN d Aug 7, 1927

. . . 4 Bernard Joseph Dwenger b Jan 1, 1871

l 11l
i. 1Q 4 John Henry Dwenger b Sep 26 d Jan 28, 1928 /-1/ (1.

. . . . +Elizabeth Zerbes m in Joliet, IL

ii  0
. . . 5 Leola Dwenger b in Joliet, IL d Nov 1960

........ +Alexander Butcher b in Joliet, IL

. . . *2nd spouse of Leola Dwenger:

........ +Charles Lacchio b in Joliet, IL

. . . 5 Linus Dwenger b in Joliet, IL d in WWII

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

7( •4
(/. Theodorus Wilhelmus Dwenger b Sep 1874 d Apr 15, 1944 in Ambia, IN

. . . . +Lena Brost b Nov 4, 1884 m Feb 7, 1906 d May 28, 1956 in Ambia, IN

. . . . 5 Lucile Dwenger b Jan 5, 1909

(0 ,(° . /
: 5 Clarence Dwenger b Mar 20, 1910

.. +Agnes Metzinger b Aug 7, 1913 m Jun 27, 1935

. 6.. 6 . . 6 John Dwenger b Jul 17, 1939 in Oxford, IN

.......... +Sharon Altepeter b Aug 9, 1941 m Apr 11, 1964

.......... 7 John Allen Dwenger b Feb 4, 1965

.......... 7 Janet Louise Dwenger b Mar 22, 1966

. . . . 6 Dona Dwenger b Aug 4, 1941 in Oxford, IN

+Bernard Mangen b Aug 18, 1931 m Jun 2, 1962

(0 6 1/:
. . . 5 Urban Dwenger b Oct 28, 1911

........ +Alice Nasser b Dec 31, 1918 m Jul 17, 1940

; ./. 6 Linda Dwenger b Jul 3, 1941 in Fowler, IN

.......... +Richard Meltz b May 26, 1941 m Nov 1, 1963

. 6 . . 6 Janet Dwenger b Jun 16, 1944 in Fowler, IN

.......... +Joseph Kult b May 21, 1942 m Sep 7, 1963

7 Bryon Joseph Kult b Sep 2, 1964

\ 7 Jeffry Davis Kult b Dec 23, 1965

i7 Cynthia Ann Kult b Apr 4, 1967

........ 6 David Dwenger b Aug 19, 1945

........ 6 James Dwenger b Apr 12, 1947

........ 6 Mary Dwenger b May 10, 1948

........ 6 Norman Dwenger b Feb 27, 1953

........ 6 Steve Dwenger b Jul 18, 1954

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

........ 6 Carol Dwenger b Dec 17. 1955

........ 6 Mike Dwenger b Jun 10, 1962

. . . 5 Mildred Dwenger b Aug 8, 1913

. . . . 5 Marcella Dwenger b Nov 22, 1918

. 5 George Dwenger b Apr 6, 1924

........ +Lois Altepeter b Mar 2, 1927 m May 1, 1946

........ 6 Theodore Dwenger b Mar 21, 1947

........ 6 Robert Dwenger b Jul 16, 1948

........ 6 Phyllis Dwenger b Nov 27, 1950

......... 6 Nancy Dwenger b Dec 10, 1952

........ 6 Bette Jean Dwenger b Jan 30, 1955

........ 6 Patti Dwenger b May 29, 1959

........ 6 Paula Dwenger b May 29, 1959

. . 5 Donald Dwenger b Mar 13, 1930

. . 4 Mary Catherine Dwenger b Dec 19, 1876 d 1878

. . . 4 Bernard Gregorius Dwenger b May 25, 1879 d ABOUT 1895

(41. 1 3 .4 Rose Dwenger b Sep 1, 1661 d Oct 20, 1959

. +Bernard Nobbe b Dec 25, 1879 m Jan 28, 1913 in St. Anne's Church, Hamburg, IN

. . . . 5 Victor Nobbe b Nov 6, 1913

6.. °
. . . 5 Antoinette Nobbe b Jul 24, 1915

......... +Harold Epperson m Sep 6, 1947

........ 6 Dolores Epperson b Jun 22, 1948

........ 6 Rose Marie Epperson b Sep 11, 1949

........ 6 Anita Epperson b Oct 25, 1950

........ 6 Susan Epperson b Jan 27, 1952

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

. . 5 Dorothy Nobbe b Mar 16, 1917

. . . . 5/ Dolores Nobbe b Oct 22, 1920 d Mar 31, 1928

.6 (. 5 Bernadette Nobbe b May 24, 1922

.4 . .
........ +Albert Holtz m Aug 7, 1948

........ 6 Viola Holtz b Oct 11, 1949

........ 6 Bernadette Holtz b Dec 21, 1950

......... 6 Jeanine Holtz b Mar 30, 1952

........ 6 Mary Holtz b Dec 17, 1953

........ 6 Timothy Holtz b Nov 5, 1955

........ 6 Theresa Holtz b Oct 21, 1958

........ 6 Victoria Holtz b Apr 19, 1960

........ 6 Christopher Holtz b Oct 2, 1962

.47. 4 Vince DePaul Dwenger b Feb 21, 1884 d Apr 19, 1968

. . . . +Frances Bockhorst b Jun 12, 1890 m Feb 2, 1910 d Nov 8, 1918

. . 5 Esther Josephine "Sr. Marie de Lourdes" Dwenger b Jun 15, 1916

. . . *2nd spouse of Vince DePaul Dwenger:

. . +Mable McKinney b ABOUT 1902 m Sep 16, 1939

. . . 4 Herman George Dwenger b Apr 23, 1887 d Mar 9, 1941

3 Bernadine Wanstrath b Aug 17, 1852 in Enochsburg, IN

. . +William Pohl

. . 4 Mary Pohl

. . 4 Rose Pohl b Oct 8, 1885 d Aug 7, 1912

. . 4 Kate Pohl

.1 4 Anna Pohl

r •)1".' 3 Henry Wanstrath b Apr 24, 1853 in Enochsburg, IN d Jul 11 1 %1,3

ADDENDA - Wanstrath

. . +Josephine Goeke b Aug 29, 1864 d Nov 6, 1920

. 2 Gerhard Wanstrath d 1888

. . +Mary Altman

. . 3 Anthony Wanstrath

. . 3 John "Little John" Wanstrath b May 12, 1850 in Enochsburg, IN d Dec 24, 1925 in St. Maurice, In

. . . +Miss Berkemeier

. . . 4 Josephine Wanstrath b Dec 10, 1881 d Aug 15, 1905

. +Bernard Wessler

. . . 4 Bernard Wanstrath

. . . 4 William Wanstrath

. . 3 Katherine Wanstrah

. . . +Anthony Wisker m Nov 3, 1863 in Enochsburg, IN

. . 3 Anna Mary Wanstrah

. . . +Henry Nanekamp m Nov 23, 1865 in Enochsburg, IN

. . 3 Marie E. Wanstrah b Mar 13, 1846 d Jul 14, 1907

. . +Mr. Hienaber

Addenda and Errata


Mary Eva Darius, wife of Joseph Starost, married the second time on
1 4 Jan 1886 to Philip Burtcher (b. Fostoria, OH), son of Adam and
Christina Burtcher, with witnesses Michael Joherd and Elizabeth Ernst.


Page G2. Last child of John Spuller and Martha Luckey should read
Willison Spuller.

Page G9. Anna Frances Spuller was married only once to Jacob

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************* LEGEND *************

F - Ancestors of Frances V. Holthouse Wehrle
H - Descendants of Hollthuss/ Holthouse
A - Descendants of Anthony Bernard Holthouse
M - Descendants of the Mescher Sisters
P - Mathias, Martin, and Peter Gast Families
T - Descendants of Anton Tonnellier
K - Descendants of Nikolaus Kolchen
S - Descendants of Joseph Starost
G - Descendants of George Spuler, I
U - Mary Gillig Kurber Wurtzberger
B - Biographies
N - Notes
W - ADDENDA - Wanstrath

Ahlers - H18
Aldred - B4
Aleid - M1, F3
Altenhoefel - M3, N1
Altepeter - W16,17
Altman - W19
Andrews - M13
Antosicewicz - A9
Arnold - H9,15, G2,8

Baade - S3, G6, U4

Bacche - A17
Bailly - K1, F5
Baker - Al2
Barker - T8, B4
Baumholz - N1
Beagle - W14,15
Beck - B11, F4
Bednar - A10
Bennett - H4, M7, T4, K3, S1, G4, U2, B11, P4
Berkemeier - W19
Berkemeyer - H14
Bernhard - A10
Bershire - A13
Bertke - M3
Bilman - U6
Black - W14
Blacke - M2, N1
Blankman - W8
Blazzi - H18
Bockhorst - W18
Boeke - M14,15
Bollinger - M1, P1
Borg - A5
Borman - M13


Barnes - H24
Bosse - H8-11,24, B1,9,12
Botta - A16
Bowen - A3,4, B2
Bowerman - A2
Bowles - T8
Brake - H1,2,8, M4-6, B2,5,6,12, N1
Bramlage - H13
Bremerkamp - B3,12
Brid - F6
Brost - H12, W16
Brown - H3, A7, M6
Brubaker - H5, M8, T5, K4, S2, G5, U3, B2,8,11, P4
Bruening - N1
Brumlage - W12
Brunswick - M15
Brunton - H7, M10
Bryant - H7, M10, T6,7, K6, P6
Bunder - A5
Burk - H6, M9, T6, K5, P6
Burke - H10
Burns - H26
Burton - A14, W12
Butcher - H12, W15
Butler - H16
Butrick - H16

Campbell - Al
Capitaine - Ti, B11, N1, F4
Chafin - A16
Chambers - A8,9, B3
Charters - A2
Christen - H22
Christmas - A14
Church - B11
Clark - H7, A4, Mll
Class - H2, M5, G8, B1,2,6
Cochran - A14
Coffee - H23
Colchen - K1,6, B10, F5,6
Colchin - T2,K1, B4,10,11, F1,5
Cole - A3
Colligan - A14
Combert - H6, M9, T6, K5, P6
Canter - H9, 81,6,12
Cook - A3
Cooke - Al
Copple - W12
Corbet - M12
Corbin - H9
Cortes - H4, M7, T4, K3, Si, G4, U2, B11, P4

Costello - H2, M5, G3,4, U1

Counce - A9
Covington - Al2
Cramer - W7
Crotty - H26
Cunningham - H5, M8, T5, K4, S2,3, G5, U3, B2,8, P5

Darius - S1, F1
Davison - A3
Delaney - H15
Dela Rue - A10
Delven - A16
Desch - P2
Deter - B3
Deutcher - W10
Diener - N1
Dieter - A6
Dinninger - B3
Dixon - H4,5, M8, T4, K3, S2, G5, U2, B11, P4
Dobonton - T7
Dorwin - B9
Doute - B11, F4
Dowdy - A6
Downey - A2
Downs - A2
Drake - A6
Dressman - H2O
Durkin - H11
Dutcher - H10
Dutt - T1, B11, F4
Dwenger - H11,12, W9,15-18, N2

Edleman - A13
Egan - H24
Ehinger - B3
Elrod - Al2
Emerling - A5,6
Engle - N2
Engler - F5
Epperson - W17
Esquivel - A10,11
Etter - W8
Evans - A4,6

Falk - A1,3-6
Farnham - A15
Feldhaus - A14,15
Fisher - H22
Fisse - H14
Flagg - H21
Fletter - S3, G6, U4

Flodder - W3
Forsyth - H16
Fox - H7, T7, P6
Frey - M3
Freytag - K1, F5
Fritzinger - H9
Fugit - N1
Fullenkamp - H4, M7,11,12,14, T3, K3, G9, B3,6, P3
Fulton - H8, M11

Gallagher - A17
Gardnber - A10
Gase - S4, G7,8, U5, N1
Gass - H3,4, M6,7,12-14, T3, K2, G9, B4, P3
Gast - H3, M1,6, T3,7, K2, B4,7,9, P1,2,6,7, N1, F1
Gauck - W4,5
Gay - H23
Gehrard - N1
Gehring - W13
Geis - W5
Gerard - H1, M4,5, N1
Gignilliat - A2
Gigrich - W2,3
Gillig - M1,2, G1, U1,6,7, F1, P1, N1
Gillon - AT
Girlinger - N1
Glotting - H25
Glutting - H25,26
Goeke - W19
Gordon - S3, G6, U4
Gosnell - H17-19
Grant - H3, M6, T3, K2,6, G8, P3
Green - H5, M8, T5, K4, S2, G5, U3, B8, P4
Gretel - A14
Grift - H13, W12
Grosmann - G2
Guldner - T7

Haas - B11, F4, N1

Hackman - G3, U1, N2
Hackmann - B12
Hafeling - H23,24
Hagedorn - M14,15, B3,6
Hain - H7, M10
Ham - H17
Hammell - A6, B6
Hammond - H23
Hanekamp - W19
Harbaugh - H16
Hart - H26
Harting - M1,2, P1

Hartman - B3
Haskamp - W3,4
Hassell - A13
Nasser - W16
Hauck - H2O
Haunert - W4
Hausfeld - M15
Hayes - A10,11
Hazelbaker - A13
Hedwig - W2
Heinrich - A13
Hemmelgarn - M3
Henriquelle - F5,6, Kl, B10
Herber - M2, P1
Herman - M2, P2
Hessler - B12
Hienaber - W19
Hoeing - W6
Hoen - N2
Hoffman - Al, N1
Hogelin - M13
Holdbrook - H17
Hollthuss - H1, B5, F1,2
Holman - A4
Holthaus - F1,2, H1,8,11,20,22,26, M5-7,9-12, Wl, B1,3,5,9,12
Holthouse - H1-8, A1,6-17, M4, T3-7, K2,3,5,6, S1,3, G3,4,6,9, U2-4, Fl,
B1,2,4-9, P2,3,5,6
Holtman - H21
Holtsman - P7
Holtz - W18
Hood - Al2
Hook - Al6
Hornig - W2
Howard - A6
Huelsman - H21
Hughes - A15
Huhn - B8
Huie - A10
Hummelstein - A10
Hussmann - H1, B5, F2

Jackson - A10,16
Jannise - A2
Jehl - S4, G7, U5
Jewell - W9
Johnson - H14
Jones - A1-3,8,9, W14, B3

Kalleber - H6, M10, T6, K5, P6

Kayes - A5
Keirn - H4, 147, T4, K3, Si, G4, U2, B11, P3,4


Keller - G1
Kenny - All
Kent - H8
Kermin - H18
Kern - N1
Kessen - Ml, P1
Kessing - H16,17
Kieler - M14
Kindley - G7, U5
Kintz - U6
Kirk - H8, Mll
Klaphake - M11, B3, N2
Klaphoeke - M11, B3
Kleekamp - B1
Klein - Kl, B10, F5
Kline - S4, G6, U4
Klueber - B3
Knapke - M1-3, B3, P1,2, N1
Koenig - N1
Kohler - U7
Kohne - H11, 86,12
Kolchen - Kl, B10, F6
Knor - F6
Kramer - W1
Kreke - B12
Krug - M4
Kulkman - H21
Kult - W11,16
Kurber - T3, K2, G3, U1,5,6, Fl, N2

Lacchio - H12, W15

Lacy - W4
Lafontaine - S4, G7, U5
Laker - W10
Lamping - W9
Lang - N1
Laub - H2O
Lauby - H11
Laver - Ml, P1
Lemke - N2
Leonard - Al7
Lewis - K6
Lipsett - A7
Litzinger - W10
Long - A5
Lose - H8
Loshe - G8, U5
Lousse - W2
Lox - H26
Luckey - G2
Lumpkins - A15,16


Luttel - W1
Luttle - W1,4,9,10
Lynch - A8
Macagne - N2
Macke - H13, W1-3,10
Mahan - A6
Mallaney - A8
Mangen - W16
McClintock - H16
McCullough - All
McDermott - W7
McGinnis - H19
McIntire - A4
McKinney - W18
McMahon - H6, M9, T6, K5, P5
Meecham - H2, M5
Meeks - A9
Meer - W8
Meiber - B12
Meibers - H22, M2, U6, 81,2,12
Meiddendorf - B6
Meltz - W16
Mescher - H1, M1,4,11,14, 83,5,9, F1,3, N2
Metz - H15
Metzinger - H12, W16
Meyer - H7, A7, M10, G3, W1,4,8, B12, Ul
Meyers - H10,24-26, M2,14, S4, G7, U4, P2, N2
Middendorf - H14
Miller - H10,15,24, T3, K2, G7, B12, U5,6, N2
Minker - Gl, U7
Mitchell - Al2
Moeller - M4
Moorman - W13
Moran - M14
Muckerheide - W5
Mutersbaugh - A4
Mylatt - M11,12
Nelson - W11
Neuman - H7, M10
Newing - H21
Niblick - H3, M6, T3, K2, G8,9, B4, P3
Nickell - W12
Nieman - N2
Nix - S4, G7, U4
Nobbe - W17,18
Noonan - H10
Norrenbach - T7
Norrenbrock - T7,8


Keller - G1
Kenny - All
Kent - H8
Kermin - H18
Kern - N1
Kessen - Ml, P1
Kessing - H16,17
Kieler - M14
Kindley - G7, U5
Kintz - U6
Kirk - H8, Mll
Klaphake - M11, B3, N2
Klaphoeke - M11, B3
Kleekamp - B1
Klein - Kl, B10, F5
Kline - S4, G6, U4
Klueber - B3
Knapke - M1-3, B3, P1,2, N1
Koenig - N1
Kohler - U7
Kohne - H11, B6,12
Kolchen - Kl, B10, F6
Knor - F6
Kramer - W1
Kreke - B12
Krug - M4
Kulkman - H21
Kult - W11,16
Kurber - T3, K2, G3, U1,5,6, Fl, N2

Lacchio - H12, W15

Lacy - W4
Lafontaine - S4, G7, U5
Laker - W10
Lamping - W9
Lang - N1
Laub - H2O
Lauby - H11
Laver - Ml, P1
Lemke - N2
Leonard - A17
Lewis - K6
Lipsett - A7
Litzinger - W10
Long - A5
Lose - H8
Loshe - G8, U5
Lousse - W2
Lox - H26
Luckey - G2
Lumpkins - A15,16


Luttel - W1
Luttle - W1,4,9,10
Lynch - A8
Macagne - N2
Macke - H13, W1-3,10
Mahan - A6
Mallaney - A8
Mangen - W16
McClintock - H16
McCullough - All
McDermott - W7
McGinnis - H19
McIntire - A4
McKinney - W18
McMahon - H6, M9, T6, K5, P5
Meecham - H2, M5
Meeks - A9
Meer - W8
Meiber - B12
Meibers - H22, M2, U6, 81,2,12
Meiddendorf - B6
Meltz - W16
Mescher - H1, M1,4,11,14, B3,5,9, F1,3, N2
Metz - H15
Metzinger - H12, W16
Meyer - H7, A7, M10, G3, W1,4,8, B12, Ul
Meyers - H10,24-26, M2,14, S4, G7, U4, P2, N2
Middendorf - H14
Miller - H10,15,24, T3, K2, G7, B12, U5,6, N2
Minker - Gl, U7
Mitchell - Al2
Moeller - M4
Moorman - W13
Moran - M14
Muckerheide - W5
Mutersbaugh - A4
Mylatt - M11,12
Nelson - W11
Neuman - H7, M10
Newing - H21
Niblick - H3, M6, T3, K2, G8,9, B4, P3
Nickell - W12
Nieman - N2
Nix - S4, G7, U4
Nobbe - W17,18
Noonan - H10
Norrenbach - T7
Norrenbrock - T7,8


O'Brien - All
O'Connell - A15
O'Dowd - A7,8
O'Keefe - All
Oliger - W13,14
O'Malley - A5
Omlor - B6
Overman - H20-22, B12
Overmann - N2

Pace - A3
Parish - A7
Parrot - S4, G7, U5
Pason - Al2
Pavatt - A2
Penix - A3
Periut - H21
Peterson - A1,2
Pohl - W18
Pontry - T1, F4
Porter - W11
Potts - H19
Pralon - F5
Price - A8
Puryear - A13,14

Quinn - H4, M7,8, T4, K3,4, S1,2, G4,5, U2, P3,4, B2,8,11

Rains - Al
Ramsey - W11
Raver - H14,15, W4-8
Reed - M12, U6
Rennie - A15
Renyer - W2
Reuland - H7, M10, B9
Rhodes - H9
Rich - H6, M9, T6, K5, S3, G6, U3, P5
Ricke - W5
Ricks - W12
Rihm - K6
Risinger - W7
Roberts - W14
Roche - T1
Roehrig - H18
Roell - W2
Roemer - N1
Roggenbock - A10
Rolth - B2,5
Rolver - M2, P2
Rondrau - N2
Rose - A15


Rowlands - A9
Roy - S3, G6, U4
Rueve - H19
Ruffing - A10
Rumschlag - H7, M10
Rumslag - U6
Rupert - N1
Ryan - A7,8

Sandbrink - F2, B5
Sanders - A15
Schaaf - T7
Schanuel - H19
Schathe - H10
Schaub - H24
Schebler - W5
Schellenbach - T1, N2
Schilling - W11,12
Schisler - A4
Schneider - Kl, Gl, F6
Schnepp - N1
Schoen - M3,5, B6
Schoene - Al
Schott - B8
Schroeder - F4
Schuler - B6
Schulte - S4, W4, W8
Schumacher - G9
Schumm - H7
Schuppert - H25
Schurger - H24, G8, U5
Schwegan - W4
Schwegman - M3
Sellwood - All
Senft - W3
Sexton - A16
Seymour - A4-6
Sheilder - W6
Shepard - H2O
Shepherd - A2
Shoaf - H23, A8
Skinner - H15,16
Sloan - A8-10
Smith - H8,16, A11,14,17
South - P2
Sowers - H5, M8, 15, K4, S2, G5, U3, P4, B2
Spangler - Gl, U7
Spencer - A4
Spuler - G1,9, F1,7
Spuller - B4,7, Si, G1-4,7-10, U1,5,6, F1,7, N1,2
Starost - H4, G4,6,7, B7,8, T4, K3, S1,3,4, U1,4,5, Fl, P3

Staugler - M3
Steele - H9
Steffen - N1
Steigmeyer - F1,7, G1,3, Ul
Stewart - H6, G6, M9, T6, K5, S3, U3, P5
Stockhutter - W9,10
Stolle - H1, F2
Strewing - H15
Struewing - H14
Summy - W14
Swank - A4

Taylor - H6, S3, G6, Al2, Mg, T6, K5, U4, P5

Teculva - H3, M6
Teeple - G3
Teeter - A10
ter-Kuile - Al
Terveer - H22, A6
Tettman - B12
Tettmann - H26,27, B9
Tettmen - B1
Thie - H14
Thomas - H2, T7, K6, G3, B4, Ul, P5
Thompson - H8, M11,13
Thurston - W15
Thye(n) - F3
Tonelya - T7
Tonilia - T7
Tonnellier - T1-3,7,8, K1,2, F1,4, P2, B4,10,11, N1,2
Tonnelly - T8
Touhey - H25
Townsend - A3
Tusick - N1

Vache - Ti, F4, N2

Vacher - T1
Vachon - H9
VandenBosch - M2-4
Vauche - T1
Venis - N1
Vinup - W13
Vogelsang - H21
Vogelwedde - H22, B12
Vogelwede - H22-26, 81,12, N2
Volk - W6
Von der Haar - B5
Von Hoene - Ml, F3

Wagner - W11,15
Wallpe - W5,6
Welke - W9


Walker - A10, N1
Walters - G2
Wanstrath - H11-17,19,20, W1,10-15,18,19
Waverka - All
Weber - H2, M5, G3
Wehrle - H4,5, S1-3, G4-6, B2,8,11, M7-9, T4,5, K3,4, U2,3, P3-5
Weiland - H3, M6, T3, K2, G8, P3
Weimer - T7, B4, P6
Weisling - M12
Wemhoff - A6, B1
Wenning - W3
Wernke - W13
Wertzberger - U6
Wessell - W10,11
Wessler - W19
Westphal - A6
Wetter - G3,8
Whelan - H22
Whytsell - Al
Will - G9,10
Williams - A5,14,16
Wiltshire - H5, M9, T5, K4, B8, G6, U3, P5
Winter - Al2,13
Wirbel - F4
Wirth - T7, B10,11
Wishmeyer - W3
Wisker - W19
Wissbaum - Al2
Woistmann - B12
Wolfcale - H10
Wolfer - W7
Wurtzberger - U6
Wymond - H16

Zerbes - H12, W15, N2

Zesser - M13,14
Zimmermann - H19,20
zu Hoene - Ml, F1,3
Zurbuck - S4, G7, U4

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