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Report 2: Market Needs Identification and Product Determination

Written by:

1. Wa ode Sardiyanti S (16522024)

N (17522175)
2. Dwi Abdul Rahim (17522055)
3. M Iqbal Maulana






Alhamdulillahirabil ‘alamin, we express his highest gratitude to Allah

Subhanahuwata’ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this
Report. This report is about “Market Needs Identification and Product

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the
possibility to complete this report.  A special gratitude I give to our lecturer,
Muhammad Ragil Suryoputro, S.T., M.Sc., whose contribution in stimulating
suggestions and encouragement, helped us to arrange this report and complete it.

A special thanks goes to my team mate, who help me to assemble the parts and gave
suggestion about the report “Market Needs Identification and Product
Determination”. We realizes that this report has many mistakes and shortcomings,
therefore we are expecting constructive criticism from all parties for the perfection of
this proposal. We hopes this proposal can be useful for readers.

Yogyakarta, 01 April 2021

Team Leader


Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause disease in humans and animals.
In humans, it usually causes respiratory infections, from the common cold to serious
illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). A new type of coronavirus that was discovered in
humans since the outbreak emerged in Wuhan China, in December 2019, was then
named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV2), and
causes Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19). It is more effective to eradicate
germs on hands with a hand sanitizer that has an alcohol content of 60-95%.
However, if the hands are really dirty, either by soil, air, blood, or others, washing
hands with soap and water is preferable.
Hand sanitizer gel is a hand sanitizer in the form of a gel that is useful for cleaning or
removing germs on the hands, containing 60% alcoholic active ingredient.


Table of Contents



Table of Contents...........................................................................................................4

List of Tables.................................................................................................................6

List of Figure.................................................................................................................7

Chapter I........................................................................................................................8

1.1 Study Background................................................................................................8

1. 2 Problem Formulation........................................................................................10

1. 3 Study Objective.................................................................................................11

Chapter II.....................................................................................................................11

2. 1 Natural Fiber.....................................................................................................12

2. 2 Costumer Need..................................................................................................12

2. 3 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat Analysis....................................12

2. 4 Questionnaire....................................................................................................15

2. 5 Market Segmentation........................................................................................15

2. 6 Market Target....................................................................................................15

2. 8 Marketing Mix..................................................................................................16

1. Product..........................................................................................................16

2. Price..............................................................................................................16

3. Promotion......................................................................................................16

4. Place..............................................................................................................16

5. Process..........................................................................................................16

6. People............................................................................................................16

2. 9 Voice of Customers...........................................................................................16

2.10 Business Model Canvas...................................................................................16

Chapter III....................................................................................................................20

3. 1 Research Object................................................................................................20

3. 2 Research Collection Method.............................................................................20

3. 3 Data Types........................................................................................................20

3. 4 Research Flow...................................................................................................21

3. 5 Research Design................................................................................................23

Chapter IV...................................................................................................................24

4.1 Data Collection..................................................................................................24

4. 2 Market Segment , Target, and Positiong...........................................................25

C. Market Target................................................................................................28

4.3 SWOT Analysis................................................................................................29

4. 4 Marketing Mix..................................................................................................34

1. Product..........................................................................................................34

2. Price..............................................................................................................34

3. Promotion......................................................................................................34

4. Place..............................................................................................................35

5. Process..........................................................................................................35

6. People............................................................................................................35

4.5 Vision and Mission............................................................................................35

4.6 Business Model Canvas.....................................................................................36

Chapter V.....................................................................................................................41



List of Tables

Table 1 Google trends of Tenun Lurik........................................................................10

Table 2. Market Segment.............................................................................................28
Table 3. Market Target................................................................................................28
Table 4. Internal Factor...............................................................................................29
Table 5. Internal Factors Technical Weighting...........................................................29
Table 6. Internal Factors Weight, Rating, and Score...................................................30
Table 7. External Factor..............................................................................................30
Table 8. External Factor Technical Factor..................................................................31
Table 9. External Factor Technical Factor..................................................................31
Table 9. SWOT Matrix................................................................................................33

List of Figure

Chapter I

Study Background and Purpose

1.1 Study Background
In era pandemic of COVID-19 that threatens the human body and immune
system, that’s not only happened in Indonesia but also all over the world, which has
been given a biggest impact in all aspect especially, in health and immunity of human
body. According to the last update of, there is existences increase of
people in Indonesia that still does got infected by Corona Virus in totals 1.460,184.
Started since the first announce meted on last year March 2, 2020.
Corona viruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from
mild to severe symptoms. There are at least two types of coronavirus that are known
to cause diseases that can cause severe symptoms such as Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of disease that has never been previously
identified in humans. The virus that causes COVID-19 is called Sars-CoV-2. Corona
viruses are zoonotic (transmitted between animals and humans). Research states that
SARS is transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS from camels to humans.
Meanwhile, the animal that is the source of transmission of COVID-19 is still
From that we are considered to build a company and produce a product
Tissue hand sanitizer that easy to carried out and to bring everywhere, that’s will help
to prevent and reduce transmission of the corona virus, in Indonesia especially in
Yogyakarta city.
Along with the times, where people are very busy, especially those in cities,
there are instant and practical products that can clean hands without water, namely
tissue hand sanitizers or known as tissue antiseptics. Tissue hand sanitizer products

are also increasingly diverse, both its composition, ingredients, and new products that
are widely used in society have been marketed.
Looking at a Tissue hand sanitizer, it is seems easy to used and carried out,
people will feel supper clean after randomly touched anything and suddenly want to
clean their hand, without washing them and go to the toilet.
However, we are decided want to created new innovation of current hand
sanitizer become Tissue hand sanitizer, that not only gel that contains alcohol, but
also created sheet tissue contains 70% alcohol that will kill bacteria and supper easy
to used.

1. 2 Problem Formulation
The problem formulations of this report are:
1. What are the customer need of Handsanitizer ?
2. What are the market segmentation of the product ?
3. What are the vision and mission of the product ?

1. 3 Study Objective
The Study objective of this research are:
1. Identify the attributes of customer needs for prevention of COVID-19
2. Choose the best alternative of the product concept
3. Determine the market segmentation
4. Determine the mission statement of product

1.4. Research Benefit

The objectives of this research are:

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1. To help the Student to apply some other methods that already learn in
the class
2. To help contribution created new innovation of current product that
will help prevent corona virus in this pandemic era.

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Chapter II

Literature Review
2.1 COVID-19
Covid-19 is the name of the disease caused by the corona virus. This name is given
by WHO (World Health Organization) as the official name of this disease. Covid
itself stands for Corona Virus Disease-2019. Covid-19 is a disease caused by the
corona virus which attacks the respiratory tract causing high fever, cough, flu,
shortness of breath and sore throat.

According to the WHO website, the corona virus is a large family of viruses that can
cause disease in animals or humans. In humans, corona is known to cause respiratory
infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS). This virus is capable of causing people to lose their lives so WHO has made
the status of this corona virus into a pandemic and asked President Joko Widodo to
establish a national corona emergency status.

Hands are a part of the body that is very susceptible to nesting viruses and bacteria.
When doing various activities, consciously or unconsciously, hands often interact
with things that can spread germs or viruses, for example opening doors, holding
stairs, shaking hands, etc. As mentioned above, human hands are very vulnerable to
being a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. The hand is also an organ whose
interactions are very much used for oneself, such as eating, covering the nose,
rubbing the eyes and so on. Maintaining hand hygiene is an absolute thing that must
be done by anyone, namely by implementing a clean lifestyle by washing hands
before and after activities.

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Washing hands is one of the activities that must be done especially during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Various experts claim that washing hands regularly with soap
and running water is the most effective way to get rid of germs or viruses. However,
if we are out of the house or there is no soap and clean water, hand sanitizer tissue or
antiseptic liquid can be an alternative for reliable hand washing.

Tissue Hand sanitizer is one of the antiseptic ingredients in the form of alkaline wipes
which is often used as a multifunctional medium which we often find useful for
cleaning baby poop or practical hand washing. For some people, washing hands with
hand sanitizer is more effective and efficient than washing hands with soap and
water. But if the Tissue hand sanitizer is used continuously it can cause irritation to
the skin. Because the basic ingredients of the antiseptic are alcohol and triclosan
which are chemicals.

According to Diana (2012), there are two hand sanitizers, namely hand sanitizer gel
and hand sanitizer spray. Hand sanitizer gel is a hand sanitizer in the form of a gel
that is useful for cleaning or removing germs on the hands, containing 60% alcoholic
active ingredient. Hand sanitizer spray is a hand sanitizer in the form of a spray to
clean or remove germs on the hands which contains the active ingredient Irgasan DP
300: 0.1% and 60% alcohol. In her research, Diana (2012) states that hand sanitizers
in the form of liquid or spray are more effective than hand sanitizer gels in reducing
the number of germs on the hands.

2. 2 Hand Sanitizer
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “an alcohol-containing
preparation (liquid, gel, or foam) designed for application to the hands to inactivate
microorganisms and/or temporarily suppress their growth. Such preparations may
contain one or more types of alcohol, other active ingredients with excipients, and
humectants.”3 In 1966, hand sanitizers came into existence in healthcare facilities and
was popularized significantly in early 1990s.4

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Hand sanitizers can be classified as alcohol-based or alcohol-free. Alcohol-based
sanitizers comprise between 60 and 95 percent alcohol in the form of ethanol,
isopropanol, or n-propanol. Alcohol have tendency to disseminate proteins and
counteract certain micro-organisms at this concentration. Alcohol-free products have
a property of disinfectants, such as benzalkonium chloride (BAC), or on antimicrobial
agents, such as triclosan, which is immediate and purposeful. Several sanitizers
comprise emollients (e.g., glycerin) that pacify the skin, thickening agents, and
provides aroma

Hand sanitizers are more effective when used in appropriate amount. Proper use,
duration of exposure, and frequency of use also play an important role in relatable
effectiveness of the hand sanitizer. For the outcome of sanitizers, the presence of the
infectious agent on the host should be susceptible to the active ingredient present in
the product. Alcohol-based waterless sanitizers should be rubbed thoroughly for 30
seconds, which followed by complete air-drying can reduce various micro-organisms.
Even alcohol-free formulations, such as the SAB (surfactant, allantoin, and BAC)
hand sanitizer, show its effect when used properly. Some study also reveal that many
hand sanitizers are ineffective against bacterial spores, enveloped viruses (e.g.,
norovirus), and encysted parasites (e.g., Giardia). Hand sanitizers are not effective
when hands are noticeably soiled, lubricated, and greasy prior to application.

As there is inconsistency in the effectiveness, hand sanitizers can be recommended to

control the transmission of infectious diseases, where accessibility to soap and water
is difficult

2.3 Questionaire

A questionnaire is a data collection instrument consistant of a series of questions

and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents
(Abawi K, 2013). The questionnaire was invented by Sir Francis Galton, a British

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anthrpologit, explorer and statistician in late 1800. As defined ‘ A questionnaire is
simply a list of mimeographed or printed questions that is completed by or for a
respondent to give his opinion ( R a n i M . 2 0 1 7 ) .
A questionnaire is the main means of collecting quantitative primary data. A
questionnaire enables quantitative data to be collected in a standardized way so that
the data are internally consistent and coherent for analysis. Questionnaires should
always have a definite purpose that is related to the objectives of the research.
Questionnaires are a useful option to consider when conducting a postal survey.
They can be cheaper than personal interviewing and quicker if the sample is large
and widely dispersed. However, due to the lack of personal contact between the
respondent and the researcher, the design and layout of the questionnaire is all

Questionnaire content design falls into two main categories which are closed- and
open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions specify the set of responses as well
as their format. Closed-ended questions include multiple choice, dichotomous, or a
scale. Closed-ended questions maximize the ease of coding responses and improve
respondent cooperation. However, it is important for multiple choice questions to
include a variety of options in order to cover the full range of possible alternatives.
Open-ended questions allow respondents the freedom to answer in their own words.
These questions help identify underlying motivations and aid in the interpretation of
closed-ended questions. Open-ended questions are also well suited to an online
environment, where respondents can reply in the comfort of their own homes.

Ideal requisites of questionnaires should meet several criteria which are it can be
composed of a simple and a specific language, demand one answer on one
dimension, yield a truthful and accurate answer, accommodate all possible
contingencies of a response, have mutually exclusive response options, produce
variability in response, minimize social desirability.

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2.4 Mission Statement
Mission and vision statements have been overwhelmingly accepted as an
indispensable part of the strategic management process for organizations of all
types; be it public sector, not-for-profit, private, for profit, a multinational or a small
and medium scale enterprise. It is widely believed that mission and vision
statements impact on strategy and most aspects of organizational performance. Most
firms have mission and vision statements. In the worst case scenario, mission and
vision statements are implied implicitly. Supporting the above argument, Bart et al.
(2001) posited, referring to Bain et al. (1996) study, that mission statements had
consistently been shown to be the top-rated management tool deployed by senior
managers during each of the ten years prior to his study. Mullane (2002) argued and
supported it empirically that mission and vision statements are useful for practical
day-to-day operations, taking a contrary view to those who assert they are archaic
documents that are typically exhibited as wall hangings.

Vision is generally seen as a picture of the future. It is a picture of excellence,

something that the person, team or organization wants to create in its best possible
future. Vision guides and perpetuates corporate existence. Vision is viewed as a
mental picture of a compelling future situation. It originates from creative
imagination, the act or power of perceiving imaginative mental images, sort of
foresightedness ( Papulova Z, 2014).

The mission is an important part of strategic management. It should be defined

before we develop the strategy. The mission defines the space in which we create a
strategy. Unlike the vision that allows us determine direction and indicates where
we want to get to, mission defines the space in which the company will operate. The
mission therefore relates to the present and future directions. Mission, unlike vision,
is not directed to the distant future. It would be preferable to say that the mission
itself has not a built-in time dimension. It is rather timeless in character. Its purpose

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is to present the subject in its essence, in its permanent and long-term sustainable
way of being ( Papulova Z, 2014).

2.5 Marketing 4.0

The world has changed over the last decades because of the technology
evolution; Marketing has also advanced, and the user requirements have also
evolved with this. As technology evolves, consumers and especially businesses
and other organizations adopt it in order to enhance their activities. Initially
this application of technologies to commercial activities in the network were
known as electronic-marketing or e-marketing, based on the use of ICT in the
field of marketing. But this use has gone beyond just marketing,
revolutionizing the way that information is obtained and used during the
business decision making process.

People and organizations are more inter-connected than ever. This

allows them to share a virtual space with global reach in order to obtain
information, to communicate, interact and exchange information, knowledge or
any other product, thus overcoming time and space barriers (Fortis, 2015;
Tuban et al., 2015). On the other hand, the high degree of interactivity which is
possible by means of the communications with these technologies allows the
different actors involved in the value creation process - in particular the
consumers – to develop a more active role in their relationship with the
company (McAfee, 2009). In this line, Copeland and Malik (2005) show that
new technology enables connectivity and interactivity of individuals and
groups, as well as facilitating the spread of word-of-mouth information

There are several main differences of Marketing 4.0, with respect to the
traditional one. First, analyzed the current marketing through the Positioning,
Differentiation, and Brand triangle, and how it has been extended with an

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additional dimension focused on the customer experience through the
interaction between customers and products.

Figure 2- 1. Marketing

1. Brand identity
A brand is clearly positioned in the consumer’s mind to give it a clear Brand
Identity. To give Brand Integrity to your positioning, it must be supported by
strong differentiation. Brand Identity is about positioning your brand in the
minds of the consumers. The positioning should be unique for your brand to
be heard and noticed in the cluttered marketplace. It should also be relevant to
the rational needs and wants of the consumers. Positioning supported by
strong differentiation will in turn lead to strong Brand Image.
2. Brand Image
Brand image is about acquiring the consumer’s mind share. Your brand value
should appeal to consumer’s emotional needs and wants beyond product
functionalities and features. For that reason, the values-driven actions from a
brand will be part of the image from the brand.
3. Brand Integrity and Reputation
Brand Integrity or brand reputation is about fulfilling what is claimed through
the positioning and brand value through solid differentiation. It is about being

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credible to your promise and establishing the trust of the consumers to your
brand. The target of Brand integrity and reputation is the spirit of the
4. Brand Interaction
Marketing 4.0 extends it with a new dimension focused on the customer-
experience. The experience dimension is based on: A direct interaction
between customers and products; Capability to verify that a product satisfies
the customers’ needs and wants; Capability to confirm the values-driven
actions, and check how the brand is carrying out the inversions. For example,
check which out spaces are being transformed for the social actions, or check
which research project and the results reached for the research investments;
Definition of the brand integrity and reputation through the proofs of their
values-driven actions and the general experience from the customers.

Figure 2-2. Brand Interacton

2.6 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Based on Hanlon. (2016) stated that Segmentation Targeting and Positioning
(STP) is a familiar strategic approach in Modern Marketing. It is one of the
most commonly applied marketing models in practice. The STP model is
useful when creating marketing communications plans since it helps marketers
to prioritize propositions and then develop and deliver personalized and
relevant messages to engage with different audiences.

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Market segmentation is the actual process of identifying segments of the
market and the process of dividing a broad customer base into sub-groups of
consumers consisting of existing and prospective customers. Market
segmentation is a consumer-oriented process and can be applied to almost any
type of market. In dividing or segmenting markets, researchers typically look
for shared characteristics such as common needs, common interests, similar
lifestyles or even similar demographic profiles. So, market segmentation
assumes that different segments require different marketing programmes, as
diverse customers are usually targeted through different offers, prices,
promotions, distributions or some combination of marketing variables.
Once the market segmentation has been completed, the company should be
aware of the needs and wants of its selected segments. It is in the interest of the
business to identify any untapped needs in the marketplace, as there could be
customers who may not be adequately served by competitors. It is then
necessary to identify the most profitable segments and to decide which
segments will be served. There are three market coverage alternatives which
can be applied; undifferentiated marketing; differentiated marketing and
concentrated marketing.
The final stage in target marketing is product positioning. Firms formalise
“positioning statements” which specify the position they wish to occupy in
their target customers’ minds, relative to other competitors’ products or
services. Customers continuously compare products or services. Therefore,
marketers must build their positioning strategies to improve the customers’
(and prospects’) perceptions of their products. Effective product positions have
four important characteristics. Firstly, they are built around benefits for
prospective customers. Secondly, they differentiate the specific firms’ products
or service from those of key competitors. Thirdly, the respective firms need to
possess relevant skills, resources, and the credibility to deliver on their implied
statements and promises. Finally, an effective position is defensible, which

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means that an aggressive competitor cannot act quickly to neutralise or
preempt another positioning strategy.
2.7 Business Model canvas
Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) stood out among the others as they did not only
offer business model definition and components, but also a visualization of
business model. Business Model Canvas allows business model to be simple,
relevant and intuitively understandable, while not oversimplifying the
complexities of how enterprises function (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010, p. 15).
The Canvas becomes a shared language and a useful tool for stakeholders to
talk about business model. The Business Model Canvas and the definition of the
nine building blocks are presented below.

Figure 2-3.Business Model Canvas

The nine building blocks of the Business Model Canvas:
1. Customer Segments: The different groups of people or organizations an
enterprise aims to reach and serve.

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2. Value Proposition: The bundle of products and services that create value for a
specific Customer Segment. Value may be quantitative (e.g., price, speed of
service) or qualitative (e.g., design, customer experience).
3. Channels: How a company communicates with and reaches its Customer
Segments to deliver a Value Proposition. Communication, distribution and
sales Channels comprise a company’s interface with customers. Channels can
be direct or indirect, owned or partner channels.
4. Customer Relationships: The types of relationships a company establishes
with specific Customer Segments.
5. Revenue Streams: The cash a company generates from each Customer
6. Key Resources: The most important assets required to make business model
work. These resources allow an enterprise to create and offer a Value
Proposition, reach markets, maintain relationships with Customer Segments,
and earn revenues. Key resources can be physical, financial, intellectual, or
human. They can be owned or leased by the enterprise or acquired from key
7. Key Activities: The most important things a company must do to make its
business model work. They are the actions that are required to create and offer
a Value Proposition, reach markets, maintain Customer Relationships and
earn revenues.
8. Key Partnerships: The network of suppliers and partners that make the
business model work.
9. Cost Structure: All costs incurred to operate a business model.

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Chapter III

3. 1 Research Objective
The objective of this research is to determine the product that will be produced by the
researchers and the specification of the product. Determination of product and
specification are based on the customer needs. Not only to determine the product, but
the objective of this research also to determine the market of the products.

3. 2 Research Collection Method

In this research, the researchers use a method to collect the data which is spreading
the online questionnaire by using google form. The researchers spread two online
questionnaires. First questionnaire is used to specify what the prevetion of COVID-19
product that needs by customers. Besides, this questionnaire also used to determine
the market segment of the product. While the second questionnaire is used to gain the
specifications of the product that was choose based on the first questionnaire. The
questionnaire is spread out among university students, high school students,
employees and house wife located in Yogyakarta.
3. 3 Data Types
For this research, there are two data types namely:
1. Primary data, which obtained through the questionnaire. The questionnaires
consist of two part; the first one for determining the lurik product and the
second one for identifying what should be improved for the existing product.
2. Secondary data, which obtained through the various sources such as internet,
journals, encyclopedia, and et cetera that are related to this research report.
3. 4 Research Flow
The picture below shows the steps of the research.

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Figure 3-4. Research Flow Diagram

The research begins by shared the first questionnaire to gather the prevetion of
COVID-19 product that desired by the respondents and the problem that commonly
faced when using the product. The most common product chooses by respondents
then being identified its problem. The identification of the problem also supported by
some literatures from previous study for example from international journals. To find
the new idea of the product, the researchers do a market analysis of the existing

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product. After getting the idea, the researchers then shared the second questionnaire
in order to analyze either the respondents will need the product or not. Moreover, a
close questionnaire also will analyze the design that desired by the respondents. After
getting the questionnaire result, the researchers do data cleaning to the result.
Afterwards, the result of data cleaning will be analyzed to get the knowledge. The
result of analysis then being conclude and will use to the next step.

3. 5 Research Design

Data collection of this research is done by using questionnaire. The spreading

questionnaire is done in twice. First questionnaire is used to determine what prevetion
of COVID-19 product that will be produced and the market segment. Therefore, the
questions consist of identity questions and customer needs questions. Identity
questions consist of age, gender, job and monthly income. While customer needs
questions consist of what prevetion of COVID-19 product that needed by the
respondents, the frequency of using the product that was choose, the reason of choose
the product and the problem that commonly faced by the respondents in using the
product. Moreover, the second questionnaire is used to determine the design of the
product desired by the customer. Therefore, the questions consist of identity questions
(age and job) and the design that desired by the respondents.

3.6 Vision and Mission

“Provide a handsanitizer product to fulfill the needs of customer and create that
product being competitive in the market”.
1. Make this product based on the survey of the customer desired.
2. Make this product as a trusted product with a good promotion.
3. Use a good marketing strategy to improve the product sales.

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Chapter IV
Result and Discussion
4.1 Data Collection
a. First Questionnaire
The data is collected by spreading the online questionnaire that given to people
around Universitas Islam Indonesia with different ages, gender, and occupation.
The questionnaire was created using google form and was spread via line,
whatsapp, and other social media. The type of this questionnaire is open
questionnaire. The main purpose of this questionnaire is to know what kind of
prevetion of COVID-19 product that the customer around Universitas Islam
Indonesia needed the most and want to buy. The questionnaire was answered by 70
respondents. These are the summaries of the answer of the respondents:

a. Age

Age Chart

1% 1% 3%
11% 14% 16th 19th

20th 21th
22th 23th

43% 24th

Figure 4-5. Age chart

From the chart 4-1, the respondent consist of 43% of 20 years old people,
26% of 21 years old people, 14% of 19 years old, 12% of 22 years old, 3% of

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16 years old and 1% for 23 and 24 years old each. So, the range of respondent
age are 16-24 years old with the highest population is 20 years old. It indicates
that most of them are in the middle-adults age. Therefore, the range of age for
market segmentation is people in 16-24 years old.

b. Occupation

Occupation Chart
3% 1% 3%
Belum Bekerja


Figure 4-6. Occupation

From the chart 4-2 the respondent mostly are college student and the
percentage are 83%. Another respondent occupation is 10% student, 3%
entrepreneur, 3% unemployed, and the rest is civil servant. So, the occupation
for market segmentation of this product is college student, student, and
c. Income

27 | P a g e
Income Chart

Rp2.000.000 -


Figure 4- 7. Income Chart

The chart 4-3 represents the range of monthly income of the respondent. The
highest population have less than Rp.2.000.000/monthly income which
considered as low income have range with 81%. The other 15% have an
income range between Rp.2.000.000 until Rp.5.000.000 which considered as
middle income and the rest have monthly income more than Rp.5.000.000
which considered as high income . Since the highest population have their
income less than Rp.2.000.000 which means low income the researcher has to
consider their future price of product so it can be affordable for their
customer. Therefore, the market segmentation for social class is lower to
middle class people
d. The most needed prevention of COVID-19 product by customer

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Figure 4- 8. prevetion of COVID-19 product Product Needed

From the chart 4-4 above, represent the most needed prevetion of COVID-19
product by the customer. These data obtained by spreading open
questionnaire. The responses consist of 30.9% respondent who choose Hand
sanitizer gel as the most needed prevention of COVID-19 product recently.
The second most picked item is Hand sanitizer gel with 27.9% percentage. In
the third position there is mask with 19.1%. The fourth item is hand wash with
14.7% and the rest choose hat as the most needed prevetion of COVID-19
product. In general, the most needed product chosen by the respondent is
Hand sanitizer gel. Therefore, the researcher decided to choose Hand sanitizer
gel as prevetion of COVID-19 product that will be developed and produce.

b. Market Analysis
As the result from first questionnaire, we get purse as our product. Therefore,
to find out the product innovation opportunities that we have to offer, we

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analyze how handsanitizer product specifications are offered by competitors.
Here is the competitor’s product specifications:
1. Nuvo Hand Sanitizer

Figure 4-9. Nuvo Hand Sanitizer

Strength: High Quality Material, Easy to Clean, cheap (IDR 14.000)

Weakness: common design not has an aroma
2. Herborist Hand sanitizer

Figure 4-10. Herborist Hand sanitizer

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Strength: cheap sale (IDR 18.000), good quality material, has aroma
Weakness: the aroma is too strong

3. Detoll Hand sanitizer

Figure 4- 11. Dettol hand sanitizer

Strength: easy to carryon (IDR 28.000)
Weakness: not has an aroma

Based on the market observations of several handsanitizer products by

their strength and weakness, therefore, the researchers get market space to be
filled with handsanitizer products in accordance to the customer needs.
The market space provided is come from the weakness of the product
which comes from the product specification that is not meet what customers
need by still applying the product strength which meet the need of the
So ,the product space to be fulfilled are cheap price, has an aroma and
easy used, easy to carry everywhere.

4.2 Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning

a. Market segmentation
Market segmentation is the activity of dividing a market into different
groups of buyers who have different needs, characteristics, or patterns,
which may require a different product or marketing mix. Market

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segmentation can be interpreted as the process of identifying and analyzing
buyers in the product market, analyzing differences between buyers in the
Market segmentation is derived from what segment of customer which
is aimed by the researcher to sell the product. In the survey of the product
selection, all of the respondents are students that wanted handsanitizer as
their needed prevetion of COVID-19 product. From the survey, researchers
knows the occupation and income of the customers. Also, the respondents
have given some specification about the product, so the researchers get the
market segmentation for the product as the table below:
Table 4.1 Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation Variable
Age 16-28
Gender Female and Male
Occupation Students
Region Yogyakarta
Social Class Lower to middle consumer
Consumed level Daily used

From the characteristics of the products that needed by the respondents and
who is the respondents as the customer who need the product itself, market
segmentation is divided into 5 types of variable as explained below:
1. Demographic segmentation
Demographic segmentation divides the market on the basis of
demographic variables like age, gender, occupation, nationality, etc. This
is one of the most common segmentation practices among the marketers.
Since, the most common user is college students, workers and housewives

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with range age of 16-28 years old. The gender segmentation is could be
for female and male.
2. Geographic segmentation
Geographic segmentation divides the market on the basis of geography.
This type of market segmentation is important for the marketers as people
belonging to different regions may have different requirements. Based on
geographic this product can be sell to all the people especially in Special
Region of Yogyakarta.
3. Psychographic segmentation
Psychographic Segmentation divides the audience on the basis of their
personality, lifestyle and attitude. In here the lifestyle of most respondents
are measured as middle-high level which is not too lavish but not too
conservative also. Since personality and
lifestyle influenced the buying decision and habits of a person to a great
4. Behavior segmentation
The market is also segmented based on audience’s behavior, usage,
preference, choices and decision making. The consumed level of the
consumer is tending to be used for daily. The user also prefers to use the
practical one because it is simpler and the usage is can accommodate
much card, money and some other tiny but important things.

b. Market targeting
The target market in this research are the students of Universitas Islam
Indonesia. The researchers will take the opportunity to sell the product in the
event in the Unversity itself, also the researchers will promote the product
through social media and distribute by online shop platform.

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Table 4.2 Market Targeting

Market Segmentation Variable

Age 17-30
Gender Female and Male
Occupation Students and Lecturer at UII
Region Yogyakarta
Consumed level For daily used
Social Culture
Social Class Lower to Middle consumer

The market target is the college students of UII, people in Yogyakarta

and other visitors are coming since this product would be launched in expo in
UII. Other than that, from the questionnaire researchers have got the
occupation of the customer, so researchers know the approximate number of
their income to decide how much is the price for the product to be targeted in
certain social class. Thus, the product will be launch also in online shop
platform as the implementation of marketing 4.0.
c. Market positioning
This product is positioned as the most-common prevetion of COVID-19
product items sold in market with universal user can use it. This good quality
product will enter to some online shop platform.

4.3 Marketing Mix

Based on questionnaire, characteristics of the handsanitizer as researcher’s product,
segmenting targeting and positioning analysis and expo, the researchers got the marketing
mix as the strategy to market the product to the customers. The strategy of marketing mix are
listed below:
i. Product

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The product chosen by the results of the voice of customer is
handsanitizer. This product can be used to bring money, card, small objects
and cell phone at once.
ii. Price
The price of the product is around Rp16.000-20.000 because at this
price range, the product is still easily affordable for students. If the price of
the product is higher than this price range, the product might not be an
affordable handsanitizer for the students and workers.
iii. Promotion
The promotion of the product is mostly direct promotion and using
social media. Then the promotion would be mostly specifically to students
and people that the researcher can reach.
iv. Place
The distribution place of the product is local around Universitas Islam
Indonesia because UII is the center of the target market of the product also
for addition the researcher would use online shop.
v. Process
The process is in 3 steps: first, the researchers design the product to
make the product attractive and could fulfill the needs of the customer. Then,
the design is sent to a vendor to be produced. Finally, the product is
marketed and sold to the market target.
vi. People
The people that interact with our product are: the people in the vendor
and our market. Our market segment is mostly the students, and online shop
vii. Physical Evidence
The part of the design of the product that can be easily remembered is
the multifunction feature as the handsanitizer that easy to used.

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4.5 Vision and mission
The result of this research will lead the researchers to the next step in producing
and selling the product. As the initial step of the process, vision and mission are
important as a guide to the next process. Therefore, here are the vision and mission of
the researchers in running this research for the next step.
“Provide an efficient Hand Sanitizer based on customer needs with a high sale in
the market”
1. Make a handsanitizer based on the desired of the customer.
2. Make a handsanitizer with an affordable prize.
3. Use a good marketing that utilize the ease of internet.

4.6 Business Model Canvas

Business Model is a business model describes the rationale of how an
organization creates, delivers and captures value. It is proposed for the overall
reassessment of business processes in order to be more competitive as well as in
the development of new business. With this tool researchers will see business
from the big picture but still complete and detail what are the key elements that
are related to our business. Thus, researchers can see the whole picture is very
helpful in answering questions about our business. One by one by evaluating key
elements researchers are so much easier to analyze what is less precise, and in the
end researchers could take steps to achieve our business goals.

Based on the picture above, the business model canvas of this product are:

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1. Key Partner: The main partner of this business is the vendor and the online shop.
The vendor is the party that do a production of the handsanitizer while the online
shop is the party that will be used to promote the product.
2. Key Activities: The main activity of this business is production, which is
production of handsanitizer .
3. Key Resources: There are three resources categories in this business. First
category is human. In this business the human resources are the workers that
involve in the production and promotion of the handsanitizer. Second category is
intellectual. Intellectual resources in this business are customer and database.
Third category is financial. In this business, the financial resources are cash and
4. Value Proposition: This handsanitizer has a small size of handsanitizer but it has
an aroma. Besides, this handsanitizer not only use to clean hand and kill bacteria
and virus, but also to referesing and calming with the aroma therapy.This gives a
benefit to the customer since the customer do not need use a handwash.
5. Customer Relationship: To keep in touch with the customer, the owner of this
product will do the personal assistant using social media to the customer.
Besides, to attract a customer, the owner will get a free delivery if but two
products in one transaction.
6. Channels: To promote the product to the customer, the owner use the online shop
such as Shopee. This is the way of the owner to gain more customer and increase
the selling of the product.
7. Customer Segment: This handsanitizer is design to universal customer. So that
this handsanitizer can be used either by a man or women.
8. Cost Structure: The production of this handsanitizer is using cost-driven variable.
The owner makes this product to be affordable for customer.
9. Revenue Stream: The main revenue of this business is the asset sell which is the
result of selling the product.

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Based on the explanation about and the data obtained, it could be summed up as the
1. The equipment needed by the people in during this pandemic is
handsanitizer gel
2. The specification of the product is high quality finished product, affordable
price and durability.
3. The method to obtain the data is through spreading the online questionnaire
to get respondents responses to develop the customer segmentation and
For further research, the spreading questionnaire should be done in wider area,
occupation and age segmentation.

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