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Idioms ( thành ngữ )


 Thành ngữ: là các từ, cụm từ được sử dụng phổ biến mà ý nghĩa của nó không đơn thuần
là nghĩa đen của các từ ghép lại mà thường hiểu theo nghĩa bóng. Trong Tiếng Việt ta
cũng có rất nhiều thành ngữ như thế này. Ví dụ: mặt hoa da phấn
 Tương tự như vậy trong Tiếng Anh các em có thể thấy những cụm từ như: over the
moon (không phải là qua mặt trăng mà thành ngữ này để chỉ tâm trạng đang rất hạnh
phúc, tiếng Việt mình có thể là “đang lâng lâng trên mây”.)
 Vì thành ngữ được hiểu theo nghĩa bóng nên khi dịch các thành ngữ phần lớn ta không
thể dịch tương đương từng từ mà phải hiểu được ý nghĩa của thành ngữ đó và tìm những
cách diễn đạt phù hợp.

Một số ví dụ về thành ngữ trong tiếng anh:

Idioms (Thành ngữ) Meaning and example (Ý nghĩa và ví dụ)

1.Water off a duck’s back
Đây là một thành ngữ thường dùng để chê trách, hoặc phê phán, hàm
ý "không có tác dụng gì với ai" tương đương với thành ngữ trong Tiếng
Việt là “nước đổ đầu vịt”.
I must have told her a hundred times that she mustn’t do that.But
it’swater off a duck’s back. She just keeps on doing it.

2. On top of the world

Thành ngữ này khá quen thuộc với chúng ta, nhưng ý nghĩa của nó
là gì?
“To be on top of the world” diễn tả tâm trạng đang rất hạnh phúc,
lâng lâng (giống như over the moon. Tiếng Việt của chúng ta cũng có
cụm từ tương tự như thế này: "lâng lâng trên mây".)
She’d had such a good birthday party. She felt on top of the world.

3. Bark up the wrong tree

Nghĩa của thành ngữ này nếu mới nhìn qua tranh các em có thể thấy
chú chó đã sủa sai cây. Nhưng thành ngữ là hiểu theo nghĩa bóng nên
nghĩa của nó là "đã hiểu sai, hoặc nhầm một vấn đề gì".
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

They thought that she didn’t want to go to the disco because she didn’t
like dancing. But they were barking up the wrong tree. It was because
she didn’t like the flashing lights.

4. On the tip of my tongue

Khi chúng ta nói “it’s on the tip of my tongue”có nghĩa là mình
không thể nhớ ra được điều gì đó mặc dù chắc chắn mình đã biết về
điều đó.
- What’s the name of the guitarist we were talking about yesterday?
- Oh, dear. I can’t remember. It’s on the tip of my tongue. I know it
begins with V- Valent no, Valiant. That’s it, Valiant.

5. Come out of one's shell

Khi ta nói “He’s come out of his shell”có nghĩa là anh ấy đã bớt nhút
nhát và bắt đầu hòa đồng hơn. Tiếng Việt của mình cũng có cách liên
tưởng tương tự. Câu như “ thu mình vào trong vỏ ốc” có nghĩa là thu
mình lại, trầm tính và ít hòa đồng thì thành ngữ “come out of your
shell”là ngược lại “ra khỏi vỏ ốc của mình.”
She was very shy when she first went to her new school, but she
soon came out of her shell.

6. Hit the nail on the head

Thành ngữ này có nghĩa là “đã mô tả một vấn đề rất chính xác”,
tương tự như trong tiếng Việt có thành ngữ “đánh đúng trọng tâm”,
“gãi đúng chỗ ngứa”
- I think the main problem in this area is the lack of a good bus service.
-You’re right. You’ve hit the nail on the head.

7. Change your mind

Thành ngữ này là “thay đổi ý nghĩ, quan điểm hoặc quyết định" của
bạn về một vấn đề gì.
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

- I didn’t expect to see you here! I thought you were going to the
cinema this afternoon.
- I know, but it’s such a lovely day. I’ve changed my mind. I felt like
being out in the sunshine.

8. Break the ice Thành ngữ này thường dùng để diễn tả làm một việc gì đó để giúp
mọi người thư giãn và thoải mái, đặc biệt khi mới gặp.
- How did you get on at your singles group?
- We were all a bit embarrassed; because it was the first time we had
met. But Tom broke the ice by getting us all to say our names and what
our favourite TV programs were.

9. Lend me a hand
Ta có thành ngữ “lend somebody a hand” nghĩa là “giúp đỡ ai”.
Tiếng Việt cũng có thành ngữ tượng tự “giúp…một tay.”
Can someone lend me a hand with these shopping bags please?They
are too heavy for me to carry by myself.

10. A big fish in a small pond

Thành ngữ này nghĩa đen là “một con cá to trong một chiếc ao nhỏ”,
câu nói này khá quen thuộc với người Việt Nam. Câu này ngụ ý là
người nào đó có một vị trí quan trọng nhưng chỉ là trong một tổ chức,
hoặc cơ quan nhỏ, nếu họ đến một nơi lớn hơn vị trí của họ sẽ bớt quan
trọng đi.
- How is Janet enjoying secondary school?
- She likes it now. But it’s so different from her primary school.It took
her a while to get used to the change. She used to be a big fish in a
small pond but now she's at a much bigger school.


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Idioms ( thành ngữ )


Apple of his The little girl is the apple of her

Người hoặc vật rất được yêu thích.
eye. grandfather's eye.

A little bird told me that there is

A little bird told Một bí mật, khi người ta không muốn nói
one more piece of cake in the
me rằng mình biết điều gì đó.

Oh, that's a piece of cake - let me

A piece of cake Điều gì đó rất dễ thực hiện.

Card up your Có một điều bí mật mà bạn có thể tận She still has one card up her sleeve
sleeve dụng sau này. – she knows the director.

Finding a needle Finding that book, is like looking

Khó tìm kiếm, như mò kim đáy bể
in a haystack for a needle in a haystack.

Go the extra Khi bạn vượt quá mức mong đợi (của I expect you, my son, to go the
mile người khác) extra mile.

Trở nên quan tâm đến môi trường, tái chế,

Going Green sử dựng năng lượng xanh, thức ăn và các Are you going green?
sản phẩm được chế biến hữu cơ …

You built that boat like a house of

Kế hoạch không khả thi, có nhiều khả
House of cards cards,
năng là sẽ thất bại
I am not getting in!

It’s raining cats Did you bring an umbrella? It's

Trời mưa rất to
and dogs raining cats and dogs outside!

New York My life passed by like a New York

Diễn ra hoặc trôi qua rất nhanh
minute minute.

Ai cũng cần hỗ trợ và giúp đỡ You cannot fight them all alone,
No man is an
no man is an island, let us help

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
island you.

Saved by the Được cứu nguy đúng lúc khỏi một tình I was saved by the bell, didn't have
bell huống khó khăn hay nguy hiểm to answer the hard question.

There's no point Well, what's happened is behind

Chẳng ích gì khi mãi buồn chán vì một lỗi
crying over spilt us. There is no point in crying over
lầm không thể sửa chữa, khắc phục được
milk spilt milk now.

'Til the cows Phải đợi chờ trong một khoảng thời gian I am going to wait here 'til the
come home rất dài. cows come home.

Under the You don't look so good, are you

Cảm thấy không khỏe lắm.
weather feeling under the weather?

A Drop In The Bucket = hạt muối bỏ biển.

"I'd like to do something to change the world but whatever I do seems like a drop in the bucket."

A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned = 1 xu tiết kiệm cũng như 1 xu làm ra

"I'm going to give you $20 but I want you to put it in the bank; a penny saved is a penny earned!"

A Piece Of Cake = dễ như ăn cháo

"Do you think you will win your tennis match today?" Answer: "It will be a piece of cake."

Actions Speak Louder Than Words = hành động có giá trị hơn lời nói
"Don't tell me how to do this; show me! Actions speak louder than words."

Add Fuel To The Fire = thêm dầu vào lửa

"I would like to do something to help, but I don't want to add fuel to the fire."

Cost An Arm And A Leg = trả 1 cái giá cắt cổ, tốn rất nhiều tiền
"Be careful with that watch; it cost me an arm and a leg."

Arm In Arm = tay trong tay

"What a nice afternoon. We walked arm in arm along the beach for hours."

Beating Around The Bush = vòng vo tam quốc

"If you want to ask me, just ask; don't beat around the bush."

Better Late Than Never = thà trễ còn hơn không

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
"Sorry I was late for the meeting today; I got stuck in traffic." Answer: "That's okay;better late
than never."

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together = ngưu tầm ngưu, mã tầm mã

"Look; the volleyball players are eating at the same table together, as always." Answer: "Birds of
a feather flock together."

Bite Your Tongue = cố gắng im lặng

"Whenever that professor says something I don't like, I have to bite my tongue."

Blood Is Thicker Than Water = 1 giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã

"When my best friend and my brother got in a fight I had to help my brother; blood is thicker
than water."

Burn Your Bridges = đốt cầu của mình, tức là tự làm mất đi cơ hội của mình
"I wish you hadn't been rude to that man just now; he is very important in this town and you
shouldn't go around burning bridges."

Burning The Candle At Both Ends = vắt kiệt sức ra để làm việc
"Ever since this new project started I have been burning the candle at both ends. I can't take
much more of it."

Call It Off = hủy bỏ

"Tonight's game was called off because of the rain."

Curiosity Killed The Cat = sự tò mò có thể rất nguy hiểm

"Hey, I wonder what's down that street; it looks awfully dark and creepy." Answer: "Let's not try
to find out. Curiosity killed the cat."

Don't Count Your Chickens Until They're Hatched = trứng chưa nở đã đếm gà
"Next Friday I will be able to pay you back that money I owe you." Answer: "I won't becounting
my chickens..."

Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket = đừng bỏ tất cả trứng vào 1 rổ, tức hãy chia đều
những nguy cơ ra nhiều nơi để giảm rủi ro
"The best way to gamble is to only bet small amounts of money and never put all your eggs in
one basket."

From Rags To Riches = từ nghèo khổ trở thành cự phú

"My uncle is a real rags to riches story."

Great Minds Think Alike = tư tưởng lớn gặp nhau

"I have decided that this summer I am going to learn how to scuba dive." Answer: "Me too! I
have already paid for the course. Great minds think alike!"

It Takes Two To Tango = có lửa mới có khói

"Her husband is awful; they fight all the time." Answer: "It takes two to tango."
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie = đừng gợi lại những chuyện không hay
"I wanted to ask her what she thought of her ex-husband, but I figured it was better tolet sleeping
dogs lie."

Neither A Borrower, Nor A Lender Be = đừng cho mượn tiền, cũng đừng mượn tiền
"Could you lend me twenty dollars?" Answer: "Sorry, neither a borrower nor a lender be."

Everybody Is On The Same Page = mọi người đều hiểu vấn đề

"Before we make any decisions today, I'd like to make sure that everyone is on the same page."

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind = xa mặt cách lòng

"I meant to read that book, but as soon as I put it down, I forgot about it." Answer: "Out of sight,
out of mind."

Practice Makes Perfect = càng tập luyện nhiều càng giỏi

"You see how quickly you are getting better at the piano! Practice makes perfect!"

Put Your Foot In Your Mouth = tự há miệng mắc quai, nói lỡ lời
"Let's all be very careful what we say at the meeting tomorrow. I don't want anyoneputting their
foot in their mouth."



- at one time: thời gian nào đó đã qua
- back to square one: trở lại từ đầu
- be at one with someone: thống nhất với ai
- be/get one up on someone: có ưu thế hơn ai
- for one thing: vì 1 lý do
- a great one for sth: đam mê chuyện gì
- have one over th eight: uống quá chén
- all in one, all rolled up into one: kết hợp lại
- it's all one (to me/him): như nhau thôi
- my one and only copy: người duy nhất
- a new one on me: chuyện lạ
- one and the same: chỉ là một
- one for the road: ly cuối cùng trước khi đi
- one in the eye for somone: làm gai mắt
- one in a thousand/milion: một người tốt trong ngàn người

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
- a one-night stand: 1 đêm chơi bời
- one of the boy: người cùng hội
- one of these days: chẳng bao lâu
- one of those days: ngày xui xẻo
- one too many: quá nhiều rượu
- a quick one: uống nhanh 1 ly rượu

- be in two minds: chưa quyết định được
- for two pins: xém chút nữa
- in two shakes: 1 loáng là xong
- put two and two together: đoán chắc điều gì
- two bites of/at the cherry: cơ hội đến 2 lần
- two/ten a penny: dễ kiếm được

Other numbers
- at sixs and sevens: tình rạng rối tinh rối mù
- knock somone for six: đánh bại ai
- a nine day wonder: 1 điều kỳ lạ nhất đời
- a nine-to-five job: công việc nhàm chán
- on cloud nine: trên 9 tầng mây
- dresses up to the nines: ăn mặc bảnh bao
- ten to one: rất có thể
- nineteen to the dozen: nói huyên thuyên


- be in the black: có tài khoản
- black anh blue: bị bầm tím
- a black day (for someone/sth): ngày đen tối
- black ice: băng đen
- a black list: sổ đen
- a black look: cái nhìn giận dữ
- a black mark: một vết đen, vết nhơ
- a/the black sheep 9of the family): vết nhơ của gia đình, xã hội
- in someone's black books: không được lòng ai
- in black and white: giấy trằng mực đen
- not as black as one/it is panted: không tồi tệ như người ta vẽ vời
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

- blue blood: dòng giống hoàng tộc
- a blue-collar worker/job: lao động chân tay
- a/the blue-eyed boy: đứa con cưng
- a boil from the blue: tin sét đánh
- disapear/vanish/go off into the blue: biến mất tiêu
- once in a blue moon: rất hiếm. hiếm hoi
- out of the blue: bất ngờ
- scream/cry blue muder: cực lực phản đối
- till one is blue in the face: nói hết lời

- be green: còn non nớt
- a green belt: vòng đai xanh
- give someone get the green light: bật đèn xanh
- green with envy: tái đi vì ghen
- have (got) green fingers: có tay làm vườn

- go/turn grey: bạc đầu
- grey matter: chất xám

- be/go/turn as red as a beetroot: đỏ như gấc vì ngượng
- be in the red: nợ ngân hàng
- (catch soomeone/be caught) red-handed: bắt quả tang
- the red carpet: đón chào nồng hậu
- a red herring: đánh trống lãng
- a red letter day: ngày đáng nhớ
- see red: nổi giận bừng bừng

- as white as a street/ghost: trắng bệt
- a white-collar worker/job: nhận viên văn phòng
- a white lie: lời nói dối vô hại

- badger someone: mè nheo ai

- make a big of oneself: ăn uống thô tục
- an eager beaver: người tham việc
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
- a busy bee: người làm việc lu bù
- have a bee in one's bonest: ám ảnh chuyện gì
- make a bee-line foe something: nhanh nhảu làm chuyện gì
- the bee's knees: ngon lành nhất
- an early bird: người hay dậy sớm
- a home bird: người thích ở nhà
- a lone bird/worf: người hay ở nhà
- an odd bird/fish: người quái dị
- a rare bird: của hiếm
- a bird's eye view: nhìn bao quát/nói vắn tắt
- bud someone: quấy rầy ai
- take the bull by the horns: không ngại khó khăn
- have butterflies in one's stomach: nôn nóng
- a cat nap: ngủ ngày
- lead a cat and dog life: sống như chó với mèo
- let the cat out of the bag: để lộ bí mật
- not have room to swing a cat: hẹp như lỗi mũi
- not have a cat in hell's change: chẳng có cơ may
- play cat and mouse with someone: chơi mèo vờn chuột
- put the cat among the pigeons: làm hư bột hư đường
- a dog in the manger: cho già ngậm xương (ko muốn ai sử dụng cái mình ko cần)
- dog tired: mệt nhoài
- top dog: kẻ thống trị
- a dog's life: cuộc sống lầm than
- go to the dogs: sa sút
- let sleeping dog's lie: đừng khêu lại chuyện đã qua
- donkey's years: thời gian dài dằng dặc
- do the donkey's work: làm chuyện nhàm chán
- a lame duck: người thất bại
- a sitting duck: dễ bị tấn công
- a cold fish: người lạnh lùng
- a fish out of water: người lạc lõng
- have other fish to fry: có chuyện fải làm
- a fly in the oinment: con sâu làm rầu nồi canh
- not hurt a fly: chẳng làm hại ai
- there are no flies on someone: người ngôn lanh đáo để
- can't say boo to a goose: hiền như cục đất
- **** someone's goose: làm hư kế hoạch (hư bột hư đường)
- a wild goose chase: cuộc tìm kiếm vô vọng
- a guinea pig: người tự làm vật thí nghiệm

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

One good turn deserves another (Ăn miếng trả miếng)

Who breaks, pays (Bắn súng không nên thì phải đền đạn)

Two securities are better than one (Cẩn tắc vô ưu)

Slow and sure (Chậm mà chắc)

Threats do not always lead to blows (Chó sủa là chó không cắn)

If the cab fits then wear it (Có tật giật mình)

Money makes the mare go (Có tiền mua tiên cũng được)

Where's there's life, there's hope (Còn nước còn tát)

A lie has no legs (Giấu đầu lòi đuôi)

We have gone too far to draw back (Đâm lao thì phải theo lao)

In for a penny, in for a pound (Được voi đòi tiên)

Tell me the company you keep, and I will tell you what you see (Gần mực thì đen, gần đèn thì

It never rains but it pours (Họa vô đơn chí)

If you eat the fruit, you have to think about the one who grows the tree (Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng

We reap what we sow (Gieo gió gặt bão)

THere's no smoke without fire (Không có lửa sao có khói)

Who makes excuses, himself excuses (Lạy ông tôi ở bụi này)

One scabby sheep is enough to spoil the whole flock (Con sâu làm rầu nồi canh)

To kill two birds with one stone (Nhất cữ lưỡng tiện)

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

To let the wolf into the fold (Nuôi ong tay áo)

Constant dropping wears stone (Nước chảy đá mòn)

A miss is as good as a mile (Sai một ly đi một dặm)

A flow will have an ebb (Sông có khúc người có lúc)

Grasp all, lose all (Tham thì thâm)

Time lost is never found (Thời giờ đã mất thì không tìm lại được)

Bitter pills may have blessed effects (Thuốc đắng dã tật)

Beginning is the difficulty (Vạn sự khởi đầu nan)

Traveling forms a young man (Đi một ngày đàng, học một sàng khôn)

No guide, no realization (Không thầy đố mày làm nên)


Better late than never (muộn còn hơn ko)

Half a loaf is better than no bread (méo mó có hơn ko)

Health is better than wealth (Sức khỏe quý hơn vàng)

Birds of a feather flock together (Đồng thanh tương ứng, đồng khí tương cầu)

To run with the hare and hold with the hounds (Bắt cá hai tay)

Many a little makes a mickle (Kiến tha lâu cũng đấy tổ)

Where there is a will, there is a way (Có chí thì nên)

Actions speak louder than words = Nói ít làm nhiều;

Beauty is only skin-deep = Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn;

Caution is the parent of safety = Cẩn tắc vô áy náy;

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

Do not judge a man by his looks = Không nên trông mặt mà bắt hình dong;

The early bird catches the worm = Trâu chậm uống nước đục;

The empty vessel makes the greatest sound = Thùng rỗng kêu to.

- A year care, a minute ruin : khôn ba năm, dại một giờ

- Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals : rượu vào lời ra, tửu nhập ngôn xuất

- Fool's haste is no speed : nhanh nhoảng đoảng, thật thà hư

- God will not buy everething : giàu sang không mang lại hạnh phúc

- Grasp all, lose all : tham thì thâm

- Handsome is as handsome does : cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp

- Like father like son : cha nào con nấy

- Love me love my dog : yêu ai yêu cả đuờng đi, ghét ai ghét cả tông họ hàng

- No wisdom like silence : không có sự thông minh nào bằng im lặng

- Nothing venture, nothing win : đuợc ăn cả, ngã về không

- Out of sight , out of mind : xa mặt cách lòng

- So many men, so many minds : mỗi nguời một ý

- Where there is a will, there is a way : có chí thì nên

- Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl : gần mực thì đen gần đèn thì sáng

- You never know your luck: dịp may không đến hai lần

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )


Thành ngữ Giải thích và cách sử dụng Nghĩa tiếng Việt
tương đương

Against the clock If you do something against the clock, you are
rushed and have
very little time to do it. Đua với thời gian

Ex: They are working against the clock to have

the presentation ready for Monday.
All clear If you are allowed to do something after a check-
up to make sure that everything is all right, you get
the all clear.

Ex: Dad says he's going to play golf as soon as he

gets the all clear from his doctor."
All ears To say that you are all ears means that you are
listening very attentively.

Ex: Of course I want to know - I'm all ears!

All in your head If something is all in your head, it is not real. It is
in your imagination. Trong tưởng tượng
của bạn thôi!
Ex: Don't be silly. Nobody is trying to harm
you. It's all in your head!"
Answer for If someone has to answer for something, they
have to accept responsibility for their actions. Chịu tránh nhiệm

Ex: He will have to answer for his dishonesty.

Argue the toss If you argue the toss, you dispute a decision or
choice which has already been made. Nói đi nói lại

Ex: The final choice was made yesterday, so

don'targue the toss now!
Asking for Someone who is asking for trouble is behaving
trouble stupidly and is likely to have problems. Tự tìm rắc rối

Ex: Driving fast on these roads is really asking

for trouble!
At all costs If you are determined to obtain or achieve
something at all costs, you want it regardless of Bằng mọi giá
the expense, effort or sacrifice involved.

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Ex: The journalist was determined at all costs to
get a report from the war zone."

Leave somebody If someone is left holding the baby, they are

holding the baby made responsible for a problem that others Để lại “việc rắc rối”
don't want to deal with. cho ai đó dọn (trong
công việc)
Ex: When the angry customer started to
my colleague disappeared and left me holding
the baby."
A bad egg To refer to someone as a bad egg means that
they cannot be trusted. Người không đáng
Ex: I don't want my son to be friends with
Bobby Smith. Boby's a bad egg."
A bad hair day Originating as a humorous comment about
one's hair being unmanageable, this term has Một ngày tồi tệ
broadened to mean a day when everything
seems to go wrong'.

Ex: What's wrong with Jenny? Is she having a

bad hair day?
In bad shape A person who is in bad shape is in poor
physical condition. Trong thể trạng
không tốt
Ex: I really am in bad shape. I need to get
some exercise.
In the bag If you think something is in the bag, you are
almost certain it will be achieved. Nắm chắc trong tay

Ex: An hour before the polling stations closed,

victory seemed in the bag for the Conservative
In the balance If something is in the balance, it means the
situation is uncertain and it is not clear what is Đưa lên bàn cân
going to happen.

Ex: The future of the company is in the

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
balance while the takeover bid is being
Balancing act When you try to satisfy two or more people or
groups who have different needs, and keep Làm dâu trăm họ
everyone happy, you perform a balancing act.

Ex: Many people have to perform a

balancing actbetween work and family.
Have a ball If you have a ball, you enjoy yourself.

Ex: The party was great. We had a ball.

That's the way Things don't always work out as planned, and
the ballbounces there's nothing we can do about it - that's life! Cuộc sống là thế

Ex: He didn't get the prize he expected, but

never mind - that's the way the ball bounces.
Bar fly A bar fly refers to someone who spends a lot
of time drinking in bars and pubs.

Ex: You'll find Johnny down at the pub - he's a

real bar fly!
Bear something If someone asks you to bear something in
in mind mind, they are telling you to remember it Luôn ghi nhớ rằng
because it is important.

Ex: You must bear in mind that the cost of

living is higher in New York."
It beats me! This expression is used to express surprise at
something that you find difficult to understand.

Ex: It beats me how he can live in that

horrible apartment!
Behind closed If something takes place behind closed doors,
doors it is done privately, with no observers or Đằng sau bức màn

Ex: The matter was discussed behind closed

Behind the times A person who is behind the times has old-
fashioned ideas and does not keep up with Lỗi thời
modern life in general.

Ex: Jane doesn't have a mobile phone. She's

completely behind the times.
Behind bars Someone who is behind bars is in prison.

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Ex: If you hang around with that gang, you'll
find yourself behind bars in no time.
Tighten If you need to tighten your belt, you must
your belt spend your money carefully. Thắt chặt hầu bao

Ex: Another bill? I'll have to tighten my

belt this month!
Bet your bottom If you bet your bottom dollar on something,
dollar you are absolutely certain of it.

Ex: Jack is very punctual. You can bet your

bottom dollar he'll be here at 9 o'clock on the
Better late than When someone does something late, this
never remark means that it's Có còn hơn không
better to do it late than not do it at all.
"Do you know what time it is? You promised
you'd come early to help me - but better late
than never I suppose!"
Better safe than It's better to be too cautious than to be careless
sorry and have regrets later.
"Let's book tickets in advance - better safe
than sorry!"
Think better of If you think better of something, you decide
something not to do something that you intended doing. Để coi sao đã

Ex: I wanted to go shopping, but when I saw

the crowded car park, I thought better of it."
It's beyond me The expression "it's beyond me" means: "it's
impossible for me to understand.” Thật khó hiểu

Ex: It's beyond me why Mary wants to marry

Big cheese This expression refers to a person who has a
lot of power and influence in an organization. Người có ảnh hưởng

Ex: Tom's father is a big cheese in the oil

Big picture To refer to the big picture means the overall
situation, or the project as a whole, rather than Chiến lược tổng thể
the details.

Ex: While each aspect is important, try not to

forget the big picture.
For the birds If you think something is for the birds, you
consider it to be uninteresting, useless, or not

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
to be taken seriously.

Ex: As far as I'm concerned, his theory is for

the birds!
Kill If you kill two birds with one stone, you Một mũi tên bắn
two birds with succeed in doing two things at the same time. chết 2 con nhạn
one stone.
Bite the hand If you bite the hand that feeds you, you are Nuôi ong tay áo
that feeds you unfriendly or do harm to someone who is kind
to you.

Bite your tongue If you bite your tongue, you try not to say
what you really think or feel. Uốn lưỡi bảy lần
trước khi nói
Ex: It was difficult for me not to react; I had
to bite my tongue.
Make If something makes your blood boil, it makes
your blood boil you really angry. Giận sôi máu

Ex: His condescending attitude made my

blood boil!
Make If something makes your blood run cold, it
your blood run shocks or scares you a lot. Sợ (sốc) lạnh xương
cold sống
Ex: The look in the prisoner's eyes made my
blood run cold.
Lick To say that one person licks another person's
someone's boots bootsmeans that they are trying to please that Nịnh hót
person, often in order to obtain something.

Ex: He wants to get the job, so he clicks the

boss’s boots.

On the bottle A person who drinks alcoholic drinks often

and regularly is on the bottle. Sáng xỉn chiều say

Ex: Joe went on the bottle when he lost his

Business is This is a way of saying that in financial and
business commercial matters, friendship or personal Công việc là công
feelings should not be allowed to have any việc!

Ex: I'll hire your brother only if he is the best

candidate. I'm sorry but business is

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

A piece of cake To refer to something as a piece of cake means
that you consider it to be very easy. Dễ như ăn
Ex: The English test was a piece of cake!
Slice of the cake When people feel entitled to a share of the
benefits or profits, they want a (larger) slice of
the cake.

Ex: Since profits are higher this year, the workers

feel they deserve a bigger slice of the cake.
Sell like hot cakes Things that sell like hot cakes sell quickly or in
large quantities. Bán như tôm
Can of worms To describe a situation as a can of worms means
that it is complicated, unpleasant and difficult to “Một đống
deal with. rắc rối”
(việc lộn
Ex: The discovery of the transfer of funds turned xộn khó giải
out to be a real can of worms." quyết)
Play your cards right This means that you do all that is necessary in
order to succeed. Dùng đúng
chiêu thức
Ex: If we play our cards right, we'll get the
Put/lay one's cards on If you put your cards on the table, you speak
the table honestly and openly about your feelings and Lật ngửa
intentions. ván bài

Ex: Let's clear the air and put our cards on the
Carrot and stick If you use a carrot-and-stick approach, you use
the promise of reward and the threat of Cây gậy và
punishment to make somebody work harder. củ cà rốt

Ex: Some parents use a carrot-and-

stick approach to obtain good results from their
Carry the can (for If you carry the can for another person, you
someone else) accept blame or take responsibility for something
that goes wrong, even if it is not your fault or
only partly.

Ex: The author didn't turn up for the interview

and his agent had to carry the can.

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
A cash cow A product or service which is a regular source of
income for a company is called a cash cow.

Ex: His latest invention turned out to be a real

cash cow.
Cat-and-dog life This term refers to a life in which partners are
constantly or frequently quarrelling. Như chó với
Ex: They lead a cat-and-dog life. I don't know
why they stay together."
Catch somebody's eye If someone catches your eye, you find them
attractive. thu hút ai đó

Ex; The pretty girl near the door caught his eye.
Cause a stir If something causes a stir, it creates an
atmosphere of excitement or great interest. tạo sự sôi
Ex: The arrival of the actress caused quite a
stir in the village.
Change the face of When an innovation, discovery or event changes
something the face of something, it alters it completely or Thay đổi bộ
in a major way. mặt của...

Ex: Social networks have changed the face of

modern communication."
Change of heart If someone has a change of heart, they change
their attitude or feelings, especially towards Thay lòng
greater friendliness or cooperation. đổi dạ

Ex: He was against charity, but he had a change

of heart when he saw the plight of the homeless.
Chase rainbows Someone who is chasing rainbows is trying to
get something they will never obtain. Chạy theo
ảo tưởng
Ex: She's trying to get into Harvard but I think
she'schasing rainbows.
Too many chiefs, not This expression refers to a situation where there
enough Indians. are too many people giving instructions and not Thầy nhiều
enough people doing the work. hơn thợ

Ex: The business wasn't successful. There

were too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
Chinese whispers This term refers to a process by which a message
or piece of information (especially gossip, Tam sao thất
rumors or scandalous news) is passed on from bản
one person to another, and changes along the
way, so that the final version is often very
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
different from the original.

Clear the air If you decide to clear the air, you try to remove
the causes of fear, worry or suspicion by talking Bày tỏ hết
about them openly. nỗi lòng

Ex: The atmosphere had become so unpleasant

that he decided it was time to clear the air.
Not have a clue If you don't have a clue about something, you
don't know anything about it. không biết

Ex: My wife's grandmother's maiden name?

I don't have a clue!
Cold calls If you make cold calls, you telephone potential
customers from a list of people you do not know.

Ex: In my first job I had to make cold calls using

the telephone directory.
Off colour If you are off colour, you are looking or feeling
ill. Xanh như
tàu lá chuối
Ex: You should get some rest. You look a bit off
Corner a market If a company dominates an area of business, and
leaves no room for competition, it is said to Chiếm lĩnh
havecornered the market. thị trường

Ex: By importing large quantities and selling at

low prices, they have cornered the market."
Crocodile tears To shed crocodile tears means to shed false tears
or show insincere grief. Nước mắt cá
Ex: Caroline pretended to be sad but we all knew
her tears were crocodile tears.
Cross the line If you cross the line you go beyond the
authorized limits and do something which is not Vượt rào

Ex: He has an unpleasant habit of telling jokes

that really cross the line."
Cross your mind If an idea or thought crosses your mind, you
suddenly think of it. Ý nghĩ
thoáng qua
Ex: It has just crossed my mind that the shops are
closed today.
Cut one's losses If you end or withdraw from something that is
already failing, in order to reduce the loss of
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
money, time or effort invested in it, you cut
your losses.

Ex: The project is heading for failure. Let's cut

our losses before it's too late."
Cut it out! If you say cut it out to someone, you are telling
them to stop doing something.

Ex: I've had enough of your insinuations, so

just cut it out!
Cutting edge This expression refers to the newest, most Giai đoạn
advanced stage in the development of something. cao điểm

Ex: The company is at the cutting edge of


Dance to someone's If you dance to someone's tune, you do whatever
tune that person tells you to do. Hùa theo (ai
He is the company's major shareholder so the
management has to dance to his tune.

In the dark If someone is kept or left in the dark about

something, they are not informed about it . Giữ bí mật

Ex: The personnel were kept in the dark about

the merger until the last minute.
Darken someone's If you darken someone's door, you come as an
door unwanted or unwelcome visitor. Không mời
mà tới
Ex: Just get out of here, and never darken my door
Dead in the water A plan or project that is dead in the water is at a
standstill or has ceased to function and is unlikely
to be reactivated in the future.

Ex: Because of the crisis, the planned housing

development is now dead in the water.
Dead loss Someone or something described as a dead loss is
absolutely useless or a complete failure. sự thất bại
hoàn toàn
Ex: When it comes to gardening, my brother is a
dead loss.
Dead wood The term dead wood refers to people or things
which are no longer considered useful or

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

Ex: The new manager wants to reduce costs by

cutting out the dead wood.
Dead to the world A person who is dead to the world is fast asleep.
Ngủ gà ngủ
Ex: Don't worry. You won't disturb him. He's dead gật
to the world!
Deep pockets A person or organization who has deep
pockets has a lot of money. Dày túi

Ex: Andy's business is not doing well at the

moment. He says he needs a friend with deep
Do To do someone's dirty work means to do the
someone's dirtywork unpleasant or difficult work that the other person
does not want to do.
Do more harm than If the effect of an action is more damaging than
good helpful, it does more harm than good." Làm chuyện
hại nhiều
Ex: Giving him money did more harm than good - hơn lợi
he spent it on alcohol.
Dog's life People use this expression when complaining
about a situation or job which they find unpleasant
or unsatisfactory.

Ex: It's a dog's life working in the after-sales

Every dog has its This expression means that everyone can be
day successful at something at some time in their life. Ai cũng có
một thời
Ex: I didn't win this time, but I'll be lucky one (thời huy
day. hoàng)
Every dog has its day!
Go to the dogs To say that a company, organization or country
isgoing to the dogs means that it is becoming less
successful or efficient than before.

Ex: Some think the company will go to the dogs if

it is nationalized.
Let sleeping dogs lie If you tell somebody to let sleeping dogs lie, you
are asking them not to interfere with a situation
because they could cause problems.

Ex: Look - they've settled their differences. It's

time tolet sleeping dogs lie.
A done deal This expression is used to refer to an agreement or
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
decision which has been reached on a certain

Ex; We're still considering several proposals, so

it's nota done deal yet.
Down to earth Someone who is down to earth is not a dreamer
but a realistic and practical person who has Thực tế
sensible reactions and expectations.

Ex: Don't ask Suzy for help. She's fun, but not
very down to earth.
Dressed to kill When someone, especially a woman, is dressed to
kill, they are wearing very fashionable or
glamorous clothes intended to attract attention.

Ex: She arrived at the reception dressed to kill.

Drink like a fish A person who drinks like a fish is a heavy drinker
or one who drinks a lot. Uống như hũ
Ex: I'm nervous if Joe drives when we go out
because he drinks like a fish!
Drop like flies If people drop like flies, they fall ill or die in large
numbers. Chết như rạ

Ex: There's an epidemic of flu at the

moment. Senior citizens are dropping like flies.
To be dying for If you are dying for something, you have a strong
something desire for it. khao khát
điều gì
Ex: I'm dying for a cup of tea!
A sitting duck A sitting duck is an easy target, a person who is
easy to deceive. Người dễ dãi

Ex: The young girl was a sitting duck for the


Eagle eyes Someone who has eagle eyes sees or notices things
more easily than others.

Ex: Tony will help us find it - he's got eagle eyes!

In one ear and out To say that information goes in one ear and out
the other the other means that it is immediately forgotten or Nghe tai này
ignored. lọt tai kia

Ex: I keep telling him about the risks but it goes in

one ear and out the other. He never listens to
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Make If something makes your ears burn, you are
one's ears burn embarrassed by what you hear, especially if the Nghe muốn nổ
conversation is about you. tai luôn

Ex: The comments I overheard made my ears

Music to your ears To say that something is music to your ears,
means that the information you receive makes you Mật ngọt chết
feel very happy. ruồi

Earn while you This expression refers to the possibility of earning

learn a salary while in training. Học mà được
trả tiền
Ex: Become an apprentice and get paid while in
training. Earn while you learn!"
Easier said than To say that something is easier said than
done done means that what is suggested sounds easy but Nói dễ hơn
it is more difficult to actually do it. làm

Ex: Put the TV aerial on the roof? Easier said

than done!
Easy as pie To say that something is easy as pie means that it
is very easy to do. Dễ như ăn
Ex: How did the English test go? - No problem - it
was easy as pie!
Eat /dip into one's If you eat or dip into your savings, you spend
savings part of the money you have put aside for future

Ex: I had to dip into my savings to have the car

A bad egg To refer to someone as a bad egg means that they
cannot be trusted.

Ex: I don't want my son to be friends with Bobby

Bobby's a bad egg.
At If something happens at the eleventh hour, it
the eleventh hour happens when it is almost too late, or at the last Phút thứ 90
possible moment.

Ex: Our team won after they scored a goal at the

eleventh hour.
Even the score When a person decides to even the score, they try
to get their revenge on someone who has cheated Trả đũa
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
or done them harm.

Ex: When Jack discovered that Bob had cheated,

he was determined to even the score.
Look someone in If you look someone in the eye, or eyes, you look Nhìn thẳng vào
theeyes at them directly so as to convince them that you are mắt
telling the truth, even though you may be lying.

Keep a If you keep a straight face, you look serious
straight face although Làm mặt
you really want to laugh. nghiêm

Fair and square If something is obtained or won fair and square, it

is done in an honest and open manner, the rules are
respected and there is no cheating or lying.

Ex: Peter won the competition fair and square -

there was no doubt about the result.
Fast If you decide to fast track something, such as a
track something task or project, you give it high priority so that the
objective is reached as quickly as possible.

In view of the number of homeless, it was decided

to fast track the construction of low-cost housing.
On the fence When faced with a choice, a person who is on the
fence has not yet reached a decision. Lưỡng lự

Ex: The candidates have such similar ideas that

many electors are still on the fence.
Fight a losing If someone is fighting a losing battle, they are
battle trying to do something even when there is little Còn nước còn
chance of succeeding. tát

The headmaster is fighting a losing battle trying to

ban mobile phones at school.
Fight/argue like Two people who fight or argue like cat and
cat and dog dogfrequently have violent arguments, even though Chửi (đánh)
they are fond of each other. nhau như chó
với mèo.
Ex: They fight like cat and dog but they're still
together after 30 years.
Have other fish to If you have other fish to fry, you have more
fry important things to do.

Ex: I don't think he'll attend the office party; he's

got other fish to fry.
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Fit the bill If someone or something fits the bill, they are
exactly right for a particular situation.

Ex: They wanted a quiet place for the week-end

and the country inn just fitted the bill.
On the fly If you do something on the fly, you do it quickly,
without thinking much about it, while doing
something else.

Ex: I'm so busy I usually have lunch on the fly.

Flying start If something gets off to the flying start, it is
immediately successful.

Ex: Sales of the book got off to a flying start and

exceeded our expectations."
Follow in If you follow in someone's footsteps (for example
someone's a parent), you lead a similar life or do the same job. Theo chân ai
Ex: Lily followed in her mother's footsteps and
became a teacher.
Follow suit If you follow suit, you do the same as somebody
else has just done.

Ex: The first robber held up his hands. The other

twofollowed suit.
A foot in the door If you say that someone has a foot in the door, you
mean that they have a small but successful start in
something and will possibly do well in the future.

Ex: With today's unemployment, it's difficult to get

a foot in the door in any profession."
Get a foothold If you get a foothold somewhere, you secure a
position for yourself in a business, profession or Có chân trong
organisation. (có người hỗ
trợ bên trong)
Ex: The contract got the firm a foothold in the local
Force of habit When something is done out of force of habit, it
has become automatic through frequent repetition.

Ex: Why do I always park here? It's force of

habit I suppose.
Free as a bird If someone is free as a bird, they are completely Tự do như
free to do as they please. chim sổ lồng

Ex: My dad's very happy - he's free as a bird since

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
he retired.
A free hand If you have a free hand, you have permission to
make your own decisions, especially in a job.

Ex: My boss has given me a free hand in the choice

of agent.
Friends in high If you know important or influential people in
places business or government, you have friends in high Bạn bè có chức
places. quyền

Ex: He wouldn't have succeeded without help from

friends in high places.
Front runner In a contest, race or election, the front runner is
the person who seems most likely to succeed or

Ex: Who are the front runners in the coming

Full of beans A person who is full of beans is lively, active and

Ex: He may be getting old but he's still full of

Full of hot air A person who full of hot air is full of nonsense and
talks a lot without saying anything worthwhile. Tào lao

Ex: Don't listen to Tony. He's full of hot air!

Funny business An activity which is conducted in a deceitful,
dishonest or unethical manner is called funny Công việc kinh
business. doanh bất
Ex: I've got suspicions about that association. I
think they're up to some funny business.

All his geese are swans This expression refers to someone who constantly
exaggerates the importance of somebody or Nổ (nói
something. khoát)

Ex: Don't let him impress you. He always

exaggerates; all his geese are swans!"
Gentleman'sagreement When an agreement is neither written nor signed,
because the two parties trust each other completely,
it is called a gentleman's agreement.

Ex: It was a gentleman's agreement. I can't change

my mind now!
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Get your ducks in a This expression means that you are trying to get
row things well organized.

Ex: We need to get our ducks in a row if we want

our project to succeed.
Get into gear When a person or activity gets into gear, they start
to work or become effective.

Ex: Immediately after the announcement, a group of

protesters got into gear.
Get your hands dirty If you get your hands dirty in your job, you
become involved in all aspects of it, including work
that is physical, unpleasant or less interesting.

Ex: His willingness to get his hands dirty won the

respect and approval of the whole team.
Get on in years Someone who is getting on in years is growing old.
Già rồi
Ex: My grandmother is getting on in years. She's
no longer able to prepare Christmas dinner without
Get the message If you get the message, you understand what
someone is trying to tell you, even if it is expressed Hiểu ý
in actions or gestures rather than words. đồ

Ex: When Tony pointed at his watch, I got the

message - it was time to leave for the airport."
Get the sack If someone gets the sack, they lose their job,
usually because they have done something wrong.

Ex: Charlie got the sack when his boss caught him
Get off the hook If you do something wrong and manage to get off
the hook, you avoid punishment or blame. Tránh bị
mắc câu
Ex: Barry was questioned by the police but his
lawyer managed to get him off the hook.
Get on your high horse If you get on your high horse, you start behaving
in a haughty manner, as though you should be
treated with more respect.

Ex: He got on his high horse when he was asked to

show his membership card.
Get the better of If someone or something gets the better of you,
someone they defeat you. Thắng
Ex: She went on a diet but it didn't last long - her

S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 29 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
love of chocolate got the better of her!
Get to the bottom of If you get to the bottom of a problem or mystery,
something you solve it by finding out the true cause of it. Tìm ra
gốc của
Ex: We have a problem of goods disappearing vấn đề
during transport. Hopefully the investigation
will get to the bottom of it.
Get a move on If someone tells you to get a move on, they are
asking you to hurry up.

Ex: You'd better get a move on or you'll miss the

Get out of hand If a person or a situation gets out of hand, they
cannot be controlled any longer. Ngoài
tầm kiểm
Ex: During the student demonstration, things got soát
out of hand and several shop windows were
Get the show on the If you manage to put a plan or idea into action,
road you get the show on the road.

Ex: OK! We've got all we need, so let's get the

show on the road!
Give it a rest! If someone tells you to give it a rest, they are
asking you to stop doing something such as
complaining or talking continuously.

Ex: All you talk about is politics - give it a

Give someone a hard If you give someone a hard time, you annoy them
time or make things difficult for them. Làm khó
ai đó
Ex: Susan says the pupils in her new school
are giving her a hard time.
Give someone the run- If someone gives you the run-around, they
around deliberately give you confusing information or Vòng vo
evasive answers. tam quốc

Ex: I'm trying to contact the manager, but every

time I call the firm I'm given the run-around.
Go against the tide If you go against the tide, you refuse to conform to
current trends, or the opinions or behavior of other Đi ngược
people. xu hướng

Ex: Bill can be difficult to work with; he constantly

goes against the tide.
Go bananas If someone becomes very emotional and starts
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
behaving in a crazy way, they go bananas.

Ex: If you announce that you're going to drop out of

school, your parents will go bananas!
Go to extremes People who go to extremes behave in a way which
lacks moderation. Cực đoan

Ex: My parents tend to go to extremes. They live on

a tight budget and then they go on expensive
Go hand in hand If two or more things go hand in hand, they are
associated or often happen at the same time. Song
Ex: In big cities poverty and violence often go hand
in hand.
Go off the rails, If someone goes off the rails, they go out of control
and begin to behave in a manner that is Trật
unacceptable to society. đường
rày (đi
Ex: Given the unstable environment, it's a miracle sai
that none of their children ever went off the rails. hướng)
Go out of business If a shop, firm or enterprise goes out of business, it
closes down or goes bankrupt.

Ex: If the new road bypasses the town, a lot of

shops will go out of business.
Go the whole hog When you go the whole hog, you do something
thoroughly or completely.

Ex: They put up a few decorations for Christmas,

then they decided to go the whole hog and buy a
tree and all the trimmings.
Golden opportunity A golden opportunity is a favorable time or Cơ hội
excellent occasion which should not be missed. vàng
Golden rule The most important rule or principle to be
remembered when doing something is called
the golden rule.

Ex: When travelling abroad, the golden rule is to

respect the local customs.
Gone with the wind If something has gone with the wind, it has
disappeared forever. Cuốn
Ex: I lost everything during the crisis. My chiều gió
savings are gone with the wind!
Green light If you give or get the green light, you give or get a
signal or permission to do something. Bật đèn
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 31 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Ex: We're ready to launch the campaign as soon as
weget the green light.
Prepare the ground To prepare the ground means that you try to make
it easier for a future event or action to happen. Xây
dựng nền

had better Should

Ex: You had better go now or you will be late for class.
hair stand on She became frightened
end Sợ dựng
Ex: Her hair would stand on end every time she watched tóc gáy
a horror movie.
hale and hearty Well and strong

Ex: My uncle is a hale and hearty fellow who never gets

half the battle Difficult

Ex: Getting them to come to the meeting will be half the

hand down Arrange to give after death

Ex: She plans to hand down her jewelry to her daughter. Chuẩn
bị hậu sự
hang loose Relax

Ex: Just hang loose for another few days.

heads will roll People will be punished
Ex: Some heads will roll when the boss looks at the costs đầu” (bị
this month. phạt, bị
home free A definite success

Ex: The new promotion plan is home free.

if worst comes to If the worst scenario occurs
worst Trong
Ex: If worst comes to worst we must cancel our vacation. trường
hợp xấu
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

in a fog Confused
Mù mờ
Ex: He is always in a fog and never seems to know what
is going on.
in a hole In trouble

Ex: He really is in a hole now that he has problems at

in a spot In a difficult situation

Ex: He will be in a spot if he cannot pass the entrance

in a word Briefly
Nói tóm
Ex: In a word, I think that you need to study more. lại
in advance Ahead of time
Ex: They bought the tickets in advance so that they could
get good seats.
in and out coming in and going out
Đi ra đi
Ex: The boss has been in and out of his office the entire vô
in deep Deeply involved

Ex: They are really in deep with each other.

in short supply Less than the amount needed

Ex: These days the amount of oil is in short supply.

in stock Available

Ex: The new paints are in stock.

in the bag Settled Trong
tầm tay
Ex: Everything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry
in the long run Over time
Theo thời
Ex: The company lost money but should be okay in the gian
long run.
in the red Losing money

Ex: The company has been in the red since last year.
in the works being planned

Ex: The new line of products is in the works.

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

jack-of-all- Someone who can do many things
Ex: That guy is a jack-of-all-trades.
jazz up Brighten up

Ex: We need to jazz up this boring room.

jerking someone Causing someone trouble
around Quay (ai đó)
Ex: Recently it seems like everyone is jerking me như dế
jump all over Scold me
Ex: For no reason, he began to jump all over me
jump at Quickly accept

Ex: She knew that he would jump at the chance to

go to Japan.
jump on Scold
Ex: The boss would jump on him for even a small
just about Nearly

Ex: I waited just about one hour for her to come.

just so Close to perfect

Ex: She always makes sure that her hair is just

sobefore she goes out.

keep a secret Not tell others
Giữ bí mật
Ex: You should keep a secret about your new job.
keep after Keep reminding

Ex: You should keep after her to do her homework.

keep an eye on Watch

Ex: Keep an eye on my bicycle while I order some

keep at Continue

Ex: He has decided to keep at his studies at the

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
keep books Keep records of money gained and spent

Ex: She used to keep books for a small company.

keep down Control

Ex: The students were told to keep down the noise.

keep house Look after household

Ex: She likes to keep house more than working for a

keep in touch Stay in contact

Ex: I have always tried to keep in touch with my

keep one's head Stay calm when there is trouble or danger Giữ bình tĩnh

keep one's Be quiet

mouth shut
Ex: She was very angry and told him to keep his
mouth shut.
keep one's nose Stay out of trouble
Ex: He has been managing to keep his nose
cleansince he moved to the new town.
keep one's word fulfill her promise
Giữ lời hứa
Ex: She never can keep her word.
keep pace with Go as fast as
Theo kịp
Ex: It was difficult to keep pace with the other

lady killer Man who some women find very
charming and attractive Đào hoa

Ex: The man in the movie was a lady

lady's man Man who is popular with women

Ex: He is a lady's man and always seems

to have a lot of women interested in him.
laid back Calm and relaxed

Ex: You need to be more laid back.

laid up Confined to bed
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

Ex: He has been laid up for a few days

because of a cold.
land on one's come out of a bad situation successfully
feet He always manages to land on his feet.
last minute There is no more time
Nước tới chân mới nhảy
Ex: I usually put off writing my papers
until the last minute.
luck out Fortunate

Ex: If you luck out in Las Vegas, you can

make a lot of money.
lash out verbally abuse

Ex: He began to lash out at the man who

was sitting next to him.

made a hit was popular

Ex: Her cake made a hit at the party.

make a bundle make a lot of money

Ex: He could make a bundle on the

stock market this year.
make a day of it stay the entire day

Ex: We decided to make a day of it at

the park.
make a change anything
Ex: It does not seem to make a
difference if we talk or not.
make a go of achieve success in

Ex: He is trying to make a go of the

business even though he is losing money.
make a killing make a lot of money

Ex: You can make a killing in Las

make a living make enough money

Ex: You cannot make a living at your

present job.
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
make a mountain make a big problem out of a small one
out of a molehill Chuyện nhỏ xé to
Ex: Try not to make a mountain out of a
make a name for become famous
oneself Tạo tên tuổi
Ex: She is trying to make a name for
herself in the field of literature.
make a run for it leave quickly

Ex: I think that she will make a run for

it as soon as the class finished.
make waves cause trouble
Tạo sóng gió
Ex: Try not to make waves around the

neck and neck nearly equal
Ngang nhau
Ex: The two teams were neck and
neck in the game.
nest egg amount of money saved

Ex: He has a good nest egg in the bank.

new blood fresh energy
Thay máu (đổi nhân sự
Ex: The new employee sure has mới)
added new blood to this company.
nice out nice weather

Ex: It sure is nice out today.

no bed of roses not easy
Không phải thảm hồng
Ex: Trying to work at two jobs is no bed
of roses.
no deal not agreed to

Ex: He almost bought the car but in the

end the sale was no deal.
no doubt no uncertainty
Không còn nghi ngờ gì
Ex: There is no doubt which team will nữa
win this year.
no end to no finish point
Không lối ra
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Ex: There appears to be no end to this
no show Absent

Ex: I think that she will be a no show.

no way No way to fit all those things in that
no wonder not surprising

Ex: Since he stayed up all night, it is no

wonder that he is tired.

odds and ends Various items

Ex: We made games for the students using odds

and ends from around the house.
off again, on Uncertain
Ex: The plans for the party were off again, on
off and on Intermittently

Ex: It has been raining off and on since this

off base Inaccurate

Ex: He was really off base on his estimate of the

off color Inappropriate and offensive

Ex: He likes to tell off color jokes at work.

off duty The police officer was off duty when the incident
off one's back Away and not bother me

Ex: I wish he would stay off my back.

off the hook Out of trouble

Ex: He is off the hook now that they realized it was

not his mistake.
old hat Boring and unchanging
Già cả lỗi thời
Ex: Her job has become old hat.
on a diet trying to lose weight
Ăn kiêng
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 38 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Ex: Are you on a diet or something?
on credit Using a credit card

Ex: She decided to buy the table on credit.

on easy street Financially comfortable

Ex: He has been on easy street since he sold his

on one's back bothering someone
Lẻo đẻo đằng
Ex: She has been on his back all week to get a new sau
on one's One’s responsibility
shoulders Gánh nặng trên
Ex: The mistakes made in the department were on vai
his shoulders.
on purpose Intentionally

Ex: I think that she spilled the drink on purpose.

on the ball Intelligent

Ex: He is really on the ball.

on the block For sale

Ex: The office building is on the block.

on the dot Exactly on time

She usually arrives at work on the dot.

on the go Busily moving around

Ex: He has been on the go since early this morning.

on the other in contrast
Ex: She is intelligent but on the other hand she is
very lazy.
on the whole In general
once in a while Occasionally

Ex: We go to that restaurant once in a while to eat

Japanese food.
out of control Chaotic
Loạn, ngoài
Ex: Yeah, but it was out of control. tầm kiểm soát

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

pan out become reality

Ex: I hope that your plans to go back to school pan

pass away Die

Ex: The old leader is expected to pass away soon.

pass on give away

Ex: She tries to pass on her old clothes to her younger

pass out faint

Ex: She is going to pass out if she drinks any more

pay attention focus on and listen

Ex: You should pay attention to what the teacher is

pay off reduce the balance owed to zero on
Trả hết nợ
Ex: The homeowner was able to pay off the loan early.
pay off be successful

Ex: The business plan began to pay off and the profits
of the company increased.
pay off bribe
Đưa hối lộ
Ex: The company tried to pay off the politician.
pick someone up come and get someone

Ex: What time do you want me to pick you up?

pop for buy
Ex: It is my turn to pop for the doughnuts.
put off delay

Ex: Yeah, I usually put off doing homework until the

last minute.
put the moves on seduce
Quyến rũ ai
Ex: You should give up trying to put the moves
on her.

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
raise eyebrows cause surprise
Chau mày
Ex: These crazy clothes should raise eyebrows at the (ngạc nhiên)
office tomorrow.
rip off overpriced item

Ex: This car was really a rip off.

run short not have enough

Ex: If we don’t order supplies now, we will

probablyrun short.
rough time hard time

Ex: We have had a rough time this winter.

run the show make the decisions
It seems as if the boss really likes to run the show.
red ink debt

Ex: The company has been in red ink from the

ream someone yell at him
Ex: The boss decided to ream him out for his bad
ran out of gas lost momentum
Chạy hết ga
Ex: The politician ran out of gas during the campaign.

saddled with burdened with debt
Ex: The company has been saddled with debt.
save face protect his reputation

Ex: The manager was able to save face when he

showed that the loss of money was outside of his
save one's remain silent
Ex: You should save your breath because I do not
believe you anyway.
save one's skin avoid trouble

Ex: He quit the company during the scandal in order

tosave his skin.
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
screw around waste time

Ex: Do not screw around at work.

screw up make a mistake

Ex: If you screw up one more time, I will fire you.

sell out sell completely
Our best products seem to sell out very quickly.
short on funds low on money

Ex: I am kind of short on funds now.

shot down disagreed with

Ex: Everyone shot down my idea.

steamed up Angry
Nóng lên
Ex: Don't get so steamed up over the issue.

take a back seat accept a lower position

Ex: I had to take a back seat for the benefit of the

take a stand on be decisive on

Ex: The President decided to take a stand on the tax

take a trip Go

Ex: We plan to take a trip to Japan in July.

take advantage benefit from
Ex: Take advantage of the beautiful weather and go to
the beach.
take back Revoke
Rút lại (lời
Ex: He had to take back what he said about his boss. đã nói)
take care of give attention to

Ex: You should take care of your health.

take care of deal with

Ex: She had to take care of the paperwork.

take down Write

Ex: Please take down many notes during the lecture.

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
take on Hire

Ex: The company is expected to take on more

employees next year.
take over take control of

Ex: The larger bank is expected to take over the

smaller bank.
take roll check attendance

Ex: I'm going to take roll now.

take stock count the items of merchandise or supplies in stock
The store usually has to take stock every three months.
take the sell shares of the company to the general public
company public
Ex: The owner needed more money and decided totake
the company public.
team player someone who works well with others

Ex: He is really a team player.

the inside track the advantage over others

Ex: He knows the manager so he has the inside

trackfor getting the new job.
throw more try to solve the problem by spending more money on
money at Quăng tiền
Ex: The product may do better in the market if vô việc gì
wethrow more money at it.
tight spot difficult situation

Ex: The new product is not selling as well as expected

and has put the company in a tight spot.
turn over rate of sale

Ex: The new product turnover has been incredible.

to move on to seduce

Ex: I am going to try to move on Joan next Saturday.

ugly duckling Unattractive
Vịt con xấu
Ex: She was an ugly duckling when she was a child. xí
under a cloud under suspicion

Ex: The politician has been under a cloud over the

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
possibility of taking bribes.
under a cloud depressed

Ex: He has been under a cloud since he lost his job.

under cover in disguise

Ex: The detective went under cover to look for the

drug dealers.
under one's nose in an obvious place
Ngay trước
Ex: He found his wallet under his nose. mắt
under one's under his control
Ex: He is only a salesman but he has his boss under his
under one's under one’s care
wing Trong sự
Ex: He took the new employee under his wing. bảo bọc của
ai đó
under the table in secret and illegally
Hối lộ
Ex: He paid some money under the table in order to
get his product exported into the country.
up front Honest

Ex: He was up front about the condition of the car.

upper hand advantage
Thắng thế
Ex: The union members have the upper hand in the
ups and downs moments of good and bad fortune
Ba chìm bảy
Ex: He is having a few ups and downs but generally he nổi
is doing well.
up to someone her decision
Tùy ai đó
It is up to her when it is time to leave.
use up completely use

Ex: They had to use up the paper before ordering more.

vicious circle unbroken sequence of cause and effect
Vòng nhân quả
Ex: Drinking alcohol, becoming
depressed and then drinking even more is
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 44 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )

an example of a vicious circle.

voted down defeated

Ex: The election results showed the

governor wasvoted down.

walk all over control and take advantage of

Ex: She is always trying to walk all over him.

walk away with Steal

Ex: Someone tried to walk away with the office

walk on air be happy
Lên mây
Ex: She is going to walk on air when he gives her the (vui/ đã/
diamond ring. hạnh phúc
warm up to become friendly with

Ex: She could easily warm up to the new student.

waste one's speak pointlessly
Ex: Do not waste your breath trying to change her
watch it be careful

Ex: I think you should watch it if you travel to that city.

watch one's P's be well-behaved
and Q's
Ex: The teacher told him to watch his P's and Q's.
way the wind situation occurs
Ex: The vacation plans will depend on which way the
wind blows.
wear down exhaust

Ex: Try not to wear down the employees with a long

weigh on concern and worry
Cân nhắc
Ex: The upcoming college entrance exam began
toweigh on her.
weigh one's think about what you will say
words Uốn lưỡi 7
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 45 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Ex: You should weigh your words before you tell her. lần trước
khi nói
well-off Wealthy

Ex: The owner of the restaurant is certainly well-off.

what's up is happening

Ex: She really wants to know what's up.

what's with what is happening with

Ex: Hey, what's with the manager today.

work out Exercise

Ex: She likes to work out at the gym.

work out Develop

Ex: They needed to work out the plans of the new

write off remove the expense of

Ex: They were able to write off the money spent on

what's what one thing from another
Chuyện xảy
Ex: It is hard to tell what's what at an auction. ra kế tiếp

year-round the entire year without
The supermarket is now
open year-round.
yellow-bellied Cowardly
He is a yellow-
bellied person.
you bet Of course
You bet I am angry with
you bet your boots Of course
You bet your boots I am
angry with you.

zero balance no money was owed
My credit card statement showed azero
zero hour the scheduled time
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
The computer was installed at zero hour.
zeroed in on focused on
Our boss quickly zeroed in on the


- Xa mặt cách lòng: Out of sight, out of mind

- Tai vách mạch rừng: Walls have ears

- Yêu cho roi cho vọt, ghét cho ngọt cho bùi: Spare the rod, spoil the child

- Của rẻ là của ôi: The cheapest is the dearest

1. Ai giàu ba họ, ai khó ba đời

- Every dog has its/ his day

- The longest day must have an end

- The morning sun never lasts a day

2. Ba hoa chích chòe

- Talk hot air

- Have a loose tongue

3. Biết mình biết ta, trăm trận trăm thắng

- He who sees through life and death will meet most success

4. Cả thèm chóng chán

- Soon hot, soon cold

5. Cầm đèn chạy trước ô tô

- Run before one’s hourse to market

- Rush into hell before one’s father

6. Có tật giật mình

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
- There’s no peace for the wicked

7. Dã tràng xe cát biển đông

- Build something on sand

- Fish in the air

- Beat the air

8. Đã nói là làm

- So said so done

9. Ép dầu ép mỡ, ai nỡ ép duyên

- Love cannot be forced/ compelled

10. Gậy ông đập lưng ông

- Make a rod for one’s own back

11. Ăn cháo đá bát

- Bite the hands that feed

- Eaten bread is soon forgotten

12. Học vẹt

- Learn something by rote

13. Ích kỉ hại nhân

- It is an ill turn that does no good to anyone

14. Kén cá chọn canh

- Pick and choose

15. Khẩu phật tâm xà

- A honey tongue, a heart of gall

16. Không biết thì dựa cột mà nghe

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
- If you cannot bite, never show your teeth

- The less said the better

17. Làm dâu trăm họ

- Have to please everyone

18. Mưu sự tại nhân, thành sự tại thiên

- Man proposes, God disposes

19. Năm thì mười họa

- Once in a blue moon

20. Phép vua thua lệ làng

- Custom rules the law

21. Qua cầu rút ván

- Burn one’s boats/ bridges

22. Rượu vào lời ra

- Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals

23. Suy bụng ta ra bụng người

- A wool-seller knows a wool buyer

24. Sự thật mất lòng

- Nothing stings like truth

25. Ta về ta tắm ao ta

Dù trong dù đục ao nhà vẫn hơn

- There’s no place like home

26. Tẩm ngẩm chết voi

- Dumb dogs are dangerous

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
- Still water runs deep

- Be ware of silent dog and still water

27. Uốn lưỡi bảy lần trước khi nói

- First think, then speak

- Second thoughts are best

- Think today, speak tomorrow

28. Vạch áo cho người xem lưng

- Tell tales out of school

29. Xanh vỏ đỏ lòng

- A fair face my hide a foul heart

- Appearances are deceptive

30. Yêu nhau yêu cả đường đi

Ghét ai ghét cả tông chi họ hàng

- Love me love my dog

- He that loves the tree loves the branch

• Chí lớn thường gặp nhau,

Great minds think alike
• đồng thanh tương ứng, đồng khí tương cầu. “Ngưu tầm ngưu, mã tầm mã”
Birds of the same feather stick together
• Suy bụng ta ra bụng người.
A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf
• Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây.
Gratitude is the sign of noble souls
• Máu chảy, ruột mềm.
When the blood sheds, the heart aches
• Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã.
Blood is much thicker than water.
• Một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ.
Laugh and grow fat.

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Laughter is the best medicine.
• Đừng chế nhạo người
Laugh and the world will laugh with you
• Cười người hôm trước, hôm sau người cười
He, who has last laugh, laughs best
He who laughs last, last best
• Lòi nói là bạc, im lặng là vàng
Speech is silver, but silence is golden
• Cân lời nói trước khi nói – Uốn lưỡi 7 lần trước khi nói
Words must be weighed, not counted.
• Đoàn kết thì sống, chia rẽ thì chết.
United we stand, divided we fall
• Đi một ngày đàng, học một sàng khôn.
Travelling forms a young man
• Tai nghe không bằng mắt thấy
A picture worths a thousand words
An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.
• Vạn sự khởi đầu nan.
It is the first step that counts
• Có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim
Practice makes perfect
• Có chí, thì nên
There’s will, there’s way
Vouloir c’est pouvoir
• Chớ để ngày may những gì mình có thể làm hôm nay.
Makes hay while sunshines.
• Trèo cao té nặng (đau)
The greater you climb, the greater you fall.
• Tham thì thâm
grasp all, lose all.
• Tham thực, cực thân.
Don ‘t bite off more than you can chew
• Dĩ hoà vi quý.
Judge not, that ye be not judged
• Ở hiền gặp lành.
One good turn deserves another
• Ăn theo thuở, ở theo thời.
Other times, other manner
• Đi với bụt mặc áo cà sa, đi với ma mặc áo giấy.
Pay a man back in the same coin
• Tay làm hàm nhai
no pains, no gains
• Phi thương,bất phú
nothing ventures, nothing gains
• Mỗi thời, mỗi cách
Other times, other ways
• Túng thế phải tùng quyền
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Neccessity knows no laws.
• Cùng tắc biến, biến tắc thông.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
• Mưu sự tại nhân, thành sự tại thiên
Man propose, god dispose
• Mạnh vì gạo, bạo vì tiền
The ends justify the means.
Stronger by rice, daring by money.
• Trong khốn khó, mới biết bạn hiền
Hard times show whether a friend is a true friend
• Yêu nên tốt, ghét nên xấu.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
• Dục tốc bất đạt
Haste makes waste.
• có mới, nới cũ
New one in, old one out.
• Cuả thiên, trả địa.
Ill-gotten, ill-spent
• Dễ được, dễ mất.
Easy come, easy goes.
• Nói dễ , Khó làm .
Easier said than done.
• Còn nước, còn tát.
While there’s life, there’s hope.
• Xa mặt, cách lòng.
Out of sight, out of mind
Long absent, soon forgotten
• Đừng xét đoán người qua bề ngoài
Do not judge the book by its cover
Do not judge poeple by their appearance
• Thắng là vua, thua là giặc.
Losers are always in the wrong
• Đen tình, đỏ bạc.
Lucky at cards, unlucky in love
• Gieo nhân nào, Gặt quả đó
What goes round goes round
• Không gì tuyệt đối
What goes up must goes down
• Thùng rổng thì kêu to.
The empty vessel makes greatest sound.
• Hoạ vô đon chí.
Misfortunes never comes in singly.
• Có tật thì hay giật mình.
He who excuses himself, accuses himself
• Tình yêu là mù quáng.
Affections blind reasons. Love is Blind.
• Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp.
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Beauty dies and fades away but ugly holds its own
• Chết vinh còn hơn sống nhục.
Better die a beggar than live a beggar
Better die on your feet than live on your knees
• Có còn hơn không.
Something Better than nothing
If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have
• Lời nói không đi đôi với việc làm.
Do as I say, not as I do
• Sinh sự, sự sinh.
Don ‘t trouble trouble till trouble trouuubles you
• Rượu vào, lời ra.
Drunkness reveals what soberness conceallls
• Tránh voi chẳng xấu mặt nào.
For mad words, deaf ears.
• Thánh nhân đãi kẻ khù khờ.
Fortune smiles upon fools
• Trời sinh voi, sinh cỏ.
God never sends mouths but he sends meat
• Phòng bịnh, hơn chửa bịnh
Good watch prevents misfortune
• Hữu xạ tự nhiên hương.
Good wine needs no bush
• Đánh chết cái nết hong chừa.(?)
Habit is the second nature
• Đèn nhà ai nấy sáng.
Half the world know not how the other haaalf lives
• Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp.
Handsome is as handsome does
Beauty in the eye of the beholder.
• Giận quá, mất khôn
Hatred is as blind as love
• Điếc không sợ súng.
He that knows nothing doubts nothing
• No bụng đói con mắt.
His eyes are bigger than his belly
• Liệu cơm gắp mắm, liệu con gả chồng.
Honesty is the best policy
If we can’t as we would, we must do as we can
• Miệng hùm, gan sứa.
If you cannot bite, never show your teeth (don’t bark)
• Lắm mối tối nằm không.
If you run after two hares, you’ll catch none
• Đã trót thì phải trét.
If you sell the cow, you will sell her milk too
• Xem việc biết người.
Judge a man by his work
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
• Cha nào, con nấy.
Like father, like son
• Ăn miếng trả miếng.
Measure for measure; Tit For Tat; An Eye For An Eye, a Tooth For A Tooth.
• Việc người thì sáng, việc mình thi quang
Men are blind in their own cause
• Không vào hang cọp sao bắt được cọp con.
Neck or nothing
• Trăm nghe không bằng mắt thấy.
Observations is the best teacher
• Con sâu làm sầu nồi canh.
One drop of poison infects the whole of wine
• Sai một ly đi một dặm.
One false step leads to another
• Thời gian qua, cơ hội khó tìm lại.
Opportunities are hard to seize
• Im lặng tức là đồng ý.
Silence gives consent
• Chín người, mười ý.
So many men, so many minds
• Lực bất tòng tâm.
So much to do, so little get done.
• Người thâm trầm kín đáo thường là người có bản lĩnh hơn người.
Still waters running deep
• Càng đông càng vui.
The more, the merrier
• Không có lửa sao có khói.
There is no smoke without fire
Where ther is smoke, there is fire
• Tai vách, mạch rừng.
Two wrongs do not make a right
Walls have ears
• Gieo gió, gặt bão
We reap as we sow
• Có Tật, giật mình
He who excuses himself, accuses himself
• Vắng chủ nhà, gà mọc đuôi tôm.
When the cat is away, the mice will play
• Dậu đổ, bìm leo.
When the tree is fallen, everyone run to it with his axe
• Bén mùi uống nữa. Chứng nào tật nấy.
Who drinks, will drink again
• Hy Vọng Hão Huyền
Don’t count your chicken before they hatch. (Đừng đếm gà trước khi nó nở)
Don’t look at the gift in the horse mouth. (Đừng nhìn quà tặng từ trong miệng ngựa)

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
1. Easy come, easy go:
Của thiên trả địa.

2. Seeing is believing:
Tai nghe không bằng mắt thấy.

3. Easier said than done:

Nói thì dễ, làm thì khó.

4. One swallow does not make a summer:

Một con én không làm nên mùa xuân.

5. Time and tide wait for no man:

Thời giờ thấm thoát thoi đưa

6 . Grasp all, lose all:

Tham thì thâm

7. Let bygones be bygones:

Hãy để cho quá khứ lùi vào dĩ vãng

8. Hand some is as handsome does:

Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp.

9. When in Rome, do as the Romes does:

Nhập gia tuỳ tục

10. Clothes does not make a man:

Manh áo không làm nên thầy tu.

11. Don’t count your chickens, before they are hatch:

Chưa đỗ ông Nghè đã đe Hàng tổng

12. A good name is better than riches:

Tốt danh hơn lành áo

13. Call a spade a spade:

Nói gần nói xa chẳng qua nói thật

14. Beggar’s bags are bottomless:Lòng tham không đáy

15. Cut your coat according your clothes:

Liệu cơm gắp mắm

16. Bad news has wings:

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
Tiếng dữ đồn xa

17. Doing nothing is doing ill:

Nhàn cư vi bất thiện

18. A miss is as good as a mile:

Sai một li đi một dặm

19. Empty vessels make a greatest sound:

Thùng rỗng kêu to

20. A good name is sooner lost than won:

Mua danh ba vạn, bán danh ba đồng

21. A friend in need is a friend indeed:

Gian nam mới hiểu bạn bè

22. Each bird loves to hear himself sing:

Mèo khen mèo dài đuôi

23. Habit cures habit:

Lấy độc trị độc

24. Honesty is best policy:

Thật thà là cha quỷ quái

25. Great minds think alike:

Tư tưởng lớn gặp nhau

26. Go while the going is good:

Hãy chớp lấy thời cơ


1. I adore my little niece. She really __________.

a) is the apple of my eye
b) is a bad egg
c) is a hard nut to crack
d) isn’t my cup of tea
(Tôi thực sự rất ngưỡng mộ cháu gái nhỏ của tôi. Tôi rất yêu quý và tự hào về nó.)
2. That boy Jack is a bad influence on my son, Timmy. Jack really is __________.
a) the apple of my eye
b) a hard nut to crack
c) a bad egg
d) a piece of cake
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
(Cậu bé Jack đó đã làm hư con tôi. Thằng bé thực sự là không ngoan)
3. This test is so easy. __________.
a) It’s a hard nut to crack
b) It’s a piece of cake
c) It’s the big cheese
d) It isn’t my cup of tea
(Bài kiểm tra này thực sự rất dễ)
4. Football isn’t __________. I find it too aggressive so I don’t enjoy it.
a) a piece of cake
b) the big cheese
c) my cup of tea
d) a bad egg
(Bóng đá không phải là sở thích của tôi. Tôi thấy môn thể thao này khá bạo lực nên tôi không
5. Marco has all the power in the office, he makes all the decisions around here and everyone
is very polite towards him. He’s __________.
a) the big cheese
b) a piece of cake
c) a hard nut to crack
d) the apple of my eye
(Marco nắm giữ quyền hành lớn ở công ty, ông ta nắm quyền quyết định tất cả và mọi người đều
phải lễ phép với ông ta.)
6. I’d like to get to know Kerry better but she’s __________. She doesn’t really like people
getting close to her.
a) a bad egg
b) a hard nut to crack
c) a piece of cake
d) the big cheese
(Tôi đã cố gắng để hiểu rõ về Kerry hơn nhưng cô ấy thực sự là rất khó gần, cô ấy không thích ai
đến gần mình hết.)

1. I adore my little niece. She really __________.
a) is the apple of my eye – This idiom is used to say you really like someone or are very proud
of them. Thành ngữ này dùng để nói về một ai đó bạn rất yêu quý và tự hào.
2. That boy Jack is a bad influence on my son, Timmy. Jack really is __________.
c) a bad egg – A ‘bad egg’ is used to describe someone who isn’t a good person. Thành ngữ
này miêu tả về tính cách không tốt của một ai đó.
3. This test is so easy. __________.
b) It’s a piece of cake – This means ‘very easy’. Ý nói một điều gì đó khá dễ dàng.
4. Football isn’t __________. I find it too aggressive so I don’t enjoy it.
c) my cup of tea – If you say football ‘isn’t my cup of tea’, it means that you don’t like
it. Khi nói rằng ‘football isn’t my cup of tea’ có nghĩa là bạn không hề thích bóng đá.
5. Marco has all the power in the office, he makes all the decisions around here and everyone
is very polite towards him. He’s __________.
a)the big cheese – This means Marco is a very important person in the office.‘Marco là
người có vị trí quan trọng trong công ty’.
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
6. I’d like to get to know Kerry better but she’s __________. She doesn’t really like people
getting close to her.
b) a hard nut to crack – This refers to something difficult or someone that is
difficult to get to know. Thành ngữ này miêu tả về một điều gì đó khó nhận biết, một người
nào đó khó gần, khó tìm hiểu.

1. If you feel sad because your boyfriend or girlfriend leaves you, you may be
suffering from _____________.
a) a sore heart
b) a painful heart
c) heartache
d) a pain in your heart
(Nếu bạn cảm thấy buồn vì bị bạn trai/bạn gái rời bỏ, điều đó có nghĩa là bạn đang phải chịu
đựng một nỗi đau rất lớn)

2. My grandma is the kindest woman I know, she’d do anything for anybody. She
really has a heart of ___________.
a) gold
b) silver
c) steel
d) stone
(Bà tôi là một người phụ nữ tốt bụng nhất mà tôi từng gặp. bà làm bất kỳ việc gì để giúp mọi
người. Bà thật sự là người có trái tim nhân hậu)
3. I never get on with Fiona. When I heard she was going to be my new boss my
heart _________.
a) sink
b) sunk
c) sinked
d) sank
(Tôi chưa bao giờ có quan hệ tốt với Fiona. Khi nghe tin cô ta sắp trở thành sếp của tôi, tôi thực
sự rất buồn)

4. What does the following mean? ‘When he gave up running he said it was
because his heart just wasn’t in it anymore’.
a) He felt ill
b) He felt bored and not interested
c) He wanted to move away
d) He wanted to do something else
(Khi anh ta bỏ việc chạy bộ, anh ta có nói rằng anh ta không còn hứng thú gì với việc đó nữa)

5. When Tony moved into his apartment in the heart of town, which part of town
did he move to?
a) The suburbs
b) On the outskirts of town
c) In the commuter belt
d) The centre of town
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )

6. We talked to each other all night and resolved some of our problems. It’s good
to have a proper ____________ sometimes.
a) heart-to-heart
b) heart-to-head
c) head-to-heart
d) head-to-head
(Chúng tôi nói chuyện suốt đêm và đã giải quyết được hết mọi khúc mắc giữa chúng tôi. Thật tốt
khi đôi lúc có một cuộc nói chuyện chân thành như thế.)

1, c) – heartache – if you feel a sense of sadness, sorrow or regret, you can say your heart aches.
Khi cảm thấy phiền muộn, đau khổ hoặc tiêc nuối, bạn có thể dùng “heart aches”.
(Bạn chỉ có thể nói rằng mình bị đau họng (sore throat) nhưng không thể nói “sore heart”, có thể
nói bạn có một chiếc răng đau (a painful tooth) nhưng không thể nói “a painful heart”.
2, a) – to have a heart of gold – if you are very kind, we say you have a ‘heart of gold’. Nếu bạn
là một người rất tốt bụng, chúng ta nói bạn có “a heart of gold”.
(Nếu nói “a heart of stone” có nghĩa là nói đến một ai đó vô cùng lạnh lùng, vô cảm.
3, d)- sank – if you hear some bad news, khi nhận được một tin buồn nào đó – your heart sinks.
Trong câu này, sử dụng thể quá khứ của sink – sank.
4, b) – He felt bored and not interested – if your heart is not in something, you feel bored and not
interested. Khi nói “to be not in something” có nghĩa là bạn đã không còn hứng thú và chán nản
với việc gì đó.
5, d) – The centre of town – If you want to describe the very centre of town, you can say ‘the
heart of town’. Nếu bạn muốn miêu tả một nơi nào đó ở trung tâm của thành phố, chúng ta có thể
dùng “the heart of town.
6, a) – heart-to-heart – a serious conversation where close friends talk honestly about their
feelings is called a heart-to-heart. Một cuộc nói chuyện mà những người bạn than thiết có thể
thoải mái chia sẻ về cảm xúc thật của mình.

Exercise 1:
Read the definitions(1-7) below of some idioms. For each definition. Two of the expressions (a-
c) have been invented, but one is the correct idiom. Can you identify it?

1) To fail to take an opportunity because you didn't act quickly enough

a.Wake up at the end of the film
b.Buy yesterday's newspaper
c.Miss the boat

2)What people actually do is more important (or a better indication of their true feelings) than
what the say
a.Doing is above talking
b.Actions speak louder than words
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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
c.A foot on the stairs beats a word in the air

3)If something bad is being said about someone, or if something seems bad, there is probably a
good reason for it
a.There's no smoke without fire
b.No mouth without teeth
c.No car without wheels

4) To avoid taking responsibility by saying that someone else is responsible

a.Pass the chocolate
b.Pass the buck
c.Pass the wine

5)Something is not going to continue for much longer(ex :a person is going to lose their job soon
a.Their days are numbered
b.Their bottle is almost empty
c.Their milkshake is finished

6) An activity or situation(especially a job or career )in which there is a lot of competition and
people are too busy to relax themselves
a.Rat hole
b,Rat food
c.Rat race

7)Don't expect or wait for something(usually something good) to happen ,because it probably
won't happen
a.Don't stand with your mouth open
b.Don't hold your breath
c.Don't hold your hands out

Exercise 2:
now choose the correct answer for each of the questions below

1) What is "wet blanket"?

a.Someone who spoils other people's fun by being negative and complaining
b.Something that looks impressive but is really just an illusion
c.Something that makes your face or head look very different

2)What does it mean if you "keep someone posted"?

a.You make sure they can't come near you (or at least not often)
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 60 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ ) give them up-to-date information about what is happening
c.You make sure they have enough to eat and drink

3)What does it mean if someone has "guts" (or has "the guts" to do something)
a.They are courageous
b.They are angry
c.They are ỉntelligent

4)What does "sell your soul" mean? sell something that is important to you but not to anyone
b.To mix your personal life with your working life do something that against your beliefs (ex .for money)

5)what does it mean if something is"like watching paint dry'?

a.It is very difficult
b.It is very easy
c.It is very boring

6)What does it mean if something is"set in stone"

a.It is extremely old cannot be changed or altered
c.It is dirty

7)When might someone say"in a nutshell"?

a.If they are about to give you a short summary of some information
b.If they are about to tell you about something someone did that they think was very bad
c.If they are about to tell you a joke

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences below with the appropriate idioms from Exercise 1 and 2
.You may need to change the verbs forms

1."I don't know how much longer I can keep working here.Sure,the money is good,but the
company does so many unethical things.I feel like I've_____________.What I'd really like to do
is leave the_rat race__________and just go and live on a beach somewhere,but then how would I
pay the bills?"
"Yeah,right,you've been saying that for at least 5 years.May be you like the job more than you
think.After all,_ Actions speak louder than words________"

2."I heard that my boss's________,and that he might be fired by the end of the month.Do you
think I'll be asked to replace him?"
"Well,I wouldn't _ ________I think they'll probably recruit someone from outside to instead"
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 61 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )

3."You were on the phone talking to her for almost a hour,so what did she say?"
"____________that her vacation was good but very expensive"

4."What was the basketball game like?"

"It was awful,I was almost falling asleep-it was like _______.And then Jimmy made it even
worse by starting to tell me all about his problems.What a______________!"

5."I really wanted to take that Spanish class,but I ______.I didn't call the college untill
yesterday,and by then it was full.What about your Spanish class?I guess it's full too?"
"Well,yeah,there are only supposed to be fifteen students,but that's not_______.There's a chance
they might decide to let a couple more in.I'll________,ok?"

6."I've been hearing some funny things about Peter.Two different people told me he's in some
kind of trouble with the police.I'm not sure whether to believe it."
"Well,I wouldn't be suprised. _________"

7."Sarah, can't you see that none of these problems are my fault?"
"But you're in charge!"
"Yes,but Jo and Mike are running the project. That should be obvious"
"Oh, come on, stop_________! Why don't you have_____to admit that you have made


Exercise 1:
Read the definitions(1-7) below of some idioms.For each definition.Two of the expressions(a-c)
have been invented ,but one is the correct idiom,Can you identify it?

1) To fail to take an opportunity because you didn't act quickly enough

a.Wake up at the end of the film
b.Buy yesterday's newspaper
c.Miss the boat

2)What people actually do is more important(or a better indication of their true feelings ) than
what the say
a.Doing is above talking
b.Actions speak louder than words
c.A foot on the stairs beats a word in the air

3)If something bad is being said about someone, or if something seems bad,there is probably a

S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 62 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
good reason for it
a.There's no smoke without fire
b.No mouth without teeth
c.No car without wheels

4) To avoid taking responsibility by saying that someone else is responsible

a.Pass the chocolate
b.Pass the buck
c.Pass the wine

5)Something is not going to continue for much longer(ex :a person is going to lose their job soon
a.Their days are numbered
b.Their bottle is almost empty
c.Their milkshake is finished

6) An activity or situation(especially a job or career )in which there is a lot of competition and
people are too busy to relax themselves
a.Rat hole
b,Rat food
c.Rat race

7)Don't expect or wait for something(usually something good) to happen ,because it probably
won't happen
a.Don't stand with your mouth open
b.Don't hold your breath
c.Don't hold your hands out

Exercise 2:
now choose the correct answer for each of the questions below

1) What is "wet blanket"?

a.Someone who spoils other people's fun by being negative and complaining
b.Something that looks impressive but is really just an illusion
c.Something that makes your face or head look very different

2)What does it mean if you "keep someone posted"?

a.You make sure they can't come near you (or at least not often) give them up-to-date information about what is happening
c.You make sure they have enough to eat and drink

S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 63 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
3)What does it mean if someone has "guts" (or has "the guts" to do something)
a.They are courageous
b.They are angry
c.They are ỉntelligent

4)What does "sell your soul" mean? sell something that is important to you but not to anyone
b.To mix your personal life with your working life do something that against your beliefs (ex .for money)

5)what does it mean if something is"like watching paint dry'?

a.It is very difficult
b.It is very easy
c.It is very boring

6)What does it mean if something is"set in stone"

a.It is extremely old cannot be changed or altered
c.It is dirty

7)When might someone say"in a nutshell"?

a.If they are about to give you a short summary of some information
b.If they are about to tell you about something someone did that they think was very bad
c.If they are about to tell you a joke

Exercise 3:

Complete the sentences below with the appropriate idioms from Exercise 1 and 2 .You may need
to change the verbs forms

1."I don't know how much longer I can keep working here.Sure,the money is good,but the
company does so many unethical things.I feel like I've_ sold my soul____________.What I'd
really like to do is leave the_rat race__________and just go and live on a beach somewhere,but
then how would I pay the bills?"
"Yeah,right,you've been saying that for at least 5 years.May be you like the job more than you
think.After all,_ Actions speak louder than words________"

2."I heard that my boss's_ days are counted_______,and that he might be fired by the end of the
month.Do you think I'll be asked to replace him?"
"Well,I wouldn't _hold my breath________I think they'll probably recruit someone from outside
to instead"
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 64 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )

3."You were on the phone talking to her for almost a hour,so what did she say?"
"__ In a nutshell __________that her vacation was good but very expensive"

4."What was the basketball game like?"

"It was awful,I was almost falling asleep-it was like_ watching paint dry_______.And then
Jimmy made it even worse by starting to tell me all about his problems.What a__wet

5."I really wanted to take that Spanish class,but I_ Miss the boat______.I didn't call the college
untill yesterday,and by then it was full.What about your Spanish class?I guess it's full too?"
"Well,yeah,there are only supposed to be fifteen students,but that's not_ set in stone_.There's a
chance they might decide to let a couple more in.I'll_keep you posted_______,ok?"

6."I've been hearing some funny things about Peter.Two different people told me he's in some
kind of trouble with the police.I'm not sure whether to believe it."
"Well,I wouldn't be suprised. There's no smoke without fire________"

7."Sarah,can't you see that none of these problems are my fault?"

"but you're in charge!"
"Yes,but Jo and Mike are running the project.That should be obvious"
"Oh,come on,stop_ Pass the buck________!Why don't you have_ guts____to admit that you
have made mistakes?"

Câu hỏi 1: Either you accept this offer or you don't. It's all or ______ .
A. sweetness
B. own
C. nothing
D. hands
E. all
Câu hỏi 2: We'll have to assess the candidates but, all ______ being equal, I'd prefer to have a
young dynamic person.
A. sweetness
B. own
C. nothing
D. things
E. alls
Câu hỏi 3: We had some problems at first but now all is ______ and light between us.
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 65 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
A. sweetness
B. eyes
C. guns
D. hands
E. all
Câu hỏi 4: He really wants that promotion. He's going all ______ to get it.
A. sweetness
B. own
C. nothing
D. things
E. all
Câu hỏi 5: The job sounds wonderful but you have to remember that all that glitters is not
______ .
A. place
B. singing
C. systems
D. gold
E. out
Câu hỏi 6: John is completely lost in that job. He's all at ______ with that type of work.
A. work
B. rounder
C. jazz
D. hours
E. sea
Câu hỏi 7: The workers were very unhappy about the news. The union rep came to see me all
______ blazing.
A. right
B. eyes
C. guns
D. hours
E. sea
Câu hỏi 8: The neighbours have complained that we make too much noise at all ______ of the
day and night.
A. work
B. rounder
C. jazz
D. hours
E. told
Câu hỏi 9: Let's get started. All ______ go!
A. place
B. singing
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 66 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
C. systems
D. things
E. out
Câu hỏi 10: There were 123 people at the seminar, all ______ .
A. place
B. singing
C. systems
D. gold
E. Told

1. This lovely new dress fits like a......

A. glove B. gauntlet C. gown D. treat

2. Investors have taken........from the improving economic situation

A. consolation B. courage C. heart D. meaning

3. We at Buyrite throw down competitors to match us for price, quality and service

A. gauntlet B. mitten C. sword D. hat

4. The designer refuses to gild the ....., prefering clean, simple lines for his creation

A. Lily B. flower C. rose D. daisy

5. For busy people in today's society, lifestyle management is gaining ..................

A. points B. speed C. terrain D. ground

6. The art teacher gave the children a their creative compositions

A.offer B. gift C. kick D. hand


1. Fit (sb) like a glove (of a coat, dress, etc.): be the perfect size or shape for sb

2. take heart from sth: feel more positive about sth, especially when you thought you had no
chance of achieving sth

3. Trow down the gauntlet: invite sb to compete with you, challenge sb

4. gild the lily: try to improve sth which is already perfect, and so spoil it.

5. gain ground: (of an idea, development, etc.): become more popular or successful
S ư u t ầ m , t ổ n g h ợ p P a g e 67 | 69
Idioms ( thành ngữ )
6. give sb a free hand:give sb permission or oppurtunity to do what they want in work, plans...

1.Debbie is the black .... of the family, having left home at 17 to live with her boyfriend

A. Pig B. Bird C. Sheep D. Dog

2. I didn't tell her to apologise. She did it of her own...

A. Accord B. Mind C. soul D. Heart

3. When you are famous, you and your family become .... property

A. Earth B. Public C. Danger D.Community

4. Many predictors think that the end of the world is at.....

A. Hand B. Leg C.Head D. Face

5. His behaviour was very rude. I was really at the end of my....

A. Rope B. Heart C.Knife D. Soul

6. The money my parents left me will .... in handy when i have a finâncil problem

A. Go B. Appear C. Come D. Bring

7. I've been on.... nine since i heard i had passed the exam

A. Happiness B. Sky C. Universe D. Cloud

8. We expect your son to pass the final exam with flying.....

A. Flag B. Color C. Symbol D. Medal

9. The escaped prisoner fought ...... before he was finally overpowered

A. Black and white B. Body and soul C. Dog and cat D. Tooth and nail

10. Thanks for sending me those flowers. They really made my ....

A. Day B. Light C. Happiness D. Hope


black sheep of the family: the worst member of the family

of one's own accord: by one's own choice, without coercion

public property: what everybody knows, public information

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Idioms ( thành ngữ )
at hand: happening or present at this time = rất gần

at the end of one's rope: to have no patience or energy to tolerate something anymore

come in handy: (for St) to be useful.

be on cloud nine: to be very happy

with flying colors ( or colour ): if you pass something with flying colours (colors), you pass
easily, with a very high mark or grade.

tooth and nail: if someone will fight tooth and nail for something, they will not stop at anything
to get what they want =>chiến đấu ác liệt

make one's day = làm cho ai hạnh phúc to make SO happy or to be a source of satisfaction

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